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1. Myrtle is reading Charlotte’s Web.

On Thursday, she read from the top of page 15 to the bottom of page 59.
How many pages of this book did Myrtle read on Thursday?

2. The time shown on the clock to the right is 4:00.

What is the measure of the smaller angle formed by
the two hands of the clock?

3. Two squares are placed side by side to form a rectangle. The perimeter of the rectangle is 120 cm.
Find the area of one of the squares.
____________ square cm
4. What number is two-thirds of the way   
32 ? 71
between 32 and 71 on the number line?

5. I have fewer than 100 markers.
 When I divide the total number of markers by 2, I get a remainder of 1.
 When I divide the total number of markers by 3 or 7, I get no remainder.
 When I divide the total number of markers by 4, I get a remainder of 3.
How many markers do I have? ____________markers


6. Three sisters raked their grandmother’s lawn.

The oldest sister earned $1.50 more than the youngest sister
and $0.75 more than the middle sister.
If they earned $9.00 altogether, how much did the youngest sister earn?

7. Which measurement below is the same length as 300 meters?

A. 3 km B. 3000 cm C. 30,000 cm D. 30,000 mm

Write the letter of the correct choice on the blank to the right. ____________

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8. Brian plays in the school orchestra. He notices that

 Fifty percent of the students in the orchestra are in the string section.
 Three-eighths are in the winds section.
 The remaining 7 students are in the percussion section.
How many students are in Brian’s school orchestra?


9. Raj went shopping for school supplies.

He bought 4 pens that cost $0.99 each and 2 notebooks that cost $1.39 each.
The 6 pencils that he bought were on sale at 3 for $0.49. He paid $0.47 in sales tax for his purchase.
How much change should Raj receive if he pays for his purchase with a $10 bill?


10. Mandy ran 4 miles on Monday and 5 miles on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, she ran half as far as she did on Monday.
How far did Mandy run on these three days?
Write your answer as a mixed number in simplest form.


11. How many numbers between 30 and 60 are prime numbers?


12. I’m thinking of a fraction in simplest form.

The numerator is a one-digit perfect square number.
The denominator is two-digit perfect square number.
The sum of the numerator and denominator is 34.
Find the positive difference between the numerator and denominator.


13. A hockey stick has a regular selling price of $65.40 and is on sale for 15% off.
What is the sale price of this hockey stick?

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A box contains 12 red marbles and 8 white marbles.

The marbles are identical in all ways except for their color.

Use the above information to answer questions 14 and 15.

14. Travis randomly selects one marble at a time from the box.
The selected marbles are not replaced in the box.
What is the smallest number of marbles Travis must select to be sure to have removed two white marbles?

______ marbles

15. Assume that all 20 of the marbles are put back into the box.
Jon adds 5 blue marbles to the box.
He then randomly selects two marbles from the box, one at a time.
The selected marbles are not replaced in the box.
If the first marble is red, find the probability that the second marble will be white.
Write the answer as a fraction in simplest form.

Raymond’s average score on his first two math quizzes was 19 points. His average score on the next two
quizzes was 14 points.

Use the above information to answer questions 16-18.

16. Find Raymond’s average score on his first four math quizzes.
Write your answer as a decimal. Do not round your answer. ______ points

17. Raymond’s average score on the first three math quizzes was 18 points.
What was his score on the fourth math quiz? ______ points

18. To earn a B grade in his math course, Raymond must obtain at least 80 percent of the possible points on
the five math quizzes. If each quiz is worth 20 points, what is the minimum score Raymond must get on his
fifth quiz to obtain a B grade?
______ points

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The chart below shows the prices of items on the lunch menu at Oakdale High School.

Sandwiches Price
Cheese $1.00
Hamburger $1.15
Daily Special $1.20

Soda 75 cents
Milk 50 cents
Juice 65 cents
Bottled Water 45 cents

Note: No taxes are charged on any item.

Use the information in the chart to answer questions 19 and 20.

19. Sam bought a soda and two other items for his lunch.
He paid with a $5 bill and received $2.60 in change.
He did not buy a milk beverage or cheese sandwich.
What are the two other items that Sam bought for lunch?

_____ and _____

20. Andy bought two sandwiches and a beverage for lunch.

He paid with a $5 bill and received $2.25 in change.
He did not buy water.
What beverage did Andy buy for lunch?


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1. 45 pages
2. 120 degrees
3. 400 square cm
4. 58
5. 63 markers
6. $2.25
7. C or 30,000 cm
8. 56 students
9. $1.81
10. miles
11. 7
12. 16
13. $55.59
14. 14 marbles


16. 16.5 points

17. 12 points
18. 14 points
19. Daily Special and Water
20. Soda

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15,  16,  17,  18,  19  is  5  pages  
20  to  29  is  10  pages  
30  to  39  is  10  pages  
40  to  49  is  10  pages  
50  to  59  is  10  pages   !   Total  =  5  +  4  (10)  =  45  pages  
5  minutes  is  1/12  of  an  hour  !  360°  ÷  12  =  30°  
20  minutes  is  4/12  of  an  hour  !  4  x  30°  =  120°        
20  minutes  is  20/60  of  an  hour  which  is  1/3  
1/3  of  360    =  120  degrees  
Perimeter  =  6  unit  lengths  
120  cm  ÷  6  =  20  cm  
one  of  the  squares  is  20  cm    x  20  cm  
Area  of  one  square  =  20  cm  x  20  cm  =  400  square  cm    or  400  cm2            

71  –  32  =  39      !      2/3  x  39  =  26      !      32  +  26  =  58  
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When  I  divide  the  total  by  2,  I  have  a  remainder  of  1  !  the  number  must  be  odd  
When  I  divide  the  total  by  3  or  7,  no  remainder  !  the  number  must  be  a  multiple  of  7  and  3  
(sum  of  digits  is  a  multiple  of  3)  
When  I  divide  the  total  by  4,  remainder  of  3  !  the  number  must  be  a  multiple  of  4  +  3  
How  many  markers  –  first  put  down  multiples  of  7:  
  7   14   21   28   35   42   49   56   63   70   77   84   91
Cross  off  all  even  numbers  and  then  underline  the  multiples  of  3:  
  7   21   35   49   63   77   91  
Divide  by  4:  
  21÷4  =  5r1     63÷4  =  15r3  !  answer  is  63  markers  
Make  a  bar  model  to  represent  the  three  sisters’  money  (Y  is  youngest,  then  middle,  then  
                   Y   .75    
                   Y   .75   .75  
                       $9.00  =  (Y  +  1.50)  +  (Y  +  .75)  +  Y  
                           9.00  =  3Y  +  2.25  
                           6.75  =  3Y  
                           Y  =  $2.25  
300  meters  x  100  cm/m  =  30,000  cm  !  C  
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Make  a  bar  model  to  represent  the  orchestra  (strings  are  50%,  winds  are  3/8,  remaining  7  are  
Strings   W   W   W   P=7  
7   7   7   7   7   7   7   7  
                               8  x  7  =  56  students  
50%  =  50/100  =  ½  
½  +  3/8  =  7/8    (strings  +  winds  =  7/8)  
Remaining  7  students  represents  1/8  of  the  orchestra  
If  7  =  1/8,  then  8/8  =  8  x  7  =  56  students  
7. Pens:  4  x  $0.99  =  $3.96  
Notebooks:    2  x  $1.39  =  $2.78  
6  pencils  are  2  groups  of  3:    2  x  $0.49  =  $0.98  
Total  cost  =  pens  +  notebooks  +  pencils  +  tax:  $3.96  +  $2.78  +  $0.98  +  $0.47  =  $8.19  
Change:    $10.00  -­‐  $8.19  =  $1.81  
4  ½    +  5  +  ½(4  ½)  =    
4  ½    +  5  +  2  ¼    =  
(4  +  5  +  2  )  +  ½  +  ¼    =  
11  +  ¾    =  11  ¾  miles  
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The  only  even  prime  number  is  2  so  we  can  eliminate  all  of  the  even  numbers  between  30  and  
That  leaves:  
31,  33,  35,  37,  39,  41,  43,  45,  47,  49,  51,  53,  55,  57,  59  
Then  eliminate  multiples  of  3  (digits  adding  up  to  multiple  of  3)  leaves:  
31,  35,  37,  41,  43,  47,  49,  53,  55,  59  
Then  eliminate  multiples  of  5,  which  leaves:  
31,  37,  41,  43,  47,  49,  53,  59  
Then  eliminate  multiples  of  7,  which  leaves:  
31,  37,  41,  43,  47,  53,  59    !    7  prime  numbers  
Possible  numerator:  1,  4,  or  9  
Possible  denominator:  16,  25,  36,  49,64,81  
sum  of  numerator  and  denominator  is  34:  9  +  25  =  34  
positive  difference  between  the  numerator  and  denominator:  25  –  9  =  16  
Sale  price:  $65.40  –  .15  (65.40)  =  65.40  –  9.81  =  $55.59  
 Sale  price:  $65.40  x  .85  =  $55.59  
You  need  to  draw  out  all  12  red  marbles  and  2  more  to  insure  2  white  !  14  marbles  
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Total  marbles:  12  red,  8  white,  5  blue  !  25  marbles  
After  first  draw:  11  red,  8  white,  5  blue  !  24  marbles  
Probability  (white  marble)  =  8  out  of  24  or  8/24  =  1/3    
First  two  quizzes:  2  x  19  points  =  38  points  
Second  two:                        2  x  14  points  =  28  points  !  38  +  28  =  66  !  66  ÷  4  =  16.5  points  
First  three  quizzes:  3  x  18  points  =  54  points  !  
From  question  16:  Average  of  first  four  quizzes  =  66  total  points  !  
Score  on  fourth  quiz:    66  –  54  =  12  points  
Total  possible  points  on  the  5  quizzes:  5  x  20  points  =  100  points  
80%  of  100  =  0.80  x  100  =  80  points  
Raymond’s  points  on  first  four  quizzes  (from  question  16):  66  points  !  
Score  Raymond  must  get  of  fifth  quiz  to  get  a  B:  80  –  66  =  14  points  
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Amount  Sam  spent:  $5.00  -­‐  $2.60  =  $2.40  
Subtract  amount  spent  on  the  soda:    $2.40  -­‐  .75  =  $1.65  
Amount  spent  on  two  items:  $1.65  
Guess  and  check:  $1.20  +  $.45  =  $1.65  !  Daily  Special  and  Bottled  Water  
Amount  Andy  spent:  $5.00  -­‐  $2.25  =  $2.75  
Guess  and  check:  
Cheese:                                      2  x  $1.00  =  $2.00  !  add  .75  !  $2.75  spent  !  .75  is  cost  of  a  soda  
Hamb:                                          2  x  $1.15  =  $2.30  !  add  .45  !  $2.75  spent  !    .45  is  cost  of  bottled  water  
D.S.:                                                    2  x  $1.20  =  $2.40  !  add  .35  !  $2.75  spent  !  .35  is  NOT  cost  of  any  beverage  
Ch  &  Hamb:      $1.00  +  $1.15  =  $2.15  !  add  .60  !  $2.75  spent  !  .60  is  NOT  cost  of  any  beverage  
Ch  &  D.S.:                $1.00  +  $1.20  =  $2.20  !  add  .55  !  $2.75  spent  !.55  is  NOT  cost  of  any  beverage  
Hamb  &  D.S.:  $1.15  +  $1.20  =  $2.35  !  add  .40  !  $2.75  spent  !  .40  is  NOT  cost  of  any  beverage  
!  Since  Andy  did  NOT  buy  water,  he  bought  a  soda.  
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