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Deep Water Horizon Response Talking Points

As of Thursday, May 6, 2010 I 7:00 p.m.

Economic Impact
• The coastal communities of the Gulf Coast are critically important to this country.

• Until we have greater certainty of the oil spread and points of impact, we can't predict
economic cost of this disaster.

• We know that the livelihoods of many families in the region rely on the gulf coast
waters, which is why this Administration has quickly and aggressively responded to
make sure our shores are protected.

• We also are committed to ensuring that BP meets its responsibility to American

taxpayers and residents of the Gulf Coast impacted by this spill. Fishermen who wish to
contact BP about claims should call 800-440-0858.

Gulf coast fishing numbers

• Although estimation is difficult because of the large number of self employed and the
seasonal nature of fishing, we estimate that between 7,000 and 17,000 people are
employed, at any given time in commercial fishing and aquaculture in the Gulf States,
excluding Texas.

Travel and Tourism

• Travel and tourism in the area will most likely be affected-impacting hotels, motels,
restaurants, and recreational fishing and facilities. About 8 % of the Gulf region's
employment is based on tourism and recreation.

• On the west coast of Florida, an estimated 1,000 to 3,000 people are employed as full­
time or part-time workers in commercial fishing and aquaculture.

Other sectors
• Additional sectors of the economy could be impacted, particularly if there are delays in
shipping. As of today, shipping and our ports have not been impacted by the spill.

• As the President and the law have made clear, BP - as the responsible party - is

required to fund the cost of the response and cleanup operations.

• This also means 100 percent reimbursement for the cost of the clean up and a claims
process for those affected by the spill. We are pushing out information on the claims
process via all lines of communication - in the media, at town halls, using social media­
anyway we can.
• We continue to urge BP to leverage additional assets in their efforts to stop the oil
leaking from their well. The administration has held several top-level meetings and
regular calls with BP leadership to discuss BP's response effort, as well as federal
oversight and support.

• Twice a day, NOAA releases updated trajectory forecasts. I am not going to speculate
outside the 72-hour forecast, which does not show the slick hitting the gulf loop current.

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