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Category: Health-and-Fitness

Soul Sciences - Its Mysterious Philosophy And Worship Method

by Shriram Sharma

Within the peel of an onion lies another peel. Within the second peel is a third one. In the same
way if banana leaves are removed they come out one after another. The smallest unit of matter
is an atom yet although the atom appears single it is not so in actuality. Because within it there
is a nucleus and there are neutrons, protons and revolving electrons.

The solar system is a circumference but within its limits revolve 9 planets and 43 satellites
around their axis. The atom too is like a solar system. Within it is activity akin to the solar
system. If a pile of mud is kicked a little bit of mud gets scattered but if the nucleus of an atom
is attacked the energy that it emits can bury one huge mountain.

So it is clear that the more gross substances are made subtle, the more powerful they become.
There are millions of living cells in our body and the genes that are hidden in every cell have a
prototype of one single creature. In this manner within a human body, like the cosmic world,
millions of creatures dwell in it. Amongst them only one of them has a chance to enter the
mother’s womb during sexual union. Thus one embryo is formed which starts the creation of its
separate body and bodily energy. In 9 months the embryo matures and roams in the world
after coming out of its mother’s womb.

Within this newborn babe one finds bodily and mental qualities of its parents, grandparents and
scores of ancestors. These special qualities in the form of Vibhutis (divine glories) are so
subtle that despite the subtle-most disintegration of genes and the life vital force, one cannot
understand contemporary circumstances. The situation manifests when the child grows up and
gives us a clear indication of its special qualities. This means that those special qualities
known when the child grows up is not known in its immature state. By only analyzing the child
we cannot know its ancestral nature. Only on its face and skin is there some perceived idea.
Subtleness for a long time is maintained in the immature stage and when it starts maturing it
gives us an indication of its state and existence.

There is such a big prelude of the subtle in the subtle that the example of the onion peel within
an onion peel and the leaves of banana, appear to be very ironic.

If a pile of seeds of different tree varieties are gathered a very minor difference is perceived as
far as its color, weight, form etc. is concerned but when the seeds are sown, major differences
are perceived right from the shoots, leaves, branches, flowers, fruits etc. There is an obvious
difference between mature full grown trees. There is so much difference as far as the shape of
flowers, its fragrance and taste of fruits is concerned. Hence all these can be classified
differently. This difference is extraordinary. Its differences are veiled in the seed stage and
hence cannot be seen in that stage.

The ordinary shapes of the sheaths of the human body are virtually identical but within there
are so many mysteries that one is amazed on getting corresponding information about them.
The material scientist is researching into only the gross aspect of this analysis unlike spiritual

The anatomists to some extent have studied the eugenics of the different movements of bodily

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sheaths and how they carry out their different functions. On its basis they carry out medical
investigations and surgery. And they also measure the potential and possibilities of the life
force of a human being.

But one should deeply look into the fact that the human embryo is not made up of matter only.
It is not merely an admixture of chemicals. Because one important aspect of it is
consciousness and it is called human electricity. In spiritual parlance it is called Prana or vital
force. By itself vital force is one yet because it targets various organs it is named variedly. In
the head it functions as faith, hope, habit, thought etc. Its management and analysis is made in
the form of mind, intellect and psyche. This very principle, in the organs of knowledge takes the
form of shape, taste, smell, touch and sound. In other organs of the body it works digestion,
emission, bodily might etc. Through the genitals it tastes sexual passion and thus procreates.
The fibers and tendons of every muscle have their own specific function and nature. Both
power and wisdom are interwoven in it.

After knowing and understanding the inert and conscious form of the body one concludes that
just as the entire tree is potentially found in the seed, so too the entire cosmic principle i.e. the
macro is inherent in the body i.e. the micro. We may be able to see only the present form of
the cosmos and the body yet the past and future are firmly conjoined to it. The body is like a
mirror. If we can fathom its subtle mysterious depth we can only be amazed on understanding
and seeing that where, how and to what extent this cosmic pervasive matter and conscious
principle is conjoined to the human body.

In reality the small body of a human being is filled up with so many things that one can only say
that in comparison to all divine powers put together, man alone is most powerful. But the only
problem is that this storehouse of divine energy is in a latent state. In order to experience these
powers man needs to undergo intense austerities. If these penances are not carried out these
powers will always remain latent and thus he will be incapable of carrying out any higher
activity apart from those mundane ones that can be carried out by beasts too. Hence in order
to excel spiritually one should follow the path of spiritual penance.

On subtly analyzing bodily sciences one finds all divine glories embedded in every human
being. By activating these divine potentialities one can obtain Divine Powers (Sidhis). In the
subtle body the 6 Chakras are well-known. They are 1) Mooladhar 2) Svadhishthan 3) Manipur
4) Anahat 5) Vishudhi 6) Ajna. All these are within our body but at a subtle level. Over here the
head region is overlooked. Within the scalp is the Sahasrar (1000-petalled lotus) Kamal. If you
add this then there are 7 Chakras. Thus you are introduced to the grandeur, i.e. 7 subtle
pilgrim spots for pious endeavor in the subtle world. The only requirement is the activation of
these subtle Chakras. When the embryo is nourished in the mother’s womb it grows up as a
baby and is born later. If a seed is locked up in a room it will not sprout. Only when it is given
water, sun and fertile land will it grow into a tree that first bears flowers and then luscious fruits.

The Merudand (subtle spinal cord) is called the royal pathway. It is also called the Devyaan
Marg that takes us to heaven from earth. Within this journey are 7 Lokas (subtle worlds). The 7
Lokas in between God and the individual soul are spots of rest. To cover large number of miles
during one’s journey, rest is a must. Hence on the way there are rest-houses. A train stops at
many stations on the way to replenish the train with coal, water etc. These resting spots of the
bodily energy are the 6 Chakras. The Chakras are depicted in 2 ways, one as obstructions and
the other as benefactors. In the Mahabharat is the story of a Chakravyuh (an array of soldiers
in a complexly designed square or a circle). Abhimanyu was trapped in it. Because he did not
know how to come out of it he died. In a Chakravyuh there are 7 ramparts of a fort.
Symbolically this incident can be taken as an individual soul being trapped in the 7 Chakras of

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the body. The Chakras are also said to be the 4 walls of the palace in the form of material
attachments, delusions and distortions. Hence a method is given so as to overcome it. There is
a story in the Bhagwat Mahatmya with reference to Dhundhukari’s ghost tearing the 7 knots of
a bamboo within 7 days so as to become a divinely embodied being. Symbolically this is the
journey from one Chakra to the next one.

In spiritual practices the individual has no power of his own. The only special thing is that he is
working hard to awaken his latent divine powers. Here one’s own energy is very little and if the
austerities are very ordinary it cannot achieve much. An animal instructor of a circus takes only
those animals in his troupe whom he thinks are shrewd. All spiritual practices are artistic. It
flowers on the foundation stone of devotional sensitivity. Hence a man entering the path of
spirituality has to master the viewpoint of his devotional emotions. Also he has to purify and
focus his thinking and character. This is the primary condition which must be fulfilled.

Which spiritual practice should be carried out for what time span? The answer is not the same
for everyone. Because it depends on each individual’s mental state. If the personality of any
individual overflows with soul force, he very quickly, without much effort attains great spiritual
benefits. But those pious actions that give all these activities tend to be used up too. This
divine power is used for raising the fallen ones, decreasing sorrow, saving those who are
drowning and helping all to climb up the ladder of a material life rooted in spiritual values.
Instead of austerities one’s pious deeds increase. Thus the balance is maintained and a Yogi /
spiritual aspirant leads a pious Sattvic life. His attitude is heavenly and behavior is like one who
is spiritually liberated in this very life (Jeevan Mukti). The soul is realized as soul glory and
continuously with the help of divine insight he beholds the Lord in every particle of the cosmos.
This is the very state as a result of which a person is called supreme amongst men and thus
becomes God himself.

But if one’s thoughts and character are not pure, if there is vileness in it and if such a person
obtains divine powers, he becomes demonic and arrogant. He carries out such vile actions that
he can only be labeled a demon. If wealth, might, grandeur, power are not utilized properly it
can lead to a person’s downfall. When grapes deteriorate they are converted to wine. In the
same way even if you attain divine powers and if the same is not utilized for pious activities the
only alternative remains is that it will be utilized for destructive purposes. If spirituality does not
follow the Dakshin Marg (pious path) it will lead to one’s downfall. Vile actions by Tantric
Aghoris, Kapaliks etc. become demonic like Maran (killing people with Mantra chanting),
Mohan Vashikaran (hypnotism) and Ucchatan (distracting a person’s mind by incantation).
Demons generally are the attacking types and kidnap innocent people. Examples of such
demons are Vritrasur, Hiranyakashipu, Mahisasur, Kansa, Ravan etc. Their family members
like Khar-Dooshan, Kumbhkaran, Meghnad, Hiranyaksha, Jarasandh and Raktabeej too
behaved demonically. The demons harassed the demigods. They looted the wealth of the
demigods and drank the blood of the Rishis. They just harassed their subjects and for a little bit
of selfish gain they performed many vile actions.

There are 2 classes of demons. One class is unruly, attacking and of the terrorist type. The
other class uses deception, cunningness, illusory black magic power etc. The attacking
demons show off their daring and the black magic demons praise their art of deception. The
attacking demons are looked down upon openly but the black magic demons are hidden
behind the veil of facades. In fact the shrewd demons behave like saints externally. One such
example is Kalnemi. Although he was a family member of Ravan he never attacked anybody
externally. Instead he would induce the intellect of others via black magic to perform vile
actions. Such people could not only fail to ward off a downfall but that they would drown
deeper into the quagmire of lowly deeds.

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One may gather divine powers but if they are not used for pious deeds (like Kalnemi) one will
carry out subtle demonic activities. In it there is no fear of being defamed in spite of terrorist
activities because under the pretext of being saintly externally one escapes defamation albeit
for a certain span of time. Hence modern demonic behavior in the field of Kundalini (Divine
Serpent Power) is available in the bazaar under the “trademark”of Kalnemi and is sold as
basketfuls within minutes.

True soul power can only be generated if one is on the sacred path of righteousness. In it lies
the well-being of all individuals and thus the entire world. The true philosophy of soul science is
that although one carries out spiritual austerities whatever divine power manifests in the form
of Sidhis must be used only for righteous purposes and world welfare.

Grossly one should understand that circumstances influence the state of our devotional
sentiments. We are influenced by all that takes place in the external world. But the ideology of
Spiritual Science has delved more deep into this and it says that the individual consciousness
influences nearby and far off worldly situations. Man is the author of his own destiny, but the
fact is this that in an advanced spiritual state he is the director of cosmic activities too.
Regarding this it can definitely be understood that one can cast the equipments related to the
inner and outer areas according to one’s psyche. In a very advanced spiritual state such a
person can even direct cosmic movements. This is called extrasensory power or ESP. This is
the Super Mind state which is ordinarily present in all beings but in a latent inactive state. How
can it be activated? How can it be empowered? And how can it be utilized for various tasks?
This is called Soul Science. It is also called Brahmavidya. Kundalini practice is executed so as
to activate our soul force.

In a forest near Lakshadweep dwelt 4 sages. For begging alms they crossed the ocean waters
and gave spiritual discourses to the householders. One among the 4 sages was very shrewd.
He had learnt how to walk on water by pasting his feet with some potent herbs. The other 3
sages swam in water but this shrewd sage would walk on it. People who saw the latter sage
thought him to be a realized saint. Hence people would listen to his talks only and gave him
costly presents.

Slowly the secret was divulged. The shrewd devotees insisted that they would wash the feet on
the 4 sages with hot water. Thus the herbal paste on the so called “great” saint was wiped off.
He did not know how to swim. Hence out of shame he left he group of sages and ran away.
Moral: Facades never last long however shrewd.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya: founder of the International Gayatri Family: was a great
Yogi: seer and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual
subjects for world welfare and peace. For more scientific e-books visit: (GOOGLE PR 4) and (Google 5)
KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books biography Guru world peace mind psyche god
nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras plexus
meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo
bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light
cell hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics
integrity character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton DESCRIPTION: Free e-books
on Future Scientific Religion: Gayatri Science & Kundalini Yoga correlated to
Neurosciences-ESP, Psychology for world peace.

Tags: kundalini, yoga, soul, conscious, science, energy, chakra, mind, esp, mooladhar, pious, hypnotism, subtle,

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