Solar Energy: Christian A. Gueymard

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A reevaluation of the solar constant based on a 42-year total solar irradiance

time series and a reconciliation of spaceborne observations
Christian A. Gueymard1
Solar Consulting Services, Colebrook, NH, USA


Keywords: A reevaluation of the solar constant is undertaken here to take into account the progress in space radiometry that
Solar constant has occurred since the early 2000s. Various sources of spaceborne total solar irradiance (TSI) observations are
Total solar irradiance investigated here, including the long-term ACRIM and PMOD composites, as well as recent observations from the
Space radiometry SORCE-TIM, TCTE-TIM, and PICARD-PREMOS instruments. A proxy model is constructed using daily data of
Solar variability
sunspot number, radio flux at 10.7 cm, and MgII index, as predictors for TSI over the 42-year period 1976–2017.
These daily estimates are used to fill in 9.7% of missing TSI observations during that period. By comparison with
these proxy estimates, the PMOD composite appears generally more reliable than the ACRIM composite before
2003, and particularly before 1981. The 42-year time span is separated into nine periods, each defining the
revised TSI daily values from one or more sources that are selected based on the trend of their resemblance with
the proxy model. A final correction is added to emulate the highly accurate absolute calibration of PREMOS.
Based on the resulting TSI reconstruction, a revised solar constant value of 1361.1 W/m2 is obtained, with a
standard uncertainty of 0.5 W/m2. The revised solar constant is ≈5 W/m2 less than the previous values pro-
mulgated in ASTM and ISO standards. A revision of these standards is thus highly recommended.

1. Introduction Abbot (1911) mentions 13 SC estimates (between 1185 and 2371 W/

m2) that were published between 1837 and 1908. His own estimate at
The magnitude of the solar output and its variability over various that time was 1340 W/m2, which is remarkably close to the current
time scales condition virtually all geobiological processes on Earth. observations, despite the large experimental uncertainties that existed
Among many other important phenomena, this planet’s weather and then. Based on elaborate measurements from high mountains or bal-
climate are directly affected by the energy received from the Sun at loonsondes, the values he obtained over the years ranged between
each instant, and in the long-term. Among the numerous terrestrial about 1320 and 1550 W/m2. These variations were mostly attributed
energy-related applications that are dependent on the Sun’s output, (wrongly for the most part) to solar activity. Hoyt and Schatten (1997)
solar power is of course at the forefront. The exploration of space also listed 36 SC values that were proposed between 1838 and 1993. A
requires solar power as a reliable energy source for satellites and shorter list, covering the period 1940–2004, can be found in Gueymard
spacecraft. (2006), with 16 SC values in the range 1322–1429.5 W/m2. The most
The early days of solar radiation research were directly related to recent value, 1366.1 W/m2 was initially proposed by ASTM (2000),
the quantification of the solar power output and its variations. This thus updating the previous value of 1353 W/m2 originally proposed by
solar output is still usually referred to as the “solar constant” (SC), even Thekaekara (ASTM, 1974), and was then confirmed by (Gueymard,
though it is now known to actually fluctuate due to solar activity. In 2004; hereafter G04).
1837, the first acknowledged pioneer, Pouillet, reported measurements To account for the temporal variability in the sun’s instantaneous
with an early type of pyrheliometer and obtained a value of 1230 W/m2 output, it is now termed total solar irradiance (TSI). In what follows, the
(after unit conversion using the thermochemical calorie definition, term ‘‘solar constant’’ is used only to describe the long-term mean value
1 cal = 4.184 J). In the early 1900s, Abbot continued the work of of TSI. Using spaceborne instruments, the continuous monitoring of TSI
Langley and developed the Smithsonian Institution’s Solar Constant has started in 1978 and has shown that TSI was indeed somewhat
Program (1902–1957), aimed at finding a link between sun’s cyclical variable over time, as a consequence of the sun’s 27-day rotation cycle
activity and its power output (Hoyt, 1979; Hoyt and Schatten, 1997). and of complex mechanisms behind the 11-year solar cycle (Fröhlich

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ISES member.
Received 12 February 2018; Received in revised form 28 March 2018; Accepted 1 April 2018
0038-092X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Gueymard, C.A., Solar Energy (2018),
C.A. Gueymard Solar Energy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

and Lean, 2004; Kuhn and Armstrong, 2004). What was referred to as followed Nimbus-7 indicated significantly lower TSI values, even under
the “solar constant” in the past will be evaluated below by calculating “calm sun” conditions. This was caused mainly by differing absolute
the long-term average TSI at the Earth’s top of atmosphere for the calibrations of the radiometers, which prompted the need to reconcile
average sun-earth distance (1 ua).2 the time series from different platforms, using elaborate corrections and
As G04 mentioned, a discrepancy existed between the 1366.1 W/m2 time-dependent scaling factors. This arduous process, which is docu-
SC value just mentioned and the TSI measurements made with the Total mented in a number of publications (e.g., Dewitte et al., 2004; Fröhlich,
Irradiance Monitor (TIM) radiometer. That instrument had just started 2004, 2006, 2012a,b; Mekaoui and Dewitte, 2008; Willson, 2014;
collecting data, as part of the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment Willson and Mordvinov, 2003), led to the development of composite
(SORCE) mission (, and was time series based on combined TSI observations from different instru-
reporting values typically ≈5 W/m2 lower than older instruments in ments, depending on period and estimated data quality.
space. Since the publication of G04, a small number of new estimates of In what follows, the PMOD and ACRIM composites are used ex-
SC were proposed, sometimes based on data from new spaceborne in- tensively. (An earlier version of the PMOD composite was used in G04.)
struments. In 2007, ISO Standards 14222 (ISO, 2013) and 21348 (ISO, The latest versions of the extended PMOD composite,3 covering the
2007) recommended a value of 1366 W/m2, almost identical to ASTM’s. period to 1976-01-11 to 2017-09-20,4 and of the ACRIM composite,5
ASTM E490 was reapproved in 2014, and ISO 21348 was reapproved in covering the period 1978-11-17 to 2013-09-17, are used here. These
2015, even though significantly lower SC values had been proposed in two composites differ because they use different observations from
the mean time. For instance, Kopp and Lean (2011) suggested a “most different platforms during some periods, and differing reduction pro-
probable value” of 1360.8 W/m2 for the representation of TSI at solar cesses. Moreover, the latest versions used here include appropriate
minimum, based on a few years of measurement with the SORCE-TIM corrections of about −5 W/m2 compared to their older versions, in
instrument. Gueymard (2012) used the older data time series from G04 order to compensate for the systematic overestimation of the mea-
and scaled it to the newer observations from the PREMOS instrument surements made with older radiometers, as a result of two sources of
onboard the PICARD satellite, obtaining an SC value of 1361.2 W/m2. error: (i) stray light impacting the radiometer’s reading (Kopp and Lean,
In parallel, Fehlmann et al. (2012) indicated that PREMOS was the best 2011); and (ii) difference of ≈0.3% between the World Radiometric
understood and calibrated radiometer of its category ever sent to space. Reference (WRR) used to calibrate older radiometers and the absolute
In 2015, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) adopted a re- calibration method based on the SI realization of the watt (with cryo-
solution suggesting a solar constant value of 1361 W/m2 (IAU, 2015), genic radiometers) used for the TIM and PREMOS instruments
based on available measurements during solar cycle 23 only. This value (Fehlmann et al., 2012; Kopp et al., 2012; Walter et al., 2017). In the
was confirmed by Prša et al. (2016), but may be understood as provi- case of the PMOD composite, the correction process included a down-
sional, since not based on an in-depth study. ward correction of –0.362%, as explained in its accompanying online
The new developments in precision space radiometry that followed documentation.6 To complement these composites, three recent, single-
the publication of G04 show that the newer radiometer design of TIM source time series of measurements made during recent, or still on-
removed sources of bias that were impacting the older ones—based on going, missions are added for reference. These are SORCE-TIM (2003-
which the 1366.1 W/m2 value was derived. Even with older radiometer 02-25 to 2017-12-31), TCTE-TIM (2013-12-16 to 2017-12-31) and PI-
designs, such as that of PREMOS, advanced pre-flight calibration and CARD-PREMOS (2010-07-27 to 2014-02-11). (In the present nomen-
characterization techniques allowed a substantial decrease in un- clature, the satellite name comes first, followed by the instrument ac-
certainty. In an effort to improve accuracy in solar or other applica- ronym.)
tions, these developments justify a revision of the standard SC values A comparison of the latest versions of the PMOD and ACRIM com-
that were stipulated in ASTM (2000) or ISO (2007, 2013), for instance. posites is shown in Fig. 1. There are obvious differences between the
Moreover, the solar energy literature still frequently refers to even older two time series, most particularly during 1978–79, when ACRIM’s TSI
(and obsolete) SC determinations, such as 1367 or 1373 W/m2. This appears systematically larger than PMOD’s TSI (or vice versa, PMOD
contribution aims at alerting the scientific community involved in ter- appears lower than ACRIM). Another source of concern is their dis-
restrial or space applications about the recent evolution in the ob- crepancy during the solar minima between cycles 22 and 23 and cycles
servation of TSI, justifying a lower value for SC, and proposing a long- 23 and 24, as underlined before (Kopp, 2014). More generally, the
term reconstruction of the TSI time series using the best possible ab- differences between the two datasets have been the object of intense
solute calibration. debate in the literature (Fröhlich, 2006; Scafetta and Willson, 2014;
Willson and Mordvinov, 2003), due to differing views on the radio-
meters’ calibration, stability, degradation, and need for correction. The
2. TSI observations disagreement also fueled controversy regarding the reality of long-term
trends in the solar output and their possible impact on climate change
Following many decades of attempts at estimating SC from terres- (NRC, 2012; Scafetta, 2013). One of the objectives of the present study
trial observatories (e.g., by Abbot) and high-altitude balloons, aircraft is to reconsider these differences from another standpoint and find a
or rockets (Thekaekara, 1965, 1973, 1976), a new era started in No- way to reconcile the datasets.
vember 1978 with the launch of Nimbus-7, which allowed the con- Similar to Fig. 1, Fig. 2 shows the temporal evolution of TSI as
tinuous monitoring of TSI with spaceborne radiometers without any observed by SORCE-TIM, TCTE-TIM and PICARD-PREMOS. The time
interference from atmospheric constituents. During its first nine years series are shorter here, particularly for PREMOS and TCTE-TIM. The
of measurement, the mean annual TSI varied between 1370.2 and differences between them are also typically smaller than in Fig. 1. A
1371.3 W/m2 in good synchronicity with solar activity, which estab- comparison between the two composites (PMOD and ACRIM) and
lished the reality of this connection (Fox, 2004; Hickey et al., 1988; SORCE-TIM is shown in Fig. 3 during their common period
Willson et al., 1981). In turn, the Earth climate impacts caused by this
variability started to be studied extensively (Fröhlich and Lean, 1998;
Lean, 2010; NRC, 2012; Schatten and Arking, 1990; Solanki et al., 3
2013). Spaceborne measurements made from the satellites that dat.
According to the data documentation, the extended version used here contains ad-
ditional data obtained with a proxy model from 1976-01-11 until 1978-11-16 to prolong
2 the time series so that it starts at the onset of solar cycle 21.
The abbreviation to be used for the astronomical unit is somewhat confusing: ISO
stipulates “ua” whereas the International Astronomical Union (IAU) favors “au”, and
ASTM reports it as “AU”. The ISO nomenclature is used here. 6

C.A. Gueymard Solar Energy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

Fig. 1. PMOD and ACRIM composite TSI time series during 1976–2017. Numbers in yellow circles indicate the solar cycle. The horizontal line at 1361.1 W/m2
indicates the revised solar constant. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 2. TSI observations from SORCE-TIM, TCTE-TIM and PICARD-PREMOS during 2003–2017.

Fig. 3. TSI time series from SORCE-TIM and the PMOD and ACRIM composites during 2003–2013.

(2003–2013), which coincided with the solar minimum between cycles correlation between TSI and RZ. This is done here with two different time
23 and 24. A difference of ≈0.4 W/m2 exists between the ACRIM time series. The first one combines PMOD and SORCE-TIM, whereas the second
series and those from PMOD or SORCE-TIM, whereas the latter two are one combines ACRIM and SORCE-TIM. The reliance on SORCE-TIM from the
in close agreement (within 0.1 W/m2 most of the time). start of its observational record (2003-02-25) until 2017-12-31 is justified by
the assessment of its stability, which is significantly better than that of older
3. Solar activity effects on TSI instruments (NRC, 2012). For the two time series, the period before 1981 is
not included because of the noticeable discrepancy between ACRIM and
The essential reason for TSI’s temporal variability is the solar activity PMOD discussed above. A plot showing the variation of TSI vs. RZ appears in
(Fröhlich and Lean, 2004). During periods of high activity, two different main Fig. 4, using the PMOD/SORCE-TIM combined time series. A quadratic
processes are exacerbated and interact with TSI: sunspots and faculae. function appears to exist between TSI from RZ, thus confirming earlier results
Whereas the former have a darkening effect that lowers TSI, the latter have a (G04; Solanki and Fligge, 1999):
brightening effect that increases it. (Other minor TSI-enhancing effects are
TSI = a0 + a1 RZ + a2 RZ2 (1)
plages and flares.) Because the faculae cover the whole solar sphere, whereas
sunspots have only limited areal coverage, the net effect is a general increase Coefficients ai are given in Table 1 separately for the two time
in TSI during high-activity periods, with occasional low points during the series, along with the correlation coefficient and root mean square error
passage of a large sunspot, as can be seen in Fig. 1. For more details, the of the estimate (rmse). The latter is lower for the PMOD/SORCE time
reader is referred to Chapman (1987), Fröhlich and Lean (2004), Godoli and series than for ACRIM/SORCE.
Allen (1964), Shapiro et al. (2016) and Solanki et al. (2013). There are Two other usual proxies for solar activity (De Toma et al., 2004) are
various ways to estimate the sun activity’s intensity, but the older proxy is the the radio flux at 10.7 cm (hereafter, F) and the MgII doublet (at 280 nm)
sunspot number, RZ. Compilations of RZ at a daily resolution are available index (hereafter, M). F is observed from terrestrial observatories and is
since 1818 from the Sunspot Index Data Center (SIDC). (Monthly values are available daily since 1947 from the Canadian Solar Monitoring Pro-
also available since 1749.) Starting in 2015, a corrected methodology has gram.8 M is measured from space and is available only since 1978-11-
been used by SIDC to derive RZ (Clette and Lefèvre, 2016; Clette et al., 2016; 07. There are various sources of data for M, but most of them are in-
2014), whose “version 2” time series is now available.7 As suggested before complete. The only two sources that could be found with a complete
(e.g., G04, Solanki and Fligge, 1999), it is desirable to study the possible time series between 1978 and end of 2017 are those provided by Space

7 8

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Fig. 4. Daily sunspot number vs. TSI from the PMOD composite combined with
SORCE-TIM observations during 1981–2017.

Table 1
Coefficients of Eqs. (1)–(3), correlation coefficient R, and root mean square
error of the estimate (rmse, in W/m2) for the ACRIM/SORCE-TIM and PMOD/
SORCE-TIM combined TSI time series since 1981.

a0 1360.7073 1360.596
a1 0.0104882 0.008748
a2 −0.00002773 −0.000025
R 0.5335 0.5072
rmse 0.5426 0.4517

b0 1359.1022 1359.0877
b1 −0.001321 −0.002116
b2 0.0287896 0.0269138
b3 −0.00007135 −0.00006641
R 0.5775 0.5749 Fig. 5. Daily radio flux at 10.7 cm (top) and MgII index (bottom) vs. TSI from
rmse 0.5237 0.4289 the PMOD composite combined with SORCE-TIM observations during
c0 1274.5352 1281.9099
c1 −0.0029 −0.003747
c2 −0.010111 −0.010316
c3 932.89608 839.68749
c4 −2366.911 −2077.815
R 0.7097 0.7692
rmse 0.4520 0.3350

Environment Technologies9 and the University of Bremen.10 Since the

latter uses observations from various satellites, which cover different
periods, their composite index is used here. Unfortunately, the scales of
these two sources of data are not compatible. The best correlations were
obtained with the Bremen version of M, which is thus used exclusively
in all what follows. The relationship between the PMOD/SORCE TSI
time series and the F and M proxies is shown in Fig. 5. As in Fig. 4, a
quadratic function can describe a large part of the variability in TSI.
Better correlations can be found by using a linear model of more
than one variable. Before November 1978, when the MgII index was not
available, the following equation provides the best fit: Fig. 6. Scatterplot comparing TSI from the ACRIM and PMOD composites to the
proxy model estimates during 1978–2017.
TSI = b0 + b1 RZ + b2 F + b3 F 2. (2)

Finally, an even better correlation is found when M is available: noise than with ACRIM-SORCE. The TSI estimates from Eq. (3) are
compared to the measurements from the PMOD and ACRIM composites
TSI = c0 + c1 RZ + c2 F + c3 M + c4 M 2. (3) in Fig. 6, now including all their data since 1978. The lower noise of
PMOD and apparent overestimation of ACRIM confirm what could be
All coefficients for the proxy model developed here (Eqs. (1)–(3))
inferred from Fig. 1. The equations above—Eq. (3) since 11/1978 and
are provided in Table 1. It is clear that the best results are obtained with
Eq. (2) before—can be used to fill in missing data in the original ob-
Eq. (3) and the PMOD-SORCE time series, with substantially lower
servational time series. The lower accuracy of Eq. (2) has a limited
impact in what follows because it only applies to the (short) period that
9 precedes TSI observations.

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Fig. 7. TSI time series from the proxy model and ACRIM composite during 1976–2017. The horizontal line at 1361.1 W/m2 indicates the revised solar constant.

4. Reconstructed TSI time series and solar constant the PMOD extended composite relied on an old proxy model providing
TSI values apparently too low by 0.01516% on average; and (ii) the
The goal of this section is to develop a complete time series covering period from 2014-03-01 to 2017-12-31 during which TCTE-TIM is used
the most part of four solar cycles (21 to 24) between 1976 and 2017, along with SORCE-TIM but requires a downward correction by 0.025%,
and based on the best possible TSI observations. (Solar cycle 24 started as mentioned above. When two or more sources of data appear equally
in December 2008; as of this writing it has waned substantially, but reliable during a single period, their average is used. This kind of re-
might still be ≈12 months away from end.) Fig. 1 above has shown that dundancy is useful because there are always a few data breaks in any
there are periods when the two longest composites disagree sub- observational time series. It is also assumed that, when observations are
stantially. Hence, a piecewise approach is devised here to select the best close and within their mutual uncertainty limits, they are essentially of
periods in each time series, and correct them whenever necessary. The equivalent quality and accuracy. A description of the construction of
proxy model developed above is used here for that purpose. Figs. 7–9 the nine periods appears in Table 2. The PREMOS dataset is in-
show a comparison between the times series from the proxy model and tentionally not used for this reconstruction, but is kept for a final ca-
those from the ACRIM composite, PMOD composite and SORCE-TIM, libration, considering its recognized status as the radiometer with the
respectively. In general, the proxy model cannot predict large sudden lowest in-flight uncertainty—0.027% according to Kopp and Lean
excursions in TSI due to, e.g., sunspots that are larger or denser than (2011). Comparing the average TSI from the proxy model to that of
usual. (These circumstances explain some of the largest deviations in PREMOS over the period from 2011-01-01 to 2013-09-22, a final
Fig. 6.) scaling factor of 1.000036735 is obtained, thus slightly increasing the
To gain insight, this type of plot must be examined at higher re- whole TSI reconstruction described in Table 2 by ≈0.05 W/m2. A time
solution. An example is shown in Fig. 10 for the period July 2012 to end series of the difference between the reconstructed TSI and each of the
of 2013. Since PICARD-PREMOS was operational then, its observations sources of data evaluated here appears in Fig. 12. The daily differences
are shown too. Following an almost perfect agreement between the four are normally within 0.5 W/m2, except with the ACRIM composite
data sources during December 2012, slight differences (in the during some periods.
0.1–0.3 W/m2 range) started to emerge after that. Starting in March The daily TSI values obtained over 1976–2017 with the re-
2013, SORCE-TIM’s reading became higher than that of PMOD or construction just described are available in the Supplementary
PREMOS, whereas that of ACRIM became lower. It is possible that the Material. That tabulation indicates the specific period (hence the im-
TIM instrument became affected by an issue with the battery, which plied reconstruction method per Table 2), and whether each daily value
eventually failed in July 2013. The SORCE-TIM observations were in- is derived from direct observation or from a proxy model. The proxy
terrupted between then and March 2014. Similarly, the ACRIM com- estimates account for only 1483 days (or 9.7%) of the 15341-day total
posite stopped in September 2013 after three months of sporadic ob- period. The time series of daily TSI values is also shown in Fig. 13,
servations that were typically higher than those of PMOD or PREMOS. along with a 27-day moving average to smooth the rapid variations of
Another period of interest is 2015–2017, when TCTE-TIM was op- TSI during a rotation cycle. This figure can be compared to Fig. 1 in
erational (Fig. 11). On average, its output is found ≈0.34 W/m2, or G04, for instance.
0.025%, larger than that of SORCE-TIM, apparently due to some ab- The reconstructed TSI time series just described averages to a mean
solute calibration issue. Simultaneously, SORCE-TIM and PMOD agree value of 1361.1 W/m2 over the 3-cycle period from 1976 to 2008, with
to within ≈0.2 W/m2. a standard deviation of 0.52 W/m2. This mean value is conserved when
Based on this kind of analysis over the full 42-year span rather extending the period to the whole 42-year reconstruction,
(1976–2017), and still assuming that the proxy model provides a good 1976–2017. The extreme minimum and maximum TSI values occurred
trend reference, the whole database is decomposed into nine successive on 2003-10-29 (1357.1 W/m2) and 1989-05-12 (1363.3 W/m2), re-
periods. Each period corresponds to a specific way of using one or more spectively. The 42-year frequency distribution of TSI values, in bins of
sources of data, also involving correction factors in two cases. Those 0.1 W/m2, appears in Fig. 14. It is clearly skewed toward values
cases are (i) the period from January 1976 to 1978-11-16, during which somewhat lower than the average, due to the impact of sunspots.

Fig. 8. TSI time series from the proxy model and PMOD composite during 1976–2017. The horizontal line at 1361.1 W/m2 indicates the revised solar constant.

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Fig. 9. TSI time series from the proxy model and SORCE-TIM observations during 1976–2017.

Fig. 10. Daily difference between various TSI data sources and the proxy model during 2012–2013.

Fig. 11. Daily difference between various TSI data sources and the proxy model during 2015–2017.

Table 2 cycle are summarized in Table 3. The onset of each cycle is defined in
Reconstruction periods during 1976–2017 and their sources of data. the literature only loosely, at a monthly resolution. Here, the onset’s
Period # Start date End date Source(s) of data
day of that month is defined as the day following the time of the lowest
M value during a period of sunspot absence. For Cycle 21, the lowest F
1 1976-01-01 1978-11-16 PMOD * 1.0001516 value was used instead, since the MgII index was not measured yet.
2 1978-11-17 1981-02-28 PMOD Table 3 shows that Cycle 23 was longer than the previous ones, and
3 1981-03-01 1989-09-30 PMOD, ACRIM
4 1989-10-01 2003-03-06 PMOD
recorded the lowest minimum TSI of the whole period. In parallel, it is
5 2003-03-07 2012-02-29 PMOD, SORCE noteworthy that the current Cycle 24 tends to experience much less
6 2012-03-01 2013-01-31 PMOD, ACRIM, SORCE daily variability (lower standard deviation) than the three previous
7 2013-02-01 2013-06-30 PMOD, ACRIM cycles.
8 2013-07-01 2014-02-28 PMOD
The standard uncertainty of the TSI values proposed here is esti-
9 2014-03-01 2017-12-31 SORCE, TCTE * 0.99975
mated at 0.5 W/m2 (coverage factor k = 1, for a 68% confidence in-
terval), which corresponds to an expanded uncertainty of 1.0 W/m2
Despite this, the median (1361.0 W/m2) is only marginally lower than (coverage factor k = 2, for a 95% confidence interval), based on the
the mean. latest evaluations from experts (Pers. comm. with Drs. Greg Kopp and
Since each solar cycle is different, statistics pertaining to each solar Werner Schmutz, 2016). The present solar constant determination is

Fig. 12. Daily difference between various TSI data sources and the reconstructed time series during 1976–2017.

C.A. Gueymard Solar Energy xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx

with a temporal resolution of one day or better. This monitoring has

provided confirmation that TSI was indeed impacted by solar activity.
Nevertheless, the different radiometers that have made this monitoring
possible from successive satellite platforms revealed disagreements in
their results, which prompted the creation of TSI composites. Two of
them, the PMOD and ACRIM composites, are used here, along with
more recent sources of data, to reconstruct a continuous TSI time series
over a 42-year period that encompasses the most part of four solar
cycles (21 to 24, from 1976 to 2017).
To evaluate TSI during days of missing observations (which account
for 9.7% of the 42-year period), a proxy model has been obtained, by
which TSI is estimated from the daily sunspot number (using the new
version of its time series), the radio flux at 10.7 cm, and the MgII index.
This proxy model has also been used to select the best source(s) of TSI
data during different periods. In particular, it was found that the PMOD
Fig. 13. Daily values of the reconstructed TSI time series during 1976–2017. composite performed better than the ACRIM composite before March
The red curve is the corresponding 27-day moving average, and the horizontal 1981 and between the end of 1989 and early 2012. After 2003, the TSI
line indicates the revised solar constant (1361.1 W/m2).
reconstruction also uses data from radiometers based on a newer de-
sign, SORCE-TIM and TCTE-TIM. A slight scale correction is finally
applied to benefit from the short-lived, but high-accuracy measure-
ments from PICARD-PREMOS. The daily TSI time series thus re-
constructed is available in the Supplementary Material.
The solar constant, obtained as the average of TSI over solar cycles
21–23, is determined as 1361.1 W/m2. It is ≈5 W/m2 lower than pre-
vious accepted values dating back from the early 2000s, and it has now
an estimated standard uncertainty of 0.5 W/m2. In conclusion, it is
strongly recommended that the older determinations promulgated by
standard bodies like ASTM or ISO be revised downward to reflect the
most recent developments described here.


The author thanks Drs. André Fehlmann and Werner Schmutz for
the PREMOS data and helpful discussions. The dedicated work of the
personnel from these institutions is also gratefully acknowledged: The
Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos team for the
PMOD composite data; the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance
Monitor team for the ACRIM composite data; the SORCE and TCTE
teams of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics for the TIM
Fig. 14. Relative frequency of TSI during 1976–2017, established using bins of data; the WDC-SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, for the
0.1 W/m2. The vertical line indicates the revised solar constant (1361.1 W/m2). sunspot data; the Solar Monitoring Program of Space Weather Canada
for the radio flux data; and the University of Bremen for the MgII data.
Table 3
TSI statistics for each solar cycle since 1976. SD: Standard deviation. Appendix A. Supplementary material

Cycle Onset date Duration Mean TSI ± SD Maximum TSI Minimum TSI
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the
online version, at
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