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Instructional Core

We can engage in
purposeful instructional talk
to focus on the instructional core.
Peak Performance
Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive
● Define a purpose and concrete objectives for
each working session.
● Ask yourself: What do I want to learn or get done?
Focus and concentrate deeply, even if doing so
isn’t always enjoyable.
● Single-task: The next time you feel like
multitasking, remind yourself that research shows
it’s not effective. “Do only one thing at a time.”
● Remember that quality trumps quantity.
Stulberg, Brad; Magness, Steve. Peak Performance: Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New
Science of Success (Kindle Locations 857-862). Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale. Kindle Edition.
I've got roots growing
Down to the water
I've got leaves growing
Up to the sunshine
And the fruit that I bear
Is a sign of life in me
I've got roots growing
Down to the water
I've got leaves growing
Up to the sunshine
And the fruit that I bear
Is a sign of life in me
Instructional Core
We can engage in
purposeful instructional talk
to focus on the instructional core.

Engaging students in
Student the learning process

Improving teachers’ Providing academically
instructional practice Teacher Content challenging content
3 Big Ideas
Learning is
our Focus
Collaboration is
our Culture
Results Guide
our Decisions
4 Key Questions
4 Key Questions
What is essential to learn?
How will we know they are learning?
What will we do if they have learned?
What will we do if they have not?
Teacher Clarity
What the research says...
Teacher Clarity EFFECT SIZE FOR
Visible Learning TEACHER CLARITY = 0.75

Teacher clarity involves the instructional

moves a teacher makes that begin with
carefully planning a lesson and making the
learning intentions for that lesson or unit clear
to herself and her students.

Hattie, John A. (Allan); Fisher, Douglas B.; Frey, Nancy; Gojak, Linda M.; Moore, Sara Delano; Mellman, William L.. Visible
Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12: What Works Best to Optimize Student Learning (Corwin Mathematics Series) (p. 38).
SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.
Teacher Clarity EFFECT SIZE FOR
Visible Learning TEACHER CLARITY = 0.75

It extends to consistently evaluating where

students are in the learning process and
describing the success criteria on which
students can assess their own progress and
on which the teacher bases her evaluation of
a student’s progress with a idea or concept.

Hattie, John A. (Allan); Fisher, Douglas B.; Frey, Nancy; Gojak, Linda M.; Moore, Sara Delano; Mellman, William L.. Visible
Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12: What Works Best to Optimize Student Learning (Corwin Mathematics Series) (p. 38).
SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.
I can establish goals
to focus learning.
I can establish goals
to focus learning.
Odell Beckham Jr.
NFL Catch of the Year

NFL. “Odell Beckham Jr. Makes Catch of the Year! | NFL.” YouTube, YouTube, 24 Jan. 2015,
Odell Beckham Jr.
Pre-game Practice | NFL
One-handed Catch and Ray Lewis TD Dance
Odell Beckham Jr.

BreedingEntrtainment. “Odell Beckham One Handed Catch Pregame Routine. And Ray Lewis TD Dance
Celebration. Awesome!!!” YouTube, YouTube, 14 Dec. 2015,
Student Expectations EFFECT SIZE FOR
Visible Learning Expectations = 1.44

If students know where they are going and

how they’ll know when they get there, they
are better able to set their own expectations,
self-monitor, and predict or self-report their
own achievement.

Hattie, John A. (Allan); Fisher, Douglas B.; Frey, Nancy; Gojak, Linda M.; Moore, Sara Delano; Mellman, William L.. Visible
Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12: What Works Best to Optimize Student Learning (Corwin Mathematics Series) (p. 59).
SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.
Student Expectations EFFECT SIZE FOR
Visible Learning Expectations = 1.44

One caution here is to be sure that “I can”

statements are specific and tied to the
learning intention. General “I can” statements,
while well intentioned, are not very helpful to
the students or the teacher.

Hattie, John A. (Allan); Fisher, Douglas B.; Frey, Nancy; Gojak, Linda M.; Moore, Sara Delano; Mellman, William L.. Visible
Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12: What Works Best to Optimize Student Learning (Corwin Mathematics Series) (p. 59).
SAGE Publications. Kindle Edition.
and Persevere
Make Sense

Gough, Jill, and Jennifer Wilson. "#LL2LU Learning Progressions: SMP." Experiments in Learning by Doing or
Easing the Hurry Syndrome. WordPress, 04 Aug. 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2017.
With a partner, develop a specific learning
progression with “I can...” statements
Feedback loop:
● I like… because…
● I wonder…
● What if...
Instructional Core

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