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RiceHatOne's Best Of The Best C++ Books

Version: 1.0

Hello everyone. Thanks for your interest in my C++ book collection.
This collection includes (what I think) the best book about the C++
language, from beginner to advanced, and includes some handy
reference material. Nearly all the books (unashamedly so, it is a
great list) from the stack overflow list of recommended c++ books is
listed here(aside from a few I am missing), plus some other worthy

Please note that the books included are hand picked, they are NOT
a collection of every sh*tful book on C++ ever written.

I have decided to forgo including the 'General Programming' books

in each collection, and will make it a seperate collection in the future.

If you have recommendations for additions, please add your comment
to the comments page for this torrent on

If you didn't get this from kickass, any comments you post on the
respective torrent site I will not recieve.

It is my aim to make this a living, versioned torrent. I will do

my best to keep it alive, and updated. If a new edition of a book
comes out, or a new awesome book is published, I will do my best
to add it, and increment the version.

If you have better copies of any of the books here, again, please
let me know.


In a way, this torrent is also a request for some books that I am


The C++ IO Streams and Locales (Angelika Langer and Klaus Kreft)
Advanced C++ Metaprogramming (Davide Di Gennaro)
c++ gems
more c++ gems
secure coding in c & c++, 2nd Edition

If you have any of these, please let me know.

Best Of The Best Assembly Books
Best Of The Best Java Books
Best Of The Best Perl Books
Best Of The Best Python Books

And others by request/demand/popularity.

Best Of The Best C Books

The more feedback I get, the better, and more updated a resource I can
make this for all of us.

Thanks for your interest, and happy programming!

[01 - Beginner]
[01 - Introductory]
Accelerated C++ - Practical Programming By Example (2000)(2nd)(Andrew
Koenig, Barbara E. Moo)
C++ Primer (2013)(5th)(Stanley B. Lippman, Josée Lajoie, Barbara E.
Programming - Principles And Practice Using C++ (2008)(1st)(Bjarne
Thinking in C++ - Volume 1 (2000)(2nd)(Bruce Eckel)
Thinking in C++ - Volume 2 (1999)(2nd)(Bruce Eckel)
[02 - Best Practices]
Effective C++ - 55 Specific Ways To Improve Your Programs And Designs
(2005)(3rd)(Scott Meyers)
Effective STL - 50 Specific Ways To Improve Your Use Of The Standard
Template Library (2001)(1st)(Scott Meyers)

[02 - Intermediate]
C++ Coding Standards - 101 Rules, Guidelines, And Best Practices (2004)(1st)
(Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu)
C++ Templates - The Complete Guide (2002)(1st)(David Vandevoorde, Nicolai M.
Exceptional C++ - 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, And Solutions
(1999)(1st)(Herb Sutter)
Exceptional C++ Style - 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems And
Solutions (2004)(1st)(Herb Sutter)
More Effective C++ - 35 New Ways To Improve Your Programs And Designs (1996)
(1st)(Scott Meyers)
More Exceptional C++ - 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, And
Solutions (2001)(1st)(Herb Sutter)

[03 - Advanced]
C++ Concurrency In Action - Practical Multithreading (2012)(1st)(Anthony
C++ Template Metaprogramming - Concepts, Tools, And Techniques From Boost And
Beyond (2004)(1st)(David Abrahams, Aleksey Gurtovoy)
Modern C++ Design - Generic Programming And Design Patters Applied (2001)
(2nd)(Andrei Alexandrescu)

[04 - Reference]
[Reference (General C++)]
A Tour of C++ (2013)(1st)(Bjarne Stroustrup)
C++ Programming Language, The (2013)(4th)(Bjarne Stroustrup)
C++ Standard Library, The - A Tutorial And Reference (2012)(2nd)
(Nicolai M. Josuttis)
Overview of the New C++ (C++11) by Scott Meyers

[Reference (GNU)]
GNU Autoconf
GNU Automake
GNU C++ API Reference
GNU C++ Library Manual
GNU Gnulib
GNU Libtool
Using The GNU Compiler Collection

[Reference (ISO-IEC)]
ISO-IEC 14882-1998 (C++ Standard, 1998)
ISO-IEC 14882-2003 (C++ Standard, 2003)
ISO-IEC 14882-2011 (C++ Standard, 2011)
ISO-IEC 14882-2013 (C++ Standard, 2013 Latest Working Draft)

[05 - Classics & Older]

Advanced C++ Programming Styles And Idioms (1992)(1st)(James Coplien)
Design And Evolution of C++, The (1994)(1st)(Bjarne Stroustrup)
Inside The C++ Object Model (1996)(1st)(Stanley B. Lippman)
Large-Scale C++ Software Design (1996)(1st)(John Lakos)
Ruminations On C++ - A Decade Of Programming Insight And Experience (1997)
(1st)(Andrew Koening, Barbara Moo)

[06 - Additional Reading]

Advanced CORBA Programming With C++ (1999)(1st)(Michi Henning, Steve Vinoski)
Advanced Qt Programming - Creating Great Software With C++ And Qt 4 (2011)
(1st)(Mark Summerfield)
Algorithms in C++, Parts 1-4 - Fundamentals, Data Structure, Sorting,
Searching (1998)(3rd)(Robert Sedgewick
Algorithms In C++, Part 5 - Graph Algorithms (2002)(3rd)(Robert Sedgewick)
API design for C++ (2011)(1st)(Martin Reddy)
Applied C++ - Practical Techniques For Building Better Software (2003)(1st)
(Philip Romanik, Amy Muntz)
Autotools - A Practitioners Guide (2010)(1st)(John Calcote)
Beyond the C++ Standard Library - An Introduction To Boost (2005)(1st)(Björn
Boost Graph Library, The - User Guide And Reference Manual (2001)(1st)(Jeremy
G. Siek, Lie-Quan Lee, Andrew Lumsdaine)
C & C++ Code Capsules - A Guide For Practitioners (1997)(1st)(Chuck Allison)
C++ Common Knowledge - Essential Intermediate Programming (2005)(1st)(Stephen
C. Dewhurst)
C++ FAQs (1998)(2nd)(Marshall P. Cline, Greg Lomow, Mike Girou)
C++ Gotchas (2002)(1st)(Stephen C. Dewhurst)
C++ GUI Programming With Qt 4 (2008)(2nd)(Jasmin Blanchette, Mark
C++ Network Programming, Volume 1 - Mastering Complexity With ACE And
Patterns (2001)(1st)(Douglas C. Schmidt, Stephen D. Huston)
C++ Network Programming, Volume 2 - Systematic Reuse With ACE And Frameworks
(2002)(1st)(Douglas C. Schmidt, Stephen D. Huston)
C++ Standard Library Extensions, The - A Tutorial And Reference (2006)(1st)
(Pete Becker)
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ (2013)(4th)(Adam Drozdek)
Efficient C++ - Performance Programming Techniques (1999)(1st)(Dov Bulka,
David Mayhew)
Essential C++ (2002)(1st)(Stanley B. Lippman)
Secure Coding in C and C++ (2005)(1st)(Robert C. Seacord)
The Art Of Debugging With GDB And DDD And Eclipse (2008)(1st)(Norman Matloff,
Peter Jay Salzman)
The Definitive Guide To GCC (2006)(2nd)(William von Hagen)

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