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Assalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

Dear to the English college lecturers and friends I'm proud of.

Let us praise pray that Allah SWT has bestowed His blessings so that we can gather here
and on this day I will deliver a speech about drugs.

In 2013 the number of drug users in Indonesia is estimated to have reached 4.7 million
people, and ironically also from the 40 percent who uses drugs is dominated by Students and
Student or youth.

It's a lot of reasons why drug users are difficult to eradicate in Indonesia include the lack of
law enforcement, too light a punishment for each offender in the case of narcotics, the
involvement of many leaders and law enforcement officers in the process of circulation and even
as a conspiracy between the user and the law enforcement officers by the user or consumer.

Due to the highly complex causes of drug abuse, in addressing the abuse is not simple.
Various attempts have been carried out by the government in the fight against drugs. To
coordinate the government's handling of the issue since 2002 has made the care of an agency that
is National Narcotics Agency implement prevention and eradication of illicit drug trafficking.

Government through BNN is doing anti-drug campaign with anti-drug slogans like "SAY
NO TO DRUG", “DRUGS, A SPECIAL GIFT FROM HELL”, celebrating anti-drug warning
days each year and so on. Efforts to combat illicit drug trafficking by government security forces
and law enforcement agencies have a lot of arrests, raids and punishment, trying to hold the
center - a center for the rehabilitation of drug addicts there that use psychological approach,
spiritual approach and others.

Whether these efforts have been able to overcome the drug problem? Honestly certainly not
because of drug abuse numbers continue to increase from year to year.

This is due to various factors, including the lack of awareness of the general public about
their role in the prevention and eradication of drug abuse. Public only knew that drug problems
are the responsibility of the police alone.

Parents are also very important to be involved in prevention programs. As is well known
that about 80% of users are teenagers. This teen is still in the parents' responsibility. The mother
is the first task of educating sons - his daughter. Ignorance of mothers about child development
and youth, appropriate parenting for children and adolescents as well as drugs could be the cause
of teen drug abuse fall.

Another problem is that many of the slogans - slogans which made less sympathetic,
impressed spooky,: as an example of "DRUGS special gift from hell". Is it true that drugs bring
people to hell, or cause people to go to hell? The drug is not useful for the treatment? Who to
hell is people who misuse, distribute or the distributor not protect his drug. "DRUGS is haram".
Is it true that drugs are forbidden? Then it should not be used even for medicinal purposes.

The phrase "Fight Drugs" is also less precise. If the drug war means that the enemy, but
when viewed the definition according to WHO, drugs are all substances, except food, beverages
or oxygen which if introduced into the body can alter the function of the body's physical and or
psychological. Drugs have actually been around since ancient times and actually beneficial for
human life. Why fight? Who and what exactly should be fought?

Now is the time to make changes in the way - the old way which provides
information that tends to scare - mongering and exaggeration into giving honest information,
proportionate and positive outlook. For that let us avoid and stay away and go to combat drug
use. Such is the speech that I can say if there is an error in the spoken word, I apologize. The last,
thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb

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