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8:30 Welcome
Sign In, Logistics, Meet and Greet, Goals, Program Overview, Social

9:00 Introduction to TEAMS

High level overview of TEAMS - instructor led

TEAMS Reflection

9:35 Microsoft Forms

Getting started with Forms to pre-assess group for Office 365 prior
knowledge, get to know, and develop individual topics list for use
throughout the day

Forms Reflection

10:00 Break

10:15 Microsoft Sway

Choosing a topic from "Forms" activity create a Sway using Template or
Start with a Topic

Sway Reflection

10:45 Accessibility in Office 365

Learn the importance of accessibility and discover how to transform your
Word, OneNote and PowerPoint documents so every student has access
through tools like Editor, Alt Text, and Researcher.
Accessibility Reflection
11:30 Microsoft Educator Community
Participants login to the MEC to complete a scavenger hunt to become
familiar with the MEC.

MEC Reflection

12:00 Lunch
Encourage participants to open the OneNote Resource section in their
Participant folder and explore the other tools from Microsoft

1:00 Sharing and Collaborating with OneDrive

Share classroom lesson ideas or school benefits from tools introduced
this morning and create collaboratively a Word Document (Table) or
PowerPoint slides compiling ways to use Forms/Sway/Skype in the
Classroom/OneDrive (Apps)

1:30 Class Notebook (OneNote) for Teachers and Students

From Lesson Design to Professional Development, teachers will
experience the power of OneNote, Learning Tools, and Class Notebook
can provide as they build out a lesson together.

OneNote/Class Notebook Reflection

2:30 Break

2:45 Jigsaw Tools

Participants work in groups to discover additional Microsoft tools for the
Groups include: Minecraft / Edge Tools / Office Lens / Paint 3D /
Hacking STEM / Windows 10 OneNote app / Skype in the Classroom

Microsoft Tools Reflection

3:45 Reflection, wrap up, and next steps

Reflect on learnings from the day, Provide Redeem code, discuss how to
continue the learning

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