What Must You Cover? (H 9) (M 8) (All 3) : ALL (To Be Done in The End)

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What must you cover?

(H= 9) (M= 8) (All= 3)

1. Is the company customer oriented? Justify the answer (M) Sayantan

2. What is the value proposition offered to customers? (M) Sanchit
3. What are the segmentation variables used in the industry? What segmentation variables
are used by the company? (H) Sania
4. What are the target markets being served by the company? How has this evolved over
time? How does the company evaluate the attractiveness of the target markets? (M)
Sahil (Take Sania’s output for 3rd question)
5. How has the brand been positioned? What are the PoP(point of parity) and PoD(point of
difference)? Has the positioning of the brand remained consistent over time? Discuss
(H) Sakshi
6. Discuss the value chain of the brand? How does the company generate value for
customers using this value chain? (H) Sarthak
7. What are its sources of competitive advantage? Is it sustainable? (H) DONE in Report
8. Does the company have a core competence? Discuss (M) Sania
9. Comment on Customer satisfaction and Customer loyalty for the brand? (Use market
research data available from secondary sources for the same. If you cannot find it for the
brand that you are working, try to identify data from competitors which might reflect
about your brand) (M) Sarthak
10. Comment about Customer defection rate, Acquisition rate in case data is available. Even
if not available, what is the company’s main focus? Attracting new customers Or
retaining existing customers? How do you know? ALL
11. Is there any info on whether the company uses customer data to make decisions?
Discuss. (M)* Sakshi
12. Does the company have a formal mechanism to forecast demand? How does it work? If
no such data exist, how would you design a demand forecasting process for the
company? (what factors would you consider while forecasting demand)?(H)*(Refer the
management discuss & analysis section in the annual report) by Sanyam &
13. Do a PESTLE, SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces analysis for the brand? Done in Report
(H) Sarthak
14. What type of marketing research does the company engage in? If this a regular
process? Discuss the results of some of these researches that have been undertaken by
the company (if info is in public domain) (H)*, Sanyam
15. Describe the Consumer Behavior for the brand? How have consumers changed over
time? Has the company managed to keep pace with these changes? Did they stumble
somewhere along the way? How do you know? Did they correct themselves? Discuss.
(H) Sahil (research using the databases available, not google)
16. Discuss the 7Ps – not just list out, but discuss how they are consistent with the STP of
the brand? How do they compare with competitors? (H) Sayantan
17. Discuss the competition in the industry? Who are the close competitors? Who are the
distant competitors? And those in the periphery? Done in Report (M)
18. How has competition evolved over time in terms of number of players, intensity of rivalry,
rules of competition, value propositions to customers(including comment by ma’am.)?
(M) Sanyam

19. Comments about the overall direction of the brand? ALL(to be done in the end with
20th question)
20. Your comments about the brand… ALL(to be done in the end)

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