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the Employee


mployee engagement. What is it? Where do you start? And
how do you go from a place where you are managing attri-
tion to attrition managing you?
EY, a global professional services organization of member firms
with more than 200,000 employees and operating in more than
150 countries, faced a problem common in the professional ser-
vices industry: attrition. In past years, attrition of personnel from
the assurance practice of the U.S. firm’s central region started to
trend upward. Today, the U.S. firm is seeing a decrease overall and,
at some levels, more than a 10 percent decrease. What happened?
Did people just stop leaving?

52 TD | January 2017 PHOTO: ISTOCK


Attrition challenges led EY

to re-evaluate its employee
engagement and career-
planning strategies.

January 2017 | TD 53
No, but EY realized success when it began which tells me we are moving our culture in
to understand what was behind the attrition in the right direction.”
the first place. Next, EY introduced an engagement team
survey called “Rate My Engagement,” which
Connecting the dots: enables team members to share their experi-
Exit data and onboarding ence at the engagement team level in four key
“We started centralizing our exit data and con- areas: team culture, flexibility, client environ-
necting it to our onboarding process,” says ment/engagement, and communications.
Diana Kutz, a talent leader at EY. “By connect- “Collecting these insights enabled us to un-
ing these dots, we got ahead of risk. We also derstand trends at the engagement team level,
started conducting focus groups with our pro- where our professionals spend over 80 percent
fessionals on why they stay. Why people leave of their time in an average week,” Kutz notes.
and why they stay is not always the same, so “Rate My Engagement also enabled our teams
understanding both is equally important.” to focus on their unique needs as a collective
Some of the data captured include whether team, providing greater ownership into the
professionals feel they are using their skills team’s experience.”
and if they are experiencing and doing the She adds: “Teams are recognizing en-
things EY described during the interview gagement team efficiencies and, ultimately,
process. Personnel also were asked if they achieving better business results, such as
understand EY’s vision, how they fit into the higher levels of retention that increases team
vision, if they would recommend EY as a fu- continuity and other sustainable results.”
ture employer to others, if they are satisfied Looking back, the best part about Rate My
with their decision to join EY—and would they Engagement is how the firm has been able to
make the same decision again, knowing what replicate it. What started as an idea from ju-
they know now. nior staff, adopted by regional leadership, has
Exit surveys also are telling. The information been rolled out rapidly across the firm and is
learned from these conversations fed into the expanding globally.
company’s onboarding process, so EY can see “Connecting the engagement team experi-
at an individual level how one acclimates over a ence to our exit and onboarding data has given
period of time. “It’s all about putting leading and us a deeper appreciation for what impacts the
lagging indicators together,” Kutz says. experience for our people, while seeing a di-
The firm also started to track if an indi- rect correlation to a team’s business results.
vidual’s departure was a push or a pull. A push It’s been incredibly powerful,” Kutz says.
means EY had complete control over the turn-
over, and a pull means it did not. JournEY Day
A typical push could be the lack of hon- Collecting the data from all three sources also
est feedback and passing the responsibility helped to inspire members of EY’s workforce
to someone else to deliver the performance who wanted to be a part of the solution. Their
feedback. A pull could be a situation where a inspiration? JournEY Day.
professional leaves the firm to care for a sick JournEY Day is an annual event dedicated to
relative or because of a spouse’s employment focusing on key business drivers, learning, and
relocation to a region where EY does not have critical issues facing the assurance practice
an office. of the U.S. firm’s central region. The theme
“We directionally look for our push to for JournEY Day shifts each year and often is
come down, which indicates our culture is based on the pulse of the organization and
moving in the right direction,” Kutz explains. what’s top of mind with EY professionals.
“Since our journey began, we’ve seen our To take the pulse, EY pushes out regular sur-
push come down over 15 percent and it direc- veys to professionals of its assurance practice,
tionally continues to come down over time, but not just any survey. It’s a gamified “morale

54 TD | January 2017

thermometer” designed to help the organiza- short-, medium-, and long-term categories.
tion understand how employees are feeling on At the same time—and because EY wants
a five-point scale. “The thermometer is pushed its professionals to envision their career
out to employees during busy season, arguably journey—employees could rank how they
the most stressful time each year, so we can re- were feeling along the way with road signs
ally gauge people’s sentiments,” Kutz explains. such as “Baby on Board,” “Dead End,” or
“Our theme for 2015 focused on cars, so we “Green Light—Full Speed Ahead!” The tool
featured a morale speedometer with the scale enables consistent conversations between
ranging from ‘My tank is empty’ to ‘Topped managers and their employees and a way to
off and ready for the long haul.’” It turned out drive dialogue around many important topics.
that the tank was empty for quite a few EY The personal application was only the
employees on the topic of planning and man- beginning. On JournEY Day, leaders and man-
aging one’s career at EY, so career planning agers gathered face-to-face to focus on career
became the focus of JournEY Day in 2015. Le- planning and value. Some of the events of the
veraging the thermometer, EY follows up with day included:
team discussions on what the firm can stop, • A team building activity that highlighted
start, or continue doing. Those thoughts are how a career in audit might look like.
centralized at the region level so top themes They developed a game that challenged
can be addressed. These meetings also allow employees along their career route, and
for innovative ideas to be shared and, more participants could collect envelopes with
importantly, implemented. tips, similar to tips one might gather from
This year, leveraging the car theme, event a mentor, to help them successfully navi-
organizers created and deployed a personal gate their journey.
application for employees called “Me, MY • A panel discussion with boomerang em-
experiences” in time for JournEY Day. The ployees (those who left the firm and
tool showcased the many experiences avail- returned), experienced hires, alumni,
able to assurance professionals at EY and headhunters, and global exchange em-
provided employees with a way to sort po- ployees to allow for varying views in
tential career and personal experiences in the careers. “No two careers are alike, even

January 2017 | TD 55

if the same in title, so it’s important to During the past few years, the firm’s annual
share stories of varied experiences as Global People Survey results show that EY’s
likely many of our professionals have sim- central region assurance group realized a
ilar questions or thoughts. Our message 12-point increase in its employee engage-
is ‘Don’t go it alone—have conversations, ment index with steady climbing results
be curious,’” Kutz explains. year over year. And this was achieved dur-
• Breakout sessions, by level, so that em- ing a busy time of year in a highly regulated
ployees in each rank could see the next environment. In addition, the central re-
steps and get curious about the possibili- gion assurance group has realized a higher
ties of their future with the firm. concentration, compared with history, of
boomerangs returning to the firm.
Who am I and what are my options? So, what’s at the core of EY’s winning for-
To further demonstrate the value of an EY mula for increasing engagement and reducing
career, the regional assurance group recently attrition? The people.
added a framework it has coined “Upnext,” “Our people have the answers,” Kutz notes.
produced and developed by the group’s profes- “You just have to capitalize on the oppor-
sionals, that enables them to see the peripheral tunity to get them involved.” Leaders must
and upward view of the opportunities both in- set the tone and be catalysts for change, but
side and outside the firm, including the value of their engagement needs to be fun, not forced.
their experiences over time. It’s not always about what you do, but more
Accompanying the framework were monthly about how you do it. And, when it comes to
calls with rotating topics on the various options measuring success, look to build it into exist-
available at various points in an employee’s ca- ing processes.
reer both inside and outside the firm to further “You’ll never be surprised once your analyt-
develop and expand one’s experiences over ics are built into the way you operate and offer
time. The topics range from internal service accountability,” says Kutz.
line opportunities, to other service line op- Finally, success at EY hinges on being con-
portunities, to external opportunities such sistent for the long haul.
as joining a board. “I am not claiming victory yet. We continue
Anyone interested can dial in and ask ques- to learn by diving deeper into our success
tions or just listen. This framework also helps indicators through predictive analytics and
assurance professionals update their “Me” diary other qualitative measures,” explains Kutz.
and leads career conversations to better ques- “More importantly, I believe in the power of
tions about what comes next. our people having a voice in the business. Do-
“We are in the business of developing ca- ing so creates an innovative culture that is fun
reers,” Kutz says. “Building tomorrow’s leaders and agile—it’s our culture, it’s our exceptional
today starts with transparency, which builds EY experience.”
trust. We can either be a part of their thought
process or not, and I’d prefer the former. My Beverly Crowell is executive vice president of
hope is that each professional can learn more Career Systems International and a contributing author
about who they are and what their options are.” to The Talent Management Handbook and Coaching for
Leadership: Writings on Leadership from the World’s
The winning formula Greatest Coaches; beverly.crowell@careersystemsintl
EY’s quest to reduce attrition is working. .com.

56 TD | January 2017
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