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NAMA : Faiqah Nailatul Izzah



One day my father, mother, brother and sister were going for a walk to the mall to
watch the movies. suddenly in the middle of the road car tire leak, and fortunately
in the father's car was leaking near the garage. while at the mechanic workshop
got the jack to lift the car and after that she let go of tires father with tools
workshop. after them finished in the locker father's car tires, and father to pay a
mechanic at a price of 100,000.00. then we continued our trip to the mall. we also
got to the mall and parked our vehicle in the parking lot, and we went to the door
of the mall and into the 4th floor we were waiting in line to buy tickets at the
cinema and we watched the movie "Next to the figure Checks". then we went into
the room where we menoton the film, and the film turns funny and sad and many
of his lessons about life in the film. finished watching the film we ate our meal
finished CFC shopping at SUN. Our shopping for clothes, shoes, bags, hoods, pants,
skirts and more. then our cashier to pay for all that we purchase, completed and
even then we headed to the parking lot to pick up the vehicle and pay the parking
attendants. then return from our mall walks home of grandparents and there we
talked then when we wanted to return the grandparents was centering our home
and then we stay at a grandparent. yes the next day we came home from the
grandparents and we arrived at our house.

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