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bu a Edutap == Nature and = '™ Scope of == Management Importance: From ths topic 2 questions were asked in 2036 RBI Exam. One question wes asked from ‘Mo and other one from Ethle frameworks. The topic Nature and Scope of management is ery simple. IF you google on nature and scope of management you wil get many quick reference pages but the ‘questions which have been asked in the exam are from the sde topics. MBO and Ethic frameworks are ‘elated to ths topic but they are rot something which you wil get roread directly on google. rade Page lt itp/ivwwedutep coin Contents Introduction Defintion of Management. Concepisof Management Features of Management. Importance of Management. [Adminstration and Management. Levels of Management Nature of Management ‘Scope of Management. 10. Management by Objectives 10.1, MBO Process 11, Ethiesand Managemen. 12, Schools of Management. 42. Sciantie School of Management 12.2 Classcal school of Management. 123 Behavioral Schoo! of Management. 13. MCOYs (Multiple Choice Questions). tou/ebiaraded, Page lz itp/ivwwedutep coin bu 1, Introduction Every human being has several needs and desires, But no indvival can sat al Nis wants “Therefore, people work together to meet their mutusl needs which they cannot fll inch. Moreover, man is @ socal being ashe likes to ive together with other people. ts by working and living together in organized groups and institutions that people stiy their economic and socal needs, Asa resutthere are several ypesof groups. ery schoo, government army business ‘em, a crieket team andthe ke Such formal greups can achieve their goa etfctivly nly when the efforts ofthe people working in these groups are propery coordinated and controlled. The task of ‘geting resus through athers by coordinating their eforssknown as management. st asthe mind coordinates and reguates all the activites of a person, management coordinates and regulates the acthitiesofvrious member of anargaristion 2. Definition of Management Its very alifcu ro give a precise definition ofthe term “management, Different scholars rom different

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