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Document No: CSU – CEIT – GE_GE 102 (2016 Curriculum) Page 1 of 8

Document Name: Syllabus for Construction and Industrial Surveys

College of Engineering and Information Technology


University Vision University Mission

A globally-engaged University excelling in science, engineering, and the arts. Caraga State University endeavors to produce globally-competitive and socially responsible
human capital towards the sustainable and inclusive development of Caraga Region and beyond.

Core Values
Competence Service Uprightness

College Goals Program Educational Objectives

a. To provide relevant and quality undergraduate & graduate engineering and IT education to produce
graduates who are globally competent in their field of specialization, passers of licensure or national
competency examinations, and manifesting high ethical standard with concern for the society and
Three to five years after graduation, the Geodetic Engineering alumni:
environment; 1. Must have advanced their practice in the field of surveying, digital
b. To provide post-graduate and continuing education programs to advance the knowledge and enhance mapping, remote sensing, spatial data handling for land and geographic
the competence of engineers and information technology professionals; information systems;
c. To provide an educational experience that will develop students’ full potential to become leaders in 2. Must strive to be globally competitive through upholding the CSU mission
their field of specialization and understanding the implications of their work on both to themselves
and to society as a whole;
values, pursuing continuing education, and continuously advancing
d. To engage in relevant research activities focused on regional and national priority areas that will personal growth; and
cultivate creative and innovative endeavours to promote economic development; 3. Must respond to the holistic demand for a geodetic engineer in protecting
e. To conduct relevant extension programs, and participate in community activities that will promote the environment, human life and property, promoting socio-economic
awareness on socio-economic, legal and environmental issues. development, and in providing innovative systems for good governance
f. To establish and strengthen mutually-beneficial linkages and collaborations with industries,
government institutions, and other entities; and
and community service.
g. To subject academic programs and services to quality assurance mechanisms to ensure relevance,
compliance to standards, and continual improvement.


Document No: CSU – CEIT – GE_GE 102 (2016 Curriculum) Page 2 of 8
Document Name: Syllabus for Construction and Industrial Surveys

Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall be able to:
a. Apply knowledge of mathematics, physical sciences and engineering sciences to the practice of Geodetic Engineering;
b. Design and conduct experiments to test hypotheses and verify assumptions, as well as to organize, analyze and interpret data, draw valid conclusions, and develop mathematical
models for processes;
c. Design, improve, innovate, and to supervise systems or procedures to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, in accordance with standards;
d. Work effectively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams in diverse fields of practice;
e. Identify, formulate, and solve Geodetic Engineering problems;
f. Understand professional, social, and ethical responsibility;
g. Communicate effectively through oral, written, print and other media;
h. Understand the effects and impact of the Geodetic Engineering profession on the environment and the society;
i. Engage in life-long learning and to keep current of the developments in a specific field of specialization;
j. Know contemporary issues;
k. Use the appropriate technique skills and tools necessary for the practice of geodetic engineering;
l. Know and understand engineering and management principles as a member and leader of a team, and manage projects in a multidisciplinary environment; and
m. Understand at least one focus area of geodetic engineering practice and apply such knowledge to provide solutions to actual problems.

Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)
After completion of the course, the student must be able to:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m
1. Identify and discuss the principles and basic procedures involved in conducting surveys for the
construction and industrial works.
2. Explain procedures and computational methods employed in the design and layout of both horizontal
and vertical curves;
3. Execute construction and industrial surveys and prepare engineering survey plans. D D D D E E D E D E D D D
4. Compute and analyze earthwork quantities. D D E D E E E E D E E
5. Execute several types of surveys for construction works. D D D D E E D E E E D D D
I – Introductory E – enabling D – Demonstrative


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Document Name: Syllabus for Construction and Industrial Surveys


Course Name Construction and Industrial Surveys
Course Code GE 102
No. of Units 4 units (2 units lecture, 2 units laboratory)
Course Description Application of surveying principles to construction and industrial works with emphasis on the geometry and layout of road and railway curves
and earthworks.
Pre-requisite 2009 Curriculum: GE 101, GE 101.1
2016 Curriculum: GE 101
Co-requisite None
Total contact hours 144 hours (8 hours per week: 2 hours lecture, 6 hours laboratory)
Teaching and
Week Course Evaluation Allocation
Topics Intended Learning Outcome (ILOs) Learning Activities Resources
No. Outcome Measures Time
1 I. Orientation  Explained and upheld the virtues  Lecture/Discussion  Course Syllabus  Oral
a. Mission and Vision and core values of the University using Slide  Student Handbook Recitation 2 hrs.
of the University and of the College. Presentation  Laptop
b. Mission and Vision
 Explained Geodetic Engineering.  Projector
of the College  White board
c. BSGE Program  Explained the BSGE Program
 Marker
Educational Educational Objectives.
Objectives  Explained the course description.
d. Course Overview  Explained the level of expectations
and Leveling of for the course.
Expectations  Explained the class policies and
e. Class Policies and grading system.
Grading System  Explained the guidelines on conduct
f. Field of field work/laboratory exercises
Work/Laboratory required by the course.
Exercises  Identified the procedures for
Guidelines borrowing of surveying instrument.
g. Surveying
Instrument  Explained the terms of use, rules and


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Document Name: Syllabus for Construction and Industrial Surveys
Borrowing regulations of surveying instruments
Procedures, that will be used in the course.
Terms of Use, and
Rules and

1 II. Introduction to  Explained the principles, goals and  Lecture/ CILO 1  Textbook  Oral 3 hrs.
Construction and purpose of construction and industrial Discussion using  Research recitation
Industrial Surveys surveys in the Geodetic Engineering Slide materials from  Quizzes
profession Presentation internet
 Film showing  Laptop
 Projector
 Whiteboard
1 III. Introduction to  Identified and discussed the concepts,  Lecture/ CILO 1  Textbook  Oral 3 hours
Route Surveying principles, procedures and Discussion using  Research recitation
 Definition of applications of route surveying. Slide materials from  Quizzes
Surveying  Identified and discuss the horizontal Presentation internet
 Surveying and vertical control requirements of  Laboratory Demo  Laptop
Measurements route surveying  Projector
 Horizontal and  Explained the different stages of route  Whiteboard
vertical control surveying. Marker
 Student Field
 Errors and
 Residuals
2-3 IV. Horizontal Route  Identifed and discussed the concepts,  Lecture/ CILO 1  Textbook  Quizzes 16 hours
Alignment principles of horizontal route Discussion using CILO 2  Research  Seatwork
Surveys alignment surveys, including the Slide CILO 3 materials from  Plates
a. Introduction procedures and instruments used Presentation internet  Reports
b. Horizontal Curves  Identified and discussed the different  Laboratory Demo  Laptop
Simple Curve types of horizontal curves and spiral  Laboratory  Projector


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Document Name: Syllabus for Construction and Industrial Surveys
Compound Curve easement curves Exercise  Whiteboard
Reversed Curve  Solved problems involving simple Marker
curve, or reverse curve  Total Station
 Identifed and explained the survey  Range Poles with
procedures and instruments to layout Prisms
horizontal curves
 Executed horizontal route alignment
surveys, particularly in lay-outing
horizontal curves
 Prepared survey plans for the
horizontal route alignment surveys,
particularly in lay-outing horizontal
4-5 V. Vertical Parabolic  Identified and discussed the different  Lecture/ CILO 1  Textbook  Quizzes 16 hours
Curve types of vertical parabolic curves and Discussion using CILO 2  Research  Seatwork
 Symmetrical their uses Slide CILO 3 materials from  Plates
Parabolic Curve  Identified and explained the survey Presentation internet  Reports
 Unsymmetrical procedures and instruments to lay-out  Laboratory Demo  Laptop
Parabolic Curve vertical parabolic curves.  Laboratory  Projector
 Solved problems involving symmetrical Exercise  Whiteboard
parabolic curve and unsymmetrical Marker
parabolic curves  Total Station
 Executed horizontal route alignment  Range Poles with
surveys, particularly in lay-outing Prisms
vertical parabolic curves
 Prepared survey plans for the vertical
route alignment surveys, particularly
in lay-outing vertical parabolic curves
Week 6 – Prelim Examination
7-8 VI. Spiral Easement  Identified and discussed the concepts  Lecture/ CILO 1  Textbook  Quizzes 16 hrs.
Curve of spiral easement curve and their Discussion using CILO 2  Research  Seatwork
 Elements of applications Slide CILO 3 materials from  Plates
Spiral Easement  Solved problems involving spiral Presentation internet  Reports
Curve easement curve.  Laboratory Demo  Laptop
 Useful Formula  Identified and explained the survey  Laboratory  Projector


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Document Name: Syllabus for Construction and Industrial Surveys
for Spiral Curve procedures and instruments to lay-out Exercise  Whiteboard
spiral easement curves Marker
 Executed spiral easement curve  Total Station
surveys  Range Poles with
 Prepared survey plans for the spiral Prisms
easement curve survey
9-11 VII. Earthworks  Explained the concepts and principles  Lecture/ CILO 1  Textbook  Quizzes 24 hrs.
Staking out of earthworks surveys and Discussion using CILO 2  Research  Seatwork
works computations, including the Slide CILO 3 materials from  Plates
Areas of Cross- procedures and instruments used Presentation CILO 4 internet  Reports
sections and  Solved stake out earthworks problems.  Laboratory Demo  Laptop
Volume  Solved problems involving volume by  Laboratory  Projector
Computation end area method, prismoidal formula, Exercise  Whiteboard
o End Area and applying prismoidal correction Marker
Method  Discussd the concept of mechanics of  Total Station
o Prismoidal hauling.  Range Poles with
Formula  Illustrated a mass diagram Prisms
o Prismoidal  Solved problems for borrow pits.
Correction  Executed earthworks survey, and
Mechanic prepare plans and computations
Mass Diagram
Borrow Pits
Week 12 – Midterm Examination
13-17 VIII. Construction  Explained the concepts and principles  Lecture/ CILO 1  Textbook  Quizzes 40 hrs.
Surveys of line and grade surveys and as-built- Discussion using CILO 2  Research  Seatwork
 Line and Grade surveys, including the procedures and Slide CILO 3 materials from  Plates
o Highways instruments used. Presentation CILO 4 internet  Reports
o Sewers,  Solved line and grade problems  Laboratory Demo CILO 5  Laptop
pipelines  Explained the concept of construction  Laboratory  Projector
and and survey Exercises  Whiteboard
culverts  Executed line and grade surveys, and Marker
o Tunnels prepare plans and computations  Total Station
o Bridges  Executed as-built surveys, and prepare  Range Poles with
o Buildings plans and computations Prisms


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Document Name: Syllabus for Construction and Industrial Surveys
o Dams
 As-built surveys
Week 18 – Final Examination

Textbooks and References:

 Anderson, J.M., Mikhail, E.M., 1998. Surveying Theory and Practice, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., USA.
 Davis, R.E., Foote, F.S., Anderson, J.M., Mikhail, E.M., 1981. Surveying Theory and Practice, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., USA.
 Schofield, W., Breach, M., 2007. Engineering Surveying, 6th Edition. Elsevier Ltd., USA. Available online at: http://civil-
 Kavanagh, B.F., 2009. Surveying with Construction Applications, 7th Edition. Prentice Hall, USA.


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Document Name: Syllabus for Construction and Industrial Surveys
Part III. Class Policies and Evaluation Details

Class Policies: Behavioral Dimension Evaluation

(For detailed policies refer to Student Handbook)
Prelim Midterm Finals
a. An “INC” is given to a student whose class standing throughout the semester is passing but Knowledge 10% 10% 10%
fails to appear for a final examination or complete all requirements for the course due to a Comprehension 20% 20% 20%
valid reason. Application/ Analysis 70% 70% 70%
b. A student with 3 consecutive absences will be DROPPED from the class.
c. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any student found to have participated in
academic dishonesty will receive a “5.0” in the course, and maybe subject to further The final grade corresponding to the student’s general average is given in the
disciplinary action. The State Institute’s Code of Conduct prohibits students from table below. Any deviation from this grading system must be approved by the
committing the following acts of academic dishonesty: academic fraud, copying or allowing dean.
one’s work to be copied, fabrication/falsification, sabotage of other’s work, substitution (ex.
Taking an exam for someone else) among others.
(Refer to student handbook for more detailed class policies, rules and regulations.) General Average Final Grade
96 - 100 1.0
Criteria for Grading 91 - below 96 1.25
Major Examinations: 86 - below 91 1.50
Prelim 15% 81 - below 86 1.75
Midterm 15% 76 - below 81 2.00
Final 15% 72 - below 76 2.25
Quizzes/Group work and Problem Sets 10 % 68 - below 72 2.50
Attendance and Oral Recitation 5% 64 - below 68 2.75
Laboratory Exercises and Reports 40% 60 - below 64 3.00
Total 100% 50-below 60 4.0/INC
Below 50 5.00

Prepared by: Reviewed by and Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Revision Number:3
BSGE Program Coordinator ES Department Chairperson Dean, CEIT Effectivity:
Date Signed: 7/30/2018 Date Signed: ______________ Date Signed: ______________ AY 2018-2019, 1st Semester


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