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ARTICLE 4 2010 SECTION V ARTICLE 4 MANDATORY APPENDICES APPENDIX I — SCREEN HEIGHT. LINEARITY 1410 SCOPE ‘This Mandatory Appendix provides requirements for ‘checking screen height linearity and is applicable to ultra- sonic instruments with A-scan displays 1.440 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS Position an angle beam search unit on acalibration block as shown in Fig. I-440 so that indications from both the 5 and %T holes give a 2:1 ratio of amplitudes between the ‘wo indications. Adjust the sensitivity (gain) so that the larger indication is set at 80% of fullscreen height (FSH). Without moving the search unit, adjust sensitivity (gain) to successively set the larger indication from 100% to 20% of full screen height, in 10% increments (or 2 dB steps fine control is not available), and read the smaller indica- tion at each setting. The reading shall be 50% of the larger amplitude, within 5% of FSH. The settings and readings shall be estimated tothe nearest 1% of full sereen. Alterna~ tively, a straight beam search unit may be used on any calibration block that provides amplitude differences, with sufficient signal separation to prevent overlapping of the two signals, FIG. 1-440 LINEARITY 56 APPENDIX I — AMPLITUDE, CONTROL LINEARITY 1-410 SCOPE ‘This Mandatory Appendix provides requirements for checking amplitude control linearity and is applicable to ultrasonic instruments with A-scan displays. 11-440 MIS TS Position an angle beam search unit ona basic calibration block, as shown in Fig. 440 so thatthe indication from the /:T side-drilled hole is peaked on the sersen. Adjust the sensitivity (gain) as shown inthe following table. The indication shal fal within the specified limits. Altema- tively, any other convenient reflector from any calibration block may be used with angle o straight beam search units LLANEOUS REQUIREM Indication Set at 8B Control Indication Limits eof Ful Seen Change of Fall Seen 0 6 08 30 48% 808 “1208 1610 245% 405. 46.d8 64 1.965% 20% +a 64 1 96%, ‘The settings and readings shall be estimated to the near- est 1% of full screen, APPENDIX Ill — TIME OF FLIGHT DIFFRACTION (TOFD) TECHNIQUE, 1-410 SCOPE ‘This Mandatory Appendix describes the requirements tobe used for a Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) exami nation of welds. 11-420 GENERAL ‘The requirements of Article 4 apply unless modified by this Appendix, 11-422 Written Procedure Requirements 111-4221 Requirements. TOFD shall be performed in accordance with a written procedure which shall, as a 2010 SECTION Vv TABLE 111-422 REQUIREMENTS OF A TOFD EXAMINATION ARTICLE 4 Equipment shall permit storage of all gated A-scans to ‘4 magnetic or optical storage medium. Equipment shall PROCEDURE provide a sectional view of the weld with a minimum of equrenent ‘Exenal Nonesental G4 gray scale levels. (Storage of just sectional images (8s Aoglieable) Variable __Variable___without the underlying A-scan RF waveforms is not accept- Instrument manufacturer and model Instrument software Method for sizing faw length ‘Metiod for sizing Raw height Data sampling spacing (increas oly? ‘minimum, contain the requirements listed in Tables T-421 and 11-422. The written procedure shall establish a single value, or range of values, for each requirement. 111-422.2 Procedure Qualification. When procedure ‘qualification is specified, a change of a requirement in ‘Tables T-421 or II-422 identified as an essential variable shall require requalification of the written procedure by ‘demonstration. A change of a requirement identified as a nonessential variable does not require requalification of the written procedure, All changes of essential or nonessential variables from those specified within the written procedure shall require revision of, or an addendum to, the written procedure, 111-430 EQUIPMENT 111-431 Instrument Requirements IIF-431.1. Instrument, The instrument shall provide a linear“A" scan presentation for both setting up scan param- ‘eters and for signal analysis. Instrument linearity shall be such that the accuracy of indicated amplitude or time is 25% of the actual full-scale amplitude or time. The ultra- sonic pulser may provide excitation voltage by tone burst, unipolar, or bipolar square wave. Pulse width shall be tunable to allow optimization of pulse amplitude and dura- tion, The bandwidth of the ultrasonic receiver shall be at least equal to that of the nominal probe frequency and such that the ~6dB bandwidth of the probe does not fall outside Of the ~6dB bandwidth of the receiver. Receiver gain con- trol shall be available to adjust signal amplitude in incre ‘ments of 1dB or less. Preamplifiers may be included in the system. Analog to digital conversion of waveforms shall have sampling rates at Teast four times that of the nominal frequency of the probe. When digital signal pro- ‘cessing is to be carried out on the raw data, this shall be yereased to eight times the nominal frequency of the probe. I11-431.2 Data Display and Recording. The data dis- play shall allow for the viewing of the unrectfied A-scan so as to position the start and length of a gate that deter- ‘mines the extent of the A-scan time-base that is recorded 37 able.) Computer software for TOFD displays shall include algorithms to linearize cursors or the waveform time-base to permit depth and vertical extent estimations, In addition to storage of waveform data including amplitude and time-hase details, the equipment shall also store positional information indicating the relative position of the wave~ form with respect to the adjacent waveform(s), i.e. ‘encoded position, 11-432 Search Units I11-432.1 General. Ultrasonie probes shall conform to the following minimum requirements: (a) Two probes shall be used in a pitch-catch arrange- ‘ment (TOFD pair). (b) Each probe in the TOFD pair shall have the same nominal frequency. (©) The TOFD pair shall have the same element dimen (d) The pulse duration of the probe shall not exceed 2 eycles as measured to the 20dB level below the peak response. (e) Probes may be focused or unfocused. Unfocused probes are recommended for detection and focused probes are recommended for improved resolution for sizing () Probes may be single element or phased array. (g) The nominal frequency shall be from 2 MHz. to 1SMH7 unless variables, such as production material grain structure, require the use of other frequencies to assure adequate penetration or better resolution. I11-432.2 Cladding — Search Units for Tect One. The requirements of T-432.2 are not app the TOFD technique. ue ble 10 11-434 Calibration Blocks III-434.1.1 Reflectors. Side-

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