Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

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EvTh Evangelische Theologie

Exp The Expositor
HE Historia eclesíastica (Eusebio)
HeyJ Heythrop Journal
HJ Hibbert Journal of London
HTR Harvard Theological Review
HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual
IBC Interpreter's Bible Commentary
TCC International Critical Commentary
Interp Interpretation
ITQ Irish Theological Quarterly
JBL Journal of Biblical Literature
JBR Journal of Bible and Religion
JEH Journal of Eclesiastical History
JeWar Jewish Wars (Josephus)
TJS Journal of Jewish Studies
JQR Jewish Quarterly Review
JR Journal of Religion
JRSc Journal of Religion and Science
JTS Journal of Theological Studies
Jub Libro de los Jubileos
LumVie Lumire et Vie
LXX Versión de Los Setenta
MaisD Maison Domine
MBer Michná (Berakoth)
MSuk Michná (Sukká)
NTRT Nouvelle Revue Thèologique
NT Novum testamentum
NTS New Testament Studies
PS Pentateuco samaritano
RB Revue Biblique
RchHT Recherches Historiques et Théologiques
RchScRel Recherches de Science Religieuse
RE Review and Expositor
RefThRev Reference Theological Review
REJ Revue des Études Juives
REspEstB1 Revista española de estudios bíblicos
RestQ Restoration Quarterly
RevBí Revista bíblica

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

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