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Warm-up phase:

- 5-minute low intensity jog

Dynamic stretches-
- Forward leg swings (10-15 reps each leg)
- Lateral leg swings (10-15 reps each leg)
- Shoulder twists (10-15 reps each side)
- Full arm circles (10-15 reps each arm)
- Hip rotations (10-15 in each direction)
- Arms across chest (10-20 reps)
- Lunges (8-10 each leg)
- Neck rotations (10-15 in each direction)
- Run throughs 30 metres low intensity (high knees, grape vine, butt flicks, speckies,
- Chest expansions (10-15 reps)

Conditioning/training phase:

Cool-down phase:
- Foam roll all fatigued muscles
Static stretches-
- Ab/back stretch (hold 20 seconds)
- Hip flexor stretch (hold 20 seconds each side)
- Cat cow/arching back stretch (hold 20 seconds in each position)
- Lower back stretch (hold 20 seconds)
- Standing forward bend/back and hamstrings (hold 20 seconds)
- Quad stretch (hold 20 seconds each leg)
- Calf stretch (hold 20 seconds each leg)
- Shoulder stretch (hold 20 seconds each side)
- Bicep stretch (hold 20 seconds)
- Childs pose/back stretch (hold 20 seconds)
- Hamstring stretch (hold 20 seconds)
- Glute stretch (hold 20 seconds)
- Groin stretch (hold 20 seconds)

Training Frequency Intensity Recovery Ease (1-3) Simplicity to

method PW days easy to hard organise (1-3)
on body
Continuous 3-4 L 0-1 1 1
Fartlek 3 L-H 1 1-2 2
Long-interval 3-4 L 1 1 1
Medium- 2-3 M 1-2 2 1
Short- 2-3 H 1-2 2-3 1
HIIT 2-3 H 2 3 1
Resistance 2 per muscle Endurance 1-2 1-3 3
group (L)
Power (M-H)
Strength (H)
Plyometric 2 H 1-2 2-3 2
Circuit 3 M-H 1 1-2 2-3
Flexibility 3-4 L 0 1 1-2


Novice and Intermediate

Desired outcome Repetition Repetition range Sets Repetition Rest periods
Maximum speed
Muscular strength 60-70% 8-12 1-3 Slow and 2-3 minutes
moderate between sets
Muscular 70-85% 8-12 1-3 Slow to 1-2 minutes
hypertrophy moderate between sets
Muscular power 30-60% 3-6 1-3 As fast as 2-3 minutes
possible between sets
Muscular endurance 40-60% 15-25 1-3 Slow to 1 minute

Desired outcome Repetition Repetition range Sets Repetition Rest periods
Maximum speed
Muscular strength 80-100% 1-12 (emphasis 3-6 CON* 1-2 2-3 minutes
on 1-6) seconds between sets
ECC* 1-2
Muscular 70-100% 1-12 (emphasis 3-6 Continuum 2-3 minutes
hypertrophy on 1-6) between sets
Muscular power 30-60% 3-6 3-6 As fast as 2-3 minutes
possible between sets
Muscular endurance 40-60% 15-25 3-6 Slow to 1 minute
CON* = concentric muscle actions
ECC* = eccentric muscle actions
Chapter 14
Factors to consider when making a program:
 The objectives of the program
 The physiological demands of the activity being trained for
 The physiological strengths and weaknesses of the individual
 The training resources and facilities available
 How to gauge progress so as to be able to identify appropriate modifications that need to be

1. Activity analysis of performance
2. Fitness testing: determine appropriate fitness testing regime
3. Training methods and principles: correct application
4. Components of exercise training program
5. Monitoring your training program
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program

Activity Analysis:
Helps prioritise the training method required to insure maximum improvement, helps target the
type of energy system(s), relevant fitness components and important muscle groups.

Fitness testing:
After the activity analysis you can assess fitness level, with a reliable and valid test. Should be based
on the physiological, psychological and social needs of the activity. Pre-training or screening must be
completed, to test for any medical or other complications with the individual. Preliminary
preparation must also be completed to test for individuals available time and so as the individual can
commit to the program.

Appropriate training methods:

Choosing the necessary training method specific to the individual and must improve the areas
identified in the fitness assessment.

Components of an exercise training session:

Warm up: Prepares performer mentally and physically for the training session by:
 Increasing muscle temperature
 Increasing core body temperature
 Increasing respiration rate
 Decreasing viscosity of joint fluids
 Increasing the elasticity of the muscles
 Increasing heart rate and blood flow to working muscles.

Stage 1: 5-10 minutes low intensity comprising general aerobic exercise

Stage 2: More specific movement based activities relevant to the training session, should also
gradually increase intensity. Dynamic stretching should also be introduced due to the importance of
flexibility in physical activity.

Reminder, duration and specificity of warm up must also depend on the physical activity completed.
Conditioning: Develop target areas identified by the fitness testing and it is critical to have an
understanding of the physical requirements of the identified sport or physical activity.

Training volume and Intensity, Volume is recorded in minutes per session or hours per week. Can
also be recorded in distance, 80km per week etc. Intensity is recorded in oxygen
consumption, %heart rate, weight lifted etc.

Cool down: Returning the body to pre-exercise levels, in doing so reverses the effect of fatigue.
Removing waste products from working muscles while they are still receiving oxygenated blood.

Stretching, will reduce the chance of muscle stiffness. Can make use of elastic bands to assist, static
stretching useful if performed with ATP-PC or Aerobic as dominant energy system.
Elastic bands benefits:
 Accelerates removal of waste products after exercise
 Increases oxygen to muscles

Macrocycle: Annual plant that works towards peaking for a major competition.

Mesocycle: Usually 4-8 weeks, however will vary from sport to sport. Usually a specific training
emphasis during this time.

Microcycle: Shorter training methods of about 7-10 days each. Contains more specific exercise
sessions based on purpose of mesocycle.

Periodisation designed to break up the competition year into cycle. Prevents overtraining and
structures the routine.

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