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Japanese – Year 4 Semester 1

Unit: Mascot Maker Year: 4 Japanese

Biblical Perspective:

Context – Text, concept, CLIL?

Olympic Mascots

Key Vocabulary and Structures

Term 1 Term 2

十二支 — とら、うし、うさぎ、たつ、へび、うま、さる、羊、犬、とり、イノシシ、 どこに住んでいますか・〜に住んでいます。

Colours – Revision (Black, white, red, blue, yellow, brown, green,
orange, purple) なに を しますか・しませんか

Body Parts – 頭、肩、膝、足。め、耳、口、はな。Extra words – おなか、し

(sport) します・しません。

Body part は colour です。


Key Concept Success

WA Teaching and learning activities Resources Critieria
LI: Explain the story of Juunishi, Know six animal words, Ask/answer what is your Hiragana Chart Can ask/answer
2 Juunishi name Workbook about names
Names Flashcards and recall at
 Roll call and review greeting. Introduce “Onamae wa’ song and warm up. least 3 animals
ACLJAU143 (S) https://www.yo from the story in
ACLJAU139  Briefly review what is hiragana and introduce class chart. Use mnemonics Japanese.
ACLJAU138 ch?v=loaJIB3V
and finger brushes to introduce 2-3 each lesson. (う、と、し、じ)((SOL)
 Discuss New Year – introduce story of juunishi using video. Pause to Participation
explain story and have students guess what animal is included. Discuss
Chinese influence, Christian perspective on zodiac. (RLC)
 Use flashcards and mnemonics to introduce first 6 animals. Use hiragana
that was introduced to match word cards to pictures as a class. (SOL)
 Play PINPONBU to review. (S)

LI: Know how to say/read twelve animals of zodiac, Ask/Answer name

3 ACLJAU139 Hiragana Chart Can remember
ACLJAU142  Roll call, greeting onamae wa song. Explain to students that when talking about Word and 6 or more
your own name you just say namae, but when referring to someone else, add the picture cards animals in
‘o’. Ask why, discuss respectful language. (S, LVC) Stations – Japanese and
 Continue with introducing next hiragana and colour on chart – review hiragana from memory, can read at
previous lesson. (い、さ、ひ、び)(SOL) battleship, peg least three
 Use flashcards to quiz for first 6 animals, drill and introduce next six. cards, kanji words.
 Match picture to word cards as a class using hiragana clues (use chart as prompts) numbers
 Students given animal words – cut and paste to the correct picture in their books. Participation
Check answers with peer then teacher. (SOL) Workbook
4 LI: Know how to say/read twelve animals, ask/answer about age. Hiragana Chart
Word and Can remember
Age  Roll call, greeting and next hiragana – refer back to animal words. (S, SOL) picture cards six or more
 Sing ‘nansaidesuka song’/play genki japan video then check who can say their age Stations – animals in
ACLJAU140 – give reward. (S) memory, Japanese and
ACLJAC127  Continue hiragana – refer back to animal word cards. (つ、た、ね) battleship, peg read at least
 Info gap game – students given card with animal pictures on one side/words on cards, kanji five words, can
other side. Take turns trying to read words while partner checks with pictures. numbers ask/answer
Small focus group with teacher if needed for some students. (S, SOL) about their age.
during stations
5 LI: Read twelve animal words, explain what is a ‘yurukyara’ and what they do Workbook – Can answer
reading check question about
Yurukyara  Roll call, greeting, hiragana (の、へ、り)(S, SOL) https://www.yo age, can explain
 Sing nansaidesuka song. Ask several students without song – can they answer? what is a
Olympic ch?v=rVNEV9 ‘mascot’ and
Mascots (S)
 Listening/reading check – number animal pictures and words as stated. (SOL) yeuqk (watch what they do.
 Intro yurukyara – show video clip and have students complete ‘see, think wonder.’ first 3 mins)
ACLJAC127 Discuss why they exist, what purpose they are for and any mascots they may know
of – sports, Olympics etc. https://tokyo20 Participation in
 Explain about actual mascot design contest and main task – designing mascot for discussion
2020 Olympics, discuss learning outcomes. s/mascot/ Listening/Readi
ng check
6 LI: Describe the colour of an animal, understand use of particle ‘wa’ and ‘desu’. Can answer
Workbook question on
Colours  Roll call, greeting, and hiragana. (わ、ほ、ぼ、く) Character name and age
ACLJAC134  Question students on name/age without songs – throw soft toy around/fake phone pictures and understand
ACLJAC127 call. If students are able, introduce hajimemashite, douzo yoroshiku. (S) Colour word other
ACLJAC133  Listening Reading check 2 – number remaining picture and words. (SOL) and picture introductions.
ACLJAC131  Introduce various yurukyara stating name and age (one for each colour). Put on cards Can state the
board. (I) ‘wa’ and ‘desu’ colour of
 Put up colour word/pictures not matched and ask students what colour are they? cards something.
‘nani iro’. Review colour words using AUSLAN signs and then label the characters.
 Ask about character colours again and make simple statements (character) wa
(colour) desu. Discuss ‘wa’ and ‘desu’. Discuss using desu for politeness. (T, C) Listening/Readi
 Workbook – colour wheel words tracing. ng check –
juunishi 2

Match up
7 LI: State the colour of a mascot, Name parts of the body
Colour cards Can state the
Body Parts  Roll call, greeting, hiragana. (あ、お、き、は) Go over AUSLAN and colours Character card colour of
words. White paper something, can
ACLJAC128  Look at example mascot that has different coloured body parts and have students Body part name at least
ACLJAU139 try to describe the colour using (character) wa (colour) desu. Ask students how labels four body parts.
should we describe the appearance more accurately for a potential designer?
Need to know body parts. Completed
 Mini CLIL lesson – drawing totoro. (S) drawing with
 Have students stand and sing head shoulders knees and toes, increasingly faster. labels
 Call out a body part and have students point – quick check.
 Cut and paste labels to totoro’s body parts – students follow teacher example on
board. (SOL)

8 LI: State the colour of a body part. Body part

flashcards Can state the
 Roll call, greeting, hiragana. (め、み、ち) Head shoulders knees and toes (S, Workbook colour of a body
Body part, name at
 Quiz and drill flashcards/kanji cards for body parts. least five body
ACLJAC127  Show mascot again – give example how to state the colour of the body part with parts.
ACLJAC133 simple statement. Advanced - What do they notice about the sentence pattern?
ACLJAU139 Can be used to describe things. Write other sentences and have students read as Workbook
ACLJAC131 a class/individual challenge. (C, SOL, I)
 Workbook – Body word tracing. (SOL) Participation

9 LI: State the name, age and colour of a body part/animal.

Hiragana Chart Can read a
Character  Roll call, greeting, hiragana (む、ら、ろ). Head shoulders knees and toes. (S, Workbook sentence to find
Design out colour of a
ACLJAC127  Quick check - Body part colour reading – students colour body parts according to body part
description (use discretion on whether students can use word list or not). (SOL, I)
ACLJAC133  Character design part 1 – students design their character and write sentences
ACLJAU139 stating name, age, type of animal and description of body parts (different scaffolds Quick Check
appropriate to student ability). (C) reading
 Small focus group with teacher if needed.
design 1
10 LI: State the name, age, colour of animal mascot.
Hiragana chart Can write a
ACLJAC137  Roll call, greeting, hiragana.(ま、え、て、で) Around the world to practice vocab so Workbook sentence on
ACLJAU144 far. name, age,
ACLJAC133  Students continue to work on mascot designs and sentences. (C, I) animal and
ACLJAC131  Gallery walk to view other student work. body colour.
 Discuss how a Japanese person would respond when complimented on their
design. Ask how is this similar/different to Australia. Have students practice Character
complimenting and ‘refusing’ the compliment like Japanese (reading of word design and
iie). ( (ROL)

11 LI: Ask/answer where something lives

Pokemon Understand
Places  Roll call, greeting, hiragana. (ん、ど、こ、に) pictures question ‘where
ACLJAU139  Introduce next part – where does the mascot live? Places picture do you live’,
 Show images of potential homes and teach with mnemonics. Bring out images of and word name at least
pokemon. Teach doko ni sundeimasuka song with rhythm and have students cards three places
decide where each pokemon goes. Sing the answer. (C) and state in a
 Worksheet – students complete pokemon worksheet in booklets to practice. sentence.
Advanced – use hiragana chart to find out Japanese names of the pokemon, colour
in pokemon by number in Japanese. (SOL) Worksheet

Term 2

Key Concept Teaching and learning activities Evaluation

ACARA Resources Strategies

1 LI: Ask/answer where the mascot lives.

Places picture State where their
Places  Roll call, greeting, hiragana (や、も、か). (S) and word cards mascot lives in a
ACLJAC127 sentence,
 Revision – have students work in pairs/small groups to read their description
ACLJAC133 Bar graph hand understand
of their mascot from last term – review what may have been forgotten. (SOL)
ACLJAU139 out where other
 Sing doko ni sundeimasuka song while quizzing place names. mascots live.
ACLJAC131  In workbooks – students decide on where their mascot will live and write
sentence. (C) Participation
 Bar Graph – two versions. Students can either write in labels or cut and
paste labels, advanced students can work in small group, rest follow
example on board. Ask students where their mascot lives and elicit Bar Graph
responses in Japanese to fill out graph. (I)

2 LI: Ask/answer where a mascot lives. Ask/answer what sports they do. Ask and answer
Workbook question of
Sports  Roll call, greeting, hiragana (す、ず、を). Doko ni sundeimasuka song. where someone
Images/word lives. Use a
 Survey – students ask two or three students seated near them where their
ACLJAC134 list of sports word list and
mascot lives and record on survey sheet. (S)
ACLJAC127 verb ‘shimasu’ to
 Introduce final aspect – need to have a sport or activity for the Olympics. Blank bingo state what sport
 Show images of different sports (include those that sound similar to English, sheet you do.
or karate/judo that students already know about). Ask nani wo shimasuka
question and teach response sport wo shimasu. (S) Survey
 Play bingo – students fill in own bingo card with picture/Japanese using a
word list. State ‘sport wo shimasu’ and students cross off on card, write Bingo game
sentences on board/show images to help students fill out. (T, S).

3 LI: Ask/answer what sports they do/don’t do Use word

Fruit basket list/pictures and
Sports  Roll call, greeting, hiragana (な、せ). Review nani wo shimasuka. cards verb
Introduce Shimasen.
ACLJAC127 Images/word en to ask and
 Game – sports fruit basket. (Play in middle area/outside if no space in
ACLJAC133 list of sports understand what
classroom) Students given a secret sport card with a sport they do/don’t do.
ACLJAC134 sports people
Teacher asks if someone does a particular sport, those students must stand
do/do not do.
and move seats. Person left out asks another question. Try to have most
students stand in the middle. Add ‘Shimasen’ to increase difficulty. (S, T). Participation
 If time – students think about the sports their mascot does/doesn’t do and fill Workbook
in workbook. (C)

4 LI: State the name, age, animal, colour description, dwelling and activities of a Create a
mascot. Workbook presentation with
Presentation simple
 Roll call, greeting, hiragana revision. Review shimasu/shimasen briefly. (S, sentences
ACLJAC133 SOL) stating name,
ACLJAC127  Final task – go over rubric and expectations. Finished written sentences age, animal and
ACLJAU139 shown to teacher first. descriptions.
 Students given time to refine their mascot design and create poster. Small
focus group with teacher if needed for some students. (C) Observation
 Work in pairs/small groups to practice presentation – peer feedback form?

5 LI: Create a mascot and present to the class.

Workbook Present mascot
Presentation  Roll call, greeting, hiragana.(け、そ、ぬ) (S, SOL) to class in
Japanese – at
 Discuss with class if they would like for there to be a winner chosen by
ACLJAC127 least name/age
teacher or if they would prefer to just present for fun. and colours.
 Students given time to practice presentation. (S, C)
 Begin presentations – teach students how to encourage each other in Presentation
ACLJAU139 Japanese. (S, C, I)

6 LI: Presentations
Presentation Workbook Present mascot
 Students given time to get ready. Begin presentations – teach students how to class in
ACLJAC127 to encourage each other in Japanese (sugoidesune,omoshirone). (S, C, I) https://www.yo Japanese – at
ACLJAC133  If time – watch Japan’s section in Brazil closing ceremony. least name/age
ACLJAC131 ch?v=5K4cvaJ and colours.

7 LI: Recognise hiragana learnt so far. Recognise at
Hiragana Chart least half of the
Revision  Roll call, greeting, hiragana. (ふ、ゆ、よ)(S, SOL) Station hiragana learnt
activiites so far.
 Give workbooks back and feedback on presentations. Self-reflection time on
own work, what they did well, what they need to work on. Checklist of
ACLJAU139 https://tokyo20
learning outcomes for semester.
 Tokyo 2020 Olympic mascot competition and vote by school children. Have /mascot/ Hiragana
the class vote and then reveal the official mascot. activities
 Review hiragana learnt so far – either station activities or whole class game
depending on time. (SOL)

8/9 LI: Ask what time it is, state the hour, half past State the time to
Time (SOL) the hour.




Sem 2 – Informing - ACLJAC131)

ACLJAC132) – creating
Translating -ACLJAC134)
Reflecting (ACLJAC137)
Systems of language ACLJAU141)
Language variation and change ACLJAU142)
Role of language and culture ACLJAU143)

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