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Personal Project

1. Personal Website

- Use ReactJS to build the front end portfolio, use header (contains button for navigation),
body (main contents such as profile, experiences, projects, contacts, etc.), and footer (contains
year made, {search more about this})

- Use ReactJS to build the web application of project no. 2. It can be included in portfolio
or different page with same header and footer as portfolio’s.

- Use Go for running the back end of the website.

2. Facial Rating (Machine Learning, Image Processing)

Use image processing and machine learning techniques for the downloaded datasets in
documents/data-science/facial rating/ directory to build and train the model. Technologies can be
used are r, python (2 or 3), scikit-learn, numpy, pandas, tensorflow, keras.

3. Mobile Apps

Build a mobile apps for project no. 2 so its available for both android and iOS. Use android
studio and Xcode.


A. ReactJS

- freecodcamp

- udemy

B. Go

- udemy

C. Machine Learning

- udemy

- udacity

- freecodecamp

- kaggle


D. Android Studio

- udacity

E. Xcode

- udacity

- udemy

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