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_Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

B.Sc.,. Hono11rs Degree Ill

Final Examination
Year 1, Semester 1 (2016)

EC1021 - Electrical Systems
, , I, ,

Duration: 2 Hours

June 2016

Instructions to Candidates:
• This paper contains 6 questions on 5 pages (including the cover page).
• Please ans}Ver Section A and Section B\J.uestions on separate booklets.
• Answer all questions.

• The marks assigned for each part of a question is indicated in brackets.

• This examination accounts for 60% of the module assessment.

• You are permitted to use faculty approved CALCULATORS


Question 1: (13 marks)

A series circuit is fed by with an AC voltage source V = 10 V L0°. The power triangle
the circuit is shown in Figure Q1a.

P=12 W


Figure Q1a

(a) Is this an inductive or capacitive circuit? [1 marks]

(b) Calculate the apparent power. [2 marks]
(c) Find the power factor of the circuit? [2 marks]
(d) Expressed the current of the circuit in polar form. [4 marks]
(e) Calculate the resis\ance and the reactance of the circuit. [4 marks]

Question 2: (12 marks)

A RLC series resonant circuit Is fed by a voltage source v (t) = 200 sin wt V. The R,
L, and C values are 200 n, 1 mH, and 0.1 J.LF respectively.
(a) Calculate the resonant frequency W8 in rad/s. [1 marks]
(b) Determine the current i(t) in the circuit at resonance (i.e. w = w 8 ). [2 marks]
(c) Calculate the quality factor Q 8 of the resonant circuit. [2 marks]
(d) Calculate the bandwidth of the resonant circuit. [2 marks]
(e) Suggest a method to reduce the b~dwidth of the circuit while keeping the
resonant1 frequency W 8 unchanged. \ [3 marks]
(f) What happens to Qs for the case given in part (e) above? [2 marks]

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Question 3: (24 marks)
Consider the AC ~le~triqal power circ'-'it shown in Figure Q3a.


Load 1 Load 2
1200 VAR (L) :
E = 200V L0° "v 600W ,,


Figure Q3a

(a) Find the total active power in the circuit. [1 marks]

(b) Flftd the total reactive power in the circuit. [1 marks]
(c) Calculate the total apparent power in the circuit. [2 marks]
(d) What is the power factor of the circuit? [2 marks]
(e) Calculate the current I in polar form. [3 marks]
(f) Find the current through Load 2 in polar form. [2 marks]
(g) Find the current through Load 1 in polar form. [2 marks]
(h) Convert Load 1 aJ;ld Load 2 into their corresponding equivalent resistance /
reactance networks.' [5 marks]
(i) Sketch the phasor diagram of the circuit. [4 marks]
(j) Explain how to implement a unity power factor (p.f. - 1) circuit via power
factor correction. [2 marks]

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Question 4: (16 marks)
The Figure Q4a shows the block diagram of a DC power supply using a half wave
rectifier. vs is the secondary voltage of the transformer, '1)£ is the load voltage.
np and n 8 are the number of turns in the primary and secondary windings of the
transformer respectively. The diode used in the rectifier circuit has a junction voltage
of VB =0.7V.
..... .....

AC line
I I +
Half wave Smoothing
230. Vrms vs Diode capacitor V£
50 Hz < rectifier c
I 1 -
·c np n 8
- ~

Figure Q4a

(a) Draw the complete circuit diagram by substituting relevant circuit compon~nts
.appropriate to each box, in the Figure Q4a. [2 marks]
(b) You are expected to design a DC power supply to provide a voltage of 12 ± 1 V
at the output by following the steps given below.
1. Find the required peak value of vs to produce the specified DC output (i.e.
VL = 12 ± 1 V DC). [4 marks]
ii. Give the closest approximation of the transformer turns ratio np/ns which
satisfies the requirement in part (i) above. [3 marks]
m. Find values\for the load resistor (R) and the smoothing capacitor (C) so
that the ripple voltage is ±1 V. · · [4 marks]
(c) What happens to the ripple if the load resistance R is increased? [3 marks]

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Question 5: (25 marks)
Consider the core shown in Figure Q5a. The permeability of the core material is
5 X w- 3 H/m and f..lo = 47r X w- 7 Hjm. Additionally, the following parameters are
gi~n! The lengths'related to the core are lab= lbc =led= let= lta = lbe = 0.2 m,
ldp = 0.1 m, lqe = 0.099 m, and lpq = 0.001 m. The cross sectional areas are
Aab =Abc= Acd = Adp = .Aqe = Aef = Ata = 4 X w- 4 m 2 . Abe= 1 X w- 4 m 2 .

100 Turns

Figure Q5a

(a) Calculate the reluctances Refab, Rbe, Rbcdp, Rpq' and Rqe·
(b) If the flux through the cross section is to be 2 x w- 4 Wb
1. Find the flux ~hrough section Abe·
ii. Find I.

Question 6: (10 marks)

(a) What are the types of power losses in an induction motor?
(b) A 4-pole induction motor has an overall efficiency of 85%. This motor drives a
load that has a torque of 15 Nm at 1450 rpm.
1. Find the input power
n. If the supply frequency is 50 Hz, find the slip.


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