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Teacher Grant Application

Sponsored by Mount Jordan Middle School PTSA

Application deadline: Friday, November 5, 2010

Purpose of Grants: to fund projects for Mount Jordan Middle School students.

Individual Grant Amounts: $100.

Group Award. If a group of teachers would like to be considered for a grant, please
submit ONE application. The PTA will consider combining funding for a project. For
example, if three teachers would like to collaborate on a project, there is a potential to
fund the project for more than $100.00. Please be specific in your funding requirements
and detail if it is an individual application or a group application.

Grant Stipulations: The project should be conducted within the 2010-11 academic year.

The PTA will consider ALL project submissions. Sample submissions might include:
supplies or materials for students to do such things as create a product, conduct an experiment,
grow or tend living things, learn a new skill; written materials or software to be used in the
activities of the project; classroom or library book collections; field trips; small equipment needs;
admission fees. The project should engage students in hands-on activities that lead to new
knowledge, awareness, or self-discovery.

Submission: Please email all applications to Wendy Davis. You will
receive an email from Wendy indicating that your application has been received.

You may submit applications for several different projects, but please submit only one
project idea on the application; if you have multiple projects, please submit an application for
each project.

Grant Award Notification: You will learn whether or not your project has been funded by
December 17, 2010.

Application is available for download online at

Go to the very bottom of the webpage; you will find it there.

If you have questions, please email Wendy Davis

Teacher Grant Application
*Teacher Name:

*Number of Students Involved:

*Grade Level:


*Project Name:

*Project Objectives: Please describe the anticipated outcome: specific skills, behaviors, or
new knowledge students gain from this project. (Please write narrative detail.)

* Evaluation Instrument: Describe the method you will use to determine if the objectives
have been realized by your students – your observation, verbal presentation, essays, tests,
surveys, etc. (Please write narrative detail.)

*Additional Information: If there is anything else that you would like the PTA to know in
relation to your project, please let us know! (Optional)

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