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General Chest (in reverse chronological order)

 Imaging of Diseases of the Chest

David M. Hansell , Peter Armstrong , David A., MD Lynch , Page H., MD. McAdams
Hardcover: 1272 pages
Publisher: C.V. Mosby; 4th Rev edition (March 30, 2005)
 Thoracic Imaging
Richard Webb, Charles Higgins
Hardcover: 834 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (September 20, 2004)
 Radiologic Diagnosis of Diseases of the Chest
Nestor Luiz Muller (Editor), Richard S. Fraser , Neil C. Colman , P. D. Pare
Hardcover: 790 pages
Publisher: W B Saunders Co; 1st edition (July 6, 2001)
 Chest Radiology: The Essentials : Hardbound
Jannette Collins MD, MEd, Eric J Stern MD
Hardcover: 304 pages, 723 illustrations
Publisher: Lippincott (September 1999)
 Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology (Chest Chapters)
William E. B r ant (Editor), Clyde A. Helms (Editor)
Hardcover: 1460 pages
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2nd edition (January 15, 1999)
 Thoracic Radiology: the Requisites
Theresa C. McLoud, M.D.
Hardcover: 541 pages
Publisher: Mosby; Illustrated edition (August 15, 1998)
 Radiologic Approach to Diseases of the Chest
Irwin M. Freundlich (Editor), David G. Bragg (Editor)
Hardcover: 866 pages
Publisher: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; 2nd edition (January 15, 1997)

CT Reading

 High-Resolution CT of the Lung: Hardbound

W. R Webb MD, Nestor L Müller MD, PhD, David P Naidich MD
Hardcover: 688 pages, 426 illustrations
Publisher: Lippincott; 3 rd edition (November 2000)
 Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance of the Thorax: Hardbound
David P Naidich MD, W. R Webb MD, Nestor L Müller MD, PhD, Glenn A Krinsky MD, Elias A
Zerhouni MD, Stanley S Siegelman MD, Georgeann McGuinness MD
Hardcover: 784 pages, 1399 illustrations
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers , 3 rd edition (November 1998)
 High Resolution Lung CT-- CDROM
W. Richard Webb
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (December 1999)

 Diseases of the Lung: Radiologic and Pathologic Correlations

Nestor L. Mller , Richard S. Fraser, Kyung Soo Lee, Takeshi Johkoh, Nestor L. Muller
Hardcover: 440 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (March 2003)

Case Review

 Thoracic Imaging- Case Review

Phillip Boiselle and Theresa McLoud
Softcover: 181 pages, 276 illustrations
Publisher: Mosby (2001)


 Diagnosis of Diseases of the Chest

Fraser, Muller, Colman, Paré
Hardcover: Four volumes
Publisher:W.B. Saunders Company (1999)
 Chest Radiology -- Plain Film Patterns and Differential Diagnoses
James C. Reed
Hardcover: 480 pages
Publisher: C.V. Mosby; 5th edition (August 7, 2003)


1. Austin JH, Muller NL, Friedman PJ, et al. Glossary of terms for CT of the lungs: recommendations of
the Nomenclature Committee of the Fleischner Society. Radiology 1996;200:327-331.
2. Webb WR. Radiology of obstructive pulmonary disease. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1997;169:637-647.
3. Mountain CF. Revisions in the International System for Staging Lung Cancer. Chest 1997;111:1710-
4. Remy-Jardin M, Remy J. Spiral CT angiography of the pulmonary circulation. Radiology
5. Strollo DC, Rosado de Christenson ML, Jett JR. Primary mediastinal tumors. Part 1: tumors of the
anterior mediastinum. Chest 1997;112:511-522.
6. Strollo DC, Rosado-de-Christenson ML, Jett JR. Primary mediastinal tumors: part II. Tumors of the
middle and posterior mediastinum. Chest 1997;112:1344-1357.
7. Gotway MB, Dawn SK. Thoracic aorta imaging with multisclice CT. Radiol Clin North Am 2003;41:521-
8. Goodman LR, Fumagalli R, Tagliabue P, et al. Adult respiratory distress syndrome due to pulmonary
and extrapulmonary causes: CT, clinical, and functional correlations. Radiology 1999;213:545-552.
9. McGuinness G, Naidich DP. CT of airways disease and bronchiectasis. Radiol Clin North Am
10. Ko JP, Drucker EA, Shepard JA, et al. CT depiction of regional nodal stations for lung cancer staging.
AJR Am J Roentgenol 2000;174:775-782.
11. Macura K, Corl F, Fischman D, Bluemke D. Pathogenesis of acute aortic syndromes: Aortic
dissection, intramural hematoma, and penetrating aortic ulcer. AJR 2003;181:309.
12. Macura K, Corl F, Fischman D, Bluemke D. Pathogenesis of acute aortic syndromes: aortic aneurysm
leak and rupture and traumatic aortic transection. AJR 2003;181:303

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