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As fitness professionals it is easy to keep our focus on the great things that occur from having a
healthy and active lifestyle. We know so much about the benefits of exercise and get excited
helping others discover how their bodies can improve. Something not quite as uplifting is what
occurs if someone isn’t or can’t be active, which is muscle atrophy. It is often said, “If you don’t
use it, you lose it,” but it is rarely discussed what exactly “it” is. With our bodies being so
complex it is important to have an understanding of what occurs when getting in shape and when
we start down the deconditioning path.
What is Muscle Atrophy?

Muscle atrophy is a term used to describe the loss of muscle. Atrophy may occur from injury,
starvation, disease, bed rest, nerve damage, and other health-related issues. To understand how
our bodies could be affected by experiencing muscle atrophy we need to think of how we rely on
our muscles. The muscular system provides strength, endurance in movement, stabilization, and
protection. Muscles are able to contract and relax, moving or stabilizing the joints they cross. If
atrophy has occurred then the motion that would normally happen at the joint would be
compromised. This would mean less strength and endurance during the movement, along with
potentially less stabilization around the joints crossed. Atrophy can leave our bodies at a higher
risk of injury due to lack of neural control of muscles that would normally be responsible for
stabilizing and coordinating movement.

Is it Size or Strength?

When muscle atrophy occurs, do we lose just muscle size or do we lose strength as well? To
answer this we need to know what occurs in the body when size and strength are gained.

Hypertrophy is the growth of skeletal muscle fibers in response to overcoming force from high
volumes of tension. It occurs when muscle cells regenerate from progressive resistance training
programs (1). Hypertrophy can also be described as an increase in the cross-sectional area of the
muscle. This result is from an increase in the size and number of myofibrils per muscle cell, as
well as an increase in structurally-related muscle tissue, such as ligaments and tendons along
with an increase in stored nutrients and enzymes in the muscle fibers to break down and
resynthesize ATP (1). The muscles also store more ATP and CP. This process helps in activities
that involve strength, power and speed (2). With this increase in muscle mass other soft tissue
will be more tolerable to higher amounts of stress without damage (3-5). Muscle atrophy would
reverse these hypertrophy benefits. This muscle loss would result in loss in strength, stabilization
of skeletal structure, and durability of resisting forces from opposing tension.

Hypertrophy can occur without major increases in strength, but there has also been shown a
correlation of increases in strength as well as in the cross-sectional area of muscle
(6). NASM notes that strength is the ability of the neuromuscular system to produce internal
tension in order to overcome an external load (1). The ability to gain strength can occur without
dramatically increasing size. Gaining strength but not size directly relates to changes in the
nervous system. This increase is from the coordination of muscles during weight training
exercise — an increase in synchronization, recruitment, and firing of motor units (2).

There are variables that come into play to determine if you are going to gain size or maximal
strength. By lifting heavy loads, keeping lower repetitions (1-5), having longer rest periods (3-5
min.), and nourishing your body without having a caloric surplus you’ll have the ability to
improve strength with little to no gain in size (1).

If muscle atrophy occurs for individuals that have trained more for strength over size, they will
still suffer from the same losses that one would from training for size. There would be a loss of
strength, loss of neuromuscular coordination, a loss of endurance, and an increase in injury risk.
Muscle atrophy isn’t just about losing size, it will also be a loss in strength.

Does muscle turn to fat if you don’t work out?

For years the urban legend that muscle turns to fat has been on the minds of many. The
conversations regarding this concept have reverberated through the rows of exercise machines
and the walls of locker rooms. It’s time to let this urban legend and gym rat campfire ghost story
finally go away.

As we dive into the subject of muscle atrophy, many think if you lose muscle that it has to go
somewhere, so it must turn into fat. When muscle atrophy occurs it is most often from lack of
activity for an extended period of time. As protein degradation exceeds protein resynthesis your
muscles are shrinking and your metabolism is likely requiring less calories to support the muscle.
If you are losing muscle and you seem to be increasing body fat, it is most often due to a caloric
surplus from not moving as much and consuming too many calories. This shift seems to be why
people have assumed that muscle turns to fat.

By not regularly strength training and not having a proper nutrition plan in place, there is a much
greater chance of body fat increasing. This is not because your muscle turned to fat, it’s because
the ideal environment was created for fat stores to grow, and the worst opportunity for muscle to

Minimum needed to maintain strength (and size)?

The concept of bare minimum work to maintain size and strength is challenging because of how
complex our bodies truly are. Ideally, if we were nourishing our bodies properly with the right
quality and quantity of what we needed, were handling stress well, keeping in proper
homeostasis and all other systems were running well, the average person may maintain their
body’s strength and size with just 2 to 3 resistance training workouts a week. (Don’t forget to
include cardio training as part of your overall fitness routine!)

The problem that happens is that we do not live in the perfect scenario to keep ourselves in a
maintenance phase. Many factors become challenges. This includes hitting a plateau, meaning if
your body is no longer receiving the increased stimulus it once received from your workouts, you
may not experience the same benefits you once did. If stress has increased in your life, cortisol
levels may hinder your ability to maintain your strength and size. If sleep is compromised, this
could also impact your progress.

Knowing the bare minimum to maintain strength is good, but do not lose site that fitness
programs need to progress, typically every 4 to 8 weeks. Another consideration is to also know
your numbers in other aspects of fitness and health. Know your 1 repetition max (1 RM) for
various exercises, your VO2 score for cardio and your body fat percentage as well. If you have
access to metabolic testing and blood panels, these are also important to know. Being proactive
is key to keeping your size and strength.

How long can you go before strength begins to decrease?

Studies have shown that within a week there are molecular signs of atrophy. Depending on the
muscle group, the time varies, with lower body muscles showing signs of atrophy quicker (7-8).

What if looking to “debulk”?

For anyone wanting to “debulk” or reduce muscle size, look first at items that could give you
clarity if that’s truly the goal. Losing muscle is actually a lot easier than losing fat and yet more
difficult to gain back up. If you find out through monitoring your body fat percentage that you
can stand to actually lose fat instead, my recommendation would be to focus efforts toward that

If you truly need to reduce muscle mass, consider the healthiest ways possible to do so. Avoid
workout styles that promote gaining muscle mass, and instead focus on ones that concentrate on
strength or endurance. If following the NASM OPT model, skip phase 3 (hypertrophy), and
target the higher rep ranges for phases 1 and 2, and lower rep ranges in phases 4 and 5 with the
appropriate training variables. Don’t forget to include cardio training as well.

Nutrition also plays a major role in “debulking.” You would benefit by being in a caloric deficit
to lose the weight. During this time you would still want to eat as healthy as you can with meals
that consist of all three macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fat).

Controlling Atrophy

Homeostasis is the balance of our sympathetic (flight or flight) system and parasympathetic (rest,
restore and recover) system. To maximize results and improve performance these systems need
to be balanced. Our muscles are similar in needing muscular homeostasis.
Exercise routines need to be progressive and challenging, but also allow for proper recovery.
Assessments need to be given to ensure proper body mechanics during the exercises. If
synergistic dominance is occurring muscles may no longer be participating in an ideal length
tension relationship, which may result in atrophy of compensated muscles. By addressing these
compensations and including the needed techniques to correct them the body can be brought
back to moving with efficiency.

When I think of atrophy I think of the grim reaper for meat heads. As a fitness professional,
atrophy is what we normally fight to avoid at all costs. Like many challenges we face in our
pursuit of improving performance and getting healthier, it takes a whole life approach. Every
aspect of your life plays a role in your success. By developing a positive relationship with
physical activity and lifestyle behaviors, atrophy will hopefully be something you can help your
clients (and yourself) avoid.


1. Clark M, Lucett S, McGill E, Montel I, Sutton B. (editors). (2018) NASM Essentials of

Personal Fitness Training (6th ed). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
2. Boone, T. (2014) Introduction to Exercise Physiology. Burlington, MA, Jones & Bartlett
3. Almstedt H, Canepa J, Ramirez D, & Shoepe T. (2011) Changes in bone mineral density
in response to 24 weeks of resistance training in college-age men and women. J Strength
Cond Res. 2011;25:1098–1103.
4. Folland J & Williams A. (2007) The adaptations to strength training: Morphological and
neurological contributions to increased strength. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). 37.
5. Hinton P, Nigh P, & Thyfault J. (2015) Effectiveness of resistance training or jumping-
exercise to increase bone mineral density in men with low bone mass: A 12-month
randomized, clinical trial. Bone. Oct;79:203-12. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2015.06.008.
6. Maughan R, Watson J. & Weir J. (1983) Strength and cross-sectional area of human
skeletal muscle. Journal of Physiology, 338:37-49.
7. LeBlanc AD, Schneider VS, Evans HJ, et al. (1992) Regional changes in muscle mass
following 17 weeks of bed rest. Journal of Applied Physiology. 1992;73:2172–2178.
8. Salanova M, Gambara G, Moriggi M, Vasso M, Ungethuem U, Belavy D, Felsenberg D,
Cerretelli P, Gelfi Cecilia, Blottner D. (2015). Vibration mechanosignals superimposed to
resistive exercise result in baseline skeletal muscle transcriptome profiles following
chronic disuse in bed rest. Scientific Reports. 5(5):17027. doi: 10.1038/srep17027.

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