World War 3 After Erdogan's Death, Muslims Unite in Pakistan

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World War 3 After Erdogan’s Death,

Islam Rise From East, Muslim

Ummah Unite in Pakistan!

Al-Qur’anul Karim + Ahadith,

Understanding Muhammad Qasim’s Dreams

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim, assalammu’alaykum warahmatullahi

wabarakatu. Allahumma shalli ‘ala Muhammad wa’ala aali Muhammad.
February, 2018 (as taken from the original source).

The fall of Turkey and the destructions in Haramain (Mecca and

Madinah) are something that will surely happen in near future. As well
as the rise of Bani Isra’il, al-Malhamah al-Kubra (or the Greatest War of
Mankind) and the liberation of al-Quds by us: the last generation of
Muslim Ummah! These are written in al-Kitab, or mentioned in
Ahadith and again, Allah Azza Wajalla restated these warnings through
the divine dreams of Muhammad Qasim bin Abdulkarim. But still, there
are so many Muslims who strongly object these truth. We are here to
present you the explanation about World War 3 After Erdogan’s
Death, Islam Rise From East, Muslim Ummah Unite in Pakistan!

Since 2014, Qasim has been sharing his dreams around the world but so
many Muslims have rejected and were opposed to his efforts even
though those dreams are in line with Quranic verses and Ahadith. These
are 5 things that Muslim Ummah should be aware of, according to the
divine dreams of Qasim from Allah Azza Wajalla!

(#1) The Fall of Turkey and Destructions in Haramain Will Surely

Happen in Near Future

3rd of March, 2017. Qasim saw a dream that Turkey was falling down
and destruction was everywhere. Soon after this happened, Israel would
become very active and they increased their operation around Palestine.
Even they would build their Third Temple there. The Muslims would
not be able to do anything except doing protests here and there. Israel
would make alliance with other countries and spread even more
corruption. USA was their supporter and would help Israel by giving
them intelligence. When Russia found out about this, they would also
make alliance with countries nearby and would also be active to chase
the others in conquering The Middle East. Then USA would openly
enter Middle East to join Israel and its allies to fight with Russia’s allies
there. It would make Russia retaliate. Thus, that was how World War 3
would then begin! The war zone would be The Middle East therefore
the worst destruction would happen in The Middle East. There would be
so so so many casualties there, especially from the Muslims. The
bloodshed would slowly spread to Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait, UAE and almost every part of The Middle East. Israel would
continuously gaining more allies even some Muslim countries would
make alliance with USA or Russia. On the same time, Pakistan was
developing rapidly and India who was allied with Israel would start
attackting Pakistan. USA, Israel and some other Muslim countries
would unite to destroy Pakistan but Allah SWT would protect Pakistan
with ±3000 Undefeatable Black Fighter Jets. By the Mercy and
Blessing of Allah SWT, Pakistan would come out victorious and rule
over India, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Soon after this, Indonesia
and Malaysia and other Muslim countries from the East would make
alliance with Pakistan. Then, Pakistan would enter The Middle East to
fight the two superpowers, USA and Russia, using ±3000 Undefeatable
Black Fighter Jets. Pakistan would attack in a way that could not be
stopped by anyone. Pakistan would come out victorious and become the
next superpower and separate itself from the rest of the world. Pakistan
would rule over The Middle East and Muslim Ummah would rebuild
our Muslim countries. Peace, Justice and Prosperity would be spread all
over the globe from where The Greatest War of Mankind took place.
In another dream, Qasim was shown by Allah Jalla Jallaluhu that this
Justice and Peace would remain for several years and then Dajjal would
come out.

A lot of Muslims have rejected Qasim’s dreams by saying that Turkey is

a strong nation and it will never collapse and Haramain (Mecca and
Madinah) are surely protected by Allah, even though Prophet
Muhammad PBUH had warned us in Sunan Abu Dawud no. 4294:

Narrated Mu'adh ibn Jabal: The Prophet (‫ )ﷺ‬said: “The flourishing state
of Jerusalem will be when Yathrib is in ruins, the ruined state of Yathrib
will be when the great war comes, the outbreak of the great war will be
at the conquest of Constantinople and the conquest of Constantinople
when the Dajjal (Antichrist) comes forth. He (the Prophet) struck his
thigh or his shoulder with his hand and said: This is as true as you are
here or as you are sitting (meaning Mu’adh ibn Jabal).”

Muhammad Qasim’s dreams are in line with this Hadith. The fall of
Turkey will cause Constantinople or Istanbul to fall into the hands of the
enemies of Islam. Thus, it will pave a way for Bani Isra’il to flourish
their current Zionist State, they will even build the infamous Third
Temple in Palestine, or more accurately, in Jerusalem around Masjid al-
Aqsa. This flourishing state of Jerusalem in the hands of Bani Isra’il
will be followed by the destruction of Haramain, especially Madinah.
Thus, the destruction of Madinah will be followed by the coming of
Muslims into al-Malhamatul Kubra a.k.a. the Greatest War of Mankind
and it will soon be followed by the conquest of Constantinople
(Istanbul) in the hands of Muslims. This victory earned by the Muslims
with the permission of Allah (after several years) will then be followed
by the coming of Dajjal.

Read this: USA Builds Embassy for Israel in Jerusalem [Link] and it
has been proven according to Qur’an and Ahadith that Black Flags from
Khurasan are actually Black Fighter Jets of Pakistan [Link].

(#2) The Establishment of Israel Nation is a Sign of Qiyamah

The rise of Bani Isra’il in most areas of Palestine has been foretold in al-
Quranul Karim as:

Q.S. al-Isra verse 4-7: “And We conveyed to the Children of Israel in

the Scripture that, “You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice,
and you will surely reach [a degree of] great haughtiness. So when the
[time of] promise came for the first of them, We sent against you
servants of Ours - those of great military might, and they probed [even]
into the homes, and it was a promise fulfilled. Then We gave back to
you a return victory over them. And We reinforced you with wealth and
sons and made you more numerous in manpower. [And said], "If you do
good, you do good for yourselves; and if you do evil, [you do it] to
yourselves.” Then when the final promise came (near Qiyamah), [We
sent your enemies] to sadden your faces and to enter the temple in
Jerusalem, as they entered it the first time, and to destroy what they had
taken over with [total] destruction.”

It has been globally acknowledged that Bani Israel used to have 12

tribes in them but some times after Isa (as.) the Son of Mary was bodily
ascended into Heaven by the will of Allah, they are now scattered all
over the world without anymore clear distinction and recognition
amongst themselves. Thus, it is an indication that the first punishment
has clearly been inflicted upon them. Allahu’alim. After that, Allah
Azza Wajal gives them their turn to earn power and massive wealth,
which we can clearly see today with Israel Nation being established in
1940’s and is continously taking over most of the areas of Palestine with
no justice. Thus, it is a sign that the time for the second punishment is
coming but it will only happen near Qiyamah and it is an indication that
the Muslims of current generation will be honored enough to be the
ones that will liberate al-Quds and Masjid al-Aqsa from humiliation and
oppression by the Will and Mercy of Allah SWT!

(#3) Erdogan’s Power Threatens Illuminati / Satanic Forces /

Shadow Government

Qasim saw in a dream given by Allah in 28th of February 2017, in that

dream the President of Turkey, Erdogan was giving a speech in front of
a massive audience. Erdogan said: “O’ the people of Turkey, we will
rebuild the Ottoman Empire and all of the power that I have earned will
be a part of that Empire and we will regain our lost statuses.” and then
he returned to his seat and smiled with so much pride. Qasim felt that
with this much power, he would claim himself to be The Mahdi but
Allah Knows Best. Qasim was then shown in that dream that the leaders
of satanic forces got angry because of Erdogan’s speech and they said:
“This guy is very dangerous. After getting this much power, he will be
able to do anything and his plans are dangerous as well. If he wants to
be just like the Ottoman, then he will be even more dangerous.” The
other satanic leader said: “He needs to be stopped no matter what, he
has started his mission in conquering Syria.” And another satanic leader
also said: “He could be a strong candidate as a leader for the Muslims,
no matter what happen, we need to stop him or else it can become a big
problem for us. We need to pave the way for Messiah.” And then Qasim
saw Prophet Muhammad PBUH was walking here and there in great
worry, it made Qasim feel that big calamities were about to happen.

There is nothing else that is being awaited by the Illuminati or the evil /
satanic forces except the coming of their Messiah, that is al Masih ad
Dajjal. Illuminati is not a fairytale and they are indeed preparing for the
coming of Dajjal. World class businessmen who are not confined by any
laws or policies and are powerful enough to lobby any local
governments in order to spread their influences and corruptions are
amongst those groups. For example, The State of Israel would not be
established if it was not because of the influence of Lord Rothschild
upon The British Empire, proven in Balfour Declaration. Rothschild
Family is not a member of any political or governmental parties yet they
are powerful enough to spread destructions around the world. Think
about it, how many Muslim leaders have been Syahid because of the
evil plans of these satanic forces!

Some of these dreams have been proven true: Erdogan Won the April
Referendum [Link], Erdogan says Turkey is the continuation of
Ottoman [Link], Turkey Enters Syria [Link].

(#4) The Arabs Will Be Few in Numbers Near Qiyamah (Due to


Qasim’s dreams in 3rd March 2017: “...Then USA would openly enter
Middle East to join Israel and its allies to fight with Russia’s allies
there. It would make Russia retaliate. Thus, that was how World War 3
would then begin! The war zone would be The Middle East therefore
the worst destruction would happen in The Middle East. There would be
so so so many casualties there, especially from the Muslims. The
bloodshed would slowly spread to Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia,
Kuwait, UAE and almost every part of The Middle East....”

Muhammad Qasim’s dreams are in accordance with the Hadith of

Prophet Muhammad (‫)ﷺ‬, as stated in Shahih Muslim no. 2945a:

Umm Sharik reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger (‫ )ﷺ‬as saying: “The

people would run away from the Dajjal seeking shelter in the
mountains.” She said: Where would be the Arabs then in that day? He
said: “They would be small in number.”

(#5) The Evil Forces Want to Destroy Islam Through Wars

22nd January 2017, Qasim was shown in his dream that every nation
had its own building and the bigger the nation, the bigger the building
was. USA had the largest building and Russia had the second largest.
Muslim countries had only white minaret and Qasim only saw three
minarets. The 1st white minaret had Turkey’s flag and was the largest in
size, next to it was a building with Russia’s flag. The 2nd white minaret
near them had Saudi Arabia’s flag and the last white minaret had
Pakistan’s flag and was located far away from the other two minarets.
Close to the 3rd white minaret were buildings with India’s and China’s
flags. And then Qasim was shown in the same dream that the leaders of
non Muslim countries were making a plan, they discussed with one
another and said that: “We are the owners of the best buildings and we
give freedom, meanwhile the Muslims only have white minarets and
they believe in One God named Allah and they don’t worship our lords.
Those minarets are ruining the peace and beauty of the world so if we
destroy those minarets, our buildings will remain and Islam will perish.
And the whole world will be on the same page and the Muslims will
worship our lords, if not, then we will kill them! After that we will have
full control of the world and we can do whatever we want.” Upon
hearing this, Qasim became shocked and worried and Qasim was shown
that the evil forces began to destroy the white minaret of Turkey from
its base. The white minaret of Turkey began to collapse but the Turkish
people had not even realized this. Russia immediately threw a rope to
catch and stop Turkey from falling but they did that for selfish gain. The
evil forces then cut the rope between Russia and Turkey and
immediately proceeded to destroy the second minaret, Saudi Arabia.
Muhammad Qasim’s dream informs that if the Muslim Ummah fails to
protect Turkey then they will fail to protect Saudi Arabia and if they fail
to protect Saudi Arabia then the third and last minaret of Islam that is

Pakistan will be alone in fighting off the +100 Mushrikeen and Kuffar

Proofs According to al-Quranul Karim:

The Mushrikeen and Kuffar forces in Qasim’s dreams want to

destory Islam by planning the conspiracies in secret, it is explained in
Q.S. Ali Imran verse 118: “O you who have believed, do not take as
intimates those other than yourselves (in religion), for they will not
spare you [any] ruin. They wish you would have hardship. Hatred has
already appeared from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is
greater. We have certainly made clear to you the signs, if you will use

The Mushrikeen and Kuffar forces in Qasim’s dreams said that

Islam is destroying the beauty and peace in the world, when in fact, it is
the other way around, as explained in Q.S. Shad verse 62-64: “And they
will say, “Why do we not see men whom we used to count among the
worst? Is it [because] we took them in ridicule, or has [our] vision
turned away from them?” Indeed, that is truth - the quarreling of the
people of the Fire.”

The Mushrikeen and Kuffar forces in Qasim’s dreams want the

Muslim Ummah to stop worshipping Allah The One and Only God, or
else they will be killed, it is explained in Q.S. al-Buruj verse 8: “And
they resented them not except because they believed in Allah, the
Exalted in Might, the Praiseworthy.”

Every generation of Muslim Ummah, including us, are indeed going

to face one or more wars in their lives (wars that are legal and in
accordance with the accepted laws, not the wars of the rebels or the
radicals, Na’udzubillah) as it is the fate or Fitrah of this Ummah. This
fact has been stated in a Shahih Hadith by Ahmad, in which Prophet
Muhammad PBUH said:

“(...)You say ‘No enemies!’ but you will surely keep fighting the
enemies until the appearance of Gog and Magog (Yajuj Majuj): broad
faces, small eyes, and dirty furs. They will come from every direction
and their faces are just like shields (hideous).” Shahih Ahmad.


Muhammad Qasim’s Dreams are guidance from Allah Rabbul Arshl

Adhzim for the entire Muslim Ummah near Qiyamah. Let us help
Qasim in spreading his dreams around the world in order to raise
awareness amongst the Muslims and to call them unto the long-lost
unity because it was Prophet Muhammad (‫ )ﷺ‬himself who came into
Qasim’s dreams a few times in a single night in December 2015 and
said that: “Qasim, you have to save Islam and Pakistan by spreading
your dreams,” or in 9th October 2015 again he (‫ )ﷺ‬came a few times in
a single night into Qasim’s dreams and said: “Qasim, convey this
message of mine to the whole Muslim Ummah, that: whoever stands
on your side is like someone who stands on my side and whoever
supports you is like someone who supports me and they will be with me
in the Judgement Day.”

Shahih Bukhari number 110: From Abi Hurayrah (ra.) who said that
Rasulullah (saw.) said: “Name yourselves with my name (use my name)
but do not name yourselves with my Kunya name (i.e. Abul Qasim).
And whoever sees me in a dream then surely he has seen me for Satan
cannot impersonate me. And whoever tells a lie against me
(intentionally), then (surely) let him occupy his seat in Hell-fire.”

May Allah Azza Wajalla open your heart, ‘O dear readers and may
Allah Rabbul Arshl Kareem pave a way for the Muslim Ummah to
regain their dignity back. These are indeed true warning from Rabbul
‘Alameen. Wassalammu’alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

For more info: Type “Muhammad Qasim’s Dreams Pakistan” on

YouTube Search Bar.

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