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Card Holder Name: Victor Watson Week Ending: 7/23/2018

Credit Card Type: Amex

All purchases that affect conformity to product/customer requirements must follow P6.2 Purchasing.
All equipment purchases requiring calibration must follow P6.2 Purchasing.
Purchase Date Vendor Name Item/Description Receipt Total Department or Project #

5/10/2018 B&H Photo Computer parts for Omids Honeywell project upstairs $ 915.55

5/29/2016 Best Buy Laptops for employees sent to secureplane per antonio $ 1,663.04

5/29/2008 GoDaddy SSL certificate automatic renewal $ 149.98

6/4/2018 Amazon SSD Hard drives for Secureplane machines $ 522.61

6/23/2018 Domain automatic renewal $ 38.00

6/27/2018 Ace Hardware parts for Air Conditioner for Antonio $ 43.32

6/27/2018 Auvik Network Subscription fee for Network map software $ 275.00

TOTAL $ 3,607.50

I certify that the above information is true and complete and in compliance with Company policy.

Employee Signature: Date:

Mgr/Program Manager Signature: Date:

This form must be completed and submitted to Finance weekly for all TES company credit card transactions that do not involve travel, affect product/customer requirements, or include
purchases of monitoring & measuring equipment. All travel must be submitted on form F6.1.1-2 Travel Expense Report. All purchases that affect conformity to product/customer requirement
or equipment purchases requiring calibration must follow P6.2 Purchasing and should not be submitted on this report. Submit all associated receipts with this report.

F6.1.1-4 Weekly Credit Card Purchase Reporting

Rev. 0

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