Lec. Intro Lec. Basic Lec.1 Lec.6: CA Final Custom Module Lecture Details

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CA Final Custom Module Lecture Details

(FOR MAY 18) by : CA Vishal Bhattad

Lec. General Introduction about Lectures and notes

Chapter 2 : Importation & Exportation Procedure

Lec. General Introduction about Lectures and notes Lec.6 Sec

30 Import Manifest / Report
30A Passenger / Crew member Manifest

Basic 31
Entry Inward
No unloading without mentioning in manifest report
Landing at approved places
34 Supervision of Customs Officer
35 Goods being water borne
Chapter 1 : Introduction & Levy of Custom Duty 45 Custody of goods after unloading

Lec.1 Ü Constitutional Provisions

Ü Basic of Law
Chapter 2 : Importation & Exportation Procedure
Lec.7 Sec
46 Bill of Entry
47 Order of Clearance for H.C.
Chapter 1 : Introduction & Levy of Custom Duty 48 Clearance within 30 days

Lec.2 Ü Basic of Law

Ü Charging Section (Sec. 12)
49 Storage of Goods in warehouse pending clearance

Ü Definition of Goods

Chapter 2 : Importation & Exportation Procedure

Chapter 1 : Introduction & Levy of Custom Duty

Lec.8 Ü 50 Entry of goods for Exportation
Ü 51 Clearance of goods for Exportation
Lec.3 Ü Definition of Goods
Ü Concept of Import
Ü 39 Entry Outward
Ü 40 Custom Clearance by proper officer
Ü 41 Export Manifest or Export Report
Ü 42 Departure Order
Ü 55 Duty liability for Transit and Tranship
Ü 56 Transport of goods to foreign territory
Chapter 1 : Introduction & Levy of Custom Duty
Lec.4 Ü Concept Of Warehousing
Ü Concept & Levy of Export
Chapter 3 : Assessment & Rate of Duty
Lec.9 Ü 15 Date for Determination of Duty Rate & Tariff Value for
Imported goods
Ü 16 Date for Determination of Duty Rate & Tariff Value for
Chapter 2 : Importation & Exportation Procedure Export goods.
Lec.5 Ü Import Procedure
Ü 17 Self Assessment
Ü 18 Provisional Assessment
Sec 29 : Landing of Vessel or Aircraft Ü 19 Articles brought in Set
Sec 30 : Import Manifest Project import
Ü Definition of Customs Airport, Custom Area, Custom Port,
Customs Station, Entry, Land Custom Station,
Prohibited Goods
Ü Sec 3 : Classes of officer of Customs
Ü Sec 4 : Appointment of Officers of Customs
Ü Sec 5 : Power of officers of Customs
Ü Sec 6 : Entrustment of function of Board
Ü Sec 7 : Appointment of Customs ports, airports etc.
Ü Sec 8 : Power to approve landing paces and specif limit
of custom area
Ü Sec 10 : Appointment of boarding stations
Ü Sec 29 : Arrival of Conveyance in India
Ü Sec 30 : Import Manifest / Report
Ü Sec 31 : Entry Inward
Chapter 3 : Assessment & Rate of Duty Chapter 5 : Valuation
Lec.10 Ü Sec 19 Articles brought in set Lec.17 Custom Valuation Rules for Imported Goods, 2007
Ü Solving Problems

Chapter 4 : Custom Tariff Act, 1975 Chapter 6 : Concessions under Customs

Ü Sec 3 Additional Custom Duty Ü Sec 13- Duty on pilfered goods.

Chapter 4 : Custom Tariff Act, 1975 Chapter 6 : Concessions under Customs

Lec.11 Ü Sec 3 Additional Custom Duty
Lec.18 Sec
13 Duty on pilfered goods.
Ü Calculation of Various ACD’s 22 Abatement of duty on damaged or deteriorated goods
23 Remission of duty on lost, Destroyed or abandoned goods.
20 Re-importation of goods.
21 Goods derelict wreck etc.
24 Denaturing & Mutilation

Chapter 8 : Goods imported or exported by Post

Chapter 5 : Valuation Lec.19
Lec.12 Ü Sec 14 Valuation of Imported Goods Chapter 10 : Baggage
Ü Determination of Foreign Exchange Rate
Chapter 11 : Stores & Coastal Goods

Chapter 5 : Valuation
Lec.13 Custom Valuation Rules for Imported Goods, 2007
Ü Rule 3- Transaction Value Chapter 9 : Duty Drawback
Ü Rule 10- Adjustment in Transaction Value Lec.20

Chapter 5 : Valuation
Lec.14 Custom Valuation Rules for Imported Goods, 2007
Chapter 9 : Duty Drawback
Ü Rule 10- Adjustment in Transaction Value Lec.21
Ü Problem Soving Chapter 13 : Confiscation & Penalty
Ü Rule 4 : Transaction Value of Identical goods

Chapter 14 : Search, Seizure & Arrest

Chapter 5 : Valuation
Chapter 15 : Offences & Prosecution
Lec.15 Custom Valuation Rules for Imported Goods, 2007
Ü Rule 4 : Transaction Value of Identical goods
Chapter 16 : Miscellaneous
Ü Rule 5 : Transaction Value of Similar goods
Ü Rule 6 : Reversal of Rule 7 and Rule 8
Ü Rule 7 : Deductive Value
Ü Rule 8 : Computed Value Classification of Goods
Ü Rule 9 : Best Judgement
Ü Rule 11 : Declaration by Importer
Ü Rule 12 : Rejection of Transaction Value

Chapter 5 : Valuation
Lec.16 Custom Valuation Rules for Imported Goods, 2007
Ü Solving Problems
Custom Valuation Rules for Export Goods, 2007

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