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e o v E R S T o R Y

Bert B. Beach:
Sometimes a group does not recognize they have a
treasure in their midst.


T WAS SWELTERING church. A veteran WCC observ

" hot in Canberra, Australia, he didn't take long to realize t
. that February afternoon back the reckless twosome had single-
in 1991. And the normally handedly plunged the Adventist
security-conscious officials of Church into deep ernbarrassmen;
the World Council of Churches and brought its name into serio
(WCC) let down their guard, disrepute. After a quick confab
directing that the side doors be with South Pacific Division pub-
opened to let some fresh air into a lic affairs and religious liberty
stuffy auditorium crammed with director Ray Coombe and me
delegates from around the world. (Ray and 1 were both attending
However necessary, it was a the council as reporters and had
development tailor-rnade for a cou- watched the incident unfold fro-
pie of disgruntled Adventists who'd the balcony), he secured perrnis-
been stalking the assembly ever Bert Beach sion to address the delegates, a
is at home
since it opened. As if the portals rare privilege for someone in his
had been thrown ajar just for them, they quietly special-observer category.
marched into the auditorium without warning. In His articulation of the Adventist Church's posi-
front of thousands of stunned delegates gathered in tion and how we viewed the rude interruption of
plenary session, and in the name of Seventh-day Adventists, the council's legitimate business truly did us proud. And as
they unfurled a huge banner denouncing the Catholic the international delegation broke out into sustained
Church and accusing the WCC of pandering to Rome. applause when he finíshed, in my mind 1 said: There goes ar.
It was a coup-you've got to give it to them. They even Adventist statesman.
came armed with helium balloons that, as they left the Who was this unusual character who, on the spur of the
room, hoisted the banner to a spectacular perch high up at moment and in the wake of public embarrassment, could ri=~
the ceiling, its silent message continuing to stare down the to such heights of compelling eloquence in behalf of his
astonished assembly. For more than a half hour the entire church? Who was this man who, notwithstandíng the hea
proceedings came to a dead halt as mortified councilleaders tension of that sultry Canberra afternoon, could bring
scrambled to bring things back to normal. relaxed laughter to a crowd so recently provoked?
In the back of the auditorium was a five-foot-six-inch His name is Bert B. Beach. Up until his retirement* ia
Adventist gentleman getting ready to stand tall for his July 1995 he served as public affairs and religious liberty
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(PARL) director of the General Adventist aunt in Oregon, attending towenng. figure m . t h e are.,"",
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Conference (GC) of Seventh-day Laurelwood Academy in that state liberty. It was perhaps fro l·~
Adventists, probably known by more and, later, Walla Walla College in the Bert received his first spar e • I
religious leaders outside his church state of Washington. Ir was at Walla in public affairs and religio .~,
rhan any other Adventist alive today. 1 Walla that his parents meto an are a that would later come
sat down with him at our offices in The first of three children and the nate his life. While living in Paris in
Silver Spring, Maryland, to probe into 1951, he enrolled in the University of
hís mystique. 1 wanted to learn sorne- Paris (at the Sorbonne), where he
studíed under the noted French histo-
rian Rene Renouvin, graduating
magna cum laude in 1958 with a Ph.D.
in history.
Growing up in Europe, Bert
missed out on many things in his home
country, the United States. The plus
side, however, is that he now has flu-
ency in no less than five languages:
English, French, Gerrnan, Italian, and
Swiss-German, the last being the
everyday language
spoken in Switzer-
land. One Sabbath
last April 1 had the
only privilege of traveling
boy of with him and others
thing about his personal journey, to the family, Bert to La Ligniere, the
hear what makes him tick. began his place on the shores
RA: Tell me about your childhood education as a of Lake Geneva
and earlv life, Where were you born; first grader in where he was born.
where did you grow up? Paris, France, in Current General
BB: 1 was born on Seventh-day a building still Conference PARL
Adventist soil, so to speak-at the standing (but director John Graz
Gland [Lake Geneva] Sanitarium in which today is delivered the sermon
~ itzerland, on the shores of Lake part of the in French, with Bert
Gen va, in 1928. At that time Gland French Ministry translating. Then as
or L Ligniere, as it was-and still of Education). we walked to
. -ca led) was the headquarters of the In 1936 he another building for
Latin nion (no longer in existence), moved with his lunch, here was Bert
which grouped together the Latín parents to Bern, Switzerland, his father cracking jokes with some longtime
countries of Europe and also included having been called to be secretary of friends, Gianfranco Rossi and his wife,
Switzerland (and 1 thínk Belgium the then Southern European Division, in fluent Italian. 1 was impressed. I'm
also), That Latin Union became the headquartered in that city. Here his sure that over the years he's often
nucleus, you might say, of the future entire education (elementary to sec- looked back with thankfulness to his
Southern European Division, which is ondary) switched to German. The out- parents for accepting the call to
:lOW rhe Euro-Africa Division, more or break of World War II put a heavy Europe before he was born. 1 wanted
.ess. restriction on movement. And it was him to talk about them.
not until 1946 that Bert was able to RA: How old were you when you

s Beach went on to explain, travel to the United States for study at first came to the United States?
his parents were in Europe as Pacific Union College in California. BB: 1 put my feet on American soil for
Adventist missionaries. Hís Then it was on to Stanford University, the first time when 1 was 8 years old.
zacher, Walter R. Beach, was born in from where (before he was done) he In those days when they sent out mis-
_-orth Dakota near the Canadian bor- answered a call back to the Southern sionaries to Europe, it was for a 10-year
aer, but grew up in Mountain Home, European Division. termo So my parents left in 1926 and
=daho, just 50 miles south of Boise. Hís Located in Paris upon his return, didn't go home for their first furlough
:nother, Gladys Corley, a Texan born he joined the evangelistic team of [ean until 1936.
aear Waco, went early to live with her Nussbaum, a French evangelist and a RA: You dedicated your first book,


Vatican Ir: Bridging the Abyss, to
your father; and you have these
beautiful words, "To my father, a
bright light in the home, a brilliant
star in the church, a flame of inspi-
ration and light." How close were
you to your father?
BB: Very close. He was my role
model. l've had other role models, of
course, but my father was by far my
most important human model. And in
some ways 1 followed a little bit in his
RA: In what ways are
you like your dad?
And how are you
unlike him?
BB: Well, it's hard to
sayo1 think other peo-
pie can judge better.
But about ayear ago 1
had a strange experi-
ence. My father was a
rather short man-l'm
short, but he was
shorter still. Never-
theless, we have the
same build. 1 was in the
parking lot of the GC
on my way home, and assignment would be to gradually shift
it was getting toward his focus from education (the direction
evening. The sun was behind me, and she didn't even know the language. of his career up to that point) to the
my shadow carne up on the ground in are a of religious liberty and inter-
front of me. 1 looked at that shadow, ordecades Beach has served the church relations.
and 1 recognized my father walking in
the shadow! And it really did sorne-
thing to me. It almost seemed as if my
F church as a participant or
observer in a variety of ecumeni-
cal and interchurch/ interfaith coun-
Not only was Beach able to take
in the work of the council, but
through a series of fortuitous circum-
father was there walking in that cils. And 1 wanted to know what stances he also managed to establish
shadow-the steps were the same; it events stood out in his mind. contact with prominent Catholic lead-
was exactly the way he walked. And 1 The big event of his life, he said, ers as well as leaders of the WCC
said to myself, "Are we that close?" was his attendance at the Second (including the founding general secre-
RA: That's incredible! That's pre- Vatican Council (Vatican Il). "1 was tary Visser 't Hooft and Lukas Vischer,
cious. You dedicated your second probably, if anything, a very typical the key WCC observer at Vatican lI).
book, Ecumenism: Boon or Bane? to Adventist worker, primarily interested Over the years, starting with that
your mother, with a few evocative in my own church. 1 knew next to meeting in Rome, Vischer became a
lines from John Greenleaf Whittier. nothing about Catholics. Then sud- good friend and was instrumental later
What kind of person was she? denly I'rn approached by F. D. Nichol on in setting up the first semiofficial
BB: She was as wonderful and as good and his fellow editors at the Adventist conversation between the WCC and a
a mother as anybody could ever hope Review: 'Would you go down to the group of Adventists, "in which, over a
to have. She was fully dedicated to the Second Vatican Council to observe, period of some four years," Beach says,
church, and a woman of prayer. Every and then write a few articles for the "we discussed theological issues,
time there was some problem she Review?'" (Beach at the time was edu- including the reasons we Adventists
would immediately call us together to cation director of the Northem Europe- did not feel we could be a part of the
pray about it. And she had the big West Africa Division, headquartered in organized ecumenical movement as
responsibility of bringing up three kids England.) epitomized by the WCC."
in foreign countries, where sometimes The long-term effect of that To travel with Beach to any inter-

:1.0 (1642) ADVENTIST REVIEW, NOVEMBER 8, 2001

faith function is to see aman thor-
oughly at home wíth these religious
result of my contacts with non-
Adventists. 1 find that when you're dis-
POP', and that's what happened when
the Christian World Communions
leaders, having mastered the art of día- cussing theological issues with those (CWC) met for meetings in that city
loguing with them, negotiating with not of your own faith, you have to be back in 1997. It was then, as a member
them, humoring thern. For me it's a able to stand up and give reasons for of that organization, that 1 had oppor-
joy-and an inspiration-to watch. your beliefs. In the contacts I've had tunity to meet the current pope.
"Thís visit [to Vatican Il]," Beach over the years, l've never been asked or Another time there was a celebration
told me, "opened to me a whole new encouraged by any leader in the ecu- honoring the martyrs of the twentieth
world. Before that, l'd have to confess menical movement to abandon my century, and 1f~lt it would be an
1was really quite ignorant. 1 didn't Adventist convictions. In fact, they apprapriate thing to be involved in
even know what ecumenism was really say, "Well, you certainly stand up for that, even though 1 was not there rep-
all about." In light of this, 1 wanted to your beliefs!" resenting the AdventistChurch.
know what he'd say to and about other RA: So you were not representing the

Adventists. ver the years Beach has prac- Adventist Church, as such?
RA: Many Adventists are just where ticed what he preaches, culti- ss: That's correcto Even so, 1 saw one
you were before that experience in vating the habit of accuracy in of these occasions as a kind of witness.
Rome, but are speaking out, never- his assessment of other religious com- There were about 20 of us from the
theless. What do you say to that? munions. And, as might be expected, CWC greeting the pope in front of
ss: 1 think we should try to look at he has a burden in this area. "We some 20,000 Catholics presento Each
things where they are, nat the way we should be very careful what we say one would come up and greet the pon-
wish they were, ar the way we expect about the teachings of other tiff with a kiss on his ring. But when
them to became. You cannot see the churches," he says, "just as we'd like my tum came, 1 just shook his hand as
WCC today as what we think it will others to be accurate in what they say 1 would that of any other human
become as prophecy develops toward about us." being. To me, that was a little bit of a
the end of time. 1 don't think we We should be especially careful witness.
hould "burden ourselves," as Ellen G. when we speak about the Catholic RA: You once presented a medallion
White says, "with these cares and trou- Church, Beach says. We should deal to the pope. What was that about?
bles of tomorrow" already today. with Catholic theology and teaching SS: Ir happened something like 24
Now, the purpose of the WCC as they have emerged from the Second years ago, 1think, during the term of
:y shift ince its establishment in 1948 has Vatican Council and frorn other con- Pope Paul VI. Once again, it was in
ection been to work for Christian unity. And, temporary church documents. We the context of a meeting of the CWC,
the taken at face value, we have to admit shouldn't just use quotations from the and 1 was among a group of some 13
that that is not abad thing. 1 mean, nineteenth century or even go way persons meeting wíth the pontiff.
nity is part of our Lord's great prayer back to the days of the Council of Knowing that he had a tendency to
- take in ohn 17: "That they may be one as Trent. We ought to make sure that present medals to visitors, somewhat as
we re one." We may have problems, what we say they're teaching is really a me mento (or record) of the occasion,
of ourse, with the type of unity the so. I felt, Well, l' d ¡ike to give him
W C stands foroWe feel that maybe RA: Your personality seems just the samething. So I gave him a book about
their appraach to the Bible is too lib- ideal one for meeting and mingling in the Adventist Church, with a listing of
eral, too political: that not enough interchurch, interfaith contexts. But Adventist beliefs. Then 1 also gave
-' secre- emphasis is placed on evangelism, con- it seems that not every Adventist can him a medallion of the GC, the same
_-.-ischer, versión, and personal experience with do that. one as we gave to political and other
ll). Christ. (In my book Pattem far Progress SS: That's probably true. All of us leaders during that time.
t 1 talk about why we're not members of have our gifts. We don't need to have RA: What was on it?
~ea me WCC and why we're not planning all our ministers concentrating on the SS: On one side it said, "Behold, he
~llater ro become members.) But we should Catholic Church or the Lutherans or cometh ... and every eye shall see
cial all seek to be accurate in our corn- the Presbyterians or whomever. But a him." So it announced the Adventist
-CCand a ments and observations. few of us can do that. Others may con- message. On the other side you had the
- ,over a RA: Many Adventists are afraid that centrate on other aspects of the mes- Ten Commandments, an open Bible,
- h says, omehow their faith might become sage and do a good work. 1 see myself and the cross. Nine of the comrnand-
diluted, compromised, contaminated as a bridge builder. ments were represented only by Roman
tists y frequent interactions with people RA: 1understand you've had oppor- numerals, but with numeral IV were the
reof the of other faiths. What's your counsel? tunities to meet the present pontiff. words: "Remember the sabbath day, to
~;:nt as SS: l've found that my knowledge of What were the occasions? keep it holy." So the medal presented
Adventíst theology and beliefs has ss: Church leaders who visit Rome both the Sabbath and the Advent. 1
ny inter- greatlv increased and improved as a like to be able to say they met the thought this would give a little message


from us as to where we stand. the Polish president. power. And isn't that part of the
RA: So here you were, actually giving RA: In this whole area of religious prophetic picmre that we anticípate
a witness to the highest official in the liberty, so subject to unfounded spec- the future? So invarious ways, ves,
Roman Catholic Church, and you ulation and hysteria, you've proved prophecy is being fulfilled.
caught flack from some Adventists yourself a symbol of credibility and What we have to do is watch an;
for it. balance. Unfortunately, there are be ready, and not constantly interp
BB: Yes, 1 got flack. Some people felt others in the field who are given to every little thing by newspaper head-
that this was kind of paying homage to hysterical statements and reactions. lines, getting everybody scared to
the pope. BB: What we have to say should be death. Because then, when it really
RA: What particular accomplish- the truth and not what we think it happens, I'm afraid a lot of people w '-
ments during your term as PARL should be or expect it to become. You say, "Well, we've heard this so many
director of the GC bring the greatest have to say it the way it is today. times over the last 50 years, and it
satisfaction? Today the Catholic Church officially never happened that way at all." So .
BB: 1 wouldn't want to claim that anv- says that every human being has the like the shepherd boy crying "Wolf,
thing were "my" accomplishments. 1 right to follow their conscience and to wolf"; and then when the wolf does
think it's always a group effort, with practice their religion. 1 mean, that's strike, nobody pays attention.
my departmental colleagues and the quite clear. And the proof of the pud-

GC administration working together, ding is that in Catholic countries like hat Bert Beach has done
even though the director must play, of Poland, ltaly, and Spain (now, you over the decades (and still
course, a certain leadership roleo There couldn't be more Catholic than that), doing) has not been easy. +:
are several things 1 think we could they have actually passed laws recog- anyone thinks otherwise, let them tIT
mention. One was to get the nizing the rights of the Adventist it. In countless cases-through his
Declaration on Religious Liberty voted Church, rights Adventists don't have presence in a multitude of s~al, polr;
by the United Nations in 1981, ayear even in some Protestant countries. ical, and religious settings- e has
after 1 carne to the department. RA: Significant, indeed! Does this almost single-handedly succ eded in
RA: So the Adventist Church had imply that the predictions we have in presenting a better face of th
something to do with that? the book of Revelation and in The Adventist Church to those out~ ou;
BB: Yes, through Gianfranco Rossi Great Controversy about last-dav reli- own communion. We truly have a
(now retired), then religious liberty gious intolerance are to be relegated treasure in our midst.
director of the Euro-Africa Division. to the very distant future? And if Bert has been active out-
Working through our Religious Liberty BB: Let me say this. The fulfillment of side the church, he's also been totally
Association, he was very effective at Bible prophecy in the world can happen involved within it. He told me that fi
the U.N., not only in helping get the very quickly. [ust think, for example, of the past 40 years, without break, he's
declaration through but also in having the fall of totalitarian Communism. been a member of the GC Committee,
included in it a clause upholding the Some of these happened in just a mat- and has probably attended more GC
right of every person to observe days of ter of months without a shot being sessions than any other living
rest in accordance with the teachings fired. In short order, these regimes Adventist-13 so faro
of their religion. carne tumbling down. 1 was in Berlin But when he spoke about attend-
RA: So that's one thing that brings in [une 1989. I'rn talking to the secre- ing his first session-at the Sligo
satisfaction. tary of state for religious affairs in the church in Takoma Park, Maryland, as _
BB: Another thing was the fact that the German Democratic Republic [East page-it blew my mind that as late as
GC was willing to undertake an orga- Germany] and in strong German Ían- 1946 such a venue was still an option.
nized approach to interchurch/interfaith guage he tells me categorically (in How far we've come since then under
relations, creating the Council on [une l): "Here in the German the blessing of the Lord! With Beach
Interchurch Relations. We now have a Democratic Republic we will not fol- let's pray that soon such sessions will
committee that looks after issues of rela- low the Polish road." Three months be etemally over, and we can go home..
tions with other churches, an important later the Berlin Wall was down, and "Even so, come, Lord [esus."
development. We were also able to the whole German Democratic
improve relations with Communist gov- Republic went out of existence. * Beach is still active in PARL on a part-
time basis.
emments of Eastem Europe. We dídn't 1 say thís in order to show that
quite realize that things were opening up things can just shift rapidly in today's
so much, until everything was ready to world. In a way of speaking, we have Roy Adams is an associate
fall. But to be able to work in the Soviet right now two superpowers in the editor of the Adventist
Un ion was significant. And 1was espe- world: the U.S. as the political super- Review.
cially instrumental in Poland, even power and the Roman Catholic
receiving, in 1998, a knighthood from Church as a kind of religious super-


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