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Lab Guide for

Performing Advanced Operations with

Hitachi Tuning Manager v8.x


Courseware Version 2.0

This training course is based on software version: Hitachi Command Suite HCS v8.2.1.

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© Hitachi Data Systems Corporation 2016. All Rights Reserved. HITACHI is a trademark or registered trademark of Hitachi, Ltd. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks, service marks, and company names are properties of their respective owners.

Notice: This document is for informational purposes only, and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning any equipment or service offered
or to be offered by Hitachi Data Systems Corporation.

Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................... L-v

1. Agent Store Management ........................................................................................................ 1
2. Main Console and Performance Reporter CLI ............................................................................. 7
3. Import/Export Performance Reporter Reports .......................................................................... 11
4. Ad-hoc Real-Time Reporting .................................................................................................. 15
5. REST API ............................................................................................................................. 17
6. Performance Problem Troubleshooting .................................................................................... 19
7. Sizing Tool ........................................................................................................................... 23

Table of Contents

This Lab Guide includes Activities section. The instructions for the lab activities, although complete, do
not include much detail. We recommend that you attempt to perform the learning activities in this guide
using the instructions provided in the Activities section. If you would like additional details, then refer
the guides listed below for relevant details.
If you do not clearly understand the instructions, ask your instructor for assistance.

Reference Material
Several Hitachi reference manuals are available on the desktop of each Microsoft® Windows® host
system and possibly on a shared resource system:
 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration Guide
 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager CLI Reference Guide
 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager API Reference Guide
 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Hardware Reports Reference
 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager User Guide

Lab Orientation
The Hitachi Tuning Manager software training involves a lot of time in the lab. To familiarize yourself
with our lab setup it is essential that you read the following lab instructions. The instructor will describe
the lab setup before the start of the lab.
Each lab group will be assigned one Microsoft Windows server (HCS Management server), at least one
more Microsoft Windows host server and possibly more host servers of different operating systems, as
All the servers are SAN connected to a Hitachi enterprise storage system. Optionally, a Hitachi modular
storage system might also be configured.
For all configuration details, please refer to the Lab layout drawing appropriate to your Lab environment.
N ote : Log in to Hitachi Command Suite Device Manager to view all configuration details.
http:// <IP address of Device Manager Server>:22015/DeviceManager/
Userid: system
Password: manager
Important: Do not change any settings. The lab projects are written to match this setup.

Lab Configuration for One Lab Group

Lab Configuration for One Lab Group

Lab Configuration Outline

Lab Configuration Outline

To make yourself familiar with your Lab environment record configuration information.

1. HCS-1 ‒ Management Server

Launch Hitachi Command Suite software and note the configuration in the following table.
Note the Command Devices.

Host Name: ________________________ IP Address: ___________________________

Host User: ________________________ Password: ___________________________

LUN mapping Security

Host Group
Port LDEV LUN Emulation WWN
(Storage Domain Name)

Lab Configuration Outline

2. HCS-2 ‒ Host Server

Fill in the table below to reflect the HOST configuration.

Host Name: ________________________ IP Address: ___________________________

Host User: ________________________ Password: ___________________________

LUN mapping Security

Port LDEV LUN Emulation Host Group WWN

(Storage Domain Name)

Lab Configuration Outline

3. Installed Agents
Which agents are installed?

Hostname Host IP Agent Installed

4. Switch Configuration
Fill in the information below to reflect the switch configuration (if available).

BNA/SMI Agent Server IP: ________________________________

Main Switch IP: _____________________________

Switch user: ___________________________ Password: _____________________

Note: If you are unable to obtain any of the above information, ask your instructor for assistance.

Preparation for Labs

Preparation for Labs

1. Before starting the Lab projects, connect to your Host server HCS-2.
2. Start Iometer and create 2 Iometer Managers, one worker each.
3. Setup the 1st Manager – Worker1 as follows:
Disk Targets: Drive H:> (or any one of the Basic Volume attached to the Host)
Access Specification: All in one; 50% R/W; 50% Sequential/Random, Burst Length of 1 I/Os
4. Setup the 2nd Manager – Worker1 as follows:
Disk Targets: Drive L:> and Drive M:> (or any 2 DP Volumes attached to the Host)
Access Specification: Use the same as above
5. Result Display: Last Update, every 5 seconds.
6. Leave the rest of the settings at default, and run Iometer.
7. Continue running this setup throughout all Lab projects.
This will produce some small I/O load to the storage, generating performance metrics entries.

Preparation for Lab 6 - Performance Problem Troubleshooting

Prior to starting Lab project 6, produce additional load to the storage for the project.
1. Connect to your Management server HCS-1.
2. Start Iometer and create 8 Iometer Managers, one worker each.
3. Setup each of the Manager – Worker1 as follows:
Disk Targets: select per worker one of the SAN drives attached to the Host
Access Specification: All in one; 50% R/W; 50% Sequential/Random, Burst Length of 20 I/Os
4. Result Display: Last Update, every 5 seconds
5. Leave the rest of the settings at default, run Iometer for about half an hour
This will create additional load the subsystem used in troubleshooting generated performance issue.
!!! You are welcome to use any other bench mark tool to produce similar load on the storage
6. Connect to the Performance Reporter GUI.
7. Bind the following predefined Alarm Table to the Enterprise storage Agent for RAID instance.
8. PFM RAID Solution Alarms [VSP G1000/VSP/VSP Gx00/HUS VM] 8.80
Also bind the predefined Alarm Table to both HCS-1 and HCS-2 Windows Agent instances.
PFM Windows Solution Alarms 8.50
9. Ask your instructor for assistance when needed.



1. Agent Store Management

Tuning Manager Agent instances configured and running are collecting predefined metrics at defined
intervals from the resources they are designed for. The data gets stored in different metric type
dependent Agent Stores files.
Agent Store management functions like backup, restore and migrate are important tasks to ensure that
this unrecallable historical data can be preserved in case of corruption or disaster.

Upon completion of the lab project, you will be able to:
 Perform Agent Store management appropriate to conserve unrecallable historical data

Summary of Activity
 Find which Agent Store types are installed
 Validate the Agent for RAID is configured for Complete Storage Monitoring
 Agent Store DB backup, migrate and restore
 Agent Store Off-site analysis
 Agent Hybrid Store backup, restore and migrate

 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager Agent Administration Guide

Activity – Find which type of Agent Store are

1. Open a command prompt on the Management Server (HCS-1) and change to the directory
<Program Files (x86)\HiCommand\TuningManager\jp1pc\tools
2. Obtain a list of the commands available in that directory.
3. Execute the command jpcnshostname.
4. What does the reply indicate?

5. Run the command jpcctrl list * and validate that the Agent instances show the status
6. If not, start the services with the command jpcstart all.
7. Execute the command jpcdbctrl display.
8. Which types of Agent Store (Store version) are installed?

1. Agent Store Management Activity
Activity – Find which type of Agent Store are installed


9. Note the Agent Instance Name for the enterprise storage system.


10. Run the jpctdchkinst command

11. Interpret the usage information and run the command again specifying the appropriate option(s) to
retrieve information about the enterprise storage Agent for RAID.
12. What is the indication that the Agent for RAID is enabled for Complete Storage Monitoring?


13. If the Agent instance is not configured for communicating to the SVP of the enterprise storage
system, run the jpcinssetup agtd –inst <name of instance> command specifying the
correct options.
In case of problems, ask your instructor to validate correct Lab equipment setup.

Activity 1. Agent Store Management
Activity – Agent Store DB backup, migrate and restore

Activity – Agent Store DB backup, migrate and

Regular Agent Store DB backup is an important task to prevent loss of metrics that have been collected
from the resources in the past and are kept as historical data.
You decided not only to perform backups, but also move the Agent for Switch instance from the
Management server to a different server. You want to migrate the existing Store DB data to the new
server agent instance to preserve the historical metrics stored.
1. From the “…” directory on HCS-1, run the command to back up the Store Database of
the Agent instance for Switch <jpcctrl backup <options>.
2. Select the correct parameters and chose the option to put the backup to a SAN disk.
3. Validate the backup folder in the specified output directory and familiarize yourself with the structure
of the backup taken.
4. Connect to the Host Server HCS-2 and create the directory C:\agtw_bkup_HSC-1 on it.
5. Copy the complete backup folder from the just taken backup from HCS-1 into the just created new
directory on HCS-2.
6. Install the Agent for SAN switch on the Host Server HCS-2 and setup an instance with the same
instance name as the one on the Management server (HCS-1).
7. In case you need help, ask your instructor for assistance in installing and setting up the Agent for
SAN switch.
8. Start the services of the newly configured agtw instance, verify that it’s status shows “active”
9. Verify the agent instances on HCS-2 are reporting to the Tuning Manager Host with the command
jpcnshostname –s <hostname of HCS-1 server>.
10. Connect to the Performance Reporter of the Tuning Manager installed on your Management server
and check that the just installed Agent for SAN switch instance is registered.
11. If the instances cannot be accessed by Performance Report, troubleshoot the setup before
12. Display the following report from both SAN Switch instances.
SAN Switch > Monthly Trend > Drill Down only > Switch Rcvd Bytes Rate Trend
13. Report the date and time stamp of the first and the last record displayed for both instances.


14. On the Management server HCS-1, stop the service of the SAN switch agent installed.
jpcstop agtw inst=<name of instance>
15. On HCS-2, stop ALL Agent services with the command jpcstop all.
16. Create an empty directory C:\backup on HCS-2.
17. From the “…” directory, run the following command
jpcconf host hostmode –mode alias -aliasname <Hostname of HCS-1>

1. Agent Store Management Activity
Activity – Agent Store off-Site analysis

-d C:\backup
18. Ensure successful execution.
19. Validate the Service ID name of the SAN Switch instance on HCS-2 has changed to the name
reflecting server HCS-1 (jpcctrl list*).
20. Run command jpcresto agtw C:\agtw_bkup_HSC-1 inst=<agtw instance name>.
21. Wait for successful finish of the restore process.
22. Run the command jpcconf host hostmode –mode hostname C:\backup.
23. Validate the Service ID name of the SAN Switch instance on HCS-2 has changed to the name of your
Host Server HCS-2.
24. Start all agent related services on HCS-2
25. Connect to Performance Reporter and run the same report as specified in step 12.
26. What are the date and time stamps of the first and last record displayed?


The SAN Switch Agent instance is now running on HCS-2 holding the migrated data of the Store DB
originally capture back in time by the instance running on HCS-1.

Activity – Agent Store off-Site analysis

Because of the company’s security policy, it is strictly forbidden to access the data center network from
outside. For the purpose of Off-site analysis or creating reports from the backed-up historical data from
the installed Agent instances in the corporate data center, you need to be able to reference the
performance data at a remote location.
The above performed activities of backup and restore would apply to the remote location server.
In this section you will just perform the additional required special activity on the destination server to
suppress new metrics being collected, thus preventing historical data getting overwritten due to
retention time settings.
We will simulate this situation assuming that the HCS-2 server would be the destination server at a
remote location, using the just migrated Agent Store of SAN Switch Agent instance on HCS-2.
The procedures apply to Agent Store DB as well as to Hybrid Store.
1. Connect to Performance Reporter and display the following report for the SAN Switch Agent instance
of HCS-2.
SAN Switch > Troubleshooting > Recent Past > Drill Down only > Switch Xmitd Kbytes
2. Record the date and time stamp of the last record displayed _________________________.
3. Use notepad to edit the jpcagt.ini file of the SAN Switch Agent instance on HCS-2, location:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HiCommand\TuningManager\jp1pc\agtw\agent\<instance-
4. Change the “Property value” of all interval records and detail records in the file from Log=Y to
Log=N and save the file.

Activity 1. Agent Store Management
Activity – Agent Hybrid Store backup, restore and migrate

Important: In case the jpcagt.ini file is the configuration file for a Hybrid Store type agent instance,
only change all occurrences of "Log=Y" for those appearing before the entries [API Data Management].
Do not change them for those appearing after [API Data Management]
5. Stop and restart the services of the SAN Switch instance you have just altered.
6. Connect to the Management Server HCS-1.
7. Start the services of the SAN Switch agent instance running on HCS-1.
8. Verify the agent is working correctly collecting metrics.
It will now take some time to be able to prove that the SAN Switch agent instance running on HCS-2
is not collecting metrics anymore.
9. After carrying on with the rest of the Lab 1 activities, display the same report from the SAN Switch
agent instance running on HCS-2 as in step 1.
10. In case the Message-ID KAVJS5001-I (PR1936) appears, click the Show Options button.
11. Alter the Settings for the report display period to display the past 6 hours with the Report
interval set to Minute.
12. Verify the last record date and time stamp proves that no new metrics were collected since the time
the jpcagt.ini file was edited and the services started.

Activity – Agent Hybrid Store backup, restore and

Regular backup of Hybrid Store data is an important task to prevent loss of metrics collected from the
resources in the past and kept as historical data. In case of data corruption, a backup also allows
restoring the Hybrid Store metrics.
1. On your Management Server HCS-1, create the directory C:\agtdHS_bkup_HCS-1.
2. Open a command prompt and change directory to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\HiCommand\TuningManager\jp1pc\htnm\bin
3. Run the command htmhsbackup -dir C:\agtdHS_bkup_HCS-1.
4. Open the backup folder in the specified output directory and familiarize yourself with the structure of
the backup taken.
5. Connect to Performance Reporter, select the Enterprise storage Agent for RAID instance and display
the following system report with the default settings:
RAID > Storage Resources > VSP G1000/VSP/VSP Gx00 > Front End Port > Port
Configuration (Tabular)
6. Note the date and time stamp of the last record.


7. Open the following directory:

C:\Program Files (x86)\HiCommand\TuningManager\jp1pc\agtd\store<instance
(instance name of the instance you have displayed the report from).

1. Agent Store Management Activity
Activity – Agent Hybrid Store backup, restore and migrate

8. To simulate corruption of the Hybrid Store, delete the folder PD_PTC.

9. Back to Performance Report, run the same report as in step 5 above.
10. Explain what happened.


11. Stop all of the agent services before restoring the Hybrid Store with the command:
htmsrv stop -all
12. Execute the restore of the Hybrid Store only to the specific Enterprise storage Agent instance you
have displayed the report from.
13. Which options are required to achieve the above?

14. After successful restore operation, restart the agent services.
15. Back to Performance Reporter, run the same report as in step 6 above.
16. Prove for the successful restore operation is the Performance Reporter is displaying the report again.
17. In case of difficulties achieving the above, ask your instructor for assistance and troubleshoot the
issue before continuing.

End of Lab Activity 1

2. Main Console and Performance Reporter
The primary objective of this lab project is to understand the format and execution mechanism of the
Main Console CLI as well as the Performance Reporter CLI.

Upon completion of the lab project, you will be able to:
 Execute Main Console CLI without any resource ID dependency
 Execute Main Console CLI with resource ID dependency
 Collect a list of user reports defined in Performance Reporter
 Create new, and modify existing Performance Reporter reports
 Run existing Performance Reporter reports

Summary of Activity
 Common Components Commands
 Main Console CLI execution
 Performance Reporter CLI

Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager CLI Reference Guide

Activity – Common components commands

Tuning Manager server commands are executed from the server Tuning Manager is installed on, though
you do not need to be logged in to either HCS-, or Tuning Manager software.
1. Connect to the Management Server HCS-1 and ensure Tuning Manager services are running.
2. Open a command prompt and change directory to:
C:\Program Files\HiCommand\Base64\bin
3. Display the list of all common component commands available.
4. Obtain the usage information of the hcmds64srv command.
5. Execute hcmds64srv /stop /server PerformanceReporter.
6. What is the result of this command?

7. Are you still able to Login to Tuning Manager Server Mail Console? Y/N
8. Try to connect to Performance Reporter to run a report.

2. Main Console and Performance Reporter CLI Activity
Activity – Main Console CLI

What happened? _________________________________________________

9. Back in the command prompt, issue the correct command to start all services.
10. Interpret the messages displayed.
Important: Remember that “hcmds64…..” commands will execute on all HCS products installed
on that server except special limiting options and parameters are issued. Dependent on the
configuration, commands like “hcmds64getlogs” can therefore take a considerable long time to

Activity – Main Console CLI

The Tuning Manager server provides two types of Main Console commands. They are called report
commands and administrative commands and both types are kept in the same directory.
1. Open a command prompt and change directory to:
C:\Program Files\HiCommand\TuningManager\bin
2. Display the list of all for Main Console commands available.
3. Obtain the usage information of the htm-subsystems command.
4. Run the command htm-subsystems -u system -w manager.
5. How many storage subsystems are registered and what are their respective “Resource IDs”?


6. Type the following command htm-mpbs -u system -w manager.

7. Interpret the message, which command option is missing? _______________________
8. Run the command again with all the required options specified and evaluate the result.
9. Open the Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager CLI Reference Guide, Chapter 2 Main Console
10. Refer to Table 2-1 to find detail information of all report type commands.
11. Practice more of these commands until you are satisfied understanding the command format and
executing mechanism as well as the output information obtained.
12. Execute the and administrative command htm-db-status.
What is the information displayed? _________________________________
13. Use the htm-db-setup command specifying the required options to increase the database capacity
of Tuning Manager (HiRDB) to 4GB.
14. Run the appropriate command to verify the capacity of HiRDB has actually increased to 4 GB.
15. Run the htm-dump command specifying a non-existing destination directory on a SAN drive of
connected to your Management server as output.
16. Once the command has finished, open the folder created and interpret the information saved.

Activity 2. Main Console and Performance Reporter CLI
Activity – Performance Reporter CLI

Activity – Performance Reporter CLI

You want to modify existing or create new Performance Reporter Reports using the Performance
Reporter Command Line Interface.
Performance Reporter CLI uses eXtensible Markup Language (XML) to provide input to commands to
record output from commands.

Preparation to be able to execute Performance Reporter CLI from

any directory:
1. From command prompt on HCS-1, set path to the Performance Reporter CLI folder.
C:> set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program
2. Create a new folder: C:\HTMPR to be used for all activities during this lab part.
3. Change directory to C:\HTMPR.

Get existing system reports definition

To specify which Performance Reporter Reports definitions to be fetched, create the file “input.xml” in
the directory C:\ HTMPR:
1. For that, open notepad and type the following information.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pr-cli-parameters SYSTEM "rdef_output_params.dtd">
<pr-cli-parameters ver="0100">
<report-definition name="CPU Trend" parent-folder="/Windows/Operating
System/Monthly Trend"/>
2. Ensure to save the file as “input.xml”, not as a text file.
Note: The required “….dtd” files are Hitachi predefined and located in:
C:\Program Files\HiCommand\TuningManager\PerformanceReporter\conf
3. Execute the command jpcrdef output -o CPU_TREND.xml input.xml.
4. Interpret the return message.
5. Troubleshoot the activity, if the message does not state “output result OK:”
6. Use notepad to open the created output file C:\HTMPR|CPU_TREND.xml.
7. Investigate the information saved in the file.
8. Connect to Performance Reporter GUI, click the Reports tab.
9. Select the report “CPU Trend” (Windows Operating System) from the list of System Reports.
10. Click “Show Report Properties” so you can compare the definitions to the ones in the file

2. Main Console and Performance Reporter CLI Activity
Activity – Performance Reporter CLI

11. What is the style of the fields “User CPU %” and “Privileged CPU %” get displayed?


Modify existing, or create new User Reports

1. Create a new User Report based on the CPU_TREND report definitions changing the style of
displaying the fields also in table form.
N ote : You can create a completely new xml file for a user report. Using the existing definitions
though will save time and typing.
2. Edit the report definitions of the CPU_TREND.xml file using notepad.
3. Ensure the information changes are put as stated below (bold).
<report-definition name="New-CPU Trend" parent-folder="/My customized
<record id="PI">
<field table="true" list="false" graph="true" display-
name="">PCT_TOTAL_USER_TIME </field>
<field table="true" list="false" graph="true" display-
4. Save the altered file as New -CP U_TR END.xm l .
5. Create a new report in the User Report section of Performance Reporter executing the command
jpcrdef create New-CPU_TREND.xml.
6. Troubleshoot in case the command execution posts an error.
7. Connect to Performance Reporter GUI and refresh the screen.
8. Select one of the Windows Agent instances and display the “New-CPU Trend Report” from the
new created User Reports folder “My customized Reports”.
9. What is different to the display of the System Report “CPU TREND”? _________________

End of Lab Activity 2

3. Import/Export Performance Reporter
The primary objective of this lab project is to export and import existing Performance Reporter reports
using Performance Reporter CLI and GUI.

Upon completion of the lab project, you will be able to:
 Export existing Performance Reporter reports to CSV-, and HTML format using CLI
 Export Performance Reporter User Reports
 Import Performance Reporter User Reports

Summary of Activity
 Export and import Performance Reporter Reports

 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager CLI Reference Guide
 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager User Guide ; Chapter 4 - Working with reports from
Performance Reporter

Activity – Export existing reports

You want export defined metrics from existing Performance Reporter reports to output files in csv
format as well as html format using Performance Reporter CLI.

1. Export Performance Reporter Reports to CSV output format using CLI.

2. Create a new xml file (export_csv.x ml ) with the following content
Note: The <agent> needs to be one of the Windows Agent instance names on your server. Adjust
the start-time and end-time information according to your date and time frame.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE pr-cli-parameters SYSTEM "rpt_params.dtd">
<pr-cli-parameters ver="0200">
<report-definition name="CPU Trend" parent-folder="/Windows/Operating

3. Import/Export Performance Reporter Reports Activity
Activity – Export Performance Reporter to HTML using CLI

<indication-settings maximum-number-of-records="1440">
<start-time>02 02 2016 00:00</start-time>
<end-time>02 02 2016 12:00</end-time>

3. To create the output file Export-CLI-to-CVS.csv containing the metrics of the above specified report,
execute the command jpcrpt -o Export-CLI-to-CVS.csv export_csv.xml.
4. View the contents of Export-CLI-to-CVS.csv file created in HMTPR as a result of the command

Activity – Export Performance Reporter to HTML

using CLI
1. Expand the export_csv.xml with the content (in bold) and save it as export_htm.xml:
Note: The <agent> needs to be one of the Windows Agent instance names on your server.
Adjust the start-time and end-time information according to your date and time frame
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pr-cli-parameters SYSTEM "rpt_params.dtd">
<pr-cli-parameters ver="0100">
<report-definition name="CPU Trend" parent-folder="/Windows/Operating
<indication-settings maximum-number-of-records="1440">
<start-time>02 02 2016 00:00</start-time>
<end-time>02 02 2016 12:00</end-time>

Activity 3. Import/Export Performance Reporter Reports
Activity – Export/Import Performance Reporter reports using GUI

<graph-options zoom-scale = "100">
<vertical-axis minvalue="0" maxvalue="100"/>
2. To create the output file Export-CLI-to-HTML.htm with the above specified report definitions
execute the command jpcrpt -o Export-CLI-to-HTML export_htm.xml.
What type of output do you find in the directory HTMPR?


3. Open the output files and view the information presented.

4. Connect to Performance Reporter GUI.
5. Display the report “CPU Trend" from "/Windows/Operating System/Monthly Trend".
6. Which type of output can you produce using the Export function for the report?


Activity – Export/Import Performance Reporter

reports using GUI
You want to export Performance Reporter User Reports report definitions that you have created on one
server for the purpose to use them on different servers. Exporting and importing those reports saves
you the work of recreating them on the other hosts. Performance reporter GUI allows for export/import
of individual reports as well as for complete folders.

Export/Import Performance Reporter Reports User Reports using


1. Connect to Performance Reporter GUI.

2. In the Navigation frame of the Performance Reporter main window, click the Reports tab.

3. Import/Export Performance Reporter Reports Activity
Activity – Export/Import Performance Reporter reports using GUI

3. Select the My customized Report folder in the User Reports section.

4. In the Method frame, click on Export.
5. Save as “My customized Report” to an output folder of your choice.
6. Delete the folder My customized Report in the User Reports section.
7. Validate that the earlier created New-CPU Trend report is not available anymore.
8. Import the just exported User Reports folder.
9. In the Navigation frame select Reports > User Reports and click I m port in the Method frame.
10. Browse to the location you have exported the My customized Report folder to.
11. Select the filename and click OK.
12. Verify the User Reports have been imported correctly.

End of Lab Activity 3

N otes:

4. Ad-hoc Real-Time Reporting
Tuning Manager Performance Reporter reports provide performance metrics at a minimum interval of 10
seconds only. To monitor and analyze real-time metrics for troubleshooting intermittent performance
issues, Hitachi Tuning Manager (HTnM) provides a command to monitor critical storage performance
metrics at a minimum interval of 1 sec.

Upon completion of the lab project, you will be able to:
 Retrieve performance metrics at 1 second interval using the command jpctdraidperf

Summary of Activity
 Execute the jpctdraidperf command

 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager CLI Reference Guide, Chapter 5 - Collection Manager
Commands and Agent Commands

Activity – Establish Ad hoc real time reporting

1. Connect to the Management Server HCS-1 and ensure Tuning Manager services are running.
2. Create a new directory on the C: Drive of HCS-1, call it raidperf.
jpctdraidperf -inst G1000_58078 -interval 1 -time 60 -output C:\raidperf
3. Open a command prompt and change directory to
“C: \Program Files (x86)\HiCommand\TuningManager\jp1pc\tools”
4. Display the list of all common component commands available.
5. Obtain the usage information of the jpctdraidperf command.
6. What kind of output information do you expect to be generated running the command?
jpctdraidperf -inst G1000_58078 -interval 1 -time 60 -output C:\raidperf


7. Run the command with these options and investigate the output.
8. Which type of resources were accessed?


4. Ad-hoc Real-Time Reporting Activity
Activity – Establish Ad hoc real time reporting

9. Open the csv files and interpret the data contained.

10. Run the command again this time specifying one individual LDEV mapped to your Lab servers.
11. Interpret the differences in the output.

End of Lab Activity 4

The jpcrpt command is available to collect performance data from HTnM Agents using XML file for
request parameter. REST API enables you to collect performance data from a client server by use of a
uniform interface (HTTP GET/PUT/POST/DELETE) platform and language independent from a client
server. REST API is available for Agent for RAID and Agent for NAS.

Upon completion of the lab project, you will be able to:
 Use the REST API to run the appropriate commands to retrieve target resource information
 Execute REST commands using “curl”

Summary of Activity
 Execute commands to get API information
 Obtain the Agent list
 Use curl to retrieve storage performance data

 Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager API Reference Guide

Activity – Execute REST API commands

N ote : Replace server relevant information, such as IP-address, with the one of your Lab.

1. Connect to your Host Server HCS-2 and create a new directory called curl on the C-Drive of it.
2. Download Curl from the Web and unzip it into this directory.
3. Ask your instructor for help if necessary.
4. To fetch API version information, open a web browser and type
5. Save the result to a directory of your choice.
6. Open the output file and interpret the information.
7. Which API version is installed? ______________________________________
8. To obtain a list of all the REST API capable Agents installed use the web browser with
9. Again save the output and open it for investigation of the information.
10. Which Agents are installed and what is the product version of the Agents?

11. Open a command prompt and change to the curl directory.
12. Run the following commands.

5. REST API Activity
Activity – Execute REST API commands

a. curl -u system:manager

b. curl -u system:manager

13. Compare the information of output of the 2 commands executed with curl to the information in the
output files produced by the web browser in the steps above.
14. To fetch performance data collected by the Agent for RAID instance the options need to define
precisely what kind of information needs to be fetched .
15. Provide the following curl command line information:
curl -u system:manager -X GET
16. What type of metrics are presented as an output?

17. Compare this information with the result of running the appropriate report from Performance
Reporter GUI.
18. More command options imply use of start time and end time as well as specific metrics specifications
curl -u system:manager -X GET "
/objects /RAID_PI_LDS?hostName=HCSLAB4-B7&agentInstance Name=G1000_58078
19. Refer to the Hitachi Command Suite Tuning Manager API Reference Guide for more information
and exercise until you are satisfied.

End of Lab Activity 5

6. Performance Problem Troubleshooting
You will apply the troubleshooting methodology to first identify if the reported performance problems
require inside or outside the Storage system investigation.
If the decision is that further performance data from storage needs to be taken into account, key
metrics analysis presented in HCS together with direct links to Performance Reporter predefined Reports
will assist you in finding the possible cause of the issues.

Upon completion of the lab project, you will be able to:
 Use HCS software together with Tuning Manager software to troubleshoot and identify host and
storage system problems

Summary of Activity
This lab activity describes the process of identifying the cause of performance issues.

 Hitachi Tuning Manager Users Guide

Activity – Identify Performance Problems

Ensure the setup preparations for this Lab exercise as described in Introduction at the beginning of the
Lab projects, have been accomplished or ask your instructor for assistance.

A server administrator reports a decrease in performance of a specific application running on the host
server HCS-2.
1. Connect to the Performance Reporter GUI and check if one of the set alarm triggered.
2. Use the Display Alarm Status function of the Agent instance in question.
3. Run the associated report and investigate the data.
4. Navigate back to Tuning Manager Main Console and use the Dashboard to link to HDvM.
5. Click the Analytics tab and select Hosts in the Analytics task column.
6. Expand All Hosts and select the host server reporting the performance problem.
7. Select all the resources of that host and run the Identify Performance Problems task.
8. Advance to the Target Selection window and select G1000/ DP Volume Internal in Step1.
9. Stay with “Select all” in Step2 and adjust the Time Period to Analyze to a time window covering
about 24 hours around the time the problem was reported.
10. Step through each of the available display windows investigating the presented metrics.
11. Note the time when the problem first occurred.
12. Adjust the Time to Analyze to cover an hour around the time the problem first occurred.
13. Investigate all the presented metrics again, realize that port, cache and MP metrics look normal.

6. Performance Problem Troubleshooting Activity
Activity – Identify Performance Problems

14. To find a possible cause of the Parity Group Busy well exceeding the set “Caution Threshold”,
close the Identify Performance Problem wizard.
15. Select the Enterprise Storage System from the Navigation pane of the Analytics tab.
16. From the All Storage Systems> Action dropdown list, run Storage Performance Analysis per
Host and adjust the time window to a time around the problem occurrence.
17. Select both Hosts and click Show Chart.
18. Add the metric IPOS to the same Analysis view.
19. Draw your own conclusions from the metrics presented.
20. Interpreting the graphs should lead to the conclusion that a heavy workload from Server HCS-1
started shortly before the performance bottleneck became visible on HCS-2.
21. A possible solution could be not to run those 2 applications at the same time or move the target
LDEVs to a different DP Pool (different Parity Groups)l.

To simulate workload differences between MP Blades, setup Iometer for this exercise as follows.
On your Management server HCS-1, Setup 1 Manager with 1 Worker
Disk Targets : Drive H:> trough Drive K:> (4 Basic Volumes attached to
the Host)
Access Specification: 512B, 100% Read/W; 50% Sequential / Random

We assume that Health Check reports indicate that one of the MP Blades has a much higher Busy Rate
that the other MPB(s). You will use the Analyze MP Blades/Units function to find the top busy
resources of the MPBs and simulate the effect of re-assigning LDEVs to different MPB(s). A script will be
generated to perform the re-allocation at a planned time. Use the raidcom command to execute that
1. First find out which LDEVs are handled by which MP Blade.
2. Click the Analytics tab, select Host > Windows and your HCS-2 server.
3. Run the Identify Performance Problems Wizard against all the volumes of that server.
4. From the Target Selection screen, choose for the DP Volumes as “storage type/volume type’
5. Advance with clicking Next to screen number 4 “Volume”.
6. In the table Volumes, the column “MP Blade/Unit” shows the MP Blade – LDEV assignment.
7. Repeat the above for the basic volume assignments.
8. Close the Identify Performance Problems Wizard.
9. Select Storage Systems as a target for the Analytics function.
10. Choose the enterprise storage system registered to your lab.
11. In the dropdown list of the Actions button in the Information Summary Area, select the function
Analyze MP Blades/Units.
12. Which metrics are displayed?


IMPORTANT! Read the Introduction Information presented in the Guidance column. It explains the
purpose and the detailed functions and steps that can be performed with this feature.

Activity 6. Performance Problem Troubleshooting
Activity – Identify Performance Problems

13. Select the MP Blade with the highest Busy Rate % and move the “target line” over the spot with that
highest Busy Rate %.
14. Click on Choose as Target MP Blade/Unit. An additional Graph for the selected MPB opens.
15. From its Column Settings table, identify the LDEV with the highest Usage Rate.
16. Lock the LDEVs you do NOT want to move.
17. Now select the LDEV to be moved.
18. Select another MP Blade (less busy) from the table on top.
19. When you click the button “Choose as Destination MP Blade/Unit” another graph for the just
selected MP Blade is added.
20. Click the Move button and the Analyze MP Blades/Units function will simulate the effect of the re-
allocation of the previously selected LDEV.
21. Which changes can you spot in both Top Resources windows?
22. Repeat the above steps to simulate re-allocating another LDEV with high Usage Rate.
23. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click the button Generate Script Commands.
24. Read the information on the screen presented.
25. Copy the script(s) to Notepad for later use and save the file.
26. Close the Analyze MP Blades/Units window and notice the information presented.
27. HORCM is used to run the raidcom command.
28. Ensure the product “ RAID Manager (HORCM)” is installed on HCS-1.
29. If it isn’t, ask your instructor for the software and install it on your Management server.
30. Use notepad to create the horcm100.conf file looking like the copy below (replace IP address and
CMD specification to match your HCS-1 server.

31. Save the file as horcm100.conf (not as text file) to the Windows root directory of HCS-1.
32. Open a command prompt on you HCS-1 Server and change directory to HORCM>etc>.
33. List all the command available.
34. Execute the command set horcminst=100.
35. Start the instance with the command horcmstart 100.
36. Run raidcom –login and provide login userid and password to the SVP of the enterprise storage.
(this should be a unique login user which you can create with the user administration functions of
the storage).
37. Copy the script produced earlier by the Analyze MP Blades/Units function to the command line to
execute the re-allocation script(s).

6. Performance Problem Troubleshooting Activity
Activity – Identify Performance Problems

38. After about 5 minutes, re-run the Analyze MP Blades/Units function and observe the result of
the LDEV re-allocation.
39. Verify the successful re-allocation after the script has finished.

To be able to take proactive measures for the case that storage system performance is changing
towards unwanted threshold, you decided to run scheduled Health Check Reports.

1. Select Storage Systems as a target for the Analytics function.

2. Choose the enterprise storage system registered to your lab.
3. In the dropdown list of the Actions button in the Information Summary Area, select the function
Create Schedule.
4. Evaluate the information in the Create Health Check Schedule window opened.
5. Provide input of your choice and click Submit to create the schedule.
6. Verify creation of the schedule clicking the Schedules tab in the Health Check window.
7. To produce a Health Check report at any given time, choose the enterprise storage system and in
the dropdown list of the Actions button select the function Run Health Check.
8. Again provide input of your choice and click Submit.
9. Once the Report is created, click on View Report in the Health Status field on screen.
10. Click the Export button and create a PDF file from the generated.
11. View the output of the Health Check Report and evaluate the information presented.

End of Lab Activity 6

7. Sizing Tool
Upon completion of the lab project, you will be able to:
 Determine the size of Tuning Manager database and agent stores based on a given environment
 Change the size of Tuning Manager database

Summary of Activity
 Use the Hitachi Tuning Manager Server Sizing Tool for Windows and Linux
 Use the Hitachi Tuning Manager Agent Sizing Tool

 Hitachi Tuning Manager Sizing Tools

Activity – Database Management

You have the need to extend the retention time of the hourly records stored in HiRDB from the default 7
days to 30 days. You need to determine how much database capacity is required.

1. Open the provided Hitachi Tuning Manager 8 Server Sizing Tool file.
2. In case it is not already provided, select the link stated in References and download the files.
3. Investigate the options in the different excel files available.
It is important to know is the required capacity for HiRDB (Memory) and the Disk space required for
a given configuration.
4. Make yourself familiar with the information and setup in the file - Hitachi Tuning M anager 8
Server Sizing Tool for W indow s and Linux .
5. Click the tab worksheet and provide an active system configuration to obtain a required database
size in GBs as a result.
6. Follow the step by step procedure for expanding database capacity for Windows (Linux) by selecting
the appropriate Appendix xxxx tab of the Excel sheet.
Important to know is the capacity and disk space (Physical memory size) used for Agent instances
configured on a server.

Activity 7. Sizing Tool
Activity – Database Management

7. Open the file for R AID Hybrid Store.xls .

8. Investigate the data and information provided.
9. As you alter the listed data, for example, number of instances running, the required capacity will
change accordingly.
This is information only, there is no option to manually adjust given capacities other than deciding to
install the Agent on a different Server.

End of Lab Activity 7

End of Labs


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