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United States

Department of
An Atmospheric Dispersion Index
Forest Service
for Prescribed Burning

Southeastern Forest
Experiment Station Leonidas G. Lavdas
Research Paper
October 1986
Southeastern Forest Experiment Station
P.O. Box 2680
Asheville, North Carolina 28802
An Atmospheric Dispersion Index
for Prescribed Burning

Leonidas G. Lavdas, Research Meteorologist

Southeastern Forest Experiment Station
Macon, Georgia
' Page

Dispersion Rate--The Pasquill-Gifford-Turner Stability

Classification System ••• • ••••••• ........ 2
Dispersion Capacity--Mixing Height and Transport Windspeed 2

Mathematical Basis of the Dispersion Index ..... 3

Ventilation Factor • • • • • ......... 4

Gaussian Dispersion Modeling for Area Sources 5

Specification of Prescribed Fire Activity as an Area Source. 6

Conversion of Concentration/Emissions Relationships

to a Dispersion Index • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7
Response of the Dispersion Index to Meteorological Parameters 8
Use of the Dispersion Index. ....... ............ 10

List of Symbol s 12
Literature Cited. ... ............ 15
A--Stability Class Estimation Method • • • • • • • 19

B--Calculating the Unweighted or Weighted Harmonic Mean ••••• 21

C--Effect of Stability Class and Downwind Distance on the
Vertical Gaussian Dispersion Coefficient oz, Critical
Distance xc' and Virtual Distance Increment Xv • • • • • • • •• 22
D--Depth of Prescri bed Fi re Smoke Layer
in a Stable Atmosphere ••• ................ 24

E--A FORTRAN 77 Subroutine Package for Computing Dispersion

Index for a Specific Time • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 28

ABSTRACT concentrations. Much of the range of
A numerical index that estimates the atmosphere1s weather conditions acceptable for
capacity to disperse smoke from prescribed burning is forestry prescribed burning overlaps
described. The physical assumptions and mathematical with that associated with good disper-
development of the index are described in detail.
The index is expressed as a positive integer in such sion of pollutants, so that with proper
a way that doubling the index implies a rtoubling of management neither the smoke nor the
the estimated atmospheric capacity. The dispersion fire will be a hazard. Unlike most
index is conceptually similar to ventilation factor
but is better able to describe diurnal changes within human polluting activities, prescribed
the lower atmosphere. The index provides a guide to fires can be conducted or allocated on a
the effect of prescribed burning activity on atmos- day-by-day basis according to prevailing
pheric smoke concentration during a portion of a day.
The index does not replace smoke dispersion models and forecast weather conditions.
designed to analyze smoke concentration from indi-
vidual fires at specific locations, nor does it Some of the guidelines needed for
describe smoke effects on visibility. smoke management have been published in
Keywords: Smoke management, air pollution potential, "Southern Forestry Smoke Management
ventilation factor, Gaussian dispersion, mesoscale Guidebook" (Southern Forest Fi re
air-quality estimation. Pasquill stability class. Laboratory Staff (SFFLS) 1976) and the
area pollution sources.
FWIS "User Manual (Paul and Clayton

1978). By use of look-up tables or

interactive computer programs, these
The effect of human activities on air publications offer adaptations of U.S.
quality is closely related to the rate Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
of dispersion of pollutants within the models for use in calculating ground-
atmosphere. Most polluting activity, level downwind smoke concentrations from
such as automobile traffic, manufac- a low-intensity prescribed fire in spec-
turing, or power generation, generally ified forest fuels. These models are
takes place with minimal attention to designed for single-fire smoke manage-
the varying capacity of the atmosphere ment to help assure that individual
to dilute pollutants to acceptable fires are conducted a safe distance from
levels. Exceptions occur when air- a highway or town. The models become
pollution episodes create the need for increasingly awkward and expensive to
reduced polluting activity, but in most use as the number of sources (fires) and
areas such episodes are rare. Although receptors (smoke-sensitive areas) in the
there is an association between some computational process rises. If many
polluting activities (such as heating fires are conducted in a given region,
and power generation) and weather the atmosphere may be overloaded with
variables (chiefly temperature), very smoke even if the available models do
few are directly associated with atmos- not indicate a problem from anyone
pheric dispersion rate. fire. Where prescribed fire is inten-
sively used, there is a need to coordi-
An association between dispersion nate burning activity based on current
rate and a significant polluting activ- and forecast weather conditions to avoid
ity, such as prescribed burning, might regional smoke overload. Some States,
be expected--particularly when smoke including Oregon, North Carolina, and
management is being practiced. Pre- Florida, have adapted smoke management
scribed fires, which represent a tem- systems that allow or, in some cases,
porary source of pollution, can be allocate burning activity based on a
successfully conducted only under cer- weather categorization scheme. For
tain weather conditions (Mobley and example, the Oregon smoke management
others 1978). Windspeed, both near the system, which has been largely adapted
ground and aloft, is an important deter- by several Southeastern States, cate-
minant of both fire behavior and smoke gorizes permissible burning activity
according to ventilation factor (the indirectly estimated by use of readily
product of mixing height and transport observed weather variables such as sur-
windspeed). The ventilation factor face windspeed, cloud cover, ceiling
represents the atmosphere's ultimate height, and insolation. The most common
dispersion capacity at a given time, estimation scheme is that of Pasquil1
which in some cases is a logical basis (1961, 1974), modified by Gifford
for regional smoke management. However, (1962), and reformulated for computer-
the ultimate dispersion capacity of the ized applications by Turner (1961,
atmosphere is not always attained due to 1964). This scheme assigns a dispersion
relatively low dispersion rates within rate to the lower atmosphere according
the mixing layer. Also, the ventilation to one of seven stability classes rang-
factor is not easily related to disper- ing from extremely unstable through
sion under stable conditions when the neutral to extremely stable. The class
mixing height is effectively zero. This is determined from solar elevation
Paper proposes an atmospheric disper- angle, windspeed, opaque cloud cover,
sion index that takes dispersion rate and cloud ceiling height. Details for
as well as capacity into account and estimating the stability class are given
can be used in unstable, stable, or in appendix A. As can be seen from the
neutral conditions. procedure, the atmosphere tends to be
unstable or neutral during the day and
stable or neutral at night. Neutral
Dispersion Rate-- conditions are most likely during cloudy
The Pasquill-Gifford-Turner or windy regimes.
Stability Classification System
The rate of pollutant dispersion Dispersion Capacity--
within the atmosphere is largely depend- Mixing Height and Transport Windspeed
ent on stability. Atmospheric stabil-
ity is determined by the rate of The dispersion rate, estimated by use
temperature change with respect to of stability class, generally occurs
height within the atmosphere. A dry only within the lower atmosphere at and
atmosphere that cools at a rate in below the mixing height. Above the
excess of about 0.01 K m- 1 (5.5 of per mixing height, the dispersion rate is
1,000 ft) is unstable; one that cools at typically very low. The net effect of
a lesser rate or which becomes warmer dispersion at a slow rate overlaying
with height is stable. Direct measure- dispersion at a much faster rate near
ments of temperature with height are not the ground is to create the appearance
routinely available except at widely of a IIlid within the atmosphere, below

separated upper-air observing stations which most ground pollutants are

on a twice-daily basis. There is no trapped. The mixing height changes
clear-cut relationship between disper- markedly during the course of the day.
sion rate and temperature changes with On a clear night with light winds, the
height, given an unstable atmosphere. dispersion rate near the ground, par-
The air tends to rapidly turn over, ticularly in rural areas, may be about
given an initial impetus, in an attempt as slow as that at great heights. In
to readjust an unstable temperature pro- such conditions, the mixing height is
file to a more neutral one. Hence, a effectively zero, and pollutants spread
measured unstable temperature profile very slowly above the ground. After
tends to reflect local factors, such as sunrise, the ground heats up and the
friction within the atmosphere near the lower atmosphere is warmed from below,
ground and the thermal properties of the creating a mixing layer that typically
soil or vegetative cover, more than increases in depth (increasing mixing
dispersion rate (Gifford 1975). Because height) until early afternoon. The
of the difficulties in obtaining and, in mixing height generally reaches a steady
some cases, interpreting temperature state through the afternoon hours until
profiles, the atmospheric dispersion about sunset. By dark, cooling tem-
rate near the ground has often been peratures at ground level create a

stable layer of air that traps ground windspeed would make the box 48 km long
pollutants, and the mixing height effec- in 1 hour. Half that windspeed results
tively returns to zero. During cloudy in a box of half the size and doubles
or very windy days, the above trends the concentrations of smoke.
generally do not hold; the mixing height
may be determined by frontal zones or Ventilation factor has been used by
other factors that may be rapidly the National Weather Service to help
changing as a storm system moves across determine where stagnation episodes,
an area. associated with high pollution levels in
urban areas, mi ght occu r. 1 It has ut i 1 -
During fair weather regimes, when ity particularly in considering pollut-
most prescribed fires are conducted, ant buildup or dispersal for a day or
mixing height can be determined fairly more. Because dispersion rate within
accurately by comparing the current sur- the conceptual "box" is neglected, ven-
face air temperatures with the upper-air tilation factor does not describe the
temperature profile measured during effect of individual pollution sources,
early morning hours (1200 G.m.t. or 0700 nor the effect of all sources during
e.s.t.) (Holzworth 1972). During the portions of the day. Dispersion rate
day, the surface temperature will typi- and the ventilation factor are con-
cally be higher than that given as sur- sidered in EPA dispersion models. One
face temperature within the early such model, the Climatological
morning upper-air profile. By comparing Dispersion Model (Busse and Zimmerman
the temperatures and pressures of the 1973), appears to lend itself to the
surface and upper-air observations and construction of a dispersion index that
assuming a dry adiabatic process of may be able to indicate the amount of
atmospheric mixing (Hess 1959), the prescribed fire activity which can be
mixing height associated with the accommodated in a 50- by 50-km area
current surface temperature can be (approximately 1,000 mi 2 or roughly 30
ascertained. The smoke from most by 30 mi) over a period of several
prescribed fires can be assumed to be hours.
confined below this mixing height for
smoke travel times up to 12 hours (Pharo
and others 1976). Mathematical Basis
of the Dispersion Index
Pollutants within the mixing layer
are directly diluted by the transport The dispersion index that is proposed
windspeed (the average windspeed within for prescribed fire smoke management is
the mixing layer). Transport windspeed based primarily on the Climatological
is generally regarded as having the most Dispersion Model (COM) and ventjlation
profound effect on pollutant concentra- factor. For the purpose of constructing
tions. When multiplied by mixing height, the index, a slight modification to the
transport windspeed yields ventilation COM model is made to differentiate be-
factor. tween typical dispersion conditions
during day and night in rural terrain,
The effect of transport windspeed or according to the suggested dispersion
ventilation factor on atmospheric smoke rates gi ven by Pasqui 11 (1974). The
concentrations can perhaps best be dispersion index is optimized for appli-
visualized by conceiving the atmosphere cation to burning activity within a
as a box into which pollutants are being 50- by 50-km area. It is constructed to
poured. The height of the box is typi- reflect the amount of emissions within
cally the mixing height. Consider smoke the area that will result in a fixed
being emitted along the upwind edge of incremental increase of concentrations
the box for a fixed period of time; at the downwind edge of the area. (The
e.g., 1 hour. During that period, the
area downwind covered with smoke would lNat10nal Weather Service Technical Procedures Bulle-
depend on the windspeed within the box; tin 204. Air Stagnation Guidance. NOAA Tech. Dev.
for example, a 16-km per hour (10 mi/h) Lab •• Silver Spring. MD. 10 pp.

downwind edge of a uniform area emission Now, let Xmax be some maximum allow-
source with zero plume rise receives the able increment of pollutant concentration
greatest impact from such emissions.) at the downwind edge of some square area
due to burning activity within the area.
Ventilation Factor The maximum acceptable emission rate for
the area as a whole according to the box
The concentration of pollutants in model is
the atmosphere at the downwind edge of a
uniform area source shaped as a square, Qmax = Xmax LHVV (2)
assuming complete mixing from ground to k
the mixing height (box model assumption)
is The quantity, HW, the product of mix-
ing height and transport windspeed, is
kQ ventilation factor. If the box model
X = LHVV (1) perfectly reflected atmospheric disper-
sion rate, acceptable levels of burning
where: X = concentration
due to activity, Qm~x' would be proportional to
emissions within the area ventilation ractor.
Q = total emission rate within
the area
L = length of the area source
H = mixing height
W = transport windspeed
k = a constant, which reflects
the units chosen for X, Q,
L, H, and W (k = 1, if any
internally consistent set of
units, e.g., 51 units, are

Note that since the area is square, then w

Q = qA L2 where qA is the uni- Box model assumption: Smoke Q is emitted along line L,
form area emission rate of transported by wind W, and trapped wi1hin a box of depth H.
the square.
Figure 1.--Box model concept.

Equation (1) neglects the concentration

of pollutants that might be transported In general, the equation (2) model
from an area farther upwind from the does not describe dispersion rate within
square area considered. A visual concep- the box. Typically, dispersion rates
tion of equation (1) is shown in figure within the atmosphere are such that pol-
1, but the effect of transport windspeed lutants tend to approach uniform concen-
on the concentration X is not shown. trations within the mixing layer. The
The windspeed effect is due to the con- rate of approach to uniformity, however,
centration being a function of emission can be an important factor in deter-
rate. The emissions which enter a block mining ground-level concentrations.
of air moving through the emission area The rate of approach is a function of
are proportional to the amount of time dispersion rate within the mixing layer
required for the block to pass over the when that rate is much greater than
area, which is merely L W- 1 , thus dispersion rate above the mixing height.
The Gaussian dispersion model represents
(1A) a frequently used method to account for
the rate of dispersion within the mixing
represents the concentration at the down- layer, as well as for many instances
wind edge of the box due to emissions when the mixing height is effectively
within the box. zero.

Gaussian Dispersion Modeling Gz = minimum (ax b , J~1T H) (4)
for Area Sources
(but Oz must not exceed 5,000 m)
Gaussian dispersion models (Turner
1970) are considered state of the art where: a and b are constants within a
(EPA 1978) for modeling air-quality stated range of x (a > 0, b > 0)
impact of individual sources for dis-
tances up to 50 km. ' More refined models Note that ifax b exceeds ~H
are available, and sometimes necessary, within the range of distances x 10w and
but the Gaussian plume approach repre- x~fS~' the solution of the integral
sents a compromise between cost, general wltnln equation (3) is:
applicability, known performance, and
availability of efficient computerized Xhfgh - x 10w
algorithms. This approach has been used HW
for sources of widely varying configura-
tions, including individual prescribed which is to say that ifax b exceeds
fires (SFFLS 1976). For a uniform ~H over some range of distances,
area source shaped as a square, emitting the box model is applicable for that
at ground level, the concentrati~n at range of distances:
the downwind edge of the area according
to the Gaussian dispersion model is: _ qA (X hiQh - x1ow)
X (x 1ow to X high ) - HW (5)
X =q dx (3) where: x (x 1ow to X~lg~) denotes con-
A 0 ~ Gz(x,H,S)W
centration due to emlSSlons within the
portion of the area lying at distances
where: Gz(x,H,S) is the vert i ca 1 di sper- x 10w to Xhfgh upwind of the downwind edge
sion coefficient, a function of of the square area.
downwind distance, x, mixing
height, H, and stability class, A "critical" distance, Xc can be
S. defined in such a way that the following
relationship is true:
••• dx represents an integra-
tion with respect to downwind 2
distance Gz = a Xc b = "21T H

1T is 3.14159 ••• if a and b are applicable at the distance

and it is assumed that the units of
qA' L, x, 0Z' H, and Ware For a given mixing height and stabil-
internally consistent (i.e., ity class, equations (3), (4), and (6)
k = 1). may be combined to yield
The stability class, S, in equation (3) (7)
does not represent a specific numerical
quantity but refers to the classifica-
t i on system gi ven- in appendi x A. where: AM = minimum (L, xc)
In steady-state Gaussian dispersion Values of a and b for each stability
modeling, mixing height and wind are class are given in appendix C for ranges
presumed to be constant in a given area of downwind distance. For the most part,
for some period of time. Thus, under these are the same as those given by
steady-state conditions, only Oz needs Busse and Zimmerman (1973). The values
to be integrated with respect to x. of a and b for near-neutral stability
during daylight hours are modified to
The mathematical form of Oz is: cause Oz to be generally equivalent

to the recommendations of Pasquill (1974, are made. The value of Xv is dependent
p. 368, fig. 6.10). This modification on initial (source configuration re-
of the COM model was found to be lated) dispersion coefficient (30 m,
necessary to produce a dispersion index according to Assumption 2) and stability
that would not be unduly sensitive to class. Values of Xv are given in
small changes in weather variables used appendix C, table 3.3
to estimate stability class.
To account for virtual distance,
Specification of Prescribed equation (7) is modified to:
Fire Activity as an Area~urce X =q 2 r Av _1_ dx + q (L + xv) - Av (8)
A ../2-i W Jxv ax b A HW
Prescribed fires emit smoke into the
atmosphere at varying heights according where: Av is minimum (L + xv' xc).
to the heat of the fires, windspeed, and
properties of fire convection columns Combining Assumptions 1 and 2 by use
(such as entrainment of smoldering of equations (lA) and (8) leads to
smoke). The specification of one or
more plume heights as ranges of heights X=
0.5 qA L
../2rr W
J: Av 1 d
- -b x
within a 2,500-km 2 area is necessarily Xv
arbitrary. To maintain relative mathe- (L + xv) - Av
matical simplicity, yet show the dif- + 0.5 qA HW
fering scopes of smoke impact due to
fires with considerable plume rise The first and third terms in equation (9)
versus smoldering smoke not associated can be combined but are kept separate to
with significant rise, the following allow inspection of the separate effects
assumptions are made: of Assumptions 1 and 2. The quantity
Assumption 1. One-half of smoke emis- r ~

ax dx may be integrated by the fo 11 ow-


sions undergo extensive plume rises of ing means: Consider a and b within a
varying heights in such a way that the glven range of x as constants, then with-
aggregate effect is uniform mixing of in that range of x, (x low to Xhlgh)
smoke up to the mixing height. 2
rXhigh _1_ dx = 1 [x P -b) _ x (l-b)] (10)
Assumption 2. One-half of smoke emis- Jx low ax b a (1 - b) high low
sions undergo very limited plume rise
with an aggregate effect being a ground- The results of the integration can be
based Gaussian distribution of smoke used as a term within a series within
with an initial value of 30 m (about equation (9) as follows:
100 ft) for oz.
X = 0.5 qA HW
../2rr W .L
~ 3 [A (1 - b·)I -x A(1 - b')
I ]

Assumption 1 requires no additional I =1

R a.(l - bj)
mathematical development. Assumption 2 (11 )
may be accommodated through use of the (L + xv) - Av
+ 0.5 qA . HW
EPA accepted "virtual distance" concept
(Petersen 1978). This concept involves
a "replacement" of the source, mathe- where: AR is mi ni mum (x high' Av)
matically, at a distance, xv' upwind of xR i s rna xi mu m (x I ow' x v)
its actual location. Direct use of the
Gaussian dispersion equations may be and the series has three terms,
made with the Xv distance added to all since three ranges of x (three
downwind distances before computations sets of xl ow and Xhlgh) are
given in appendix C.
21f the atmosphere is stable (stability class 5, 6, or
1), Mixing height is zero. During these condftions, 'The COM model does not consider virtual distance when
the smoke emissions affected by plume rise are assumed utiliz1ng an in1tial dispersion coefficient. The use
to be uniformly Mixed in a layer of depth, Hs. The of virtual distance allows the integral in equation
method for obtaining Hs is given in appendix 0, equa- (8) to be evaluated directly, saving computer space
tion (38), derived from the box MOdel equation (1). and time.

Note that both xR < Av and AR > Xv must WIND
be true if the ith term of the series in w-- - ...,-
equation (9) is to be evaluated; if , - - - - - -,....----- ----,,- - - - - ---,
either condition is not met, the ith
term is zero.
Conversion of Concentration/Emissions I ADDS C2 ~ SMOKE I
Relationships to a Dispersion Index : CONC. = CI CONCENTRATION ~ CONC. = CI • C2 :

The relationships among emission L_____ _ _ ____ J

rate, weather parameters, and concen-
tration given by equation (11) may be ~50KM ~
converted to a dispersion index by C2 ~ (constant) )( (emissions)
assigning a constant value to the area (dispersion index)
emission rate, q , solving for the con- or if C2 is restricted to a given value, the a"owable
centration, x, t~en letting the recipro- emissions are: Q ~ (constant) )( (dispersion inde)C)
cal of concentration be the dispersion Figure 2.--D1spersion index concept (top view).
index. For the dispersio~ index con-
sidered here, let:
index of equation (14) may be thought
(12) of as being a 50:50 weighting of the
index based on a ventilation factor:
L = 50,000 m (13)
Dlv = ~:a (15)
and the units of X be expressed in ~g.
Thus, the dispersion index determined
from equations (11), (12), and (13) is: and a modified COM model ground-level
source-based dispersion index:
= (50
+ 0002
../2-i- W
[A (1 - bj) _
a. (1 -
b j)
(1 - bi)]
-DI =
(0'004 1:3 [A (1 - bj) _
xR(1 - bj) ]
_ c ../2-i- W a. (1 - bj)

+0.001 (50,000 +ix: ~ A~) )-1' (14)

i=l '
+ 0.002 (50,000 + Xv - Av) )-1

where: ill signifies dispersion index in
m2 s -1 • The 50:50 weighting of equations (15)
and (16), on a harmonic mean basis (see
The estimated concentration, along appendix B), is a direct result of
with the inversely proportional rela- Assumptions 1 and 2.
tionship between dispersion index and The relationship between any of the
assumptions given by equations (12) and dispersion indices given by equations
(13), implies that the dispersion index (14), (15), or (16) and maximum emission
estimates the average (or total) emis- rate is:
sion rate within a square area that
would result in a specific incremental (17)
increase of ground-level crosswind-
averaged concentrations within a mass of or
air as it moves over the area (fig. 2).
The computer code in ANSI FORTRAN 77 where: is maximum total emission
language (Am. Natl. Stand. Inst. 1978} rate (g S-1) within the
for determining the dispersion index, entire area
given stability class, daylight or dark,
mixing height, and transport windspeed, (qA)max is maximum area-averaged
is given in appendix E. The dispersion emi ss i on rate (~g m- 2s - I)

is maximum (acceptable) management meteorology, a period of 6
incremental increase in hours should be considered so that the
crosswind-averaged concen- relative effect of weather during high
trations due to emissions versus low transport windspeed condi-
within the area (~g m- 3 ) tions can be directly compared with
minimal error. Recommendations on use
and orr is any of the dispersion of the dispersion index are made in a
indices, OT, lIT , or lIT later section.
- _v _c
Thus, the dispersion index can be used
as an estimate of the level of Response of the Dispersion Index
prescribed fire activity that can be to Meteorological Parameters
conducted in a given area without
resulting in unacceptably high increases The dispersion index, 01, given by
in smoke concentrations on an areawide equation (14) (accounting both for well-
basis. mixed and ground smoke), is directly
proportional to transport win~s~eed.
None of the dispersion indices is a For example, with unchanged mlxln~
valid indicator for localized smoke height and stability class, doubl~ng
management because the variation of con- transport windspeed doubles.t~e dls~er:
centrations due to fire locations within sion index. Doubling the mlxlng helght
will also increase dispersion index, but
the area is not accounted for. A dis- due to incomplete ,mfxing within the
persion index could be constructed for m; xing layer (see ",the: summation term
an individual fire. However, since within equation (l4),) the index . may not'
fires vary widely in size, energy double. Dispersion index also 1S
release rate. ' c~nvection column orien- increased when the ' st'a bility class
tation, and distance to potential smoke- indicates a more unstable: atmosphere
sensitive areas, no single indexing pro- (i.e., a lower class letter or numb~r,
cedure would ltkely be applicable for according to the estimation method 1n
more than a small fraction of all appendix A). Figure 3 shows the
prescribed fires. response of dispersion 1nde~ !ersus
It must be stressed that steady-state mixing height for each stabll1ty class,
(unchanging) weather conditions must with transport windspeed set to the
minimum recommended value (Turner and
prevail throughout the area where the Novak 1978a, 1978b) of 1 m S-l. Note
dispersion index is being determined for that for the most u~stable category, the
equations (14)-(16) to be valid. response tends to be ~ close to that
Steady-state weather should be main- expected from ventil'ation factor alone
tained, at minimum, for the length of (equation (15)). This response results
time, ~t, required for smoke emitted at from the highly efficient mixing process
the upwind edge of the area to reach the attributed to a very unstable atmosphere
downwind edge: by the CDM model algorithm. C~r~ain
At > -'=- = 50,000 restrictions on the value of mlxlng
~ -W W height. H, have been made in con-
structing figure 3 to reflect reasonable
meteorological conditions:
where: the units of ~t are s, and Ware
m S-1. H = Hs ~ 240 m (daytime; also nighttime when
stability class is near neutral) (20)
The mean value of transport windspeed
in the 48 contiguous States is about H =H :5 600 m (nighttime; near
5 m S-l (Holzworth 1972), so the weather s neutral stability only) (21)
parameters used to determine dispersion
index over the area should reflect con- Hs = 180 m (if stability class is slightly stable) (22)
ditions over at least a 3-hour period.
If the index is to be used on a com- H = 150 m (if stability class is moderately
parative basis for purposes of smoke s stable or very stable) (23)

I (day)




_ _ 2(day)
~ -- -- -- -
- 20
-- ---

/" _----------3 (day)
10 /
Step 3 ".. - - - - - - - ;/- - - Step 2 (S C = 3)
(9) V I

1- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 4 (day)
- I
/' I
I 4 (night)
-----~--- --- - _ _ _ _ _ - - __ 5 (night)
o - ; - - - - - --6,7 (night)
t 0 240 1000 Step 1 2000
(MH= 3000 4000 5000 6000 6267
Step 4 -~Step 5 1500)
(9)( 8 = 72) MIXING HEIGHT (m)


I. Find mixing height along X axis (e.g., 1500 m)
2. Trace vertically until intercepting appropriate stability class (e.g., SC = 3)
3. Trace horizontally (to left> until intercepting Y axis (the U = I m s-I dispersion index) (e. g., approx. 9)
4. Multiply Y axis value by the transport windspeed (in meters per second) ( e.g., 9 x 8 m s-I )
5. Result is dispersion index (e.g., approx. 72 )

Figure 3.--Response of dispersion index to mixing height.

by stability class (transport windspeed • 1 m 5-').

where: Hs in equations (20) to (23) is of Oz is accounted for in the calcula-
the depth of the smoke-burdened tion of the critical distance, xc,
atmospheric layer, due to plume beyond which uniform mixing is assumed
rise. by the COM model. This uniform mixing
assumption allows the 4-0AY stability
Equation (20) allows for the effect of values of Oz to be calculaterl without
plume rise from prescribed fires during explicitly considering mixing height.
neutral or unstable atmospheric condi- The constants a and b, given in appendix
tions near the ground with some penetra- C, are the same as those given by Busse
tion or slow mixing into an overlying and Zimmerman (1973) except for the
stable layer very near the ground. 4-0AY class. For the 4-0AY class, the
Equation (21) accounts for the at least COM constants for less than 500 mare
slightly subadiabatic conditions usually applied at all distances, which yield
observed near the ground at night, a linear curve on a log-log graph of
regardless of the indicated stability o z versus x, as is shown by Pasquil1.
category (Lavdas 1981). Superadiabatic
conditions resulting in nocturnal mixing
heights calculated by the parcel method Use of the Dispersion Index
(Hess 1959) being significantly nonzero
are a likely indicator of dangerous fire The dispersion index offers a means of
weather (Byram 1959). The 600-m allocating prescribed fire emissions
restriction represents the estimated within an area, according to prevailing
effective extent of mixing from a weather conditions, to avoid regional
ground-level source in near-neutral con- smoke overload. The index is based on
ditions after 100 km of travel (Lavdas the EPA-approved COM model and con-
1982; Turner 1970). Conditions as structed around the crosswind-averaged
expressed by equations (22) and (23) concentration impact at the downwind
represent values of H~, not mixing edge of a 50- by 50-km area (about
height (which is zero), during stable 1,000 m2) due to fire activity within
conditions (classes 5, 6, and 7). These the area. Smoke concentrations at
values of Hs take into account stable specific locations are not accounted
plume rise from Briggs (1972) due to for; methods such as those given in
point sources of sensible heat flux up SFFLS (1976) should be used to avoid
to 1,000 m4 S-3, as well as the effect overload due to individual fires. The
of dispersion during downwind transport dispersion index does not give a direct
(see appendix D). indication of the impact of smoke that
travels in excess of 50 km. The likely
The curve labeled 4-DAY in figure 3 effects of smoke upwind of the basic
represents the only substantial altera- 50- by 50-km area should be considered
tion to models or modeling practices before attempting a specific limitation
currently approved by the EPA. This on emissions based on a mandated value
curve corresponds to the 0(1) stability of xmax • Because of the assumptions
category of Pasqui11 (1974, p. 368). used in constructing the index and the
The adaptation of this procedure removes inherent limitations of the COM model,
the most serious of the dispersion index it is suggested that the dispersion
discontinuities, which are created by index be calibrated against prescribed
the use of stability classes rather fire activity in areas of similar fuel
than a continuous stability function. types and firing practices. The dis-
The mixing height (referred to by persion index is designed to have a
Pasquil1 as lithe top of the dry- one-to-one correspondence to the
adiabatic 1ayer") directly contributes emissions from prescribed fire accept-
to the value of the vertical dispersion able from an area-averaged, air-quality
coefficient, oz, in the 0(1) stability standpoint. A subjective interpretation
class, although it does so for no other of the dispersion index based on stagna-
category. In the computation of disper- tion criteria, climatological values of
sion index, the mixing height dependence ventilation and stability, and weather

conditions frequently sought for that would be representative of condi-
prescribed burning activity is given in tions throughout the afternoon. If a
table 1. dispersion index climatology is being
constructed from hourly observations,
Table 1.--Preliminary interpretation it is suggested that it be calculated
of dispersion index values as the harmonic mean of six hour-by-hour
"raw indices." The harmonic mean is
suggested since the dispersion index
Dispersion corresponds to the reciprocal of concen-
index Interpretation tration impact, and concentration impact
is normally arithmetically averaged.
Calculation of the harmonic mean is
>100 Very good (but may indirectly shown in appendix B.
indicate hazardous condi-
tions; check fire weather) When using surface and upper-air
observations or forecasts to obtain
61-100 Good (Southern Forest Fire mixing height, transport windspeed, and
Laboratory Staff 1976; stability class over a 6-hour period of
typical-case burning weather interest, keep the following points in
values are in this range) mind:
41-60 Generally good 1. Consider the variability of the
(climatological afternoon atmospheric conditions (sun angle, cloud
values in most inland cover, ceiling, and windspeed) used to
forested areas of the United estimate stability class. Be sure a
States fall in this range) representative class is chosen, partic-
ularly if hour-by-hour computations are
21-40 Fair (stagnation may be not made.
indicated if accompanied
by persistent low windspeeds) 2. Consider the likely changes in
mixing height, particularly the mixing
13-20 Generally poor; stagnation, that is likely to affect the smoke from
if persistent (although both active and smoldering fires. The
better than average for a effective mixing height often drops
night value) rapidly to a low value around sunset as
a surface-based nocturnal inversion
7-12 Poor; stagnant at day (but forms. (The "parcel method," based on
near or above average at an early morning sounding, may give an
night) anomalously high value for this
purpose.) The restrictions on mixing
1-6 Very poor (very frequent at height--conditions expressed by
night; represents the equations (20)-(23)--may be applicable.
majority of nights in many Consider the depth of atmosphere likely
locations) to contain smoke as being perhaps a more
applicable estimate of mixing height
than the definition given by strict
thermodynamics considerations.
As already pointed out, the dispersion
index should be based on weather condi- 3. Consider the reliability of
tions within the area that are repre- available data for the area of interest
sentative over a 6-hour period. For when evaluating the information. For
example, a forecast of maximum surface instance, a nearby I-hour-old surface-
temperature, expected afternoon cloud wind report should be given increased
cover, and windspeeds combined with the consideration when averaged against a
projected upper-air conditions would more distant sounding that is several
generally yield values of mixing height, hours old. Smoke impact is often a
transport windspeed, and stability class ground-based phenomenon. Giving the

latest surface-wind observation 50 per- used in the power law ex-
cent weight in determining the transport pression, ax b , to compute
windspeed may be reasonable, particu- the vertical dispersion
larly if the wind report is represent- coefficient from downwind
ative of the overall surface-wind pat- distance (dimensionless).
tern. In general, the surface windspeed
report within the upper-air sounding - Specific value of the con-
should be disregarded unless that report stant, a, which is applicable
is recent and representative. for one of these ranges of
downwind distances: 100-500
Finally, it should be stressed that a m, 500-5,000 m, > 5,000 m
burn/no burn decision for a given (dimensionless).
prescribed fire should not be based
solely on the index. Dispersion index b - A value, dependent on stabil-
is not designed to account for the ity class and constant for a
effect of high relative humidity on range of downwind distances,
visibility in smoke. It is necessary used to compute the vertical
for the prescribed burner to avoid smoke dispersion coefficient (di-
emissions during high-humidity periods, mensionless) (see the defin-
especially during poor-dispersion con- ition of a).
ditions. Also, no matter how good the
dispersion index, it is possible for a - Specific value of the
fire to overload the atmosphere at constant, b (dimensionless)
nearby smoke-sensitive locations. The (see definition of a,).
index is designed as an indicator of the
atmosphere's capability to disperse lIT - Dispersion index, based both
pollutants on an areawide basis. It on ventilation factor and the
does not account for locally high smoke concentration at the downwind
concentrations or the effects of smoke edge of a uniform area source
concentrations on visibility in high according to the Climatologi-
humidity. cal Di spersi on Model (m 2 s -1).
List of Symbols - Dispersion index based solely
on the concentration at the
downwind edge of a uniform
AM - Minimum value of either the area source according to the
downwind length of the area Climatological Dispersion
source model, or Xc (m). Model (m 2 s -1).
AR - Minimum value of either the
longest downwind distance for or - Dispersionindex based solely
which the power law constants -von ventilation factor (m 2 s-l).
(a and b) are applicable, or
the downwind length of the lIT' - Any of the three above disper-
area source model plus vir.tual sion indices (m 2 s-l).
distance, or Xc (m).
exp( ••• ) - Denotes exponentiation of the
Av _ Minimum value of either the quantity in parentheses (no
downwind length of the area associated dimensions).
source model plus virtual
distance, or Xc (m). F - Sensible heat flux from some
source, such as a prescribed
a - A value, which depends on burn (m 4 s -3) •
stability class and is con-
stant for a range of down- g - Acceleration due to gravity
wind distances, which is (m S-2).

H - Mixing height; the height at Qmax - Maximum acceptable emission
and below which atmospheric rate of the area source
dispersion is rapid (may be (i.e., that which results in
zero at ni ght) (m). the maximum acceptable in-
cremental increase of pollu-
HMEAN - The unweighted harmonic mean tant concentration at the
(units of individual entities downwind edge of the area)
that are calculated). (kg s-1).

HMEANW - The weighted harmonic mean Emission rate from a vertical

(units as for HMEAN ). plane at some specific upwind
distance, x, from a reference
receptor; conversely,
Hs - Depth of a uniformly mixed emission rate associated with
ground-based smoke layer due relative concentration at
to effects of both plume rise some specific downwind dis-
from fires and atmospheric tance, as derived in appendix
di spers ion (m). o (kg s-1).
~h - Plume rise due to the heat of Qz - Total emission rate from a
the fi re (m). line source at height,
Z(kg S-1).
k - A multiplicative units-
dependent constant used qA - The uniform area-averaged
when computing concentration emission rate (kg m- 2 S-l).
in a box model (k = 1 in
this study; often k = 106 te (q A) max - The maximum acceptable uni-
account for micrograms per form area-averaged emission
gram) (dimensionless). rate (analogous to Qmax)
(kg m- 2 s-1).
L - Downwind length of the area
source model for computing S - The Pasquill-Gifford-Turner
concentrations (50,000 m in stability class, expressed as
t his study) (m) • a number from 1 to 7
n - Number of quantities con-
sidered in an averaging 6t - Length of time required for
process (dimensionless). emissions at the upwind edge
of the area source to be
P (Z,oz-1) - Integral of the normal dis- transported to the downwind
tribution, expressed in terms edge of the area (s).
of the ratio of (Zoz-1) dimen-
sionless). W - Transport windspeed, the
average windspeed in the
P (Z,oz-1) - The mean va 1ue of the above mixing layer (if atmospheric
integral within a 50 x 50 km stability is unstable or
square area (dimensionless). neutral), or in the portion
of a surface-based stable
Q - The total emission rate of layer containing significant
the area source (kg S-l). amount of pollutants (if the
atmospheric stability is
(Q H) Meal - Total sensible heat release stable) (m S-l).
rate from a prescribed fire
(megacalories S-1). Wh - Representative windspeed
within the layer of atmos-
(QH}MW - Total sensible heat release phere through which plume
rate (megawatts). rise occurs (m).

wf - Weighting factor in an y - A general quantity that is
averaging process being averaged (see appendix
(dimensionless) • B).
x - Downwind distance from the Z - Height above the ground of
real or virtual origin of a smoke-emissions source (m).
emissions from a point or
line source (m). 9 - Potential temperature; i.e.,
that temperature an atmos-
Xc - Critical downwind distance pheric parcel would have if
X, at which vertical Gaussian its pressure changed to
dispersion from a ground- 1,000 millibars with no heat-
based source is equivalent to ing, using an ideal gas
vertically uniform dispersion assumption (K).
trapped between the ground 09
and the mixing height, H (m). 1Z - Change of potential tempera-
~If the atmospheric stability ture with respect to height
1S. stable, Xc t$ regarded as (K m-1).
be1ng much larger than
50,000 m.) n - 3.14159 ••• (dimensionless).

Xhl gh - Longest downwind distance for X - Concentrations due to the

which specific values of the emissions of a specific
power law coefficients (at, source or set of sources
b l ) are applicable (m). (e.g., all sources within an
area, or a uniform area
source) (kg m- 3).
Xl ow - Shortest downwind distance XL - Concentration due to a line
for which specific values of source (kg m- 3).
the power law coefficients
(ai' b l ) are applicable (m). Xmax - Maximum acceptable increment
of concentration that can be
Xr - Maximum of xlow (associated tolerated due to the
with specific values of al emissions _of a specific
and b l ), or the virtual down- source or set of sources
wind distance, Xv (m). (kgm-3).~

Xv - Virtual downwind distance Xx - Concentration from a vertical

increment; a nonpoint source, plane at some specific upwind
which has a characterfstic distance, x: conversely, con-
initial Gaussian distribution centration associated with
at the source origin (a ver- relative concentration at
tical dispersion coefficient some specific downwind dis-
of 30 m is assumed in this tance, as derived in appendix
study), has a concentration D (kg m- 3). (Note: The
pattern (in steady-state general form of relative con-
uniform Gaussian dispersion centration is (X Q W-l), with
modeling) identical to a units of (m- 2 ).)
"fictitious" point source at
a location upwind of the Oz - The Gaussian vertical disper-
actual nonpoint source. The sion coefficient (m).
distance from the fictitious
point source to the actual
source location is the vir-
tual downwind distance (m).

Literature Cited Mobley, H.E.: Jackson, R.S.; Balmer, W.E. [and
others]. A guide for prescribed fire in southern
forests. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Southeastern Area State
Abramowitz, Milton; Stegun, Irene A. Handbook of and Private Forestry; 1978. 48 pp.
mathematical functions with formulas, graphs, and
mathematical tables. Applied Mathematics Series 55, Pasquill, Frank. Atmospheric diffusion. 2d ed. New
4th ed. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Commerce, York: John Wiley & Sons; 1974. 440 pp.
National Bureau of Standards; 1965. 1060 pp.
Pasquill, Frank. The estimation of disperSion of wind-
American National Standards Institute, American borne material. Meteorological Magazine 90:33-49;
National Standard FORTRAN, ANSI X 3.9-1978. New 1961.
York: American National Standards Institute; 1978.
Paul, James T.; Clayton, Joe. User manual: forestry
Briggs, Gary A. Discussion, chimney plumes in neutral weather interpretations system (FWIS). Asheville,
and stable surroundings. Atmospheric Environment NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,
6:507-510; 1972. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station and Atlanta,
GA: Southeastern Area State and Private Forestry,
Briggs, Gary A. Plume rise predictions. In: Lectures in cooperation with U.S. National Weather Service,
on air pollution and environmental impact analyses. NOAA, Silver Spring, MD; 1978. 83 pp.
Boston: American Meteorological Society; 1975:
59-111. Petersen, William B. User's guide for PAL, a Gaussian-
plume algorithm for point, area, and line sources.
Busse, Adrian R.; Zimmerman, John R. User's guide for EPA-600/4-78-013. Research Triangle Park, NC:
the climatological dispersion model. EPA-R4-73-024. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; 1978. 163 pp.
Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency; 1973. 131 pp. Pharo, James A.; Lavdas, Leonidas G.; Bailey, Philip
M. Smoke transport and dispersion. In: Southern
Byram, George M. Combustion of forest fuels. In: Forest Fire Laboratory Staff. Southern forestry
Davis, Kenneth P. Forest fire: control and use. New smoke management guidebook. Gen. Tech. Rep. SE-10.
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Boston: American Meteorological Society; 1975:35-58. Southern Forest Fire Laboratory Staff. Southern
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Gifford, Frank A. Uses of routine meteorological SE-lO. Ashevi 11 e, He: U.S. Department of Agrh:ul-
observations for estimating atmospheric dispersion. ture, Forest Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment
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Hess, Seymour L. Introduction to theoretical meteor- Turner, D. Bruce. A diffusion model for an urban area.
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potential for urban pollution throughout the in Nashville, TN. Journal of Air Pollution Control
contiguous United States. EPA-AP-101. Research Association 11:483-489; 1961.
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Agency; 1972. 128 pp. Turner, D. Bruce. Workbook of atmospheric dispersion
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Lavdas, Leonidas G. A day/night box model for Environmental Protection Agency; 1970. 92 pp.
prescribed burning impact in Willamette Valley,
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Medford, Oregon. In: Proceedings of the second Turner, D. Bruce.; Novak, Joan Hrenko. User's guide
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9-12; Steamboat Springs, CO. Boston: American EPA-600-8-78-016b. Research Triangle Park, NC: U.S.
Meteorological SOCiety; 1981:270-275. Environmental Protection Agency; 1978b. 232 pp.


, .
Stability Class Estimation Method elevation angle according to
t he. f 0 11ow i ng :
Input data required to determine sta- Solar Insolation
bility class 4 include solar elevation elevation class ·
angle in degrees, total opaque cloud ~~9..l_Wt number
cover in tenths, ceiling height in feet,
and surface windspeed in knots. If 60° < 6 4
ceiling is undefined due to little or 35° < ·6 < 60° 3
no cloudiness, it should be regarded 15° < 6 (" 35° 2
as >99,000 ft; if ceiling is undefined 6 (" 15° 1
due-to surface-based obscuration, con-
sider the sky as totally covered with B. If the total opaque cloud cover
opaque clouds, and the vertical visi- <5/10, the net radiation index
bility may be used in place of ceiling 1S equal to the insolation class
height. The other parameters are number.
defined in the same way as in National
Weather Service operations (for. exam- C. If the total opaque cloud cover
ple, surface windspeed is the windspeed >5/10, modify the insolation
20 ft above open terrain). class number by following these
six steps:
The stability class is determined
through an estimate of net radiation and 1. Ceiling height less than 7,000
surface windspeed. A net radiation index ft, subtract 2.
is obtained by the following procedure:
2. Ceiling height greater than or
I. If the total opaque cloud cover is equal to 7,000 ft but less than
10/10 and the ceiling height is 16,000 ft, subtract 1.
<7,000 ft, use net radiation index
equal to 0 (whether day or night). 3. Total opaque cloud cover equal
10/10, subtract 1. (This will
on ly· app ly to cei 1i ngs greater
II. For nighttime (between sunset and than or equal to 7,000 ft
sunrise) : because cases with 10/10 cover-
age with ceiling less than
A. If total opaque cloud cover 7,000 ft are determined by
<4/10, use net radiation index step I, above.)
equal to -2.
4. If neither steps 1 and 2 nor 3
B. If total opaque cloud cover immediately above are applica-
>4/10, use net radiation index ble, as~me that the modified
equal to -1. (Note that this insolation class number is
will not apply for cases of equal to the insolation class
10/10 coverage when ceiling number.
<7,000 ft, since such cases
are determined by step I, 5. If the modified insolation
above). class number is less than 1,
let it equal 1.
III. For daytime:
6. Set the net radiation index
A. Determine the insolation class equal to the modified inso-
number as a function of solar lation class number.
The stability class is estimated as a
4The method in thi s appendi·x is the same as that used function of net radiation index and sur-
1n Turner (1961.1964). face windspeed according to table 2.

The numerical value of stability Table 2.--Stability class as a function
class given in table 2 may be inter- of net radiation index and surface
preted in the following manner: windspeed
Stability class Interpretation
Net radiation index
1 (or Pasquill A) Very unstable Windspeed
2 (or Pasquill B) Moderately unstable (knots)
3 (or Pasqui 11 C) Slightly unstable 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
4 (or Pasqui 11 D) Nea r neut ra 1
5 (or Pasqui 11 E) Slightly stable
6 (or Pasqui11 F) Moderately stahle 0-1 1 1 2 3 4 6 7
7 (or Pasqui 11 ,
sometimes G)- Very stable 2 1 2 2 3 4 6 7

When used in determining dispersion 3 1 2 2 3 4 6 7

index from hour-by-hour surface weather
observations, the stability class should 4 1 2 3 4 4 5 6
not be allowed to va ry by more than one
class per hour. This restriction is 5 1 2 3 4 4 5 6
imposed to help account for the effects
of changing weather conditions on con- 6 2 2 3 4 4 5 6
centrations due to pollutants undergoing
transport for several hours. 7 2 2 3 4 4 4 5

The system is the same as that used in 8 2 3 3 4 4 4 5

most EPA atmospheric dispersion models.
Occasionally, a given model may redefine 9 2 3 3 4 4 4 5
certain stability classes to account for
urban heating effects on a stable atmos- 10 3 3 4 4 4 4 5
phere. Such adjustments are not used in
formulating a dispersion index because 11 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
prescribed burning is a rural phenome-
non; even its impact on the upwind edge >12 3 4 4 4 4 4 4
of an urban area will reflect predomi-
nantly rural dispersion conditions. One
adjustment is made for the near-neutral
class 4--subclasses 4-0AY and 4-NIGHT
are defined where 4-DAy'refers to sta-
bility class 4 with the solar elevation
angle above the horizon, and 4-NIGHT is
applicable to the period from sunset to
sunri se.

Calculating the Unweighted or Weighted In this case, n is replaced by the
Hannonic Mean sum of the individual weighting
factors wf" associated with indi-
The unweighted (simple) harmonic vidual values of y" that is:
mean, HMEAN , of n values of y is n
1: (wfj)
(24) i =1
HMEANW = (26)

where Y, denotes an individual value of For example, if there are three num-
bers {3, 5, 9} where 3 and 5 have
For example, the simple harmonic mean weighting factors of 2, and 9 has a
of {4, 5, 10,40,50, 200} is weighting factor of 3, then
_ (2 x 2 x 3) = _7_
(~ + ~ + :
HMEAN = (1 1 1 1 1
1) = 0.6
- ) G)
4 5 10 40 50 200

or HMEAN = 10 or HMEANW =5
Note that this result is identical
where the dimensions of HMEAN are the to the simple harmonic mean of seven
same as for each and every individual numbers {3, 3, 5, 5, 9, 9, 9} or
value of Yr.
= (.!. +.!. +.!. +~ +.!. +.!. +.!.) =5
The weighted harmonic mean, HMEANW' HMEAN
is calculated in an analogous manner. 3 3 5 5 999

Effect of Stability Class and Downwind and H is mixing height in meters.
Distance on the Vertical Gaussian
Dispersion Coefficient oz, Critical The virtual distance, xv' is defined
Distance xc' and Virtual Distance in a manner somewhat similar to xc;
Increment Xv that is, Xv is the value of Xy that
satisfies the following equatlon
The vertical Gaussian dispersion coef-
ficient, oz, is computed by use of the 30 = a xv b (31 )
Oz = ax b where: a and b must be applicable for
given that (29) the specific value of Xv
ax b : 5 --H
V2ir and 30 is the assumed initial value
otherwise of oz, in meters (this is analo-
o =_2_H
gous to the process performed in
z V2ir (30) equation (6)).
where: Oz is in meters Table 3 gives the values of the pa-
rameters a, b, and Xv as a function of
x /i s downwi nd di stance, in stability class (and, in the case of a
meters, from a point source and b, downwind distance x). Note that
x may be found from a knowledge of sta-
a,b are constants, given a bflity class only, while mixing height,
stability class and a speci- H, and downwind distance, x, must also
fic range of x be available to determine oz.

Table 3.--Values of parameters a, b, and Xv as a function of stability class and

downwind distance

Stability 100 m < x < 500 m 500 m < x < 5,000 m x > 5,000 m Xv
class ---------
a b a b a b (30 m)

1 0.0383 1.2812 0.0002539 2.0886 0.0002539 2.0886 181.46

2 0.1393 0.9467 0.04936 1.1137 0.04936 1.1137 291.43
3 0.1120 0.9100 0.1014 0.9260 0.1154 0.9109 465.62
4-DAY 0.0856 0.8650 0.0856 0.8650 0.0856 0.8650 874.56
4-NIGHT 0.0856 0.8650 0.2591 0.6869 0.7368 0.5642 1010.0
5 0.0818 0.8155 0.2527 0.6341 1.2969 0.4421 1869.0
6 and 7 0.0545 0.8124 0.2017 0.6020 1.5763 0.3606 4061.3

Note: Xv depends on stability c1 ass only.

To obtain a value of oz, find a and b it is not necessary to determine Xc
in table 3, then use equations (29) and since mixing height is not defined for a
(30) as appropriate. Equation (29) stable atmosphere (in effect, the criti-
applies at all distances, x, less than cal distance, xc' is >50,000 m). Thus,
the critical downwind distance, xc. to find xc' follow either of these two
Equation (30) applies for distances steps:
greater than xc. The critical distance,
xc' is defined by equation (6); when 1. If stability class is 1, 2, 3,
rearranged, this equation is: 4-DAY, or 4-NIGHT

x =
H]\ (32)
a. If stability class is 3 and
mixing height is <338.5 m,
find a and b in table 3 for the
500 m < x < 5,000 m case, then
where: a and b are the values from table solve equation (32) for xc.
3 appropriate at distance xc.
In most cases, the values of a and b b. If stability class is 3 and
for x > 5,000 m may be used in equation mixing height is >338.5, or
(32) to solve for xc. This is because stability class i~ 1, 2, 4-DAY,
Xc is frequently greater than 5,000 m, or 4-NIGHT, find a and b in
particularly when the stability class is table 3 for the x > 5,000 m
4 or greater. For stability classes 1 case, then solve equation (32)
and 2, Xc is often between 500 and 5,000 for xc.
m, but tne values for a and b are the
same for all x > 500 m. For stability 2. If stability class is 5, 6, or 7,
class 3, Xc is less than 5,000 m when then Xc is in excess of (50,000 m
mixing height, H, is less than 338.5 m. + xv); i.e., equation (30) is
When the stability class is 5, 6, or 7, never used to find oz.

Depth of Prescribed Fire Smoke Layer u.s. Standard Atmosphere values for g
in a Stable Atmosphere and a at sea level are 9.80665 m S-2
and 287.1 K, respectively. In addition,
The presence of smoke at a given Turner and Novak (1978b) use 0.020 K m- 1
height in the atmosphere over flat (stability class 5) and 0.035 K m- 1
terrain (small ambient vertical velocity (stability class 6) for 6ejOl. The value
is assumed) is due to either the heat of 0.035 K m- 1 is assumed to apply for
from a prescribed fire or an atmospheric stability class 7 as well, based on
dispersion process. In an unstable or Lavdas (1981), who found that the Turner
nearly neutral atmosphere, the disper- and Novak values were in excellent
sion rate is sufficiently great to allow agreement with mean 0400 l.s.t. National
(for indexing purposes) the assumption Weather Service soundings for classes 5
of uniform mixing below the mixing and 6, and that the class 7 sounding was
height, H, for smoke associated with indistinguishable from class 6.
significant plume rise. This assumption
_fails in stable conditions; there is no Surface windspeeds (in knots) asso-
thermally induced mixing height present. ciated with the various stability
Thus, plume rise and dispersion proc- classes are shown in appendix A, table
esses are explicitly considered in 2. For substantial values of 6h, Wh is
determining the vertical disposition of in excess of the surface speed. There-
smoke for stability classes 5, 6, 7. fore, representative values of Wb are
chosen to be 6.0 m S-l for stability
According to Briggs (1972), plume rise class 5 and 3.5 m S-l for classes 6
from a point source in stable conditions and 7. The possibility of substantial
may be determined from variation of Wh from the above values
in given cases would be important for
most emission sources. It may be less
(33) important for actively burning
prescribed fires because the rate of
spread and intensity of a fire, hence F,
increase with increasing windspeed
where: 6h is plume rise, in meters (Rothermel 1972).
F is sensible heat flux from Sensible heat flux, F, varies widely
the source (m4 s -3) among prescribed fires and during the
life cycle of individual fires. The
g is acceleration of gravity most intense fires generate enough heat
(m s -2) to penetrate a typical nocturnal inver-
sion during part of the life cycle.
Wh is representative windspeed Such fires, however, represent a high
within the plume rise layer enough potential smoke source to warrant
(m S-l) the use of single-fire smoke management
tools (SFFLS 1976) which are outside the
a is potential temperature (K) scope of this paper. To determine F
from low- to moderate-intensity
and ~~ is the change of potential prescribed fires, note that, according
temperature with respect to to Briggs (1975)
height (K m- 1).
Since plume rise in stable conditions
(cube root dependency) is somewhat in- where: (Q~)MW is tot~l sensible heat
sensitive to the various independent release rate 1n megawatts
variables in equation (33), it is
possible to use representative variables and (QH)Mcal is the corresponding
of Wh for each stability class for quant1ty in megacalories per
determining a dispersion index. The second.
Values of (QH)M from typical pre- concentration along the ground-leyel
scribed fires (S~~LS 1976) for actively center line from a to 50 km downwind
burning nondebris fires range from about from a vertical plane that extends from
5 to 140 Mcal S-1. The median value of o to 150 m above the upwind boundary of
26 Mcal S-1 is used with equation (34) the square area. The smoke concentra-
to choose a representative value of tion from a vertical plane may be
1,000 m4 5- 3 for F (applicable for sta- obtained from integrating the effect of
bility classes 5, 6, and 7). horizontal line sources along the plane.
The equation for an essentially infinite
Substituting the various representa- line source, after Turner (1970), is
tive values into equation (33), one
finds that XL = (2hr) 1/2 W-l 0z-l (Q/l) exp (-0.5 Z 2/0/) (36)

~h ~ 150 m (35) where: is concentration at the

ground from a line source at
for stability classes 5, 6, and 7. height Z (kg s-l)
Because this value represents the
highest plume rise from a prescribed Qz is total emission rate at
fire during its life cycle, and due to height Z (kg S-l)
substantial unentrained or partially
entrained smoke with respect to the con- Z is height of source above
vection column in many prescribed fires, the ground (m)
the prescribed fire smoke source asso-
c1ate~ with actively burning fires is L is length of the area
spe~ifie~ as uniformly mixed from the source
ground-to 150 m.
W is transport speed
It is now. -necessary to consider the Oz is the Gaussian vertical
effect of vertical dispersion during dispersion coefficient (m).
downwind transport on such a source.
Consider the concentration impact at the To integrate equation (36) with
downwind edge of the 50- x 50-km area as respect to height, note that 0 and XL
shown in figure 4. Note that it is are differential quantities. ft is con-
poss-i ble to calculate this impact by the venient to express equation (36) in _
alternative method of averaging the terms of relative concentration and
integrate from Z = 0 to 8h with respect
to the rat i 0 (ZOz-') obta i ni ng an equat i on
for relative concentration at a specific
dist~nce x

-(.6.hO -1)

= (2L -1-~h-l)
£ (0)
THIS POINT DUE TO (21l'r 1/ 2 exp [-0.5 Z 210z2] d (Zoz -1)
E Q.
i"J l- where: (XWQ-1)x is relative concentra-
IS THE SAME /IS THE tion at some downwind
distance x(m- 2)
xI ' X2' x3 ' •.. xn
WHERE Q" 1: Q.
n (O) and
i=1 I-
(6ho z - 1 ) are the limits of inte-
gration with respect to
d (Zoz -')

and the integral as a whole

Figure 4.--Alternative .ethodologies for calculating is henceforth referred
concentrations from a series of vertical planes
oriented perpendicular to the wind. to as P (Z,oz-1).

Note that P (Z,Oz-') is simply the integral P (Z,Oz-l) over the range from u to
of the normal distribution function with 50,000 m; i.e., P (Z,Oz-') • Because (dhoz- 1

respect to the rat i 0 (ZOz-'). There are decreases with increasing x, P(Z,oz- l) is a
numerous tables and analytical approxi- continuously decreasing function with
mations for obtaining this integral. respect to x.
Values for a few values of downwind
distance are given in table 4. To calculate P(Z,Oz-') with arbitrary
accuracy, one may compute the average of
Before determining the average rela- severa 1 va 1ues of P (Z,oz -') that are known
tive concentration in the range from 0 to form upper and lower bounds for given
to 50,000 m, it is useful to consider intervals of x. For example, for values
the relative concentration predicted by of x, between 15,000 and 17,500, P (Z,Oz-')
a simple box model with a uniform for stability class 5 is between 0.450
height, Hs. From equation (1), and 0.438. Using table 4 in this way
(taking the average of all upper and
(38) lower bounds of P (Z,Oz-') over i nterva 1s
of 2,500), one can establish that:
Using equations (37) and (38), one finds
a relationship for the depth of a uni- 0.40905:5 P (Z,oz-1) :5 0.41740 (stability class 5)
form smoke layer, Hs ' that would yield (40)
the same qround-level concentration as
that experienced at a specific downwind 0.49020:5 P (Z,oz-1) :5 0.49155 (stability
distance from a source like that shown class 6 or 7) (41)
in fi gure 4.
(39) Thus, from equations (35) and (39),
where: (6h/H s)x denotes the ratio Hs ~ 180 m (stability class 5) (42)
between 6h and Hs applicable at
a specific distance, x.
Hs ~ 150 m (stability class 6 or 7) (43)
To obtain the value of Hs applicable for
the entire 50- x 50-km area, it is only which are the same as equations (22)
necessary to determine the mean value of and (23) in the main text.

Table 4.--Upper limit of integration (f1ho z- 1) and probability integral P (Z,oz-l) for
various downwind distances, x, in stable conditions

Stability Class 5 Stability Classes 6 and 7

x(m) ( f1h Oz -1) P (Z,oz -1) (6hoz- 1) P (Z'Oz-')

0 00 0.500 00 0.500
2,500 4.16 .500 6.70 .500
5,000 2.68 .496 4.41 .500
7,500 2.24 .487 3.81 .500
10,000 1.97 .476 3.44 .500
12,500 1.79 .463 3.17 .499
15,000 1.65 .450 2.97 .499
17,500 1.54 .438 2.81 .498
20,000 1.45 .427 2.68 .496
22,500 1.38 .416 2.56 .495
25,000 1.31 .406 2.47 .493
27,500 1.26 .396 2.39 .491
30,000 1.21 .387 2.31 .490
32,500 1.17 .379 2.25 .488
35,000 1.13 .371 2.19 .486
37,500 1.10 .364 2.13 .484
40,000 1.07 .357 2.08 .481
42,500 1.04 .351 2.04 .479
45,000 1.01 .345 2.00 .477
47,500 0.99 .339 1.96 .475
50,000 0.97 .333 1.92 .473

The lower bound of integration is zero for all cases, f1h is 150 m, Oz is found
by use of table 3 in appendix C, P (Z,oz-l) is calculated from equation 26.2.17 of
Abramowitz and Stegun (1965).

A FORTRAN 77 Subroutine Package When executing properly, the sub-
for Computing Dispersion Index routine package will provide values of
for a Specific Time OINOHR as shown in table 5.
The following subroutine package, con-
sisting of one subroutine and two Table 5.--Example runs of FORTRAN sub-
functions, provides a means for auto- routine package to determine dispersion
mated computation of dispersion index. index, OINOHR
The package is written in the widely
used FORTRAN 77 language, and conforms
to ANSI X3.9-1978, American National Input
Standards Institute (1978). The pack- Correct output
age is invoked by using a FORTRAN CALL
statement like the following: IOYNT ISTAB AMIX U OINDHR
OINOHR) 1 1 120. 0.5 2.382
1 1 120. 1. 2.382
where IDYNT is an integer, IOYNT should 1 1 240. 1. 2.382
be set to 1 if dispersion 1 1 240. 2. 4.764
index is being calculated 1 1 1200. 1. 11.259
during daylight hours 1 1 5000. 1. 37.663
(just after sunrise to 1 1 8000. 1. 44.208
just before sunset), other- 1 2 240. 1. 2.358
wise IDYNT should be set to 1 2 1200. 1. 9.983
2 (sunset to sunrise) 1 2 5000. 1. 22.479
1 3 240. 1. 2.320
ISTAB is an integer from 1 to 7, 1 3 1200. 1. 8.263
representing stahility 1 3 5000. 1. 12.487
class (see appendix A) 1 4 240. 1. 2.237
1 4 600. 1. 4.435
AMIX is a nonnegative real, 1 4 1200. 1. 5.965
representing mixing height 1 4 5000. 1. 7.358
in meters 2 4 240. 1. 2.093
2 4 600. 1. 3.152
U is a nonnegative real, 2 4 1200. 1. 3.152
representing transport 2 5 240. 1. 1.471
windspeed in meters per 2 5 600. 1. 1.471
second 2 6 240 1. 0.986
2 6 600. 1. 0.986
and OINOHR is a real variable, which 2 7 240. 1. 0.986
will contain the value of
dispersion index, 01.

Please note that in case of erroneous

input, the subroutine package will out- In utilizing this subroutine package,
put an error message to unit 6 and stop the user should be careful to input
the execution of the calling program. values of IOYNT, ISTAB, AMIX, and U,
If this action is unsatisfactory for a which are representative for the peri od
given application, the user should of interest. One possibility for cer-
modify lines 00002500 through 00004300 tain kinds of analyses would be to
of SUBROUTINE OSPNHR. However, some invoke the subroutine package for 3 to 6
equivalent error checking should be per- successive hours, then compute the har-
formed to avoid a program crash. monic mean of the corresponding values

of DINDHR. For operational applica- CONI - Concentration due to a given
tions, it is better to pick represent- range of downwind distances,
ative input values during a period when all of which lie at a distance
atmospheric conditions are relatively greater than the critical
constant. For example, two estimates of distance XCRIT.
dispersion index, one for the last 6
hours before sunrise and the other for CON2 - Concentration due to a given
the period from near noon to just before range of downwind distances,
sunset, should provide operationally all of which lie at a distance
useful information to those responsible less than the critical
for prescribed burning and air-quality distance, XCRIT.
protection over areas of about 1,000
square miles. CRITGT - Function and variable tnat
correspond to CONI, if CONI >0.
Copies of the dispersion index program,
with a more comprehensive test program CRITLT - Function and variable that
and documentation of the subroutine correspond to CON2, if CON2 >0.
package structure, are available from
the author. OINOHR - Dispersion index due to steady-
state weather conditions for a
given hour (global variable).
DPSMOK - Depth of the smoke layer in
stable atmosphere, determined
Definitions of Variables from AMIXT for stability
classes 1-4, or by use of
ACOEFF - A 3 by 6 array of constants, appendix D for the remaining
according to downwind distance classes.
and stability class, used in I - A do-loop index variable used
the power law A * X ** B to to calculate the sum of con-
obtain vertical dispersion centrations from emissions
coefficient. within three specific ranges
of downwind distances: 100-500
AMIX - Mixing height (global m, 500-5.000 m, and >5,000 m.
variable) •
ICOEFF - Indexing variable used to
AMIXT - Temporary local value of select the appropriate value
mixing height. for downwind distance range of
AMXMAX - Maximum possible temporary
mixing height value, asso- IOYNT - Indicator for daylight versus
ciated with a vertical disper- night hours: = 1 if day, = 2
sion coefficient of 5,000 m. if night (global variable).
BCOEFF - A 3 by 6 array of constants I STAB - The Turner (1964) stability
(as in ACOEFF). class from 1 to 7 (global
variable) •
BPOWER - Exponent of the mathematical
expression obtained when ISTABT - Temporary local value of Turner
integrating the reciprocal stability class.
of A * X ** B with respect
to X. PRTOFT - Constant term resulting from
the integration of the recipro-
CONUAR - Sum of concentrations due to cal of the power law relation-
the area source for the range ship with respect to downwind
of downwind distances con- distance, X (BPOWER is also
sidered. a result of this integration).

QA - Uniform area source emission XLOW - Shortest downwind distance
rate for use in the CMD por- considered in a given area
tion of the code only (i.e., source concentration calcu-
one-half the value given in lation.
equation (12)).
XMAXGT - Value of XHIGH when performing
TINTGL - Complet~ result of integrating a concentration calculation
the reciprocal of the power law at distances greater than
relationship with respect to XCRIT.
downwind distance, X, a func-
tion of BPOWER, PRTOFT, and the XMAXLT - Value of XHIGH when performing
range of X considered. (This a concentration calculation at
range is always less than distances less than XCRIT;
XCRIT.) XMAXLT may not exceed XCRIT.
U - Transport windspeed or, if a XMINGT Value of XLOW when performing
surface-based inversion is a concentration calculation
indicated, the average at distances greater than
windspeed in the smoke-laden XCRIT; XMINGT may not be less
surface layer of atmosphere than XCRIT.
(global variable).
XMINLT - Value of XLOW when performing
UT - Temporary local value of a concentration calculation
transport windspeed. at distances less than XCRIT.
XCRIT - Critical downwind distance XMINST - Array of seven values of vir-
at and beyond which the ver- tual distance with respect
tical dispersion coefficient to stability class and day-
may be regarded as constant night factor.
for the purposes of computing
ground-level concentration XMIN30 - Virtual downwind distance
from a ground-based source. associated with a source with
a vertical dispersion coef-
XHIGH - Longest downwind distance con- ficient of 30 m, according to
sidered in a given area source the indicated stability class
concentration calculation. and day-night factor.
XLIMIT - Array of four downwind dis-
tances that are used to define
the range of distances for a
given concentration calculation.

Source Code Listing for Dispersion Index Subroutine Package
C*** 00000100
C*** 00000300
C*** IDYNT MUST BE 1 OR 2 00000600
C*** ISTAB MUST BE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, OR 7 00000700
DATA ACOEFF /.0383,.0002539,.0002539,.1393,.04936,.04936, 00001500
& .1120,.1014,.1154,.0856,.2591,.7368,.0818,.2527,1.2969, 00001600
& .0545,.2017,1.5763/ 00001700
DATA BCOEFF /1.2812,2.0886,2.0886,.9467,1.1137,1.1137, 00001800
& .9100,.9260,.9109,.8650,.6869,.5642,.8155,.6341,.4421, 00001900
& .8124,.6020,.3606/ 00002000
DATA XLIMIT /100.,500.,5000.,50000./ 00002100
DATA XMINST /181.46,291.43,465.62,874.56,1010.0,1869.0,4061.3/ 00002300
DATA OK /.001/ 00002400
ERRFLG=.FALSE. 00002600
ERRFLG=.TRlJE. 00002900
END IF 00003000
IF(ISTAB.LT.1.0R.ISTAB.GT.7) THEN 00003100
ERRFLG=.TRlJE. 00003300
END IF 00003400
IF(AMIX.LT.O.) THEN 00003500
WRITE( 6, *) , INVAL ID DATA: AMI X =' ,AMIX 00003600
ERRFLG=.TRUE. 00003700
END IF 00003800
IF(U.LT.O.) THEN 00003900
WRITE( 6, *) I INVALID DATA: U = I,U 00004000
ERRFLG=.TRUE. 00004100
END IF 00004200
IF(ERRFLG) STOP 00004300
IF(ISTABT.EQ.7) ISTABT=6 00004600
AMIXT=AMIX 00004700
AMXMAX=5000./.797885 00004800

IF(AMIXT.LT.240.) AMIXT=240. 00005100
UT=U 00005200
IF ( UT •LT.1 .) UT =1 • 00005300
C*** 00005400
IF(ISTABT.LE.4) THEN 00005800
ICOEFF=3 00005900
IF(ISTABT.EQ.3.AND.AMIXT.LT.338.5) ICOEFF=2 00006000
IF( IOYNT .EQ.1.AND. ISTABT .EQ.4) ICOEFF=l 00006200
C*** .797885 IS CDM VALUE FOR SQRT(2./PI) 00006300
& **(l./BCOEFF(ICOEFF,ISTABT)) 00006500
ELSE 00006600
XCRIT=100000. 00006700
END IF 00006800
C***END FORTRAN 77 IF ••• THEN ••• ELSE 00006900
CONUAR=O. 00007600
DO 10 1=1,3 00007900
ICOEFF=I 00008000
CON1=0. 00008400
CON2=O. 00008500
XHIGH=XLIMIT(I+1) 00008700
IF(XMIN30.GE.XHIGH) GO TO 10 00008800
IF{I.EQ.3) XHIGH=XHIhH+XMIN30 00008900
XLOW=XLIMIT( I) 00009000
10 CONTINUE 00009800

C*** 00009900
IF(IDYNT.EQ.2.AND.AMIXT.GT.600.) AMIXT=600. 00010200
IF(ISTABT.EQ.5) DPSMOK=180. 00010500
IF(ISTABT.EQ.6) DPSMOK=150. 00010600
DINDHR=l./CONUAR 00011100
RETURN 00011200
END 00011300

C*** 00000100
C*** 00000300
XMINGT=XLOW 00000700
RETURN 00001100
END 00001200

C*** 00000100
C*** 00000300
& OK) 00000500
DIMENSION ACOEFF(3,6),BCOEFF(3,6) 00000600
XMINLT=XLOW 00000900
RETURN 00001600
END 00001700

Lavdas, Leonidas G. Lavdas, Leonidas G.
An atmospheric dispersion index for prescribed burning. Res. Pap. An atmospheric dispersion index for prescribed burning. Res. Pap.
SE-256. Asheville, He: u.s. Department of Agriculture, Forest SE-256. Asheville. Me: u.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 1986. 33 pp. Service. Southeastern Forest Experiment Station; 1986. 33 pp.
A numerical index that estimates the atmosphere's capacity to disperse A numerical index that estimates the atmosphere's capacity to disperse
smOke from prescribed burning is described. The physical assumptions smOke from prescribed burning is described. The physical assumptions
and mathematical development of the index are given in detail. A and mathematical development of the index are given in detail. A
preliminary interpretation of dispersion index values is offered. A preliminary interpretation of dispersion index values is offered. A
FORTRAN subroutine package for computing the index is included. FORTRAN subroutine package for computing the index is included.
KEYWORDS: Smoke management, air pollution potential, ventilation fac- KEYWORDS: Smoke management, air pollution potential, ventilation fac-
tor, Gaussian dispersion, mesoscale air quality, atmospheric stability tor, Gaussian dispersion, .esoscale air . quality, atmospheric stability
classes, area pollution sources. classes, area pollution sources.
The Forest Service. U.S. De-
partment of Agriculture. is dedi-
cated to the principle of multiple
use management of the Nation's
forest resources for sustained
yields of wood. water. forage.
wildlife. and recreation. Through
forestry research. cooperation
with the States and private forest
owners. and management of the
National Forests and National
Grasslands. it strives-as di-
rected by Congress-to provide
increasingly greater service to a
growing Nation.

USDA policy does not permit discrimination because of

race. color. national origin. sex or religion. Any person
who believes he or she has been discriminated against in
any USDA-related activity should write immediately to
the Secretary of Agriculture. Washington. D.C . 20250.

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