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1 st Race The Floods Of Fortune Plate Cl-V;, 4-30, 4 years old and over 2000 Mts.
ALOHA Pn17 - 29 ⁄17188 met interference Passing the 1000 metres. M17-18 - 1612⁄176012
10 5

broked a blood vessel. 153⁄182253 met interference Passing the 800 metres.
OLLY BOY Pn18 - 267⁄18115 met interference passing 800mts. & The saddle was observed to
have slipped during the race.
ROMANTIC EYES Pn17 - 29⁄17823 Jockey reported that passing the 400 metres his mount shied outwards
and had to be steadied. M17-18 - 32⁄1814812 met interferance passing the 200 mts. 154⁄182885 met
interference approaching the 600mts.
SILVER MOON M17-18 - 3112⁄17973 Jockey was observed to have used the whip in excess of the
prescribed limit on his mount. 232⁄181890 Saddling Enclosure and was found to be sore by the
right fore leg. As such, the mare was certified unfit to race and was withdrawn. 14⁄182606 met
interference at the start.
SMOKEY ROSES M17-18 - 1911⁄1770 was found to be sore by the left hind leg. As such, the filly was
certified unfit to race and was withdrawn. 181⁄181270 found to be sore by the right fore leg, as
such, the mare was withdrawn on veterinary grounds. 154⁄182877 was scoped at the Equine
Hospital after the race and found to be EIPH (Gr.III).
STAR ACE M17-18 - 224⁄18(302) was tightened for room and had to be steadied at the start and
drifted out under pressure and raced in the middle of the course Passing the 400 metres.
284⁄183044 jumped outwards At the start and was observed to have drifted out and thereafter raced
in the center of the course.
CLOUDBURST M17-18 - 111⁄181148 jumped out slow, losing about a length at the start. 32⁄181480
was kicked by SPINNING GOLD. As the gelding had sustained bleeding injury on the left fore arm,
he was certified unfit to race. Pn18 - 277⁄18169 jumped outwards At the start. and Jockey reported
the loss of whip passing 150 metres.
2nd Race The Fair Haven Trophy Cl-I, 80 & upward, (60 to 79 eligible). 2000 Mts.
PALATIAL M17-18 - 181⁄18(125)
jumped out slow losing about a length at the start. 182⁄181793
was found to be sore by the left hind leg. 113⁄1822210 met interference At the start. was found to
be sore by the right fore leg.
RAEES M17-18 - 2212⁄17714 met interferance Passing 200 metres.
CAPRISCA M17-18 - 2611⁄17185 met interference Passing 200mts. 1712⁄17676 Met interference
soon after the start.
SQUARE MOON M17-18 - 181⁄181252 was found to be sore by the right fore leg. Pn18 - 118⁄18406
met interference Soon after the start.
UNCLE SCROOGE M17-18 - 32⁄181522 met interferance soon after the start. 253⁄182455 met interference
At the start.
3rd Race The Brunello Plate Cl-3y, Maiden 1200 Mts.
CHOSEN ONE M17-18 - 183⁄182335 met interference Passing the 400 metres.
GRAND CHIEFTAIN M17-18 - 232⁄181884 met interference Passing the 1000 metres. 253⁄182463 Jockey
was observed to have used the whip in excess of the prescribed limit on his mount. 294⁄183127
bumped at the start & met interference at the start.
SO SPLENDID M17-18 - 253⁄182465 Jockey reported that passing the 250 metres, his whip got
entangled with the reins and in his effort to free the same his whip fell. 144⁄182805 Jockey reported
the loss of whip passing the 150mts. Pn18 - 277⁄18219 jumped inwards At the start.
AUGURY M17-18 - 252⁄181956 jumped outwards At the start. Jockey reported that his mount
was inclined to run out throughout the race. met interference Soon after the start. 74⁄182678 was
observed to have maintained an erratic course Passing the 300 metres. Pn18 - 207⁄18611 jumped
outwards brushing against its starting stall. Thereafter, the filly veered outwards, crashed into the
outer railing and raced on the extreme outside. Jockey was observed to have lost his stirrups.
CHEZZA M17-18 - 284⁄183063 Jockey reported that his mount hung out negotiating the bend
and thereafter ran green in the straight.
4th Race The Panchshil Million Cl-III., 40-66, (20 to 39 eligible) Foreign Jockeys Eligible
1400 Mts.
GALLANT KNIGHT M17-18 - 2611⁄17184
met interference Passing 200mts. 42⁄181612
met interference
At the start Pn18 - 5 ⁄1832 met interference At the start & Jockey was observed to have used the
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whip in excess of the prescribed limit on his mount.

FOREST FAIRY M16-17 - 14⁄172552 met interference at the start. Pn17 - 109⁄171093 met interference
Approaching 200 metres. M17-18 - 1911⁄17(4) met interference Soon after the start and again
passing 1000mts.
AURELIA M17-18 - 1612⁄17(56) was tightened for room between passing 100mts. 181⁄18(128)
was slow to begin and met interferance soon after the start. 282⁄182064 met interference At the
start. Jockey reported that his mount lugged-in in the final furlong of the race.
BESHIKTASH Pn17 - 239⁄171340 found to have a bleeding injury on the right hind leg, just below
the stifle. As such, the gelding was certified unfit to race and was withdrawn. 810⁄17(154) shifted
out and had to be steadied Passing 1100 metres. M17-18 - 1712⁄17667 Met interference jumped
outwards. 253⁄182492 met interference at the start.
TANJO Pn17 - 810⁄171566 jumped out slow losing about 4 lengths at the start.
ARC SHINE M17-18 - 32⁄18(154) Jockey was observed to have used the whip in excess of the
prescribed limit on his mount. 232⁄181915 met interference Approaching the 1100 metres and again
met interference Passing the 650 metres. 153⁄182292 Jockey was observed to have used the whip
in excess of the permissible limit on his mount. Pn18 - 207⁄1839 met interference Soon after the
start. and had left eye injury (small opacity)
GOSHAWK M17-18 - 42⁄181582 Jockey stated that his mount hung in despite his efforts. 182⁄18(184)
clipped the heels of the former and stumbled, Passing 500 metres. 83⁄182102 jumped out slow losing
about a length at the start. Jockey reported that his mount leaned-in in the straight.
HARMONY OF THE SEA Pn17 - 268⁄17668 met interference At the start. M17-18 - 1412⁄17513 was observed
to have stumbled and had to be steadied. 42⁄181587 broken a blood vessel.
SLAM DUNK M17-18 - 113⁄182233 jumped outwards At the start and met interference Passing the
200 metres Pn18 - 58⁄18327 met interference At the start.
ZANZIBAAR M17-18 - 182⁄181813 met interference Passing 200Mts. Pn18 - 48⁄18256 met inter-
ference At the start.
RUN FOREST RUN M17-18 - 42⁄181552 jumped outwards At the start. 224⁄18(299) jumped outwards at
the start and met interference Approaching the 100 metres.
5th Race The Gaea Plate Cl-IV, 20-46, (0 to 19 eligible). 1600 Mts.
DAUGHTEROFTHESUN M17-18 - 2611⁄17163
met interference At the start. 21 ⁄18137 jumped inwards At
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the start. met interference Soon after the start. 42⁄181575 Jockey was observed to have used the
whip in excess of the prescribed limit. Since the same was used as a corrective measure, no action
has been initiated against the Jockey. 154⁄182869 was marginally slow to begin.
WE BREAK THE RULES M17-18 - 1911⁄1734 met interference At the start. 32⁄1815010 bumped approching at
300mts. 233⁄182423 jumped outwards. met interference from the 300mts.
OCTAVIUS M17-18 - 2812⁄17(87) observed to have hung out in the straight.
SPEED OF SOUND Pn17 - 710⁄171524 was observed to veer out and was steadied At the start. M17-18
- 154⁄182903 Jockey reported that his mount jumped out awkwardly due to which he had momen-
tarily lost his left stirrup. Pn18 - 48⁄18236 jumped awkwardly outwards. and had an injury at the
left nostril.
DIVINE POWER M17-18 - 1612⁄17555 met interferance passing the 100mts. Pn18 - 207⁄18512 Jockey
reported that his mount was shying outwards from 400 metres onwards.
IMPERIAL HERITAGEM17-18 - 41⁄181068 met interference Passing 900 metres. 232⁄181939 met interfer-
ence Soon after the start. Pn18 - 207⁄1879 met interference At the start.
FENCING M17-18 - 83⁄182127 mer interference At the start. 154⁄182867 met interference soon
after the start.
HONOURABLE EYES M17-18 - 152⁄181712 met interference passing 300mts. 154⁄182863 met interference
soon after the start.
FLAMMEUS Pn18 - 48⁄18277 met interference At the start.
I AM THE WAY M17-18 - 2212⁄17743 met interferance passing 650 mts. 181⁄181245 met interferance
passing 350mts. 224⁄183022 jumped inwards at the start. Pn18 - 277⁄18(22) App. was observed to
have used the whip in excess of the prescribed limit on his mount.
6th Race The Thanda Plate Cl-IV, 20-46, 5 years old and over (0 to 19 eligible). 1000 Mts.
ALPINE EXPRESS M17-18 - 282⁄182050
In the process of stalling, the head gear on ALPINE EXPRESS
broke and was left unserviceable, as such, the mare was withdrawn before coming under the
Starters Order.
SPORTO M17-18 - 83⁄1821610 jumped outwards at the start. was observed to have broken a
blood vessel. 294⁄183145 met interference at the start.
VENGENCE IS MINE Pn17 - 268⁄17662 Jockey stated that his mount hung in despite his efforts. M17-18
- 232⁄181904 along the rails forcing the latter to check and change course Passing the 250 metres.
MAKE IT SHINE Pn18 - 207⁄1857 met interference Approaching 200 metres. 58⁄183410 met interfer-
ence At the start.
PHILADELPHIA M17-18 - 144⁄182827 jumped outwards. met interference soon after the start.
DHISHOOM Pn17 - 287⁄171614 met interference at the start. 29⁄178710 met interference soon after
the start. M17-18 - 2212⁄177512 met interferance approaching 1000mts. 251⁄181465 met interfer-
ance approaching 200mts.
ROCK IN RIO M17-18 - 41⁄181049 was found to be sore by the right fore leg. 251⁄181468 was found
to be sore by the right fore leg. Pn18 - 267⁄18149 was found on reviewing the race that the horse
did race with bandages.
BLAZING STEPS Pn17 - 29⁄178110 jumped inwards. M17-18 - 41⁄181032 observed to have broken a
blood vessel after the race. 32⁄181532 met interferance soon after the start. 74⁄18(270) met
interference At the start. Pn18 - 58⁄18348 was observed to have taken a fly jump and had to be
GLORIANA M17-18 - 312⁄17342 met interference Approaching 200 metres. 2212⁄17756 met
interferance passing 200mts. Pn18 - 277⁄18203 Jockey reported that he found his mount not
striding comfortably in the straight and was therefore unable to ride out.
SNOW BLAST Pn17 - 277⁄1726 Jockey suspend for riding an indifferent race. was observed to have
an abrasion at the left nostril after the race. 99⁄171040 was checked at the Saddling Enclosure and
was found to be sore by the right fore leg. As such, the mare was certified unfit to race and
withdrawn on veterinary grounds. M17-18 - 2212⁄17(74) met interferance approaching 450 mts.
251⁄181454 met interferance At the start. 102⁄181694 jumped inwards At the start.
BEYOND FORCES M17-18 - 232⁄181920 was found to have fever. As such, the mare was certified unfit
to race and was withdrawn. Pn18 - 58⁄183412 jumped out awkwardly.
FURIOSA M17-18 - 2412⁄17845 met interference At the start. had to be steadied due to a tightly
packed field Passing the 900Mts.
SUPER ICON Pn17 - 239⁄171297 stumbled at the start. was found to be sore by the left fore leg.
M17-18 - 1412⁄17498 Met intereference at 150mts.
ANGEL THEA M16-17 - 2912⁄16852 Jockey was observed to have lost his whip passing 300 metres.
Jockey reported that his mount hung out in the straight. Jockey suspend for incompetent riding.
163⁄172239 Jockey reported that his mount hung out in the straight despite his efforts. M17-18 -
182⁄1818514 was observed to have broken a blood vesse.
SMART CHOICE M17-18 - 153⁄1823010 Jockey reported that his mount hung out in the straight. Pn18
- 207⁄1818 met interference Soon after the start.

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