Fuzzy Based Power Control of Inter Line HVDC Network

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IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

Fuzzy based Power Control of Inter Line HVDC

Valupadasu Tejaswini Kalavala Swetha Adepu Sateesh Kumar
Department of EEE, Assistant Professor Associate Professor
Vaagdevi College of Engineering Department of EEE, Department of EEE,
Warangal, Telangana India., Vaagdevi College of Engineering Vaagdevi College of Engineering,
tejusateeshkumar@gmail.com Warangal, Telangana India. Warangal,Telangana, India.
akula.swethaa@gmail.com adepu.sateesh@gmail.com

Abstract: This paper defines a fuzzy based the main considerable thing in power
power controller have ability to control regulation of DC transmission line.Some
and improves power of HVDC grid tied special devices are designed to regulate
system. It can control the flow of current power flow for of DC meshed network.
effectively due to its fast acting and Because DC network have no reactive
effectively error reduction ability. It can power and power factor. Due to this reason
control the active power effectively with the main components of power control is in
VSC converter. The proposed controller HVDC meshed networks is terminal voltage
can improves the fault ride through and network resistance.
capability of HVDC transmission system
by incorporating effective current
Power flow can be control in two
controller to limit fault current in
ways [6]. First one is by inserting dc
prescribed limit.
resistance in transmission line. In this
Index Terms—FLC, Power control, Grid
method major disadvantages are power
dissipation and it requires extra cooling
system. Second one is by inserting auxiliary
voltage source in transmission lines power
flow can be regulated but it requires external
Now a days High voltage DC transmission
energy storage devices [7][8].
was widely used due to its advantages; In
grid integration mode voltage source
converters (VSCs) are used for power Therefore to avoid all this
conversion. The utilization HVDC system in obligations, inter lined power system is
meshed mode of operation can give better proposed. The power control is achieved by
performance than conventional HVDCs. inserting capacitors in between the power
Meshed HVDC have some salient features; source and the stored energy is controlled by
optimal utilization of converter capacity, the IGBT controlled dc power controller. It can
system can give enhanced performance give four quadrant operations that are why it
during grid faults and converter cost is less can control the power in both directions. The
compared to conventional HVDC converters proposed system consist a fuzzy controller
[1], [2]. to reduce the system error or to reduce
The main conflict in DC power deviation between reference and measured
transmission is power flow control among values. The fuzzy controller can alter the
grids [4].Where VSCs are used for power power flow with reduced fluctuations
control in DC networks, here voltage itself compared to conventional PI based
not sufficient to control the flow of control IDCPFC[12].
among grids [5]. The DC line resistance is

978-1-5386-0814-2/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

This paper consist; In section II III. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF

consists compression among different types IDCPFC
of IDCPFC, section III system description,
section IV fuzzy controller, section V A. Design of IDCPFC
describes system performance analysis and
section VI conclude the system[2]. To overcome drawbacks in previous
topologies one new IDCPFC is proposed,
II. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF the topology is as shown in fig 2. The line
DIFFERENT TYPES IDCPFC currents of lines are altered by controlling
The capacitors used included in transmission
the switches of IDCPFC and line inductors
system can act as a voltage source by
adjusting switching of power electronic are also used to alter.
devices. The +ve source include in one
terminal and the other hand –ve source
include in other terminal of HVDC. The
schematic representation of current flow
controller is as shown in fig 1(a). The
switching surges and harmonics are
increased due to switching of power
electronic devices to control current flow. It
causes increased ripples and high voltage
surges due to series injection of voltage
sources, to reduce harmonics and ripples
filters are required.

The other topology of IDCPFC is as

shown in fig 1(b). In this topology two
capacitors are placed in transmission lines Fig. 2 Implemented IDCPFC structure
and those are operated in stable mode of
operation. These two capacitors are used to By adjusting the operation of IGBTS the
stabilize the DC power flow. The voltages of current flow can be control, due to this the
these capacitors are altered by using one dc- injection of reticence effect in both polarities
dc converter control. The power is in to lines to control the power flow is
exchanged between these two capacitors by
achieved. The adjustment of currents
controlling the dc-dc converter and it was
explained in [28]. injection simply represents adjustment of
resistance. Like resistance of line increases
the current flowing in lines decreases vice

Mode 1: when Ic1 & Ic2 are positive

direction power flow requirements are
(a) (b) reduces Ic1 & increases Ic2. In order to
reduce Ic1 positive resistance is inserted. To
Fig.1. Different types of IDCPFCs increase Ic2 negative resistance is inducted,
topologies. (a)Topology-1.(b) Topology-2.

IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

energy is transmitted from C1, to C2 in order

to mating stabile capacitor voltages.

When Q1 is turn on all other there switches

are turned off in this mode current path is
C1, L1, Q1, and Db1. In this case inductor has
charged up to Vc1.

When Q3 is on Q3, Db3, C2, L1. In this case

inductor has discharged through the
capacitor C2, therefore power transferred
form line 1 to Line 2.

Fig.4 operation status in Mode 2

Mode 3: Ic1 & Ic2 are opposite direction

power requirements are Ic1 increases and Ic2

When Q4 is turn ON all other switches is

turned OFF this mode current path is C2,
Db4, Q4, and L2. In this case inductor has
charged up to Vc2.
Fig.3 operation status in Mode 1 When Q1 is turn ON current flows through
L1, Q1, Db1, C1.in this case inductor has
Mode 2: When Ic1 and Ic2 are negative
discharged through C1.
direction power flow requirements is
reduced Ic1 and increased Ic2.

When Q2 is ON current flows through C1,

Db2, Q2, L2 therefore inductor charges
through the C1.

When Q4 is ON current flow through C2,

Db4, Q4, L2. In this case inductor discharged
through the C2

Fig.5 operation status in Mode 3

IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

B. Working
Based on all constraints, nothing but . = . (1 − ) (1)
requirement of regulation, polarity of current
flow the operation divided into some modes WhereTsis switching period.
those are mentioned in table form is as
The two capacitor voltages are
shown in Table-1.
(1 − )
TABLE – 1 = (2)


Maximum conversion efficiency,
Mode Direction Regulation Off Controll Polarities
of Ic1/Ic2 Requirements
of Ic1/Ic2
Switches ed
= (3)
1 P/P p/n Q2, Q4 Q1, Q3 +/+
= (4)
2 N/N p/n Q1, Q3 Q2, Q4 -/- (1 − )
3 P/N n/p Q2, Q3 Q1, Q4 -/+
Harmonic voltages are defined as

∆ = (5)
In the table 1, P and N represent positive and ( + )
negative direction, respectively. + And –
represents the voltage polarities of Vc1 & ∆ = (6)
Vc2. ( + )

IV. CONTROLLER DESIGN By varying the switching frequency duty

ratio varies. It impacts the power flow
Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) based current control based on ratio analysis
controlling technique is used to control the
current flow in terminals of HVDC
transmission system. The FLC designing has
been accomplished with the mamdani type
technique that lines out the input
characteristics to input membership Fig. 6 Control structure design
functions. FLC controller can reduces error
nearer to zero, it will acts faster and noise
injection ratio is high compared to
conventional controllers. Due to this reasons
system performance is enhanced. Fig. 6
shows the fuzzy based current controller

C. Control structure design

The voltage balance principle is defined as
bellow Fig.7 Inter connected HVDC test system

IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)

TABLE II I12=0.46 kA, I13=1.02 kA, I23=1.06 kA,

V1=202.05 kV and V2=201.59 kV when the
DC Cable Line 12 Line 13 Line 23 A. At Steady-State Operation
Length/km 100 200 150
It is assumed that the reference current of
Rsistance/Ω 1 2 1.5 I23is 0.2 kA. With given V3, P1, P2, I23(0.2
Inductance/mH 40 80 60 kA) and line parameters listed in Table II,
we have I12=−0.39 kA, I13=1.86 kA,
V.VALIDATION TESTS BY SIMULATION I23=0.2 kA, V1=203.36 kV, V2=203.75 kV,
Vc1=3.45 kV and Vc2=0.37 kV. Fig. 8
The currents flowing based on fig. 7 is shows the simulation waveforms. Before 4 s,
the IDCPFC is disabled and at instant t=4s,
− the IDCPFC is enabled to regulate the
⎧ =
⎪ currents. As seen from Fig. 8(a) to (c), the
⎪ + − simulation results match well with the
= theoretical results. Fig. 8(d) shows the
⎨ + − current waveforms of two active switches
⎪ = Q2and Q4, which validates the operation

⎩ . = .
B. Step Change in P2 with Unchanged Line
1 1 −
⎧ = + − + Current:
⎨ 1 1 −
= + − + (8) The reference current of I23is still set to 0.2

kA, at instant t=4 s, the injected power of
To validate the feasibility and effectiveness VSC2 has a step change from original 120
of the proposed IDCPFC, a meshed three- MW to 80 MW and the injected power of
terminal HVDC grid simulation system VSC1 keeps unchanged. The voltages and
including the IDCPFC is built, and the currents after 4s are: V1=203.00 kV,
parameters are provided in Table II. Terminal 3 V2=203.19 kV, I12=−0.19 kA, I13=1.67 kA,
is operated as a slack DC bus and the terminal I23=0.2 kA, Vc1=2.89 kV and Vc2=0.34 kV.
voltage is maintained at V3=200kV by VSC3. The simulation waveforms are shown in Fig.
The other two terminals are operated in constant 6. As seen, when P2 declines to 80 MW, a
power mode and the injected power are set to
part of current in Line13 flows to the slack
P1=300MW and P2=120MW. The IDCPFC is
bus through the route of Line 12-Line 23 to
located at terminal 3, C1is inserted into Line23,
C2is inserted into Line13, and the IDPFC is
restrain the current decline in Line23 to keep
represented by two voltage sources with power I23 unchanged. In other words, the current
exchange in Fig. 7. For the IDCPFC, the in Line13 I13 will decrease while I23is
switching frequency is 1 kHz, C1=1.6 mF, C2=4 constant after 4 s. Moreover, the terminal
mF and L1=L2=800μH. voltages V1and V2 decrease due to the drop
of entire injected power. The theoretical
With given parameters, the three line analysis and calculation matches well
currents and two terminal voltages are
simulation waveforms in Fig. 9.

IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI-2017)


Transimission line currents


A new fuzzy based current flow controller

has used for control of dc-dc converter to


adjust capacitor voltages. The inter line DC

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
time/sec 5
x 10

power flow controller can improves the fault

ride through capability of HVDC

transmission system by incorporating
Vc1 & Vc2


effective current controller to limit fault



current. This can alter the power flow of

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Time/Sec 5
x 10

interline HVDC grid integrated networks. It

has fast acting and less rated system is used


for high power applications. Fuzzy based




IDCPFC has more benefits, less requirement

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
x 10

of Extra storage output devices and

switching devices. The fuzzy based IDCPFC
can improve HVDC transmission power

flow effectively to a greater extent.

current flowing through Q2 and Q4



0 500 1000

1500 2000 2500


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