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The minimum range of radar is primarily determined by

 a. The pulse width and the TR cell recovery time

 b. The ATR cell recovery time
 c. The overall height of the antenna
 d. The peak power output of the radar transmitter
2. Bearing resolution is

 a. The ability to distinguish two target of different distances

 b. The ability to distinguish two target of different elevations
 c. The ability to distinguish two adjacent targets of equal distances
 d. The ability to distinguish two targets of different sizes
3. Find the distance in yards to an object if the display of a radar signal
measures 4.4 microseconds.

 a. 380
 b. 328
 c. 722
 d. 656
4. What device is located between the magnetron and the mixer and
prevents received signals from entering the magnetron?

 a. TR box
 b. ATR box
 c. RF attenuator
 d. Resonant cavity
5. Where is RF attenuator used in a radar unit?

 a. Between the antenna and the receiver

 b. Between the magnetron and the antenna
 c. Between the magnetron and the AFC section of the receiver
 d. Between the AFC section and klystron
6. What radar circuit determines the pulse repetition rate?

 a. Discriminator
 b. Timer/ synchronizer circuit
 c. Artificial transmission line
 d. Pulse-rate indicator circuit
7. Given the pulse width of 8 microseconds and a duty cycle of 8%,
determine the pulse repetition time of a radar system.

 a. 100 us
 b. 1 us
 c. 1000 us
 d. 10 ms
8. On runway, an ILS localizer shows

 a. Deviation left or right of runway center line

 b. Deviation up or down from ground speed
 c. Deviation percentage from authorized ground speed
 d. Wind speed along runway
9. Range markers are determined by

 a. CRT
 b. Magnetron
 c. Timer
 d. Video amplifier
10. The characteristic of the magnetron output pulse that relates to accurate
range measurement is its

 a. Amplitude
 b. Decay time
 c. Rise time
 d. Duration
11. The minimum range of a radar is determined by

 a. The frequency of the radar transmitter

 b. He pulse repetition rate
 c. The transmitted pulse width
 d. The pulse repetition frequency
12. A circuit to develop AFC voltage in a radar receiver is called the

 a. Peak detector
 b. Crystal mixer
 c. Second detector
 d. Discriminator
13. The echo box is used for

 a. Testing and tuning of the radar unit by providing artificial targets

 b. Testing the wavelength of the incoming echo signal
 c. Amplification of the echo signal
 d. Detection of the echo pulses
14. In a radar unit, the local oscillator is

 a. A hydrogen thyratron
 b. A klystron
 c. A pentagrid converter tube
 d. A reactance tube modulator
15. What is the peak power of a radar pulse if the pulse width is 1.0
microsecond, PRR is 900 and the average plate power input is 45 watts?
 a. 50 kW
 b. 45 kW
 c. 60 kW
 d. 62.5 kW
16. Radar uses what form of energy to detect planes, ships and land masses

 a. Sound energy
 b. Visible light
 c. Infrared radiation
 d. Electromagnetic energy
17. In a pulse radar system, what component controls the timing throughout
the system?

 a. Power supply
 b. Synchronizer
 c. Indicator
 d. Receiver
18. What radar measurement of an object is referenced to true north?

 a. Height
 b. Surface angle
 c. Vertical angle
 d. One-way distance
19. Surface search radar normally scans how many degrees of azimuth?

 a. 30 degrees
 b. 90 degrees
 c. 360 degrees
 d. 180 degrees
20. What limits the maximum range of a surface search radar?

 a. Pulse width
 b. Transmitter power
 c. Frequency
 d. Radar horizon
21. What IF frequency (ies) is (are) normally used in radar receivers?

 a. 30 or 60 MHz
 b. 455 kHz
 c. 70 MHz
 d. 10.7 MHz
22. What is the typical frequency range about the center frequency of a
tunable magnetron?

 a. Plus or minus 5 percent

 b. Plus or minus 10 percent
 c. Plus or minus 15 percent
 d. Plus or minus 8 percent
23. What type of radar provides continuous range, bearing and elevation
data on an object?

 a. Track radar
 b. Search radar
 c. Pulsed radar
 d. Doppler shift
24. What radio navigation and determines the distance from a transponder
beacon by measuring the length of time the radio signal took to travel to the

 a. Radar
 b. Loran C
 c. Distance marking
 d. Distance measuring equipment
25. Which of the following is a feature of an instrument landing system?

 a. The localizer which shows aircraft deviation horizontally from center of runway
 b. The glideslope or glide path which shows vertical altitude of an aircraft during landing
 c. Provides communications to aircraft
 d. Both a and b
26. What transmission method does not depend on relative frequency or
target motion?

 a. Digital transmission
 b. Frequency modulation
 c. Pulse modulation
 d. CW modulation
27. The beat frequency in a swept-frequency transmitter provides what
contact information?

 a. Frequency
 b. Travel time
 c. Range
 d. Velocity
28. A self- synchronization radar system obtains timing trigger pulses from
what source?

 a. Transmitter
 b. Echo box
 c. Anti-transmit and receive box
 d. Transmit and receive box
29. In externally-synchronized radar, what determines the PRR of the

 a. Synchronizer
 b. Master oscillator
 c. Blocking oscillator
 d. Free-running multivibrator
30. Transmitter power readings are most often referenced to what power

 a. 1 watt
 b. 1 milliwatt
 c. 1 microwatt
 d. 1 picowatt
31. What type of radiator normally drives a corner reflector?

 a. Half-wave
 b. Despun
 c. Isotropic
 d. Marconi
32. A monopulse receiver has how many separate channels?

 a. One
 b. Two
 c. Three
 d. Four
33. How many major lobes are produced by a paraboloid reflector?

 a. One
 b. Two
 c. Three
 d. Four
34. The Doppler variation is directly proportional to what radar contact

 a. Frequency
 b. Velocity
 c. Range
 d. Travel time
35. What is the simplest type of scanning?

 a. Single lobe scanning

 b. Mechanical scanning
 c. Electronic scanning
 d. Electromechanical scanning
36. What term is used to describe the ability of a radar system to distinguish
between targets that are close together?

 a. Target resolution
 b. Bearing resolution
 c. Range resolution
 d. Angular resolution
37. Radar altimeters use what type of transmission signal?

 a. Amplitude modulated
 b. Frequency modulated
 c. Phase modulated
 d. Pulsed modulated
38. Tracking radar searches a small volume of space during which phase of

 a. Scanning
 b. Tracking
 c. Searching
 d. Acquisition
39. How many active elements are contained in a magnetron?

 a. Two
 b. Three
 c. Four
 d. Five
40. Transit time might be defined as the time required for

 a. RF energy to travel through the waveguide

 b. A pulse to travel a wavelength inside a waveguide
 c. One cycle of operation to be completed
 d. Electrons to travel from cathode to anode
41. On a basic synchro system, the angular information is carried on

 a. Dc feedback signal
 b. Stator lines
 c. Deflection coils
 d. Rotor lines
42. What circuit element receives the drive voltage in a radar system’s fiber
optic signal transmitter?

 a. Filter capacitor
 b. Load-limiting capacitor
 c. Temperature sensor
 d. Transistor
43. For a range of 10 nautical miles, the radar pulse repetition frequency
(PRF) should be

 a. Approximately 8.1 kHz or less

 b. 900 Hz
 c. 18.1 kHz or more
 d. 120.3 microseconds
44. If the operating radar frequency is 3000 MHz, what is the distance
between the waveguide and the spark gaps in older radar units?

 a. 10 cm
 b. 5 cm
 c. 2.5 cm
 d. 20 cm
45. Ship raster scan radar has a CRT with the following characteristics: 70
pixels per character, 80 character per line, 25 lines per screen and it scans
100 screen per second. What is the minimum required bandwidth for the
electron beam control signal?

 a. 210 MHz
 b. 0.21 MHz
 c. 2.1 MHz
 d. 21 MHz
46. Continuous wave radar is frequency modulated with a 50-Hz sine wave.
At the output of the receiver phase detector, a phase delay of 36 degrees is
measured. This indicates a target range of

 a. 15 km
 b. 75 km
 c. 150 km
 d. 300 km
47. A target pulse appears on the CRT 100 microseconds after the
transmitted pulse. The target slant range is

 a. 30 km
 b. 93 miles
 c. 15 km
 d. 15, 000 yards
48. A gated LC oscillator operating at 12.5 kHz is being used to develop
range markers. If each is converted to a range, the range between markers
will be

 a. 120 km
 b. 12 km
 c. 1.2 km
 d. 210 km
49. What type of tube best meets the requirements of a modulator switching

 a. Thyratron
 b. Magnetron
 c. Klystron
 d. Phanotron
50. What type of transmitter power is measured over a period of time?

 a. Peak
 b. Return
 c. Average
 d. Reciprocal
1. The minimum range of radar is primarily determined by

 a. The pulse width and the TR cell recovery time

 b. The ATR cell recovery time
 c. The overall height of the antenna
 d. The peak power output of the radar transmitter
2. Bearing resolution is

 a. The ability to distinguish two target of different distances

 b. The ability to distinguish two target of different elevations
 c. The ability to distinguish two adjacent targets of equal distances
 d. The ability to distinguish two targets of different sizes
3. Find the distance in yards to an object if the display of a radar signal
measures 4.4 microseconds.

 a. 380
 b. 328
 c. 722
 d. 656
4. What device is located between the magnetron and the mixer and
prevents received signals from entering the magnetron?

 a. TR box
 b. ATR box
 c. RF attenuator
 d. Resonant cavity
5. Where is RF attenuator used in a radar unit?

 a. Between the antenna and the receiver

 b. Between the magnetron and the antenna
 c. Between the magnetron and the AFC section of the receiver
 d. Between the AFC section and klystron
6. What radar circuit determines the pulse repetition rate?

 a. Discriminator
 b. Timer/ synchronizer circuit
 c. Artificial transmission line
 d. Pulse-rate indicator circuit
7. Given the pulse width of 8 microseconds and a duty cycle of 8%,
determine the pulse repetition time of a radar system.

 a. 100 us
 b. 1 us
 c. 1000 us
 d. 10 ms
8. On runway, an ILS localizer shows

 a. Deviation left or right of runway center line

 b. Deviation up or down from ground speed
 c. Deviation percentage from authorized ground speed
 d. Wind speed along runway
9. Range markers are determined by

 a. CRT
 b. Magnetron
 c. Timer
 d. Video amplifier
10. The characteristic of the magnetron output pulse that relates to accurate
range measurement is its

 a. Amplitude
 b. Decay time
 c. Rise time
 d. Duration
11. The minimum range of a radar is determined by

 a. The frequency of the radar transmitter

 b. He pulse repetition rate
 c. The transmitted pulse width
 d. The pulse repetition frequency
12. A circuit to develop AFC voltage in a radar receiver is called the

 a. Peak detector
 b. Crystal mixer
 c. Second detector
 d. Discriminator
13. The echo box is used for

 a. Testing and tuning of the radar unit by providing artificial targets

 b. Testing the wavelength of the incoming echo signal
 c. Amplification of the echo signal
 d. Detection of the echo pulses
14. In a radar unit, the local oscillator is

 a. A hydrogen thyratron
 b. A klystron
 c. A pentagrid converter tube
 d. A reactance tube modulator
15. What is the peak power of a radar pulse if the pulse width is 1.0
microsecond, PRR is 900 and the average plate power input is 45 watts?

 a. 50 kW
 b. 45 kW
 c. 60 kW
 d. 62.5 kW
16. Radar uses what form of energy to detect planes, ships and land masses

 a. Sound energy
 b. Visible light
 c. Infrared radiation
 d. Electromagnetic energy
17. In a pulse radar system, what component controls the timing throughout
the system?

 a. Power supply
 b. Synchronizer
 c. Indicator
 d. Receiver
18. What radar measurement of an object is referenced to true north?

 a. Height
 b. Surface angle
 c. Vertical angle
 d. One-way distance
19. Surface search radar normally scans how many degrees of azimuth?

 a. 30 degrees
 b. 90 degrees
 c. 360 degrees
 d. 180 degrees
20. What limits the maximum range of a surface search radar?
 a. Pulse width
 b. Transmitter power
 c. Frequency
 d. Radar horizon
21. What IF frequency (ies) is (are) normally used in radar receivers?

 a. 30 or 60 MHz
 b. 455 kHz
 c. 70 MHz
 d. 10.7 MHz
22. What is the typical frequency range about the center frequency of a
tunable magnetron?

 a. Plus or minus 5 percent

 b. Plus or minus 10 percent
 c. Plus or minus 15 percent
 d. Plus or minus 8 percent
23. What type of radar provides continuous range, bearing and elevation
data on an object?

 a. Track radar
 b. Search radar
 c. Pulsed radar
 d. Doppler shift
24. What radio navigation and determines the distance from a transponder
beacon by measuring the length of time the radio signal took to travel to the

 a. Radar
 b. Loran C
 c. Distance marking
 d. Distance measuring equipment
25. Which of the following is a feature of an instrument landing system?

 a. The localizer which shows aircraft deviation horizontally from center of runway
 b. The glideslope or glide path which shows vertical altitude of an aircraft during landing
 c. Provides communications to aircraft
 d. Both a and b
26. What transmission method does not depend on relative frequency or
target motion?

 a. Digital transmission
 b. Frequency modulation
 c. Pulse modulation
 d. CW modulation
27. The beat frequency in a swept-frequency transmitter provides what
contact information?

 a. Frequency
 b. Travel time
 c. Range
 d. Velocity
28. A self- synchronization radar system obtains timing trigger pulses from
what source?

 a. Transmitter
 b. Echo box
 c. Anti-transmit and receive box
 d. Transmit and receive box
29. In externally-synchronized radar, what determines the PRR of the

 a. Synchronizer
 b. Master oscillator
 c. Blocking oscillator
 d. Free-running multivibrator
30. Transmitter power readings are most often referenced to what power

 a. 1 watt
 b. 1 milliwatt
 c. 1 microwatt
 d. 1 picowatt
31. What type of radiator normally drives a corner reflector?

 a. Half-wave
 b. Despun
 c. Isotropic
 d. Marconi
32. A monopulse receiver has how many separate channels?

 a. One
 b. Two
 c. Three
 d. Four
33. How many major lobes are produced by a paraboloid reflector?

 a. One
 b. Two
 c. Three
 d. Four
34. The Doppler variation is directly proportional to what radar contact

 a. Frequency
 b. Velocity
 c. Range
 d. Travel time
35. What is the simplest type of scanning?

 a. Single lobe scanning

 b. Mechanical scanning
 c. Electronic scanning
 d. Electromechanical scanning
36. What term is used to describe the ability of a radar system to distinguish
between targets that are close together?

 a. Target resolution
 b. Bearing resolution
 c. Range resolution
 d. Angular resolution
37. Radar altimeters use what type of transmission signal?

 a. Amplitude modulated
 b. Frequency modulated
 c. Phase modulated
 d. Pulsed modulated
38. Tracking radar searches a small volume of space during which phase of

 a. Scanning
 b. Tracking
 c. Searching
 d. Acquisition
39. How many active elements are contained in a magnetron?

 a. Two
 b. Three
 c. Four
 d. Five
40. Transit time might be defined as the time required for

 a. RF energy to travel through the waveguide

 b. A pulse to travel a wavelength inside a waveguide
 c. One cycle of operation to be completed
 d. Electrons to travel from cathode to anode
41. On a basic synchro system, the angular information is carried on

 a. Dc feedback signal
 b. Stator lines
 c. Deflection coils
 d. Rotor lines
42. What circuit element receives the drive voltage in a radar system’s fiber
optic signal transmitter?

 a. Filter capacitor
 b. Load-limiting capacitor
 c. Temperature sensor
 d. Transistor
43. For a range of 10 nautical miles, the radar pulse repetition frequency
(PRF) should be

 a. Approximately 8.1 kHz or less

 b. 900 Hz
 c. 18.1 kHz or more
 d. 120.3 microseconds
44. If the operating radar frequency is 3000 MHz, what is the distance
between the waveguide and the spark gaps in older radar units?

 a. 10 cm
 b. 5 cm
 c. 2.5 cm
 d. 20 cm
45. Ship raster scan radar has a CRT with the following characteristics: 70
pixels per character, 80 character per line, 25 lines per screen and it scans
100 screen per second. What is the minimum required bandwidth for the
electron beam control signal?

 a. 210 MHz
 b. 0.21 MHz
 c. 2.1 MHz
 d. 21 MHz
46. Continuous wave radar is frequency modulated with a 50-Hz sine wave.
At the output of the receiver phase detector, a phase delay of 36 degrees is
measured. This indicates a target range of

 a. 15 km
 b. 75 km
 c. 150 km
 d. 300 km
47. A target pulse appears on the CRT 100 microseconds after the
transmitted pulse. The target slant range is

 a. 30 km
 b. 93 miles
 c. 15 km
 d. 15, 000 yards
48. A gated LC oscillator operating at 12.5 kHz is being used to develop
range markers. If each is converted to a range, the range between markers
will be

 a. 120 km
 b. 12 km
 c. 1.2 km
 d. 210 km
49. What type of tube best meets the requirements of a modulator switching

 a. Thyratron
 b. Magnetron
 c. Klystron
 d. Phanotron
50. What type of transmitter power is measured over a period of time?

 a. Peak
 b. Return
 c. Average
 d. Reciprocal


1. The pulse width and the TR cell recovery time

2. The ability to distinguish two adjacent targets of equal distances

3. 722

4. ATR box

5. Between the magnetron and the AFC section of the receiver

6. Timer/ synchronizer circuit

7. 100 us

8. Deviation left or right of runway center line

9. Timer

10. Rise time

11. The transmitted pulse width

12. Discriminator

13. sting and tuning of the radar unit by providing artificial targets

14. A klystron

15. 50 kW

16. Electromagnetic energy

17. Synchronizer

18. Surface angle

19. 360 degrees

20. Radar horizon

21. 30 or 60 MHz

22. Plus or minus 5 percent

23. Track radar

24. Distance measuring equipment

25. Both a and b

26. Pulse modulation

27. Range

28. Transmitter
29. Master oscillator

30. 1 milliwatt

31. Half-wave

32. Three

33. One

34. Velocity

35. Single lobe scanning

36. Target resolution

37. Frequency modulated

38. Acquisition

39. Two

40. Electrons to travel from cathode to anode

41. Stator lines

42. Transistor

43. Approximately 8.1 kHz or less

44. 2.5 cm

45. 21 MHz

46. 300 km

47. 15 km

48. 12 km

49. Thyratron

50. Average

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