Dining Out 2018 Script 1.71

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Dining Out 2018 Script – Draft v.1.


Time Who Action

27 April 2018 Bell & Set-Up Detail Set-up

1200 - 1600
Day-of set up. Ensure everything is in place & fix any deficiencies. Detail arrives NLT 1500.

1700 All Arrival

Arrival/Social Hour: Guests begin to arrive at 1700 and have approximately half an hour of
social mingling. The bar will be open at this point.

1730 MC Mess Call

Muncaster: “Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time can all alumni and special guests please
make their way through the receiving line.”

1750 MC Seating Call

MC: “Ladies and Gentlemen, please begin to find your seats. We will begin the evenings’
ceremonies in ten minutes.”

Seating: an attended list outside the event room will direct guests to their tables via clearly
marked table numbers.

1800 MC & Color Guard Opening Ceremony

MC: We ask that everyone please stand for the entrance of the head table.

Sabre Arch posts, led by AF c/Karmazinas


 Army ROTC Professor of Military Science Lieutenant Colonel Randall Smith,

escorting Mrs. Jennifer Smith

 Air Force Professor of Aerospace Science Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Johnson,

escorting Mrs. Nikki Johnson

 Major General (retired) Michael Symansky,

escorting Mrs. Elaine Symansky

 Army Cadet Battalion Commander Alex Kim, escorting Jennifer Li

 Air Force Cadet Battalion Commander Lauryn Such

Sabre Arch retires

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Dining Out 2018 Script – Draft v.1.71

Time Who Action

MC: “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Fighting Illini Battalion’s first annual Joint Army-
Air Force Spring Dining-Out. I am Cadet Captain Craig Muncaster and I will be serving as
Master of Ceremonies for the evening. Please stay standing for the posting of the colors
commanded by c/SSG Hopp followed by the playing of the National Anthem and the Invocation
led by Cadet Samuel Chung.”

The Color Guard comes forward.

c/SSG Hopp: “Sir, request permission to post the colors.”

LTC Smith: “Post the colors.”

The Color Guard posts colors.

The Color Guard exits.
During this time there will be no servers walking around.

1803 All National Anthem

National Anthem plays

1805 Chung Invocation

MC: “We now invite Cadet Chung to give the invocation.

Chung gives the invocation

The MC takes the stand and continues on with the formal toasting

1810 LTC Smith Toasts

MC: “Thank you Cadet Chung. Ladies and Gentlemen, please charge your glasses and remain
standing for the toasting ceremony. The responses to the toast are on the back of your

LTC Smith: “I propose a toast to the President of the United States.”

MESS: “To the President.”

c/LTC Kim: “I propose a toast to the United States Army.”

MESS: “To the United States Army.”

AF c/LTC Such: “I propose a toast to the United States Air Force.”

MESS: “To the United States Air Force.”

c/MAJ Chung: “I propose a toast to the University of Illinois.”

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Dining Out 2018 Script – Draft v.1.71

Time Who Action

MESS: “To the University”

c/MAJ Tkaczyk: “I propose a toast to the Fighting Illini Battalion.”

MESS: “To the Battalion”

AF c/MAJ Birkett: “I propose a toast to Air Force Detachment 190.”

MESS: “To Detachment 190.”

MC: “I propose a toast to our fallen comrades.”

MESS: “To our fallen comrades.” (DO NOT DRINK TOAST)

MC: “Gentlemen, please seat your ladies.” [pause] “Gentlemen, I propose a toast… to the

MESS: “To the Ladies.”

MC: “Gentlemen, please be seated.”

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Dining Out 2018 Script – Draft v.1.71

Time Who Action

1815 MC POW/MIA ceremony

MC: “Before we begin our activities, we pause to recognize our POWs and MIAs.

You may notice this small table here in a place of honor. It is set for one. This table is our way
of symbolizing the act that members of our profession of arms are missing from our midst.
They are commonly called P.O.W.'s or M.I.A.'s, we call them our brothers and sisters in arms.

They are unable to be with us this evening and so we remember them.

The table is round... symbolizing our everlasting concern for our missing men and women.

This table set for one is small... symbolizing the frailty of one prisoner against his oppressors.

The tablecloth is white... symbolizing the purity of their intentions to respond to their country's
call to arms. Remember.

Within the vase is a single rose – symbolizing the families and loved ones of our comrades in
arms who keep faith awaiting their return. Remember.

The red ribbon is tied prominently on the vase… symbolizing the red ribbon worn by the
thousands who bore witness to their unyielding determination and demand a proper
accounting for our missing. Remember.

A slice of lemon sits upon the bread plate... reminding us of their bitter hardship. Remember.

A pinch of salt lies next to the lemon... symbolizing the family's tears as they wait. Remember.

The candle burns brightly, symbolizing the light of hope that may illuminate their way home,
away from the oppression of their captors, and to the open arms of a grateful nation.

The glass is inverted... for they cannot toast with us tonight. Remember.

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Time Who Action

And the chair is empty... for they are not here. Remember.

Remember... all of you who served with them and called them comrades, who depended on
their might and aid, and relied on them... for surely... they have not forsaken you.

May God forever watch over them and protect them and their families.

Please stand for a final toast.”

MC: “The toast is done quietly with water, out of respect because no other drink was afforded.
To all the Americans taken prisoner or missing in action while fighting to protect our freedom:
“We write no last chapters, we close no books, we put away no final memories – We will never
forget. Let us now raise our water glasses in a toast to honor America’s POW/MIAs.”

10 second pause.

MC: “Please be seated.”

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Time Who Action

1820 MC & LTC Smith Opening Remarks & Video

MC: “We would like to share with you a slideshow featuring the activities and achievements
made by Army and Air Force ROTC battalions throughout this past school year. Please direct
your attention to any of the screens around the room.”

Play videos

“And now, the University of Illinois Fighting Illini Army ROTC Battalion’s Professor of Military
Science, Lieutenant Colonel Randall Smith will say a few words.”

Change slide to Hall of Fame Inductee & endowment donors

LTC Smith: Opening remarks (limit 5 minutes)

1825 MC Dinner
MC: “Ladies and Gentleman, we will now begin serving dinner. When your table is called,
please make your way to the serving lines. We will begin with the Head Table first, followed by
tables 1 through 3 going to the left serving line while tables 4 through seven head through the
serving line on the right.”

Cake Detail heads to back

MC: “As everyone is finishing up dinner, we will now conduct the cutting of the cake ceremony.
If you look to the back, we have three cakes. One for the Army, one for the Air Force, and one
for the University of Illinois. We ask that the Cadet Battalion Commanders please head over to
the cakes. We also ask that the youngest member of both Army & Air Force Battalions also
head to the back, for the Air Force that would be cadet [NAME NAME] and from the Army,
Cadet Caesar Gomez.

c/Kim cuts Army cake; c/Such cuts AF cake; c/Gomez & c/[UNKNOWN] joint-cut UIUC cake

MC: “Now that the cutting of the cakes has been completed, please feel free to head to the
back and take a slice of cake.

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Time Who Action

1930 MC & MG (ret.) Symanski & c/Kim Guest Speaker Introduction

MC: “Ladies and gentlemen, we will now continue the evening’s events. Please be seated.”

MC: “Tonight’s guest speaker is Michael Symanski, a retired Major General of the US Army
Reserve. He has a Bachelor’s degree and Master of Arts degree in History from the University
of Illinois, class of 1970.

During his 37-year military career, he commanded the 89th Reserve Readiness Command in
Kansas, commanded USAR theater level logistics commands in Iowa and Indiana, served in
Desert Storm as a Battalion Commander, in the Balkans as a Deputy Commanding General for
theater logistics, and on the Army Staff in the Pentagon.

From 2005 through 2007, Major General Symanski was on active duty on the Army Staff in the
Pentagon as the Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff of Operations for Mobilization and Reserve

After retiring from the Army in 2007, he went to Kabul and became the Senior Mentor for
Strategic Defense Planning to the Afghan Ministry of Defense. He developed the strategic
decision-making process and coached the Afghan ministers and general staff in senior
leadership. He soon became the Senior Mentor for National Military Logistics. He has been an
Ambassador of the Chief of Army Reserve.

Now, please give a round of applause for Major General (retired) Michael Symanski.

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Dining Out 2018 Script – Draft v.1.71

Time Who Action

MG (ret.) Symanski: Delivers speech (limit 20 minutes)

Upon completion of the speech c/LTC Alex Kim takes the podium

c/LTC Kim: “Thank you Major General Symanski. I believe I speak for all of the Cadets in the
Battalion and thank you for your words of wisdom and for joining us this evening. We would
like to present you with this plaque in order to show our appreciation of your company this

c/LTC Kim gives gift to guest speaker

1955 MC & LTC Johnson Closing

MC: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the University of Illinois Fighting Illini Air Force ROTC Battalion’s
Professor of Aerospace Science, Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Johnson will now provide the
closing remarks.

LTC Johnson: Closing remarks (limit 5 minutes)

2000 Chung Benediction

MC: “And now, please stand while we sing the Army and Air Force songs.”

Play Army Song

Play Air Force Song

MC: “Ladies and gentlemen, at this time please remain standing for the Benediction led by
Cadet Samuel Chung, and the retiring of the Colors.”

Cadet Chung gives the benediction and leaves the stage

2005 Air Force Color Guard Retiring of the Colors

The Air Force color guard moves to the stage

AF c/Karmazinas: “Sir, request permission to retire the colors.”

LTC Johnson: “Retire the colors”

Air Force Color Guard retrieves the colors and exits the room

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Time Who Action

2010 All Class Photos/DJ

MC: “Ladies and Gentlemen, this concludes the evening’s official events. We would now like to
open the floor up for social time until 2230; Additionally, we will be taking group photographs in
the back of the room, starting with Hall of Fame Inductees and then Alumni. Following this,
group photographs will be taken by class. Please wait until your group is called. The DJ group
‘Shae District’ will be providing entertainment for the remainder of the night. Thank you all for
attending the 2018 University of Illinois Joint Army-Air Force Spring Dining Out.”

Shae District full sends

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