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Important Events (Dear Mr Kilmer)

Misfiring the buck

Early morning during the above freezing February air, Richard, Gus and Pa went to deer
hunting. Pa bet Richard was going to get his first deer on that day. However, Richard
deliberately misfired to avoid killing the beautiful young buck. Gus tried to encourage his
brother to more sociable and scolding him for missing the shot.

Signing the card for Hannah Schermers

A terrible incident has happen at the tavern own by Hannah Schermers parents. It has been
vandalised. To instil good values in students, Mrs Hansen encourages her students to sign a
card to expressing their sympathy for Hannah and her family. Mrs Hansen shocked at the
protest by more vocal student and the culture of fear created by the class bullies which stop
some sincere students from signing. In the end, only Richard sign the card. Richard action
caused the students taunt him for supporting the German. Richard approaches his teacher and
asked for the card and he want to personally deliver it to the Schermers.

The role of Doughboy and Lady Liberty

Mrs Hansen announced a plan to hold a patriotic programme to help sell Liberty Bonds,
which helped finance the war. The show will involve music , singing war Lady
Liberty Role and Doughboy wearing a soldier 's uniform. The main roles will be played by
the boy and girl who write the best essays. Richard won the role as Doughboy and Hannah
won the role as Lady liberty. However, Mrs Hansen announces that Hannah has turned down
the roll of Lady Liberty .She withdraws to avoid causing people more pain. Richard also give
up the role of doughboy because he dislike the mean biased behaviour of his friends and
neighbours. He wants to give moral support to Hannah.

Being labelled as a traitor

Pa tells Richard that Abner's father complaint to him that he turned down his role in the
school play to side with Schermer's.Richard explains to Pa the real story.He adds that
Schermers are patriotic and want the Allies to win.Beside,their son Otto ,an American
soldier. also fighting with the Allies.Pa advises Richard not to side with the
Schermers against the rest of community.

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