Final Electives 2017-18 (Updated 04.03.2017)

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Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow

Electives for PGP-II (2017-18)


Marketing 1) Consumer Behavior 1. Sales and Distribution 1) Customer (* 0.5 Credit)
(DDG- 1 Sec) (ACh - 2 Management (RA - Relationship .
Sec.) 2 Sec) Management
2) Advanced Marketing 2. Integrated Marketing (MM - 2 Sec)
Research (SBD -2 Sec) Communication (DDG) 2) Digital Marketing
3) Promotional Strategy (1 Sec) ( MM) (1Sec)
(SM & PPD) ( 2 Sec) 3. Data Analysis in 3) *Social Media
4) Sales and Distribution Marketing (DAM) (SM) Analytics (0.5 Credit)
Management (AsD - 1 (1 Sec.) (1 Sec - MM)
Sec) 4. Consumer Behavior 4) Brand Management
5) Pricing Strategy (PPD) (1 Sec) (SM) (1Sec)
(PPD)(2Sec) 5. *Product Management 5) #Political Marketing
6) International Marketing (0.5 Credit) (AG) (2 Sec) (SBD) (1.0 Credit)
(NK) (2 Sec) 6. Retail Management (AD) (1Sec)
(1 Sec) 6) Applied Marketing
7. BOP & Rural Marketing Strategy (RK - 3 Sec)
(RA) (1 Sec) 7) *Workshop: Sports
8. Services Marketing (Ach) Marketing (0.5
(1 Sec) Credit) (VS-AF)
(Vijay Santhanam)
8) *Workshop:
(0.5 Credit) (KC-AF)
(2 Sec)
Finance and 1) Corporate Valuation & 1) *Behavioural Finance 1) Corporate Banking -
Accounting Restructuring (AG-2 (MCh – 1 Sec (Post Mid) & Risk Management (* 0.5 Credit)
Sec.), (SCB-1 Sec.) (0.5 Credit) (VS - 2 Sec.)
2) Financial Derivatives 2) Commercial Bank 2) Investment Banking
and Risk Management Management (PS - 2 Sec.) and Financial
(AVK - 1 Sec.), (ADixit 3) Fixed Income Markets Services (AKM - 2
1Sec) (MT – 1 Sec (Pre Mid) * Sec.)
3) Financial Statement (0.5 Credit) 3) International
Analysis (SeS - 2 Sec) 4) Investment Analysis and Finance
4) Investment Portfolio Management (MCh-2Sec)
Management (V) (2 (MK - 2 Sec.)
Sec.) 5) Project Finance
(VS - 1 Sec.)
6) Quantitative Applications
in Finance (ADixit - 1 Sec.)
Strategic 1. Strategic Alliances 1. Advanced Competitive 1. Strategic
Management (AM - 2 Sec) Strategy (AP) (1 Sec) Management of
2. #Technology, 2. Mergers & Acquisitions New Ventures
Innovation and Strategy (AKS) (2 Sec) (SbS) (2 Sec)
Strategy (KCB - 1 Sec) 3. ATSC (ASP) (2 Sec)
4. Management of Change
and Transformation
(AM) (1 Sec)
Human 1) Leadership Discovery 1) Recruitment & Selection 1) Justice, Ethics & LD & R&S classes
Resource (SS) (1 Sec) (SS) (1 Sec.) Morality (JEM) (HR) subject to
Management 2) Strategic Business (1 Sec) scheduling of
Negotiation (HR-2 Sec.
2) FIRE Workshop (HR) classes with
(1 Sec) * (max 50 Prof. Shailendra
students divided into Singh and only he
two sections of 25 will take this course
each) up
3) Team Building(ASh)
(1 Section only)
4) Learning and
(ASingh-1 Sec)

Operations 1) Service Operations 1) Supply Chain Analytics and 1) Operations Strategy

Management Management (SK/OSV) Strategy (IB) (RP-AF)
2) Project Management
2) Logistics and Supply (SK/AF ) 2) #Health Care
Chain Management 3) Quality Management and Operations
(SKS/KNS) Six Sigma (OSV)
Management (SV)

I T and 1) Big Data Analytics (PrK- 1) Business Process 1) Enterprise IT Risk

Systems (1Sec)[Credit 1] Management Systems (AA Management (ArM-
2) Business Data - 2 Sec) 1 Sec) (Credit 1)
Communications (ArM- 2) #Predictive Analytics and
(1 Sec) Data Mining (AK -1 Sec)
3) Spreadsheet Modeling
(VG - 1 Sec)

Business 1. Econometric Methods 1. # Behavioral Economics 1) #Economics of Labor

Environment (CS - Sec -1] and Management (SC) – 1 Markets and Human
2. Economic Policy section Capital Investment
Analysis (KB & DP (SC)- 1 section
Jointly - 2 Sec)

Communi- 1) Leadership Through 1) Communication

cation Literature Beyond Boundaries
(NP/HR - 1 Sec] (PM –1 Sec)
2) Advanced Oral
(NP - 1 Sec)
Decision 1) *Game Theory and
Sciences Application
*0.5 credit
(YKA) (1 Sec) (0.5 Cr)

(Sonia) (1 Sec) (0.5 Cr)

General 1) Workshop : #* Design 1) Workshop *0.5 credit

Management Thinking (SK-OM/Ach) *Experiential Learning
(1Sec) (SK-OM/) (2 Sec)

# New Course * 0.5 Credit

1. In addition, the elective courses offered by CFAM are open for registration for PGP Students as well.
2. Same Course offered in different terms, should be taken only once.
PGP-ABM Electives 2017-18


Agri- 1. Agri-input Marketing 1. Agricultural Services 1. Financial Inclusion and

business (SKP) Marketing (MKA) Microfinance (SKP)
2. Marketing Models in 2. Agricultural 2. Rural Marketing
Agribusiness (KBG) Commodity Futures (MKA)
Markets (SB)#
3. Agriculture
Environment and 3. Procurement of Agri
Economic Policy (SB) Commodities for Retail
and Food Processing
4. Agribusiness and Industries (SKP)
Development Sector
Consulting (SB) 4. Strategic Food
Marketing (KBG)
5. Agribusiness Value
Chain Finance* (SKP) 5. Consumer Behaviour
for Food Products and
Services (KBG)

6. Strategic Agribusiness
Innovations (SB)

7. Contemporary Strategies
in Food & Agribusiness

Note: # New Course * 0.5 Credit

 ABM Students can take at most one PGP Elective course in their second year.
 Marketing Models in Agribusiness cannot be taken by students registering for “Advanced Marketing
 Consumer Behaviour for Food Products and Services cannot be taken by students who take
“Consumer Behaviour” offered by Marketing Area.
Marketing Area

DDG Prof. Devashish Das Gupta

A Ch Prof. Anirban Chakraborty
SBD Prof. S B Dash
SM Prof. Sameer Mathur
PPD Prof. Prem Prakash Dewani
AsD Prof. Ashish Dubey
NK Prof. Neelam Kinra
RA Prof. Rajesh Aithal
AG Prof. Anita Goel
MM Prof. Moutusi Maity
RK Prof. Rajeev Kumra
VS-AF Prof. Vijay Santhanam – AF
KC-AF Prof. Kishore Chakraborty –AF

Finance & Accounting Area

AG Prof. Ajay Garg

SCB Prof. S C Bansal
AVK Prof. A Vinay Kumar
A Dixit Prof. Alok Dixit
SeS Prof. Seshadev Sahoor
V Prof. Vipul
M Ch Prof. Madhumita Chakraborty
PS Prof. Prakash Singh
MT Prof. Mrityunjay Tiwary
MK Prof. M Karmakar
VS Prof. Vikas Srivastava
AKM Prof. A K Mishra

Strategic Management Area

AM Prof. Amita Mital

KCB Prof. K C Balodi
ASP Prof. Anadi Saran Pande
AP Prof. Ajit Prasad
AKS Prof. Ashutosh K Sinha
SBS Prof. Sabyasachi Sinha

Human Resource Management Area

SS Prof. Shailendra Singh

HR Prof. Himanshu Rai
A Sh Prof. Archana Shukla
Operations Management Area

SK Prof. Sushil Kumar

OSV Prof. O S Vaidya
SKS Prof. Samir K Srivastava
KNS Prof. K N Singh
IB Prof. Indranil Biswas
RP-AF Prof. Rahul Pandey – AF
SV Prof. S Venkatramanaiah

I T and Systems Area

PrK Prof. Pradeep Kumar

ArM Prof. Arunabha Mukhopadhyay
AA Prof. Amit Agrahari
AK Prof. Ashwani Kumar
VG Prof. Vivek Gupta

Business Environment Area

CS Prof. Chandan Sharma

KB Prof. K Bhattacharya
DP Prof. Debdatta Pal
SC Prof. Somdeep Chatterjee

Communication Area

NP Prof. Neerja Pande

HR Prof. Himanshu Rai
PM Prof. Payal Mehra

Decision Sciences Area

YKA Prof. Y K Agarwal

S Prof. Sonia

General Management Area

SK-OM Prof. Sushil Kumar (OM Area)

A Ch Prof. Anirban Chakraborty

Agri Business Area

SKP Prof. Sanjeev Kapoor

KBG Prof. K B Gupta
SB Prof. Sourindra Bhattacharya
MKA Prof. M K Awasthi
SKM Prof. Sushil Kumar

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