Why Aren't Signals of Female Quality More Common? D. J. Hosken, S. H. Alonzo, N. Wedell 2016

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Animal Behaviour 114 (2016) 199e201

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Animal Behaviour
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Why aren't signals of female quality more common?

D. J. Hosken a, *, S. H. Alonzo b, N. Wedell a
Centre for Ecology & Conservation, University of Exeter, Cornwall, Tremough, Penryn, Cornwall, U.K.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, U.S.A.

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:
Received 19 August 2015
Initial acceptance 23 September 2015
Final acceptance 1 February 2016
Available online
MS. number: 15-00714R

mate choice
sexual conflict
sexual harassment
sexual selection

One of the most striking patterns in nature is the sexual (e.g. Alonzo & Warner, 1999; Simmons & Bailey, 1990). If we accept
dimorphism in animal sexual ornaments (Andersson, 1994; the premise that males, while not as choosy as females, still exert
Darwin, 1871). Exaggerated ornamental traits are far more com- some choice of mates, then the question arises: why do females not
mon in males than females. Moreover, in at least some, if not most, signal their sexual quality via ornamental secondary sexual traits
of the species in which we see some female ornamentation, it is like males do?
rudimentary and possibly due to intersexual genetic correlations Taking typical sex roles as a given, there are two classical ex-
(Poissant, Wilson, & Coltman, 2010; Tobias, Montgomerie, & Lyon, planations for this lack of female ornamentation. One is that fe-
2012). Exaggerated traits are largely believed to be favoured in males need to be more camouflaged than males (natural selection
males because females tend to be choosy (as a result of their greater is stronger on them for cryptic coloration: Wallace, 1889) and the
parental investment: Trivers, 1972) and males signal to attract other is that the fecundity costs borne by a female signalling this
choosy females (Andersson, 1994). Yet, this explanation for the way would not be repaid via male mate choice, and hence females
prevalence of exaggerated male ornaments does not fully explain with exaggerated sexual traits would have lower fitness (Gwynne,
the general absence of ornaments in females. We would argue that 2001). That is, the fitness cost of producing the exaggerated trait
in many, if not most taxa, some male mate choice still occurs (e.g. would be prohibitive and females would do better to spend their
Bonduriansky, 2001; Trivers, 1972), even if it is limited to males limited resources on additional eggs. Our purpose here is to suggest
selecting females of the right species to signal to and mate with. an additional explanation for the lack of ornamentation that also
Additionally, we know that males do make reproductive decisions highlights an interesting area of future research.
based on direct indicators of female quality (such as body size), in at We suggest that female ornamentation may be disadvantageous
least some taxa. For example, males adjust ejaculates based on if more attractive females disproportionally attract male attention
assessment of female quality (e.g. Gage, 1998; Martin & Hosken, (Fig. 1). There is abundant evidence that mating and male sexual
2002; Simmons, Craig, Llorens, Schinzig, & Hosken, 1993; Wedell harassment can be costly to females (e.g. Chapman, Liddle, Kalb,
& Cook, 1999) and even refuse to mate with low-quality females Wolfner, & Partridge, 1995; Crudgington & Siva-Jothy, 2000; Gay,
or when mating opportunities are likely to return few fertilizations Eady, Vasudev, Hosken, & Tregenza, 2009; Hosken, Martin, Born, &
Huber, 2003; Le Boeuf & Mesnick 1991; Parker, 1978; reviewed in
Arnqvist & Rowe, 2005). If this were the case, then more attractive
females would have lower fitness because of increased male
* Correspondence: D.J. Hosken, Centre for Ecology & Conservation, University of
Exeter, Cornwall, Tremough, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9EZ, U.K. harassment and the costs associated with that (Fig. 1). Thus the
E-mail address: d.j.hosken@exeter.ac.uk (D. J. Hosken). high-quality (most attractive) females most able to bear the costs of

0003-3472/© 2016 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
200 D. J. Hosken et al. / Animal Behaviour 114 (2016) 199e201

Just as there is ample evidence of male mate choosiness, there is

also abundant evidence that females try to avoid male harassment
and that they also signal their unattractiveness or lack of recep-
tivity. For example, females physically attempt to thwart unwanted
Female fitness

copulations (e.g. Parker, 1972), disguise themselves as males (e.g.

Cook, Vernon, Bateson, & Guildford, 1994; Van Gossum, Stoks, & de
Bruyn, 2001), use antiaphrodisiacs to signal lack of receptivity
(Andersson, Borg-Karlson, & Wiklund, 2000), move to habitats that
contain no males (Darden & Croft, 2008) and form aggregations
that reduce male harassment to individual females (Pilastro,
Benetton, & Biazzi, 2003). Given that selection can favour female
signals that reduce male harassment (e.g. signals of low-quality
mating status), we argue it is very likely that the costs of male
harassment could also select against ornaments that positively
signal female quality, even if these ornaments would increase
fitness in the absence of sexual harassment.
The exact properties of the fitness function describing female
fitness relative to female attractiveness will be determined by the
Male harassment

mating benefits/costs for females and the rate at which male

of females

harassment increases with female attractiveness/quality. But we

are really only assuming that the fertility/fecundity costs of not
remating and of male harassment vary with female attractiveness,
such that more attractive females would benefit more by avoiding
males than they would by exposing themselves to additional
mating opportunities (because of elevated male harassment). This
clearly raises the issue of female attractiveness and fitness. Do we
actually see selection against the highest quality females or inter-
mediately attractive females having higher fitness? We are aware of
Female attractiveness two studies showing that more attractive females endure greater
male attention and reduced fitness in a manner consistent with our
Figure 1. Female fitness and male harassment as a function of female attractiveness.
(a) Intermediate female attractiveness equates to highest fitness because (b) the most
idea (Chenoweth, Apppleton, Allen, & Rundle, 2015; Long,
attractive females suffer greater male harassment. Thus it would not pay high-quality Pischedda, Stewart, & Rice, 2009). In fact, as argued here, Long
attractive females to signal their quality to males even though they are the females et al. (2009) suggested this may well be an underappreciated cost
most able to afford signal costs in the absence of male harassment costs. of sexual selection, but they did not make the link between the
general rarity of female ornamentation and this cost of harassment.
Additionally, Chenoweth, Petfield, Doughty, and Blows (2007)
trait exaggeration in the absence of male harassment would not found evidence of stabilizing selection on female fecundity (body
gain fitness by signalling because of disproportionate male size) through male mate choice. Thus it is plausible that it does not
harassment, all else being equal. Equally, it may not pay lower pay for females to signal because of the costs of harassment and
quality females to signal attractiveness either as they may not be mating. This in turn results in a lack of female ornaments over
able to secure a mate or bear the costs of signalling (as per argu- evolutionary time and male mate preferences that tend to be even
ments for low-quality males: Kotiaho, 2000; also see LeBas, weaker than predicted by relative parental investment (Trivers,
Hockham, & Ritchie, 2003). Note that this does not imply inter- 1972) because female quality is ambiguous due to the lack of
mediate females' signals should be fitter; instead there should be clear signals of quality.
directional selection against trait exaggeration in females as males One way to evaluate this idea would be to test whether females
target females that signal their quality resulting ultimately in no are more likely to be ornamented in species in which costs of male
female trait exaggeration. So in this instance, it is not the cost of harassment are low or absent or mating more is advantageous, as in
trait production per se that is fitness reducing, rather it is the un- some nuptial gift-providing taxa. In species in which male harass-
wanted attention generated by displaying attractiveness that is ment varies, it would also be possible to compare the direction of
problematic, although these things could well be additive. While selection on a female ornament signalling quality in the presence
there have been previous suggestions that female ornaments could and absence of male harassment. At present we are not aware of
reduce male harassment (Tobias et al. 2012), here we reverse that any studies that have systematically addressed these topics.
logic to point out something that has not been widely considered Furthermore, it may be interesting to theoretically investigate the
previously. We suggest that sexual conflict over male harassment impact of differently shaped harassmentefemale quality curves
and costs of mating provides an additional explanation for the and the types of costs and benefits female incur as a result, and how
relative absence of ornamentation in females. This suggestion de- levels of male choosiness impact female fitness. Additionally,
pends on the assumption that female fitness does not increase including male fitness payoffs to assess how their responses could
continuously with number of mates or with male attention, and influence our simplistic predictions could also be revealing. For
there is evidence for this in a range of taxa (e.g. Bateman, 1948; example, if females signalled quality, it could pay males to ‘allocate’
Bjork & Pitnick, 2006; Hosken et al. 2003; Jones & Ratterman, their harassment of them based on the number of competitors
2009; reviewed in Collet, Dean, Worley, Richardson, & Pizzari, present (as per ideal distribution logic) and this could impact fe-
2014). We also assume that males are somewhat selective of fe- male signals too. These could all be avenues for future investigation.
males, or would be if they could accurately determine female Finally, we should stipulate that we do not wish to imply that
quality, and there is also evidence for this (e.g. Simmons & Bailey, male harassment of attractive females is the primary reason for the
1990). lack of female ornamentation. We only want to alert researchers to
D. J. Hosken et al. / Animal Behaviour 114 (2016) 199e201 201

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