Extra Oral Practice Level 3

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What are some foods that are considered unhealthy?

What are some foods that you know are healthy for your body?

In your opinion, which country has the tastiest food?

What do you usually eat for breakfast?

What do you eat when you feel sad?

What food can you cook the best?

What are some typical meals from your country?

What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

What is your favorite food?

Is there any food that you really dislike to eat?

 Healthy food - Comida sana  Fruity - afrutado

 Vegetarian meat - comida vegetariana  Disgusting - asqueroso
 Vegan meal - comida vegana  Mild - suave, templado
 Veggie - vegetariano (slang)  Steamed - al vapor
 Nutritious - nutritivo  Grilled - a la brasa
 Nutrition label - etiqueta de información  Rare - casi crudo
nutricional  Raw - crudo
 Soy - soja  Boiled - hervido
 Seitan - seitán  To taste - probar
 Poppy seeds - semillas de amapola  Tasteless - insípido, sin sabor,
 Oats - avena soso
 Ginger - jenjibre
 Gluten free - sin gluten
 Green vegetable - verdura ecológica
 Low fat - bajo en grasas  French fries - patatas fritas
 Dairy products - productos lácteos  Baked potatoes - patatas al horno
 Is there a veggie option? - ¿Tenéis  Mashed potatoes - puré de patatas
opción vegetariana en el menú?  Potato chips - patatas (de bolsa)
 Tasty - sabroso  Sauce - salsa
 Fresh - fresco  Beef - carne de ternera
 Salty - salado  Pork - carne de cerdo
 Spicy - picante  Poultry - carne de ave
 Sour - agrio  Lamb - cordero
 Salty - salado  Turkey - pavo
 Bitter - amargo  Chicken - pollo
 Crispy / crunchy - crujiente  Fried chicken - pollo frito
 Sweet - dulce  Meatballs - albóndigas
 Sugary - azucarado  Steak - filete
 Sugar free / Unsweetened - sin  Stew - estofado
azúcar  Fish fingers - filetes de pescado
 Sweet and sour - agridulce  Cod - bacalao
 Mackerel - caballa  Packet of - paquete de
 Sole - lenguado  Tin of - lata de / conserva de
 Trout - trucha  Bottle of - botella de
 Tuna - atún _______________________________
 Tinned tomatoes - tomates en lata / en _______________________________
conserva ______
 Jam - tarro de mermelada


Has a friend ever let you down?

Have you made any friends over the Internet?

How do you maintain a good friendship?

How do you make new friends?

How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

What do you usually do with your friends?

What makes friends different from family?

What qualities do you think are important in a friend?

Why do you like your best friend?

Do you think it is possible to have a best friend of the opposite sex without becoming a
girlfriend or boyfriend?
 la amistad friendship  Although my friend seems to be ...
 Mi mejor amigo/a es  My best friend actually he/she is... Mi amigo
is (description, defin) parece... sin embargo es ...
 Generoso generous  My friend seems to be.... however
 Orgulloso arrogant he/she is...
 Bueno  good, nice  sin embargo however, however
 Amable kind, nice  Yo soy... I am (characteristics of
 Tranquilo calm; quiet your personality, what defines you)
 Responsable resonsible  Me gustan las personas...
 Divertido entertaining, fun  I like .....people
 Antipático  unpleasant, disagreeable  Me molestan las personas...
 Nervioso nervous (m)  .... persons bother me
 Aburrido  boring  Me interesa...
 Educado polite, well-mannered  I am interested in (noun singular like
 Desordenado  messy, disorganized LA HISTORIA, EL POP) or a verb in
 Serio  serious (male) infinitive APRENDER ESPAÑOL
 Mentiroso  lier  Me interesan...
 Leal -- >loyal  I am interested in (noun in plural like
 Sincero  sincere LOS CANTANTES
 Tacaño  cheap; stingy LATINOAMERICANOS, LOS
 Alegre  cheerful CABALLOS, etc.)
 Maleducado rude  Me ponen nervioso/a las personas...
 Egoístaselfish  ..... persons make me very nervous
 hablador/a talkative  Me dan miedo las personas...
 trabajador hardworking  ..... persons scare me.
 vago  lazy  A mi amigo le gusta..
 cascarrabias grumpy  My friend likes ..... (noun in singular or
 triste sad verb in infinitive)
 negativenegative  A mi mejor amigo le gustaN...
 positivo positive  My friend likes ... (noun in plural)
 Un amigo no es... A friend is not...  Yo creo que.../ yo pienso que...
 Un enemigo es... An enemy is...  I think that...
 una persona que a person that..  Solidario in solidarity, supportive
 Aunque mi amigo/a parece .... en  Inteligente intelligent
realidad es...  Divertido amusing, fun
 Tontosilly, foolish  los pensamientos
 Matónbully  the thoughts, the thoughts
 Sensiblesensitive  los sentimientos
 Cariñosoloving, affectionate  feelings/ emotions
 Golososweet-toothed, greedy (=  nuestros sentimientos our feelings
Thuwaini (joke))  mis sentimientosmy feelings
 Sociableout going  to be jealous of
 Introvertidointroverted, shy, not out-  No es bueno + infinitive
going  It is not good ...
 Tolerantetolerant, patient  guardar secretos keep secrets
 Pacientepatient  Mi mejor amiga/o es más
 Impacienteimpatient comprensiva/o que...
 Ninguno de mis amigos podría..-  My best friend is more supportive than
None of my friends could.. ...
 Yo puedo contar con mi amigo  Ella es menos parlanchina que yo
cuando... She is less talkative than me.
 I can count on my friend when...  Confiar to trust
 Me llevo bien con...-->I get on well  Yo confío en mi mejor amigoI trust in
with... my best friend
 No me llevo bien con... I do not get  Yo no confío en...
on well with...  I do not trust
 Mi amigo/a se lleva bien con... My  Me da miedo tener malentendidos con
friend gets on well with... mis amigos It scares me to have
 **TEner un buen amigo es importante misunderstandings with my friends
porque... to have a good friend is  Me preocupa tener malentendidos con
important because... mi amigo
 No es posible tener como amigo  It preocupies me to have
alguien que... it is not possible to misunderstandings with my friends
have as a friend someone that...  Me divierte estar con mis amigos It
 El respeto es muy importante porque... amuses me/I have a lot of fun with my
REspect is very important because... friends
 Me molesta si mi amigo/a... It  _______________________________
bothers me if my friend... _______________________________
 ***A good friend cares one about each

Books and Reading

What is your favorite story?

Who is your favorite author?

Who is your favorite character?

What is your favorite genre?

How many hours do you spend reading in a week?

Did you enjoy reading books in school?

What books have you recommended for other people?

How often do you go to the library?

How do you choose the books you are going to read?

How important is the cover of the book.

 Verbos  joya – jewel , precious object

 aconsejar – to advise, to recommend  letra/s – letter/s
 ampliar (conocimientos) – to expand  manuscrito – manuscript
 aprender – to learn  maravilla – wonder
 comentar – to comment  recensión – review
 comprar – to buy  reliquia – relic
 contar – to tell  reseña – review
 criticar – to criticise  sabiduría – wisdom
 devorar – to devour  tesoro – treasure
 digerir – to absorb, to assimilate  viaje – travel
 disfrutar – to enjoy  Adjetivos
 echar un vistazo – to look at  aburrido – boring
 editar – to publish  adecuado para… (niños, etc.) – suitable
 encantar – to love, to adore for..
 enriquecer – to broaden  adictivo – addictive
 escribir – to write  apasionante – exciting, amazing
 estudiar – to study  bueno – good
 hablar – to talk, to speak  clásico – classic
 hojear – to turn the pages of, to glance  convencional – conventional
through  despacio – slow
 leer – to read  divertido – fun
 narrar – to tell  emocionante – exciting, thrilling
 prestar – to lend  entretenido – entertaining
 promocionar – to promote  fantástico – fantastic
 publicar – to publish  fascinante – fascinating
 redactar – to write  grueso – thick
 reseñar – to review, to write up  impresionante – awesome, impressive
 resumir – to summarize  interesante – interesting
 sintetizar – to synthesize  magnífico – magnificent, great
 valer la pena – to be worth  malo – bad
 vender – to sell  maravilloso – wonderful
 Nombres  monótono – monotonous
 alhaja – precious object, jewel  ofensivo – attacking, offensive
 alma – soul  pesado – heavy
 amigo – friend  precioso – precious, valuable
 biblioteca – library  prohibido – forbidden
 ciencia – science  rápido – fast
 conocimiento – knowledge  sobrevalorado – overvalued
 cultura – culture  sorprendente – surprising
 educación – education  superfluo – superfluous
 erudición – erudition  tocho – big fat book
 ilustración –  valioso – valuable
illustration, Enlightenment, erudition
 inspiración – inspiration
Pets and Animals

Did you grow up with pets in your home?

What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?

What is the best pet to own?

What are some animals that live in your country?

Do you know someone who owns an unusual pet?

Do you think it is acceptable to test cosmetics on animals?

What animals do you think are ugly?

What can children learn by having a pet?

What is the largest animal you have ever seen?

Why do some people not like pets?

What can people learn from animals?

 to bark  ladrar  to train  entrenar

 to bite  morder  to walk the  pasear al per

dog o to take the
dog a walk
 to keep a pet  cuidar una
 lead  correa

 to ride a horse   woof!

montar a caballo  guau!

 to ride a pony  montar un pony miaow!  miau!

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