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In Memory of all who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Where were you???

Around Hicksville

Sharon & Joe Carfora (1962) visiting family in Colorado

Last night I was relaxing in front of the TV.

Anne, my wife yelled from the kitchen, “darling, for dinner do
you want chicken, beef or lamb”?
I yelled back, “thanks dear, I'd like the chicken".
To which she replied, “you’re having peanut butter and jelly, I
was talking to the dog ".
Eileen…Thanks for sharing the Hicksville Thingee that was on Facebook (shown above).
It was a little cloudy on the lower right but I cleaned it up. Hope you are well.
love yah
Buffalo Bob

Hi Bob…yes, sweet memories of HHS. I am fine but still having sadness issues re Tony’s
passing. So many memories of the "nicest couple" class of '59. Rough going it alone. I
still keep in touch with some classmates, several in the same situation of loss after long
and happy relationships. I still live in our home built in 1969. A bit of a dinosaur. How
are you feeling? I know you shared some new health concerns with us several months
ago. I hope everything is under control. Take care.
Eileen Walter Toscano 1959
A “treasured memory” that belongs to

Geraldine “Jerry” Walsh class of 1976

This was among some slides my late father had taken.

I believe it's a Labor Day parade in 1962 or 1963. It seemed like all the fire departments
on the Island came to Hicksville for this parade and the competitions that followed. The
photo also provides a great look at the businesses that existed at that time on Broadway.

Bill Palmer 1964

July 27, 2018, at the Sweet Shop

with my mom, Barbara Selkin having some ice cream!

Gayl Selkin Gutman 1974

Dear Editors…Back in the autumn of 1958, when I began my three years at the
Junior High, I was surprised to learn that the school colors were white and blue. Now,
I don’t know what I had expected them to be, but I thought that the colors somehow
would relate to the High School colors that are orange and black. I soon had lots of
others things to worry about, and I never asked anyone about where the colors came
While doing research for the September Ancient Hixtory article, I came across a
newspaper article from 1909, not about the high school, that mentions orange and black
as Hicksville’s colors. As I put together the article (which is about Jerome Steinert,
Hicksville’s 1912 Olympian), I suddenly thought of an answer to the question I never
asked back in 1959. Orange and black, and blue and white, are opposite sides of the same
coin. So, I told my software to make a negative of the new logo of Hicksville Public
Schools, and here are the results (original and negative):
Ron Wencer 1964

Interesting. BTW, where can I get a Tee-shirt of my HHS colors? Thanks, Bob. I’ll never
forget my school.

Albert Lamoureux 1962

While on Facebook, go to Hicksville High School Apparel Store - Hicksville, NY and
view the selection of apparel that is available.
Buffalo Bob

The link below is to a Hicksville High School 1955 Multi-Year & Fifty Year Reunions.
Not sure which years were included but you may have attended and you may see a photo
of yourself. Some may have seen it before…this is just a flashback. Enjoy!!!
Love yah
Buffalo Bob Casale

Many thanks, Bob. The 1955 reunion was better than great. The committee added all the
extra touches including a poignant DVD by

Jim Tweedale. Jim was a Gentleman.

A personal tale..... my “first love” was

Jane Engle who was two years behind me at HHS, class of 1957.
Our special song was Earth Angel. Jane had the good sense to marry

Allen Carpenter, my classmate. So...the Carpenters attended our reunion. And then there
was Jane! I asked the DJ to play Earth Angel and (with Allen’s gracious approval) we
danced once more and relived the innocent memories of long ago. Thanks again, Bob, for
recreating that memorable night.
Frank Scarangella 1955

A great song by the Penguins. 1955 was a good year and it was in October of that year
that my family moved from Bayside to Hicksville. I was in the 8th grade and had Mrs.
Miller. She was a good looker as I fondly remember. I did a CD years ago that had 30 of
the oldies featured and one of those songs was "Earth Angel". That reunion was one I
attended as editor of the Hicksville Newsletter and I took many photos. Here's your
Buffalo Bob
Sorry I didn’t know you were at our 50th because I would have said hello. Are you still
publishing HixNews? Don’t recall seeing. You’ve done a great service to many Grads.

We just went live with the August issue and this is our 18th year.
The first issue was published in October of 2000 and was a 2-3 page email sent to a
limited list of former students. Now we have thousands of readers and a great website.
If you go to the home page, there is a menu at the top of the page and one of the areas is
Archives. Almost every issue of HixNews is available to view. Be well.

Frank…Thought you'd enjoy the scene from Back to the Future where McFly (Michael J.
Fox) needed a group to sing a song so his father or grandfather could kiss his date.
That was a cool movie.
Check it out
Buffalo Bob

Bob…well done and it was beautiful! I saw myself in a purple dress. I was class of 1950
but I believe it was a 1955 multi-reunion. Really enjoyed perusing this video!

Dorothy (Kunz-Ennis) Drago

I grew up in Hicksville, LI, New York. On Sunday's you didn't ask if you were going to
church you put on your "Sunday clothes" and went ... It was during a time when everyone
treated each other like Family. We went outside to play, we got dirty... We bought chips
& candy from the corner store. We played Red Light, Green Light, Kick the Can, Simon
Says, Hide and Seek, Dodge Ball, Red Rover, Baseball, Softball, and Football. We could
ride our bikes to the store, or the park, or down a back road and stay all day. We even
swam in the pond or lake when we had the chance. We ate beans & hot dogs, mac, and
cheese & peanut butter sandwiches. We walked or rode a bike everywhere and never
worried about safety. We never thought to lock our windows or doors at night. We slept
with our windows open at night. We had chores to do around the house; we helped clean
off the table after a meal and ate our meals as a family at a table together. We weren't
AFRAID OF ANYTHING, 'cept our parents. If you fell down you would just get back
up. If someone had a fight, that's what it was...a fight. Kids weren't afraid of fake guns
when I grew up. Real guns were just a part of life and we respected them as well as our
parents, our teachers, the American flag, the principal, AND God. We said the Pledge of
Allegiance every time we went to school. We watched our mouths around our elders
because we knew if we DISRESPECTED any adult there would be a price to pay and we
had manners and respect otherwise someone else's parents would put you in your place. I
would not trade anything for the childhood we had, for we had enough and we had love
and family harmony and all that made us the adults we are today.
Please re-post with your town if you're proud that you came from a close-knit community
and will never forget where you came from! Amen
I miss those days!!
Joe Carfora 1962
The below note was prompted by whoever 1958yankeefan is when they viewed my
video on YouTube Hicksville High School Class of 1971 45 Year Reunion July 2016

Good Ole Division Avenue! Got my first moving violation there! Remember it like it was
yesterday. Got my driver's license in the mail at noon.......took my first solo drive by the
high school at my first ticket for rolling thru the stop sign in front of the
school at 12:30!!!!! Ah.....the wonderful memories of youth. Ah......memories!!!!!

Thanks again, Bob!!! Enjoyed your great “Hicksville Then & Now” video before, and
still enjoy it today. Class of '68 did not have a reunion. That sucked.

Tom Robert 1968

Just saw on CBS NY News at Noon - The Bristal Softball Team from Hicksville - They
play every week and it appeared they were playing behind the high school. Oh, by the
way, the youngest player is 80 and the oldest is 91. They had shirts on that said
"Bristal Assisted Living" - think that was who they were playing for. Thought it might be
of interest.

Linda Piccerelli Hayden 1960

Going thru some things. This was1969-70 JV team.

About the best team in any sport I played on despite being led by a football coach who
was...well let's just let it go. We had one loss. I think we had 17 wins with that four-point
loss to a team we beat later by double digits and that was the theme of the majority of our
victories, double digits.

John Ebbecke “Beck BigEe” 1972 (#51)

What was your favorite thing to do on a summer vacation day and how old were
Debbie Jenner, Long Island Lutheran High School
p.s….I think my absolute favorite would be going to the beach--all ages!

Reading a good book while perched up in my favorite apple tree. Age Range 8-10!

Christine Gutekunst Finn 1976

Playing baseball at Hillside Terrace Park with my friends when we were 4th through 6th

Vin Fallacara 1977

As a teen, taking the bus to Jones Beach. As a kid, playing board games in the morning,
pool in the afternoon and kick the can at night.

Laura Sikula Mahar 1974

The summer reading club at the library.

Fran Wallach Gallo 1961

My favorite thing to do on a vacation day I actually did today, went swimming in Lake
George and I am 61 years old.

John Harrison 1975

Wonderful! My great uncle lived at Lake George and we would visit when we were kids.
Beautiful place!

We live in Lake George. My memories include hanging around Crescent street with the
neighborhood kids, swimming, sleep outs, Jones Beach, carnivals.

Janine Endsley Way 1977

The summer was full of things that filled your day. Pool; Beach; Park!!! Schools used to
have summer recreation. There were field trips, field day and crafts. Careful what you
post, the “youngins” may try to copy the crazy things we did.

John Agnoli 1974

Tobay Beach was always a favorite of our family as was Eisenhower Park.

Chris Van Houten Moore 1970

I probably was Junior High age. We played one never ending game (or it felt like it never
ended) of Monopoly. She always won. To this day, I hate that game. Then we would wait
for the Good Humor man to come down our block. And it was great riding our bikes all
over the neighborhood.

Gail Cluxton Sneyd 1963

Editor Note…You commented on "You Know You're From Hicksville, If"
I probably was Junior High age. We played one never-ending
game (or it felt like it never ended) of Monopoly. She always won.
To this day, I hate that game. Then we would wait for the Good
Humor man to come down our block. And it was great riding our
bikes all over the neighborhood.
Who always won? You said she and we all want to know who the mystery winner was?
Hope you are well.
love yah Buffalo…Bob Casale
Hi Bob - sorry about that. The she is

Kathy Kennedy Weidig (now known as Katie but always Kathy to me), class of 1962.
We lived across the street from each other from 1951 until marriages and have been best
friends ever since. Lots of years and wonderful memories.
Hope all is well with you. (Katie’s husband, Charlie, is in the above photo)

I remember playing monopoly for days at your house. I hate the game, also. What I do
recall vividly was climbing trees at the Meehan’s house and running under the sprinkler.
Playing hide and seek where the lamppost was home. Probably about 9-11 years old.
Great fun times.

Eileen Wieditz Moore 1963

Catching fireflies on a summer night-childhood.

Paula Jargo Bruckner 1972

We'd put them in a jar, with holes in the lid, and put the jar on our dresser. It was fun
seeing them light up during the night. We always released them the following night
Debbie Jenner

Cantiague pool all day long. Underwater handstands and somersaults, lungs aching at the
end of the day from holding my breath so much. Another memory is playing inside the
giant concrete sewer pipes they put on our property before installing them…like a little

Allison Lombardi Worthington 1989

Go to “recreational” summer school at Old Country Road School—out in the portables
on the west side of the campus—it was like going to camp FOR FREE! I was maybe 9 to
11 or so then.

Pat Clancy Kriss, Queen of the Rosary Academy 1965

Going to the beach; playing baseball; garage band jams; spending time in the mountains

Joe DiMora
Riding our bicycles to Oyster Bay or Jones beach..playing rubber coated baseball in the
street...wiffle light green light…spud…and so much
more. We never sat around inside the house and we always had some kind of activity
going on. We had a great bunch of kids on grape lane.

Stephen Anikewich

Playing outside every day. I agree with Steve. Wiffle ball , stoop ball. The ability to run
thought the neighborhood and knock on anyone’s door and feel safe. Then at the end of
the day when our mom’s opened the front door and called of “Dinner” ay which point we
all went home and have dinner with my family and discuss the day. As I got older feeling
safe Hitch Hiking to Jones beach.

John Didier
Riding bikes, hanging out at Mid Island Plaza, swimming in friends’ pools or running
through the sprinkler. Going to Holden’s to buy the latest DC comics, then coming home
to build a blanket fort to sit and read them in (all you needed was a hurricane fence, a
blanket, a window sill, and some clothes pins). Drinking icy cold water from the hose,
having Italian Ices from Ronnie’s truck. Going down to “the basement” where it may
have been 10 degrees cooler.
Those were the days — I’d say the best were 1963-1972 (age 7 to 16). After that,
something unfortunate happened to me…I grew up.

Paul Rondeau 1974

Going to Field 4 at Jones Beach or hanging out at Mid Island Plaza. Do you remember
Gertz? They had the best ice cream. Not sure really what is was but it was vanilla with
chocolate syrup! Yum!

Gerry Sicari Kanouse 1973

Greg Ebbecke * Bruce Ebbecke * Tim Ebbecke * John Ebbecke

You might have to be a certain age to get it.

My dad, John Uss was born and raised in Hicksville. He graduated Hicksville High in
1943. Me and my siblings were also raised in Hicksville. Dad was a coach for the
Firestone Little League baseball team. All games were played on the field at Burns
Avenue. My brother, Warren Uss, is on the far left sitting on the ground. Let me and
HixNews readers if you are pictured on the photo below.

Maureen Uss 1964 (shwn below with Dad)

Original Members of Steely Dan
Steely Dan is a rock band that was most popular in the 1970's. Its members consist of
Donald Fagen, Walter Becker, Michael McDonald, Larry Carlton, Jeff Baxter, Steve
Gadd, Jeff Porcaro, Denny Dias, Cornelius Bumpus, Jim Hodder, Royce Jones, David
Palmer, and Jon Herington.
Dennis "Denny" Dias (born December 12, 1946) is an American guitarist, best known for
being a founding member of Steely Dan.

Reelin’ In The Years

Interview with Denny Dias

Denny Dias, class of 1974

Great job on the 1970 video of my classmates “then & now”! But, there was a slight

I am not the Governor of Florida!

Wrong current picture! The real me is shown above.

Bart Savino 1970
Editor note…I have no idea how I made this huge a mistake but I’m only human. You’re
a good looking guy and now everyone can share the “real” you!!!
I've seen many remarkable nature photographs over the years but this photo of a Falcon
nesting in an old tree is perhaps the most remarkable nature shot that I've ever
seen. Please send this to your older friends, since the younger ones probably have never
seen a falcon, and wouldn't recognize it. (thanks to Barbara DiBella class of 1962)

Scroll down to see this natural wonder

Birthdays & Anniversaries
Thank you for the birthday card…

Charlie Cava 1955

Barbara Fellows Cava 1956

John Sherin 1956

Phil Anselmo 1958

Lorraine Miltenberg Dalaimo 1960 (Shown above with Denise Dalaimo Nussbaum)

Annlynn Brough Stougaard 1961

Lorraine Martello Vito 1961

Bob Siegel 1962 (with Nicole Delaney student when he was principal at
Glen Ellen School)

Jerry D’Amura 1963

For some reason, I have not been receiving the newsletter.

Janet Stietz Masi 1963

John Diers 1963

Larry Olivari 1963

Jane Sharpe Bodner 1965

Glen Olsen 1965

Joel Lieberman 1966

Bob Ward 1966

Peggy Moldovak Gill 1967

Jeff Feierstein 1969

Debbie Fischer Dowdell 1973
Rich Adams 1973

Mike Way 1977 (shown above with Janine Endsley)

Jeanne Dagna 1977 & with siblings, Robert on the left, Larry on the right!
Torrilee Christianson Hill 1978

Thank you for the Anniversary Card…

Today, August 23rd, 2018, is our 53rd Wedding Anniversary

Tom O’Neill & Marlene Schoenberg O’Neill 1964

Les & Karen Malter Coles 1965

Larry Kalka & Jane Deveau Kalka 1969

Jeffrey Randazzo & Leila Kriegel Randazzo 1970

Pat & Bill Jakabek 1971

Some Thoughts About Birthdays & Anniversaries

Thanks for the birthday card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated.
Unfortunately, this is my first birthday since my beloved husband of 60 years passed
away in May, so it has been a bittersweet day for me. I want to thank Bob and the
HixNews editors for always sending a timely Birthday card. Also, want to show my
sincere appreciation for the entire crew working the newsletter and having it available
each month.

Carol Kiever Ohliger 1957

Hi Bob…Thank you for the Birthday Card and thinking of me. Birthdays have become a
reminder that the years are piling up (yikes). Fortunately, we are all well and still
trucking. Life is good and we are enjoying retirement, golf, travel, and grandkids. We
have a new passion for fighting childhood cancer after losing our 5-year-old
granddaughter 7 years ago. I participated in helping start up the Coalition against
Childhood Cancer ( The organization is doing some great things. I trust all is
well with you. Thank you for all you do keeping the alumni connected.
Best regards,

Tom Pilko 1959

Thank you for the birthday card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated. How is
everything with you? I was thinking about our bike ride to the Jones Beach Causeway.

Chris Polanski 1960 …in Vietnam

Thanks for the beautiful anniversary card and for thinking of us. Forty-one years have
gone by in a flash.

Marlene & Bob Masone 1962

Thanks for the anniversary card. BTW, we have relocated from Long Island to
Scottsdale, Arizona. Barbara & Ron Taub 1962

Thanks so much for the cute anniversary card. It’s hard to believe 51 years have passed
since Diane and I were married. All the memories make it seem like it was only a few
years ago. I do enjoy reading about all our classmates each month and thank you and the
whole team for doing a great job with the newsletter.

Diane Boseling Baum, Jericho High School 1962 & Steve Baum 1962
Thanks for the birthday card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated. I hope you
and everyone else at HixNews are doing well.

James “Jim” Cutropia 1963

Thanks so much for the anniversary wishes. You continue to amaze me with the effort
you put in keeping us connected to our Hicksville High School days. Seems like another
lifetime but great memories.

Anne & Arnie Fox 1964

Thanks for the anniversary card and for thinking of us. It was much appreciated. I had to
reply a little late because my daughter got married the day before our anniversary. It was
quite a weekend!!!

Ronnie & Arnold Gould 1964

Bob…Thanks to you and the gang for the anniversary card. Darilyn and I are married 24
years, with 10 years of constant companionship before the ceremony!
All best

Dennis (1964) and Darilyn Listort

Thanks for the birthday card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated. That card
was really cool. Thanks again. I have had quite a few great birthdays, but this year we
downsized into a Condo and we are loving it.

Rich Greguski 1965

Thank you for the card and for thinking of me. I would have to say that my 70th birthday
last year was my most memorable. My family pulled off a surprise birthday party for me
at the Hicksville VFW even though I am the Commander of the Post. I thought I was
going to a friend’s surprise party and was shocked when I walked in and everyone yelled
“Surprise”! I turned around to see if the guest of honor was behind me and my daughter
goes, “No dad, it’s you”. It was the best ever!!!

Bill Walden 1965

Thank you for remembering my birthday, HixNews.

Bob Leo 1965

Thanks for the beautiful anniversary card and for thinking of us. It was much appreciated.
Don’t think I will forget this anniversary anytime soon! John and I were basically getting
ready for my total knee replacement the next day. Not very romantic but very special.
John has been a huge help and understanding since the surgery.

John White & Beverly Fetz White 1967

Jean Pius Mucchiari 1965…Congrats from the editors of HixNews on your marriage to
Ken Jacobsen.
A little late, but thank you so much for the birthday card. How did you know that I liked
the beach so much to send one with fish jumping all over the place? Reminds me of
walking the boardwalk at Jones Beach and enjoying the view. Thanks again. Regards.

Darlene Grecz Sacks 1967

Thanks so much for the anniversary card. As always it was nice to be remembered. As
far as anniversary stories I’m afraid there really aren’t any to relay. Thanks again!

Ronnie Klein Witlin 1969 (shown above with Adam Ira & Zachery)
p.s. Please note the correct spelling of our last name
Editor note…made the correction on the master Birthday & Anniversary Lists!!!
Thank you for thinking of me. This was a memorable birthday because Dona and I took
our children and grandchildren, a total of 11 travelers, on a cruise. We ventured from
Barcelona to Palma de Mallorca, to Marseilles, to Pisa/Florence, to Rome,
Pompeii/Amalfi Coast and finally back to Barcelona. A great time was had by all and we
experienced many special moments that will, forever, be great memories.

Eric Malter 1970

Eric…Sounds like you had a great trip with your extended family. I was fortunate enough
while in the navy to visit Naples. Went there twice, in 1963 and again in 1964 to play in
the European Fastpitch Softball Tournament.

There's an attached photo of a bus climbing up the was headed to Casale
Monferrato. I snapped a photo but you cannot see the destination that is on the front of
the bus.

Another photo of the harbor and Mt Vesuvius (volcano) in the background.

The volcano eruption in AD79 buried Pompeii. Always wanted to see Rome but only
flew through there on my way home from Nicosia, Cyprus.
Buffalo Bob Casale
Bob…Thanks for sharing your photos and memories. Italy is a beautiful country, and we
certainly enjoyed our brief time there.
Speaking of the next newsletter, I have somehow fallen off the list and haven’t seen an
issue in at least several months. Just wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for all
your hard work with the newsletter...I’ve done a fair amount of desktop publishing
through the years, and I know how time-consuming and difficult it can be. You and the
team are doing a fantastic job and it is much appreciated by all the Hicksville alumni who
look forward to the next issue each month.
Best regards,
Editor note…please scroll down to “On The Internet” for an explanation about falling
off the list.

Marilyn Mazzie Furey

Class of 1972, married to

Bob Furey class of 1971. 41 years on August 5th, 2018!!!

Thank you for the birthday card and for thinking of me. It was much appreciated. I was
really touched because there are not many people who would take the time to send a card.
It was great thinking of you and remembering our high school years.

Dianna & Jeffrey White 1973

Thank you for the anniversary card and for thinking of us. It was much appreciated. And
the birthday card for Maryann was precious. Thanks again.

Joseph Blane & Maryann Uebel Blane 1973

Thanks very much for the birthday card. Your cards always make my day (here at work
when I view them).

Leslie Becker Hecht 1976


The Stolen Car

The proud owner of a magnificent 1956 Chevrolet convertible, wrote
to say he had restored the car to perfection over the last few years,
and sent this:
On a very warm summer afternoon he decided to take his car to
town. It needed gas, as the gauge was practically on empty, but he
wanted ice cream, so he headed first to his favorite ice cream shop.
He had trouble finding a parking space and had to park the car down
a side street. He noticed a group of young guys standing around
smoking cigarettes and eyeing the car rather covetously. He was a
bit uneasy leaving it there, but people often take interest in such an
old and well-preserved car, so he went off to enjoy his ice cream.
The line at the ice cream shop was long and it took him quite a while
to return to his car. When he did, his worst fears were realized... his
car was gone. He called the police and reported the theft.
About ten minutes later the police called him to say they had found
the car abandoned near a gas station a few miles out of town. It was
unharmed and he was relieved. It seems just before he called, the
police had received a call from a young woman who was an
employee at a self-service gas station. She told them that three
young men had driven in with this beautiful old convertible. One of
them came to the window and prepaid for 20 dollars worth of
gas. Then all three of them walked around the car. Then they all
got in the car and drove off, without filling the tank.
The question is why would anybody steal a car, pay for gas that they
never pumped and then abandon the car later and walk away?
I’ll bet you don’t know the answer…
They couldn't find where to put the gas!
I Grew Up In

Hicksville, Long Island, New York

On Sunday's you didn't ask if you were going to church you put on your "Sunday
clothes" and went ... It was during a time when everyone treated each other like Family.
We went outside to play, we got dirty... We bought chips & candy from the corner store.
We played Red Light, Green Light, Kick the Can, Simon Says, Hide and Seek, Dodge
Ball, Red Rover, Baseball, Softball, and Football. We could ride our bikes to the store, or
the park, or down a back road and stay all day. We even swam in the pond or lake when
we had the chance. We ate beans & hot dogs, mac, and cheese & peanut butter
sandwiches. We walked or rode a bike everywhere and never worried about safety. We
never thought to lock our windows or doors at night. We slept with our windows open at
night. We had chores to do around the house; we helped clean off the table after a meal
and ate our meals as a family at a table together. We weren't AFRAID OF ANYTHING,
'cept our parents. If you fell down you would just get back up. If someone had a fight,
that's what it was...a fight. Kids weren't afraid of fake guns when I grew up. Real guns
were just a part of life and we respected them as well as our parents, our teachers, the
American flag, the principal AND God. We said the Pledge of Allegiance every time we
went to school. We watched our mouths around our elders because we knew If we
DISRESPECTED any adult there would be a price to pay and we had manners and
respect otherwise someone else's parents would put you in your place. I would not trade
anything for the childhood we had, for we had enough and we had love and family
harmony and all that made us the adults we are today.
Hold your finger down to copy and paste. Please re-post with your town if you're proud
that you came from a close knit community and will never forget where you came from!
Amen!!! I miss those days!!
Joe Carfora 1962

I grew up in Hicksville and went to high school with your brother

Santo Carfora. Lived by Bob Flanagan. We lived like you did.

Kathryn Monnia Wolff 1964

Santo has lived in Janesville, WI since 1970. Have lost track of Bob Flanagan, but knew
him well back in the day. We called him "Doofer Bob"!

Bobby Flanagan

is living in Hicksville in the family home on Cedar Street.


I graduated with Santo and grew up doing what all the kids did in Hicksville. Last time I
was in Hicksville was 1978, and I don't think I would want to see all the changes.

Connie Casella Shein 1964

I was there in 2012 for my 50th HHS Reunion. While there are many changes, there are
many things still the same too.
I lived behind Holy Family school and church. I did everything you did and had a great
childhood as well.

Catherine Eichler Dunn 1980

Grew up in Hicksville, and yes it was a close-knit community...those were the good old
days...still friends with many that grew up in Hicksville and we still keep in touch. We
didn't have to be afraid to go to malls, movies or stay outside late, just sitting around
talking to friends, neighbors. To bring back those days would be great. Today’s kids are
missing so much. Glad I grew up here in Hicksville. Which I'm sure many of you feel the
same way.

Linda Mastrosanti Aragoncillo 1961

Hicksville was a special place to grow up; my closest friends are the ones I went to high
school with. My husband was my high school sweetheart, Dennis Cauley, class of 1962.

Sherry Mallen Cauley 1964

My husband Karl Fred told me he lived behind Dennis in Hicksville.

Jeanne Gattuso Fred 1967

I remember Dennis well as he and I were in the same class, 1962.

Joe. Well written. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. What year did you
graduate? I grew up on High Street, off of Old Country Rd. Best years of my life. Still in
contact with many of the friends I grew up with. Only games you didn’t mention were
stickball and stoop ball. I definitely would like to hear from you again.

Doug Lozel 1968

1962 grad of HHS. Grew up on Ruth Drive near the Willets Avenue School, just east of
Broadway and not far from Mid-Island Plaza. Also still maintain a good number of
contacts from Hicksville, even though I haven't lived there since college. HixNews helps
in doing that!

Doug- good to see your name on here. I remember like it was yesterday when I got to go
with you to the Gertz mall to see Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris. Also when we played
stickball on High Street.

Mike Heroy 1969

I remember it too. Here’s what the old Doug Lozel looks like these days at the age of 68.


Joe. I grew up on Switzerland... & played with Candy. with our Barbie dolls! I remember
going with your family either to pick u up or drop u off at Rutgers. I remember having a
dinner at your house. & your mom let us have kool-aid with dinner. I thought that was as
so cool! We moved to Willow Place & I went to HTHS.
Deborah Morse Ackley, Holy Trinity High School 1972

My Mom always welcomed all our friends, who often wound up at her dinner table.
She's well remembered for that! Candy has lived with her husband, Peter Colling, HHS
1972 in Arizona, since 1983. We love going out there to visit when we can.

Great job representing our childhood! It was the best! I grew up on High Street too, class
of ‘77 and I loved our little corner of the town I too have a Hicksville high school
sweetheart who I married and my brother, Dennis Carter married his as well.

Donna Carter Lafferty

I’ve read that before, I do not remember anyone from Hicksville playing Red Rover,
there were no ponds nor lakes to swim in and very few of us lived near a corner store.
Girls played Hop Scotch and jumped rope. We had to re-learn the pledge of allegiance
when a conservative Congress added “under God” and we had to say the
Lords Prayer in assemblies with non-Catholics mumbling along at the end. We were
afraid that a bomb would hit us and second and our eyeballs would melt. Duck and cover
didn’t seem like a real solution. We weren’t allowed to go to the pool because we might
contract polio. We had mumps, chicken pox, and measles. It was what it was and rose-
colored glasses doesn’t improve nor change the past.

Fran Wallach Gallo 1961

Everyone; I didn't write this piece, but strongly agree with it! That's why I shared it as I
thought of Hicksville this way, especially after moving from Brooklyn to Queens and
then to Hicksville at age 11…Joe

At first, I thought you wrote this, but Mom always locked the doors! So many wonderful
memories! Looking forward to our HHS reunion & connecting with family & close
friends. Thanks to FB, I’m in touch with the gals I grew up with! Such a joy to connect
with them!

Carmela Carfora Colling 1973

That is wonderful and so true! The Children are missing so much today. They aren’t
outside playing like you kids did. I grew up in Hicksville and we had a wonderful time.
I am 95 years old and appreciate the old days.

Rose McGeever

Thanks as well...class of 70...grew up on West Marie Street...with the Faltings

Maniscalco, Fazio, Rhineharts, Elizabeth Voorhies Lang, and Dave Burt. I remember
playing with horses at Stolz's...Gertz...riding my new Schwinn 10 speed through the
window at Newberry's.

Mike Nervik 1971

In The News
A driver in Texas on Monday snagged a photo of a cloud formation that he thinks looks
like an angel over the horizon. Danny Ferraro shared the gleaming snapshot on Facebook,
dubbing it the “Texas Angel.”

“This was the sunset as we were driving down Hwy 105,” Ferraro wrote. “How awesome
is that!”
Billy Joel & Kevin James in Glen Cove on the afternoon of August 4, 2018. The group
was attending The Feast of St. Rocco’s in Glen Cove.

Photo credit Mitchell Schlimer

Posted on Facebook by Cheryl Gries Brown 1972

A Discus Fish (why is this fish called a Discus Fish???)

On The Internet
Please add my email to the notifications list on the monthly newsletter.

Tom Steedman 1960

Tom…Hope you are well and feeling good. Despite all my issues, I feel okay, not great.
I still have pain every day and when it's really bad, I take a Tramadol. Read the following
about the notifications

The notice that you normally received, via email, that we used to send to
the master list stating that the current issue is alive was
being sent via the Google Master list and Henry Lichtenstein was the moderator.
Nothing would be sent until he okayed the submission. Unfortunately, Henry passed
away in November and no notices have been sent since his passing. That is why no
one has gotten a notice€¦the notice that was never sent. You can always view the
newsletter at
In some instances, it is necessary to copy the link and paste into your browser to
gain access. If you continue to have problems, please send a note
to editors@hixnews.comand we will try to remedy your dilemma. Please forward
this to your email friends who may not receive this notice. That master list is not
available because we do not have the password to access the list. This is why we ask
that you forward to others so they will know that the current issue is LIVE.

I have been sending out notices on Facebook but I don't think you are on that site!!!
You might go to You Know You're From Hicksville, If on Facebook. It has a lot of good
stuff. I use a lot of material from there to go into the newsletter and that's because I get no
input from anyone. The most I get is a thank you for the birthday and anniversary cards I
send to almost 2,000 people each year. I guess that's something so I shouldn't complain.
Had a note from Dave Laney about something I posted on that site. He's living in
California. I sometimes wonder if he still doesn't wear socks??? LOL
Hope this is a good day for you.
Warm Regards
Buffalo Bob
p.s. do you think we received a good education at Hicksville High.
The gal in the below video obviously played hooky all the time.
Hi HixNews…when I received an anniversary card from HixNews (thank you), I realized
that I haven’t been receiving the monthly email for the latest edition. I checked my spam
folder and there was nothing there from HixNews. My name is on the spreadsheet. Can
you check this out for me?

Bob Masone 1962

Bob…See the above note to Tom Steedman.

Buffalo Bob Casale
p.s. are you still doo-wopping??? If you have performances planned, give me a shout and
I can put it into the newsletter. Hope you are well

Thanks, Bob. I downloaded then latest newsletter and read about Henry (sad!).
Yes. I’m still doo wopping with Stardust, though we are undergoing a transformation
since two members have moved in the last year. We’re auditioning a new member next
week. I’ll be happy to let you know of any gigs that I can scare up in the future. Thanks
for the interest!

Hi all. I haven't written to you in years but I do follow the newsletter. I was just
wondering if there is a problem because I haven't received an E-mail stating the
newsletter is ready. If I need to do something, just let me know. Thanks.
John Ziegler 1963
Editor note…see explanation to Tom Steedman above.
Fall is on the way

I was looking at the In Memoriam section and noticed that my younger brother,

Henry Schein, Class of 1970, who passed away March 6, 1996, was not on your list.
How can I add his name?

Steve Schein 1965

Steve…could not find a photo of your brother in the 1970 yearbook. Was he absent???

In solving the mystery of where Henry is in the 1970 yearbook, I was in contact with Jim
Janis at the Hicksville Library. He showed me how to view old HHS yearbooks online.
Use this link and just change the year at the end of the link to see that year's yearbook
Or you can go to * then click on Library Services * then click on
Archives and go to Search Yearbooks and select your year (going in this way, the
yearbooks wouldn't load for me so they gave me the above direct link. Hope it's helpful!
And Henry can be found on Page 116.

I will get him added later today. Thanks.

Roger Whitaker, Webmaster

Thanks, Roger. Just sent you my high school sweetheart Jeanette Alger’s obituary.

Steve…Jeanette Alger graduated when and from what school??? You said you were high
school sweethearts but maybe Jeanette was from another town. I went to classmates and
there is no listing for Jeanette from Hicksville. Please let me know.
Thanks, Buffalo Bob Casale
p.s. if she is not from Hicksville, do you have a photo from back in the day???

Jeanette Laplante Alger was in the class of 1966. Her obituary is shown below.
Jeanette is added.

Jeanette E. Alger Starke 55 of Lake Worth passed away at the Robert

Lauer Hospice unit at JFK Medical Center, Saturday, February 15, 2003. Mrs. Starke was
born in Bronx, New York on December 12, 1947. She was a member of St. Paul's
Lutheran Church in Port Jefferson, New York. Survivors include her husband, Edward
Starke of Lake Worth, her mother, Eleanor Laplante of Beverly Hills, a son, Christopher
Alger of Ronkonkoma, New York, two daughters, Debra Caputo of Mt. Sinai, New York,
and Jenifer Portelli of Levittown, New York, a grandson, Christopher Alger of
Ronkonkoma, New York, three granddaughters, Katlyn Alger also of Ronkonkoma,
Marissa and Julianna Caputo both of Mt. Sinai, New York, a brother, Harold Laplante of
New York and a sister, Suzanne Schmucker of Ocala. Funeral services and interment will
take place in Calverton, New York. Friends may call at Dorsey Funeral Home &
Cremation Service, 3525 South Congress Avenue, Lake Worth, Monday, February 17,
2003, from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 pm. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made
to Robert Lauer Hospice at JFK, 5301 South Congress Avenue, Atlantis, FL 33462.
Dorsey Funeral Home & Cremation Service
Published in The Palm Beach Post on Feb. 17, 2003

Two days ago, August 1st, 2018, was the third anniversary of my mom's passing; today,
August 3rd, marks 16 years since Dad left us (well, that's not true, I know he's always
What I wouldn't give to have one more dance, one more hug, one more laugh, and one
more whiff of his Jean Nate. We miss you both so much.

Diana D’Antuono DePalma Henne 1964

The biggest wish after your parents depart is that you wish you could talk to them again.
No one ever listens to you the way they did. I would love to get their opinions on some
things happening in our family now. We all could use their wisdom and their strength.

Connie Williams Mohl 1964

Sadly yesterday, July 14, 2018, Hicksville lost a great guy

Michael Langley, class of 1979. You will be very missed. R.I.P my friend.
He was my “concert” buddy!!!

Lisa Odierna Pasqueralle 1981

Hi, Bob…I'm the admin of the Hicksville High School class of 1974 group on Facebook.
I added my fiance, John Boesenberg, to the newsletter In Memoriam last month and
thanks for doing this for me. I have a list, from our group, of additional members who
have also passed, and request for them to be added as well. The list is unfortunately long.
Would this be possible? They are all class of 1974.

Marianne…That would be fine. We can add the names to my list and the HixNews
website. The unfortunate part is that so many have passed too early in their lives. If you
go to the In Memoriam section of the newsletter and scroll down the list, it's big and
growing. Waiting for your email.
Buffalo Bob

I will email you the names soon. Thanks.


IN MEMORIAM Class of 1974

Mark Asam * Born March 17, 1956 * Died January 23, 1996
Debbie Berg
John Boesenberg * Born March 17, 1956 * Died May 5, 2017
Bonnie Brigandi
Dave Cheslock
Bob Colangelo
Helena Coletta
Dina DeLape
Rosemary Effinger
Terry Farrell * Born March 10, 1956 * Died September 11, 2001 (WTC)
John Fippinger
Kevin French
Karen Forte
Diane Jean Garcia * Born August 16, 1956 * Died October 18, 2011)
Joseph Grams
Gail Gray
Mark Greenberg
June Gutekunst
Ronald Kraft
Bobbi Layne
John Logoskiy
Robert Loechel
Tommy Quinn
Valerie Richards
Gary Schwab
Debbie Sigillo
Jim Skelly
Linda Sluder
Joanne Spinella
Matt Toich
Maura Walker Wolowski (2006)
Cathy Wilson

I think it would be great if the Newsletter had a section announcing upcoming reunions. I
am a 1978 graduate and have not heard anything about a 40-year reunion.
Chris Melluso, Class of 1978

Chris, “it would be great if people sent us information about

reunions” that they are planning. Sometimes in the past, they have, but we've heard
nothing about a 40th for the class of '78 either. If we get information, we certainly pass it
Roger Whitaker, webmaster
Hi Bob,
It’s fifty years since we graduated from Hicksville High. Does HixNews know about an
upcoming reunion for my class? Thanks!

Armand Cipullo 1968

Editor note…Armand…Check out the notes below for an answer. Hope you are well.

Dear HixNews…just was wondering if Hicksville is having a 50th reunion this year for
the class of 1968? Thanks.
Bob Vatland 1968
Editor note… Bob…Check out the notes below for an answer. Hope you are well.

Are there 50th reunion plans for the class of 1968?

Steve Stanton 1968

I checked several sites and sent out a message to some of your classmates. Nothing is
planned as far as I can tell. Two of the 90 whom I sent an email responded and they knew
of no plans. If I hear something, I will let you know.
Buffalo Bob Casale

Nothing on my end from the outskirts of Hershey, PA. The last one I was aware of was
the 20th, which I attended.

Richie Bowra

Thanks for responding. You are the only one out of 80 emails I sent out that has
responded so far!!! I have the same problem getting people to write something for the
newsletter. No one sends me anything. Hope you are well.
Buffalo Bob Casale

Dear HixNews…not that I’ve seen in Newsday. Hey, we were 68... now we're 68. Go

Bob Bittner
Thanks for your response. Is this typical or is my class unusually apathetic?

Typical of most classes. I send out birthday and anniversary cards to almost 2,000 former
classmates. I ask that whomever I send to please let me know about a special birthday or
anniversary. I've had one response and two who said they would send me something at a
later date. It's like pulling teeth to get some input. I've been using Facebook to gather
information that I put into the newsletter. Otherwise, I would have nothing.
The four I've heard from so far...Bob Bittner...Ed Cochran...Rich Bowra…Marianne
Carine. I guess there is no reunion. Thanks again

I had exactly 4 responses to the email I sent out a few months back, so I've given up.
Maybe someone who lives on the east coast would take up the job and get something
organized. Between the health issues that have cropped up over the last few months, and
the fact that I live out west, it's just become too difficult. Thanx for your interest, Bob.

Marianne Carine Hoerner 1968

I'm interested.

Bruce Glatt
Oh well, at least we inquired! If anything changes, please let me know. And many thanks
for your response.
Bob Vatland

Hi Bob,
Always, indeed, a real pleasure speaking with you. Also once again, thanks sincerely for
all you do to keep our classmates from all graduating classes aware of fond memories and
events surrounding our days at HHS. If you can publish the following regarding a
potential 55th reunion for the class of 1964, I would deeply appreciate it.

Class of 1964 Potential 55th Reunion

Joe Platt and John Maniec are attempting to once again coordinate a get-together of
members of the HHS Class of 1964 for the weekend of September 27 through 29th, 2019
at the Plainview Holiday Inn. They are reaching out to their fellow classmates to
determine whether there is enough interest to hold this event on those particular days.
The Holiday Inn will hold those days until October 1st, 2018. They need a deposit at that
time to guarantee the event. Tommy Sullivan will provide live entertainment for the
dinner dance on Saturday, September 28, 2019, and a "Meet & Greet" gathering will
happen on Friday evening, September 27, 2019.
There is a deadline coming up on October 1, 2018. We need at least 40 classmates to
send in a check in the amount of $ 100.00 per person so these above dates can be secured.
These checks won't be cashed until we have at least 40 people attending this 2019 "55th
Reunion". If unable to get a minimum of 40 classmates to commit to coming and sending
their checks in advance, then all checks received up to October 1st will be returned
Here's where the "rubber hits the road". If you want this event to happen, we need
your check by the end of September 2018. Make them payable to John Maniec. $100 per
person. Mail to John Maniec at 260-12 74th Avenue, Glen Oaks, New York 11004.
As checks come in, Maureen Uss will publish the names of classmates who sent in their
checks in the various HHS websites & Facebook.
Bob, once again, thanks in advance for helping us promote this 55th reunion.

John Maniec 1964

Joe Platt 1964

Videos On The Internet
Elvis sings

Song from Dirty Dancing

Once Upon A Time, A long time ago

Like many of you, I’m glad I was there to live it!!!

(Love old film and all the 50’s music, Except “At The Hop”.)
Walter “Buddy” Weber 1963

The Best Of Times is a memorable look back at the 1950’s and 1960’s and should be
entertaining to watch for anyone that grew up in that era. Since I was born in the
1960’s it was a little before my time but I still enjoy the music and looking at the muscle
cars as I’ve always had a thing for the oldies since I was a kid. If you like this video be
sure to watch
The Best Of Times Part Two is a memorable look back at the 1950’s and should be
entertaining to watch for anyone that grew up in the 1950’s. I’m not a music expert
but I’m pretty sure some of the songs featured are from the 1960’s. Still, if you like Rock
and Roll Oldies I think you’ll enjoy this video. If you liked this look back in time be sure
to watch
The Best Of Times Part Three is another great look back at the 1950′s and 1960’s
and should bring back fond memories for anyone that grew up in the 1950′s. It was a
little before my time but I still found it fun and entertaining to watch
…these three above are also from Buddy

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