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Volume 01: July 2018


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Jakarta economic outlook…………………..… 2 Greetings,
The New PIP-KI unit to foster Public Private Welcome to Jakarta Investment bulletin.
Partnership development in Jakarta This is our first and new edition bulletin, the
…………………..…… …………………..… ……… 4 bulletin about investment in Jakarta. Theme
of this first edition is „Rising trends‟. We are
very glad to let you know that we have
RISING TRENDS some interesting writings concerning
BEFORE YOU INVEST investment in Jakarta as the capital city of
3 Important factors that should be considered Indonesia.
before investing……………………………………. 6
INVEST IN INDONESIA We are also very welcome if there are any
Investment opportunity in Indonesia………..…..7 advices, supports, or suggestion in order to
MICROBUSINESS be more informative and innovative.
Rise of creative industries and the needs of Hopefully, this bulletin would be very
Science and Technology Park (STP) ………... 10 beneficial for any readers interested in any
RISE OF IMPACT INVESTMENT topic and information relate to investment
Impact investment through halal investment..12 in Jakarta.
Maritime food industry……………………..……..16 Thank you for your attention.
Urgent need of an integrated recycling Sincerely yours,
Edy Junaedi
HIGHLIGHT PROFILE Head of The Jakarta Investment and
Anies Baswedan…………………….……………..20 Integrated One-Stop Service Department
Sandiaga Uno………………….…………………..21
Edy Junaedi Harahap………………….…………22 Jakarta Capital City Provincial Government
Indarini Ekaningtyas………………….……………23
July 2018

Editorial Boards
Head of Advisor: Edy Junaedi
Advisor: Indarini Ekaningtyas
Supervisor: Yan Murdiyan

Editor in Chief: Luqman Abdurrahman

Editor: Arsh Starfy Firdausy
Contributor: Kiki Rizki Yunita, Nourma Irva
Saputri, Maria Magdalena Napitupulu, Prastica
Astrid, Luqman Abdurrahman, Arsh Starfy Disclaimer: The views and opinions
Firdausy expressed in this article are those of the
Fotografer: Muhaimin Masud authors and do not necessarily reflect the
Layouter & Design Grafis: Novi official policy or position of any agency of
Supported by : Jakarta representative office for the Jakarta Provincial Government or Bank
Bank of Indonesia of Indonesia (BI).

Jakarta Economic Outlook

By Luqman Abdurrahman Infrastructure development and construction

investment combined had boost the
According to Bank Indonesia representative employment creation, however, majority of
of Jakarta in their recent publication of business employment grow solely in the
Jakarta Economic and Financial review, the infrastructure construction business related
Jakarta regional economic growth until the sector.
end of 2017 indicated the Capital City
continuous growth. In 2017, Jakarta reached End of year in 2017 shows short declines in the
6.22% in economic growth, increased from growth compare to the first and second term
the previous year in 2016 as much as 5.88%. of the year. Despite that, inflation was
maintained to be under control with 3.72% of
The regional investment on infrastructure and inflation rates.
political election expenses provides major
boost to the regional economic growth As a matter of important, in compare to other
throughout the year in 2017. Even more, the regions, Jakarta contributes to 17% of the
household consumption in 2017 remained total National Gross Domestic Products, with
stable and positively correlated to the Central Jakarta contributes the largest as
regional growth. The household consumption much as 27% followed by South Jakarta with
contributed significantly to trade 23% in term of economic activities (See below
employment creation and opportunities. pie charts)

Figure 1. Jakarta Ratio and Contribution to The National Economy

*) Source: BI book of Regional Economic and Financial review 2018, Adapted from BPS
Figure 2. Gross Domestic Regional Product composition
and Investment Composition in Jakarta Region.
*) Source: BI book of Regional Economic and Financial review 2018, Adapted from BPS

The above figure of Jakarta Gross Domestic However this sector has low or no labor
Regional Product (GDRP) chart illustrates a security, as well as low salary below the
solid economic recovery and development minimum regional salary rate, government
throughout the year since 2008 to 2017. In needs to take care and should pay attention
terms of GDRP, Jakarta economic drivers on this matter.
primarily accumulated from investment and
consumptions ratio. In addition to that, current trends nowadays
that job creators in private sectors or the
In addition to that, investment composition entrepreneurs prefer to develop and use
remained concentrated on infrastructure technological means (e.g: Financial
development compare to non-infrastructure technology, e-commerce) to support their
development throughout the years. This business. Therefore, it reduces their
significantly contributed to improve dependency on hiring employees especially
economic ecosystem in the regions. highly educated workforce.

Bank Indonesia (BI) representative of Jakarta It also impacts in the low employment rate for
conducted regular research analysis highly educated workforce, despite the
regarding the improvement of regional increase in Human Development Index
economics, the recent results show that only reaching at the highest level of 80.06.
small amount of job opportunities increases Appropriate attention by government is
throughout the year of 2017 and early 2018, needed in order to anticipate this
while also the research reveals decreasing phenomenon.
numbers of job seekers and employers in
*) Source: Adapted and translated from Bank
Indonesia Regional Economic and Finance Review,
February and Mei 2018
What is the reason? The reason based on BI
finding that the increase of employment in
informal sectors.
Picture 1. Jakarta International Stadium visualization plan and public consultation

The New PIP-KI unit to foster Public Private
Partnership development in Jakarta
By Luqman Abdurrahman

Through Jakarta Governor Regulation number 32

published in 2018, PIP-KI (Pusat Informasi Promosi &
Kerja Sama Investasi) was set up to meet the
demand of public infrastructure through public-
private partnerships scheme, regulation, and
procurement of Jakarta.

The unit will enhance the cooperation with multi- For instance, Jakarta citizens expect to have
stakeholders from national institutions, local international standards Stadium, such as
governments, and private sectors of various International football Stadium.
interest. PIP-KI complements Jakarta Investment
Centre (JIC) officially set up through Governor This Stadium is being prepared, and the
Decree number 1706 years 2017. procurement is directly supervised under the
leadership of Sandiaga Uno as the Vice
The PIP-KI office at the Jakarta Investment Centre Governor. It will be constructed next to Sunter
room is located at the Mal Pelayanan Publik Lake in North Jakarta.
(MPP). MPP is a new building in Setiabudi region,
one of the most strategic business and diplomatic The land will be transformed into modern
area, in South Jakarta, The Capital City of football entertaining area equipped with
Indonesia. hotels, amenities, lake resort, Medium Small
Micro Enterprise Centre OKE OCE, and
PIP-KI was established to push forward the progress apartments as well as Mosque to serve
of infrastructure development promised by the peoples spiritual needs such as wedding
government of DKI Jakarta to satisfy people ceremony.
demand for an advance city development.
Picture 2. The New Office
Scenes and activity of
Jakarta Investment Centre
at Mal Pelayanan Publik
Building (Public Service

The Regional Investor Relation Units (RIRU) as

called by Bank of Indonesia, represented and
materialized as Jakarta Investment Centre
(JIC) is launched in 31st July 2018. JIC has a
special team to liaise investors through end to
end licenses and business permit services.

Its first impressive look is the cozy looking co-

working space and investor‟s exclusive
lounge (see below picture).

Developed to promote business discussion

and talks, JIC room is also equipped with
Command and Data Investment Information
panel devices, which provides Jakarta map
to provide investors and business developers
with up-to-date real time data information.

Other unique features in the JIC

room are the amphitheater and
teleconference room. Both rooms
provide unique support to an
enjoyable business presentation
and business prototyping
discussion as well as effective
distance communication.

All of this is developed to prove

Jakarta government high
attention towards improving the
business and investment climate.
Picture 3. Thinking on investment illustration
These impacts that every person and region
RISING TRENDS in the world getting connected of each other
time by time. It also triggers Global
Investment which could be a solution for help
BEFORE YOU INVEST Global Crisis Economy. In this writing I would
like to describe 3 important factors which
3 Important factors that should be should be considered before doing
considered before investing investment.

By Nourma Irva Saputri Firstly, we could set our objectives before

investing in approximate length of time.
Over the centuries people have done
progressive development to gain and build Some people may also have reason to invest
closer relationship between each other for a long-term purpose such as preparing for
through modern way of technology, pensioner‟s fund or school tuition and short-
networks, infrastructure, businesses activities, term purpose such as doing house repairs,
and etc. buy a dream luxury car, and so on.

The example of human‟s production and By mapping your investment objectives and
creativity in facing globalization are superfast period of time are, it would be easier for you
aircraft, affordable and low cost of phone to determine what your investment
call service, email, internet, luxury cruise ship instruments you would choose. If you would
which could sail from one continent to choose a short-term investment (1-2 years),
another, and instant business funding. you could choose the most proper model of
investment which is relatively stable and not
riskier such as deposit, or mutual funds.
On the contrary, if you would choose a long- Thirdly, consider your knowledge, experience
term investment (more than 5 years), you and ability in financial management.
could consider to do investment for some
prospective things such as property (land By having considerable financial
and building), stock mutual funds and mixed management knowledge and experience, it
mutual funds as the asset and investment would be easier for you to remain focus on
strategy. your initial purpose in investing. It is advisable
that you should be very careful in choosing
Secondly, understanding the risk in investment instruments.
investment strategy is necessary, we should
learn have investment risk management These are 3 factors to be considered before
strategy or consults the expert. taking any investment. Hopefully you would
find the most proper investment model for
your own future.

Investment Opportunities in Indonesia

By Maria Magdalena Napitupulu

Indonesia as one of the world‟s most The Urge of Infrastructure

populated countries is living a dynamic life in
many aspects. Trends are frequently Available infrastructure in Indonesia is
changing. unfortunately still insufficient to support ideal
modernization. This, however, is also the
The huge population and the changing opportunity for investors to invest their fund.
trends in mode are contributive factors to the
large numbers of consumers, dynamic The government is highly committed to
markets, and products. Moreover, Indonesia improve basic yet modern facilities around
is a large archipelago with thousands of the country, especially in the eastern part
islands spread over its ocean it provide the where inequality are still prevalent. Toll roads,
opportunity to become potentially big bridges, airports, ports, and electricity are
economy despite several challenges. among the main priorities under construction.

Promising investment sectors can be found Simpler regulation in conducting business

from its most modern spots to its remote allows domestic and foreign investors to
areas. Therefore, to equally develop the life engage more in business. Infrastructure is
among areas, great numbers and thee of the good option since it is necessary
specialization of sectors need to be to develop in many ways over great areas of
improved. Indonesia.

This is a natural call for capital owner around Improvement in infrastructure will even
the globe to invest in the country. Investment attract more investors and open more
in Indonesia 2018 is still promising yet opportunities in the country.
Opportunities in Maritime

Maritime is Indonesia‟s nature potential since In order to improve the country‟s economy
long time ago. Not only has it had a great through maritime potential, the government
ocean, but also islands surround it have intends to develop shipping industry. The
abundant of natural resources. Now, maritime related parties target the number increase of
industry is increasing and highly attractive for national shipbuilding in the construction
investment in Indonesia 2018. process with larger capacity.

Figure 3 Indonesia investment infographic

Opportunities in Leisure Industry

Among viable sectors in investment in However, since most of the international

Indonesia 2018 is tourism industry. More and tourists arrival in Indonesia transitted through
more people seek for leisure activities. Jakarta, Bali, and Batam, these three islands
Entertainment, culinary tourism, and resort become the hottest spot for tourism industry
construct major part in this industry. and transit hub.

Potential tourism spots in Indonesia spread Interested investors surely face a tight
over the western most part to the eastern most competition that they have to appear with
part of the country line. The exotic cultures distinct concept and creativity to establish
and beautiful landscape attract international their business here.
tourists to visit. This means that hotel demands
are high. Not mention the potential of Jakarta In order to overcome and ease their business,
Kepulauan Seribu where it has become one of Government highly supports the tourism
the Bali Nine. potential in order to improve the country‟s
economy. Therefore, the infrastructure
Major cities in Indonesia have been promising improvement is in the main priority list. The
places for foreign investors to open construction of infrastructure improve the
international hotel chains. It is a big beautification around the country and
opportunity for investors to involve in this develop easier to access, also more
sector. enjoyable.
More hotels are easily found, more toll roads 5. Foreign individuals are permitted to acquire land
to reach numbers of destinations, more or land rights with a number of restrictions.
electricity installation, clean water, more 6. A “Foreign investor” is usually a foreign company
convenient ports and airports, and also incorporated under the laws of its host nation;
bridges, these all contribute to the whole However foreign individuals are also acceptable.
What about Jakarta?
To even increase more attraction, the
government has issued a visa-free regulation The Jakarta Investmemnt and One-Stop Integrated
more than one hundred countries. Service (DPMPTSP) has noted that investment
realization in the capital from January to September
This is meant to answer the high interest of 2017 reached Rp 74.8 trillion (US$5.5 billion), the
international arrival which is believed to highest in the last five years. The figure was obtained
increase steadily every year. Domestic tourists from domestic investment (PMDN) and foreign
too, are target for investors to set up or direct investment (PMA) official data of The
develop their already existing business. Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of
Great numbers of local travelers enjoy leisure
industry in their home country, mainly for According to the data, PMDN realization stood at
holiday or business purpose. Thus, it is clear Rp 32.7 trillion with transportation, warehouse, and
that leisure industry and all supporting telecommunication as the most attractive sectors.
facilities are undoubtedly promising for Meanwhile, PMA was at Rp 42.1 trillion, with housing,
international investment. industry and office areas as the most attractive
sectors. This figure shows that business climate in
Jakarta is improving.
Foreign Investment
The vice governor of Jakarta, Sandiaga Salahuddin
Indonesia welcomes foreign investment on its Uno expects investment in Jakarta in this year of
own terms. Government policies aim at 2018 to increase to up to Rp100 trillions. He also
ensuring that foreigners work with Indonesians highlighted development in Jakarta that includes
to assist in development of the country‟s the development of tourism on Thousand Islands,
economy and skill-base. public transportation, and property sector based on
transit-oriented development.
There is a general recognition that Indonesia
needs the development capital, and the Here are the investment opportunities in DKI Jakarta
technical and management skills of Provincial Government which are currently focused
foreigners. on the following sectors:

Government regulation of foreign investment • Waste Water Sector

in Indonesia is manifested in a variety of • Water Sector
ways, for example: • Property Sector
• Food Security Sector
1. Approved and monitored through • Transportation Sector
governmental bodies • Recreation & Tourism Sector
2. Companies can employ only a limited • Utility Sector
number of expatriates
3. Those expatriates by Indonesians (with the Should We (Still) Worry about the Regulations and
exception of expatriate directors and Bureaucracy?
4. Certain fields of business are closed to In terms of regulations and bureaucracy, Indonesia
investment by foreigners is now becoming friendlier than ever toward
The World Bank has upgraded Indonesia‟s
standing in its 2018 ease of doing business
report by 19 points compared to last year,
which ranks the country at the 72nd position.
Rise of Creative Industries
Furthermore, the Gallup World Poll has also and The Needs of Science
ranked Indonesia first for its trust and and Technology Park (STP)
confidence in national government report.
Trust level to the Indonesian government has By Kiki Rizky Yunita and Luqman Abdurrahman
amounted to 80 percent, increasing by 28
percent compared to 2007, when the trust The Creative Economy especially the
level amounted to 52 percent. innovative creative industry has been rising
worldwide according to UNCTAD (United
A report issued by the United Nations Nation Conference on Trade and
Conference on Trade and Development Development).
(UNCTAD) called the Global Investment
Prospects Assessment 2016-2018, has ranked In addition to that, the International trade in
Indonesia in the ninth position in its list of the creative industries had showed sustained
most attractive global foreign direct growth in the last decade. Moreover, the
investment locations. global market for traded creative goods and
services totaled a record $547billion in 2012,
All the macroeconomic indicators, along with as compared to $302 billion in 2003.
the international recognition, send an
important and positive message that Meanwhile, exports from developing
Indonesia‟s economy will continue to soar. countries, led by Asian countries, were
Thereby, there is no reason for you to growing faster than exports from developed
postpone investing in Indonesia. Things are countries. Surprisingly, among developing
moving fast in Indonesia, especially in countries, China is the largest exporter of
Jakarta, so why not invest now to have an creative goods.
early start?
In 2012, the top 5 exporters were China, Hong
Source: Multiple articles, and publication. Kong, China, India, Turkey and South Korea.
How about developing country like

Picture 4. Bandung Technopark

Developing countries are playing an Offering an innovative healthy, delicious taste
increasingly important role in international of traditional foods with modern way of cause-
trade in creative industries. Creative industries related marketing to not only domestic
are vibrant sectors of the global economy. consumers, but also international consumers like
With increasing demographics, better access the European.
to ICTs and dynamic shifts to new lifestyles
associated with creative products and In terms of maritime industry potential, Dr Didit
services, making trade in these sectors is a Herdiawan, a lecturer from Indonesia Defense
promising avenue for future growth. University (Universitas Pertahanan Indonesia), in
his book titled „‟Maritime Food Sovereignty‟‟
In terms of contribution, as for example in stated that the government should favor
Indonesia, there has been rising global trends national industry and pay more attention on
of social entrepreneurship and investment in supportive regulation and ease doing business
the agriculture sector of creative economy, that support Indonesia to become maritime
an example of successful Indonesian creative industry country.
industry social entrepreneurs is Helianti Hilman
with her „‟JAVARA‟‟. Inspired by Indonesia's Government support, without a doubt, is critical
food biodiversity, indigenous wisdom and to ensure a healthy ecosystem is set up and
spiritualism, JAVARA was founded by Helianti supports for creative industry social
Hilman in 2008. entrepreneurs are well conditioned. While STP
are still rare in Jakarta, STP development in
Indonesia government should put more Jakarta would boost the innovativeness of
attention into the cultivation of this kind of creative industries, thus would help solve variety
pioneer because besides making profit and of society problems especially in employment.
socially beneficial by empowering local and
develop international business competencies Also multiplier and spill-over economic effects is
through innovative exports. expected surrounding Jakarta and elsewhere.

JAVARA successfully attracted investors in Source: LIPI, WCCE, Kemenristekdikti-PUI and

funding her business in Indonesia traditional STP, Bekraf
food heritage sector which was not very
popular at this time, and she has managed
to successfully set new trends

Picture 5. South Sulawesi Technopark

RISE OF IMPACT Impact investments are investments that invest
INVESTMENT into companies, organizations, and funds with the
Impact Investment through Halal Investment intention to generate social and environmental
impact alongside a financial return. The report
By Arsh Starfy and Luqman Abdurrahman also stated that Millennials, the current young
generation of the 21st century, are potentially set
Istanbul International Center for Private Sector to inherit $ 30 Trillion in the next 15 years. Like no
in Development of The United Nations generation before, Millennials are aware of the
Development Program (UNDP), stated in their environment and sustainability issues and are
report title „The Global Islamic finance and driving much of the awareness and demand for
Impact Investing‟, that there has been an conventional impact funds.
evolution of the more mature market for Social
Responsible Investing (SRI). Similarly, as Muslim Millennials come of age as
investors, they represent a great opportunity to
Which has started since 25 years ago, it is called encourage an entire generation to invest and
the „‟Impact investing‟‟. This is a new frontier use both Islamic and Impact investments way.
that intent to actively seek out investments for
which there are both social benefit and Many Muslim countries and Muslim populated
financial returns. JP Morgan Chase takes a countries have significant Millennial populations,
broader definition as: Impact investments are proportionally greater than in non- Muslim
investments intended to create positive impact countries as Millennials inherit generational
beyond financial return. As such, they require wealth and create their own, it is most likely that
the management of social and environmental impact investing will continue to be attractive to
performance in addition to financial risk and them. The figure 4 below provides the spectrum
return. of impact by different type of approaches which
can be used to analyze different type of
According to the Global Impact Investing companies and its different categories of
Network (GIIN) website (,- approaches.
Universality of Halal Investment
This term was elaborated into a more
The universe of Islamic investing is emerging in complex classification known five categories
many respects, but growing and changing in Islamic law. Which is consists of Obligatory
rapidly. It is growing with many global banks (Wajib/Fard), Obligatory (Wajib/Fard),
developing subsidiaries or windows for Islamic Recommended (Sunnah), Netral (Mubah),
financing. and disapproved (Makruh). So, except all of
them it is forbidden or Haram.
Once mainly retail banking services are now
evolving into commercial banking, retail Halal is very important in Islamic World
banking, investment banking and investment because Islam is meant to be a way of life,
services for both debt and equity, insurance not just a series of practices and traditions.
companies and other types of financial service The governing rules permeate every moment
intermediaries and service providers. of a Muslim‟s day, from food to cosmetics,
investments and business activities to tourism.
In addition to equities, markets also trade
Sukuks and an increasing number of Exchange While there is global variability in
Traded Funds (ETF), and Real Estate Investment implementing these systems, there are many
Trusts (REIT). As of 2013 and the first part of 2014, demands to ensure that the consumers only
global Islamic investing had total assets over $ 2 buy what is considered halal (permissible)
trillion, many of them are kept in Islamic banks and not haram (forbidden). The need of halal
or Islamic windows of conventional banks. certification is frequently not only applied to
food and drinks, but also includes on other
Sukuks comprise approximately 15% of the industries such as banking, finance,
market by volume, with Sharia-compliant investment, tourism, pharmaceuticals,
investment funds at 4% and Takafuls at 1%. cosmetics, and other industry which
Geographically, in 2012, Iran accounted for consumed by the Muslim market.
43% of the world‟s Islamic banking assets, with
Saudi Arabia (12%) and Malaysia (10%) ranking The actual captive market of halal industry is
second and third, respectively. There are very big. As of 2015, there were an estimated
hundreds of Islamic investment funds that follow 1.8 billion Muslims around the world. As Islam
Sharia principles, the vast majority of which are is the world‟s second-largest religious
also profitable traditions after Christianity, the portion of
Muslims is about 24% of the world population
There are hundreds of Islamic investment funds (World population is 7.8 billion).
that follow Sharia principles, the vast majority of
which are also profitable Euromonitor report is projected this amount
will reach up more than a quarter of the
In terms of Islamic market, there is terminology world‟s population by 2030. Hence, around
of „Halal and Haram‟‟ to define something 68% of Muslims live in Asia-Pacific region (from
lawful or permissible in Islamic law (sharia). This Turkey to Indonesia), with over 1 billion
term was elaborated into a more complex adherents.
classification known five categories in Islamic
law. It consists of According to the economist, the global
Islamic market was worth over $3.6 trillion in
There are hundreds of Islamic investment funds 2013, and the market is projected to be worth
that follow Sharia principles, the vast majority of over $5 trillion by 2020.
which are also profitable In terms of Islamic
market, there is terminology of „Halal and
Haram‟‟ to define something lawful or
permissible in Islamic law (sharia).
According to The Dubai Chamber of The good example is in animal slaughtering and
Commerce Report in 2013, Global Halal Food food process methods. Halal value obliges the
itself is approximately valued around $1.1 trillion animal slaughter to comply on several
consumer purchase, accounting for 16.6 requirements such as minimize animal suffering,
percent of the global food and beverages sanitary, maintain less-stressful condition of
market with an annual growth of 6.9 percent. animal before slaughtering. In addition of that
the blessing is also compulsory to be read over it
The interesting facts is Halal certification is not as it is slaughtered.
only exclusively only for muslims, since Halal
values does not undermine the other religious The Halal rules extend back to how animals
value. Halal way has proven to maintain the were treated in their life. Was it fed and given
quality of food for everyone. adequate water? Was it well rested? Was it
properly handled? And other humane
The perfect example is the Madani Halal Meat treatment towards the animal where known as
Store in New York. Although there are several universally good value regardless of your
other store which sell meat in the block, their religion.
sales is now growing and most of the customers
are non-muslim citizens. The other one is the
famous Halal Guys Food Truck in the corner of Indonesia Halal Market
the street in New York that cause long line of
customers for breakfast, brunch, and lunch. It Indonesia is the biggest Halal market in the
proves that Halal is not exclusively for Muslims world. With population around 260 million
consumption but generally maintain the quality people, Indonesia is one of the most populated
product for all citizens around the world. country in the world with around 87% of its
inhabitants are Muslims, making Indonesia as
The fact of potential Halal market customers is the number one country in the world in terms of
also supported by the research from Pew Islam followers. This condition also makes Asia is
Research Center (a nonpartisan American fact the most populous Muslim region in the world.
tank based in Washington, D.C.). The report
says that Islam is growing rapidly than any other The recent issues regarding halal certification in
religion in the world, and the religion itself is Indonesia is the transition of implementation of
projected nearly equal to Christianity in 2050. halal certification from „voluntary‟ to
„obligatory‟, especially for the product and
"The main reason Muslims are growing not only services according to government law number
in number but in share worldwide. This because 33/2014, this law will take effect in October
of where they live," Alan Cooperman, PEW's 2019. This effort is part of government aims to
director of religion research, tells NPR's Tom provide quality of consumers goods in
Gjelten (, 2015). In addition to that, Indonesia.
"Muslim populations are concentrated in some
of the fastest-growing parts of the world.” said Talking about the development of Halal
the similar expert. Industry, the neighbor country of Indonesia,
Malaysia are moving faster by establishing the
Besides thinking about big market and business, Halal Industry Development Corporation (HDC)
Halal value is actually also comprised of the responsible to develop Halal Industry and
universal value of humanity. Since the Islamic Promotion in various sector Halal business in the
law also encompasses life‟s aspect of human, it country.
also covered the value of to be kind to other
creature of God. Through HDC, Malaysia also built Global Halal
Support Centre (GHSC) in 2016, aiming to be
the leading country in developing Halal
Figure 5. Global sector allocation comparison
Source: Azzadfunds The pie chart depicts measurement of more than
12,000 equity securities from 77 countries (data as
Turkey is even moving faster by developing of December 31, 2015). The Dow Jones Islamic
the standardization of Halal to the global Market World Total Return Index tracks equity
world with the hope of being first global securities traded in 70 countries that pass rules-
leader in Halal standardization agency. This based screens for compliance with Islamic
country planned to takes the lead in setting investment guidelines.
role for pushing harmonization of one single
Halal standard, under the umbrella of OIC The most glaring difference between these pie
(Organization of Islamic Country). charts is the relatively small exposure to financials
services in the Islamic index compared to the
Following the trend, Jakarta as The Capital traditional index. This is to be expected, due to
City of Indonesia is also planned to develop the Islamic prohibition against riba, or interest.
Halal sector in the city. Vice Governor of
Jakarta Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno has The significant financial observations show the
expressed interest in developing a “Sharia top asset class in the traditional global index, with
Tourism Zone" in the nation's capital. He a 22% allocation. Due to the lack of broad
recently announce that the city would build representation of financial services in the Islamic
"sharia-based" hotels. As the impact, the index, other industries are more heavily
trend is already here and grows, and the 1,6 weighted.
billion potential customers are waiting for it.
All Industries should be prepared well. Based on this, people would expect the Islamic
index to be negatively correlated with the
So, the trend is already here and grows, and performance of financial services. The Islamic
the 1,6 billion potential customers are waiting index should outperform the conventional index
for it. All Industries should be prepared well. when financial services underperform relative to
other sectors, and vice versa.
Azzad Funds, a faith-based asset
management, Headquarters in USA. Illustrate Khaled Sultan, an Investment Advisor from CIBC,
the global sector allocation in above pie London, stated that Halal Investing is a subset of
chart according to The Dow Jones Global Socially Responsible and Ethical Investing based
Total Stock Market Index. on investments that adhere to Islamic principles.
Both of Halal Investing and Socially
Responsible Investing (SRI) monitor deep into In the other word, Highly-leveraged
the companies held in a portfolio or a fund, Company is a company or other institution
to evaluate their social, political or with a high level of debt.
environmental impact.
A highly leveraged company carries a great
While most people associate this type of deal of risk and may increase the likelihood of
discipline with environmental concerns, a default or bankruptcy. The complexities of
responsible investor may avoid companies many investment vehicles that combined
which doing business in countries with with the vast scope of many large
questionable human rights records, or have companies make them difficult to ascertain
corporate governance policies that are not whether an investment is compliant without
in line with the investor's morals. Companies the help of a qualified advisor.
that produce certain products may also be
rejected. Addictive products and services, Halal investment could be the alternative
such as tobacco, alcohol, or gambling are way of sustainable impact investment and
eliminated. more socially responsible compare to the
conventional investment approaches.
Halal Investing is socially responsible in its Source: Multiple sources of articles, news, and
avoidance of particular products and books.
industries, but its adherence to Islamic
principles extends to avoiding interest- Source: Multiple sources of articles, news, and books.
bearing or highly-leveraged vehicles /

Maritime food industry

By Luqman Abdurrahman

Food security urgency

the same time remains true to religion, faith,
Food is the basic necessity for the survivability and culture of the people, and thus safe
of mankind. Ensuring food availability for the enough to be consumed.
people is a crucial and strategic issue for
every government entity. FAO in 2015 estimates that there are 795
million people undernourished globally, and
The national government has a concept in just over one in nine were undernourished in
dealing with food security issue according to 2014-2016. As the FAO data revealed that 780
the Article 3 of Law Number 18 published in million people were living in developing
2012 dated 16 November 2012 on Food. countries, including Indonesia.

According to Didit Herdiawan, a Maritime It means an alarming situation. BPS

Security lecturer of Indonesia Defense (Indonesia Statistical Centre) in 2016 showed
University, Food security is a condition where that as many as 28.01 million population of
food is available and accessible for all Indonesia (10.86 percent) still live below the
people at all time, reflected in availability poverty line. This data is quite surprising,
and quality of food, as well as its safety, considering Indonesia is the second richest in
variety, nutrition, and affordability, while at - terms of biological diversity, after Brazil.
Various problems related to food policy have In 1954, the fulfillment of the staple food rice
become a very serious concern of the citizens of reached 53.5% and non-rice food amounted
the world. According to United Nations, to 46.5%. The massive program of rice self-
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has put sufficiency and modernization has changed
the issue of poverty and hunger as the main issue the lifestyle of non-rice food consumption into
for every government to pay attention to. rice and wheat.

Furthermore, recent study indicates that the issue In 2010, a research conducted has the result in
of sustainability of food from the G-20 countries the information that consumption of rice rose
consists of three pillars; food loss and waste, to 78.04%, and non-rice food consumption
sustainable agriculture, and nutritional challenges. almost disappeared and been replaced by
Based on the FSI (Fragile State Index), Indonesia flour as a carbohydrate source after rice by
ranked 21 out of 25 countries. Thus, Indonesia still 14.73%.
has a lot of things to improve the system and
governance in managing national food policy. The rise of land-based food consumption
lifestyle in Indonesia is incongruent with
The importance of food industry Indonesia potential of the sea-water area
which potentially to produce vast sea-food
In relation with managing food policy, rice has products. For instance, Kepulauan Seribu
become one among the strategic commodities literary means „thousand islands‟ under
that many populations depend on it, including Kepulauan Seribu Administrative Regency of
Indonesia. The demand for rice in Indonesia Jakarta Provincial Government, it has sea-
showed an increasing trend. The trend can be water based area 11 times of its land-based
seen from the changes in food consumption islands area. Moreover, the 70% of Indonesia
patterns of national staple food. surface area is water based.

Picture 5 . Aquapod Fish Farm Industry

In addition to that, Indonesia economic The fact that Indonesia government reliance
contribution of the maritime tourism industry remain on land food resources such as rice as
contributes to only 11%, and even more, its the staple food, while the seas of Indonesia,
fishery and maritime industry only contributes for example in Jakarta region and north coast
to 4% of the national economy. If we of Java, does raise a critical question: Will
compare to Malaysia with 40% of its maritime Indonesia and Jakarta may become World
tourism industry contribution to Malaysia‟s Class Maritime Industry Country and City
economy, it looks far from expected. through its sea based vast potential?

Jusuf Kalla, the vice president of Indonesia Source: IDU book of Maritime Food
expected Indonesia‟s fishery and maritime Sovereignty, Maritime food industry, BPS, FAO,
tourism industry could reach of up to 25% various articles
national GDP contribution by the next


Urgent Need of an Integrated Recycling Centre
By Prastica Astrid and Luqman Abdurrahman

Being the capital city of the nation, Jakarta On the other hands, DKI Jakarta municipal
has developed into government, business, waste production is currently estimated to
and industrial centre. reach around 7,000 to 8,000 tons per day. This
figure is considerably very high, especially if it is
However, due to the inability of government compared to the other big cities in Indonesia.
to cope with its growth, low priority, and
public attention on waste recovery system to “So, this mountain of waste could bury the
manage the waste produced by the citizens, Borobudur temple”, exclaimed Sandiaga Uno
the waste and sanitation pollution has jokingly when giving his speech in the
reaches a severe level. launching of Intermediate Treatment Facility
(ITF) in Sunter, North Jakarta, on Sunday
According to KPPIP (Komite Percepatan (20/5/2018).
Penyediaan Infrastruktur Prioritas) or
Infrastructure Priority Acceleration
Committee, Jakarta is the second most
polluted city in terms of poor sanitation Picture 6. ITF visualization plan
among the other capital city in South East
Asia .

KPPIP mentioned that Jakarta Sanitation

System (JSS) is needed to improve the
effectiveness of The National Capital
Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) or
Pengembangan Terpadu Pesisir Ibukota
Negara (PTPIN).

National government targeted its waste

water coverage reaches 75% in 2022.
Figure 5. Intermediate Treatment Facility Infographics

If the government of DKI Jakarta does not do According to the regulation, DKI Jakarta is
anything about this growing waste problem appointed as one of the 12 locations to build the
and only relies on what has been done for waste management facilities. The other locations
years by just piling the waste in landfill areas, include the cities of Tangerang, South Tangerang,
this waste problem will never be resolved. In Bekasi, Bandung, Semarang, Surakarta, Surabaya,
fact, it can even create more complicated Makasar, Denpasar, Palembang and Manado.
environment issues caused by overcapacity of
those landfill sites. Source: Jakarta Post, Jakarta Environmental
Department, Jakarta Smart City
To solve the problem, the Government of DKI
Jakarta has introduced the development of
municipal waste management system in the Figure 5. Intermediate Treatment Facility Infographics
city. This is also often called as Intermediate
Treatment Facility (ITF) which functioned to use
municipal waste as fuel of a power plant.

One of The ITF facility has been officially

inaugurated by the Vice Governor of DKI
Jakarta, Sandiaga Uno, in Sunter. This project is
planned to be undertaken by one of the DKI
Jakarta state-owned companies, PT. Jakarta
Propertindo (Jakpro) through Environmental
Public Private Partnership scheme.

The project itself has undergone intensive

studies to determine which environment-
friendly technology is suitable to be used to
reduce the waste.

Sandiaga Uno said that ITF system could

convert 25% of DKI Jakarta municipal waste to
generate 35MW electricity.

Therefore Jakarta is expected to be cleaner,

greener, and at the same time its economy is
expected to increase positively. It also creates
plenty of jobs and business opportunity.

Not least important, besides raising awareness

of green living habits, the development of
green sustainable business type and
approaches should be one of the most
important concerns.

To support the above initiative, the Central

Government has recently issued a Presidential
Regulation (Perpres) No. 35 year 2018 on the
Acceleration of Waste-to-Electricity
Management Facility Development Based on
Environment-Friendly Technology.
Anies Baswedan was the prominence
educational activist who initiate program to
fight unequal quality of education in Indonesia,
particularly in the poor and rural parts of the
archipelago of Indonesia.

The program was nationwide called "Indonesia

Mengajar", a program that selects, trains, and
Assigns University graduates to serve in one-
year teaching mission in remote area in
Indonesia. He was also one of the youngest
university rectors in Indonesia when he was
elected as rector of Universitas Paramadina
Jakarta in 2007.

During his leadership in Universitas Paramadina

he initiated various breakthroughs such as
establishment of Paramadina Fellowship and
embedded successfully the anti-corruption
education as the core curriculum, first of its kind
ANIES BASWEDAN in Indonesia. He was the prominence
academician and educational activism until
Through years of experience as academician 2013 when he started to pursue his political
and researcher, Anies Rasyid Baswedan now career.
serves as the Governor of Jakarta in the
period of 2017 - 2022. Anies previously was Various achievements were also awarded to
the Minister of Education and Culture of Anies Baswedan. Being Top 100 Public
Indonesia in the cabinet era of President Joko Intellectual in the world by US magazine
Widodo from October 2014 until July 2016. Foreign Policy in 2008, and he was also The 500
Most Influential Muslim in the World by Royal
Anies Baswedan is the alumnae of Universitas Islamic Studies Centre in Jordan in 2010,
Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta and gained his
master degree from University of Maryland Also awarded as Young Global Leaders by
School of Public Policy and Doctor in Political World Economic Forum in 2009, “20 Person 20
Science from Northern Illionis University in Years” listed by Japanese Magazine Foresight
United States. He grew up in Yogyakarta, along with names such as Vladimir Putin
attended one of the most favorite school in (Russia), David Miliband (UK), Hugo Chavez
the city and spent one year in an exchange (Venezuela), and Rahul Gandhi (India) to be
program to The U.S. when he was still in the watched in the next 20 years, and many other
High School. achievements.

The leadership ability of Anies Baswedan has Through the slogan of "Maju Kotanya, Bahagia
been seen since the beginning of his youth, Warganya" ("Progressing Town, Happy
he was once chairman of National High People"), a lot of hope grows on the leadership
school Student Organization (OSIS) and of Anies Baswedan in Jakarta. We all hope and
Chairman of Gadjah Mada Student Senate pray that all good government plans can run
Organization while maintain the outstanding successfully and smoothly.
academic performance.
After graduated from his master degree,
Sandiaga Uno started to work on various
international company, he also established
financial advisor company, PT Recapital
Advisors and Investment Corporation called PT
Saratoga Investama Sedaya. By his network
and leadership, PT Saratoga succeed in the
acquisition of various company and
conducted revitalization management in the

In 2005-2008, Sandiaga Uno also became the

chairman of Indonesia Young Entrepreneurs
Association (HIPMI). He also was the chairman
of Committee of Small, Micro, Medium,
Enterprises (SMEs) in the Indonesian Chamber
of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) since
2004. Sandiaga Uno believes that courage and
optimism in looking at the future is the key to
paving the way to success. For him, success
element rest on hard work, trust, and
SANDIAGA UNO networking. Persistence in trying and dare to try
is the key of success.
Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno is businessman,
investors, and politician of Indonesia. Besides that, Sandiaga Uno reveals that one of
Currently, he serves as Vice Governor of DKI the most important strategies for success is to
Jakarta and lead the Jakarta Capital City of learn and to find out what has been done by
Indonesia together with Jakarta's Governor people who have succeed.
Anies Baswedan.
The key is learning from their experience to
Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno was awarded as achieve success. According to him, SMEs as the
one of the richest person in Indonesia from main players in Indonesia's Economy have an
Forbes Magazine in 2009 and 2011. He has important role in maintaining the stability of the
built the company PT Saratoga Advisors that country's economy. This sector has been
escorted himself as the one of the richest proved to be able to survive in times of crisis
person in Indonesia. and shore up the country economy during the
last ten years.
Sandiaga S. uno is the alumnae of Wichita
State University in United States with Summa That is why, in his political agenda Sandiaga
Cum Laude predicate and starting his career proceeded to execute plans mentioned during
as Bank Summa Officer. After that, Sandi his campaigning. In early October 2017, an
continue pursue his master degree in George entrepreneurship program called OKE
Washington University and graduated with OCE (One Kecamatan, One Center for
perfect GPA of 4.00. Entrepreneurship), or known as One Distric One
Centre of Entrepreneurship, it is launched with
the hope of creating new job opportunity for


Edy Junaedi Harahap, The Chairman of Edy Junaedi also develop JVC4B or Jakarta
Integrated One Stop Service Department of Virtual Consultant for Business, along with
Jakarta Provincial Government (DPMPTSP DKI Jakarta Investment Centre. He envisioned the
Jakarta). Is the main actor behind the recent realization of investment achievement that
innovative breakthrough and changes in the achieved more than 108.6 trillion from the
license services of Jakarta government. He target by Rp 55 trillion in 2017, and targeting
holds a doctoral degree of University of investment up to 100 trillion this year. In his
Padjajaran mastering governmental science minds, being very beneficial person is what he
and was one of the best graduate student pursuit to become. So he hopes that his job will
from IPDN, The ministry interior‟s school of be beneficial for many people.
Edy initiated major breakthrough in the nascent
DPMPTSP Jakarta during his leadership under unit of Jakarta government. He is the youngest
the guidance of Anies and Sandiaga Uno head of department in Jakarta Provincial
achieved the highest score compared to 34 Government, being appointed at age 39. The
other DPMPTSP in Indonesian provinces in the DPMPTSP DKI Jakarta under his leadership
evaluation of public services. achieved score of 85,43 in Ombudsman
ranking score and received an `excellent`
Besides that, he masterminds DPMPTSP category in the Role Model of Public Service
Jakarta to accomplish various achievements Provider Awards from the Ministry of State
such as contributing to the improvement of Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic
World Bank's EoDB Indonesia‟s Index ranked Reform.
at 72, which was an increase of 34 rankings in
the last two years.


21 years of experience has passed since 1997

in Investment related department, Indarini Indarini has the hope to develop and re-
Ekaningtyas, called Bu Ririn accumulated activate the Jakarta investment association
abundant knowledge of history, and where it can work together alongside Jakarta
understand the transformation of Jakarta government to develop other regions in
Regional Investment Coordinating Board Indonesia.
(Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal)
There are many poor underdeveloped areas
She also has experiences the institution outside the regions of Jakarta and she has
merger process into the Jakarta Regional concerns about it. She hopes that the
owned Enterprise Coordinating Board (Badan investment development in Jakarta spillover
Pembinaan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah) could be beneficial not only for Jakarta
citizen but also other people in another part
She was also involved in the transfer and of Indonesia.
development into the Jakarta Integrated
One-Stop Service Department (Dinas In her period of work as being the head of
Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Investment under Dr Edy Junaedi leadership,
Satu Pintu). she envisions her hopes to be fulfilled through
Jakarta Investment Centre.
Indarini have been working in various units
such as the head of investment planning,
investment controlling and monitoring unit,
and also its experienced in the secretariat
that had made her has wide knowledge.
Currently, she wishes to see further
development of Jakarta Investment Centre.

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