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Normal portal venous pressure is

• 5-8 mm Hg ()

• 6-12mm Hg

• 12-15mm Hg

• 45mm Hg

2. in a patient with multisystem trauma the presence of hypotension along with elevated central
venous pressure is suggestive of

• Upper airway obstruction

• Major abdominal bleed

• Cardio-pulmonary problem

• Spinal cord injury

3. Which of the following can be a homologus substitution for valine in hemoglobin?

• Insoleucine

• Glutamic acid

• Phenylalanine

• Lysine
4. 'Tram-line calcification in brain:

• Ependymoma

• Thrombosed cerebral vein

• Meningioma
• Sturge-Weber syndrome
5. Triple helix occur in

• Collagen ()

• Glucagon


6. False statement about Vit C is

• It cannot be synthesised in man

• Coenzyme for copper containing Hydroxylases

• Acts as an oxygen radical quencher

• Inativates Arginase enzyme

7. The intestinal villi are swollen and distended. There is accumulation of large granular macrophages,
contain material which stains. Strongly with periodic acid Schiff, in the lamina propria. The most
probable condition is:

• Secondary steatorrhoea

• Sprue

• Coeliac disease

• Whipple's disease
8. Large giant cells are found in

• Alcoholic heptitis

• Neonatal hepatitis

• Serum hepatitis
• Amoebic heptitis
9. Which is not characteristic of interstitial lung disese

• Decreased vital capacity

• Decreased total lung capacity

• Increased diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide

• All
11. Common cause of Eustachian tube disease is due to:

• Adenoids

• Sinusitis

• Otitis media

• Pharyngitis
12. A 12 month old male child suddenly draws up his legs and screams with pain. This is seen after 12
hours, the child looks pale, has just vomited and passed thin blood stained stool; there is a mass
around umbilicus. What is the most likely diagnosis

• Appendicitis

• Intussusception

• Gastro enteritis

• Round worm obstruction

13. The following tumours commonly metastasise ovary to the except;

• Malignant melanoma

• Stomach

• Oesophagus
• Lymphoma
14. Bitot's spots are seen in

• Vitamin D deficiency

• Vitamin A deficiency

• Vitamin E deficiency

• Vitamin B6 deficiency
15. Absolute refractory period of heart is the gap of time in which

• Heart is in diastole

• Unresponsible to neural stimuli

• No action potential from another part of heart will reexicte the heart muscle

• None of the above

16. Which of the following is not a branch of the posterior cord of brachial plexus?

• Axillary nerve

• Upper and lower subscapular nerves

• Ulnar nerve

• Radial nerve
16. Which of the following is not a branch of the posterior cord of brachial plexus?

• Axillary nerve

• Upper and lower subscapular nerves

• Ulnar nerve
• Radial nerve
17. Remnant of paramesonephric duct in adult is

• Appendix of testis

• Prostatic utricle

• Gartner's duct

• Appendix of epididymis
18. Crepitus in a wound is produced by

• Staph aureus

• Clostridium tetani

• Clostridium welchii

• Pseudomonas
19. Not an antidepressant

• Amitryptilline

• Fluoxetin

• Trazodone

• Pimozide
20. A lady presents with a history of fracture radius, which was put on plaster of paris casts for 4
weeks. After that she developed swelling of hands with shiny skin. What is the most likely diagnosis

• Rupture of extensor pollicis longus tendon

• Myositis ossifans

• Reflex sympatheic dystrophy

• Malunion
21. Line joining Ant Sup. Iliac spine to tip of gluteal tuberosity, should normally touch the Greater
trochanter, this is

• Shoemakers line

• Nelaton's line

• Von-rossen

• Perkins
22. Treatment of carcinoma cervix stage I is

• Wertheim's hysterectomy

• Irradiation

• Hysterectomy followed by irradiation

• Irradication followed by hysterectomy

23. Which of the following is not compatable with a diagnosis of chronic mylomonocytic leukemia?

• Peripheral blood monocytosis more than 1x109/L

• Absence of Philadelphia chromosome

• More than 20% blasts in blood or bone marrow

• Absent or minimal dysplasias in myeloid lineages

24. Young's operation is done for

• Atrophic Rhinitis

• Allergic Rhinitis

• Septal haematoma
• Hypertrophic Rhinitis
25. Organ of adhesion of bacteria is

• Capsule

• Slime

• Flagella

• Fimbriae
26. Contraindication of ergometrine is:

• DM

• Excessive PPH

• Heart disease

• Anaemia
27. The most common and ultimately lethal extramedullary complication of multiple myeloma is

• amyloidosis of the brain

• amyloidosis of the liver

• kidney disease

• peritonitis
28. Arterial blood gas analysis of a patient reveals pH 7.2, HCO3 36mmol/L, and pCO2 60mm of Hg.
The abnormality is:

• Respiratory acidosis with compensatory metabolic alakalosis

• Respiratory acidosis

• Respiratory alkalosis with compensatory metabolic acidosis

• Respiratory acidosis with compensatory metablic acidosis
29. Most common testicular tumor of childhood is

• Teratoma

• Seminoma

• Choriocarcinoma

• Embryonal Carcinoma
30. Which is transmitted though faeco-oral route

• Polio

• Leprosy

• Diphtheria

• Yellow fever
31. What is the interaction of pheno barbitone and warfarin

• Displacement of warfarin from binding site

• Decreased absorption of warfarin

• Increased metabolism of warfarin

• Decreased metabolism of warfarin

32. The period of pathogenesis is the period

• Of incubatory processes only

• Which begins with the entry of disease causing agent

• Of subclinical manifestation
• Preliminary to the onset of disease in man
33. Most common Nodule of Liver is:

• Hepatic Adenoma

• Focal nodular hyperplasia

• Hemangioma

• Harmartoma
34. Number of hours since death is calculated by multiplying the fall in rectal temperature with

• 0.33

• 0.67

• 1.0

• 1.33
35. Pancreaticoduodenectomy is treatment for

• Carcinoma head of pancreas

• Chronic pancreatitis

• Pancreatic trauma

• All of the above

36. The onset of delirium tremens after abstinence from alcohol usually occurs in

• 8 to 24 hours

• 24 to 48 hours

• 2 to 4 days
• 4 to 7 days
37. Balloon degeneration is seen in

• Contact dermatitis

• Pemphigus

• Herpes zoster

• Darier's disease
38. The number of cases of leprosy in India is about

• 1.5 lac

• 3 million

• 12 million

• 15milliion
39. The main problem of record linkages for health information is

• Scarcity of data

• Non-compliance

• Duplication

• Huge volume of the data

40. Retrospective study of case sheets (hospital data) and evalution of medical data is called

• Medical audit

• Medical evalution

• Performance evaluation
• Progressive screening
42. Treatment of travellers diarrhoea is

• Sulgaguanidine

• Diphenoxylate and atropine

• Metronidazole

• Chloromycetin and streptomycin

43. Macroproteinuria is defined as protein excretion of

• > 350 mg/d

• > 400 mg/d

• > 450 mg/d

• > 500 mg/d

44. A 20-year-old woman complains of weakness that is worse in the afternoon, worse during
repetitive activity, and improved by rest. When fatigued, the patient is unable to hold her head up,
speak, or chew her food. On physical exam, there is no loss of reflexes, sensation, or coordination.
The underlying pathogenesis of this disease is:

• Serum anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies causing neuromuscular transmission failure

• Destruction of anterior horn cells by virus

• Progressive muscular atrophy

• Demyelinating disease
45. Opacity around colonies of clostridium perfringes is due to

• Theta toxin

• Lecithinase
• Desmolase

• Cytokinin
46. Commonest Chromosomal anomaly leading to spontaneous abortions is:

• Trisomy 16

• Trisomy 21

• Tetraploidy

• Turner's syndrome
47. The most common cause of Dementia is

• Alzheimer's disease

• Multi-infarct dementia

• Pick's disease

• HIV induced dementia

48. In Retinal artery angiogram, the dye is injected through the

• Peripheral veins

• Aorta

• Retinal artery

• Retinal vein
49. The surgery of choice in T.B. spine is

• Hongkong procedure

• Posterior fusion
• Anterior fusion

• None of the above

51. The number of ossification centres for the hyoid bone is

• 3

• 4

• 5

• 6
52. Horizontal line can be drawn by a child at the earliest by the age of:

• 1 year

• 2 years

• 3 years

• 4 years
53. In Mc Ardle's disease which of the following enzyme is deficient?

• Liver phosphorylase

• Muscle phophorylase

• Phosphofructokinase

• Glucose-6-phosphtase
54. The management of Persistent Pulmonary Hypetension (PPH) of the newborn include all the
following EXCEPT

• Correction of acidosis

• Ventilation with 100% Fio2

• Pulmonary vasodilator therapy

• Indomethacin
55. Praziquantel is indicated in all, except

• Schistosomiasis

• Ocular cysticercosis

• Neurocysticercosis

• Hymenolepsis nana
56. Abreaction used in treatment of

• Obsessive compulsive disorder

• Phobia

• Mania

• Schizophrenia
58. Acetyl CoA can directly lead to the formation of all except

• Glucose

• Triglyceride

• Ketone bodies

• Cholesterol
59. Which of the following salivary gland has tendency for perineural spread?

• Pleomorphic adenoma

• Acinic cell carcinoma

• Adenoid cystic carcinoma

• Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
60. Following may cause hypokalemia, except

• Cushing's syndrome

• Bartter's syndrome

• Addison's disease

• Gitelman's syndrome
61. Which of the following organism has been implicated as a possible cause of chorioamnionitis and

• Group B streptococci

• E.Coli

• Listeria

• Candida albicans
62. Soidum fluoride may be used for preservation of:

• Cyanide

• Arsenic

• Alcohol

• Urine
63. The most characteristic histological finding of acute rheumatic carditis is

• Fibrinous pericarditis

• Vegetations on mitral valve leaflets

• Aschoff bodies in mycocardium

• Increased vascularity of the valves

64. Small kidney is associated with

• Acute glomerulonephritis

• Polycystic kidney

• Amyloid kidney

• Analgesic nephropathy
64. Small kidney is associated with

• Acute glomerulonephritis

• Polycystic kidney

• Amyloid kidney

• Analgesic nephropathy
65. SEPS is done for

• Veins

• Artery

• AV fistula

• Lymphatics
66. ADH secretion depend primarily upon

• Plasma osmolality

• Volume of E.C.F.
• Blood pressure

• pH
67. Housemaid's knee is an inflammation of the

• Suprapatellar

• Semi membranosus

• Prepatellar

• None
68. Neurotransmitter which controls secretion of prolactin

• Serotonin


• Somatostatin

• Dopamine
69. Which vaccine is contra indicated in pregnancy

• Cholera vaccine

• Typhoid vaccine

• Meningococcal vaccine

• Polio vaccine
70. Sympathetic innervation of heart is by

• T1-T3

• T2-T6
• T3-T7

• L1-L%
71. All of the following structures are related to cavernous sinus except

• Optic nerve

• IV th cranial nerve

• VI th nerve

• Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve

72. Housemaid's knee is an inflammation of the

• Suprapatellar

• Semi mambranosus

• Prepatellar

• None
73. Muscles attached to the hook of hamate are/is:

• Flexor carpi ulnaris

• Flexor retinaculum

• Flexor hallucis longus

• Flexor digitorum longus

74. Which of the following about parietal pleura is correct

• Supplied by vagus N

• Sensitive to pain
• Derived from spianchnopleural layer of lateral plate mesoderm

• Extends up to 72
75. Most common site of hemangioma is

• Liver

• Spleen

• Skin

• Finger
76. All of the following suggest hemobilia except

• Lower GI bleeding

• Upper abdominal trauma

• Jaundice

• Intermittent colicky abdominal ains

77. Double bubble sign is seen in

• Duodenal atresia

• Pyloric stenosis

• Esophageal atresia

• Jejunal atresia
78. Of the following which is least common X-ray finding in Sarcoidosis:

• Reticulo-nodular pattern

• Bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy

• Pneumothorax

• Pleural effusion
79. Foetomaternal transfusion is demonstrated in the mother by

• Coombs test

• Kleihauser count

• Electrophoretic Method

• Reticulocyte Count
81. In Osteogenesis imperfecta there is defect in

• Collagen synthesis

• Chondrocytes

• Bone mineralization

• Osteoclasts
82. Increased fetal cortisol just before birth results in

• Ulterine contraction

• Release of Oxytocin

• Placental steroid biogenesis

• Fetal lung maturation

83. All are true about Langerhan's cell histiocytosis except

• Peak incidence at 3 year

• Disseminated form called letter-Siwe disease

• Radiosensitive

• Gonads always involved

84. Contrast material used in the diagnosis of esophageal atresia is

• Barium swallow

• Gastrograffin

• Conray

• Dianosil
85. Causes of cavitating lesion in the chest radiograph are all except

• Hamartoma

• Pulmonary infarction

• Squamous carcinoma of the bronchus

• Calpan's syndrome
86. Decreased serum calcium and phosphate is seen in which following conditions?

• Primary hyperparathyroidism

• Hypoparathyroidism

• Osteomalacia

• Paget's disease
87. All are true of Rabies except

• 100% mortality

• Spreads from periphery

• Infects only the brain

• Prophylactic immunization of people at risk

88. A patient on contact lenses developed rediness, photophobia and swelling of eye. The optimum
management is

• Replaces with another

• Stop usage for 3 days

• Send for culture

• Antibiotics and atropine drop

90. Most common site of locaton of appendix is

• Retrocaecal

• Post ileal

• Pre ileal

• Pelvic
91. Intracerebral calcification is seen most commonly in

• Cytomegalovirus

• Herpes

• Cryptococcosis

• Histoplasmosis
92. All are true regarding fetal alcoholic syndrome except

• Mental retardation

• Low birth weight

• Facial abnormalities

• Infants remain hypertonic

93. Tolazoline is used as

• A newer contrast agent

• As a vasodilator in treating coronary artery stenosis during angiography procedures

• As a vasoconstrictor to prevent gastrointestinal blood loss

• Reduce pulmonary hypertension in cong. Diaphragmatic hernia

94. An asthmatic patient is on theophylline suddenly developed infection, which of the following
antibiotic should not be given to prevent side effects of theophylline

• Ampicillin

• Erythromycin

• Cephalexin

• Sparfloxacin
95. All the following signs could result from infection within the right cavernous sinus except

• Constricted pupil in response to light

• Engorgement of the retinal veins upon opthalmoscopic examinaiton

• Ptosis of the right eyelid

• Right ophthalmoplegia
96. Which of the following joint has the least chances of recurrent dislocation?

• Shoulder

• Hip
• patella

• Ankle
97. In a maturity onset diabetes mellitus ophthamoscopy should be done at

• Immediately

• After 5yrs

• After 10yrs

• After 15yrs
98. A 35-year-old female patient presents with para 3+0 and CIN 3 in one quadrant on PAP smear.
Which of the following is the best management?


• Total abdominal hysterectomy

• Conization

• Cryotherapy
99. Which of the following is true regarding Bacterial vaginosis?

• Strawberry vagina

• Curdy vaginal discharge

• Clue cells

• Acidic pH
100. Which of the following is a voluntary organisation

• TB Association of India

• Directorate of Health Services

• Indian Medical Council

• Indian Council of Medical Research

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