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I write this Foreword at a time when there appears a grow-

ing awareness, acceptability and belief in Hindu Jyotish. This has
been further stimulated primarily by Astrological Magazine and
books of Dr. B,V. Raman; secondly, by the weekend classes run by
numerous Chapters of Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, now
over 18, and thirdly, by the computerised horoscopes.

The highly educated students and lovers of astrology, no

doubt, are influenced by "Chamatkaars" of astrology but they are
also keen to know the niceties, nuances and rationale behind these
"Chamatkaars". Correct astrological predictions falling in the cat-
egory of "Chamatkaars" are based on correct astrological data pa-
tiently verified by the learned astrologer, his deep knowledge of
the subject, his "Vaaksiddhi" and " Vaakshuddhi". In order to know
the niceties and nuances and rationale behind such "Chamatkaars"
one has to study Parashar Horashastra, Sarwarth Chintamani,
Uttarkalamxit and some good books on transit.

1 myself was in search of agood book to appreciate the impact

of planetary transits, its impact on various Parashari and Jaimini
dasas. I read articles of Sh .U.S. Pulippani in the Astrological Maga-
zine on transits of Jupiter and Saturn. The first reading created a
vivid interest and the second reading prompted me to get the
articles photo-copied for circulation to students in my lecture on
"Planetary Transits" in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi way
back in 1989. When Sh. U.S. Pulippani met me for the first time I
requested him that he should write an appropriate book covering
all the principles given in Phal Deepika and other astrological
literature specifically in Tamil, relating to transit in corelation with
dasa. The reason was Paryaya (cycle) of Jupiter and Saturn in
addition to Moortinimaya, transit through "Nakshatras" and other
usual and known features of planetary transits. What is Paryaya?
One cycle of transit of Jupiter or Saturn is one Paryaya (cycle). The


planets do not give similar transitory results in all ages, for you
could not expect a person to marry when he is of two years of age
or when above 85 or 90 years of age. Results arc thus bound to
vary. For this reason the Paryayas (cycles) introduced a nicety in
the transit results. These Paryayas (cycles) of transit of Jupiter,
Saturn, Rahu andKetu make a world of difference in different ages.

Every Astrologer knows that transit of Sun is bad in first, sec-

ond, fourth, fifth, eighth and nineth from the natal Moon. "Which
is the worst transit of the Sun out of the aforesaid houses? "has not
been clearly stated in the books on transit. But the author on the
authority of a Tamil text, informs the reader that transit of the Sun
in the fifth house may be the worst.

Nor such books clarify, what shall be the effect of transits on

eclipse points in lagna or in other houses and how their adverse
impacts would be moderated oraggravated by the aspect of bencfic
or molafic transitory aspects.

This book "TORCH ON TRANSIT" is the third book of Sh.

U.S. Pulippani. He has already written two unusual books on
"Panchpakshi" relating to "Prashna Shasta" and "ICHING", the
Chinese 'Ramala Shastra". The learned author in this book has
taken into consideration following niceties and nuances of
planetary transits:

(i) Paryayas of Saturn and Jupiter for laying emphasis on the

age of "Patra" out of Dcsh Koal and Patra;

(ii) Shukla and Krishna Paksha-wise, Gocharphal culled out Sum


(iii) Effects of retrogression of planets;

(iv) Effects of "Purolattas" and "Prusthalatta";

(v) Table of Tripataka Chakra to identify three planets who rule

each year in the life cycle of 108 years.

(vi) Identification of the worst transits; and

(vii) Modification of worst "Dasa Phal" and "Dina Phol" results

by the counter-balancing effects of planetary transit.

The learned author has also illustrated the principles

mentioned in the book by giving illustrations.

I am happy to hear from Sh. U.S. Pulippani that in next edition

Foreword I ix

he will also include "Sarvatobhadra Chakra" and other Chakras

which may throw more light on planetary transits and their impact
on individuals.

This book is meant for "Guna Grahnk' lovers and students of

astrology as well as learned Aacharys in Hindu Jyotish and all
will benefit and feel obliged to Sh. U.S. Pulippani for this work
focussing on fine points of planetary transits and thus, providing
a precision instrument in the hands of astrology lovers.

SM Kapoor


High Court of Delhi

4-B, Dr. Zakir Hussain Marg,

New Delhi-110003


As heavenly will would have it, I am prompted to produce

for the benefit of students of Astrology as well as others who are
in the line. I have been contributing articles on "Transit of Jupiter",
and 'Transit of Saturn" in the Astrological Magazine since 1980.
Astrological Magtizinepublishcs my articles whenever Jupiter and
Saturn enter new signs of Zodiac. As it occurred to mc, I had
established specific pattern on transit result through various tables
quantifying both separate and cumulative quantum of transit re-
sults for Jupiter and Saturn. This includes conventional and special
aspects of results of transit of main planets, received wide
recognition among the readers of the Astrological Magazine. More
or less this is considered as a standardised way of knowing transit
results which included, among other things, Moorthi Nirnaya,
Stellar Occupational Effects of Planets, Cyclic Effects of Jupiter (first
time introduced to the English readers by me). Various ways of
delineation of SadeSathiSani, Afdashtma, Asthma Sanictc including
vedha and Vipareetha Vedha places forplanets etc.

For the first time I have also introduced to the English readers
the Transit results of planets separately for Shukla Paksha and
Krushna Paksha which is not found any where in Sanskrit Texts
except in one of the ancient Tamil Text "SUNDARANANDAR
JODHIKA KAVIYAM" and in the present new book of mine (in

After ten years of my articles of transit of Jupiter and Saturn

having been popularised among the readers by providential force,
I have drawn into the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences as
National Secretary in April 1990. A month later I went to Badri
Nath and met Justice S.N. Kapoor who surprised me by saying
that he took Xerox copies of my articles and distributed them
among the students of Astrology in his Lecture on 'Transit of

xu / Preface

Planets", since there was no such informative literature on the

subject in English though many books were available. Since then,
he has been persuading me to write a book un "Transit of Planets"
(running to about three hundred pages)?

Last time when I was in Delhi, Shri M.N. Kedar, another friend
of mine, who is National Vice President of ICAS, and one of the
prominent men who established ICAS, requested me to translate
my Tamil book to English or at least compile all my articles on
Jupiter and Saturn published so far. But this Second proposal will
not give full picture of transits and, hence, 1 thought it is the right
time to produce this independent book on "Transit" which is the
English form of my original Tamil version, which I have now
completed. This version includes among other things all basic
principles of Astrology including features of Lagna, bad and good.
Planets of each Lagna, difference between Badaka and Maraka,
scientific way of delineation of Dasa bhukthis, formula for deciding
longevity approximately etc. I think that this will also serve as a
standard textbook especially for the student of Astrology on the
subject "Transit." It is to be noted that transit results for Shukla
and Krishna Paksha for each planet is given for the first time on
Transit subject.

After early five decades of learning in the field of Astrology I

am convinced that:
1. The permanent features of various aspects of life are reflected
in the Natal Chart of an individual.

2. These features are distributed by Dasa Bhukthis and Transit

results both of which are based on Natal Moon signs (The
former on the birth Star and the later on Moon sign).

3. In a way, the present trend of life of an individual indicated

by the Natal Chart is projected by Dasa Bhukthi results, but,
through the window of transit results which modify final
pattern of trend of life enjoyed by the native from time to

4. Hence Transit results is the final focus point on which

prediction is to be based, of course, with the background of
basic horoscopes and Dasa Bhukthi.

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