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(Siapin kursi 4 ditaro di deket meja dosen bejejer. Tempel 2 kertas di papan tulis.

Baris berdiri
berjejer ber 5).

We are from group 1, wewill present a drama with the title is Inside Out.Our group was inspired by
the characters of the Inside Out movie but the storyline that we created is totally different.

We will introduce our group :

I’m Sri as Narator.

I’m Yanti as Joy.

I’m Eni as Anger.

I’m Anita as Fear.

I’m Dhini as Sadness.

(Pemeran mundur kebelakang tengah berdiri, narator maju ke tengah berdiri)

one day, at a college that was heldstudent orientation, they are gether in a team.

on the first day of student orientation they all tell about the reason why they get in the campus.

(pemeran maju ke tengah berdiri, narator mundur duduk di salah 1 kursi dari 4)

J : so guys, how about your feelings after get into this campus?

A : I do not like to get in this campus because this campus is not my choice. Can i say the cursed
word now ?

J : wow, you sound enthusias. How about you Fear?

F : for me, I'm scared of being bullied, scared of many homeworks, scared of bad scores,I'm scared if
I don’t pass the test, and scared of my script is crossed out. Oh, I’m so jumpy, my nerves are shot !

A : If you are afraid, you do not have to get in the college.

J : umm, ok Fear, but you just think it too far.

S: Anger, do not burn this campus, where do I study later?

F : sadness,stop crying,please, I will be getting scared.

A : sadness and fear, enough, this situasion make me crazy. Stand Back !

(anger pergi meninggalkan mereka ber 3 ke arah pintu).

J: Ok guys lets follow Angry. I am so happy to have friends like you all.

S : everything is awful and my legs don’t work and you have to drag me alone.

(Sadness mengulurkan tangan. Joy dan Fear menarik tangan Sadness dan mengikuti Anger. . Narator
maju lagi ke tengah berdiri)

On the second day, their student orientation is command to bring the specified food from the senior
and when they together:

(narator mundur dduk di salah 1 kursi dari 4. sedangkan ber4 dari arah pintu, sambil berjalan ke arah
tengah sambil ngbrol berdiri di tengah)

J : I am very happy to bringing this food even though I do not like this.

A: Are you happy? How could you say that? this is complicated and I wanna throw upthis food to
senior's face. And you, Fear, why are you look not good like that?

F : I just.. I… I'm scared of being poisoned, scared get into hospital, scared of passing away, and I'm
scared my parents will be sad. Why we should bring this food, because this unhealthy food. Oh god,
everthing make me uncompertable.

S: Don’t speak like that. I will be sad if you pass away.

A: What the hell Fear and Sadness. Don’t overact like that.

J : ohh, come on, think positive Fear and Sadness everything will be ok. Anyway, thank you for today,
see you tommorrow guys.

A,F : See you!

(Anger dan Fear mundur ke Arah pintu)

S : everything is awful and my legs don’t work and you have to drag me alone.

(Sadness mengulurkan tangan. Joy menarik tangan Sadness. Joy dan Sadness mundur ke arah depan
meja dosen, . Narator maju ke tengah)

On the third dayof student orientation, collegian is showed to information room for dividing class.
(narator mundur dduk di salah 1 kursi dari 4. sedangkan sambil berjalan dari arah masing2, ber4
ngumpul di tengah).

F : how if we are not in the same class. I'm scared IfI don’t have friends like you guys. I'm scaredif no
body wants to make friend with me.

S: i think you're right. How if we are not in the same class?

A : Just beware! if we are not in the same class. The information room will be ruined by me. And I
will scold them. Lets see..

J : I'm sure that we'rein the same class. We will study together, and everyting will be great.

S : everything is awful and my legs don’t work and you have to drag me alone.

(Narator maju ketengah, sedangkan ber4 mundur sambil menarik tangan sadness dan mengerubuni
kertas yang ditempel di papan tulis, sok-sok nyari nama di kertas itu).

And finally they are into the same class.

(Narator ke mundur ke arah depan meja dosen. Sedangkan ber4 stelah ngerubunin papan tulis
sambil berjalan ke arah 4 kursi sambil ngbrol lalu dduk)

F : I'm so glad, we ended up in the same class. I don’t believe this.

S: I'm also happy we can be in the same class.

A : Anyway, it was better , that’s my point.

J : wow, you all can be happy too, it’s not so you all. see, like I said, we are going to in the same
class. Our journey in this campus will be wonderful. I’m so excited.

(dari arah meja dosen, narator maju ke tengah berdiri)

So the character of anger can also be happy. The charackter of sadness can also be happy. And the
character of fear can be happy too. because everyone have a different character and we must
understand the character of each other.

(ber5 ngumpul di tengah, penutupan, dan menunduk member hormat, bubar).

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