Surprize Test

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Q1.ANSWER ALL. [1 X 20 = 20]
(a)The total number of atoms per unit cell of a face centered cubic crystal is : (i) 01 (ii) 02 (iii) 03 (iv) 04
1 3
(b)The overall order of reaction which has rate expression rate = K[𝐴]2 [𝐵]2 is: (i) 01 (ii) 02 (iii) 03 (iv) Zero
(c)The unit of rate constant of zero order reaction is……………………..
(d)What is the IUPAC name of isopropyl alcohol?
(e)What is molarity of 10% NaOH (𝑤⁄𝑣 ) solution?
(f)When ethyl alcohol reacts with bromine in presence of phosphorus, its froms: (i) Ethane (ii) Phosphorus tribromide
(iii)Mithyl bromide (iv) Ethyl bromide
(g)Which of the following reaction is not streospecific: (i) SN1 (ii)SN2 (iii)Electrophilic substitution (iv)Addition of Br2
to ethyl in CCl4.
(h)Alkyl halides ………………….position isomerism.
(i)Hydrolysis of ester in presence of dilute acid is known as ……………………
(j)for the reaction : C6H5MgX + CH3OH → X ; X is …………………..
(k)Which of the following aldehydes does not show aldol condensation? (i) CH3CHO (ii)CH3CH2CHO
(iii)(CH3)3C – CHO (iv)CH3(CH2)2CHO.
(l)Calcium acetate on heating gives …………………….. and …………………
(m)Electrolytic reduction of nitrobenzene in weakly acidic medium gives
(i) N-phenyl hydroxylamine (ii) nitrobenzene (iii)Aniline (iv) p-hydroxyl aniline
(n)Which of the following strongest base in aqueous solution?
(i) Aniline (ii) trimethlylamine (iii) dimethylamine (iv) methylamine
(o) Which of the following does not have sp2 hybridised carbon?
(i) Acetamide (ii) Acetone (iii) Acetic acid (iv) acetonitrile
(p)The helical structure of proteins is stabilized by
(i) dipeptide (ii) Hydrogen bonds (iii) ether bonds (iv) Peptide bonds
(q)The chemical name of vitamine A is ……………..
(r)In aqueous solution, glucose remains as ……………………
(s)Equanils is ………… (i)Artificial sweetner (ii) tranquilizer (iii) antihistamine (iv) antiferility drug.
(t)The temperature at which range , most of the metals became superconductors is ………
(u)The most convenient way of expressing concentration of solution is:
(i)Molarity (ii)Normality (iii) Molality (iv) Mole fraction

Q2.ANSWER ALL. [1 X 20 = 20]
(a)What is the number of directed lines making equal angle with co-ordinate axis?
(b)What is the equation of yz plane?
(c)Write down the d. c. s of equally inclined to the co-ordinates axis in the first quadrant.
⃗⃗⃗ . ⃗⃗𝑏| = | 𝑎 × 𝑏⃗ | , then what is the angel between 𝑎 & 𝑏⃗ ?
(d)If |𝑎
(e)What is |⃗⃗𝑏| if (𝑎 × 𝑏⃗)2 + (𝑎 . 𝑏⃗)2 =144 and |𝑎 ⃗⃗⃗ | = 4
(f)What is the angel between 𝑎̂ and 𝑏̂ if 𝑎̂ x 𝑏̂ = 𝑛̂
[𝑒] [𝜋] [𝜋 2 − 6]
(g)what is the value of determinant | [𝜋] 2
[𝜋 − 6] 𝑒 |
[𝜋 − 6] 𝑒 𝜋

𝑎 0 0
(h)If A= [0 𝑎 0]what is the value of |𝐴𝑑𝑗 𝐴|
0 0 𝑎
𝑖 3 3 𝑖 101
(i)What is the value of |𝑖 56 5 𝑖 54 |
𝑖 21 7 𝑖 23
(j)What does the solution set of the in equation 2x + y >5 represents?
(K)State the order of the following matrices[ ]
(l) give an example of 4 x 2 matrix.
(m) state which of the following matrices are symmetric, skew symmetric, both or not either:
𝑥 1 2
[−1 𝑦 3]
−2 −3 𝑧
1 1
(n) Evaluate the determinants: | |
2 3
sin 𝑥 cos 𝑥
(o)Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer from the brackets. The minimum value of | | is
− cos 𝑥 1 + sin 𝑥
................ (-1, 0, 1, 2)
(p) if the position vectors of two points A and B are 3𝑖̂ + 𝑘̂ and 2𝑖̂ + 𝑗̂ - 𝑘̂ , then the vector 𝐵𝐴
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ is -----------
(q) Rectify the mistake , if any ⃗⃗⃗ 𝑎 - ⃗⃗⃗
𝑎 =0
(r)Each question given below has four possible answer. Out of which only one is correct. Choose these correct
one.(2 𝑖̂ - 4 𝑗̂ ) . (𝑖̂ + 𝑗̂ + 𝑘̂)=............ (i) -3 (ii) +2 (iii)-1 (iv) -2
(s) Each question given below has four possible answer. Out of which only one is correct. Choose these correct one
( -3, 𝜆, 1 ) ⊥ (1, 0, -3) ⇒ 𝜆 = ............. (a) 0 (b)1 (c) impossible to find (d) any real number
(t)The area of the triangle with vertices (1, 0, 0),
(0, 1, 0) and (0, 0, 1) is.................
1 √3
(i)2 (b) 1 (c) 2
(iv) 2

.ANSWER ALL. [1 X 20 = 20]
1. What is the polarizing angle of a medium of refractive index 1.732?

2. Sketch the variation of intensity of interference pattern in Young’s double slit experiment.
3. What is the ratio of fringe width of bright and dark fringes in Young’s double slit experiment?
4. What is the effect on interference fringes in Young’s double slit experiment if one slit is covered
5. Two waves having the intensities in the ratio of 9 : 1 produce interference. The ratio of maximum to
minimum intensity is equal to
(a) 10 : 8 (b) 9 : 1 (c) 4 : 1 (d) 2 : 1

6. The wave front due to a source situated at infinity is

(a) spherical (b) cylindrical (c) planar (d) None of these
7. If Young's double slit experiment, is performed in water
(a) the fringe width will decrease (b) the fringe width will increase
(c) the fringe width will remain unchanged (d) there will be no fringe
8. Which of the following is not an essential condition for interference?
(a) The two interfering waves must be propagated in almost the same direction or the two
interfering waves must intersect at very small angle
(b) The wave must have the same period and wavelength (c) The amplitude of the two
waves must be equal (d) The two interfering beams of light rriust originate from the same source

9. Monochromatic green light; of wavelength 5 x 10-7 m illuminates a pair of slits 1 mm apart. The separation of
bright lines on the interference pattern formed •on a screen 2m away is
· (a) 1mm (b) 0 .0 1 mm (c) 0.1 mm (d) 0.25 mm
10. State Huygens’s principle. Deduce the laws of refraction on the basis of Huygens’s principle.
11. yellow light of wavelength 6000 𝐴̇ produces fringes of width 0.8 mm in YDSE . What will be the fringe width if the
light source replaced by another monochromatic light source of wave length 7500 𝐴̇ and the separation will be
12. Define the condition for coherent .
13. Tw.o slits. are separated .by a distance of 0.5 .mm and illuminated with light of A = 6000 A. If, the screen is
placed 2.5 m from the slits . .The ~tance .of the third bright image froTI! the centre will be
(a) 1.5 mm ( b) 3 mm . (c) 6 mm (d) ,9 mrn.
14. Define defraction.
15. What is secondary wave front?
16. draw the wavefront for linear source.
17. prove law of reflectoion using Huyagen’s principle.
18. what is principle of superposition.
19. Define destructive interference
20 . Define interference

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