Adventist Scholars, The Interpretation of The First Head, and The Influence of Dan 7 in Rev 17 Maicol Cortés MA-R (New Testament)

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Adventist scholars, the interpretation of the first head, and the influence of Dan 7 in

Rev 17

Maicol Cortés
MA-R (New Testament)


Adventist scholars recognize the use of Daniel in the book of Revelation,

emphasizing the important to study together these books as a complement. In Rev 17 they

see the influence of Dan 7, however, in the interpretation of the first head of the abyssal

beast some identify the first head with Egypt, whereas others see to Babylon. It seams the

reason of this discrepancy is related to the understanding of the influence of Dan 7 in Rev

17. Therefore, This paper sought to answer the question: the influence of Dan 7 in Rev 17

is related to the content or is also in form? To answer this question this paper is divided into

five parts. First, it offers a literature review in order to understand what are the main ideas

in Adventist scholarly related to the use of Dan 7 in Rev 17, specifically in relation to the

interpretation of the first head/empire of the beast. Second, it analyzes in brief the

connections between both books (Daniel and Revelation) in order to introduce the study.

Third, it presents the criteria to study the influence of Dan 7 in Rev 17 following the

Paulien’s method for the identification of “allusions” and “echoes” in Rev 17. Fourth, it

applies those tools to the passages under consideration to see if the influence of Dan 7 is

just in content or is also in form. Fifth, it presents a summary of findings and the


KEYWORDS: Influence, Echoes, Allusions, Daniel, Revelation

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