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Group 3

Clarencia Verren Abram 72.20.001.D.16.009

Nada Octavia Rusman 72.20.001.D.16.024

Vinda Riani 72.20.001.D.16.040

Yohana Berliana Marpaung 72.20.001.D.16.045


A. Symptoms Of Alzheimer’s

Stage of development of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is divided into

three, namely the early stages, the middle stage, and the final stage. In the early
stages, symptoms of Alzheimer's disease will generally be difficult to recognize
because the likelihood of patients will think memory loss as commonplace as the
effects of age progression. But when symptoms enter a further stage, a more
significant impact will begin to appear on the patient's self and behavior.

The rate of development of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease varies with each

patient, but generally the symptoms will develop slowly over several years.

Alzheimer's symptoms are divided into 3 stages :

1. Initial stage

Usually in the early stages of forgetting small things like forgetting the
name of objects and places, then like to get lost despite being in his own
environment, wrong or forgot to put the goods.

2. Middle stage

In this case, the symptoms of Alzheimer's usually increase. And

patients who have experienced symptoms at this stage should require
additional attention such as doing daily activities that should be helped. Like
a bath, using a toilet or toilet, and dressing, or while eating. At this stage of
transition also disorientation occurs, and the patient will feel confused,
having problems while communicating.

3. The final stage

In the late symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, usually patients have

difficulty in performing daily activities. For this reason, they demand
complete oversight and assistance.

The following are examples of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in the early

stages that can be a warning sign for you.

Forgot the name of the object or place.

Forgotten with recent events.
Forget about things that have not been talked about long enough with others.
Often lost in a place or area that should be familiar.
Incorrectly put items (eg put a plate in a closet).
Likes to forget how to use an item.
Difficulty in writing.
Often repeat the same question.
Difficulty stringing words in communicating.
Looks less energized and not enthusiastic.
Looks like depressed.
Reluctant to adapt to change.
Reluctant to do new things.
No more interest in activities previously preferred.
Spend more time sleeping, sitting or watching television than chatting with
family or socializing.
It's hard to make a decision.
It's easy to get worse.

When entering the middle stage, the severity of symptoms of Alzheimer's

disease that already existed will increase. Usually patients who have entered this
stage need to be given extra attention and start assisted in daily activities, such as
bathing, using the toilet, dressing, and eating. The following are examples of
symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in the intermediate stage.

It's hard to remember the names of family members or friends.

Increased disorientation and confusion (eg the sufferer does not know where
he is).
Having problems communicating.
Mood swings are becoming more frequent.
Restless, frustrated, anxious, and depressed.
Occasionally experience visual impairment.
Experiencing a pattern interruption
Impulsive, repetitive, or obsessive behavior.
Start having hallucinations or delusions.

Once the symptoms pass through the middle phase and into the final stage, people
with Alzheimer's disease will need total oversight and assistance from others in
their day. Not only people who feel very depressed, but can also be felt by the
people around them as well. Examples of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in the
final stages are:

Decreased memory that is getting worse.

Not able to communicate with others.
Suffer from infectious diseases.
The hallucinations and delusions are deteriorating, making the patient become
always suspicious of the people around him, even harsh as well.
Unable to move without the help of others.
Urinate or large without realizing it.
Weight drops significantly.
No longer caring about his own cleanliness.
Can not afford to eat alone.
Having difficulty swallowing when eating.

Immediately see a doctor if symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in your relative

or friend increase significantly or if you yourself are worried about the
perceived loss of memory.

B. Causes Of Alzheimer’s

Until now the exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is unknown. But the experts
who conducted the study suggested that in the brains of the patient occurred the
deposition of beta-amyloid protein and neurofibril tangles that block the supply of
nutrients between brain cells. Over time, sedimentary amyloid beta and tangled
neurofibrils will damage and kill brain cells that eventually make the size of the
brain shrink. When the process is running, symptoms will appear in patients,
namely in the form of reduced memory, mood swings, and decreased ability to
talk. Damage to brain cells can also reduce levels of neurotransmitters in the brain
that impact on the interruption of the coordination of the brain's nerve.
Here are some factors that can increase a person's risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Age. Alzheimer's disease is susceptible to people over the age of 65 (especially

for those over 80). But of the overall case, five percent of people with
Alzheimer's disease are people aged 40-65 years.
Female sex.
Never had a severe injury on the part
Genetic. According to the study, those who have parents or siblings with
Alzheimer's will be more at risk of developing the same disease. Less than five
percent of cases of Alzheimer's disease occur as a result of genetic changes or
mutations derived from previous generations.
Have Down syndrome. Genetic disorders that cause the occurrence of Down
syndrome can also cause the buildup of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain that
trigger the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease.
Have mild cognitive impairment. People with this condition will usually
have memory problems that may worsen with age.

In addition to the factors above, a number of factors that can increase the risk
of heart disease can also increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, be
aware if you are frequently exposed to secondhand smoke, rarely exercise,
rarely eat fibrous foods, suffer from high cholesterol, hypertension, obesity, and
type 2 diabetes.

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