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Physical and Mental health of Teachers

Stress is defined as a constraining force or a state of both mental and emotional

tension that a result of reacting to difficult unpleasant, demanding circumstances or
exterior pressures or factors.

Based on the study Forty-six percent of teachers report high daily stress, which
compromises their health, sleep, quality of life, and teaching performance.

Teachers have been a central force in the facilitation of learning, playing a vital role in
education and care of students, who are to become the leaders in the future. While
teaching has been found to be one of the most important jobs of a country, it is also
one of the most stressful jobs compared to other occupations. This is because teachers
do not only teach content they also motivate and encourage students, trying to be up-to-
date, and expected to be accountable, to come to class prepared, to be skilled in
assessment, and to positively interact with students, parents, co-teachers and
administrators, all in their quest to facilitate learning.

Show the Video of KPL “Kung Pwede Lang”

This shows the side of the students who may truly have many reasons on why they
were not able to comply with requirements due to family situation, financial status,
emotional and psychological conditions, and as well as the environment and
community. This video shows how some, NOT ALL, treat their students and talk to
them without respect, understanding, concern, and love. This video has shown the good
and the bad sides of both characters. . A film expresses the idea of a student but never
did show why things were done to them. Why teachers push them and try to squeeze
possible ability in their nerve.

Teachers are bounded to do tons of work and be a mother and a wife at the same time.
Our 24 hours is not enough for us. We fully understand in our hearts that you are not
just a student. You are a sister, a child and employee after class, but please do
understand us that we are bounded also to require you to finish the expected output
given by the higher ups. And we understand you because we are also parents. We
know how a child suffers from tons of workload .And we do not disrespect you but teach
you to be a good person. We love our students even after 10 months we are already

The five most common sources of stress for these teachers are as follows: (1) having
too much paperwork (52%); (2) high cost of living (51%); (3) insufficient salary and
other money concerns (46%); (4) oversized classes (43%), and (5) being too busy
(including simultaneous activities as being enrolled in school, being employed,
parenting, community service, and so on 32%).
Some teachers feel ‘used up’ at the end of a working day, emotionally drained, sick,
burned-out, overworked and underpaid. And others can feel alienated from their school,
from their co-teachers or from administration and from their student. Too much stress
among teachers might lead to poor physical, mental and emotional state of teachers
and possibly affect teacher performance, teacher-student relationship and/or
consequently, student performance as well.

The role of the teacher has expanded beyond teaching the curriculum. Teachers have
become expected to wear multiple hats to not only facilitate student learning but also to
assist in various other roles. Teachers experienced feelings of care and worry similar to
that of a parent of a student in crisis. They also believed that we got to be more than
just academics, we have to be getting into the lives of the children.” At times teachers
were aware of situations outside the classroom faced by individual students. It was
difficult to ignore the effect of to just teach the curriculum without consideration of how
these factors affected the students.

DLL/DLP Bulletin Boards

AIP/SIP PPT Presentation
IPCRF/ RPMS with portfolio LIS/ EBEIS encoding
FORM 137 Action Research
FORM 138 seminars and trainings
FORM 18 Workplan
School form 1 Monthly accomplishments
School form 2 Intervention plan
School form 3 Innovation
School form 4 Reflections
School form 5 Counselling
School form 6 Item analysis
School form 7 Test Construction
School form 8 Narrative Report
Home Visitation PDS
Classroom Beautification SALN
Checking of Assignments, quizzes, etc... Reading of forms
Remediation/ Reinforcement/ Enrichment Year end reports
Activities Year end activities
Recording of grades/Class record Graduate studies
PTA Meetings Local and national elections BEI
Reading lessons Dagdagan pa ni Trillanes ng CPD

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