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Communication- Sending or receiving ideas, thoughts or feelings from one person to one or more

pesons in such a way that, the person receiving the message/ideas understands it in the same way the
sender wants him/her to understand.

Elements of communication:

Content: information conveyed in presentation

Organization: structure of presentation
Delivery: means of communication

Communication as a process?

Communication as a transaction?
The current evolutionary development of basic interpersonal communication models is the
Transactional Model of communication, first proposed by Barnlund (1970) and subsequently refined by
other theorists. Departing from a linear view of communication which had its rhetorical/persuasion
seeds before the time of Aristotle, the transactional model posits that interpersonal communication is a
dynamic, process-oriented activity in which the two participants are simultaneously sending and
receiving messages. Anderson and Ross summarize the model as follows: "Encoding and decoding are
not alternating sub processes of communication, however, but are mutually dependent, each
contributing to the meaning the communicators are building together. The two-way symmetrical model
identified by Grunig and Hunt (1984) takes a transactional view of public relations because the objective
is to gain understanding rather than to persuade.

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