A Wolf's Attraction by Guiyeoni

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A Wolf’s Attraction by Guiyeoni

translated by jenl

“HanKyung. You’re lucky. When you go to Ahn Yang you’ll see Jae-hee and Dae-han You
get to live with your mom, and see the city. I envy you.”

“Mung-goo yah. I’ll visit you every Sunday with Dareum, and you can come to Ahn Yang
and play with me. I’ll write… and… call…”

“All right! The bus will be leaving for Ahn Yang!”

“Hurry up and go… you’ll miss your ride…”

“Okay… right… Mung-goo yah… I’ll call you as soon as I get there!”

“And don’t cry…”

“Hehe… okay… I’m going now…”

Nineteen years of my life… I’m leaving my birthplace Gongju where I lived for eighteen
years and going to Ahn Yang where my mom is. Outside of the window, I see Mung-goo
crying. I’m going to miss them. Eesh. I wonder if Duk-hee’s still behind the terrace crying…
I didn’t know it would be such a sad thing to have someone say goodbye outside of your
window. Even though the bus already left my mind keeps on retreating back to Gongju.
Dareum… your unni’s coming…


No one was there to welcome me at the terminal… it took me about three hours, but in the
end I was able to find my mom’s house in Ahn Yang. “Arrgh… why is this apartment so
high…” Apartment number 603… when I open this door… I’ll see mom and Dareum at the
other side… as soon as I open this door… BAM!!! 0-0 “Ah… hey kid…”

“Who are you ahjuma?” (an ahjuma is a married lady) A young kid came out… he had a
bowl hair cut and resembled a raccoon…

“I’m… not an ahjuma…”


“Hey… hey… I’m…”

“…uh? You came, HanKyung?!”

“Yeah mom!” First time seeing my mother’s face in three years… “Mom!!!”
“Uh… yeah… that’s your room over there… you must be hungry… you’ve grown a lot.” My
mom sounded so emotionless… “That ahjuma’s my nuna?” (a nuna is an older sister to
guy) The kid who addressed me as an ahjuma looks at me up and down in an
unsatisfactory expression. “She’s your first nuna. FIRST nuna. Hankyung, you’ve seen him
before right? Your brother…” OHHH!!! I’ve seen him three years ago!!! He had a huge
nostril… so I never forgot… it got small again though… whoa… fascinating… “She’s really
ugly.” …me? Me? “Joo-ho yah your art hakwon van is waiting. Hurry up and go…”

“…okay…” my brother brushed past me with unsatisfied expression while I stood in front of
the door… he really does look like a raccoon… =_=… “He… grew…”

“yeah, you know how kids are these days… Dareum’s not here yet… *sigh I told her you
were coming a million times… oh yeah, I’ll make you something to eat… go wait in your
room.” My stepfather… wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I saw him once 5 years ago… mom…
changed… incredibly a lot in the last 3 years… the city changed her to be more sharp… -0-
my room was inconsiderably neat… when I went into the room next to mine, my eyes
widened at the pinkness. Dareum’s room! O_O!! A Pink bed… Pink Dresser… and a pink
Table… I always thought she liked black… right then, I noticed a pink picture frame on her
desk… the person in the picture frame was… Dareum?! Oooh!!! it IS Dareum… T_T!!!! she
grew up to be so cute… T^T Ooh… I wonder who the guy standing next to her is… He’s
cuter than Dae-Han… our Daruem-ee has such a high standard in a guy… DAE-HAN EE!?
AHH… JAE-HEE! DAE-HAN EE!! I quickly picked up the phone… Bel lae lae lae… Bel Lae lae
lae… Bel Lae lae lae lae lae… Bel Lae lae lae… a city’s phone signal is… very.. interesting…
-..- “Hello?”


“who… is this?”

“IT’S ME!! Hankyung!! I came to Ahn-Yang!!!! I finally came to Ahn-Yang!!!!!!”

“…You told me you were coming… tomorrow…”

“Yeah~ it just happened I guess… are you at school?”

“Nah… Its winter break remembers? no school… you live at Hong-Gae-Dong right?”


“Ok… I’m home… so I’ll get there in about 30 minutes…”

“YEAH!! YEAHHH!!!” After I got off the phone with Jae-Hee, I arranged my clothes.
Changed into comfortable clothes. As time ticked by, I felt my heart thumping in
excitement. yahoo yahoo yahooo~~ Oh yeah… Dae-Han… Jae-Hee and Dae-Han… they
used to go to the same school with me in Gong-Ju until 8th grade… and… in the winter of
8th grade… they somehow transferred together to Ahn-Yang… Jae-Hee and Dae-Han… Jae-
Hee was my best friend… and Dae-Han was my first love… I’ve met with Jae-Hee about
twice a week until now… and Dae-Han… we used to call each other once a week… but
about a year ago… our phone calls got to be rare… Thump Thump… Thump Thump
Thump… Thump Thump Thump Thump >_< I can see him every day now!!!!!!! The couple
ring I got from Dae-Han in 8th grade… a small ring made out of thread… “Mom, imma go
out for awhile…”

“Okay… why… you can hang around at home.” I can’t bother mom… “No… It’s okay…”

“All right then… don’t be late…”

“Okay ^O^” right then, I heard a loud pounding at the door… excited, I opened the door.

★Bus Stop…

“Where we going?” ^O^?”

“we’re taking the bus… number one…”

“woah! what are we doing over there?”


“yeah? ^O^”

“we have one more person to meet…”

“who? who?”

“um… you’ll see when we get there ^-^” for about 20 minutes, the bus shook violently,
getting me very dizzy… and let me and Jae-Hee off at a place with crowds of people. Jae-
Hee led me into a really really pretty coffee shop… O_O I… don’t have money… O_o… and
Jae-Hee… quickly walked over to a table in the corner “Jae-Hee~ whatcha going to eat?”

“HanKyung Chung!! Been a long time…” A tall guy… with a black scarf… suddenly got up…
and spoke to me… It’s… Dae… Dae-Han… “DAE-HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!” I grabbed Dae-Han’s
hand and jumped up and down in joy. He got cuter… wow. WOW. Dae-Han always
reminded me of the color black. “You… grew a lot… ^^”

“YEAH~ I ate 4 meals a day!!!”

“Did you came… alone?”

“YEAH ^-^ Yeah ^-^ look~ the ring! remember giving it to me in 8th grade?!”
“… yeah… you didn’t lose it…”

“Of course!!”

“Hey… let’s sit down…” Jae-Hee said in a quiet voice. In front of us was a really pretty cup
filled with ice cream Pretty… Pretty… the cup’s really long… if I drank coke out of this cup…
my throat will probably get hurt… Dareum liked coke, too… If I had money… I would buy…
“How’s Mung-Goo?”

“Huh? oh… ^o^ he’s doing great! Dae-Han, want to call him? he’ll be glad you did!”

“forgot… his number… hah… ^-^;;.. can you write it down for me?” Dae-Han looked at me
with a childish grin… didn’t change… T_T… he didn’t change at all T_T Dae-Hannn… T_T
“Okay~~” there was a pen on the table… but no paper….;;;;

“Er… there’s no paper…”

“I don’t even have my cell phone with me… well… fine… hand…” Dae-Han stretched out his
left hand toward me as he did so, a soft scent of cologne brushed past my nose… I always
hated how guys wore cologne… but… this is different >_< because it’s on Dae-Han >_<
Dae-Han’s hand… T_T my hand shook violently… Erm… What was… Mung-Goo’s number
again… AH sorry Mung-Goo T_T sorry T^T I just can’t remember it cuz I’m all hyped up
T_T “Hey… HanKyung…”

“Yeah?” When I looked up and glanced at Jae-Hee… I felt her face tight and cold… “what…
yeah… um is everything okay?? O_O?”

“I have something to say…”

“ok ^-^ tell me~ do you want Mung-goo’s number too? ^O^ MungGoo ^O^ MungGoo

“no… um… I… yeah…”

“HanKyung, Jae-Hee’s my girlfriend. ^-^”


… what… did Dae-Han just say… huh?? what… when I turned my gaze toward Dae-Han… I
saw his pale face smiling at me… “I’ll… be right back… bathroom…” Jae-Hee said, standing
up and Dae-Han grabbed her hand “Oh… you guys are going out ^O^… right… ^^ I see
^O^ yeah ^-^ you guys look adorable together ^O^!!”

“Yeah ^O^ Yep ^O^ you guys really look good together! pretty and cute ^^…”

“I’m sorry… HanKyung… I wanted to tell you sooner…” Jae-Hee looked at me apologetically
while playing with her hair… “No need to be sorry! Ow… I ate too much ice cream -..-
sorry… bathroom ^O^” I said while made growling sounds with my mouth. As luck would
have it… tears fell as I turned away… Lucky… really lucky… I guess… I’m a woman… why
are these tears falling… I can’t even congratulate them… I really shouldn’t be doing this… it
felt as if someone had punched a gigantic hole in the corner of my heart… staggering, I
saw myself shrinking like a fool, in the bathroom mirror… “HanKyung…”

“Huh… Oh! Ah! what’s wrong with me, it went away as soon as I came to the bathroom!!

“HanKyung… I’m sorry…”

“Why are you sorry for >_< pffft >_< Jae-Hee >_<! (Plat Plat the sound of my hitting Jae-
Hee’s back)

An awkward silence fell between Jae-hee and me while sitting in the bus… “Jae-Hee… don’t
you have to get off here?”

“… if I get off… can you find your way home alone?”

“Whew! of course~ yeah! hurry up and go!! I’ll call you later ^O^!!”

“Okay… if you get lost… call me. you know my number right?”

“Yeah! ^O^ I’ll see you later then~ and sleep tight! Don’t forget to eat dinner! Bye! Bye-
bye!” the other passengers on the bus… stared at me weirdly as I continued to wave my
hand fiercely… this isn’t right… -..- Dae-Han and… Jae-Hee… my mood gets weird again…
tears again… why am I crying… what am I even crying for? was… was Dae-Han that big of
a person to me… I don’t like… tears… T^T… Right then… the bus stopped… no… -o-… like
ants, many students wearing a black uniform boarded the bus. I let my head hang low and
stayed in the same position. my tears, which now increased to pours instead of drops…
were damping my pants… The bus was full! Extraordinarily black of a crowd… -..- I was
panting really soon… *pant pant -..- *pant pant… -..-

“YAH! So what!! Tae-Sung Chung that bastard! Why the hell was that bastard all over Hae-
Won’s slut?!!!”

“That immature punk!!! He wants to die huh??!!” The crowd of ants continued talking as if
they were the only ones on the bus… “Hae-Won… how do you want to get his ass?! huh?!”

“Just… leave him alone…”

“He was all over your girl!?!?!”

“Doesn’t matter…”

“ARGHH! you can’t NOT care!!! lets get him while we have the chance, huh?! while we
have the chance!!!!” said a guy among the crowds while swinging his arm like a windmill…
the slippers that were in his hand… smacked my head… and fell onto my lap, wet because
of tears…dang that hurt… T^T *krn kids have to wear slippers during class.. *shrug
doesn’t know why*

“AIGOO! AIGOO!! I”M SORRY!!!” the windmill-ant shouted in a loud voice “It’s… okay…

“Can you… look up?”

“No… it’s really okay… T_T…” right then, another teardrop fell onto my knee… I wasn’t
crying because of the slipper. I was crying before this… T_T really I was… “Don’t cry!!!!!
Does it hurt a lot!?!?!”

“No-no >_< I’m really okay >_< really >_<“

“Look up then!!”

“I told you it’s really okay!!! T^T” while I was having the quarrel with the windmill-ant…
the bus already arrived in front of my house die you ant-of-a-bastard -_- ah >_< what am
I saying >_< aiiii >_< argh >_< I got up quickly, and ran to the rear door. the windmill-
ant looked at me with surprised eyes. His head was incredibly big. O_O the bus handle
hung right next to his head and the many members of the ant crowd were laughing at
me… I took my chance and ran out the rear door “AT LEAST GIVE ME BACK MY
SLIPPER!!!!!!!” When the bigheaded aunt shouted, I was already off the bus. “Huh?” uh…
huh? why am I even holding his slipper… T_T!!!! I was about to throw it back to him
through the window… except the bus departed already through the window, I saw
windmill-ant sobbing with an expression of begging “Sorry!!! >_< !!! SORRY!!! >_< !!!”

“Sorry doesn’t solve anything!? T^T!! stand RIGHT there and don’t go ANYWHERE!!! that’s
worth $30…” Because the bus was getting further and further I was unable to hear the rest
of windmill-ant’s sentence =_= He looked like Mung-Goo =_=… Mung-Goo… =_=… Mung-
Goo… OMG!!! I forgot to call him. MUNG GOO!!!!! I sprinted all the way home and called
him… then I remembered windmill-ant’s begging expression while rubbing his face on the
window… Groaning, I ran out the door to the bus stop… but couldn’t see windmill-ant
anywhere… aiii… I feel bad… worth $30… what do I dooo… T_T I wonder if he rides that
bus frequently… T_T? Maybe I should wait for him everyday with his slippers T_T That
night… 9 o’clock Dareum came home at about 8 and we’ve been hugging and talking ever
since… disregarding the fact that the house now looked like a battle field. and even now…
around the dinner table… we are still talking merrily in joy “Aish… Nuna… can’t you eat
“What? shut up!?” Dareum’s fist attacked Joo-ho’s head “YAH!! don’t fight around

“Mom… it’s not like it’s the first time she’s done this…” (it’s really not like it for a 6 year old
to be saying something like that…=_=) “Ahem…” Because of our stepfather’s fake cough…
we quieted down. Dinner ended in a weird way… In Dareum’s room… we lay down on the
bed and looked over our photo albums. “Unni… it seems like a dream… really… ^-^”

“Yeah… ha-ha really!! ^O^! If dad was alive, he’d be happy ^O^!!”

“…Dad… oh yeah~ seeing this picture makes me wonder… you and Dae-Han oppa… you
guys were so cute together… are you going to meet him any time soon? I call him at
times…^O^ let’s call him!! ^O^”

“…^0^ I met him already Dareum…”


“I met Dae-Han today…”

“REALLY??? OOH HOW WAS IT??? Is he hot??? how far did you guys go!?”

“-_-… W-what… do you mean… Dae-Han’s going out with Jae-Hee now… ^-^ and.. I’m…
just a friend.. ^^”

“WHAAAAT?? what the hell!?!?!” Dareum instantly got on her feet and jumped on the bed

“Argh are you dumb unni? ahyO! Jae-Hee Yoo… that slut!!!! Always got annoying how she
would always hit on guys!!!”

“DAREUM! T^T!!! She’s unni’s friend T^T!!!!!”

“Shushh!? And you’re OKAY with this!?”

“^-^ I… don’t… have any feelings toward Dae-Han anymore… of course I’m okay~^^”

“That doesn’t make any sense! when Jae-Hee Yoo KNEW the relationship between you
guys!!! She went ahead and does it!?”

“…Dae-Han’s… much taller now ^^ and Dae-Han’s… a really good friend ^^”


“Yeah… yes… Oh yeah… Dareum… who’s the guy next to you… in that photo? whoa… he’s
pretty hot… ^-^ hehe… ^^” Dareum looks at the photo as if she’s wants to kill it and she
gives me the same stare… she must’ve been through… a lot… “I GOT IT!!! YEAH!! okay!!!
revenge!!! muhahha Dae-Han and Jae-hee… prepare for a sweet revenge!!”

“…T_T… Dareum… they’re unni’s friends. T_T” Ignoring what I said, Dareum grabbed her
cell phone from the desk and furiously dialed a number “YAH!! Who do you think it is!!!
You don’t have a girl friend right now right?? WHAT!!! I thought you guys broke up!!!
NO?!?! You’re dumping her tomorrow!? NO! dump her right now! Imma introduce you to a
girl!!” …it’s…not… “Of course not!! NO! She’s one year older!!! WHAT?? My unni!!”

“DAREUM AHHH T^T!!!” My dongseng, Dareum… was fast in agitation, she ignored my
lifeless body on the bed and giggled in joy “I told you before that I have an unni in Gong-
Ju!!! meet her OKAY? okay?? ACCEPT!!! YEAH!! My blood-related unni!!!”

“Dareumm… T^T!!! Why are you doing this… T_T!!” Dareum had already hung up the
phone call… and first time ever… I saw an icy smile lingering around her lips “He’s about a
thousand times better looking than Dae-han Kim!! When Jae-Hee and Dae-Han goes out
on a date… you’ll appear in front of them and seek revenge!! AND this is what you say!
Hrmph! Thought I can’t do better, huh??? how about it??”

Uh… wow… wow… Dareum… O_O… who are you and what have you done with Dareum-
ee… T_T?? “LOOK!!! Isn’t he a killer!? of course… it’s better to actually see him then to
hear about him a dozen times… he’s hella better in person!!” (what Dareum said indicating
the photo) “unni doesn’t like younger guys!! T_T!!!!!!”

“He’s not the annoying type!! there are girls waiting in LINE to go out with him!! 3

“I don’t like PLAYERS!!!”

“and Dae-Han Kim isn’t??”

“Dae-Han’s different!!!!”

“Tchh… I don’t see what’s so different!!! Are you siding with him?? that bastard!!!!”

“Dae-Han’s not a bastard T_T!!! (started crying now) BAM the door opened… and joo-ho
came in with his eyebrows furrowed “Other people live in this house too you know!!!”

“What’d you say?! (Dareum’s about to explode in anger) “Don’t give us stress as a
freeloader.” JooHo said staring directly at me… =_=.. “Sorry…”

“You little brat!!! Get out!!!” Hyuk… speaking like that… to a little kid… T_T… That night…
Dareum continued on with her rambling as to why I should go on a date with him… and at
about 12… I was finally able to fall asleep… “Unni~ I forgot to tell you his name! wanna
“Unni… are you asleep??”

Next day.


Mmmmm… Mmm… =_=… What time is it. =_=…;; I woke up the sounds of my alarm clock
and left Mung-Goo and Duk-Hee digging for oysters in my dream… Dareum… was gone…
Jooho… Mom… Dad… the house was empty… I wonder where they went… right then… I saw
a note on the living room table. +Mom’s going to work, HanKyung. Jooho’s gonna come
back around 6 from Hak-Won. so until then, do something outside… there’s allowance on
your desk… just in case, leave your keys at the apartment office. Remember to eat your
…and… there was another note attached…just… one piece of paper…

+UNNI >_<! Imma bring my friend home at 1!!! Get dressed!!! theres make-up and
clothes in my room! FOR DAE-HAN KIM AND JAE-HEE YOO’S TEARS!!!+
=_=… =_=… =_=…

This note was beneath mom’s note… she probably left before mom… =_= then… mom…
probably saw this note… =_=…


Wahh T_T… Hold up… they’re coming by 1? it’s…12… 13!! NOOO!!! I shouldn’t be doing
this!! RUN!!! I gotta hide!!! I grabbed a ten dollar bill from my desk and shoved it into my
pocket grabbing a jacket from my closet, I headed out the door I locked the door in
anxiety of meeting Dareum. And left the keys at the apartment office. No time!! That sister
of mine is really fast T_T!! Where am I supposed to go T_T!!!! OH YEAH!!! O K~ Right
then, a PC room came into my sight… assah!!! Let’s go to the PC room!! I headed down
the stairs to where the PC room was… and I felt a bit more secure after coming down…
Whew… T_T Dareum’s gonna kill me… T_T… Frightened at the obnoxious sounds of the
surrounding… I stepped into the PC room, tense “Hey… um…”

“Yes… just go sit anywhere.”

“Okay… thank you…” A pretty unni was at the counter… a bit frozen, I looked for a empty
space among the many others in the room. Ooh! THERE!!! Happy, I lightly jogged to one
of the computers and a backpack fell on the ground making a splat sound… huh… O_O?
Then… I saw a guy… sitting on one of those big comfy chairs… and resting his head on one
of those computer desks… He fidgeted around in his sleep… I guess thats why his
backpack fell… I wonder why he’s sleeping in a PC room… doesn’t he have a house…
“Excuse me… your backpack fell…”
…carefully, I picked up the backpack and place it next to the sleeping boy. I took a step
toward my computer when… “mmM… mmmm… =_=…” The same guy looked up at me
with sleepy eyes… =_=… “Uhm… your… backpack fell… so I just… picked it up for you…

“…do you not know… me =_=?” In the same position, with the same eyes half closed he
asked me. “Yes… I don’t… I know you now…”

“What? you do know me!!!” …T_T… “I don’t… really I don’t T_T…”

“Do you go to DongWun High!?”


“Do you go to SungWonGong high???”

“Noooo… T_T…”

“Um… thats strange… where have I seen you before… =_=…”

“…I… Gongju!!! I came from Gongju yesteraday!!! I don’t think you would’ve ever seen

“GongJu? O_O”

“Yes… GOngju…”

“…really Gongju? Gongju? Gongju?”

“YES!!! GONGJU!!!”

“Ah… Gongju… oh…”

=_=… theres so many crazy people in the city Mung-Goo yah… I left the sleeping guy…
and found a sit as far away from him. dumbly, I stared the monitor for about 30 minutes…
then clicked on an elephant pop up… ;; GAME!!! IT’S A GAME!!!!! a ball came out of the
elephant’s nose… and it was used to shoot monkeys! for awhile, I kept on pressing onto
keys I didn’t know how they worked… then… “Nuna!!! don’t eat the strawberries!! no
strawberries!” =_=… =_=… =_=… what… the… the sleeping guy… stood behind me… his
face was parallel to mine… and he was shouting into my ears. “-_-… why are you…”

“whatcha mean? you get more points eating the pineapples than the strawberries”

“… nuna? do you know me?”

“i think I do.”
“-_-… i.. see… thank you. I won’t eat the strawberries.”

“okay ^O^” the city’s such a dizzy place… right about now… DAreum’s probably really mad
at me… T_T… yeah… aha I might die… today… really… I might… 1:40… I’m not… that late.
right… I mean… if you look at my face… then that “guy” will leave!! or… run away! YEAH!!
THAT’S IT!! just because I’m being introduced… doesn’t mean he’ll like me right!? I’D
RATHER BE INTRODUCED THAN TO DIE! I stood up abruptly “NUNA!! dry squid!” the
sleeping boy told me “What… about… squid -_-”

“didn’t you get to get some chips??”

“NO!! i’mma go home!!”

“Huh? O_O? you’re going? don’t go… I’ll tell you how the elephant queen looks like.” =_=…
I do… want to know… “that’s okay… I’ll ask dareum!!”


“…thanks for telling me about the pineapples!” I left the sleeping boy behind and headed
toward the counter… “NUNA!! NUNA! NUNA!!” and he doesn’t even KNOW if I’m his nuna
or dongseng!! arghh T_T do I look that old to youu… T_T!! I ignored the sleeping boy’s
shouts and pounded up the stairs as I was running back home… I heard a loud shout. “I
know nuna’s phone number~!!” =_=… =_=… I heard… that a lot of city kids smoke…
perhaps he smoked too much that caused brain damage… poor guy… he looks okay but…
poor guy… I let the thoughts of the sleeping boi be buried and got on the elevator. I think
imma die!! anxious… I waited for the elevator to get to 6th floor… 1st floor… 2nd floor…
3rd floor… 4th floor… 5th floor… I heard my heartbeat grow louder as I approached 6th
floor… it’s not just… because I’m afraid… Thump Thump… argh why am I like this… 6th
floor… Bling… sseeeukkk -_-… the door… is opening…

a wolf’s attraction-4

“UNNI!!!!” …as soon as the elevator door opened, Dareum’s face appeared out of
nowhere… “Heh… Dareum… me… um i… had to meet Jae-Hee… ahh… I mean, I met
another… friend…”

“Jae-Hee Yoo!? you met Jae-Hee didn’t you!!”

“NOO! I told you it was a friend!!!!!”

“dont lie!!!!!! unni, you crazy!?! >_<!!”

“Hey… I know that kid…” Right then… a guy standing behind Dareum spoke… a kid… I’m an
year older than you… controlling my emotions… we… quietly… walked into the house… “…
you know me? how?”

“Haha… imma go crazy…” …he spoke as dumbfoundedly… =_=… I don’t like this guy…
“How about it! UNNI! he’s hot isn’t he!? a real killer!? huh?!”

“…sure…” the guy looked disinterested…;; as he smirked… yeah!! this is it! >_<!! “i want
to know why you ran with Wun’s slippers… I’ve been wondering… O_O”

HUH??? “What are you talking about!! you know my unni!?

“yeah… I do…” ran with slippers… what’s he talking about… T_T… the guy uncrossed his
legs and asked me once again “why’d you run with only one pair… O_o??”


“Yesteraday on the bus… you ran with wun’s slippers… haha… it was hilarious… and you’re
Dareum’s unni eh?… haha…. >_<“ =_=… t-then… =_=… “NO!! THAT!!! NO!!! it’s not my
fault!! well… I guess this is for the better! o_o! I have the slippers in my room!! good! you
can give it to him for me!”

“what… I’m so confused… unni… unni how do you know Hae-won…” Hae-Won… Dareum
just said Hae-Won. If I remember correctly… Hae-Won… was the name windmill-ant
shouted yesterday on the bus. I remember… right… Hae-Won… this guy… was the guy…
who stood next to me… all the way… h… o… m… e… T^T I scurried to my room and
grabbed the sneakers… when I came out, Dareum’s eyes sparkled when she acknowledged
as of what happened between me and him.

“this is it!!! FATE!! this is totally fate!! Yah, Hae-Won. my unni’s pretty, right! totally
innocent!! your type right!? how about it! ask her out! eh?” Dareum rolled her feet shaking
Hae-won’s arms… noooo… Dareum don’t… T_T!! that just puts me in an awkward position!!

“i don’t wanna “ Hyuk…

“WHAT!? why don’t you wanna!”

“i don’t LIKE slipper-burglars!!”

“WHAT!? you @ss!! she said there was a reason!! unni’s NOT a burglar!! you should know
she’s hecka innocent!?” I stood in the middle of the livingroom, holding those sneakers in
one hand… I felt so low… at whom who had her jaw hanging low… =_= “Ahhh… I dunno…
just… no I don’t wanna date her…”

I don’t wanna date you either T^T!!!

“Yahhh… give me that sneaker… Dareum, do you have any sort of a bag? I gotta get this
to Wun… muhaha he came to school wearing slippers today… haha…”

“HAE-WON BAHN!!!!!!!!!”

“Aish… I swear you want me to be deaf…. I gotta go home early today… especially since
school just started… gotta get home early at least once eh?” o_o… the guy with the
peculiar name as Hae-Won Bahn, pulled the sneaker from my hands… he leaned forward…
until he was really close to my face… with big round eyes he said… “huh? your not

“-_-… cry.? why would i… =_=…”

“Most girls cry in a situation like this… maybe it’s because you’re a burglar o_o ayahh~
Dareum~ we might go drinking later so don’t turn off your cell.”

“YOU!! YOUU!! HAE-WON BAHN!! you called our unni a burglar!? are you crazy!?”.-__-…
what… kind of a situation is this… Mung-Goo… help meee… T_T… the next thing I knew,
Dareum was charging at Hae-Won with her fists up in the air but Hae-won just grabbed
her arms and left with one sentence.

“o k… imma come back tomorrow with Wun.”

Dareum chased after him, screaming… ahhhh… T^T… I feel nauseous… arghh I don’t
know… T_T I don’t get anything that happened today…. T_T right then… the phone rang… I
staggered to the phone… T_T… “hello…”

“hey… it’s Jae-Hee…”

“Ooh… yeah hey ^O^”

“d’you wake up?”

“Yeah ^^”

“do you wanna meet?”


“Yeah… school’s starting again tomorrow… so I don’t think I could see you frequently…”

“um… well today…”

“ARGHH that bastard!! UGH!!” Dareum slammed the door while shouting “…Jae-Hee… I’ll
call you back later!” I quickly got off the phone. “Who was that? it’s jae-Hee Yoo isn’t it!!”

“Nooo… it was Mung-Goo.”

“It wasn’t Mung-Goo oppa!!!” right then, the phone rang once again… >_<… Jae-Hee…
nooo… T.T… Slapping my hand away from grabbing the phone she picked it up “HELLO!!
hello?? elephant nuna? you wanna speak to elephant nuna? YAH! who the fck are you!!
wanna die!? you take something in nasty or what!! prank calls!!”

Elephant nuna… maybe… before… hahaha not even possible… how would he know our
phone number… T_T… that night, I had to hear insults about Hae-Won… T_T… “that guy!?
HUH!! UNNI!! he’s RUDE too!!!” Dareum… please… I’m so sleepy… T_T…

“unni! UNNI! listen!! aren’t you even MAD!?”

“Not really… T_T…”

“ARGH THAT!!! ARGHH!!! I’ll see to him at school tomorrow!!” right then, Dareum’s cell
rang to a very loud tune… Dareum… stared at the phone in anger… “OHO! it’s YOU… AHEM!
HELLO!!! YEAH I’m home… so whatcha gonna do about it. I TOLD YOU I WASN”T MAD!!
where? okay… I’ll go… I”LL GO!! dont go ANYWhere and WAIT!!” After getting off her cell,
Dareum quickly started changing. “Unni.. you should change too”

“huh? why?”

“you see!!! …my friend got into a car crash!! SO!! we should go and help him!!!”

“…car… crash?” the phone call before was no where close to a car crash but… “YEAH!! I’m
serious!! so change!! ooh… wear this.” Dareum threw a jacket toward me… it was no
where close to what you would normally wear to the hospital… while I was carefully putting
on my shoes… “NUNA… imma tattle on you…”

“SHH!! you punk, wanna die? go to sleep!” Jooho… glared at us… while rubbing his eyes…
T_T “That freeloader persuaded you to go huh??”

“YOU!!! GO TO SLEEP!!! I swear imma pound your face in…”

“IMMA TATTLEEE!!! MOMM!!!” As Jooho loudly called Mom, I was already on the elevator,
dragged by Dareum I… wanna go back to Gongju… Mung-Goo… T_T… MUNG GOO… T_T…
Duk-Hee… T_T…

a wolf’s attraction-5

*Pant… Pant… *pant…*Pant… T_T…

“Dareum… where exactly are we going? are we there yet?”

it has already been 30 minutes… where I’ve been dragged and been running nonstop with
Dareum… T_T “Yeah!! we’re almost here!” when I acknowledged of my surroundings… I
got nauseous from all the bright lights from stores… Dareum just continued dragging me
deeper into the city…

“Aish.. this is the right place… where are they!! ARGHH… I’m so frigging cold… “O_O… my
eyes widened… at the loud shouts and yells coming closer and closer to where we were

“EYY!! DAREUM!!!!”… a deep drunken guy’s voice… when I turned my head… I saw 3
guys… and 2 girls… =_=… from what I see… they looked nothing like someone who just
had an accident… and that was how… my 3rd misery approached me… “YAH!! WUN!!!!” the
name Dareum shouted out… Windmill-ant’s name… that name didn’t fit into the image of
windmill-ant with the big head… w.u.n… i.quickly.hid behind Dareum. “what took you so
long~~ (i assumed it was Wun’s voice) “i got the phone call a bit late… did you drink a lot?
your voice is totally gone…”

“nooo only a tinnnyy bit ^O^ … hey… who’s that behind you?”

“…uh… my… unni… remember her?” dareum! dareum! noooo! my favorite sister in the
whole world! DAREUMMMM!! T^T!!! Dareum ignored my silent outcry… and stepped aside…
showing myself to windmill-ant… “Hello… you seem like you drank lot… “

“YOU!!! T^T!! IT’S YOU!!!!” I think his big head helps him remember things… T_T… seeing
how he remembers so clearly… even when he was drunk…
“Dareum… why’d you bring that kid with you…”Hae-Won asked Dareum in an irritated

“what’d you say!! do you HAVE a problem with me coming out with my unni!?”

“what? Dareum… you had an unni?” I think that was one of Dareum’s girl friends her eye
brows were raised and frowning… scary… but right now… I was more afraid of… windmill-
ant mugging at me with his forehead crinkled… Mung-Goo… save me T_T my silent worries
were ignored… and Dareum walked ahead with Hae-Won fighting. the rest of Dareum’s girl
friends… glanced at me from time to time… and walked after Dareum and Hae-Won. and…
the other guy… looked like he was the happiest man in earth… I think it’s because of the
soju… he shouted and yelled like tarzan and starting running and… windmill-ant…

“why’d you do it… T_T… why’d you run away with my slippers… T_T…”

“um… you see… it’s not like that… I didn’t know I had it with me…”

“my feet were so cold during class… T_T…”

“…sorry… that… wasn’t my intention… at all…”

“what were you gonna do with my slippers… T_T?”

“…huh? what do you mean… T_T… what would I do with a slipper… T_T…”

“my so called friends wouldn’t even let me borrow their slippers saying my feet were too
big… I couldn’t even go to the bathroom! T_T”

“…i’m sorry…” T_T… T_T… what do I do… T_T… right then… my savior called out… “HEY!!
WUN YOO!! COME HERE!!” DAREUMMMM T^T!! but windmill-ant ignored Dareum’s order…
and continued mumbling under his breath…


Dareum walked over to where we were and dragged me toward Hae-Won. then… she
made me stand right next to him… and stomped back to where windmill-ant was… even
though I don’t like this guy… I figure he’s less dangerous than being next to that windmill-
ant… T_T we slowly walked in awkwardness… Hae-Won… walked looking straight ahead…

“you don’t even drink…” (still looking straight ahead…) “uh huh… I don’t…”

“then why’d you come out…”

“Dareum… said her friend got into an accident… didn’t know i’d meet you guys…”

“…you’re gonna be a senior?”

“yeah… I am…”

“… you look like a dimwit…”

“…huh? a dimwit?”

“you get teased a lot don’t you…” I think he’s insulting me…

“i dont. “

“haha… you get angry easily…”

“-_-… -_-…” Hae-Won turned around. “EY~ Let’s go to a noodle house!! (those… po jang
ma chas) huh?”

“Whatever” the girl with the scary eyebrows said =_= “Aishhh! Wun Yoo! what the heck’s
wrong with you!!!”

“let go! Letgo letgo letgo letgo!!!! >_< I wanna talk to your unni!!!” HYUK… Windmill-ant’s
voice is getting close. I quickened my pace.
“Ey~ seems like Wun likes youu~ eh? get married~”

Hae-Won started to tease me again -_-… he’s even an year younger… T_T… right then… a
familiar voice shouted out, stopping me in my tracks… in less than 30 minutes… my 4th
misery knocked on my life -_-… not even a knock… but a pound… =_=…


a wolf’s attraction-6

right then… everyone became quiet and each one of us looked back to where we heard the
voice… and i… felt a familiar face running toward where we were standing… BAM >_< BAM
>_< BAM >_< BAM >_< BAM >_<

“hahh… hah… hah… man I’m tired… NUNA!!!! ^O^!!!”

T_T… the kid wore a slightly different outfit then before… almost like a pretty boy… and he
heavily panted next to me… it was the sleeping guy from the pc before… T^T

“Huh?Bahn hae-Won. o-o.”

o_o… that… that sleeping guy knows Hae-Won?!

“what’s this… Chung Tae-Sung…. UNNI!! how do you know HIM?!”

at Dareum’s shouts… I acknowledged their relationships… T_T I guess they all know each
other T_T

“You… youuu… fck… YAHH!! Chung tae-sung you bastard!”

windmill… I mean… Wun is running toward us in a dangerously fast speed. -o- -o- -o- nooo
-o- o_o o_o o_o the sleeping boy grabbed my hand and sprinted, ignoring my frightened
stare toward Wun’s behavior… well… it was more like I was being dragged but still…

“STOP!!!” looking over my shoulders, I saw Dareum and Wun chasing after us.T_T. Hae-
Won laughing in disbelief. the girl with the scary eyebrows looked o0o o0o o0o surprised…
I even saw the half-insane/drunk friend of Dareum’s. *pant pant… *pant pant… T_T…

“why are you dragging me T_T!!!”

“How do you know Hae-Won, nuna?!!”

“I dont!!! T_T!! I don’t know him T_T!!” we arrived at an unfamiliar alley after running for
awhile… T_T… the sleeping boy jumped around in glee until he tripped over a rock.
“ow… T_T… that hurts… T_T… nuna… blood!! T_T… I’m bleeding… T_T”

“do you know me? why are you doing this… T_T” the sleeping boy sat down on the ground
and stared at me seriously. “I know you, nuna. try to remember me”

“i don’t remember you. no matter how much I try, I dont… T_T” the sleeping boy jumped
up T^T “Nuna. Nuna. Nuna.”

“Yes… me… you could’ve said it just once…”

“How do you know Hae-Won?”

“he’s my sister’s friend…”

“who’s your sister?”




the sleeping boy made serious faces… then sighed a couple of times… he seemed to be
thinking intently about something. I wanna go home… T^T I don’t really like the streets at

“can you… take me home??”

“Um… I don’t wanna. ^O^”

“don’t want to?!”

“… if you go… then who do I play with… T_T…”

“-_-… do you not have any friends?” (`-`) (._.) (`-`) (._.) *<--nodd… the sleeping boy
nodded continuously… perhaps it’s because of he’s handsome… maybe city kids don’t play
with you if you look better than them…

“then… play together with your family… T_T…”

“with Nuna ^O^”

“-_-… play with your family…”

“with Nuna ^O^”

“-_-… why were you walking around at night if you don’t have friends… especially with an
outfit like that…”

“^O^ I like night time ^O^”

“I… see… well I don’t… can you please take me home??”

the sleeping boy grabbed my wrists for some reason… and started walking back to where
Dareum was. “…are you… taking me home?” (`-`)(._.)(`-`)(._.) <--*nodd ^O^

“…your name… Chung Tae-Sung..?”

“Uh huh… Tae. Sung. Chung. Tae. Sung. Chung.”

“…ah… right… are you… Dareum’s friend?”

“how much meters is 1 km?”

“huh… o_o?”

“How much meters does it take for it to be 1 km Nuna?”

“-_-… maybe… one thousand meters…”

“OOh… then… we ran one more km~ ^O^”

“… I don’t think it’s that much…”

right then Boong Gee Boong Gee Cha CHa Cha Boong Gee Boong Gee Cha CHa Cha Chu
CHa chu Cha Boong Boong… the kid named Tae-Sung… had the… weirdest and the most
interesting cell phone tune I’ve ever heard in my life…

“Hello -o-”

“Tae-Sung~~ where are you!! let’s meet! hrmmm? let’s meet and talk~” I heard a girl
shouting loudly over the phone -_-

“Tae-Sung died -o-”

click the sleeping boy… I mean tae-Sung shut his cell phone lighty

“-_-… why do you take your calls like that… what do you mean you died..”

“Nuna. don’t hold hands with Hae-Won… o_o… you can’t give him a peck on the cheek
either… o_o… and you can’t kiss Hae-Won… o_o… and… don’t sleep with him..”
“STOP!! -_-..please stop. T_T!! Hae-Won’s nothing to me! and why are you minding my
business!! T_T”

“Because it’s NUna… ^-^”

“but you just met me yesteraday!?!”

“Because it’s Nuna… ^-^”

“-_-… as I was saying…”

“because I searched you for a long time… and… because I just found you… and… because
you’re that special…” his usual playful… eyes…. were now serious…

“CHUNG TAE-SUNG!!! >_<!!!” -o-… from afar, a figure that looked like a scarecrow were
running toward us, yelling. Scarecrow… an unbalanced head and body of Wun…

“i think you should run away…”

“Nuna I’ll see you tomorrow ^O^~” Tae-Sung waved his arms at me happily as he ran and
with the sounds of Boong Gee Boong Gee Cha CHa Cha Boong Gee Boong Gee Cha CHa
Cha Chu CHa chu Cha Boong Boong his cell phone, Tae-Sung disappeared..

a wolf’s attraction—7

=_=… =_=… “T_T NUNA!!” windmill-ant yelled out my name… except it was a different
feeling to how tae-Sung called me… windmill-ant was crying… “why are you crying… =_=“

“Do you know that tae-Sung punk T_T!??”

“…no… just… just… a tiny bit…”

“are you close with that punk!?? T^T!??!”


“are you guys close!! T_T!!


30 minutes later… me and wun (windmill-ant). Dareum and Hae-Won. The girl with the
scary eyebrows and Dareum’s other friend… were sitting around the noodle house “that
Tae-Sung @ss is famous for getting in the way of whatever Hae-Won does, Unni”

“yeah… famous… for 2 years… that tae-Sung guy and Hae-WOn… man, used to fight so
much…” Dareum pointed at Hae-won with a glass of Soju

“didn’t seem like a bad kid…”

“bet you were happy ^-^ flower, that’s what his face is. you even held his hand~… hehe
our unni… bet you can’t sleep tonight… flower? whatever… can you just please take stop
that windmill-ant who keeps on winking at me… “Unni… drink…”

“no… it’s okay, I don’t drink… ^-^… you should stop drinking Dareum… girls shouldn’t

“HAHAHHAA >_< Girls shouldn’t drink~ Dareum~” Hae-Won immitated me and laughed…

“just because it seems like tae-Sung’s interested in you… don’t get all giddy about it…
you’ll just be left heartbroken… that kid’s just using you because of me…” Hae-won played
with his lighter and told me in a playful manner.

“i’m not giddy…”

“you looked like you ate something really sweet before… “

“when… when did I ever!!”

“crazy tae-Sung Chung and a dimwit HanKyung Chung -_- a match made in heaven lala.
hey. won~! d’you hear Tae-Sung’s cellphone tune? Boong Gee Boong Gee Cha CHa Cha~
-_- Boong Gee Boong Gee Cha CHa Cha should I change my sound to something like that?
shoom bahl lah kee kokoko~ hot isn’t it?”

Hae-WOn Bahn you x! T_T T_T Dareum… T_T… my silent tears were ignored, again, and I
saw that Dareum and that scary eyebrows girl were drinking together… T_T… “

I was wondering… what does a dimwit mean…” not being able to hide my curiosity, I asked
Hae-Won -_-) “…-__-…”

“what does a dim wit mean…. =_=… you… dim… wit… (wut if I say the wrong thing…
T_T…) wit….wit…”

“you’re not really asking because you don’t know right -_-?”

“… =_=… of… of course…”

“what is it… ^-^”

“…what is it.?”
“what is it…^-^”

“you asked what it was right!!?”

“yes… what is it ^-^” aiiiii… I don’t want other people to look down on me… T^T oh yeah!
Dareum taught me! to change the subject whenever I’m in a situation like this!! “I’ve
always wanted to drink. ever since I was little, I wanted to…” tearfully, I stretched my
hand at the soju bottle in front of me… T_T…

“didn’t you say girls shouldn’t drink~~”(NEVER loses =_=) *gulp gulp >_< >_< >_< >_<
>_< >_< I was already drinking…

“-O- -O- -O- YAH!! YAH!!! DAreum. look at your unni!!” at hae-Won’s shout, everyone
turned their attention on me.


…whyyy?? then how do I drink this thing… why does my head hurt… hooahhh -O- -O-
hooahhh -O- -O- from my stomach, something like a dragon was coming out…

“AH! UNNI!!!!!”

“NUNA!!! NUNA!!!! HANKYUNG NUNA!!!!”i heard windmill-ant’s voice-_- =_=… everything

seemed like a blur… people were shouting something… hmm… what’d you say? you want
to go dig for oysters… =_=?


“…it’s goo-Mung -_-”


“…it’s goo-Mung -_-”

“MUNG GOOOOO!!!! >_< !!!! >_< !!”

“we’re here. get off the car.”

a wolf’s attraction-8

=_=… when I opened my eyes… someone was piggy backing me… I thought I was just
digging for who had more oysters with mung-goo… I wonder who this guy is, to carry me…
“who are you?”


“i told you it’s Hae-Won…”

“Dae-Han… T_T…”

“YAH!!! It’s Hae-WON!!! tch… I carry you all the way home and the best you can do is call
me by someone else? you pig…”

“Dae-Han!!! i.. really missed you… T_T… after you and jae-hee moved… I would go up on
my Terrace everyday and wish on the star to see you guys again… T_T.. that I could meet
you guys again… T_T… and mom… T_T… and that my dad won’t be sick anymore… T_T…”

“…not like your wish will come true on a terrace…”

“…and… I’m truly happy… that I got to meet mom… and Dareum… Jooho… and step dad…
even though… dad couldn’t get better… and he passed away… I got to meet you and Jae-
Hee again… I’m really am happy…”

“Dae-Han… T_T… I admit… I was a bit sad…T_T… I’m a bad kid huh? T_T… a bit sad…
T_T… I’m supposed to wish you guys good luck… I am a bad friend… T^T… *sniffle… T^T
sorry… T^T… I’ll stop with this childish act starting tomorrow… T_T…”

“…Yoo Jae-Hee?”

“…T_T… huh???”


“…Dae-Han… T_T??”

“i said I was Hae-Won!! -_-^!!!”

o_o… o_O… O_o… O_O… I instantly jumped off Hae-Won’s back “YOU… O_O… YOU!!”

“whaaaat!! -_-!!”

“why are YOU carrying me!!! T_T!!!”

“do you think I WANTED to!? Dareum tells me to wait while she has to do something and
never comes back!! eeshi… she’s gonna die tomorrow -_-^”

“kill her. T_T!? my sister!? T_T!?

“-_-… nothing… nevermid… argh I came all the way to Hong-Gae-Dong cuz of you -_- go
run along now -_- shoooooo~ shooo~ “

“wow… seeing that you bothered to carry me home… you have a niceness in you after all
eh… O_O”

“YAH!!! I just thought you couldn’t get home!! don’t misunderstand it for something

“but still… o_O… you could’ve left me somewhere… but you still cared enough to take me
home… o-o…”

“who knows what wun could’ve done to me if I left you somewhere…”

“o_o?? o_o??”

“nothing… eeshi… imma go now… tell Dareum to be prepared tomorrow.”


“-_- she won’t die so don’t worry.”

“what do you mean! T_T!!! what are you gonna do to our Dareum T_T!!!!”

Hae-Won just gave me a glare… instead of an answer -_-… and slowly disappeared… =_=…
I’m dizzy… T_T… I hope I didn’t say anything weird to that kid… T_T see if I ever drink
again… T^T… when I carefully came home… -_-… the whole house was bright with lights…
and… Mom and dad sat on the livingroom couch… mom had a hideously angry face on…
while dad just stared at me icily and… joo-ho had on a weird smile on his lips… while…
from Dareum’s room… I heard a loud snore…

“Chung Han-Kyung… are you… out of your mind?”

“mom… I’m sorry… i…”

“the frst thing you do in AHn-Yang!! is to persuade your younger sister to go out to drink?!
in the middle of the night?!”

“…excuse me??” I saw joo-ho sticking out his tongue at me from the side of my eyes -_-…
and he skipped to his room..

“some guy carried Dareum home!! she’s totally gone!!! she’s your sister!! Chung Han-
Kyung!! your sister!! what do you THINK you’re up to!? huh?! do you KNOW what time it
is!? 4’o clock!! 4!!”
“…I’m sorry…” my step-dad opened his mouth, and said in a cold voice. “… at least… don’t
create such a racket around the house…” those 9 words that came out of my step-dad’s
mouth… touched my heart colder than any of my mom’s harsh words… mom continued
yelling at me for about 30 more minutes… and when I was about to go into my room…

“that got you mad huh? you’re upset aren’t you? you really hate me huh… ^O^” said my
racoon-like brother, joo-ho…

“sleep tight… joo-ho…”

“heyy your acting like your not mad >_<????”

“…of course not… I’m not mad… at all…”

“…lies… “ joo-ho mumbled something under his breath and went to his room -_-…

“i’m really not mad… really… but… I don’t know… more… sad… a lot more… sad… dad…
dad… I miss dad… I miss him a lot…”

a wolf’s attraction-9

next day… 7 a.m… Unni!! unni wake up!! UNNI!!!!!”

“ehhmmm… =_=…”

“Unni!! UNNI!!!”

“ehmm.=_+…” when my eyes fluttered open, Dareum stood infront of me in her uniform…
her eyes were sparkling as she stared at me… “…did you get home… all right last night…
did Wun carry you all the way… =_+??”

“and what about you!? Hae-Won brought you home huh!? right?! did Hae-Won carry you
home!? Huhhh?! did he!? what’d he say! he likes you!? he thinks you’re pretty!? or! he
wants to go out with you!?”

“=_=… =_=… he said you’re gonna die today… =_=…”

“…i’m… gonna die??”

“yes… =_=..”

“-o- what do I do -o- ahhh -o- unni what do I do -o-”

“HAN DAREUM!! HURRY UP AND GO TO SCHOOL!!” mom roared all the way from the next
“i AM!!!” Dareum never likes to lose in a fight… “UNNI! I have to go to school! we’ll take
later okay!? I’ll bring hae-Won!! hehe >_<“

“Nooo!! dareummm!! >_<!!!! please don’t >_<!!!!”

“i’ll bring Won with me, too >_< muhhaha >_<“

“noooooo T^T dareum T^T pleasee T^T”

the door slammed with a BANG and Dareum’s footsteps gradually faded… should I run to
the PC room again… what if I meet Tae-Sung… T_T… ooh.. I’ll meet Jae-Hee… T_T… when I
carefully stepped into the livingroom… I saw mom staring at me coldly…

“Mom’s gonna go to work… remember to eat your meals… your curfew’s 6… your allowance
is on your desk… if your gonna be late, leave your keys at the office… if you can, stay
home… and our neighbor is babysitting joo-ho so you don’t need to worry about that..”

“i didn’t spend the money you gave me last night though… I still have money…” Mom
quickly walked out with any response… whew… might as well clean since it’s so early…
>_< my room. mom’s room. Dareum’s room. Livingroom. Bathroom. scrubbing, cleaning
>_< arranging, organizing… >_< and lastly, jooho’s room… creak… when I slowly opened
the door… I saw jooho still sleeping… ^O^ ah… ^O^ cute ^O^ a chubby racoon in its
winter sleep… racoon ^O^

“*blink… =_=…”

“…ahem ahem… Jooho you woke up… o_o…”


“-o-” jooho stared at me annoyingly… then changed out of his pajamas and washed his
face in a flash and headed out… “i’m gonna be next door! don’t come to find me!!!!”

“a..at least your breakfast before you go…”


I’ll do the laundry… got to eat, too… arrange my stuff… and… run away from Dareum… puff
puff… T_T… pant pant… >_<… after about 3 hours… I finished with everything and sat
down on the livingroom floor to get some rest… 12’o clock… as my hands stretched out to
the phone… Bae-laelaelaelae~ Bae-Laelaelaelaelae~ Bae-laelaelaelaelae~~ >_< o_o…
o_o.. to pick up.. or not to pick up…

“He… llo…?”
“Come out HanKyung, Over~ -o-”

“… who is this…”


“… this is Hankyung… who… seeing you a guy… MUNG GOO T^T!!!!”


“-_-… I guess not… who is this “

“Ahoo -_- I’m taeSung >_<“

“EH?! T_T!? Tae-Sung?!”

“Lets go out for ice cream!!!”

“… Ice Cream… T_T? we have some at home… T_T…”

“Lets go! Lets go! lets go ^O^!!”

“I can’t T_T how’d you know our phone number, anyway T_T how’d you even know my

“vroom vroom. imma go over with my motorcycle so don’t go anywhere!!”

“AHH! T_T!! NOO T_T!”

“Count down! 500 seconds!!! START!!” click. doo… dooo… doooooo… (<-phone sound
@.@) how would he know my address… T_T??? mybe? naw?? no!! no one knows what that
boy’s capable of! seeing that he knows my phone number and my name!! of course!!! I
quickly called Jae-Hee.

“hello?” Jae-Hee said in a whisper “are you at school? this is… Hankyung…”

“oh… Hankyung… school’s gonna get out soon… wanna meet… why didn’t you call last

“oh… last night… o_o…yesteraday…”

“… be at the bus stop at 1… okay?”

“O.K ^O^!!”

“all right… ^-^… let’s all eat lunch together… ^-^…”

“okay ^-^” I put on my jacket. locked the door. lala~ lalalala~~ … Tae-Sung keeps on
lingering in my mind… that guy… is scary… T_T… dding~* the elevator came up. and I
quickly got on.










-o- -o- -o- -o- -o- -o-

the first thing I saw when the door opened was Hae-Won standing, expressionless =_=…
and… Dareum… and…Wun…. T_T… first time noticing this but… Hae-Won… looks better in
black than Dae-Han… even though I don’t want to admit… Hae-Won’s image right now is
very… handsome… his eyes… are more light than dark… and always so serious…-o- -o- -o-
his face is smaller than Dareum’s..-o- nice cheek bones. -o- a bit messed up hair…-o-
BAHN! HAE! Won!!!! if he had a nice personality we could’ve been good friends… I was
never the type to judge a person on their looks… except I spaced out for awhile on the
spot… =_=…

“Unni! where are you going!?!?!”

“me?? me?? me?? I’m going to go buy some celery…”

“celery? that’s so random” lie’s are a bad thing… T_T… a very bad thing… T_T…

“Nuna!! I came ^O^” Wun (windmill-ant)

“oh… you came… nice to see you… T_T…”

“move you’re standing in the way “ of course Hae-Won

“…sorry =_=… Dareum. unni’s gonna be a little late…”

“you said you were going to buy some celery!! we were all going to play with you!!!”

“sorry -o- I have a meeting with Jae-Hee >_<!!!!!!!”

“UNNI!!!” When Dareum tried to grab me, yelling… I was already running for myself…
pant* pant* T_T my sister, Dareum T_T fast DAreumee T_T I can’t get caught. T_T!!! I
sprinted, my feet barely touching the ground… as I almost reached the street, a
motorcycle zoomed past me… a red motocycle -_-… with bouncy brown hair =_=… and
laughing happily -_- the same guy with the Boong Gee Boong Gee Cha CHa Cha cell phone
tune -_- tae-Sung… =_=… =_+ being glad he didn’t see me -_- ignored him cruelly and
ran all the way to the bus stop… and from afar, I heard Dareum’s voice…

I’ll leave you with him for awhile… T_T!!!!

a wolf’s attraction-10

while I was waiting for Jae-Hee at the bus stop… Tae-Sung’s face keeps on popping up in
my mind… it seemed like he was really really happy… he was grinning mad, too…


“Jae-Hee!!!!!!!!!!” Jae-hee… ㅇ_ㅇ… Jae looks… pretty in her uniform…

-o- I want to go to school… o_o… ㅇ_ㅇ…

“^-^ what do you wanna eat ^-^” Jae-Hee asks me while shaking my arms… o_o…

“…ice… ice cream”

“ice cream… o_o?? yahh~ not anything like that… rice… let’s go somewhere with rice ^-^
we’ll bring Dae-Han along ^-^”

“…sure…” Dae-Han, too…T_T? whew… it’s gonna be all right… of course it’s going to be
okay… T_T… the bus headed into the streets where we last ate ice cream together… o_o…

“here~~ this place’s called “sky rock” ^-^ do you know???”

“nuh uh… o_o… first time I ever came here…;;”

“it has steak and pork gat su and all that sort of stuff~ let’s go~~ let’s go let’s go”
it was second floor… the view was incredibly while the big round window showed
everything outside… =_=… I staggered into the cafe along with Jae… and the first thing
that came into my view… was Dae-Han daydreaming, his attention focused on something
ouside… Dae-Han wearing a uniform… if I was to feel incredibly sad at the moment… it
would only be because… the uniform Dae-Han’s wearing… is the same uniform as to what
Tae-Sung was wearing… ㅜ_ㅜ…

“Dae-Han~!^-^ I brought HanKyung along^^”

Jae-Hee waved her arms crazily O_O Dae-Han slowly turned his head and smiled wide at
me and Jae-Hee… even in middle school… his eyes… became a lunar moon when he
laughed…;; you..didn’t change at all…

“HanKyung whatcha thinking of?”

“huh… HUh??”

“eat ^-^ steak’s not that good after it cools down…^-^”

“oh… okay” infront of me… sat Jae-Hee and Dae-Han… I sat with a fork in my mouth…
while staring dumbfoundedly at the table…

“hey… ahhh…” Jae-Hee brought up a fork with salad to Dae-Han’s mouth… “what’re you
doing… Hankyung’s here… ^-^…;;”

“why… it’s okay… right Hankyung?”

“yeah… ^-^”

“see she says it’s okay. hurry. ahhh!!!” Dae-Han grinned and opened his mouth… in fear of
getting sad again, I shoved the steak into my mouth…

“-0-… Hankyung, isn’t it hot…??”

“(already had my mouth burnt) Uh… ishohhhhka… -0-… is hokka -0-”

“here drink some water!!” I gulped down the water, Dae-han held out toward me… ㅜ_ㅜ
ahhh… it burns… ㅜ_ㅜ…

“aigoo… you should’ve been more careful!”

“hehe Jae-hee I’m okay… ㅜ_ㅜ…”

“…some people never change eh Chung hanKyung? haha remember when you had to go to
the hospital after eating those sweet potatoes?”
Dae-Han remembered that… ㅡ.,ㅡ… out of a whole lot of other stuff too… ㅜ_ㅜ…

“oh… really?” Jae-Hee’s voice had became so quiet, it was kind of scary… in a flash, the
atmosphere had turned to the one it was before at the coffeehouse nooo ㅜ_ㅜ… I’ll get it
to be cheery again… ㅜ_ㅜ…

“kaka>_< that’s not all >_< Jae-Hee >_< not long ago… >_< I was eating corn, right?
then some of the corn started going up my nose… >_< eh..heh…heh..>_<“



“wanna leave?? we all finished with our lunch…” Jae-hee got up with her face, cold… did I
do something wrong… ㅜ_ㅜ…

“Sure… let’s go… I think it’s gonna rain…” Dae-Han grabbed his wallet and headed toward
the counter I stood there for a second, lost in my thoughts… before scurring to catch up
with them… ㅜ_ㅜ…

“Let’s go to the NoraeBang!!!!!!” (<-Karaoke) Jae-hee seemed happy again… i… don’t

really like that place though… ㅜ_ㅜ… but my footsteps had a different plan, as it followed
Dae-Han and Jae-hee toward the NoraeBang… ㅜ_ㅜ… the NoraeBang was very loud… Jae-
Hee headed toward a room in the corner and started picking out songs as if she had
waited for this day… and Dae-Han stared at her with adoring eyes… silent, I looked around
the place with wide eyes =_=… the song had been continuing for 30 minutes already…
Jae-Hee sings really well… O_O I had been staring at her, awestruck before realizing I had
to go pee…

“imma… go to the bathroom…”

I quickly headed out the door… I wonder where the bathroom is… ooh… here it is…^O^
but… a white smoke was visible through the bathroom door crack… ㅇ_ㅇ….


“oing? O_O?? Dae-Han… when’d you go out…”

“before… ^-^” he was holding a cigarette!!!

“DaeHan!! you never smoked before!!”

“huh? it’s been awhile I started though… ^-^”

“Yeah… ever since I came to AhnYang…”

“NOOO!!! -o-!!! cigarette’s bad for you!!” I quickly snatched the cigarette from his hands
and stepped on it -_-…

“…HanKyung… =_=… I just started that one… it’s called Rainbow Cigarette so it’s kind of
expensive… “

“still… a cigarette’s bad… why’d you change so much… T_T?”

“^-^ You just stayed the same… ^-^”

“…haha okay… I guess… maybe I did T_T but still~ smoking is bad T_T”

“ok ok. I won’t smoke infront of you. happy???”

“not just infront of me… think about your health and not smoke!!”

“…thanks for caring..^-^”


“is Dareum doing okay?”

“yeah… she is…”

“i see… I called Mung-Goo… he was really happy to hear from me. I told him we’ll visit him
with Jae-Hee soon…”

“really? ^O^!? we’re gonna go visit him!? seriously?^O^!?”

“yeah… HanKyung. go in for a minute…”

Dae-Han pushed me into the bathroom stall… and soon… I heard a footstep coming
closer… *tap… *tap… *tap… *tap…

“Jae-Hee, why’d you come out..”

“… what about you… what are you doing here?”

“smoking… what else would I do in a bathroom…”

“…were you with Hankyung?”

“…Where is she then…”

“… I dunno…”

“i asked you where Hankyung was… you were with her weren’t you??”

“…stop it…”

“stop what??”

“stop it. Isn’t Hankyung our friend? we’re all good friends…”

“all friends huh?!? you can’t even tell the difference between a friend and your girlfriend?
Your girlfriend’s a friend. and just a friend is a friend. so all the people around you must be
your friends huh!? haha… you must be happy! KIm Dae-Han! since you have a LOT of

Jae-hee’s voice was a screech now… this isn’t right… why’d this happen…

“Yoo Jae-hee. what the fck’s your problem these days… you’ve changed…” Dae-Han replied
showing clear anger in his voice… and… I heard Jae-Hee run out of the bathroom sobbing…

“Hankyungah… you there?”


“sorry about that… sorry… I don’t think that was Jae-Hee’s intentions…”

“n… no… its okay… I’m okay… really…”

“i’m sorry HanKyung…” Dae-Han said and rapid footsteps gradually getting further from
the bathroom were heard… I leaned against the wall, staring at the ceiling for a time… and
when I finally felt my feet aching… I walked out of the Noraebang…

a wolf’s attraction-11


several raindrops were welcomed by the Ahn-Yang city as the sky darkened, getting ready
for rain… it’s… raining… ㅜ_ㅜ… in haste, I quickly got on a bus… I wonder… if Jae-Hee
feels really uncomfortable of Dae-Han and my relationship… right then, through the
window… I saw Dae-Han holding Jae-hee’s hand in a persuasive manner… the bus just
went past them quickly… this isn’t right… this wasn’t what I hoped for… it’s possible that…
jae-hee doesn’t consider me a good friend… anymore… after this and that thoughts… the
bus arrived at my house… WIndmill-ant -_- they’re all probably still over =_= Dareum’s
gonna kill me -0- -0- ah… forgot about Dareum… ㅜ_ㅜ… what to dooo… ㅜ_ㅜ when I got
off the rear door… the dark sky was pouring rain… T_T AHH >_< RUN!!!! >_<!!!!

*tap tap tap tap >_< *tap tap >_< my feet produced obnoxious sounds as it carried me
all the way home. AHHH >_< AHHH >_< as soon as I stepped into the apartment


“Nuna…” hyuk… -0- I turned around to my name… and saw a red motorcycle… and…
Taesung smiling wide at me, soaked from head to toe… his clothes were all wet… that the
dye from his uniform had smeared onto his grey polo… and yet, he shook his head side to
side, in an attempt to dry his hair, and grinned wholeheartedly toward me…


“where’d you go… I was waiting for you >_<“

“AHH >_<!!why wait for me >_< you should’ve went home when I left >_< you
should’ve!! >_<!”

“I wanted to see you Nuna. >_<“

“…ㅜ _ㅜ… then why didn’t you wait inside the apartments? now look at you, you’re
soaking… ㅜ_ㅜ!!”

“…that wouldn’t be cute then -_-”

“excuse me -_-?”

“you look cute only if you’re in the rain!!! >_<!!!” =_=… =_=… =_=… =_=… =_=…
scratch what I thought about being good friends with him. ㅡ_ㅡ “aren’t you cold!?”


“whew… ㅜ_ㅜ… what to do… ㅜ_ㅜ… you’re all wet… want to go in?”

“YEAH!!” why’d I do it… ㅜ_ㅜ… perhaps I wasn’t afraid of Dareum… ㅜ_ㅜ… but… I couldn’t
tell Tae-Sung to just go back home… after seeing he was so wet and yet not even getting
mad at me for ditching him… in the elevator, TaeSung was singing a weird song -_-

“whistle whistle whistle bottle I wonder what’s inside~ would a lizzard be inside -_- or
maybe even an owl~Whistle whistle whistle bottle ~”

“…Taesung -_-”

“what’s… that song called?”

“my grandma taught me ^0^ do you wanna learn to Nuna?? ^0^?”

“no. it’s okay =_=..”



“is your dad… home?”

“my dad? …why… do you…”

“…just because ^0^”

“No, he comes home… late… he comes home late…”

“Ah… okay…” the elevator stopped with a ding -_- and… we approached our final moment
on earth =_= with shaky hands, I pressed on the door bell -_-


“yep -_-”

BAM!! the door opened -_- and Scary Dareum glared at me with anger -_-

“what’s this!? why’d you bring HIM along!?”

“NUNA! Han Dareum’s your sister!? NO right! NUNA! NO right?! just a close sister right!?
she’s just someone you know isn’t she?!”

AHH!! ㅜ_ㅜ all that yelling got me confused ㅜ_ㅜ! the two people shook me at the same
time… ㅜ_ㅜ…

“Oh? Hankyung nuna~ ^ㅇ^!!” soon I heard Wun’s (windmill-ant) voice -_-… ㅜ_ㅜ…
NOOO ㅜ_ㅜ…

a wolf’s attraction-12

ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ… “UNNI!! why is HE here?!!! >_<!!!!!!”

“… you see… he was in the pouring rain and… ㅜ_ㅜ…”

“Nuna. Is Dareum your sister!? no right!!! your last names are different too!! right? no
>_<!! Dareum’s not your sister!!”

TaeSung is being weird -_-…;;;;

“you bastard! I AM her sister! whatchu gonna do about it! EY HAE-WON!! COME OUT!!

Wun came out -_-..

“-0- whoa -0- whoa -0- your really fascinating -0- when wearing your clothes. and you
wear a vest, doesn’t it get stuck on your head -_-?? I’ve always wanted to ask you that ^
ㅇ^” TaeSung pushed Wun’s face away from his face and said in a loud voice -_- Wun was
forming bubbles (you know how when you’re mad? hehe)… from what Dareum tells me…
Wun has no idea that his head is big =_= for no one around him pointed that out…. then
Tae-Sung looked at me again.

“She’s not related to you is she? right?”

“… she is… “

“…what? she’s your sister???”

“yeah.she is… -0-… why…”

“…imma go crazy…”


“Chung Tae-Sung! get OUT!? OUT!!” Dareum yelled in a scary voice -_- “Argh… crazy…
ah… sshi… of all things… why is… ahhh… crazy… insane…” Tae-Sung muttered gibberish
under his breath… the started walking toward the elevator -0-


“Nuna… I’ll come back when I think things over… -0-… until then… you can’t kiss with Bahn
Hae-Won you can’t sleep with him either. -0- and that guy right there!! Be careful of the

“…what are you talking about ㅜ_ㅜ! im not in a relationship with Bahn Hae-Won ㅜ_ㅜ!
and who’s king!! ㅜ_ㅜ!?!”

“that guy right next to you with the bubbles. head.king. king =_=… scarry -_-”
Wun started after him with cuss words… TaeSung just laughed at him and closed the
elevator door -_- and started going down -_-

“ARGHH!!!!” -0- -0- -0- Wun yelled and started down the stairs. Tae-Sung. becareful… ㅇ_
ㅇ… Dareum and I were the only ones left -_-…


“AHH!! I need to go pee!!!” I quickly ran into the house and ran toward the bathroom
and… BAM!!! when I opened the door… my jaw dropped at a scene I’ve never seen in my
life -_- a girl was cornered to the bathroom walls… and like in a movie… Bahn Hae-Won
was ki… ki… kissing her… -0-… -0-… Bahn Hae-Won frowned at me -_-…


“nothing… -0-… -0-… -0-…”

“close the door…”

“okay… ㅇ_ㅇ” I closed the door very lightly… holding my burning cheeks, I headed toward
my room 다 -_- when I opened the door…

“UNNI! what the hell! who is he to you! huh! what!?!? what is he!!!!!”

“…-0-… -0-… Da… Dareumah…”

“pft! that sort of acting doesn’t do it!? of all the people why Chung Tae-Sung!! when I’m
trying so hard to get you and Hae-Won together!!! why HIM of all people!! huh!!”

“…-0-… Hae-Won..bathroom… kissing in the bathroom… “


“it was cool… -ㅇ- looked exactly like the ones I’ve seen in movies…-o-”

“LEe Dae Hee that slut!? I should’ve known!! a reason why she wanted to come over eh?!”
Dareum went out the door angrily. and I locked the door, heart beating fastly. at least I
got out of trouble -_- from the livingroom, Dareum’s shattering screams were heard -_-
along with Dae-Hee’s screech -_- and… my bedroom door opened -_- and Hae-Won
stepped in with a frown -_-…

“Hello-_-… what are you doing in my room -_-”

“=_=… YOu are going to D~IE -_-”

“-0- I just…”
“Aish… my head hurts… they’re so fcking loud!!!”

“… at that age, most people are energetic…” Hae-Won scoffed -_- “how old are you”

“Me? I’m a year older than you!”

“If I felt that you were a year older than me, then I would’ve called you nuna… wouldn’t i?”


“and.. I’m going to tell you something… listen carefully -_- okay?”

(- -) (_ _) (- -) (_ _) <~* nodd -_- I kept on blushing because of the bathroom scene…

“Dareum’s trying hard to get you and me together… and yet… I don’t have any interest
toward you at.ALL OK?”

(- -) (_ _) (- -) (_ _)-0-

“tch… crazy… you like me that much -_-?”

what? what’s he saying -_-…

“seeing my face even makes you happi eh?? you’re blushing -_- but what to do. I don’t
even want to see your face -_-^ that night after I carried you, my back starting aching like
hell -_-^ you do know that a guy’s back is the most important thing right -_-^??”

“-0-… i… I li… lik… like… what… -0-…(can’t seem to say anything -_-) “i know I do -_- how
you feel -_- but try not to show it you can’t always get with the person you love right

-0- -0- Hae-Won left my awestruck self -_- and that x closed the door and disappeared.
NOOO!! ㅜ_ㅜ!!!! I don’t LIKE YOU EITHER T_T!! i’d rather like windmill-ant ㅜ^ㅜ!! huk..
huk huk huk ㅜ^ㅜ I don’t like this placee… ㅜ_ㅜ…

a wolf’s attraction-13

that night about 8’o clock-_-… after hearing a lecture from Dareum for about two hours I
sat in front of the tv in an attempt to calm my throbbing headache -_- Dareum had left to
go drink with her friends who would’ve “understood” her… ㅡ.,ㅡ YES… animal kingdom is
on!! -0-!! Hehehe -_-

“move!!” -ㅇ-… -ㅇ- “Jooho~ when’d you come home? did you eat yet?”
“-_-” Silent Jooho just brushed aside my question and injected the tape he held in his
hands into the vcr.

“ooh?! BonoBono!? Nuna likes BonoBono, too!! ^ㅇ^!”

“i didn’t turn it on for you”

“who’s your favorite character? mine’s the cave man~”

“….” Jooho just frowned and stared intently at the tv.

“i can sound like BonoBono, want to hear?”


“Racooooon-0- Racoooonn”


“-_-… do you want anything to eat?”


Baelaelaelaelae~ Baelaelaelaelae~ Baelaelaelaelae~ Baelaelaelaelaelaelae~

“…want me… to get that?”



“NUNA!!” -_- this voice didn’t belong to TaeSung… this… was

“This is WUn!!” (Wun windmill-ant)

“…oh… -ㅇ-…”

“Nuna. I surprised you before, huh? me and that Chung TaeSUng kid?”

“…No… well… not really…”



“let’s meet tomorrow ^ㅇ^”

Hyuk -_-… ㅜ_ㅜ…

“…Why… ㅜ_ㅜ?”

“we never met each other one-on-one ^ㅇ^”

“…we aren’t in any..relationship… ㅜ_ㅜ… (said in the nicest way possible -_-)

“oh? …of course… it was like that, huh?”

“… -0-… I’m..sorry…”

“i guess… hanging around a guy with a big head’s a shame… eh?”

“…ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ…”

“it’s all right.. I’m all right… ^-^ Wun doesn’t get sad cuz of anything like that ^O^!”
(don’t talk like you’re a character in a japanese comic book ㅜ^ㅜ!!) “Wu… Wun ah…”

“Imma… hang… up now… take… care… ^-^…”

“NO!! ㅜ^ㅜ!!! Let’s meet!!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! where do you want to meet!? where would you like to
meet ㅜ^ㅜ!!!!!”

ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ…

about 11 at night… I was in deep thought… what do I do… dear Buddha… do I have to
meet Wun tomorrow… is this my fate…

“Dding Ddong~ Jooho~ Mom’s home~~” ㅇ_ㅇ… Mom… came home… ㅇ_ㅇ… as I tried to
get up…

“mom!! MOM!!” I heard jooho’s loud voice.

“Oh~ Our jooho… Mom was a bit late eh? I’m sorry ^ㅇ^ I bought some ice cream ^ㅇ^”

“MOM! Hankyung Nuna wouldn’t give me any dinner!! I’m hungry!! I couldn’t eat anything
from 4’o clock!!!” -0-… -0-… -0-…

“really now? Hankyung didn’t give you anything to eat? What about Dareum…”

“Dareum Nuna, I don’t know >_< I don’t know where she went >_<“

ㅡ_ㅡ… ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ… Jooho… I told you to eat something… ㅜ_ㅜ… My bedroom
doored creaked open…
“if you were going to stay home, why didn’t you feed your brother anything?”


“He’s your brother… are you doing this because he isn’t related to you?”

“NO MOm… it’s not like that…”

“Sleep… We’re going to enroll you into a school tomorrow…”


A tear… fell onto my bedsheets… and trying to forget about the sadness… I closed my
eyes… anyway… tomorrow… Why did Wun want to meet infront of Sung Gwon Gong high…
ㅜ_ㅜ… Of all the schools… WHy SGG high… ㅜ_ㅜ… SGG high… DaeHan goes there. ㅜ_ㅜ
along with TaeSung ㅜ_ㅜ… well I can meet Tae-Sung without a problem… But Dae-Han…
of all the… ㅜ^ㅜ whew… nothing’ll happen… probably… I just have to meet him and ditch
SGG high for some other place… Dear Buddha. please help me ㅜ_ㅜ. Save me from
Windmill-ant… ㅜ_ㅜ.

a wolf’s attraction-14

next day…
Dareum… Mom… Dad… Jooho had left the house, leaving it to seem so empty. The meeting
with Wun was at 5’o clock… My body started shaking crazily -_- I grabbed Dareum’s hat
and scarf, hiding my face… and lazily walked out of the house… ㅜ_ㅜ… he said to take the
bus… and get off at the 4th… stop… I’m just going eat and come back.just eat ㅜ_ㅜ as I
sat, staring out the window imagining this and that… we, soon, arrived at the 4th stop…
=_=… I got off very slowly… and stood infront of the gigantic school. this is where…
DaeHan goes to school… I see… I see… *0* I wonder if Dae-Han’s in the school… *0*? or
maybe, he left already… *0*?? Why isn’t Wun coming out… ㅜ^ㅜ what to do if I meet
ㅜ_ㅜ… right then… *tap tap tap tap tap >0< *tap tap tap tap tap >0< *tap tap tap tap
tap >0< Red as a tomato, Wun charged toward me with pink cotton candy in both of his
hands -_- “NUNA!! DID YOU WAIT A LONG TIME!? Hehh… Hehhoo… Man I’m tired >_<“
(started recoiling -_-) “No… Wun I came like 2 minutes ago… -0-…”
“You going to go hunt for some bear in the mountains? isn’t it hard to breath? take off
your scarf…” Behind WUn, Hae-Won stared at me in dislike while commenting about my
looks “UH… Hae-Won’s here, too? You… came together? =_= you’re going with us?”
“WHAT! YAH… YAH! you think I came to see you!?” ㅜ_ㅜ… who said you did… no need to
yell… ㅜ_ㅜ… “Yep. Nuna. Aren’t you curious as to why he came along? this b!tch has a lot
of other places to go, and I was wondering why he came -_-^ Bahn HaeWOn. There are
plenty of girls who like you. -0- Go entertain them, and don’t interfere with my date. -0-”
Wun had Hae-Won in a headlock and jokingly said Hae-Won wiggled, trying to get free and
said… “that’s right!! glad you know!! I have a lot of girls to meet~ of course! but do you
know why I came along? huh??” Hae-Won… no one asked you -_-… as to why you’re here
-_- “ -0-…No… We don’t… -0-… Why did you come… -0-” (Wun and Hankyung said
simultaneously -_-) Hae-Won laughed and looked us up and down but… behind that laugh,
I saw sweat forming on his forehead -_- “Why’d you come along -0-??” Wun asked in
curiousity -_- “ …Haha…” HaeWon laughed just again -_- “Why’d you come along -0-
HaeWon ah -0- don’t you have overdue dates today -0-”
“you really don’t know? huh?”
“yep. I don’t… ㅇ_ㅇ…”
“today… is… huh??” ㅇ_ㅇ ㅇ_ㅇ ㅇ_ㅇ ㅇ_ㅇ ㅇ_ㅇ “Because today is febuary 1st. whew…
you dumb @ss… thats why you always get called dumb.”
“what the… ㅇ_ㅇ?what does it being febuary 1st have anything to do with you coming out
today -_- HaeWon -_-..?” I know huh. I want to know too -0- keep up with the questions
Wun. -0- “Hahaha… I think I’m gonna be insane heard that your body suffers if you’re
dumb. I laugh cuz of you… all because of you. hey you said we’re going to eat!!Let’s go
already!! YAH!! Dimwit!! start walking! we might get in a fight if we linger here any
longer!! you gonna fight for us ?! let’s go already!! start walking!!” Haewon said while
poking my back sharply -_- without knowing why, I quickened my pace -_- Wun, also,
scratched his head and whispered -_- “…Nuna…Is today a holiday? what’s Hae-Won talking
“Nope… -0-… I don’t know actually… I want to know though… “
“YAH!! Don’t whisper so much! I can hear you guys you know!!” HaeWon shouted from
behind -_- I wonder why he’s following us -_-… I really really dislike him… ㅜ^ㅜ…
Suddenly… Won stopped in his tracks and… smirked when I followed his gaze… I saw
Taesung coming out of the school’s gate… and… next to him… was a girl looking very
happy while hooking arms with him she had on a very tight and yet short skirt -_-…
Taesung had a girlfriend? ㅇ_ㅇ… “Look Nuna… you see them? Chung taesung that bastard
he hit on you when he had a girlfriend?!” Wun laughed happily and whispered into my ears
you didn’t tell me to meet you here because of this, right Wun… T_T? “Bastard. he
changed his girl again… he went around with a 20 something year old a couple of days
ago…” HaeWon muttered under his breath. “HaeWOn.your not exactly in the place to
comment about changing girls often -_-” Wun quiety murmured to HaeWon -_- “Wanna
die Yoo Wun -_-??”
ㅇ_ㅇ… oh my gosh… ohhh my gosh… TaeSung got into the driving seat of a black car -0-
He’s only 18 -0- (korean kids get their license when they’re 21, I think) and the girl in the
miniskirt, hopped into the passenger seat… -0- “Wunahh. -0- He’s only 18 and he’s gonna
drive!! LOOK!! >_<!!” Then, HaeWon looked as if he was going to whisper into my ears,
but yelled -_- “grow UP~ !!”
“The SGG high kids saved money and bought that car together so they switch who gets to
ride it every week. Kids do that all the time these days Nuna, and Bahn Hae-Wun don’t
you have any respect for Nuna!?” Wun ahh… ㅜ 0 ㅜ thanks ㅜ 0 ㅜ I think we can become
good friends ㅜ^ㅜ While I was jubilent by the fact that Wun and Mung-Goo was alike…
TaeSung’s car passed us… ㅇ_ㅇ… ㅇ_ㅇ… the girl with the miniskirt opened the windows a
bit, and winked at us -_-… and Taesung’s window rolled down, as he glanced at us from
the side of his eyes… “F*CK YOU!! B!TCH!! >_<!! Wun shouted at the Car >ㅇ< Then…
Chaaang… ㅇ_ㅇ AHH >_< TaeSUng’s window shattered as the glass covered the road >_<
and… through the broken window… >0< Taesung stuck out his hand, which was bleeding
furiously… and Tae-Sung’s… middle finger… was raised high in the air -_-… ( From what
Dareum says, it means “f*ck yourself!” -_-) and they disappeared… what I was afraid of…
wasn’t Tae-Sung breaking the window… but the icy cold glare he gave me for the first
time… >0< >0< Aigoo >0< Scary >0<

a wolf’s attraction-15

“ that bastard!! trying to look all cool cuz of his girl!!” Wun shouted angrily… -0- “what you
gonna do… I think he just dumped you… he said to go f*ck yourself?” *authors note: I am
so confused on the korean cuss words… >_< so bear with me even if it doesn’t make much
sense… T_T HaeWon asked seriously -_- “It wasn’t for me ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
“ oh? I guess you liked him -_-?” you go to him cuz I don’t want you?? that’s not right -_-”
“YAH! why are you doing that to our Nuna!! LEAVE if your gonna keep on doing that!
“=_= did you just say our nuna? our nunaaaa~~MY nunaaa~~”
ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ… If I have to say it again, I will ㅜ_ㅜ I really really really don’t like Hae-Won
but Wun’s pretty cool ㅜ_ㅜ… “you’re not funny… Nuna Let’s go. Let’s gooo. what do you
wanna eat?”
“I’m… not that hungry…”
“Oing? ㅇ_ㅇ? You don’t want food. ㅇ_ㅇ?”
“Uh huh…”
“OkaY~ ^ㅇ^ I know a cafe that sells the best kiwi juice~ let’s gooo ^ㅇ^”
“sure ^-^” right then, Hae-Won yelled -_- “EYYY! I want food!!”
“-_-… Ask one of the girls that like you to go buy you some food -_-…”
“Aish! I want real food!! -_-!!”
“Nuna. Don’t mind him. he’s just spoiled cuz he’s last out of 4 other brothers -_- Let’s just
ditch him.”
“Oh… ㅜ_ㅜ… okay ㅜ_ㅜ…” I hesitantly followed Wun. when I looked over my shoulders, I
saw Hae-Won muttering something -_-… it looked like he was bad-mouthing us…
…In the Coffee house…
the pretty coffee shop was made out of glass ^0^ infront of me, sat Wun smiling broadly
and Hae-Won who just sat there looking bored -_- “Can Someone take our order ^ㅇ^?!”
Wun waved his hand, in an attempt to order… b.u.t… the pretty waitress coming toward us
had on a weird expression -0- “OPPA ㅜ_ㅜ!!” she forcefully grabbed Hae-Won and hugged
him -0- “YAH! YAH! who the f*ck are you! you crazy!?”
“Oppa. ㅜ_ㅜ don’t you remember me ㅜ_ㅜ? don’t you ㅜ_ㅜ!?”
“WUN!! get her off of me!!” -0-… -0-…
“Hae… haeWOn…who is this lady… -0-…”
“get off me! -0-!! leave!! -0-!!” Many people in the coffee house was staring at us,
interested. I wonder who this lady is… ㅡ 0 ㅡ “Oppa ㅜ_ㅜ we played together at the beach
last summer ㅜ_ㅜ I’m MeJah ㅜ-ㅜ! MEJAH! do you not remember!? you told me you were
gonna call ㅜ_ㅜ I never thought I would meet you here… ㅜ^ㅜ OPPA… ㅜ^ㅜ…” ohhh I
see… “you’re driving me insane -_-… talk like civilized people and get off of me… hey
hey…” but the girl named Mejah wouldn’t budge from her place in Hae-Won’s chest -0-
“want me to hit you -_-?” -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- “what… Oppa… ㅜ_ㅜ… you’re going to hit
me… ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“YES! SO GET OFF ALREADY!! -0-!!” finally, the girl named Mejah, finally stood up from
Hae-Won’s chest. her mascara was running from all the tears… “haeWonah -_-… I
remember this girl…”Wun.” -_-… didn’t I tell you I was gonna call -_-?” Haewon asked the
girl named Mejah -_- The girl wiped off her tears, smudging mascara on her cheeks, and
nodded -_- “then you should’ve waited until I called you! -0-!! why did you hug me?! -0-!!”
“Oppa, you never called. ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“i was GOING to!!”
“you liar!! ㅜ_ㅜ!! it’s already been seven months ㅜ_ㅜ!! why didn’t you! why! ㅜ_ㅜ!”
“Argh~ YOU. you don’t trust people easily, do you? I was going to call you tomorrow!!”
“what’s my phone number ㅜ^ㅜ!!”
“what’s my phone number!! ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
“…crap…” it seemed like the victory belonged to Mejah… Wun and I sneered at Hae-Won
-0- right.then… “i have a girlfriend.”
“i have a girlfriend. -_- not just a friend, but someone I care for a girl.friend.”
“you’re lying again!!”
“i’m for real!! you think the whole world lies, don’t you?! -0-!!”
“where ㅜ_ㅜ! where is she! where’s your girlfriend oppa! you’re lying again! ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
“-_-… if I do…”
“if you don’t ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
“Hankyung stand up for a minute…”
“-0-? Han… Hankyung?? me?” this was the first time he called my name… ㅇ_ㅇ… “yes.
you. stand up…”
“me… why… why… -0-?”
“get up… ^-^” it was also the first time Hae-Won smiled so softly toward me… ㅇ_ㅇ… as if
in a trance, I stood up… but.i didn’t know it would be something like that… I really really
didn’t know… ㅜ_ㅜ… if I knew, then I wouldn’t have stood up ㅜ^ㅜ!!! Hae-Won quickly
stood up… and grabbing my left wrist… -0- he pulled me into his arms… -0-… NOO!!! ㅜ_
ㅜ!! even with Dae-Han, the furthest we went was holding hands ㅜ_ㅜ! even my first love
DaeHan ㅜ^ㅜ!! trying to wiggle my way out, I kept on shaking my head… -0- but hae-
won’s grip on my back, just got firmer… ㅜ_ㅜ… wahhwahhh… ㅜ_ㅜ… WHY…ㅜ_ㅜ… the
guy I dislike so much… ㅜ_ㅜ… this guy… ㅜ_ㅜ… “you can see right?? Ah… I’m so happy
-_- very happy!!” Mejah burst into tears again, and slamming the menu on Wun’s head,
she ran away -0- “YAH! BAHN HAE-WON! what the hell! what are you doing to our nuna!!
ㅜ_ㅜ!! aiish it hurts. that hurt… ㅜ_ㅜ that b!tch, attacking an innocent guy’s head like
that… ㅜ_ㅜ… “my head started throbbing -_- HaeWon sighed and sat back down -_- while
I stood dumbfounded =_=… “Hey… sit -_-… don’t think it for anything else -_-… it was just
because you were the only girl he-”
“i REALLY don’t like you!! I really really really really really don’t like you!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! WAH ㅜ^
ㅜ!” I ran out of the coffee house T^T “NUNA!!” Even when I heard Wun’s loud outcry… I
didn’t stop and continued running. Being 19 years old. I have been hugged by a guy I hate
this is totally not right T^T not right at all T^T !!
a wolf’s attraction-16

i got on the familliar bus… and somehow managed to arrive home… ㅜ_ㅜ… how… ㅜ_ㅜ
how… ㅜ_ㅜ… HOW! ㅜ_ㅜ!! in fear of Wun coming to check up on me, I locked the door ㅜ
_ㅜ… “Ahjuma -0-!!!” Jooho said coming out of his room -_- me… a ahjuma? “i’m gonna
call you ahjuma from now on -0- ahjumaaa -0-”
“-_-… o… k…(not able to hear anything)”
“you’re not mad -_-??”
“o… k…” when I look at jooho… his personality reminds me of Hae-Won -_- “Ahjuma -0-
Draw me a pikachu -0-!!”
“what’s a… pikachu?”
“aish. are you serious >_< for real >_< you don’t even know what a pikachu is >_< thats
why you’re a ahjuma >_<“ Jooho was changing to be more outspoken -_-… “did you eat
yet. jooho…”
“Ahjumaaa >_< don’t even know what a pikachuuuu is >_<“ I stared dumbly at Jooho’s
insane mutterings and jumping up and downs… and recalled the scene from before. NO
-0-!! I didn’t want that to happen -0-!! argh I hate him!! -0-!! I clumsily ran into my room
outside of my bedroom
“AHJUMA!!” was shouted loudly over and over again by jooho… I picked up the phone and
dialed Mung-Goo’s phone number ㅜ_ㅜ… “Hello??”
“Mung-Gooo YAHHH ㅜ^ㅜ!!!”
“Hankyungah… what… what happened…” for about 30 minutes… Mung-Goo and I carried
out a conversation… of course Hae-WOn’s name wasn’t mentioned even once… since…
Mung-Goo would be very… surprised… ㅜ_ㅜ…
That night…
“Unni. Unni. What happened.are you pissed cuz I came home late? you were bored alone,
weren’t you??”
“No… it’s not like that…”
“then what happened! tell me!!”
“No… nothing… Dareum… just… just… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“why are you like this! UNNI!! Jooho that hoe made fun of you didn’t he!!”
“-0- Dareum… calling your brother… a hoe… -0-…”
“AH! then what is he!! huhhh!!” for already an hour… Dareum kept on shaking and yelling
at me, who was trying to sleep… At times like this. I realize how Dareum and Jooho’s
alike… -- right then… Dareum’s phone started ringing… Dareum stared into her caller ID
“ooh? It’s Hae-Won… Hello?” I went under my bed sheets and pretended to sleep… “uh
huh~ yeah. where are you?? My Unni?? what about my unni?! WHY! you wanna tell her
you love her!? huh?! huh!?” Dareum ah… please… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… “hold up! UNNI!! Hae-Won
wants to talk to you!! UNNiiii!! UNNI!!” Dareum looked joyful… “i… I want… to… sleep.”
“forget about sleeping!! talk to him!!!”
“……..” eh… if I didn’t talk to him… then Dareum would be on my case 24/7… ㅜ_ㅜ… I
effortlessly brought Dareum’s phone to my ears. “He… llo…”
“it’s me…” Hae-Won’s voice rang in my ears. I’m about to remember it again. -0- NO…
“Chung HanKyung…” NOOO!! >_<!!! “Chung HanKyung”
“uh… huh? uh… huh… yeah…”
“what are you saying…”
“nothing… yeah so… what’s up…”
“i’m sorry… about… before…”
“If I knew… that you hated me… that much… I wouldn’t have done it… sorry…”
“huh? no… you see…”
“i guess you felt like crap after being hugged by someone you hated… sorry.”
“YEAH ㅜ^ㅜ!!” -0-… HUK -0-… oops ㅡ..ㅡ…
“im hanging up…”
“huh? oh… Hae-Won…”
Ddi… ddi… ddi… ddi… he had hung up -_- and I realized that I had made a mistake “UNNI!
what’d Hae-Won say!? does he love you!? or he wants to be your boyfriend!? OR!! did he
say to come out!?”
“AHHH… ㅜ_ㅜ…” I covered myself with the blankets again and fell asleep… ㅜ_ㅜ…
--------- N.E.X.T D.A.Y………
“HanKyung. Wake up. Let’s go to your school today…”
“…=_=… (eyes are swollen -_-) school?”
“Yeah… wash up and change…”
“Mom. Hankyung Nuna’s going to school? ^ㅇ^?”
Huk… =_= Jooho had turned into an innocent sheep infront of mom… -0- changes from
Ahjuma to HankYUng nuna in an instant… even though he’s young… wow… wow…
In mom’s car =_= an unknown awkward silence surrounded us… =_= “It would be better
for you to go Dareum’s school wouldn’t it?”
“NO its okay!!! -0-!!!”
“why… You don’t like Dareum’s school? wouldn’t it be nice if you went to school together…”
Dareum’s school ㅜ^ㅜ Noo Bahn Hae-Won goes there ㅜ_ㅜ “No it’s not… that. ㅜ_ㅜ… you
see… I mean… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“Dareum looked really happy… that she’d be going to school with her Unni…”
“NO… see i…”
“is there a specific reason you don’t want to?”
“no… i… like business… ㅜ_ㅜ”
“Business? I don’t think it’s a smart idea to change the styles of schools this late
“STILL! ㅜ_ㅜ still, can’t I just go to some other school ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“why… are you like this? I don’t get why…”
“i won’t go to school ㅜ^ㅜ!!!”
“what?? are you playing a game with your mom -_-?” therefore -_- I was dragged by
mom’s hands -_- and had to visit Dareum’s school… +_+

a wolf’s attraction-17

Dareum’s school… I slowly started toward the school after having been scolded by mom for
not letting go of the passenger seat… ㅜ_ㅜ at the track, kids with gray PE uniform, were
running laps… ㅜ_ㅜ I can’t go to this school… momm… ㅜ^ㅜ 2nd floor-attendance office…
My mom had been talking with the principal for a long time… and I had my head hung low,
while chewing the insides of my mouth… ㅜ_ㅜ… at least… at least… ㅜ_ㅜ you could’ve
sent me to the same school as Jae-Hee… ㅜ_ㅜ at least… at least… ㅜ^ㅜ you could’ve sent
me to the Girl’s only school Jae-Hee’s going to… ㅜ^ㅜ “what do I do with you .tsk tsk.
hiding behind the curtains eating sweet potatoes!! tskk!” for a long time, a teacher had
been using his loud, loud voice to yell at a student… I feel sorry… for whoever… that is…
hiding behind the curtains to eat some sweet potatoes… I wonder how he got caught… city
kids aren’t that different from the students in the country… they’re both a trouble maker
for one… hehe… “YOO WUN!! WHAT to do with you!! when will you ever receive a
compliment from me!!” Yoo wun… did that teacher just say Yoo Wun… -0-… I lightly
glanced at the corner… +_+ wow… there stood Wun, crouching, with his head down… -0-…
-0-… Wun ahh… -0-… “Okay… then… Hankyung, you will start coming to school starting
from next monday, okay~ Hankyung??” -0- Wun ahh… Dear wun… “Hankyung??”
“ahemahem… that teacher right there, will be your homeroom teacher starting on
monday…” the principal had pointed to the teacher who was busy scolding Wun… -0-…
“Hankyung since he’s your Homeroom teacher, go introduce yourself” Mom said to me
“what… ㅜ_ㅜ?Mom… ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“he’s your homeroom teacher. Stand up. Let’s go introduce you to him together…” whether
she knew my pleading thoughts or not… she grabbed my hands and tried pulling me up -_-
“Hankyung… what’s wrong with you… Hankyung stand up…” trying to hold back tears, I
stood up and headed toward Wun and the teacher… doo doo doo doo… -0- doo doo doo
doo doo doo dooo… -0- “Hello. My daughter will be your student from mon-”
“NUNA!! -0-!!” At Wun’s loud shout, everyone’s attention in the attendance office was
targed toward us -_- and my introductions with the teacher, soon, ended as he smacked
Wun’s butt with a bamboo stick -_- as we were coming out of the office… “that guy who
shouted at you is Dareum’s friend, isn’t he?”
“of all the… even after I told her not to hang around people like him… so rude, the teacher
was standing right there… not a smart thing to do…”
“since we came, let’s go visit Dareum…”
“Okay… -0-…” I followed Mom and climbed up the stairs. Poor Wun… I bet his butt hurts…
everyone on the floor stared at me amusingly… mom continued walking to room 2-3… and
opened the back door carefully… but stopped on her spot, awestruck the first thing that
came into our view was.. Dareum having a guy in a headlock while hitting him over and
over again with her fists (her long hair was swinging at her sides -_-) “MUHHA! a super
headlock!! -0-!! prepare to die -0-” her left leg was kicking the poor guy’s butt furiously
“Dareum ah -0-…”
“-0- Mom -0- Unni -0- “
Dareum had her head low while standing infront of mom -_- while mom, breathlessly, kept
on saying something it wasn’t in such a friendly tone either -_- and I stood… a distance
from them
right then. room 2-3’s door opened again… as if he had just woken up from sleep… with a
tired expression… was Hae-Won… who started walking toward me… I stared elsewhere
“………….” Hae-Won.. just passed me by as if seeing a stranger… -0- and… all I could think
of… was that this wasn’t right… for some reason… the thought of the person who had made
a mistake yesteraday was… me and not Hae-Won kept on popping up in my head… I don’t
even know why.. I did it. “oh..Hae-Won… Hi.-0-…”
“……………..” Hae-Won didn’t reply… “…Sor… sorry I was a bit harsh yesteraday, wasn’t i?”
“i mean. you’re Dareum’s friend… and we’re all friends… I don’t hate you… yesteraday… -0-
… I was just… perplexed…” -0- Hae-Won turned around and started walking to where I
stood… staring angrily at me… he said harshly… “say it. just say it okay? you’re a really
frustrating person, you know that?. if you don’t like it show it. and if you do like it, show it.
don’t go around looking like you don’t have a clue what’s going on…”
“… -0-… -0-…”
“… do you get what I mean?”
“yes… I understand…”
“…you said so with your own mouth yesteraday that you really hate me… is that how you
really feel?”
Hae-Won told me… didn’t he? to state my opinions clearly… -0-?? “i asked, if that how you
truly feel…”
“yeah… -0-… heh… -0- truth be told… yeah… -0-”
“okay then that’s all I need to know” Hae-Won turned around again and went out the
classroom… and disappeared somewhere… he just told me to say truthfully… and… that’s
all I did… except… it feels like I made a huge mistake… -0- …

a wolf’s attraction-18

on the way home -_- both of my mom’s and my face was blank. mom, because of Dareum
=_= and me because of Hae-Won… =_-… “Does your sister seem sane to you?”
“excuse me… -0-?”
“I’m talking about Dareum… that Dareum… father should’ve seen what she just did…
whew… really now… showing off your legs like that… I wonder what father would’ve said…”
“My real dad?! >_<!?”
“no…your current father…”
“Ah… oh… that… dad…”
“real dad… huh…” the atmosphere within the car had turned ice cold in an instant… I
guess… talking about daddy infront of mom… isn’t the smart thing to do… my face
hardened to the atmosphere -_- and ignoring whatever emotional battles were fought in
the car… we arrived home after 30 minutes… -0- … “I’m going to do some grocery
shopping… I’ll see you at home…”
“okay…” my shoulders drooped as I slowly headed toward our house… as soon as I opened
the door… the phone rang loudly… ignoring the sound, I plopped onto my bed… the phone
continued ringing… for the 6th time … -0-… but my voice was too clogged up by the
constant tears…
for some reason… a tear fell for dad… in heaven… because… it seems as if… I’m the only
one in this world… who misses him dearly… and because of pity and sorrow… I was pouring
tears… and… around dawn… the phone started ring loudly again… mom… Dareum… and
step-dad picked up the phone 3 times irritably… yet the other caller hung up with the
signal… doo doo… and… because the phone continued ringing through out the night… the
phone cord was pulled out…
by mom…………………
from then… 4 days passed…. tomorrow… I’ll be going to school with Dareum -_- bored, I
asked Dareum to play with me.. but she refused… saying she was invited to go drinking
with her friends-0-… and… for 4 days… I wasn’t able to see even a hair of Hae-Won and
Wun… I think I really did make a mistake on that day… -0-
jooho and I were the only ones home… “Ahjuma -0- go borrow whistle bottle of 7 brothers
for me!! -0-!!”
“-_- what’s the whistle bottle of 7 brothers?”
“ahooo… ahjumaaaa -0- you don’t even know what the whistle bottle of 7 brothers are?!
-0-!!” I speeded out of the house before I was marked forever an ahjuma just lilke the last
time with the pikachu incident… and… sprinted to the video store… borrowed the whistle
bottle of 7 brothers and speedily ran home. >_< >_< I wanna watch it, too >_< whistle
bottle of 7 brothers >_< muhahha >_< it sounds like a good movie >_< ding… the
elevator opened and…
“Nuna…” if you think Jooho just called me Nuna… you’re oh-so-very wrong… ㅜ.,ㅜ… it was
Tae-Sung… TaeSung had Jooho on his back… and called out to me in a whisper… -0- while
Jooho… kicked and shouted… ㅜ 0 ㅜ “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!! -0- LET JOOHO DOWN!!”
“Haha… I”m!! A racoon kidnapper… >_<“
“… ra… racoon kidnapper -_-?”
“Your brother looks like a raccoon -0-… so… I’m a racoon kidnapper… MUHAHA -0-” Oh
my… -0- Jooho does look like a racoon, eh -0- and I thought I was the only one who
thought that… >_< I stared at Tae-Sung in awe. “LET ME GO!! IMMA TELL ON YOU!! YOU
yeah… heh… my brother >ㅇ< “Taesung!! let my brother down -0-!!!”
“Nuna… is this kid your real brother??”
“huh? -0-?”
“is he blood-related to you…”
“of… course…”
“Nuna… heh you have a lot of younger siblings… ^-^…” for some reason… Taesung’s eyes
darkened… for a moment… and he lightly set Jooho on the ground… and in a blink…
seriously in a blink… Jooho opened our door and sprinted in -0- I believe it didn’t even take
3 seconds. -0- afterward… I heard the door locking loudly… =_=. “What..are you doing
here…” AH -0- TaeSung’s sparkling dark eyes came toward me TaeSung… was smiling…
and… Taesung… was crying… Taesung… was smiling… he was smiling… yet.. his dark eyes
were… filled with tears… “Taesung ah, what’s wrong? why are you crying? are you sad
because of what Jooho said… -0-? don’t take it to heart. Jooho’s like that…” Then.Taesung
brought my fingers to his eyes… Taesung’s icy tears… touched my index finger… for the
first time… I had felt icy cold tears… “Nuna.. what is this… ^-^”
“Tears… aren’t these tears? …this liquid on your fingers… they’re tears…”
“What’s wrong… Taesungah… what happened… if you’re not crying because of Jooho…
what happened… why are you crying…” Taesung was much taller than me… but he still
rested his head on my shoulders as if he was tired… “i hate crying infront of other people…
I hate it…”
“Taesungah… why… what’s wrong… why are you crying…”
“why weren’t you by my side? I was all alone… Nuna… I was alone…”
“Taesung ah… what are you talking about… huh…..” Taesung’s whole body… now leaned on
my shoulders … as if he was getting tireder by the second. -0- Through the intecom, Jooho
shouted over and over again… but to my ears.. only Tae-Sung’s sniffles and tears were
heard… watching Taesung… cry silently… my left arm headed toward his shoulders… ㅜ_ㅜ
… this is sad…ㅜ_ㅜ… I just realized… but Taesung’s left hand was wrapped in white
bandages… I wonder… if… on that day when he broke that window… -0-… “Taesung… is
your… hand okay? -0-!?”
“yeah. I’m here.-0-”
“It’s me… I’m taesung… Taesung…”
“me… me… it’s me… Taesung… me…” Taesung’s voice started shaking… the reason I’m
sad… and the reason why I feel so bad… is… why can’t I understand what Taesung mean…
why.. why… can’t I remember this kid…why… “….Nuna…4 years ago…” right then… Dding…
the sound of the elevator ringed in my ears… and… through Taesung’s shoulders… I saw…
Dareum… Wun… a guy… and Hae-Won… “UNNI!!!!!”

a wolf’s attraction-19

Dareum stomps toward us… and shook off my hand resting on Taesung’s shoulders…
“…dareum ah…”
“what’s wrong with you! huh!! unni!! WHAT!?” Dareum screams, red as a tomato… “Don’t
Dareum… don’t do that to Taesung…”
“YAH!!!! CHUNG TAE SUNG!!!!! who are you and why are you hitting on my unni?!?!?
HUH!? you player @ss!!”
“Didn’t I tell you to stop… Don’t be so cruel to TAesung!!” If I had ever been mad at
Dareum… This would… be my first… ignoring Dareum’s stare… I grabbed Taesung’s hand…
and speeded toward the elevator… “Nu… Nuna… -0-…” I heard Wun’s voice… but… I
continued walking with Taesung’s hand in mine… and… for a moment… my eyes locked
with Hae-Won’s… who was standing infront of the elevator. HaeWon lowered his eyes… and
stared at Taesungs hand and mine… without saying anything… I got onto the elevator with
Taesung… and at the apartment parking lot… “Taesung ah… Dareum… she’s not a bad
“^-^ Imma go home now” Taesung was suddenly smiling wide… “what? go? you stopped
telling me ab-”
“I’ll call you tomorrow! Nuna! oh yeah!! 500 meters distance from Hae-won at all times!! if
I ever see you and him together! I’ll go smash in his head instead of a window! >_<!! “-0-
… oh yeah!! Taesung… your hand…”
“Ooh! this!? I look like a mummy, no?! >_<!? oh yeah! -0- “
“-0- Taesung! hold on! let’s talk for a bit!! >_<!!” but Taesung had already ran off waving
his wounded hand at me… “TAESUNG AH!!”
“Oh yeah! NUNA! Tell that racoon kid, I got to like him cuz of his prissy attitude!! I”LL
CALL YOU TOMORROW!! >_<!!” Taesung’s figure slowly got smaller… and smaller… the
clueless Taesung at the pc room… scary Taesung breaking the cars’ window… the pained
boy I saw in taesung crying sorrowfully… and… the Taesung shouting while grinning… who
is Taesung… I wonder… what kind of a relationship I have with him… When Taesung… was
crying on my shoulders… why did I want to hug him so bad… why… did I form tears along
with him… I haven’t felt that way about Dae-Han… AHH… -0-… I’m so… -0-… Blushing and
shaking my head side to side furiously, I hurriedly came home -0-… the atmosphere… was
quite… cold… “Dareum ah I’m sorry about before…” Jumping up from her seat on the living
room couch… Dareum ran over to the door… and yelled loudly… “YAH! HAEWON! WUN!
“Dareum… TAesung was crying before… you don’t kn-”
“LET”S GO ALREADY!! I’ll BE OUTSIDE!!” SLAM!! Dareum shut the door in my face and
headed out… ㅜ^ㅜ And… from Dareum’s room… Hae-Won and Wun… and… the kid named
CHulmin came out. -0-… “Wun ah… is Dareum really mad… ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“…Yeah… Nuna… I think she’s incredibly mad… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“aww what do I do Dareum goes on for a long time when she gets mad, doesn’t she ㅜ 0 ㅜ?

“an incredible long time… ㅜ_ㅜ… of all people, why Taesung, Nuna…”
ㅡ 0 ㅡ ㅡ 0 ㅡ ㅡ 0 ㅡ AHH! man, that almost got me a heart attack ㅡ 0 ㅡ Hae-Won yelled at
Wun shouting loud, shaking the whole house -_-^ dragged Wun, who were making pitiful
faces at me… and slammed the door… I plopped down on the livingroom floor -_- and…
watched Jooho yelling while circling me I shed a couple of tears in shock -_- “YOU
living here to steal our furniture aren’t you!? >_<!? reveal your identity! you monster!!
>_<!!” Jooho Shouting -_- “ ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ…” Crying Hankyung -_-
That night… no matter how much I cried and begged.. Dareum’s room never opened -_-…
Next day…
Dareum and I stood infront of the door… “I’M GOING TO SCHOOL!!” BAM!! Dareum headed
out the door -_- “I’ll… try to get home early =ㅇ=“ (Hankyung’s eyes are all swollen from
last night… apparently Mom got really mad after hearing about Jooho’s kidnapping event
-_-..) Mom didn’t answer -_-… I geuss she’s still mad about last night -_- I hurriedly came
out of my house -0- the uniform is so pretty… -0-… “Dareum! wait for me!! -0- Unni don’t
know how to get to school -0-!!” Panting, I ran after Dareum -_- but Dareum… bam…
slammed the elevator door… and headed downstairs -_- I don’t know how to get to school
by myself… -0-… I’m in trouble…
a wolf’s attraction-20

i wonder how I can go to school… ㅜ_ㅜ… whew… ㅜ^ㅜ… I took big steps to the bus stop…
but didn’t see Dareum anywhere… I think she already left… really… my sister’s really fast…
ㅜ 0 ㅜ… well… when I first saw Haewon and Wun on the bus… the bus was headed toward
this direction… so if I get on the bus across from this street… the bus going to my school
will be there!! ㅇ_ㅇ!! amazed at my wonderful hypothesis… I ran to the other side of the
street… and the bus I had waited for… arrived exactly 10 minutes afterward… Ahh… ㅜ^ㅜ
Thank you God… ㅜ^ㅜ I hopped into the bus and looked for seats… but because the bus
was filled with students wearing our uniform… I had to depend on the round hand-set…
while trying my best to not fall over… and… a couple of girls standing in front of me,
shouted… they were wearing the same uniform as me. “AHH!! isn’t that HaeWon oppa at
the rear door!?”
“>0< huh! YEAH! that’s him!! OMG what do I do!! I forgot my pen!! >_<!!!!”
“Hey. Let’s go… let’s go to the rear door…” Haewon? I hope it’s not the Hae-Won I know?
-0-Of course not… it can’t be… while I was swimming in my thoughts… the same girls…
pushed people aside with an incredibly amount of strength… and headed toward the rear
door… and… because I was in the crowd… I was pushed back along with the girls … -0-
NOO… -0-… I put all my strength on my feet and tried my best not to be shifted to the
back… yet… my body was lifelessly pushed back… -0-… I guess they have a lot of strength
being the young, fresh (?!) 10th graders… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… and -_-… I had a strange feeling that
my head was rubbing against someone’s shoulders… NOO! my cornrows are getting
messed up… I spent such a long time on them, too… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… when I lifted my head
sniffling in sorrow… I saw HaeWon glaring icily at me… and were forced to drop my head
again… ㅡ.,ㅡ why… WHY… ㅜ_ㅜ… and next to me… I heard the same girls talking in a loud
voice… “OMG >_< HaeWon oppa’s wearing a messenger’s bag today >_< see!! didn’t I tell
“ㅇ_ㅇ… it wasn’t the same bag 3 days ago…”
“i won, huh!? Keke -0- haeWon oppa has a lot of bags >_<“ baffled, HaeWon stared at his
messenger bag -0- Hae-Won’s… -0-… quite popular… -ㅇ-… everytime the bus stopped… I
tried with all of my strength… to not touch HaeWon’s body with mine… while planting my
feet unto the bus… about 10 minutes later… all the strength slowly disapperated from my
body… I have reached my limit… >0< how much longer do I have to go on like this… ㅜ_ㅜ
… okay… i’d rather… get off here… and ask around, how to get to school… ㅡ_ㅡ my poor
feet… I pressed on the bell… ahh… a bit… more… pretty soon… the bus stopped at an
unfamiliar place… and I stepped onto the ground sweating… right then… someone…
reached out through the rear door… and pulled my backpack in… dragging… myself back
into the bus -0- pretty soon.. the door closed… and the bus started again… along with the
bus driver’s insults… “are you dumb??” it was Hae-Won… the person who had pulled me
back into the bus… “… -0-… hi…”
“you’re not supposed to get off here…”
“i… I know!! it’s just… my feet hurt…”
“……………” HaeWon went back to ignoring me coldly -_- “Hae-Won…”
=_=… =_=… really awkward… and… until the bus had arrived at the school… I was glared
at by the same girls who thought I liked HaeWOn. -0-… and had lost the pain feeling in my
feet… ㅜ_ㅜ… finally, the hell time passed… and the bus stopped infront of the school…
students poured out through the rear door… I… stared at Haewon’s disappearing head…
and commanded my feet to enter the grounds of my new school…
in the quad… I saw a familiar teacher!! OOH!! it’s the teacher who smacked Wun’s butt!!
“Good morning!! -0-!!”
“oh… yes it is…” he glimpsed at me… and started yelling at HaeWon… 0_0 “didn’t I tell you
to cut your hair?! will you obey if I hit you!?”
“…you know I love you…”
“that won’t work this time!! you rat like creature!! I’ll cut it for you!!” I passed the arguing
couple (?!)… and headed toward my classroom in excitement… ahhh… -0- it’s school… -0-
school… -0- but… the more I look around… and look again… -0- my uniform’s the biggest…
=0= I am… I am… a servant at a kingdom ~ I hummed lightly… and turned the knob to
the back classroom door… kids staring at me in fascination… Hey -0- guys -0- nice to meet
-0- I skimmed around the room with a bright smile… ^ㅇ^

A wolf’s attraction-21

“Who’s SHE?”
“guess she transfered…”
“there’s an empty seat in front~~~~~~~”
“-0- thanks!” I hurried to the front seat.. “keke… she looks so…”
“shut up. she can hear you, you know…”
“the skirt~~ dances with the wind~~~”
“YAHH~~ KAKA -0-” it seems… as if those words are for me… while I dumbfoundedly
continued staring… many kids started talking a loud voice… “PUHAHA >_< Look at her
hair! it looks like she had a redenvous with a bomb!! a total dog’s hair!! >0<“ -0- I forgot!
it got messed up when it was accidentally rubbed on haewon’s shoulder !! -0-!! I quickly
got out a scrunchie and tied my hair -0- “KAKA! >_< LOOK!! She’s tying her hair!! >_<“
“KEKEKE >_<“ while I dumbly stared at the blackboard. a crowd appeared -_- 3 girls and
4 guys -_- all of the guys had resized the length of their uniforms to be baggier -0- while
the girls had a big slit on their skirts -0- their hairs were long too -0- pretty -0- “Yah. what
are you hiding in your skirt!?” a girl asked smirking -_- “nothing… -0-…”
“KAKAKA >_< she says it’s nothing!! >_<!!” Dareum… ㅜ_ㅜ… “where’d you do your
hair??” asked a guy -_- “At home… -0-…”
“she did it at home!! KEKEKEK!! >_<!!” 4guys and 3 girls… All of the guys and girls started
laughing -_- I realized… -0-… that guys, too, laugh like KEKEKE and KAKA… -0- the kids
continued KEKEKAKAIng -0- and I started getting a migraine. -0- when the bell ringed…
the kekekaka crew returned to their seats… kakakka… that keeps on ringing in my ears…
-0-… I asked my partner in a small voice. the girl sitting next to me… had acne all around
her face and wore round glasses… she looked very innocent… -0- “why are they… laughing
like that. -0-?”
“because you’re funny -_-^”
“i’m funny -0-?”
“do you not have a mirror at home -_-^?” until school ended… I was surrounded by the
kekekaka crew and were teased at. -0- when the ending bell ringed, I bolted out the door.
to Dareum’s class… very needingly… *pant pant… “DAREUM!!”
“…Go. Unni.”
“I’m going somewhere with my friends…”
“oh… okay… I’ll see you… later at home… come home early ^ㅇ^”
“…ok…” sighing, I put on my shoes… and walked… slowly… and droopily to the front gate…
eeshi ㅜ 0 ㅜ… why… sshi… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… Mung-goo told me it was embarassing to cry at
school… sshi… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… “BEEP BEEP!! SUPERMAN TO THE RESCUE!!”
“^ㅇ^ NUNA!!” A red motorcycle was parked infront of the front gate… and Taesung waved
his hand while sitting on the motorcycle… tears suddenly rushed out… “NUNA!! are you
crying? huh?!” Taesung plopped down the motorcycle and stood infront of me, surprised…
“No. I’m not crying ㅜ_ㅜ I’m crying because you’re so fascinating ㅜ_ㅜ”
“i’m fascinating ㅇ_ㅇ? why?”
“wahwah ㅜ_ㅜ how’d you know I was here ㅜ^ㅜ”
“that racoon kid told me! ^ㅇ^!”
“Jooho ㅜ_ㅜ?!”
“YEH ^ㅇ^!!”
“oh… ㅜ_ㅜ… okay… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“Nuna why are you crying… why are you crying… don’t cry… am I that fascinating? aren’t I
handsome… -0-?”
“yes. you are… ㅜ 0 ㅜ handsome ㅜ^ㅜ”
“Nuna why are you crying~~” As taesung shook my shoulders… -0- ahhh… I’m getting
dizzy… -0- I realized that there were sudden outbursts around me -0- when I looked
around in surprise. already, a lot of students were staring at us in fascination -_-… and…
the kekekaka crew headed toward me. “Who are these people -_- Nuna -_-…”
“the people at my school -_-……”
one of the kekekaka crew said… “isn’t that… SGG high’s Chung TaeSUng… Hey why is
that… trash… hanging around Chung Taesung…”
“is he really chung taesung? OMG IT IS CHUNG TAESUNG!! >_<!! AHH!!! >_<!! what do I
do!! >_< but… hey why IS he hanging around trash like… HER?! that wind skirt!! -0-!!”
Taesung… stomped toward the kekekaka crew… “H… Hey… taesung… I heard a lot about
you… -0-…” one of the kekekaka crew greeted… -0- “say that again…”
“huh… -0-?”
“who’s trash?”
“…-0-… um… no I mean…”
“you… want to be deformed?”
“if your don’t… shut the hell up… I’ll fck all you guys up…” Taesung ah… Taesung Ah… -0-…
Taesung transformed to the same image he was when he broke the car window -0- and
the atmosphere turned more and more ugly… one of the kekekaka crew… the biggest one…
scoffed. “sh!t. who is this. isn’t this bastard only a junior. what the fck we doing with a
junior… argh… hey… someone go get one of the juniors… HURRY!! remember to bring
HaeWon.! since he’s the best fighter”
…this… isn’t a joke… -0-… “i don’t… like fighting with people in my grade… I prefer… people
your age… more fun… ^-^” Taesung… smiled broadly… and set his fist into the big guy of
the kekekaka crew… the big guy… dumbly fell onto the floor… clutching his stomach… and…
all the kids surrounding us… the girls… scurried out the school looking afraid… and the
guys -_- were slowly retreating =_=… “assah… war begins…” Taesung laughed amused… I
saw that… laugh… somewhere… what am I doing >_< “TAESUNG!! -0-!! NOOO!! don’t do
this!!” I shouted, clutching Taesung’s thin wrists… “My nuna… if it isn’t me… who would
fight for you…”
“but I don’t want this ㅜ 0 ㅜ Taesunggg ㅜ 0 ㅜ let’s go! ㅜ 0 ㅜ! PLEASE!! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“ah… pretty… ^-^…” -0-… those were the words taesung told me while wiping away my
tears… -0-… pretty… -0-? m… me… -0-? “taesung… let’s goo… please… ㅜ^ㅜ…” Taesung’s
lips closed again… and his eyes… held no emotion… it’s the weird feeling again… and as I
used to this loud shout… it was Wun… it wasn’t just wun… there were a few other juniors
with him… “prepare to die b!tch!!”
“Wun Ah… Wun… Please… just let Taesung go… Wun ah…”
“Hankyung nuna…” Wun stared at me, sorrily… “we can’t… this time Nuna… we were gonna
get in a fight anyway… this is our problem… you know how guys always fight and stuff…
just pretend you haven’t… seen this…”
“Don’t fight… Don’t… Wun ah, let’s all play together… hrmm? please… please… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
while I held my discussion with Wun… Taesung… was already fighting solo against Wun’s
friends… -0-… Taesung doesn’t have anyone on his team… -0-… but the people falling on
the groumd… was Wun’s friends… -0-… “Bastard!!! Fck off?!” Wun charged toward
Taesung… But… he was on the ground not even a minute afterward… panting… after 3 hits
from scary Taesung… ㅜ_ㅜ ㅜ^ㅜ ㅜ.,ㅜ ㅜ 0 ㅜ “Wun ah… are you okay… ㅜ^ㅜ…” Wun
replied with throwing up blood… “AHH -0-” And Taesung… stood infront of Wun, panting
heavily… “Nuna. Don’t I fight well? ^-^?”
“Taesung ah! what are you doing!! you ㅜ^ㅜ!!! whyy!! I mean ㅜ_ㅜ… what have you done
to Dareum’s friends… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“…They made you cry…”
“What do you mean ㅜ_ㅜ! they’re Dareum’s friends ㅜ_ㅜ!! why would Dareum’s friends
make me cry… ㅜ^ㅜ… when Dareum sees this…ㅜ_ㅜ… she might cry… ㅜ_ㅜ… Wun Ah…
are you -o-… AHH!!!” right then… Taesung roughly pulled my wrists… “Taesung ah!! it
hurts!! what are you doing!!! Taesung ah!!! -0-!!”
“I… I… need you, too…”
“need me…ㅜ^ㅜ just tell me!! I’ll help you ㅜ^ㅜ but can you let go? Taesung ah T^T!”
Taesung placed me on his motorcycle and turned on the engine… without any words… “You
still have me left… where you think you’re going… Chung TaeSung…” Suddenly… HaeWon
stood infront of us… glaring deatheningly… ever since I came to Ahn Yang… not even a day
goes by… without anything happening… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…

a wolf’s attraction-22
a moment of silence passed… and Haewon stared at me, disappointed… “Chung HanKyung.
You even call him to school now?” hey, I didn’t ask for him to come here… -0- “Chung
Hankyung? Since when was Nuna the same age as you… ^-^?” Taesung grinned and
hopped off his motorcycle… -0- “No… Taesung ah. -0- Don’t fight with HaeWon -0- let’s
just go-0- please! >0<!!”
“Was it 5 months ago? I’ll pay you back all of that debt today… along with all of my
friends’“ Haewon muttered gibberish and stepped toward Taesung… “Then I can just
redemonstrate what happened 5 months ago ^-^” Taesung and Haewon glared at each
Black Haewon…
White Taesung…
That’s how… they appear to be… those two… Should I ask for help… >0<?! or would that
just get them in trouble? maybe I should call Dareum… ㅜ^ㅜ But… Dareum’ll probably side
with Haewon… A Hhh!! ㅜ_ㅜ!! while I frantically looked around for any way to stop the
fight… Haewon and Taesung already started throwing punches…-0-
“TAESUNG AH!! -0- !! HAE WON AH!!! ARGHH!! >_<!!!” when it looked that Haewon had
Taesung on his back, while punching him furiously -0- Taesung flipped Haewon over and
threw punches at Haewon’s face… ㅜ^ㅜ Then Taesung grabbed Haewon’s collars… and
Haewon menacingly threw punches at Taesung’s small face… ㅜ 0 ㅜ and Taesung offensed
with his fists… ahhhhh ㅜ^ㅜ and then… Taesung.grabbed his left fists… and groaned
softly… the hand that was currently bandaged… that day… when he broke the car window…
Taesung ah… and… Haewon’s attacks began… all Taesung did was to continue groaning…
without the ability to protect himself…-0- NOOOO!! >_<!! I ran to where Taesung was and
screamed at Haewon who was about to kick Taesung’s figure on the ground… “AHH!! -0-!!
STOP IT!!” Haewon hesitated for a moment… and laughed a little… “What are you doing…
Chung Hankyung… move…”
“I wont…”
“I’m not playing… move…”
“i won’t. you can’t hit Taesung anymore…” Haewon didn’t say anything… then… “why…”
“Don’t abuse Taesung anymore…”
“so I just asked you… why…”
“Taesung… Taesung’s a good guy!! -0-!!”
“hah… then… what am i?”
“You’re Dareum’s friend! -0-!! But this is still wrong!! -0-!!”
“… My name’s Bahn Haewon…”
“-.,-… What! I know! -0-!!”
“it’s not your sister’s friend… My name’s Bahn Haewon… and… Chung Taesung. I know
you’re not fighting on purpose… I don’t really feel like fighting in these conditions, like
you… so let’s meet a week from now with your guys and mine… fight or whatever…” That
was… weird… ㅇ_ㅇ… Haewon firmly shut his lips… and exited out the gate… his lips were
bleeding a lot… I wonder if he’s okay… -0-… and what about his friends lying on the ground
ㅜ 0 ㅜ you… butt… -0- “Taesung ah! are you okay!?”
“… it stings… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…” Taesung stretched out his hand while frowning “It’s bleeding. ㅜ_ㅜ
… what should I do?”
“Let’s donate blood… -ㄷ-..”
“donate.. blood? where… “
a wolf’s attraction-23

An hour later… in front of our house… Taesung and I sat side by side on a bench… the
smell of medicine on Taesung’s face stung my nose…-0- “Nuna… 4 days ago… during the
“Uh huh.”
“why didn’t you pick up the phone?”
“..that… was you???”
(- -)(_ _)(- -)(_ _) *nodd
“why… did something happen…ㅇ_ㅇ?”
(- -)(_ _)(- -)(_ _)
“what… happened…”
“i’ll tell you two days from now…”
“eh? ㅇ_ㅇ? why?”
“i don’t think I can tell you clear minded… ^-^… let’s go drink soju ^-^”
*soju=korean beer… sort of
“drink -0-? I don’t like soju… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“soju doesn’t like you, nuna ㅇ_ㅇ”
“how do you know that! -0-!?!”
“soju told me… “
“o… oh… -0-?really?” why am a 19 year old Hankyung talking about this… ㅡ.,ㅡ
“Yeah ^-^… Nuna… Thanks for siding with me before >_<“
“…heh… it’s nothing… >_<“
“and thanks… for smiling at me… and not Haewon… ^-^”
“did I smile before… -0-?”
“nope… right now… and you’re gonna continue to do so from now on”
“… uh… -0-? -0-?” Taesung’s cell phone rang… ahhhh the sound gets on my nerves… -0-
Boongee boongee chachacha~ Boongee boongee chachacha~~~ “Hellooo… -0-… yeh.My
battery’s running out. Later!! Beep!!” Taesung lightly hung up his phone -_- wow… of all
the… saying beep?! -0-… “Taesungah. why did you lie… -0-…”
“-_-… They keep on annoying me… oh yeah! Nuna, you don’t know my phone number,
“nuh… uh…”
“hold on” a chalk came out of Taesung’s pockets -ㅇ- I can’t believe he carries a chalk in
his pockets… Taesung started writing on my hand with the chalk “AHH! -0-! Taesung! that
“hrm… bad chalk…” anyway on my swollen hand a number appeared… “DONE!! -0-!!” -0-…
many people passing us stared at us strangely… “That was too loud.Taesung ah… -0-…”
“Nuna. I’m gonna go…” Taesung wiped his hands on his jeans and stood up. “huh… you’re
going… ㅇ_ㅇ?”
“Nuna… yeah…” Taesung gazed at my face… -0-… “what… are you staring at… -0-…”
“Nuna… your eyebrows are shaped funny… -0-…”
“the end is all droopy… ㅇ_ㅇ…it looks all pitiful… ㅇ_ㅇ…”
I gaped at him… and Taesung disappeared, waving… he was smiling bright… my eyebrows
are droopy… ㅜ 0 ㅜ!? Dizzy dizzy… ㅡ.,ㅡ wooo… ㅡ.,ㅡ unable to get out of the shock… -0-
I opened my apartment door carefully… and.. Jooho popped out, hopping side to side as if
he was waiting. he had on a catfish shaped mask on his head… -0- “That’s a pretty mask ^
ㅇ^ did you make it?”
“You met kidnapper! -0-!”
“Kidnapper… =_=?”
“I wasn’t going to tell him the name of ahjuma’s school!!”
“yeah -0-??”
“but he gave me this mask so I told him -_-! it’s not because I like him! NEVER!!”
Kidnapper… Taesung… ㅡ_ㅡ? Taesung made this catfish shaped mask… ㅡ_ㅡ?
“Ahjuma. 2nd nuna doesn’t like ahjuma anymore, huh?”
“KEKEKE -ㅇ- No one wants to play with you! why aren’t you returning the 7 brothers of
whistle bottle.”
“Ah… you saw it all… ^-^?” (- -)(_ _)(- -)(_ _) Jooho did weird movements with his body…
and went into his room -0- That night… 11’o clock passed… and 12’o clock passed… and
yet… Dareum still wasn’t home… Mom and Step-dad was at a meeting… so I watched
Jooho’s sleeping figure… and patiently waited for Dareum… I wonder why she turned off
her cell phone… Gosh… where is she… right then… Baelaelaelaelae… Baelaelaelalealea…
Baelaelalealaelae… ARGHH! -0-!! THAT SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME >_< “HELLO!!
“Hello… -0-… isn’t this… Dareum…”
“Is Dareum not home?”
“…Yes… She isn’t… who is this…”
“When Dareum gets home… tell her to call Haewon…”

a wolf’s attraction-24

“…Hae…Won? are you’ not with Dareum?”

“Oh… and you don’t know where she is?”
“Oh yeah… Hey… Haewon… sorry about before… I really am… is wun okay… I mean… are
you… are you okay??”
“… No…”
“…Oh… oh… really… before… I mean…”
“Don’t bother forcing yourself to talk to a person you don’t like…”
click… doo… doo… doo… -0-… Me.And Haewon… we’re always going to be like this…
..An hour later…
BAMBAMBAM!! BAMBAMBAM!! “Open the door!!”
“Dareum!?” someone slammed the door wide open. and Dareum came in through the open
door… on a friend’s back, messy hair, bloodshot eyes, and wobbly legs, and a red face…
the friend left… and I scarcely dragged Dareum to her bed. “Dareum ah… -0-… why did
“BLEHH… >ㅇ<…”
“Chung HanKyung. You… You can’t do that!! >ㅇ<!!”
“..Dareum ah…”
“Heard that Chung taesung came to our school!! Unni… you like guys better than your own
sister!? huh!?”
“No. Dareum… you’re wrong…”
“tchhhh!! >ㅇ<!! Hahh >ㅇ< let’s see you live happily ever after!! >ㅇ< crushing Haewon’s
heart like that… sshi… >ㅇ<“
“…Crush Haewon’s heart… -0-???”
“…I’m gonna throw up… BLEHH… -0-…” and that was how.. Dareum fell asleep… crush
Haewon’s heart… oh ho… because I sided with Taesung… ㅇ_ㅇ…
Next morning.
Dareum had left the house already… aww… I wanted to make her some honey tea… I
made Jooho’s breakfast and hurried out the door. that whole… day. the kekekaka crew
(without the guys) had circled around me and talked nonstop -0- “KAKAKA >ㅇ< You were
close with Taesung? we didn’t know~~~ww~~”
“Um… not exactly close… “
“Let’s be friends! ^ㅇ^”
“…Okay… ^ ^…”
“KAKAKA >_< I’m so happy!! >_<!!”
“uh… -0-…” And… throughout brunch.lunch.and even when school had ended… I was
unable to visit Dareum’s classroom… for the kekekaka crew wouldn’t let me go anywhere…
-0-… later i… had to ride the bus with them… =_=… so even now… their laughter kept on
swarming in my head… ㅜ_ㅜ… Another day with… Dareum continued acting cold and
distant… Even infront of the dinner table… Dareum… hadn’t spoken a word to me… Only…
“Ahjuma -0- water… water… wateer!!” (Mom.Dad hadn’t come home yet -_-) “Oh… sure…”
At least.. Jooho talked to me… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… (truly happy -_-) That night… Jaehee called me…
saying she wanted to meet me tomorrow… I wanted to… really really badly… but… because
I promised Taesung… I couldn’t… I wonder… what Taesung’ll say… something that
happened 4 years ago… and how he got to know me… and… why he had been so desperate
to reach me that one night…. I can finally know… >ㅇ< my heart thumped through out the
whole day… ㅇ_ㅇ and even at school the next day… my heart continued thumping… as
soon as school ended… I raced home… and called Taesung… the signal went on for awhile…
then… “hello… -0-”
“Taesung ah… this is Hankyung nuna… ^-^…”
“Ooh Nuna!!”
“hehe… where… do you wanna meet?”
“i wanted to pick you up… =0= but this hippo mouth wouldn’t let me go!! -0-!!”
“Hippo lips?”
“-_- Uh huh this… girl… nuna.nuna.nuna you know the final stop of the #1 bus?”
“be there. I’ll put this hippo lips to sleep really soon and go out!! >_<! call me in an hour!”
“k… ^-^” after I clumsily threw my uniform around the room… I put on warm clothes…
and headed out the door… weird… I wonder if it’s the weather… I don’t feel very well…
well… no it’s nothing like that… it’s just… my heart… is thumping furiously… am I dying
today… -0-? why am I like this!! Once… when I was young… yeah I think it was in the 7th
grade… my heart started thumping like this for no reason… and later on that day… DaeHan
asked me to be his girlfriend… >_<… But… Why… 5 years later!! am I feeling the same
way as before… =_= …whew.. whatever… I pounded on my chest… and headed out of my
apartment… I probably could take the #1 bus… =0= it’s only 8… and yet it’s already so
dark… -0- after awhile… I had reached the final stop of the #1 bus… when I glanced at my
watch… it was a little bit past 9… I quickly dialed taesung’s number. I dialed… ㅜ^ㅜ but…
once… twice… 4 times… 8 times… Taesung’s phone was turned off… ㅜ_ㅜ What do I do…ㅜ
_ㅜ I went down to the underground plaza and continued waiting… I wonder if it’s always
so busy… ㅇ_ㅇ dang… thats a lot of people… ㅇ_ㅇ when’ll Taesung’s phone turn on… ㅇ_ㅇ
… when I looked at my watch.. it was just passing 10:30… -0-!! NOO!! -0-!! Mom’s going
to worry… ㅜ_ㅜ… Payphone… payphonee… >_< ooh!! I found a payphone on the other
side and raced across… Blinking lights… and blasting loud music… Many drunken students…
and occasional yells by older men… I started getting a bit frantic… -0- Many guys wearing
formal wear appeared… -0- my fingers quickly dialed Taesung’s number.. “Nuna?!”
“Yeah… taesung ah…”
“Nuna where are you!?”
“Nuna has to… go now… ㅜ_ㅜ”
“NOO!! -0-!! Nuna where are you.I’ll get there as soon as I can!!”
“But I have to go… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“NOO!! >ㅇ<!!”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… I’m… infront of the Grand Pharmacy… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“Okay! Wait just for 10 minutes!!” The phone ended in a click… -0- Noo… I really need to
get home now… -0- then… on the road infront of the phonebox I was in… A black car who
had been making weird sounds… hit a white car who had been waiting for the green light…
CRASH!! -0- HOLY!! >_<!! I THINK SOMEONE’S GOING TO DIE!! >_<! AHH!! >_<!!

a wolf’s attraction-25

oh my >_< oh my >_< nooo… >_< nooo… >_< ㅇ_ㅇ… ㅇ_ㅇ… the white car’s door
opened… and… a person who had exceeded my expectations (?!)… had stepped out… a
rather bear like guy… -0- who had a scary face… -0-… and he headed over to the black
car… and opened the driver’s seat with great force… =0= aigoo… scary >ㅇ< aigooo >ㅇ<
…why… of all the… the black car’s door opened… and staggering out… was… of all the
people… Haewon… I felt my heart stopping for a brief moment… -0-… Haewon opened his
mouth… “what…” for some reason… the bear guy’s face had hardened…”i asked you…
“so… sorry Haewon ah… I didn’t know it was you in the car… ah… did you drink? it looks
like you did…”
“looks like? what, you about to start something? huh?” Haewon’s voice was very twisted…
=0= I think he’s drunk >_< Oh God >_< the bear guy slowly recoild and said… “No… not
at all Haewon… I’m not about to start anything…”
“You… sshi… -0-!!” Haewon had slammed the bear guy onto the road… -0- “AHH!! >_<!!” I
screamed without knowing so -_- (have a habit of screaming when a fight occurs -_-) the
bear guy quickly got up and got into his car in an incredibly fast speed… and ran away -0-
-0- he had run away… ㅜ 0 ㅜ and… Haewon… who saw me… ㅜ_ㅜ stared at me blankly… ㅜ
_ㅜ why… why does this phonebooth have a clear wall… ㅜ^ㅜ why!! WHY!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! TELL
ME WHY!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! Haewon walked over to me… and I waved through the clear wall… “Hey…
hi… -0-”
“… isn’t this… Chung hankyung…”
“… =_= UH huh… I’m Hankyung… =_=“
“hahaha >_< woww~~ What’s a princess doing out here in the streets? hmm?!”
“-_- a… princess… “
“-_- aren’t you a princess… envious of how many guys you have on your tail -_-” ㅜ_ㅜ…
ㅜ_ㅜ… “you’re too drunk… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“yes I am… I am very drunk…”
“…uh… huh…”
“i drank a lot… hell I just poured the whole thing… why…” Haewon glared at me and said
twistedly if it was possible… I want to be able to fly out of here and go home..ㅜ^ㅜ “…you
should’ve… not drunk so much… you have school tomorrow…”
“…Chung hankyung…”
“don’t smile infront of me…”
“don’t talk infront of me…” (- -)(_ _)(- -)(_ _) “don’t even stand infront of me…don’t… let
me see you…”
“…should i… I just go… -0-… I’m gonna go… -0-… I’m meeting someone… yeah… I’m gonna
go… -0- byee!! -0-” oh yeah!! >_<! with my lucky chance I had started escaping out the
phonebooth… right then… through the small gap of the clear phone booth… Haewon
grabbed my wrists suddenly… “…you… told me to leave… -0-… I’m about to… -0-…”
“fck… what do I do… I think… I like you…” -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0-
=0= =0= =0= =0= =0= =0= =0= =0=
“… wh… what… -0-…”
“…oh…. I see… =ㅇ=… ye… yeah… I like you too… you’re Dareum’s friend… =ㅇ=…”
“…whew…” Haewon let out an angry sigh… and glared at me…-0- “…-0-… or… not…”
“should I go in there or do you wanna come out here…” ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ…
“i’ll go out… ㅜ_ㅜ…” this isn’t right… ㅜ_ㅜ… am I dreaming… ㅜ_ㅜ where am i…ㅜ^ㅜ… I
walked out of the phone booth… and limped to where Haewon’s car was parked… then… He
had dragged me over to the passenger seat… and… he opened the door (passenger’s door)
… and said to someone sitting in the car… while smiling… “Nuna… sorry… but get off-0-”
then… a girl’s voice was heard. “why… Haewon… why…”
“…i have to do something important… something very important… ^-^” something
important!? ㅜ 0 ㅜ!? what are you going to do to me?? nooo!! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! then the
passenger’s door had opened wide… and a girl… got off… she had gotten off… she had
gotten off… and that girl… was Jaehee… no… it’s probably just someone who looks like
her…but… the girl who looked like Jaehee said to me… “Hankyung ah…” =_=… -0- =ㅇ=
“JaeHEE!!! >ㅇ<!!!!!”
a wolf’s attraction-26

Jaehee stared at me dumbfoundedly… “Hankyung… what are… you… doing here…”

“…Jaehee yah ㅜ_ㅜ why are you… in Haewon’s car ㅜ^ㅜ!!”
“…You… know Haewon?”
“uh huh… ㅜ_ㅜ He’s my sister Dareum’s friend… ㅜ_ㅜ” AH!!! -0-!!! as soon as those words
escaped my lips… HAewon put me in a headlock… “if you say I’m a sister’s friend one more
time I swear I’ll hit you… =_=“
“Haewon ah… what are you… and Hankyung?” Jaehee whispered… her face was pale… “…
Nuna I think I like this kid… so… she’ll be my girlfriend pretty soon ^-^” -0- -0- “who…
who’s your girlfriend… -0-!!!”
“Hankyung ah… let’s talk… for just a minute…” Jaehe grabbed my arms and dragged me a
bit away from Haewon… “what is this… Hankyung ah… you’re Haewon’s… girlfriend?
Haewon likes you?!” Jaehee’s voice shook violently… “-0- as for you, Jaehee, what are you
doing in that… guy’s car… what about Daehan ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“…Don’t tell… Daehan you saw me here…”
“!! -0- !!!! are you ch… cheating on Daehan!??!”
“…I met Haewon before Daehan… so it isn’t cheating…” Jaehee angrily stated… I grabbed
Jaehee’s arms and started begging. “Noo -0- jaehee yah~ you can’t do that to Daehan!
-0-! poor Daehan…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“…You still like Daehan right?”
“…If you still like him… go to Daehan… and i’ll… I’ll stay with Haewon…”
“…th… that’s… =0=…”
“…You don’t… like Haewon right? you don’t have any sort of feelings toward him… right?”
are you… really my friend Jaehee… ㅜ_ㅜ… while I dumbly stared at Jaehee’s face…
Haewon walked over to me… “Piggy. Let’s go…”
“go where! ㅜ_ㅜ!!” Haewon still seemed drunk while he pulled on my hand… “Haewon
ah…” Jaehee called Haewon’s name in a low voice… “Yeah.Nuna~ Thanks for today~ I’ll
call you later if I have time…”
“Jae… Jaehee yah…” I looked at Jaehee in sorrow… trapped in that black car… unable to
protest…. I stared at Haewon… the car had already vroom vroom… -0- “-_-… what’s Jaehee
to you…”
“…I said I like you…”
“…huh… -0-?”
“I told you I like you…”
“It takes us 20 minutes to get to your house from here. Answer in those 20 minutes. if you
don’t… we’re going to the pacific ocean…”
“-0- -0- Let’s go to Gongju instead of the Pacific Ocean. -0- Gongju -0- Want me to show
you Mung goo. -0-?!! Mung Goo!? -0-!!”
“-_- then answer first!! why was Jaehee in your car!!!”
“…i don’t know… we went out before…”
“wuh… WHAT!! -0-!! are you serious!?”
“why… are you jealous…? ^-^” Haewon had been holding the steering wheel.. and joyfully
laughed at me in surprise -_- “It isn’t jealousy… ㅜ_ㅜ… why are you guys meeting if
you’re not going out anymore… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“…because she wanted to…”
“Jaehee has a boyfriend! ㅜㅇㅜ!!! really romantic, too!!! ㅜ^ㅜ!!!!”
“Don’t meet Jaehee anymore ㅜ_ㅜ if you do… her boyfriend’s going to get hurt!!! ㅜㅇㅜ”
“enough about that… answer yes or no just answer me that…” -0-… =0=… of course it’s
no… but… ㅜ_ㅜ… “i’m just… you’re my sister’s friend and… AHH!! -0-!!” Haewon had hit
me in the head… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… “i told you I was going to hit you if you say sister’s friend one
more time…”
“that hurts!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!”
“-_-^i know. It’s meant to hurt. Yes???”
“if it’s yes… what happens..ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“today’s day 1..”
“then if it’s no… ㅜ_ㅜ what happens… ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“straight to Pacific Ocean”
“-_-…” what do I do… how am I suppose to answer… if I say no… he’ll really head over to
the Pacific Ocean… ㅜ_ㅜ… but… if I say yes… today’s day 1… ㅜ^ㅜ? Noo ㅜ^ㅜ dating with
someone you don’t like isn’t the right thing to do ㅜㅇㅜ… “th… then… give me a week to
“i wonder which way’s the Pacific Ocean… let’s just go to the Atlantic Ocean…”
“th… then… 3 days…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“yeah. Let’s go to the Atlantic Ocean.”
“then let’s just be good friends and when I start to like you, I’ll say so… ㅜ_ㅜ (never -0-)
then let’s say day 1 then… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… yeah?”
“yeah! let’s do that! wouldn’t that be more comfortable for you. ㅜ_ㅜ!?”
“…only on one condition…”
“don’t meet any other guys until then -_-^”
“what ㅜ_ㅜ!? not even friends?! I can’t meet my friends!!! ㅜ_ㅜ!?” the car had gotten
near my house… Haewon had steered the wheel this way and that way, in finding my
house… “not even friends”
“-_-… okay… then… you can’t meet Jaehee either…” if you don’t meet Jaehee… then
Jaehee’s heart will go back to DAehan… THEN Jaehee and Daehan can live happily ever
after.. okay? you butthole!! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! “I’M NOT!! why are you crying though?”
“i’m not crying… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“What’s Jaehee nuna to you?”
“Jaehee nuna? you just call me by my name but why do you call her nuna ㅜ_ㅜ!?”
“if I call you nuna…”
“then you’ll only see me as a donseng… I dunno! Ahh! don’t ask things like that! -0-!! and
don’t think about Jaehee nuna that much. It’s been a long time we’ve broken up… she kept
on calling me so I just met her today…” I’m not thinking about you and Jaehee! I’m
thinking about Daehan and Jaehee!! -0-!! “-_- your face expressions vary a lot from
before? are you mad?”
“n… no… we’re home!! -0-!! imma get off!! tomorrow… at school… AHH!! TAE SUNG AH!!” I
just remembered ㅜ_ㅜ argh I’m remembering!! ㅜㅇㅜ!! Taesung ah! ㅜ^ㅜ!! Taesung ah…
ㅜ_ㅜ… can’t believe I forgot about him ㅜ_ㅜ “don’t… talk about Chung Taesung infront of
me… and… don’t meet Chung Taesung either…”
“if you think you can handle what happens afterward… then go ahead and meet him…”
“what about my friend, Mung Goo… -0-!!”
“What’s a Mung Goo… a dog’s name?”
“My friend is not a dog!! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“-_-…” Haewon had vroom vroom left… I stared at the disappearing car for awhile… and
ordered my shaking legs to go home… the time was a little over 11…

a wolf’s attraction-27

wow… I can’t believe this is happening!-0-!! Haewon likes me… Why! WHY! why Haewon!!
ㅜ^ㅜ! it would be better if it was Wun… ㅜ_ㅜ… and… Jaehee… why… does Jaehee… what
about Daehan… ㅜ_ㅜ… Daehan ah…ㅜ_ㅜ… Daehan ah… because it happened
unexpectedly… so suddenly I had rolled in my bed until 2 worrying and thinking… and
gradually fell asleep… forgetting to call Taesung… like a babo… *babo=dumb
next day… when the bell to 2nd period rang… I remembered Taesung… I suddenly stood
up in my seat and… “WHERE! is the payphone!!! -0-!!” the girl who sat next to me said.
“first floor’s main gate -_- why. you’re gonna call someone?”
“YEAH!!” I speeded to the backdoor… one of the kekekaka crew stopped me. “Ooh.
Hankyung where are you doing! Class started~!!”
“NO! noo!!” I pushed the kekekaka crew aside… and shaking a couple of coins… looked for
a payphone… and… on the stairs headed down… I saw… Haewon leaned against the side
walls of the stairs… with a broom and a dustpan at his feet… he had a cigarette in his
mouth… I stopped dead on my tracks… next to him…. was Wun.. seated in the same pose…
“.Hi… “ Haewon looked up at me… wow… -0- can’t believe I actually feel shy…ㅜㅇㅜ
Haewon returned his gaze to something infront of him and asked me -0- after exhaling out
white smoke..-0- “where are you going… don’t you have class..?”
“we have a free period!(ended up lying)
“oh? where are you going then…”
“to call… -0-…”
“a friend…”
“here…” Haewon stretched out his cell phone. I hoped he hadn’t remembered last night…
but I guess… Haewon… actually meant it… ㅜ_ㅜ… Wun had pouty lips while he stared at
me… and that image was oh so very familiar… (thinking about Mung Goo) “…What are…
you guys doing here…”
“green Class -_-^ volunteer work…”
“Nuna. Nuna are you really gonna go out with Haewon ㅜ_ㅜ?!!” Wun, who had been quiet
after all this time, asked in a loud voice… “did… HAewon say that… -0-?”
“YES! ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
“quiet -_- that teacher will be on our cases -_-^” Haewon placed his cell phone in my
hands and said to Wun… keeping an eye on Wun… I pressed Taesung’s number… I’ll say
it’s not Taesung… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… the signal went on for awhile… “Hello?” taesung’s voice was
always so bright… “Uh… I’m… Hankyung… Tae… Taesoon ah…”
“-0-… nuna?”
“…yes… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“I’m not TaeSoon… ㅜ 0 ㅜ “
“I… I know…”
“who am I then… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“you… you?”
“yeah!!!” I carefully let my eyes wander at Haewon and Wun -0- their eyes were both
locked onto me… -0- “You’re my guardian angel…-ㅇ-…”
“Really? Nuna… for real?”
“Yes… of course…”
“…Nuna… I waited for more than 4 hours last night…”
“Hyuk -0- seriously?! TAE… SOON AH! -0-;; why did you do that!!!!”
“…Nuna why didn’t you come… did something happen?”
“No Sorry ㅜ_ㅜ… yesteraday… yeah… yesteraday… ㅜ_ㅜ… of course… yeah… ㅜ_ㅜ. (tried
my best to not make it seem obvious -_-) I’ll call you later. Let’s talk about what you were
going to tell me… yesteraday… over the phone… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“Let’s meet today.”
“Let’s meet today. Since I waited for you for 4 hours last night. You have to spend 4 hours
with me today…”
“…ㅜ 0 ㅜ… o… okay I will. anyway I’ll call you later…”
“I’M NUNA’S GUARDIAN ANGEL!! >_< !!” click -_- I hung up the phone -_-… Taesung
would’ve gotten offended… “Yah… yah… what… Guardian angel?… what the hell… who was
that?” I think Haewon heard… -0- well… it wasn’t hard not to -0-… “you don’t know… her..
“I’m believing you…”
“okay -0-…”
“i’m really trusting you…” Haewon stared at me seriously… the words keep on poking
around in my conscious… “yeah… believe me…”
“aigoo -0- stop with the sweet talk… I’m trusting you~ yeaah~ believe me -0-~~~” Wun
got weird…he was a nice kid… “Yah. Yoo wun. You said you’re not gonna get offended!!!”
“WHAT!! I”M NOT!?”
“then what are you doing right now -_-^ !!!”
“I’m jealous all right!! did I say anything!? does it seem funny!!” Haewon’s and Wun’s
voice was getting louder… “I… I’m going in… -0-…”
“… yah…”
“when this period ends… come to the recording room…”
“the recording room?”
“…we have to clean up that area!! -0-^ so come…”
“…i told Han Dareum about… us…”
“wh… what…”
“you and me… yesteraday” if he says it like that… it just gets me all embarassed… -0-…
“uh… okay! I’m going in!!” in an attempt to hide my blushing cheeks, I quickly ran up the
stairs… and in midway I heard Wun’s shout. “Nuna I hate you!!” and… I heard Haewon’s
voice following Wun’s… -0- “B!tch. die!!” =_= … Ahhh… my head… =0=… when I opened
the backdoor the angry math teacher glared at me. -0- “YOU! what do you think you’re
trying to pull?! go raise your hand!!”
“okay… -0-…” after about 20 minutes… my arms started getting sore… I heard she’s the
scariest teacher at our school… ㅜ^ㅜ… wahhh… my arm hurts… ㅜ_ㅜ… wahhh ㅜ_ㅜ
anyway… where should I meet Taesung ㅜ_ㅜ… if I meet Haewon on the way… ㅜ_ㅜ…
right then -_-… from the speakers hung in the classroom… a staticy sound was produced…
-0- -0-…oing… -0- and… a familiar voice tickled my ears… “Announcing to the 3-2
classroom… ah ah… fck… b!tch Yoo wun!! -0-!! don’t touch that!! jijijiic…jijijic…” -0-… -0-…
-0-… every student in the classroom looked at the speaker… and… i, for some reason, got
sad… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… “Yah. Chung Hankyung. Listen. You have a free period? …yah… don’t come
to the recording room but the back field after this period ends, all right??.” the sound
bounced off the walls… and… Wun’s voice was heard afterward… “WHY! wanna burn some
trash in the back field!? TCH!!” and Haewon’s voice followed afterward… “you wanna die
today huh!!!” and their freaky insults followed after the announcement… tears were in my
eyes… and I saw the math teacher’s fingers shaking violently… who had stormed out of the
classroom… outbursts by the kids… “Heyy… Hankyung… are you close with Haewon, too?
wow… -0-…”
“i really don’t get it… Chung Taesung and even Bahn Haewon… ㅜ_ㅜ… give me at least
one person, huh. ㅜ_ㅜ… please? I’ll be content with Taesung… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“Give me Haewon!! ㅜ^ㅜ!!” I plopped down on the ground and shed tears…ㅜ 0 ㅜ

a wolf’s attraction-28

in room 4-1 (detention room)… my butt was being attacked by the math teacher’s bamboo
stick… “what do you think you’re doing!! you think school’s a dating place!? HUH?!”
“ㅜ 0 ㅜ I’m sorry ㅜ 0 ㅜ”
“you’re head’s full of crap!! just crap!! it hasn’t even been a week since you’ve
transfered!?” the stick attacked my butt once again. kuk… -0- uk… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… “you’re
responsible if the other students do bad on their tests! you’re a senior!! do I make myself
“-0-… yes… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“the ones who appear to be shy are always the one who does something drastic… you
laugh it all off while hitting on the juniors…” right then… sseeukk!! the door opened with
great force! “UNNI!! -0-!!’
“DAREUM AH!! ㅜ-ㅜ!!” Dareum advanced toward us with a scary expression. “Mrs. Yoo!!
That’s my unni!! -0-!!”
“-_-… OH ho… Han Dareum… She’s your unni? tsk tsk… siblings act alike!!”
“are you finished talking!? why do you only hit my unni!! why!! why aren’t you saying
anything to Bahn Haewon or Yoo Wun!!”
“you think I don’t know!! -0-!! Haewon’s mom is the city mayor! and Wun’s dad is a
famous doctor!! so you’re just hitting my UNNI because we don’t have a full back as
them!! >ㅇ<!!”
Dareum ah… ㅜㅇㅜ!!! Mrs. Yoo raised her hand! OH MY GOSH!! >ㅇ<!! “-_- if you lay a
finger one me, u think I’m going to let you slide? I’ll tell the principal that you got a money
envelope from Haewon’s mom yesterday -_-^” Dareum didn’t… even blink an eye while
threatening Mrs. Yoo… -0- My sister… Dareum’s so smart and quick… =_=… “wh… what!
YAH!! did you see me doing so!??” Mrs. Yoo seemed ready to explode… “You think I’m the
only one? the class president saw it, too!! try lying to her =_=..”
“HM! HM!! YAH!! seeing weird things like that… GET OUT!!!”
“why =_= are you afraid… =_-??”
“hohoho “
“Dareum… Let’s go… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…” I dragged Dareum, who started laughing hysterically, out
the door… “Dareum ah… thanks…”
“Unni are you dumb!? why did you let her hit you like that! why!!!!”
“*sniffle* ㅜㅇㅜ… Dareum ah… thanks… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“sshi… why get hit… why… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“Dareum ah… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“Unnii!!! ㅜ^ㅜ!!!!” us two sisters… hugged… in the hallway… and sobbed hysterically…
=_=… time flew by… “Unni -_- You’re going out with Haewon eh… Congratulations!!”
“-0-!!! NO!!!! not yet!!!!!”
“the confession day has finally come. now, we have to meet Jaehee!!!” -0- NOO!!
“No!! Dareum ah!! we’re not going out!!! ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
“I’ll go home alone… Have a nice date with Haewon… keke -0-”
“-_- Dareum ah… Please…”
“-0- Imma start dating again. I couldn’t because I had to take care of you…”
“-ㅇ-…” Dareum happily started jogging… and shouted at me who just stood
dumbfoundedly. “UNNI!!! Do you like Chung Taesung better or me???’
“Of course Dareum!!! -0-!!”
“AHH!!! >_<!!” Dareum let out a loud shrill and disappeared down the stairs… heavy
head… I’m happy that Dareum and I made up… but… not as happy when I think of
Haewon… ㅜ^ㅜ whew… anyway they haven’t been hit at all!! -_-!? when I got hit like
crazy… ㅜ_ㅜ!? for some reason… my eyes produced tears again… but I have Dareum so
I’m happy -0- School ends…and… Haewon stood infront of the front door of our classroom
frowning, he stared at me cleaning… -0-… “YAH!!! why are you cleaning??!!”
“-0-… how about you go wait downstairs… -0-?”
“You’re so dumb!! why are YOU the only one cleaning!!! -0-!!!” calling me dumb “I’m
almost done okay?! go wait downstairs!! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“It’s a free country, I can do whatever I want!!”
“-_-…” I surrender -0- I dusted the book shelfs and emptied out the dust pan after I hung
my backpack over my shoulders. I saw Haewon being surrounded by the kekekaka crew
“Kaka >ㅇ< you played the drums during the festival >_< everyone in our class fell for
you right then >ㅇ<“
“-_-… oh…”
“Kekeke >ㅇ< truthfully I don’t think you and Hankyung make a good couple >ㅇ< oh
yeah. can I touch your hair? I’ve always wanted to >ㅇ<“
“-_-… why…”
“what do you mean why! >ㅇ<!! it’s so cute! >ㅇ<!! Kekeke >_< can’t believe I’m talking
to you! >_<!!!”
“-_- I don’t want to believe I’m talking to you Nunas, either “ I left the kekekaka crew and
Haewon… and escaped through the back door -_-… -0- Let’s go meet Taesung -0-…
Haewon ah. Bye bye -0-

a wolf’s attraction-29

incase I were to be spotted by Dareum, Wun, or Haewon… I ran home like a mad woman.
I wonder if Haewon is abusive -0-!? That thought got me to stop in my tracks… ㅜㅇㅜ…
hmmh… since I’ve made up with Dareum… I can use Dareum!! -0-!! and hide behind her!!
oh my! can’t believe I just thought that!! -0-!! “move!!” -ㅇ-… looking over my shoulders, I
saw Jooho frowning at me. “Oh? Jooho… did you just come home?”
“is the kidnapper not coming today?”
“kidnapper? ohoh! Taesung!? yeah… he’s not coming today… why… do you wanna see
Taesung? ^-^”
“NO!!! I’m hungry… I want cream soup…”
“Oooh~ okay -0- I’ll make you some at home!” Jooho and I came home and sat side by
side eating yummy soup… ^ㅇ^ oh yeah!! what am I doing!! I have to meet Taesung and
hear his story!!! “Jooho yah… Nuna will be right back… do you want something to eat? or
video!! Whistle bottle two!?”
“No… hoho ahjuma…”
“okay ^ㅇ^ hoho ahjuma! okay! I’ll go rent it! be right back!!”
“mMm… k… this is good… -0-…”
“o…k -_- I’ll be back ^ㅇ^” what if I meet… Haewon while I’m with Taesung!!!ㅜㅇㅜ!??
yeah… run away! if I hide behind Dareum… I’ll be safe… muhahhaa ㅡ_ㅡ Oh God… -0-!! I
can’t believe I’m thinking about this again!! -0-!! shaking my head several times I ran
toward the bus stop, excited I wonder if Taesung lived in Gongju before… is that how he
knew me 4 years ago? the truth will be revealed in a little while!! ^ㅇ^!! right then a black
motorcycle stopped infront of me and seated in the front, a guy student from our school
tsked at me and Haewon… was in the back… mugging at me -_- “-_-… you had a black
motorcycle? that’s so cool… do you like the color black haewon?”
“-_-…” Haewon hopped off… and the student from our school looked me up and down as if
looking at a bug… and… sped off… “what do you think you’re doing…” Haewon slung his
backpack over him and stared at me evily. “-0- why did you follow me? -0- I want some
free time, too you know!! -ㅇ-!!”
“if you were gonna go TELL ME!! I searched everywhere for you WITH those obnoxious b!
“-0-… calling my friends a b!tch isn’t nice… -0-…”
“where are you going…”
“…to meet a friend…”
“those obnoxious b!tches -_-^?”
“-_-… no… a different friend…”
“yeah? where…”
“#1’s final stop…”
“Okay. Let’s go together…” Haewon swung his long arms over my shoulders and I pushed
his arms away with much difficulty. “YAH! -0- you can’t! -0-!! and don’t put your arms
around me!! ㅡ 0 ㅡ!!”
“-_-^… it’s a free country…” Haewon swung his arms over my shoulders once again. “-0-!!
I’m going alone!!! I’m gonna meet my friend alone!!”
“-_-… are you meeting a guy?”
“-_- no.”
“just say it and don’t cry because I caught you doing so -_-”
“why would I cry!! -0-!!”
“-_-^ you are meeting a guy then…”
“then I’m meeting a girl??”
“-_-… (gaping -_-) go meet a girl…”
“…you’re not jealous?!”
“-0- why????”
“you don’t like me meeting Jaehee…”
“That’s cuz DaeHA!!!! Daehaaaaaaa… ahhh…~~~~ -0- thats because… anyway if you meet
girls… I won’t get mad…”
“…wh… where are you going… -0-?”
“to meet my fans~~~ don’t run into me later~ your head might not be safe~~” Haewon
turned his back and walked away… waving his hands twice… ohho… that was easy… ㅇ_ㅇ
… I wonder if he’ll really hit my head? -0- no worry!! I’ll just tell Dareum!!! =0= I thought
about that again!! -0-!! I scolded my bad thoughts and got on the bus. I saw Haewon’s
figure getting smaller and smaller…

a wolf’s attraction-30

when I arrived at the same place as yesteraday… I called Taesung’s number… “yeah!
Nuna!! where are you!?”
“infront of the Grand Pharmacy… same place as yesterday ^ㅇ^”
“O K! kkk!! I’m near there!! wait for 5 minutes!!!”
“okay^ㅇ^” incase Haewon was around… I kept on glancing around my surroundings in
fear… and waited for taesung, biting my lower lips… and… not even 5 minutes later… I saw
taesung smiling brightly while running toward me… he’s wearing his uniform… The same
school as Daehan… DaeHan… haven’t seen him in awhile… I wonder where… Daehan is…
Daehan… “NUNA!!!!”
“huh.! oh! Taesung ah ^-^”
“…let’s go^-^”
“wh… where.?”
“soju’s waiting for us… (said in a whisper -_-)”
“…i can’t stay for long…” and a place not so far away from the Grand pharmacy, a bar
located on the 2nd floor… Taesung just opened the door as if he was used to it. “Ahjuma!
I’m here!”
“aigoo ^ㅇ^ Our Taesung came? ^ㅇ^”
“yeah! ^ㅇ^” they look… good together those two -_- Taesung plopped down on his seat.
“Nuna… Why did you hang up the phone so suddenly before ㅇ_ㅇ?”
“huh? oh… we had class… ^^”
“…oh okay… man it’s difficult seeing your face Nuna…^-^”
“Noo… I’m a free person… -0-”
“Nuna do you eat alone? do you go out alone even during PE?! does your classmates
ignore you!?”
“-_- Noo… I have friends… or… I’ve made friends… thanks to you…”
“me? why?!”
“…see… at our school… you’re really popu-…” while those words barely got off my mouth,
Taesung opened a bottle of Soju… and drank the whole thing one shot… -0- “Taesung ah!
you’ll get drunk!! -0-!! I did the same thing before! -0-!”
“-_- I need to get drunk…”
“…okay…” Taesung rubbed his eyes… >_< hehe when I look at Taesung… I keep on
remembering my cousin oppa I met 4 years ago at my grandmother’s birthday party. My
first aunt’s son… -0-… he was such a scary oppa -_- he thought I was glaring at him so he
kept on rebuking me… ㅜ_ㅜ afterward… I was never able to see him again… -0- the next
day… dad died in a car crash… and I lived with my grandmother’s sister ever since then…
and afterward I wasn’t able to see my first aunt (my dad’s first sister)… or my cousin
oppa… he was… really handsome looked exactly like my dad and my first aunt… when I
tried to grab his hand he pushed me on the ground… I was… in 8th grade then… -0-… and
that oppa was probably in the 9th grade… -0-… but why don’t I look like my dad… if I
looked like him i’d be a model… ㅜ_ㅜ… Dareum resembles my dad … ㅜ_ㅜ then my mom
is the one that doesn’t have such a pretty face… ㅜ_ㅜ my first aunt was gorgeous… -0-
but. that oppa and Taesung… looks so much alike… “Taesung ah isn’t soju all bitter? it
seemed all bitter to me…”
“…=0=… uh… ahhh! a bit >_<!!!!!… nuna… won’t dad get mad if you go home late?”
“…oh… stepdad… I mean… dad doesn’t… say anything…^^”
“…stepdad?…nuna… your dad… is a stepdad?”
“…ah… y… yeah…”
“…you’re lying…”
“…my real dad… passed away…”
“….you’re lying…^-^”
“…noo… ^-^…. I’m okay now though… ^-^…”
“…when did… your real dad… pass… pass away…”
“…4 years ago…”
“then… Dareum’s not your real sister?”
“No. Dareum is my real sister! that racoon kid is my step dad and my mom’s… son…^-^…”
I answered as if I didn’t care… but… questions about my family… was yet still a burden…
“Nuna why do you keep on lying…”
“i’m for real… Taesung ah… let’s not talk about this anymore… eat… good stuff!! -0-!!”
“Nuna… don’t lie… don’t… lie…” In Taesung’s dark eyes something twinkled Taesung hung
his head low and repeated the same words over and over again “you’re lying… you’re
lying… “

a wolf’s attraction-31

year 1998.
10 days after Hankyung entered the 8th grade. Hankyung’s dad, Chung TaeHoon, enters
his car holding Hankyung’s hands… When Hankyung was 7… her parents had divorced.
Hankyung’s mother took Dareum to AhnYang… and Hankyung and her dad were living
happily together… “Hankyung ah. Today’s Grandma’s 70th birthday… let’s go eat yummy
food… ^^… and we’ll go on a drive afterward ^^”
“OIE -0- yay! DAD!!! -0-!!! Their car exited out of Gongju… and headed toward a hotel in
Seoul’s H Hotel. there were quite a lot of people. Hankyungs grandmother sat on a bench…
and next to her… was Hankyung’s first aunt… along with her last uncle… the door opened..
and Hankyung’s dad enters…
Greeted happily by Hankyung’s grandmother… Hankyung’s first aunt steps toward
Hankyung… “Oh.. hankyung… it’s been awhile… look at you! you’ve grown so much… I saw
you once in kindergarden.”
“…yeah ^-^…. oh yeah… you haven’t seen Eunsung yet, right?
Eunsung ah… come here for a second… she’s your cousin dongseng… ^-^ Isn’t she pretty…
Hankyungee?” Hankyung’s first aunt’s last son. Tall… and has a pale white skin…
Hankyung’s cousin. Ji. Eun.Sung “she isn’t pretty at all. hecka ugly… doesn’t look like uncle
at all… stop mugging at me! -_-!”
“-0-…” Taking a glimpse at Hankyung’s dumbfounded expression… Hankyung’s first aunt
slapped Eunsung’s back. “-_- Can’t you behave?? You promised you won’t say anything
bad since it’s your Grandmother’s birthday party!!”
“-_-… okay…”
“Go run along with Hankyung. the food here is all catered so it’s pretty good. DON”T eat
with your hands!! I’ll be talking with your grandma… okay!?”
“-_- fine” Eunsung walked to where piles of food lay on a long white table. and Hankyung
chased after him. When Eunsung gulps down wine one shot. Hankyung stares at him in
surprise “Oppa -0-! you can’t eat that! -0-!!”
“-_- who told you to follow me…”
“-0-… Oppa, I never saw a cousin unni or oppa before, but I’m really happy I got to meet
you Oppa… -0-…”
“-_-^… aren’t you going?”
“since you’re first aunt’s son… you live in Gwa Chun right? ^ㅇ^ how is it there? do you
like it ^0^?”
“sshi -_-^ you’re hecka annoying” Hankyung stares at Eunsung dumbfoundedly once
again. right then… the door creaks open… a grandma with white hair all over walks in
grabbing taesung’s hands. The grandma whispers to Taesung “That… lady on the bench…
she’s your grandmother from your father’s side…”
“…grandma… dad… where’s dad??”
“shh… be quiet… quiet… these people here cannot know that you’re your dad’s real son.”
“i know… I know…” Taesung mutters those words dejectedly. Hankyung’s dad who had
been talking with his mother. Chung TaeHoon. finds Taesung and his grandma.. and runs
to them. “Oh… Taesung, you came! ^ㅇ^ Mother, how are you?”
“i’m fine… are you sure we should’ve come here…”
“^-^… I wanted to see our Taesung since I came to Seoul ^ㅇ^… Mother… there’s food
over there… Eat lots” Hankyung walks over to them. “Appa… ㅜ_ㅜ… That cousin oppa of
mine… is so scary… ㅜ_ㅜ… huh? who’s this grandma? and who’s him… ㅇ_ㅇ…”
“…Ah… hankyung ah… They’re daddy’s friends… they live in Seoul…”
“ohh… ^ㅇ^ hello ^ㅇ^” Hankyung smiles brightly and greets Taesung. “Hello…”
“^_^ yeah~! okie! ^ㅇ^! eat lots of food! ^ㅇ^!”
“Hankyung ah. Go talk to Eunsung…” Chung taehoon lighly pushes Hankyung away.
“Appa… I’m scared of that oppa… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“it’s okay… he’s nice if you get to know him…” Hankyung makes a crying face and heads
over to Eunsung. Chung Taehoon pats Taesung’s head and says “Taesung ah… Appa’s
sorry… hiding you like this…”
“…no… Appa… I’m okay… Appa… that girl… Hankyungee… is she… my nuna you’ve told me
“…yeah… she’s pretty isn’t she??”
“She doesn’t look like you at all -0-..”
“…she takes it from her mom… ^-^…Taesung ah. want some of this? Mother, you too ^^”
Chung Taehoon places food on Taesung and Grandma’s plate. Taesung’s eyes were locked
on Hankyung… Hankyung is a few feet away from Eunsung. “-ㅇ-… oppa…”
“-_-… why are you here… go away…”
“…^ㅇ^ wow! oppa! that ring on your finger is so pretty!!” Hankyung grabs Eunsung’s
hands. then Eunsung fiercely pushes her away. “go away!! who told you to touch me! ah…
fck -_-… this sucks… just cuz of that wrinkles old grandma”
“ㅜ 0 ㅜ you’re calling grandma old and wrinkled?! ㅜ 0 ㅜ” Hankyung gets up staggering.
and walks to where her first aunt is in tears… from her eyes tears the size of chicken poop
falls then Taesung walks over to Eunsung “-_-… what are you doing? why’d you push
Hankyung Nuna like that…”
“-_-^ sshi… why does this kid look exactly like me -_-^…”
“-_- Not a compliment -ㅇ-… we don’t look the same -_-^… don’t over react -_-”
“you… wanna die?” Eunsung advantages over to Taesung with a scary face. “just try…
don’t hold anything back either… if you can’t kill me, then you’ll die. ^-^”
“sshi. you asked for it don’t start crying…” right then Chung Taehoon runs in between the
two “Eunsung ah! what are you doing!!!”
“AH! WHAT!! Uncle, you brought this kid? ahhh… fck… what’s wrong with our family…”
“-_-… Watch your tongue!!”
“-_-…. I hate these type of atmospheres…”
“-0-… you… you…” Eunsung starts walking to the door and a cigarette pack falls out of his
pockets… “EUNSUNG! YOU SMOKE!?” Chung Taehoon shouts loudly. “-_-^…” Turns around
and stomps on the cigarette pack… and exits out the door. Chung taehoon stares at the
door with his mouth wide open…
Chung Taesung… Chung taehoon’s son. Started 7th grade this year… when Chung Taehoon
was 25… there was a woman he loved dearly… yet because of his parents’ protests he had
to marry into an arranged marriage and that woman… was Hankyung and Dareum’s
mother… Kim ShinYoung. the woman Chung Taehoon loved was Min GahYun… even after
he was married to Kim Shinyoung… he continued meeting Min GahYun out side of his
home. and a son born to Kim Taehoon and Min GahYun… Chung Taesung. But… when
Taesung was 6, Min GahYun passed away because of cancer… afterward Taesung was left
to Min GahYun’s mother… and been raised in secrecy. Chung Taehoon would visit Taesung
every month… and Hankyung… Dareum… of course doesn’t know anything about this…
Taesung watches Hankyung running to her first aunt, crying. and to taesung’s side… his
grandma appears… “Taesung ah… want to go home? …is it… hard staying here?”
“…yes… yes… you poor thing… so young too…”
“…our nuna… she’s so pretty… isn’t she… ^-^…”

A wolf’s attraction . & Hidden Story &

a wolf’s attraction-32

“I’m seriously not lying Taesung ah… is anything wrong… ㅇ_ㅇ…”

“Nuna… sorry…” Taesung suddenly stood up… and reaching into his pockets, he pulled out
a wallet… and set it down infront of me… “you can pay…”
“Taesung ah! where are you going -0- (at least tell me about the 4 years ago thing ㅜ_ㅜ!!

“yeah! -0-!”
“… I think I’m gonna explode if I stay here…”
“Taesung ah!! -0-!!” With that Taesung charged out of the bar! what just happened ㅜ_ㅜ!
what what! ㅜ_ㅜ!? trying to catch Taesung before it’s too late, I got out of my seat with a
loud creak and speeded toward the door. One of the employe’s grabbed my wrists. “You
have to pay…”
“Oh yeah… sorry… here…” I pounded down the stairs and stepped into the streets
frowning. how in the world am I suppose to find Taesung ㅜ_ㅜ… THERE HE IS!! Taesung
was already far ahead of me. and I ran calling out help to all of the muscles in my body.
“Taesung ah!! -0-!! Wait!!” but catching Taesung with my short legs were impossible… ㅜ_
ㅜ… I stopped to catch a breath and opened Taesung’s wallets… yeah… I bet he has some
sort of a phone number in here… a couple of ten dollar bills… a tourquoise colored amulet…
and one picture… a baby Taesung smiled in the photograph… a very pretty lady… and an
ahjusshi… his face was blurred, making it hard to make out how he looked like… a picture
taken together… his mom and… dad… the tourquoise amulet… when I flipped it over… a
small lanky writing glistened under the street lights… *I’ll find them no matter what.
Grandma. Maesoong Maesoong Soom na hah* …find them no matter what… grandma??
Maesoong Maesoong soom na hah? is that a spell or something… -0-?? what is… this…
arghhh… -0- I couldn’t find any type of a phone number within Taesung’s wallet. HYA ㅜ_ㅜ
I have to catch Taesung ㅜ_ㅜ!! I stuffed the wallet in my pockets. and started off without
a particular sense of direction. ASSAH -0-!! hek… hek ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! hukhuk… ㅜ_ㅜ… *pant
pant… ㅡ,.ㅡ OH MY… (@*!()@!#!! ㅜ-ㅜ!!! a guy and a girl was quarreling not that far
ahead of me. Haewon and a tall girl… I think I met him more than 3 times today… ㅜ_ㅜ…
the girl was pulling on Haewon’s uniform… and HAewon seemed to be yelling at her… I
pretended not to notice them and walked away from the two… sweat drops were already
trickling down my face… -0- “heyyy!!!” I stopped dead in my tracks and waited for the
owner of the voice to appear… “hey! it isn’t what it seems like!! we just met
coincidentally!! sshi!!” Haewon gave me an excuse for the girl and himself… -0-
“hek… hek…oh… I see…” the tall girl was pouting while standing next to Haewon… “yah! go
along now!! she’s getting mad cuz of you!!” Haewon yelled at the girl. “Bahn Hae won!
what’s up with you!?”
“what d’you mean! -0-!! go already!! I don’t wanna see your face anymore! -_-^!!” the girl
had tears in her eyes as she continued to stare at Haewon… “…you… are… really…”
“…hey… why are you crying again…” Haewon looked bewildered… the tall girl turned
around… and gracefully ran off like some princess in a Disney movie… -0-… “hey… I swear
I just met her right now… I kept on saying I had to go… but she keeps on pulling me back
like some type of glue!! I was with my friends the whole time…”
“…oh… okay… -0-… yeah… um hey Haewon… I’m kinda busy… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“…where are you going…”
“…to catch a person…”
“…a person??”
“do you happen to know where Taesung would go frequently. ㅜ_ㅜ? sorry… it’s just… it’s
really urgent Haewon ah..” Haewon’s face hardened…

a wolf’s attraction-33

Haewon stared at me blankly for a long time… then walked away without a word…
“Haewon ah… I’m really sorry… but… it’s just… very urgent… really urgent… thats why…
can’t you please tell me… where Taesung live ㅜ_ㅜ? Haewon stopped… “Haewon ah… ㅜ_ㅜ
… I don’t think I can keep our pact… I like Taesung ee too much…ㅜ_ㅜ. Not as a guy. but
I like him a lot as a dongseng… ㅜ_ㅜ it feels like he’s a real brother ㅜ_ㅜ that’s why I
wanna meet him. if… you forbid me further then I think I’m going to miss Taesung ee
more… ㅜ_ㅜ”
“…i won’t stop you…”
“really? thanks ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“…hah… pathetic… damn…” Haewon’s feet started distancing itself from mine… -0- “…
Haewon ah!! are you mad… ㅜ_ㅜ!?” Haewon didn’t answer as he continued walking away…
“Haewon ah ㅜ_ㅜ! I want to ask you something ㅜ_ㅜ! why do you like me ㅜ_ㅜ!? why… a
girl like me ㅜ_ㅜ!?” Haewon stopped once again. silence was his reply… “…why… me… ㅜ_
“…i don’t know!! okay, I dont!! fck!! I think I’m gonna be crazy cuz of you!! why a person
like you? I don’t know… I don’t know even why I’m getting myself so bitter cuz of you…” I
was speechless… all I was able to do… was to stare at Haewon gradually getting smaller
and smaller… and let my mouth hang low… now that I think about it… I’ve always…
watched Haewon’s disappearing back… sorrow dwelled over me for some reason… ㅜ_ㅜ…
I’m such a bad girl… ㅜ_ㅜ… I have… never said anything nice from the bottom of my heart
nor have I said anything thoughtful… I should really be thankful that someone likes me…
especially a guy like Haewon… but all I did… was keep on pushing him away ㅜ_ㅜ the
thoughts of having to catch Taesung were erased in my mind as I stood like a scarecrow
sobbing… ㅜ_ㅜ
a week later… that whole week. if I had to estimate how many times I called Taesung I can
proudly say over 150 times… but. Taesung’s cell phone… was always off… ㅜ_ㅜ… the same
thing happened before… that night when Taesung called me… his cell phone was off… for 4
days… and that whole week… I have met Haewon one way or another for more than 100
times… -0- but in my 100 times of greetings… the number of times he has responded
was… zero… Dareum was off in dreamland with her new boyfriend. and wasn’t able to
escape from that dream land… -0-… but thankfully… because of her new boyfriend… she
hadn’t noticed how awkward Haewon and I had gotten to be… ^ㅇ^ except… the boyfriend
looked like a stoner… ㅜ_ㅜ determined, that I will apologize to Haewon no matter what. I
grabbed a letter written with every word carefully spelled out… and a balloon shaped candy
(took me the whole night to make -_-^). I headed off to school… my eyes had swelled up
incredibly… because of that balloon candy last night… =ㅇ= whoaaa… =ㅇ= Jooho had
been so amused to see my face this morning. that it put me in a good mood… -0-
“AHAHA >_< AHAHA >_< it’s a monster >_< a true monster is hidden in our house!! -0-!!
“jooho yah… do you like it -0-? ^ㅇ^?”
“-_-… dumb boogers -_- monster poop @ss >_< AHAHA >_<“
“hehehe -0-”
end of scene-_-
i skipped all the way to the school. as soon as I set my foot into the classroom, the
kekekaka crew cracked up at me. “kakakka >_<“
“…why… do I look weird… ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“… oh hoh… Hankyung ah No Not at… kakkaa… >ㅇ<… all… not at all… kakaka “ ㅜ_ㅜ are
my eyes that badly swollen… ㅜ_ㅜ… taking a deep breath, I searched for HAewon’s
classroom with swollen eyes… “Haewon? haha… ㅜ_ㅜ… HAewon didn’t come to school
yet… he’ll be here at about 9…”
“ah… okay… then can you tell him to come by the back field at brunch?”
“…ah… okay… your name is… puhaha… what’s your name?”
“…Hankyung… ^ㅇ^…” A pretty girl from Haewon’s classroom informed me… right then…
the 2-3 classroom opened… and a familiar of a big head appeared. “NUNA!! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! what
are you doing at our classroom!! ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
“Uhhh… Wun… Hey -0-” I ran away as if I had commited a sin… -0-… Haewon’ll probably
laugh at my eyes… ㅜ_ㅜ… no… actually… he’ll continue being cold… ㅜ_ㅜ it’d be better if
he laughed instead…

a wolf’s attraction-34

during brunch…i looked everywhere for Haewon at the back field -_-… yet I didn’t see him
anywhere… I wonder why -_- but my hands holding the balloon candy, were shaking
furiously… -0- I’m scared… truth be told… I’m really scared… ㅜ_ㅜ… chocolate would’ve
been better… ㅜ_ㅜ? while I dwelled in this and that of thoughts… the brunch bell ringed,
signaling the end of break… -0- he didn’t come eh… dejected, I ordered my feet to go back
to my classroom… right then… I heard rapid -0- very rapid footsteps… as if in hurry… he
was running toward me and after seeing me… Haewon stopped. his face hardening once
again -0-
“…wh… at… why… why’d you tell me to come out…”
“…^ㅇ^… you ran here thinking you’ll be late huh… -0-”
“do… don’t flatter yourself!! says who!!”
“…Haewon ah… I’m sorry…” Haewon turned his gaze elsewhere… “you like me… you’re nice
enough to like a person like me… and all I say and do are weird things… when I should be
thankful… ㅜ_ㅜ… I acted so… ㅜ_ㅜ… bad… ㅜ_ㅜ… i… get mad… if I see my crush with…
another girl, too… *sniffle sniffle.ㅜ_ㅜ (thinking about Daehan and Jaehee -_-)… i…ㅜ_ㅜ…
I …”
“… you make me sound more pathetic -_-^”
“… ㅜ_ㅜ… heukheuk… here… ㅜ_ㅜ…” I softly placed the balloon candy and the letter on
Haewon’s hands. “…hey… did you get in a fight…”
“why are your eyes so…”
“…it’s swollen…cuz I didn’t sleep…” Haewon stared at the grass while holding onto the
balloon candy and the letter in his other hand… “…Haewon ah… let’s not ignore each other
anymore. okay? you have to say hi back when I say hello…” Haewon slowly raised his head
and stared at something behind me with a frown… ㅇ_ㅇ he quickly stuffed the balloon
candy and the letter in his pockets… and got out 2 ten dollar bills from the inside of his
jacket. Placing those 2 ten dollar bills in my hands, his expression changed as he glared at
me -0-!? “wh… what’s… wrong… HAewon ah… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“…be quiet… fck… give me that money…” -0-… -0-… -0-… “…mo… money… -0-? thi… s?” I
stretched out the hand with the money Haewon had given me. what the heck is he doing?
ㅜ_ㅜ giving me his money and telling me to give it back to him… I guess he enjoys playing
these kind of games… then “BAHN HAE WON!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU”RE DOING!!”
ㅇ_ㅇ… huk… when I whipped around… I saw that same teacher who had pounded on
Wun’s butt… the infamous PE teacher since when was he standing there… ㅜ_ㅜ “what’s
this!! what do you think you’er doing!!” Haewon bit his lower lips and silently hung his
head low. “e… excuse me. -0- I’m the one who call- UK… -ㅇ-” Haewon had stepped on my
feet… “i didn’t know you even stole from other students!! bahn haewon, to the office, right
now!!” the teacher dragged Haewon away by his ear. thats… not right… I’m the one who
called Haewon… ㅜ_ㅜ… “EXCUSE ME!! BUT I’m THE ONE WHO CALLED HAEWON ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
but Haewon and that teacher had already disappeared through the door… right now… I am
standing infront of the main office… and have beem at every break… Haewon was in
there… -0-… when I stopped by the classroom… they told me Haewon hadn’t come in yet…
ㅜ_ㅜ… and… by the end school… the office door had finally opened… and Haewon stepped
out looking very tired… both of his cheeks were bright red… -0-… “Hae… Haewon ah!! -0-!
oh my gosh! are you okay!? did he hit you!?”
“…it… hurts!! it really hurts!! asshi… it’s all hot…” Haewon placed his hands on his cheeks…
“…ㅜ_ㅜ… why’d you do it? why suddenly pretend to steal my money…ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“…you don’t know that’s why…”
“…ㅜ_ㅜ… huh?”
“that b!tch starts freaking out and get all paranoid if he sees a guy and a girl meeting on
school grounds… then you would’ve been hit like me… you’re eyes are still swollen…”
“…th… then… HAewon ah… that was because of me… ㅜ^ㅜ…”
“don’t flatter yourself! I just thought you’d look like a monster with your cheeks swollen
like your eyes thats… why… ah I don’t know!!”
“thanks… ㅜ_ㅜ… thank you… Haewon… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“if you’re thankful… then shoot one after school…” Haewon lightly waved his hands and
disappeared. shoot one after school… ㅜ_ㅜ? shoot what… ㅜ^ㅜ? spit… ㅜ^ㅜ? or maybe a
gun… ㅜ^ㅜ? “haewon ah! wait for me… -0-!!”

a wolf’s attraction-35

that was it. having to shoot one… was having to buy something… -0- after beeing informed
by Dareum on what having to shoot one was. I changed out of my uniforms and grabbed
my allowance… Dareum sat on my bed, screaming excitedly “are you serious!! -0-!! Bahn
haewon did that!? For real!! how in the world!! that’s a definate killer!! imma tell everyone
at school tomorrow! assah!! hot hot news!!”
“…has that PE teacher always hated a girl and a guy talking to each other?”
“…yeah. man, last time, I got caught kissing my boyfriend in the art room!! AHO.
seriously. just thinking about that…”
“KISS!? DAREUM AH!! you kissed before!?” Dareum stared at me as if nothing happened
“yeah. what about it ㅇ_ㅇ?”
“… -0-… -0-… -0-…”
“unni, you should do it,too! it’s cool! I mean… it’d be better if it was with someone you
liked… oh you can kiss with haewon later…”
“he kisses hecka well! and his jawline is fine, too! so whenever he kisses, his profile looks
hecka fine. ooh ooh ooh whenever he’s mad, he pushes you against the wall and kisses
you… >_<… ahhh… I swear….” those couple of minutes of where I had been thinking nice
things about Haewon… had been popped and destroyed by those couple of words that
came out of Dareum’s mouth… and once again, Haewon’s existence was scary… -0-… we
were meeting at 7. I think I’ve been going out quite a lot these days… mom doesn’t seem
like she’s so pleased with that… ㅜ_ㅜ I should really stop now… ㅜ_ㅜ… thoughts of
Taesung which I had forgotten for a brief moment came back because I never know when
I’ll meet him… I kept his wallet in my bag.. I wonder where Taesung disappeared to…
1 hour later, I stood infront of the location Haewon told me to be at. it was infront of
Lotteria… *lotteria= korean bk/mc D. does he wanna eat at lotteria… -0-?? AhnYang’s
always so busy of students… Many colors of uniforms pass me by. while I was shivering
and snuggling into my scarf because of the cold wind… a familiar cologne brushed past my
nose. looking up… I saw Haewon standing next to me playing with his cell phone. “since
when were you standing there… -0-?”
“just now…”
“wh… what do you wanna eat… what do you want me to buy you… just… just say the
“…level 1, 2, 3. level one’s dinner. first let’s go eat dinner”
“-0-… level 1, 2, 3… what’s that. -0-?”
“it means you’ll be left pennyless by the end of the night -_-^…” Haewon hung his long
arms around me again… I decided to keep quiet this time… -0-… looking at Haewon’s
jawlines. I remembered DAreum’s words. >_< >_< >_< (-- )( --)(-- )( --) >_< >_< >_<
(shaking my head) “-_-^… what are you doing…”
“>_< >_< huh. nothing… >_<!”
“… did you not wanna come out today?”
“i just… feel bad… if… I forced you to come out…”
“of course not!!”
“ㅇ_ㅇ… ㅇ_ㅇ…”
“what are you staring for… you all right?”
“i think that’s the first time you smiled…”
“-_-^… it’s probably that you didn’t see me before…”
“no… smiling brightly like that… I think thats the first…”
“…same here…”
“nothing. let’s go… ^-^…” Haewon pulled my shoulders as if he was used to this… just a
couple of days ago, he had been ignoring all of my hello’s with a scary face… -0-… such a
mysterious kid… -0-… I wonder why.. all these girls I haven’t seen before, glare at me as I
walk down the street -_- “Owlheads! what are you staring at! -_-^!” Haewon yelled loudly
-_-… owlheads… that’s… definately strange… I remembered Taesung again. he would
always make up strange words like Haewon… after about 10 minutes, Haewon and I
stepped into a restaurant… it’s so clean… ㅇ_ㅇ… but it looks so expensive… -0-…
i became uneasy for some reason… -0-… Haewon plooped down in a nearby seat. it feels
like a lot of students visit this restaurant. my eyes wandered around the many uniforms…
Haewon studied the menu. “I wanna eat Cheese omlette.”
“-0-… then… i… want rice with radish… *동치미 국물…”
“-_-^t hey don’t have that here…”
“-ㅇ-… then… veggie pizza… -0-…”
“-_-^ yah…yah… look at the menu…” Haewon pushed the menu into my sight. “-0-… then…
i… um… ummm…”
“-_-^… just eat the same thing as me!”
“okay!! -0-!!” Haewon raised his hand and called the waitress… and about 10 minutes
passed. when a mouth-watering cheese omlette was setted infront of us… “oOhh… ooh *_*
it looks hecka good…” I set the chopsticks and the spoons infront of Haewon as my
stomach started growling. Haewon steadily stared at me. “wh… what… -0-?”
“…nothing… you just seem like my wife…” as soon as he ended his sentence, Haewon
picked up his spoon and began eating as if embarassed… -ㅇ-… -0-… for some reason… my
cheeks reddened… -0-… chuckling softly, I picked up the spoon full of rice and opened my
mouth wide - 0 - and… my frozen mouth was unable to close at the scene infront of me…
“Hankyung ah… You’re Hankyung, right?”

a wolf’s attraction-36

i turned around… and after noticing the familiar face, happy to see me.i dropped the spoon
I was holding… and instantly stood up.”Daehan ah…”
“…^-^… it’s been forever since I last saw you… what are you doing here??”
“oh… um… I’m here to eat dinner with my sister’s fri-!! um… I mean…” I quickly glanced at
Haewon. his spoon was on the warm cheese omlette… and he stared at me with a pissed
off look on his face… no… I’m not letting that happen… again… never… ㅜ_ㅜ… “Ah. I
mean… a really great person… not just a sister’s friend. he’s good looking, isn’t he…ㅜ_ㅜ?”
I moved my fingers and pointed them at HAewon. “.him…^-^;;? ohh… you guys going
“ㅜ_ㅜ… huh???”
“^-^… he is good looking… really… Hey… I’m Haewon’s friend, Kim Daehan…^^” Haewon
looked Daehan up and down with an icy glare. …-0-… “haha… sooo… DAehan… what are
you doing here??”
“ah. I’m with Jaeh-…” at that moment, I quickly stepped on Daehan’s foot. if Daehan
mentions Jaehee’s name. -0-!! then Haewon’ll know that Jaehee and DAehan’s going out…
ㅜ_ㅜ… then… ㅜ^ㅜ… Haewon will… know… the reason… ㅜ_ㅜ as to why I won’t let him
meet Jaehee… ㅜ_ㅜ I know hAewon will… ㅜ_ㅜ… “Hankyung… that hurt ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“ah… ahh… Daehan… sorry… anyway… where’s your… companion (can’t bring myself to say
Jaehee -_-) “you mean Jaeh-… AHH!! ㅜ_ㅜ!!” I stomped on Dahan’s foot once again.
“what are doing Hankyung… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“ohh… um Daehan… can we talk… over there… ㅜ_ㅜ…” I pulled Daehan’s hands and
dragged him to the entrance… “…where’s Jaehee… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“Jaehee went to the bathroom… Hankyung what’s wrong… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“n… nothing. really, it’s nothing. ㅜ_ㅜ… Daehan… I’m glad I saw you again. but. ahhh… I
don’t know >_<“
“you’re worried that your boyfriend might take it the wrong way? ^-^?” Daehan ah… he’s
not my boyfriend ㅜ_ㅜ I don’t HAVE a boyfriend… ㅜ_ㅜ… “DAehan ah… how are you and
jAehee. these days? Jaehee isn’t… weird or anything right?”
“ㅇ_ㅇ… of course… that was random… hey Jaehee’ll come out pretty soon. ooh since
you’re with your boyfriend and all… let’s have a double date ^-^… introduce him to us…”
“NO!!” everyone in the restaurant stared at me and Daehan at my protest.. and Haewon
walked over to us at that moment… “if you’re gonna continue doing this, I’m leaving…”
Haewon brushed past me. and I quickly grabbed his hand and shouted. “Daehan ah! have
fun with your girlfriend! I’ll see you later! I have to go now!!” I grabbed a couple of ten
dollar bills from my wallet and paid for the food and dragged Haewon by the hand, out the
door. “hey… hey what are you doing…”
“… huk… huk… ㅜ_ㅜ… let’s go somewhere else Haewon. I’ll buy you something much
“…that guy… his name…”
“KIm Daehan…”
“…yes… ㅜ_ㅜ”
“…that night… when we first went drinking… you cried out his name…”
“…Haewon. what do you wanna eat… ^ㅇ^” I pulled on Haewon’s arm..
“…i’m confused… who do you really like… is it CHung Taesung… or… Kim Daehan…”
“…ooh, Haewon..wanna go to the karaoke room.?”
“Chung Hankyung…” Haewon stopped in his place and afraid that Daehan and Jaehee
might come out of the restaurant… I stared at Haewon anxiously. Haewon’s mouth
opened… “am i… really impossible?” …-0-… “what… -0-?”
“…would you never like me if your life depended on it? seriously, even if your life depended
on it… am I impossible?”
“…No. Haewon… that’s not true…”
“take… the taxi… and get off at the Man Ahn Goo 3rd apartment… and the apartment
number is 100-***…”
“… ㅇ_ㅇ what is that…”
“…if you go there… you’ll find CHung taesung… hurry… before it gets darker…”
“…Haewon ah…” Haewon slowly turned around… and his feet started to get further away
from me… it was always like this… always… all I’ve watched… was Haewon’s back getting
smaller and smaller… “Haewon ah!! wait for me!! -0-!!!” I sprinted upto Haewon… and
linked arms with him… HAewon stared at me dumbfoundedly… “i sing well ^ㅇ^… hehe…
Haewon ah. let’s go!!” in the streets… loud music continued blaring through the speakers…

a wolf’s attraction-37

Haewon and I went to the karaoke room then the pc room… ate cotton candy in the streets
and Haewon even won me 5 teddy bears… Haewon wasn’t as scary as I imagined him to
be… -0-… standing infront of my house, I glanced at my watch already 10:02 “thanks for
tonight Haewon… ㅇ_ㅇ spending so much money on me… and I was the one who said I
was gonna pay… heh… anyway go on home… you’ll get in trouble for being late ㅇ_ㅇ…”
“okay… yeah… go in… I’ll see you at school…”
“okay ^ㅇ^ becareful~ ^ㅇ^”
“i’ll call you… pick up the phone, alright…”
“i will… ^ ^… but Haewon… -0-.”
“can you please call nuna just this once… -0-… for some reason… I think imma be so happy
if I hear you calling me nuna… -ㅇ-”
“…well I won’t!!!” Haewon yelled. here we go again… ㅡㅇㅡ^ right then, Haewon’s cell
phone rang… bbi bbi… Haewon got his cell phone out… “i’m gonna go now…” and Haewon
slowly disappeared… Taesung… had always waved both of his hands happily… whenever
we parted… but Haewon just goes without any sort of a gesture… -ㅇ- surprisingly… I
memorize numbers and names really well… the Taesung’s address Haewon spat out in
anger… was stuck in the deepest part of my head… ㅡ.,ㅡ Haewon ah… sorry… ㅡ.,ㅡ
i hurriedly went in the house. JOoho… was the only one in the house… since mom and dad
come home around 11 everyday… he must always be so bored… for some reason… I pity
my brother greatly… ㅜ^ㅜ “Jooho yah… weren’t you bored? nuna came home a bit late…
ㅜ_ㅜ” Jooho steadily stared at me… “Ahjuma… theres a pile of laundry in the bathroom…”
-0-… “okay! your super nuna will solve the problem!! LAUNDRIES!! MEET YOUR MASTER!!
YEAP!!” in order to show Jooho my bright self, I shouted loudly and ran into the
bathroom… there really was a BIG pile of laundry in the bathroom… -0- mom prefers hand-
laundry than ones by the machine… ㅜ_ㅜ when I finished with the last clothing of laundry
the time was… a bit over 11:30… everyone’s late today… baelaelaelaelaelae…
baelaelaelaelaelae… baelaelaelaelaelae… baelaelaelaelaelae… baelaelaelaelaelae… “Jooho
yah!! Nuna will get that!! -0-!!” I quickly ran into my room… “hyuk… hyuk… hel… hello…”
“…were you watching porn?” that voice belonged to Haewon. “-0-… porn? -0-??”
“why are you panting heavily like that…”
“ah… cuz the phone rang so I had to run into my room to pick it up… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“… hey… Hankyung… I can’t hear you very well…”
“…what… you know what… I’ll call you back…” the phone ended in a click… but. wait. a.
second porn… isn’t that what teens watch in secrecy… of images of unneccessary parts… ㅡ
0 ㅡ ?! I never watched porn ㅜ 0 ㅜ !! Dareum’s the one who does ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! the phone rang
again… I snatched the phone up to my ears… “i didn’t watch porn!! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! haewon ah! ㅜ
“this is Taesung…”
“ah… ahhhhhh… ah… ㅡ 0 ㅡ… ahhhh… -0-… Taesung ah…”
“…were you… on the phone with Haewon?”
“ah… Taesung… yeah… where are you… oh my gosh where are you!! -0-!!”
“…kek… you’re bad, nuna…” even though it was a laugh… Taesung’s voice told a tale of
sorrow… as if he going to faint any minute… Taesung’s voice was barely a whisper…
“ㅡㅇㅡ… I’m sorry… ㅜ_ㅜ… taesung ah… ㅜ_ㅜ… but that day when you just ran out like
that… I was really worried… seriously… ㅡ^ㅡ…”
“…Nuna you’re bad… really… bad…”
“… ㅜ_ㅜ… I still have your wallet with me. I didn’t spend anything in it so don’t worry…
“Nuna… i…”
“…yes… taesung ah… yeah…”
“yes… Taesung… what ㅇ_ㅇ… just tell me…”
“NUna… can’t you come to me? would it be impossible?” Taesung said almost the exact
words as Haewon… Haewon… ‘am I impossible?’ as to Taesung ‘can’t you come to me?’
@-0-@ @-0-@ Taesung ah… do you like me…ㅜ^ㅜ… is that what’s going on ㅜ^ㅜ?
“Taesung ah… where are you… ㅇ_ㅇ…”
“…i’m not asking for you to come right now… I don’t mean it that way…”
“then what…ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“Yes… Taesung… what… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“i think I’m too selfish… and maybe I am… but…”
“i don’t want… to be… alone anymore… Nuna… what do I do…” it’s more like what do I do…
ㅜ_ㅜ… why am I crying at what Taesung said… why does Taesung make me feel horrible…
ㅜ^ㅜ…*sniffle…ㅜ^ㅜ… Taesung’s the one who’s sad… but why am I crying… why does my
heart feel so heavy… do… do you like Taesung, Hankyung ah… ㅜ.,ㅜ? no… of course not…
ㅜ_ㅜ… just say no… ㅜ_ㅜ… “NUna… what do I do…” click… and that was how… Taesung
hung up… the phone… the beatings of my heart… speeded faster and faster. it feels as if
I’m actually the one who’ll explode if I do nothing… ㅜ_ㅜ… I knew I shouldn’t… I knew I
really shouldn’t… ㅜ_ㅜ… but being dumb… I searched for Taesung’s address roaming
around in my head… and headed out the door… from my room… I heard the phone ringing
nonstop… it’s probably Haewon… ㅜ_ㅜ… I called out to one of the taxis roaming around
my house.
“Ahjusshi… Mahn Ahn goo 3rd apartment number… ***…”
“yes m’am…” the taxi slowly set off… when I was young… Mom… she took off for
Ahnyang… holding onto Dareum’s hands… I remember my whole body trembling like a tree
branch among a thunder storm… I couldn’t stop trembling… and right now… I feel the
exact way… I miss Taesung a lot…

a wolf’s attraction-38

the taxi driver dropped me off at… a small apartment… how am I suppose to find Taesung
here ㅜ 0 ㅜ !! “the place you’re looking for is that 3rd building over there…”
“ah… thank you ㅜ_ㅜ thank you ㅜ_ㅜ!!” it was pitch dark… ㅜ_ㅜ can’t believe I came over
here in the middle of the night… ㅜ^ㅜ if dad happened to be watching me from the sky,
he’d probably strike me with thunder… -0- shivering slightly, I jogged to the building… wait
a minute… what floor does Taesung live on -0-? pushing my fears aside, I lightly tapped on
the sleeping building security guard… “uhh… excuse me… -0-… Ahjusshi…”
“Ahjusshi… -0-…”
“oh… what can I help you with??”
“sorry… but… um… can I know… where does a kid named Taesung… I mean… a male
student… yeah I was wondering where a male student live…”
“…chung taesung?” the ahjusshi looked me up and down as if not trusting me. “yeh…
“he’s around your age? tall and pale…”
“that student’s house is… you see it over there? on the second floor…” when I followed
ahjusshi’s finger… every light in the house was turned off… “he must… not be home?”
“no… it’s not that… it’s just… he didn’t pay for the bill… so they cut the lights off…”
“excuse me?”
“tsk tsk… he was living with his grandmother… and about a month ago… or was it 2 weeks
ago… err I don’t know… anyway his grandmother passed away… so he lives alone…
probably… and 3 days later the lights just shut down… didn’t see him for 2 days…”
“then… the lights got cut because he couldn’t pay for the bills… ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“ah… then would you NOT pay when you have the money!?” the ahjusshi shouted at me
“then… does the heater not work either…”
“nope. not just the heater. the phone doesn’t work. the gas doesn’t work. I wonder what
DOES work…” the ahjusshi told me… as if nothing was wrong… while picking his nose…
“then taesungee’s freezing in there. ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
“-0-… whew… you think he’ll be warm?” I felt all the strength in my shoulders disappear
and at that moment… I realized… 2 weeks ago… the… person who had called my house
during the… night… 5… 10… times… was Taesung… and… a couple of days later… he had
cried on my shoulders… then… then… Taesungee’s… grandmother… passed away… so…
Taesung ah… “ahjusshi -0-! he didn’t come home for 2 days!? taesung didn’t come home
for 2 days!?”
“well… I don’t know whether he didn’t come home or not… I just couldn’t see him… he
froze to death… - 0 -… or maybe he starved to death… ㅡ.,ㅡ hoobee hoobee - ., -”
“ㅜ_ㅜ that’s so mean!!” I shouted out and hurriedly ran into the building… shabby
apartments… it was more than just… shabby actually… as I neared his house… my heart
tugged… I ringed on the bell… but didn’t hear any type of movent inside… just out of
curiousity, I carefully pulled on the door… and it creaked open… as soon as I entered the
house… the cold atmosphere wrapped around my body… pitch dark house… stepping onto
the floor… my feet shivered to the ice coldness… “Taesung ah…”
“Taesung…” once again, there wasn’t any type of a response… sparkly clean livingroom… a
silhouetted outline of 2 doors… the first room… now that my eyes adapted into the
darkness… the furniture and things were clearly visible… in the first room… was a closet…
blankets… and a small table…i wonder if Taesung’s grandma used this room… and… the
2nd room… there was an incredibly amount of clothes lying on the floor… a bed… a cd
player… and a desk… why is it so so cold… some type of a freaky vibe brushed past me…
heukheuk… ㅜ-ㅜ…i’m scared… ㅜ 0 ㅜ daddy… please watch over me… ㅜ 0 ㅜ there was
barely any room for my feet to travel through all these clothes a photograph flipped over…
on the back of the one photo… “Dad and me…” was Taesung’s writing in big, bold letters…
ㅇ_ㅇ… my hands stretched out to flip over the picture… then my eyes caught something
on the ground… a writing smoldered onto the ground… with chalk…
-- if it was always so bright… and the lights suddenly turn off… you’d probably not be able
to see anything…but if it was always pitch dark… then you’ve adaped into the darkness…
that you are able to see… I’m okay… Dad… I’m okay…—
what does this mean… a sorrowful feeling told me that… every bit of Taesung’s grief was
trapped in those few words… pulling out money from my wallet… I lightly set it on
Taesung’s bed… and exited out Taesung’s house silently… who is he… who are you chung
taesung… why… Chung Hankyung… why can’t you remember… oppressed and in despair… I
crouched down infront of Taesung’s door… and cried my heart out for hours…

a wolf’s attraction-39
next day at school… because I spent hours and hours crying at Taesung’s door step… ㅜ_ㅜ
I was arrived at school at about 9… -0- Dareum already left… being late is like breaking a
rule to her… as soon as I arrived at school… the PE teacher greeted me *happily* -0- “Oh.
you’re the 12th student to be late today *_* hey… you… Bahn Haewon tried stealing your
money a couple of days ago, didn’t he! and you just transferred here!!”
“yes… yeh… es…”
“hey you!! There’s the girl you tried to steal money from!!” the PE teacher shouted at
Haewon who had been standing infront of the gate. Haewon was late… too… hah… ㅡ_ㅡ…
“Yah. Why didn’t you pick up the phone last night! who’d you talk with!!” Haewon yelled at
me… the PE teacher speed to where Haewon was and started pounding on Haewon’s back
with a bamboo stick… -0-… “AH! AH!! wait! WAIT!! why are you only hiting me!! -_-^!”
then… you want me to get hit, too Haewon? -0-? “what shall I do with you!! you’re even
threatening an upper classman for money!! -0-!!”
“AHH!! -0-!! just yesteraday you told me you liked me!! -0-!!”
“that was when you were throwing away those trash during volunteer work-0-!! you
haven’t done anything environmental these past couple of days!! -0-!!” all of the students
standing there… gaped at the PE teacher who continued brutally attacking Haewon… and
Haewon annoyingly shouting back… many whispers were among the girl students… “hey…
isn’t that unni weird? Asshi… our Haewon’s getting hit… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“YOUR Haewon?! TCH it’s OUR Haewon!!”
“are YOU Haewon’s mom!? HUH are you!!”
“what if I was b!tch! I bore him, now what!!” the PE teacher ceased his attacks on Haewon
and ran to where the girls were whispering… and I had to stand there for 30 minutes
among the screams and yells produced by those girls… ㅜㅇㅜ and another punishment
befell us, late-comers = having to pluck out weeds during break time… -0-… during lunch…
I was able to… see Haewon produce a greatly scary face while rubbing his beaten back.
ah… it’s such a cool day… -0-… I ignored Haewon’s scary stare… and crouched down and
began to pick on the weeds… “-_-^ Chung Hankyung… you… are gonna die today…”
“sorry Haewon. did it hurt a lot?”
“sshi!! always picks on me! only me!! HEY! who’d you talk with last night! “ Taesungee…
“who were you on the phone with! why didn’t you pick up the phone -0-!”
“i fell asleep… - 0 -…”
“move!! -_-^!!” Haewon pushed me crouching down and began picking out the weed at a
fast speed… when I look at Haewon… he reminds me of Jooho… -0-… “Haewon ah… are you
mad… it hurts, huh…”
“=_=… you shouldn’t have shouted out to me… =_=…”
“YAH!! you!!” right then Haewon’s cell phone began ringing… Haewon quickly glared at
me… and cluck… opened his cell phone… “Hello… yeah… Jaehee… nuna…” ㅇ_ㅇ… ㅇ_ㅇ…
ㅇ_ㅇ… Jaehee!? I brought my face close to Haewon’s… -0-… “-_-^… yeah… Nuna… what’s
up… hey… go over there…” Haewon tried pushing me with one hand… ㅡ_ㅡ… trying to get
Haewon off the phone, I shook him insanely. but Haewon didn’t move an inch… -0- “Yeah…
Hankyungee? what about Hankyung…”
“i like Hankyung… so what about it… what…” I stared at Haewon dumbfoundedly… Jaehee…
called Haewon cuz of me… ㅇ_ㅇ… I see… “today? I can’t meet you today… Hankyungee
ordered me not to meet you…” AH!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! HAE WON AH!! OF ALL THE WAYS TO!! ㅜ^ㅜ!!
silently, I shook haewon’s arm… “tell me what? you’ll tell me why Hankyung won’t let me
meet you -_-^?” NO!! noticing the danger, I shook started shaking Haewon’s head -0-
“YAH! CHUNG HANKUNG! DUDE ARE YOU CRAZY!!! yeah… yeah… nuna… your boyfriend…
what about him…” Jaehee yah… ㅜ^ㅜ… Jaehee yah… ㅜ^ㅜ… please… no!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! I
decided to use the final weapon… ㅜ_ㅜ

a wolf’s attraction-40

Haewon pressed his cellphone closer to his ears… and asked Jaehee again… “Hankyung
did… what?”
“Haewon ah!! >_<!! Let’s go out!! >_<!!” plop… Haewon dropped his cell phone… and
stared at me dumbfoundedly… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… “what? hey… what did you just say?”
“let’s go out… you… and… me… I think it’s a good idea…” through Haewon’s phone among
the weeds… I heard Jaehee screaming… “Haewon!! don’t listen to her!! she doesn’t even
like-”rushing to the phone, I shut it with a snap… ㅡ.,ㅡ Jaehee forgive me… “Chung
Hankyung… you’ll be my girlfriend? did you just say that with your own lips?”
“yes… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“you don’t even LIKE me…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… on one condition though. while I’m dating you, you can’t meet Jaehee. You can’t
talk on the phone with her. nor can you go out and see her when she comes over… ㅜ^ㅜ!!

“hahha… you’ll be my girl? you?” Haewon let out an amused smile as he poked my sides…
tch… youuu were the one who wanted to go out… ㅜ^ㅜ… “YES! so you can’t meet
Jaehee… ㅜ_ㅜ… even if you die, okay…”
“a girl keeps her word right?” Haewon’s stuck his face close to mine and whispered into my
ears… “yes… ㅜ_ㅜ”
“you’re in my hands, now -_-^”
“don’t look like you’re going to cry!” Haewon softly pushed my cheeks with his fists.
farewell dear Daehan… I could never forget you. even if my body remains with Haewon.
Daehan. my first love. it’s gonna be hard forgetting you… ㅜ_ㅜ… Daehan ah… me
sacrificing for your happiness… and you don’t even know… ㅜ^ㅜ not even a little bit… ㅜ^
ㅜ “um… Haewon ah… I have a favor though… can you please call me nuna… ㅜ_ㅜ? I think
if I heard you say nuna… then it’d feel like JOoho’s saying that to me… ㅜ^ㅜ…”
“i told you to not ask that…” Haewon jumped up and glares at me… -0-… “o… okay… you
don’t have to… -ㅇ-… Haewon, why don’t you sit down?”
“in my hands… totally in my hands… ^-^ Chung hankyung… haha…” Haewon keeps on
saying the same words from before. I was becoming more and more afraid of Haewon…
ㅜ_ㅜ… if Dareum finds out about the truth… ㅜ^ㅜ… and if Daehan knows… if taesung
finds out… Haewon stretched out his cell phone toward me. “ㅇ_ㅇ?”
“you can have it… and do whatever you wanna do when Jaehee nuna calls…”
“it’s okay -0-… you don’t have to give me this… you can just not talk to Jaehee when she
calls… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“i can’t even get in touch with you!! so just keep it!!” Haewon shouts out again… “ah… its
okay… really… -0-… i… I don’t… need a cell phone…” Once again, I forced Haewon’s fingers
to hold onto the cell phone… But this time, Haewon stuffs the cell phone in my pocket… “if
you don’t reply to my text messages or don’t call me you die and if you don’t pick up my
calls, you die once again, aight?”
“-0-… i… I understand…”
“wifey, let’s go ^-^ Haewon swung his arms around me once again… am I dreaming… my
attempt to keep Jaehee quiet… just ended in misery… ㅜ^ㅜ… “YOU… Bahn Haewon. take
off your filthy hands from Hankyung nuna!! -0-!!” I saw Wun yelling loudly while carrying a
box… I let my head fall, refusing to look at Wun ㅜ 0 ㅜ Haewon just stared down at Wun
with a jubilent expression… “why should i? I don’t feel the need for it -_-^?”
“-0-… you… you… YOU!! stop playing around!!”
“you know… I’m dating her ^-^”
“-0-… ******, don’t lie…” Haewon poked my sides again… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… “Hankyung ah. Wun
just said I was lying”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… Wun ah… we are a couple…” - 0 -… - 0 -… - 0 -… - 0 -… Wun stared at me
unbelievingly… “Nuna… how… how… can you… me… how can you do this to me…”
“hey… move -_-^ just finish whatever you were doing.”
“Nuna!! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! is this really true!? is what Haewon saying, true?! ㅜ^ㅜ!!” Wun started to
shout at me, looking straight into my eyes. ㅜ_ㅜ… Haewon tipped Wun’s forehead with his
index finger and said… “fag, just move -_-^…”
“ㅜ 0 ㅜ… Bahn Haewon… you… you…”
“i’ll see you later -_-^” Haewon pulled me closer and dragged me way from Wun… ㅜ_ㅜ…
Wun ah… I’m really sorry… ㅜ^ㅜ… in finding out the truth, Dareum kicked open our
classroom door and shouted out loud not long after my serve in detention for being
late.”Unni!! you and Haewon are an item, now?! AH!! UNNI!! you did it!!” thanks to that
particular event, everyone in my class now knew… the kekekaka friends didn’t even give
me a chance to go to the bathroom as they continued bombarding me with questions
(changed from the kekekaka crew to kekekaka friends) holding into my urge to go to the
bathroom, I waited for school to end… and not before long after, I felt Haewon’s cell phone
vibrating from a text message… ‘this is Haewon. come infront of Lotteria by 8. if you don’t,
then prepare to die” -0-… -0-… - 0 -…
i wanted to make Jooho a clay doll, today… ㅜ^ㅜ… and another text message appeared as
soon as I tore my gaze from the cell phone… ‘Haewon, this is Jaehee. Hankyung’s just
using you because of my boyfriend. call me. I’ll tell you more later…” -0-… I deleted the
message before anyone could say the word “peek”…- ㅇ -… whew… glad Haewon didn’t see
ㅜ^ㅜ… Jaehee yah… I’m sorry… but… if you leave Daehan… then tears will form in his
eyes… if he cries, then I’ll cry out blood… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…
that evening… I was now waiting for Haewon infront of Lotteria… ㅜ_ㅜ… setting off for my
date, Jooho threw as many insults as he know… while Dareum sent me many words of
congratulations… ㅜ_ㅜ… the time was a bit over 8:10… yet I still didn’t see Haewon
anywhere… and… infront of my eyes… a couple of students wearing the SGG uniform…
were cussing at a guy wearing casual clothes… they were shouting loud while stomping
and throwing punches at him… “you queer!! you don’t even see me as a sunbae do you??”
“you b!tch. thought something was weird when you wouldn’t come to school for a couple
of days! and you go pounding on my guys. you deserve some more ass kicking…” oh my
gosh… -0-!! the one wearing casual clothes… looked as if he were gonna faint anytime
soon… - 0 -… the blood gushing out from his head was slowly painting the sidewalk… but
even so, not one pass bier bothered to stop them… ah!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! trembling with fear… yet
taking courage… I walked toward them… and… one of the guys in the uniform… said
something that made my heart skip a beat… and prevented my feet from going any
further… “Chung Taesung. you b!tch. how does it feel like to be the one to be beated on?
huh?” Taesung ah!!

a wolf’s attraction-41

as if freezing to death, my body started shaking crazily… and something hot burning up
from the bottom of my stomach… ordered my fists to clench… preparing to launch toward
those bullies… here I come!! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! “did you wait long?” why… why now… Haewon
appeared out of nowhere, smiling brightly at me… it seemed as if he didn’t see Taesung
and the other guys from SGG… I blankly stared at those bullies beating the hell out of
Taesung. “hey… what’s up… are you mad cuz I was late??” Haewon lightly tapped my
shoulders… “Haewon ah…”
“please… for me… please Haewon…”
“ㅇ_ㅇ… you okay… hey… did anything happen?”
“Haewon ah… please… please I beg you… help Taesung…”
“do you see them… Taesung’s getting hit by those guys!! what if he dies?! Haewon ah!!
please!! save Taesung!! Haewon ah please… please!!” even I didn’t know why… tears
started pouring from my eyes… even when Daehan and Jaehee announced that they were
dating… I didn’t cry as much… Haewon silently stared at me… and turning around… he saw
Taesung being attacked by those bullies… and… turning his head, he glanced at me again…
“how do you want me to help…” icily… silently… and coldly… Haewon spat out… “Taesung…
just don’t let them hit him… Taesung… he’ll die… he might die… if they continue beating on
Taesung like that… Taesung’ll die…”
“that’s what you want?” I nodded, almost blinded by the constant tears… “okay… I will… “
ㅇ_ㅇ… Haewon walked over to them… and… grabbed one of the bullies’ shoulders… when
the bully turned around… Haewon… silently, just kicked him, letting him drop to the
ground… Many pass biers watched the scene… abandoning Taesung on the cold concrete
ground… the same bullies surrounded Haewon… oh God… oh GOD!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! biting my lips,
I ran over to where Taesung was laying down… Taesung’s eyes were barely visible through
the blood… “Taesung ah!!”
“Nuna… you came…” Taesung grimaced in pain as he spoke… he tirelessly gave me a small
smile… as if… as if he was going to die any second… “Taesung ah… ㅜ^ㅜ!! Taesung ah… ㅜ
^ㅜ why’d you do it… ㅜ^ㅜ… why!!”
“i wanted to die… ^-^…”
“heuk heuk heuk… ㅜ^ㅜ what kind of an answer is that!! ㅜ^ㅜ!!” I placed Taesung’s head
on my shoulders and sobbed hysterically… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… when I raised my head… Haewon
looked a bit tired… from fighting 1:6… when our eyes met… he shouted. “Chung
Hankyung… if you leave him like that, he’s really gonna die… go bring him to the
“Haewon ah… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… how can i! ㅜ 0 ㅜ…” as soon as those words escaped my mouth…
another bully took his chance and launched a punch at Haewon’s face… ㅜ_ㅜ… those
bastards… ㅜ^ㅜ… (learned from Dareum -_-) “i don’t wanna see you crying cuz he died!!
hurry up!!” Haewon yelled out loud and attacked the bully once again… when I bowed my
head again… I felt Taesung’s breath getting shorter and shorter… with help from one of the
ahjusshi among the crowd… I was able to catch a taxi… I constantly turned my head… as I
was getting into the taxi… but surrounded by the bullies… I couldn’t see Haewon
anywhere… Haewon ah… Haewon… “Ahjusshi… to the hospital!! please, to the nearest
“no… nuna… our house… let’s go to our house…”
“nooo… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… Taesung ah. you have to go to the hospital! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“if you bring me there… imma die… our house… please… I’m begging you, nuna… please…”

a wolf’s attraction-42

after saying those words, Taesung slowly closed his eyes… as if realizing the seriousness of
the situation… the taxi speeded, curving and going straight… finally arriving infront of
Taesung’s house… “Taesung ah… here… think you can get off?” with all of my strength…
(have some sort of muscles from delivering bean pots in Gongju) resting Taesung’s head
onto my shoulders… we were able to get off the taxi after struggling a bit… and I saw… the
security guard ahjusshi… doing jump ropes infront of TAesung’s house… I saw him… last
night… that same ahjusshi picking his nose… -.,-… as I slowly dragged Taesung into the
apartment, the ahjusshi blocked my way… -0- “aigoo!! is he dead?!”
“-_-… no…”
“-0-… he IS dead…”
“he isn’t… ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“he looks dead ㅡ.,ㅡ…”
“HE DIDN’T DIE! ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“AH why are you shouting!! -0-!!” the ahjusshi swung his jump ropes and shouted back…
ㅜ_ㅜ… “sorry… ㅜ_ㅜ… I’m kind of in a hurry… ㅜㅇㅜ… I’m sorry…”
“did you know that I spent my OWN money?! and paid for Chung Taesung’s bills!! and YOU
just yell at a savior instead of being grateful and thanking me!! -0-!!”
“ahjusshi… ㅜ_ㅜ… really… ㅜ_ㅜ? did you really pay for him ㅜ_ㅜ? thank you ㅜ^ㅜ…
heuk… ㅜ^ㅜ ahjusshi ㅜ^ㅜ…”
“-_-^… psh!!” the ahjusshi lightly pouted… and making faces… he dragged his jump ropes
back into the apartment office… he’s a good guy regardless of how he seems like on the
outside… ㅜ_ㅜ… tearing up slightly… and panting furiously, I was able to drag Taesung
into the house… ah… it’s really warm in here compared to last night… -0-… ahjusshi…
thank you… ㅜ.,ㅜ… I carefully set Taesung back on the bed… and covered him with the
thickest blanket I could find from his closets… and… quickly running to the bathroom, I let
the hot water run into a large bowl.. took a clean towel… and sat next to Taesung… I
started aiding him… oh yeah… the medicine… searching through the whole house… I was
able to find a medicine box in Taesung’s grandma’s room… I wiped away the blood…
wrapped him with bandages… put on medicine… and used alcohol… all the blood were
wiped off… and on Taesung’s arms and legs were wrapped around with a bandages… and
on the scars on his face… I softly pressed on the smaller bandages… ㅜ_ㅜ… how much did
you get hit… and why… ahhh… I need to go pee… ㅜ_ㅜ… I carefully stood up… “nuna…”
“Taesung ah!! you woke up!? are you feeling better… ㅜ_ㅜ?!”
“yeah… nuna… I am… I’m okay…” Taesung choked out those words with much effort in a
husky voice… his efforts in trying to laugh… just pained me more… “Taesung ah. don’t
talk… ㅜ_ㅜ… okay? don’t talk… ㅜ_ㅜ… you babo… ㅜ_ㅜ why’d you allow them to hit you
so much…”
“nuna… thanks… ^-^…”
“what’s for… ㅜ_ㅜ!!”
“i am… really thankful… thanks Nuna… for not allowing me to be alone… thanks…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… what are you talking about… you… ssshi… ㅜㅇㅜ… you should’ve told me if your
gas and electricity got cut off… ㅜ^ㅜ…”
“i… wanted to tell…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… yeah?”
“i wanna tell you everything… but… the words… they get stuck in my throat… it gets on my
nerves… I’m so dumb huh…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… (-- )( --)(-- )( --)”
“nuna… heh you really are nuna…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… huh…”
“you’re really my nuna…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… tch… if I’m not your nuna… what am i? your dongseng… ㅜ^ㅜ?” tears kept on
flowing not allowing my eyes to see clearly… and in Taesung’s eyes… there were tears as
well… even in Taesung’s dark eyes… Taesung grabbed onto my hands and didn’t let go…
his hands were still very cold… eventually Taesung closed his eyes… and set off for
dreamland… a small smile lingering on Taesung’s lips… I sat next to him, holding his hand
until about 4am… and a bit over 4… I carefully stood up… I wrote down Haewon’s cell
phone number… and left a short message… after cooking chicken noodle soup… I silently
exited out of Taesung’s house… Haewon… what about Haewon I wonder what happened to
Haewon… -0-!! he probably won. Haewon’s strong… so he probably won… losing… isn’t in
his vocabulary is it?

a wolf’s attraction-43

a bit later… i… was shivering crazily, while waiting for Dareum to wake up… when I softly
knocked on the door… I heard Jooho’s voice… ㅜ_ㅜ…
“knock knock… knock knock…”
“who is it… =0=…”
“Jooho yah… it’s me, Hankyung nuna… can you open the door…”
“pshh -0-”
-end of scene -_-
at about 7 Dareum finally opened the door. and speeding to change into my uniform, I was
able to come out of the house with Dareum. Jooho… he didn’t… not open the door on
purpose, right? he probably thought he was dreaming… he didn’t purposely leave me
outside to freeze to death… maybe… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… “unni!”
-in the bus-
“Dareum… -0- yeah what’s up.”
“what are you thinking about!! what were you doing with Haewon?? oh… where!? did it
hurt!? did you feel sparkles!? OR!? was it a unforgetful night??”
“- 0 -… Dareum ah…”
“right?? Haewon kisses well doesn’t he? are you sure it didn’t hurt? huh? huh?”
“DAreum ah… we didn’t kiss… ㅡ 0 ㅡ…”
“then? what’d you do then?!”
“please… ㅜ^ㅜ… Dareum ah… quiet down a bit… everyone’s staring at us…” like I said,
everyone in the bus… including the students, were focusing their attentions on me and
DAreum… “whatcha mugging at!! wanna die!! -0-!!” DAreum’s shout… got everyone in the
bus to quiet down. I had to stare elsewhere until we reached the school… while receiving
glares by the bus driver… seeing us walk into the gates… the PE teacher approached us.
“aigoo~ you decided to come together eh~”
“good morning ^ㅇ^”
“ohh ^ㅇ^ yes it is… Dareum aren’t you going to say hi…”
“-_-^ you told the whole school yesterday during annoucements that my uniform was too
dirty!! -0-! do you know how embarassed I got!? -0-?!” did he really… - 0 -… I was
sleeping during announcements… - 0 -… poor Dareum… - 0 -… “why can’t you wash it
more often?! look at your unni!! hers is sparkly clean!! but I see fungus on your uniform!!
-0-!! FUNGUS!! -0-!!”
“ㅜ 0 ㅜ… everyone’s listening” Dareum sprinted to her classroom… -0-… I washed it for her
last week… I guess I’ll wash it again… - 0 -… before I set into my classroom.. I visited
Dareum’s classroom to see how Haewon was… “huh? unni. Haewon didn’t come yet”
“oh… ahh… I see… yeah?”
“he comes around 9! why, do you wanna see him already!? it hasn’t even been 2 hours!!
oh… you want to relive last night!?”
“n… NO! NO!! -0-!!” I ran out of DAreum’s classroom as if someone was after me… and as
soon as I plopped down in my seat, first period started… Haewon’s cell phone was
constantly vibrating from new messages… more than 30 messages appeared already… - 0
- all from the girls who know Haewon… ㅡ_ㅡ^ ‘Haewon ah… I’ll wait for you… I canwait
forever!!” Haewon… is really popular huh… thankfully… Jaehee didn’t call yet… oh yeah…
and Taesung didn’t either… I wonder if he’s still sleeping? I should go afterschool… it’s
better to buy fruits then snack, right? he didn’t have any side dishes in his refrigerator,
either… I should bring some from our house… first period passed by while I was thinking of
this and that… brunch. because Dareum’s fists pounding on the door… (didn’t care which
grade this classroom belonged to -_-^) I quickly ran to Dareum, surprised “Dareum,
what’s wrong… ㅇ_ㅇ…”
“unni!! your hubby!! he’s really ill!! he couldn’t even come to school today… -0-… what
should we do -0-!?”
“ㅇ_ㅇ… hubby?”
“i’m talking about Haewon!!!”
“YES -_-… what do we do? unni?”
no… he isn’t!! last…night… because of me… because he got beat on by those bullies!!- 0 -!!
AH!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! oh God!! first Taesung now Haewon!! ㅜ^ㅜ!! “Dareum ah. let’s go over to his
house… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“me? why should i?”
“Dareum ah! please… ㅜ^ㅜ… go with me… please…”
“-ㅇ-… I wonder why he’s ill… -0-? maybe you worked him too hard last night…” standing
infront of Dareum’s confused self… I let out silent screams apologetically… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…

a wolf’s attraction-44

7th period finally ended… and I waited infront of Dareum’s classroom… Dareum… who had
secretly sneaked out during study hall… -0- took the cab with me, heading to Haewon’s
house… “Unni.but why IS HAewon hurt? huh? why? why?”
“um… see…- 0 -… there was a fight…”
“ahh… tch like I actually expected another reason as to why he would get hurt… Unni are
you worried? huh? huh?” Dareum’s round eyes sparkled… ㅡ_ㅡ… “of course I’m worried…
yeah… of course…”
“ooh yeah. unni!! when are you gonna meet Yoo Jaehee and Kim Daehan!? since you guys
are officially a couple now, it’s about time you see them!! want me to call them to our
house?! ooh and you can be doing something dramatic with Haewon >_<!!” -0- -0- -0- -0–
“Dareum ah… nooo. ㅜ^ㅜ…”
“what’s no!! didn’t I tell you my hobby was torturing people >_<? you have the chance of
revenge in your hands >_< and why no!! >_<! I’ll call them if you don’t wanna…”
“no… noo…” I pleaded Dareum repeatedly. but whether or not she knew how serious the
situation was… Dareum just had on a blank expression as she glared at the Taxi driver’s
head… -0-… I’ve been riding the cab too often these days… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… all of my money were
escaping through my hands because of the taxi fees… ㅜ^ㅜ… As soon as Dareum stepped
off the cab, Dareum grabbed my wrists and ran off. when Dareum abruptly stopped… I
looked up and saw an apartment about 20 stores high… figures, you need a card to enter
the apartment… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… Dareum looked frustrated for a moment… then took out her cell
phone. “Hello? Is haewon home? can’t you wake him up?? -0-…why? why can’t you?! then
can you throw your card out the window? This is Dareum!! -0-!!” while my surprised stare
was glued onto Dareum… something… from about level 11… fell onto the floor in an
incredible fast speed… SPLAT!! - 0 -… it was the card… and next I saw a guy laughing evilly
at us from a balcony on the 11th floor… - 0 -… “Da… DAreum ah… who is that?”
“Haewon’s 3rd brother -_-^” Dareum looked unnerved as she picked up the card from the
ground… and walked into the building dragging me by the hand…- 0 - I was shaking a bit…
ㅜ_ㅜ what do I say to HAewon… ㅜㅇㅜ… arghhhhh… ㅜ^ㅜ… The elevator zoomed up to
the 11th floor… ding… and confidently Dareum opened the housedoor without even ringing
the bell… I hid behind Dareum and carefully stepped in, eyes wandering around the
house… the guy who was looking at us from the balcony appeared… - 0 -… he didn’t look
ANYTHING like Haewon… he was bald… and had a very… scary looking picture of an ax on
his shiny head… >ㅇ<
“eh… what’s up Dareum?”
“nothing much… Oppa, how’s Haewon?”
“dead. man… he got beaten up pretty bad”
“how’s his body?”
“his eyes are all scratched up… wouldn’t tell me what bastards did it to him… tch… whoever
it was… I’ll make sure to rip them apart…” -0-… - 0 -… “Oppa. My unni. Haewon’s
“He… hello…” Haewon’s brother stuck out his hand… ㅜ_ㅜ… there was a symbol of a nazi
on his forehand… ㅜ^ㅜ… carefully, I shook his hand. “Nice to meet you. Treat Haewon
“yes… i… I will…”
“Go in. he wouldn’t open his damn mouth. try to get some info out of him… I have to go
somewhere… but… if you try and he still won’t open his damn mouth, then start hugging
him. you never know, he might budge if his girlfriend starts hugging him…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… okay… i… will…” the feared being of haewon’s brother headed out of the house
after patting my head twice… -0-… “Unni. let’s go in…”
“yeah… yeah…” Haewon’s house was much wider than ours… the house had a wooden
floor… it was really warm… - 0 -… there seemed to be more than 5 rooms…- 0 -… creak…
when I turned the doorknob… I saw Haewon laying on a huge bed with his back toward
us… computer… ps2… stereo… closet… big screen tv… there was so much stuff… except I
wonder why there isn’t a desk… - 0 -… “YAH! Bahn Haewon! stop being a big baby and get
up!!” -0-… Dareum shouted. Haewon didn’t move a finger… walking closer, Dareum lifted
his blankets… Haewon layed on his bed… with the same clothes he wore last night…
Dareum scarily shook Haewon… - 0 -… “Wake up! Unni came along, too!!! YAH!!”
“………………” Putting a hand on his forehead… Haewon slowly opened his eyes… and looked
back… next to his eyes… there was a huge cut… the hand on his forehand was incredibly
swollen… and his left eye… was scratched up badly… he was barely able to open both of his
eyes… “Haewon ah…”
“hey… you came…” Haewon muttered as if nothing had happened… my guilt continued
eating me up inside… “you… got hurt… a lot… ㅜ_ㅜ… it looks painful…”
“yah! who made you like this!? huh?! what school is it!?”
“you gonna beat ‘em up for me -_-^? just leave it alone…”
“why! tell me!! I can’t believe you actually GOT beaten up-0-!! Unni. what’d you do when
he was fighting them… -0-… looks serious… -0-…”
“your unni… ran away while I was getting beat up… she runs pretty fast?’ -0-… ㅜ^ㅜ…
“are you serious!? Unni!! is that true!? -0-!?”
“yes… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“WHY!! UNNI!! WHY’D YOU LEAVE HIM!! WHY!!” Dareum shook my shoulders with an
incredible amount of strength… “dumb @ss… you believed that… what kind of a wifey
leaves her hubby like that…” this kind… “ah… yeah… -0-?? heh…” ㅜ_ㅜ… Haewon ah… ㅜ_
ㅜ… Dareum looked at me… and then Haewon… and back at me… “hey… yah is there
anything to eat in your fridge?”
“even if there wasn’t, don’t you always find something to eat…”
“muhahha… - 0 -… yes…” Dareum opened the bedroom door. Dareum ah… please don’t
goo… don’t leave me… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… Slam… ahhh… nooo… ㅜ_ㅜ…
a wolf’s attraction-45

“umm… HAewon ah… I’m sorry… I’m really really sorry… ㅜ_ㅜ…” When Dareum left…
every word I had practiced infront of the mirror disappeared… and all I could do… was
stutter… and to say sorry over and over again… ㅜ_ㅜ Haewon studied me… “i won’t eat
you up…”
“i won’t eat you up… even if you were to be next to me…” very rigidly… I carefully sat
down on the edge of the bed. “your lips are… swollen… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“how’s… Chung Taesung??”
“he… is better now…”
“then… how about you…”
“haha… seeing how your eyes are all swollen from crying… Chung Taesung got beaten up
pretty bad huh…” Haewon… “aren’t you mad… Truthfully Haewon… don’t you hate me…”
“doesn’t matter if I do… ^-^… like a dumb ass I can’t help but smile when I see you…
kek…” Haewon smiled sadly… with much effort, he sat up in his bed… and leveled his stare
to mine… “hey… why are you crying… I’m the one who wants to cry…”
“i’m sorry Haewon… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… it’s my fault… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… I didn’t think about you getting hurt…
or… you getting beat up… ㅜ 0 ㅜ”
“if you’re sorry… then don’t do it anymore…” Haewon lightly pushed my face with his fists…
ㅜ_ㅜ… because I felt bad… I hung my head low… and whispered softly… “from now on…
I’ll treat you better… ㅜ_ㅜ… since you… took punches for me… ㅜ_ㅜ… I’ll pay you all of
that debt back… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“you’re looking somewhere else again…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… excuse me?”
“just… look at me… at least when we’re together…”
“ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“if I took a picture of you right now, then Wun wouldn’t you anymore… “Click… click…
Haewon pretended to take a picture… “ㅜ 0 ㅜ… heuk heuk… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“i… last night… thought… that you… would come back… to me… again… so… even when
people kept on bothering me to go to the hospital… I just layed there… waiting for you…
but… you didn’t… come… ^-^…” suddenly… the room had turned dead quiet… because I
felt too bad… because I really was truly very very very sorry… I didn’t know what I should
say… or how I should express my feelings… that I fell into the state of anguish… “damn my
mom likes my eyes the best… but it got messed up cuz of you!!” Haewon… took notice of
my worry… and shouted… “ㅜ 0 ㅜ… let’s go to the hospital…”
“let’s go together tomorrow…”
“yeah… ㅜ 0 ㅜ… lets… ㅜ 0 ㅜ…” in gratitude, all I could do was nodd my head… “Haewon
ah… I was wondering… that thing hanging over there… is that filled with cotton… ㅜ-ㅜ?” I
pointed to the weird looking object that has bothered me ever since I came into the room.
“-_-^ it’s a punching bag… what would I do with cotton…”
“punching bag ㅇ_ㅇ whoa… - 0 -.you do boxing too??”
“i learned… cuz of hyung.”
“oh yeah… you didn’t mend your wounds or anything!! I’ll do it for you! -0-!!” I bravely
stood up… Haewon pulled me back down by my arm… “just stay…”
“but your cuts… -0-…”
“it’s okay… just stay here with me…”
“-0-…” right then… Haewon’s cell phone rang… (the one he gave me) i… carefully…
glimpsed at Haewon… “your… phone -0-… I keep on getting text messages from girls. -0-
…” Haewon just silently took out the cell phone from my pockets… (ahh>ㅇ<) and stared
into the caller ID… “It’s Chung Taesung…”
“ah… ah… okay…”

a wolf’s attraction-46

an awkward silence fell between us… -0-… it’d be better if Dareum came back in… -0- but
all I heard was something boiling and cooking sounds from the kitchen… the cell phone
continued ringing… - 0 -… Haewon placed the cell phone into my hands… “p… pick it up?”
Haewon… just lit a cigarette… instead of an answer… ㅜ^ㅜ… the loud ringing stopped…
and when I sighed a sign of relief… the ringing ceased once again… right then… Dareum
shouted angrily from the kitchen. “AH!! SSHI!!! that ring is bothering me while I fry my
dumpling! just pick it up already!!” you can’t be bothered when you fry your mandoo…
Dareum? oh I see ㅡ.,ㅡ “i guess… I have to get… that…” it seemed as if I was turning
more and more into a fox… - 0 - keeping an eye on HAewon… I opened the phone with
trembling hands… “NUNA!!” >ㅇ< aigoo. my poor ears>ㅇ< “yeah… Taesung…”
“Nuna! it’s me!! Taesung!!”
“yeah. Taesung. where are you…”
“at home ^ㅇ^ I just woke up… my face is swollen… -0-… sshi…”
“are you okay… did you go to school? did you eat? are you better?”
“superman, Taesung! ^ㅇ^”
“haha yeah ^ ^ I’m glad…”
“Nuna. Nuna why’d you leave your money at my house…”
“ah… that… buy side dishes with that… -0-…”
“take it…”
“no. Taesung… take some medicine. and go to the hospital…”
“i don’t want to. go take it…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… just use it as your own…”
“take it…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… okay…”
“right now”
“huh? I can’t…” I glanced at Haewon. he let out a white smoke… whew…
“come right now.”
“i can’t. I can’t… -0-…”
“come quickly right now.”
“i’ll call you later…”
“yeah. come right now as you’re calling me!! right now!! imma hang up!! I love you!!
NUNA!! “ - 0 -… - 0 – I can’t believe I heard a guy say I love you to me… - 0 -… “Nuna… I
love you…” Haewon repeated what Taesung said. “ah… did you hear that… -0-? he’s such…
a lovable dongseng…”
“you… like stuff like that?”
“nuna. nuna it’s me. nuna what are you doing… nuna come right now… nuna. nuna. nuna I
love you… do you like stuff… like that… is that why you like Chung taesung?”
“no… I really think of Taesung as my real brother!! -0-!! “
“if I call you nuna… would you like me?”
“never mind… what kind of a nuna are you… sshi…”
“………….(can’t reply because I feel too bad -_-)
“…call Taesung…”
“huh?? ㅇ_ㅇ??”
“you said he’s your brother… you said he’s like a real dongseng… tell him to come to our
house…” Haewon just tapped the butt of the cigarette… putting a hand on his lips, he
frowned as if it hurt… “why… -0-… you don’t even… like Taesung…”
“then why… why do you want me to call him. you wanna fight again!? ㅜ^ㅜ!?”
“he’s like your brother isn’t he? proper introductions” what… kind of… a sign is this… ㅡ 0
ㅡ “but you’ll just get in a fight with him!”
“just tell him to come… even if I just leave you alone… you’ll just meet him secretely… all
right? you said he’s just a dongseng… like a real dongseng…”
“huh? yeah…”
“so we need proper introductions… tell him to come over here… right now…” Haewon was
stubborn… would… it really be okay… if I call Taesung to Haewon’s house… ㅜ 0 ㅜ? what
about Dareum… ㅜㅇㅜ?? i… thought it over… while I stared at Haewon dumbfoundedly…
“i’m counting to three… if you don’t call him by then… I’m laying you on the bed…”
“CALL HIM!! >_<!!” with an incredible amount of speed, I dialed Taesung’s number…
ddiiii… ddiiii… dddiiiii… “NUNA! where are you!?”
“Taesung ah… can you come… right now… ㅜ_ㅜ?”
“yeah! ^ㅇ^ where are you??”
“this is… um an apartment…”
“yeah. ^ㅇ^ which one. I’ll go over zoom zoom with my motorcycle…”
“ㅜ_ㅜ… okay… zoom zoom… when you come… wear something thick… ㅜㅇㅜ…” Taesung
said he will come in 10 minutes… and I had to persuade Dareum… in 10 minutes… Dareum
entered Haewon’s room right on time… “Wanna eat some dumblings? if you don’t wanna
you don’t have to!! you won’t eat it right??”
“Daerum ah… ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“why! you wanna it eat?! it won’t be very good?!”
“Taesung’s coming over…”
“what? ㅇ_ㅇ?”
“Taesung ee’s coming over…”
“WHAT!!” Dareum breathed out fire… and Haewon just laughed… ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ… ㅜ_ㅜ…
whew… i’m… really worried… ㅜ_ㅜ…
a wolf’s attraction-47

“WHAT!? Chung Taesung’s coming over here!? WHY! what for!!!!!!!!!! Bahn Haewon!you
tell me! why’d you call him!!!!! ohhhh you wanna fight!? huh, you wanna fight right
here!??????” Dareum stomped over to Haewon and shook him by his collar.. “Let go
Dareum!! Your hands are still greasy!!-_-^!!” Haewon roughly pushed Dareum off of him..
and Dareum bounced onto the end of the bed.. “Dareum ahhh-0-! are you okay!?!?” I
asked Dareum who were massaging her head.. Dareum raised her head and glared at me..
ㅡ 0 ㅡ “-_- for what purpose did you call Chung Taesung over here!!”
“…- 0 -..ㅜ_ㅜ….just… so we can all be friends…”
“NO!!!!!! NEVER!! okay? N E V E R!!!!!!!!!! Chung Taesung and I are like… like.. OIL and
water!!!!! understand?!!!!!!!!!”
“…but Dareum.. Taesung’s not a bad person at all………..”
“heukheukheuk.ㅜ 0 ㅜ STILL! I don’t like himmm..ㅜ_ㅜ…i don’t like you being so close
with him..ㅜ^ㅜ…nooo.ㅜ^ㅜ…” I was bewildered. Taesung’s gonna arrive soon, too…..
“..Han Dareum…. stop.. I’m the one who told him to come over….”
“…?….YOU called him…? why…? you’re going to fight..ㅇ_ㅇ..?”
“does it look like I can fight with in my condition..? we’ll both be tired after a second…”
“then why’d you do it? WHY do YOU wanna see Chung Taesung!!” as if on cue… my cell
phone began ringing…- 0 -..(the one HAewon gave me..) Just in case it was Taesung…. I
glanced at both Dareum and Haewon……….and Dareum snatched away the phone from my
hands in a flash… ..nooo..-0-……. “HELLO!! who is this!!!??….who..? Yoo Jaehee…???…. ^…
yeah? Yes this is Dareum? what? why do you wanna talk to Haewon-_-?”
“Dareum ah!-0-! NOOO!! She’s my friend..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..Dareummm… pleasee..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“Haewon’s going out with my Unni-_-. you don’t know? oh HO well now you do. They even
kissed, didn’t you know? W H A T? and how in the world do YOU know Haewon???” I
silently shed tears as I flapped my arms around, trying to get her to stop the
conversation.. Haewon, holding his stomach, laughed out loud while staring at us..ㅜ_
ㅜ..Haewon.. the least you can do is help me..ㅜ_ㅜ.. Dareum’s voice just got higher as she
continued her conversation with Jaehee. “excuse me!? who dated Haewon! YOU!? HAHA
SISTER??!!!!!!! SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
-0- - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Da..da…da…Dare…Dareum ahh…
Dareum shut the door furiously. while I stared at her dumbfoundedly.. Dareum stomped
over to Haewon once again…”YOU! since when did you go out with Yoo Jaehee? she’s lying
right huh!?! HRM!? WHEN! WHEN!!”
“…long.. time ago.. in junior high……ahhh….. it was just tempoary!!”
“WHY DIDN”T YOU TELL ME!!!!!!!!!-0-!!!WHYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” The tension just grew
more and more.. then……… the hot atmosphere was broken…. by my cell phone’s
obnoxious ring.. ……i…. quietly sneaked out of the room while Haewon and Dareum
continued quarreling with each other… “he..Hello…? oh.. Taesung… yeah you’re where..?
ooh.. you need a card to get in….. ah.. talk through the intecom…? sorry, I don’t know how
to….-0-…i have an idea! I’ll throw it down the window……yeah….”
…………wheres the card……..oh there it is….
i opened the door leading out to the balcony..
…and saw Taesung waving at me from far below….
The card swished…….
and fascinatingly, Taesung grabbed it before it hit the ground. He smiled broadly… and
disappeared through the apartment entrance.. ..whew… this is only the beginning..- _ -…..
carefully, I opened the door to haewon’s room. And I saw… Dareum shrilling loudly.. while
Haewon shouted “shut up” under the blankets… “Dareum …. um.. TAesung’s coming up..
right now……….” Haewon’s blankets were instantly thrown backwards.. as Dareum glared
at me…. and………. creak………………. “NUNA!! I’m here!!! oOo… who’s house is this????????
dang, nice house!!!!!!!!!!!” Taesung’s voice ringed in my ears from the door…………..
We all froze in our spots……. until Haewon broke the silence. “Chung HanKyung.
go………….greet him….”
“..i.. I will………….”
………a cold shiver ran down my back…..ㅜ^ㅜ….. while I continued trembling……..ㅜ^ㅜ my
whole body was trembling in whatever was soon to come…ㅜ^ㅜ.. creak…………………… I saw
Taesung taking off his shoes and stepping into the house.. ……..bandages all over…..
“..huh.. nuna..^ ^…”
“..Taesung… ah……ㅜ_ㅜ.how.. was the ride…?’
“haha okay^ ^…who… who’s house is this.??”
…………Dareum suddenly appeared next to me, while glaring melacingly at Taesung. “why
did YOU come?”
……………Taesung’s face hardened as he stared at Dareum..
“..uh… Dareum..”
“it’s not such a pleasure hearing my name from your lips.. so don’t”
“Dareum ah. stop.. please don’t…”
………..the cold words Dareum spat out.. after giving Taesung a good glare.. “Haewon lives
here. Happy now? so leave”
Taesung gave me an unbelieving stare. “…..Nuna…”
“…she’s.. right Taesung… I just want you… and hAewon… and Dareum…. to all
“…….NUna.. let’s go out..^ ^…” Taesung grabbed my wrists. “YAH! CHUNG TAESUNG!! LET
GO OF MY UNNI’S HAND!!!!!!!!!” …..umm… uhhh..-0-…? Taesung continued pulling me to
the door… “Taesung ah.. wait.. wait… HAewon he wanted.. to be on good terms with you..”
“let’s go………let’s go out, yeah ^ ^?”
“Let go of her …. CHung Taesung”
..Haewon had came out of his room……..
HAewon and Taesung… face to face…. and next to them was Dareum, steaming up in
anger… Haewon and TAesung.. they were both bruised all over..

A wolf’s attraction-48

.. …… an icy silence brushed past us…………………..ordering me…. to hang my head low..ㅜ_

ㅜ.. “I’m… the one who called you. why? I’m going out with CHung Hankyung now.. and
from what I hear.. she tells me you’re like a real brother to her…… can’t really do anything
about it since she likes you so much huh…”
“…Nuna?….NUna… Bahn Haewon…. and you…. you guys are a couple..?…….??”
“DUDE! LET GO OF HER HAND!-0-!!” Haewon shouted.. but Taesung disobeyed as his grip
on my wrists just got tighter.. “…is… is what he said true…..?”
“..(- -)(_ _)(- -)(_ _).ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“..ㅜ_ㅜ…….” Haewon got impatient as he pried Taesung’s hand off of me. “told you to let
go-_-^…you… come in, why don’t you.. how’d you get here anyway…..”
“….Nuna…don’t go out with him…..”
“..ㅜ_ㅜ..Taesung.. did you know.. that last night.. when you were getting beaten up by
those nasty people… Haewon tried to save-”
“SHUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-0-!!!!!’ Haewon was blushing slightly….. as he yelled loudly……
“…ㅜ 0 ㅜ.why not.. I wanna telllll..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…Taesung ah… Haewon’s hurt cuz of you..”
“…..don’t date him………”
Dareum shook off her silent mode and yelled again. “what’s it to you!-0-! why do you
THINK they’re going out?! huh?!??!?! cuz they like each other!!! so butt out you @ss!-0-!!”
“hey… did you know that there are grease stains around your mouth-_-”
Taesung came back with an attack without a change in his expression..-0-..
“-0-..SO! did I ASK you!?!?!? huh?! did i?! did iii?!-0-!!”
“you look like a hippo when you yell like that..-0-…… that racoon kid looks like you.-0-”
“>ㅇ< WHAT!? you..YOU!! you think I’m a big joke, huh?! well guess what? I don’t care-
“^ㅇ^ I do”
“ARGHHH!-0-! you’re such an @ss!! GET OUT!!! RIGHT NOW!!!!”
ㅜ_ㅜ.. I slided to HAewon and… said in a whisper..
“..imma.. talk to Taesung right outside the door… so.. so calm Dareum down while I do
so….ㅜ_ㅜ.. okay….?”
“i won’t let you go……….”
“..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..noo. they’ll probably start fighting if this continues..” I looked at DAreum yelling
in fury .. and turned my gaze toward Taesung who seemed to be enjoying making her
mad.. “no…..”
“..ㅜ-ㅜ..you… didn’t tell Taesung to come over here just for a fight.. right?”
“..i said no… I won’t act like a dumb @ss anymore.. if you and TAesung are the only ones
outside… ……………………….you really want me to get crazy cuz of you…..”
“…..but I can’t leave YOU and Taesung by yourselves while I take DAreum out…you know
how Dareum is… if you just calm her down.. she won’t be mad at TAesung
anymore..okay..? Haewon… please…ㅜ_ㅜ..ooh and don’t push her like you did before.. ㅜ_
“….fuuu…….ck… how many times do I have to tell you…. don’t go out okay!!! I won’t let
you!!!!!!” at Haewon’s loud words.. Dareum and Taesung.. stopped their little bickering..
and stared at us with round eyes….. “Chung Taesung. let’s go get some soju.”
ㅇ_ㅇ…………did.. did Haewon just say.. he wanted to… drink soju with… with Taesung..-
0-..? what the….-0-..? why… “Bahn Haewon!! are you crazy!?!?” Dareum shouted out
and.. an hour later…. we sat in a night club..called para para, placed downtown……….-0-
…………………. where HAewon led us to. I stared wonderously at my surroundings,
while Haewon and Taesung just glared at me..
…….both seated across from me….-0-………..
when I stole a glance to my side…… I saw Dareum glaring at me, also……..-0-………….
- 0 -……….. aigoooo.. - 0 -….. and.. boong gee boong gee chachacha~♪ Boong gee boong
gee chachacha~♪
Taesung’s cell phone broke the awkward silence wrapped around us.
Taesung spoke into it.
“Hello-0-…oh.. Taesung says he doesn’t like you.-0-….huh? this is Taesung..-0-..
aish I dunno…….i’m hanging up.bye-0-…..”
……..Taesung would always hang up his phone like that………
Haewon… who had his hand over the back of the chair…….. mumbled.
“boong gee boong gee chachacha….man what kind of a ring is that.. d’you make it..?”
“no. the captain did.- 0 - .and can’t you hide your cut lip.-0-?
it’s hideous..-0-..”
- 0 - - 0 -……..
“better than your face. I pity you.. your face was the only thing you had to go around
picking up girls… oh well, gotta stop for a few days, huh..?”
this…. this is fighting, isn’t it..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…
Taesung gulped down his glass oneshot..-0-..
and after making an refreshed (?) expression..>_<
“yeah I know. you can keep the pity to yourself. it’s not like those ahjumas will chase after
you after seeing your cut lip^ㅇ^”
“ah..ahjumas..? Taesung.is HAewon popular among the ahjumas….?”
i asked Taesung carefully.
“YAH!! DON”T LISTEN TO HIM!!!!!!!!!!! why do you wanna know anyway???!!!!!”
Haewon shouted, blushing slightly.
but Taesung just answered me, smiling.
“NUna, he is^ㅇ^ in middle school. Hella lot of Ahjumas liked him^ㅇ^
there were a lot of night clubs who wanted him, for the ahjumas^ㅇ^”
Haewon bit his lower lip and mugged at Taesung..
he looks like he’s gonna punch him..-0-..nooo..-0-…..
oh my.-0- Dareum was just drinking without paying any attention to us.-0-
i pleadingly shook her arm, asking her to stop.
HAewon scoffed and opened his mouth..
“..yeah.. a lot of ahjumas did like me-_-.Hey. Chung Hankyung. you don’t know huh..
In middle school, hella lot of upper classmens chased after him, proposing and crap…”
“whoa..-0-…really..? Taesung you were always popular huh..”
“yep-_-^ the only problem was that they were guys….”
Taesung looked aghast.
and HAewon smiled wide at me…….- 0 -……ㅜ 0 ㅜ
what is this… he was the one who didn’t want to fight..ㅜ_ㅜ..
it’s just that they’re not using their fists..ㅜ_ㅜ..but this is the same thing as fighting, isn’t
it..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
Taesung… leaned back in his chair… took out a cigarette and held it with his index finger
and middle finger…
and after letting out a white smoke, he chuckled.
“….you’re asking for it, aren’t you.”
Haewon growled..-0-..
“asking for what? i’d like another shot of soju, though”
“hah. you call that humor…? you know it’s hella dull, right?”
whooo-0- Taesung let out another smoke.
“Chung Hankyung. you have no idea. Chung Taesung he got the worst grade in the entire
school during middle school..
i always wondered what the point of living was, for him..”
Haewon took out his own cigarette after finishing his words.-0-..
while Dareum continued gulping down soju next to me..- 0 –
Taesung’s lips became very thin of lines.
“Yeah^ㅇ^. Bahn Haewon. remember when you got that bruise on your @ss after ordering
that one guy to type up your essay^ㅇ^?”
this time, Haewon was the one who let out a smoke on Taesung’s face..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
“yeah, I do. I got beat up like hell. you were next to me, getting beat up also, don’t you
remember? you stole that ketchup from the teacher’s lounge…”
“-0-….you didn’t need to say that…..”
“whooo..-0-…(Haewon letting out a smoke)
in an attempt to ease up the tension, I shouted loudly.
“whoaaa!! seeing you guys talk like that, you must’ve been really close in junior high
“….n e v e r… yah Bahn Haewon. I can’t give my nuna to you. beat me up until I die, I still
won’t allow my nuna to be with you… so don’t even try…”
“..my nuna..? since when was CHung Hankyung your nuna..?”
“because she is my nuna…………………..”
………Taesung’s eyebrows furrowed..-0-..
noo… if Taesung gets serious, too.. a fight’ll break out between them.
“..so I asked you.. why is she your nuna………..”
“………she’s my nuna…………….”
If I wasn’t mistaken, his eyes were shaking…………
……now that I think about it… taesung… called me “my nuna” …a lot..
……..he would…….. always say that to me……

a wolf’s attraction-49

Dareum stood up brusquely..-0-…..

she shouted 3 times………- 0 -……..
and after throwing her jacket aside..
she looked at me with burning eyes..
“..Da…Dareum ah..-0-..wha.. what’s wrong..”
“Tell him you love him..”
“-0-………- 0 -………”
“KEKEKEKE>ㅇ< ASSAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
and like a mad woman, she ran off to the dance floor..
“DAREUM AH ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
i got up, biting my lower lips..
Haewon murmured silently..
“…but.. dareum..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..DAREUM…”
“if you go right now. me and this guy right here will probably start fighting…. you already
know that don’t you… so sit down……”
“……ㅜ 0 ㅜ..Da..Dare…Dareumee..”
“she’s always like that after she gets drunk!!! SIT!!!!!!!!”
“YAH!! don’t shout at my nuna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
- 0 -………..
“she’s my girlfriend, not your nuna… understand.!?!”
“she was my nuna before she got with you……..”
“dude. you related to Chung hankyung or something…….? why would she be your nuna..?”
……….the atmosphere……….. turned icy all of a sudden…..
Taesung. one shot his glass without saying anything….
Haewon, too, looked pissed as he threw his cigarette on the table..
and gulped down soju out of the whole bottle.
“guys-0- stop drinking so much!! stop!!! s t o p!!”
“Nuna… who is it… Bahn haewon or…me……..?”
Taesung asked me in a serious tone.
judging by how his words were getting twisted, he must be getting drunk..
“..me…. or him…..”
“….you… see……… i..”
“you don’t have to answer
…….it was Haewon…
talking to me as if he was mad…
“don’t say anything… I already know what the answer is.. so don’t rub it in……….”
“..who.. no.. i.ㅇ_ㅇ..”
“………I’m asking you….. don’t say anything………. just…. d… don’t…”
………….Haewon doesn’t even know what imma say..
why is he telling me not to say anything when he doesn’t even know……
Taesung grinned sheepishly and looked at HAewon.
“-_-..aha.. you afraid cuz nuna might say my name…..?”
“Nuna likes me a lotttt.-0-..she took care of me throughout the whole night yesteraday..-
you never tasted her soup have you-_-? probably nottt-_- it tastes really baddd..-0-..”
“Taesung.stop. taesung.. please don’t.-0-..(Hankyung waves her hand and whispers-_-)
“..-0-..keke…. and.. AND.. I knew Nuna since 4 years agoo..-0-….”
“Taesung ah. I’m really curious….ㅇ_ㅇ..where’d we meet 4 years ago..?”
“Seoul..ㅇ_ㅇ..? where in Seoul..?”
“at this hotel………….”
“Hotel..?ㅇ_ㅇ..? I’ve never been to a hotel…..-0-…….”
“eh.ㅇ_ㅇ..? grandma..?”
“Nuna and.. my…….”
right then… Haewon stood up……..
after making a loud sound by hitting the table with the soju bottle..
“Haewon ah..ㅇ_ㅇ…”
“…i .. don’t think I can stay any longer…………..”
“Hae..Haewon ah!! where are you going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
i quickly stood up after him…
and hung onto Haewon’s shirt….-0-..
“Haewon.. sorry………..are you mad because we excluded you from our conversation……”
“……I’m sorry… but you can’t just go… I don’t wanna fight with you again…….
i don’t want us to get awkward like last name………”
“i…. the only thing I remember when I think of you.. is you getting further and further
away from you…. please.. dont……….. don’t…”
“..you’re the one who moves away.. not me……….”
“….now that I think about it…… you and Chung Taesung…. you guys look good together…
better than I will ever with you……….”
“heh…. no place for me….^-^….”
Haewon brushed past me and walked off slowly…
“Haewon ah!-0-! you said we were gonna go to the hospital tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!
right?!!! you promised……ㅜ_ㅜ………….”
Haewon slowly neared the door..
and……. Taesung called out to me….
what do I do..ㅜ 0 ㅜ……….? argh my life’s so complicated……ㅜ 0 ㅜ……….
ㅜ 0 ㅜ……….
………..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…………………….
ㅜ 0 ㅜ……….

a wolf’s attraction-50

Haewon opened the door…

…he was limping…-0-..
why……… oh… cuz of that fight last night…….
………how come I didn’t notice that his leg was hurt…….
………..looking over my shoulders…..
…….I sensed that Taesung wanted to say something..
“..Taesung ah…”
“…….I’m.. I’m sorry…………………………………….”
“………………heh….. I know…………^ ^……”
……..Taesung smiled faintly…
and looking back at the door…………
…………………wa…wait a second.ㅜ 0 ㅜ…….
shouting out Haewon’s name loudly, I forcefully opened the door.
……….but…………. the only thing that I saw………… was the blinking billboards…
and the dark night sky………
“Hae..Haewonnn..ㅜ 0 ㅜ.Haewonnnn..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
i continued murmuring Haewon’s name over and over again… but HAewon was no where in
sight..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
sshi..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….
because I was running so fast.. one of my shoe came off..
arghh I wonder where it is..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..
Mung goo bought me these shoesss.. I’ll hate myself forever if I loose those shoe..ㅜ^ㅜ..!!
bending down, I began walking back toward the para para nightclub, in search for my
…my precious shoe…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…
i sniffled over and over again..-0-…
……..my poor shoe…ㅜ 0 ㅜ……..
“what the frock are you doing……….”
when I unbended my back and looked up…
i saw Haewon frowning at me…
“..Hae..Haewon ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“….you came back…………. thank you……….”
“….why… were you following me………”
“…so I can catch you…?”
“as I was saying…….why did you want to catch me…………….”
“…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…cuz you just left like last time….”
“…what about Chung Taesung…….. why do you keep on making me sound so pathetic-_-
“..we…. it’s only been 2 days since we went out………. so….. so if.. if we break up…………….
that’s… not suppose to happen……”
“…..if you…….. liked me… then I would hug you right now…….. kek… forget hugging.
i would go straight into kissing-_-^……haha…..”
“…..you’re hanging your mouth like that again…….what if a fly flies in……. so what do you
want from me……”
“Chung hankyung………..”
“……..thanks for stopping me….”
“to tell the truth, I knew you were gonna catch me^-^ haha.. take that Chung Taesunggg-
_-^! Bahn Haewon…win….. Chung Taesung……. lose”
Haewon jokingly laughed…. and pulled my shoulders with his arms…
“thank…. thank you, too Haewon…..”
“for what…”
“………..just………just because…”
“……hey.. why are you shoeless..?”
“..ㅜ 0 ㅜ.heukheuk.. I lost it….”
“-_-^why…….. do you live…. huh..? why………..”
Haewon punched my head lightly and started looking for my shoe.
fascinatingly, Haewon found my shoes in less than 10 seconds…………and…….
he kneeled down infront of me while holding my shoe….
“lift your feet….”
“……-0-….i… I can put it on myself……..”
“watch you fall down while putting it on… then how am I suppose to make you stop
crying………. hurry up and lift your foot………”
the shoe Haewon was putting on for me…..-0-….
was……….for some reason…. very………….
…………..i was lost in my thoughts………..ㅡ 0 ㅡ…….
“Yah… what’d you write on the shoes… Mung Goo…….and Hankyung..? yah..
….what is that..?….is Mung Goo…your dog’s name..?”
“ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!! he’s my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my really really good friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“….friend..? HAH… that’s not funny.. a person’s name is Mung goo..?”
“YES!!!!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!!!!”
“pshh….you’re lying……”
“.but he is! our mung goo…ㅜ^ㅜ…”
“….crybaby.. crying again… ok. ok.. Mung goo’s a person’s name..”
he stood up brusquely and put his arms around my shoulders..
“hey.. let’s go back to parapara”
“Chung Taesung’s still there isn’t he..let’s go back….”
i have a feeling… that for some reason.. imma be embarassed…….ㅜ 0 ㅜ………….
……Haewon just opened the night club’s door without hesitating for a second..
“Haewon… were.. you really popular among the ahjumas….ㅇ_ㅇ…..?”
“then..ㅇ_ㅇ…did you really get beat up cuz of that test….”
“D O N ‘ T!!!!!!!!-_-!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“…..okay okay……. ㅜ 0 ㅜ……….”
…….when we arrived at our table………….
…….Taesung was nowhere.. to be seen………… I wonder when he left………
……….and.. on the table.. there was……
money…. 60 dollars..
the amount of money I left at Taesung’s house before…
I didn’t………. give him back his wallet either……………………
“..where’s Chung Taesung…. and what’s this money suppose to be…….”
“…… so many things I don’t know…….. argh..”
Haewon finished his sentence and drank beer out of the whole bottle..
“…Haewon ah……. let’s.. let’s go back home……….”
“let’s.. bring Dareum home…….”
“ok. Han Dareum… where is she……..”
“….i don’t know..-0-………”
“……….what… DO you know………. huh..?”
“heh heh..-0-…”
Haewon set out to the dance floor in search of Dareum.
…….. maybe it’s just my head making illusions…..
but Haewon kept………… on laughing and smiling.. as if he was happy….
… before.. when haewon put on my shoe for me…..
………….i felt the same emotion as I did when I was with Dae Han..
i..i wonder why………….ㅇ_ㅇ……
am…. am i…… that incapable of staying loyal for a long time…….-0-.!????????????

a wolf’s attraction-51

.. 30 minutes later..
Haewon…. had Dareum on his back…. while muttering swear words furiously..
..i .. walked beside him..
with Dareum’s shoes on my right hand.. and her backpack on my left ……
it’s almost midnight………….
on the dark sky… there were brilliant sparkles of stars lighting up the side walk..
man… it’s already getting to be so cold…-0-……..
“haewon ah…. aren’t you cold..?”
“…….thanks to this bear on my back, I’m not….”
“..-0-……um.. .how will you get home?? taxi….?”
“i’m sorry… your legs are injured, too… what if you can’t get up tomorrow morning….?”
“come to my house and wake me up”
“….but what about your mom…?”
“-_-^ you actually think i’d want you to come over in the morning…?”
“…^ㅇ^…you’re a nice guy, Haewon….”
“-_-..first time anyone said I was nice………”
“..^ㅇ^ oh really? people tell me that all the time^ㅇ^”
the sidewalk slowly neared my apartment..
…..a couple of street lights bounced off Haewon’s face…
“….whoa.. you really.. do have a pretty jawline, Haewon.^ㅇ^”
“i mean, Dareum said your jawline was pretty so when I kiss………-0-………
“…?? what did Han Dareum tell you…”
“..no……. kekeke… see I’m just…. laughing…..kekekeke..”
“i see… my jawline is a killer when I kiss………… she said that again…..???”
“…man, she would always go up to every girl I date and tell them that..
seriously. can’t even beat her up cuz she’s my friend-_-^!”
“you kiss a lot.-0-…..don’t you…”
“heck no….!!”
“noooo.. you were kissing Dareum’s friend in our bathroom..-0-.!
OH MY GOSH!! YOU DID!!!!!!!!!!!! you really did!!! you liar!!!-0-!!!!!!!!”
i took a step away from Haewon, shouting….
“i never did!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“you did that day!!-0-! at our bathroom!!!!!!”
“i DIDN’T!!!!!!!!!!!”
“YOU DID!-0-!! and you shouted at me to close the door!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“YAH!! I never said that!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“..you did..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..!! I might seem like a forgetting person, but I remember it clearly!!ㅜ 0
“won’t drop it will you..??”
“NO ㅜ 0 ㅜ why lie about something you did. that’s a nasty habit..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..”
Haewon grabbed my arms with his large hands..
and pulled my small body into his embrace..ㅇ_ㅇ….
……..if I were to measuer with a ruler..
Haewon’s face would be 2 cm away from mine……..
“am I lying or telling the truth………..”
“..you… you’re telling the truth………”
“….WHEW. if I do…. anything…..you’ll probably start crying again……argh fine.. today’s
your lucky day…..”
Haewon let go of my arms and pushed me away…
“Yah.. Chung Hankyung……”
“..what’s wrong now.. yah.. don’t start crying again!!!!!-0-!!! I didn’t do ANYTHING!!”
“…ahhhh… stop crying..-0-..i didn’t do anything cuz I thought you’d CRY! so stop”
“nothing……. nothing.. let’s go HAewon……..”
//// trying hard not to be noticed of blushing.. i… shouted loudly.
…..and speed walked….
stupid street lights.. arghhhh..
i won’t let him see me blushing..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…….sshi………..ㅜ 0 ㅜ……
…frick.ㅜ 0 ㅜ…what am I doing….ㅜ 0 ㅜ…….
i’m more embarassed than that time where I choked on the sweet potatoes..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….
Haewon, too, seemed awkward.. as he didn’t say anything…
so…………… we arrived infront of my house… without a word to each other..ㅜ 0 ㅜ……
‘..i’ll… I’ll take Dareum from here..”
“..thank…….thanks for today… really..-0-….becareful on the way home……… rest okay…”
“let’s… let’s go to the hospital together.. tomorrow.. okay…-0-…”
“okay… go in.. I’ll call you tomorrow…”
“oh.. okay-0-!! BYEBYE!!!!!!!!!”
Haewon walked off……
and I continued waving my arms until Haewon disappeared….
and.. without much effort.. I dragged Dareum to the elevator…..ASSAH!!!-0-!!!!!!!!!!!
///// I keep on thinking about that scene before..
…..my… my virgin lips.. might’ve been…..-0-..AHHHHH..- 0 -…………..
in the elevator….
and even infront of my house……ㅜ 0 ㅜ………the scene kept on popping up in my head..
man.. what.. what’s wrong with me……ㅜ 0 ㅜ………
and.. even when I was scolded at by mom….
“do you have ANY idea what time it is!??????? and what have you done to your
are you gonna coninue being so immature!? this was exactly the reason I was so
worried!!!!!!!!!! can’t you act your age!? why! you’re forbidden to go outside starting
……..even……..through… that horrible lecture…….
the only thing I kept on thinking of………. was the scene before…..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….
…………i think…….. I’m becoming dumber by the second…ㅜ 0 ㅜ.

A wolf’s attraction-52

.. the next day…

…….Dareum and I were walked into the gates of our school
Dareum shouted in joy that the PE teacher wasn’t infront of the gates..
and zoooooom.. sped off to her classroom by herself..-0-……
“Da…. Dareum!!! I’ll wait at the gates!!! after school!!!!!!!!!!!”
on the way to school, Dareum talked about Taesung nonstop….
…i should text message him during class…..
………..i…might have made a mistake yesteraday…ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
Taesung probably left cuz he was mad..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…
as soon as I entered my classroom, the kekekaka crew surrounded me
“Hankyung~~ whatcha do yesteraday? were you with Haewon?”
“oOo are you guys a couple?! hmmm?!”
“then! tell us Taesung’s phone number. huh? pleasee?>ㅇ<??”
“yeeeeeeeees..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..”
“i..can’t.. Taesung usually hangs up on whoever calls-”
“everyone in their seats………..”
our teacher entered the classroom through the front door..
and my kekekaka friends scurried to their seats..
“..hm.. I have good news… toward the end of this month… we’ll be leaving on a spring field
“WAHH!!! where!??????”
suddenly the classroom became very noisy..
-0-..ooh.. a spring field trip………
“…..to everland I think… “
“what! but mr. Choi! we’re not little kids!-0-!?!? why not lotte world!!!!!!!!”
*a/n I dunno any places in korea that “older” people might go to, so I just put lotte world..
“-_-….i don’t have any authority in this… so there isn’t any use in begging me….”
our teacher let out a sigh.
but.. I wanna go to everland..- 0 -…………
i really really wanna go to everland…….. - 0 -……………..
first period started..
and I flipped open Haewon’s phone and began typing a message.
“Taesung ah. this is nuna. I’m really sorry about last night.. did you get home okay..? are
you mad..?”
and………about 5… 6 minutes later……… the phone vibrated..
“nope. not mad^^ how about you, d’u get home ok? I’m at school. I’ll call you later cuz
I’m in class. zooooom.. and I’m there.”
……..whew. thank God^ㅇ^..Taesung’s not mad after all^ㅇ^
really.. thank God^ㅇ^
……he has such a kind heart..^ㅇ^
during brunch.. one of my kekekaka friends named Minsoon.. approached me…
“..hankyung ahh..-0-..let’s go buy chips at the store..”
i quickly linked arms with Minsoon.
and descended down the stairs…
“Hey. Hankyung. you ever think about resizing your uniform….?”
“huh?^ㅇ^?uniform? this uniform? why^ㅇ^?”
“……n…..evermind… yeah……….. yeah it looks.. um cute..”
“…thank you^ㅇ^~”
after paying for our chips, I saw… a couple of juniors wearing their PE uniform, on the
but.. what really got to me.. was..
Haewon sitting down on one of the benches..
and.. a cute looking girl shooting water guns at Haewon…
i wonder where Dareum is………. ooh.. there she is….
Dareum was busy playing soccer with the boys…-0-.
Minsoon tapped my elbows…
“hankyung…. that.. guy…. he’s Haewon isn’t he..?”
“..yeah…-0-.he.. is…….”
Haewon was shouting loudly at the girl who were shooting her water gun..
“DUDE!! KIm Ji yeon! stop being so damn annoying-0-!!! go play by yourself!!-0-!!”
“mehhhlong (xP) >ㅇ< catch me if you’re so mad! >ㅇ< kekeke >ㅇ< “
“didn’t I tell you to stop!!”
“>ㅇ< mehhhlong>ㅇ<“
Haewon abruptly stood up and bended the girls elbow backwards
“-_- you little!!”
“KAK>ㅇ< that hurt~! dumb @ss~~”
“you’re dead kim ji yeon-_-^…don’t start begging me for your life later……”
“it hurts>ㅇ<…oh my goshhh>ㅇ<okay okay! I surrender! white flag!!!!!!!!!!!”
“stop being so immature.”
Minsoon spat out the sentence at the girl who was playing with her water gun.
while I poked her to not say anything…….
surprised, Haewon and the water gun kid stared at us……..
“……..Chung hankyung…”
“..um… hi… haewon..-0-….”
“ahhhhh… cheating on your girlfriend… with someone from the same school, too.~~”
Minsoon said.ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
“Minsoon ah..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..don’t..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..”
“-_-^..and this is why guys who look like HIM are so untrustworthy!!!!”
i pulled Minsoon, and dragged her all the way back to our classroom..
Haewon called out my name loudly…
but i……… was too busy dragging Minsoon up the stairs..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…….
it’s… so …………. weird……….
why…why……………. does it feel like……… theres a small spark of fire.. burning in a corner of
my heart…..-0-…..am I mad…-0-…?
why….. would I be….- 0 -….?cuz Haewon and that girl was playing with the water gun….
is that a good enough reason to get mad..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..?
(- - )( - -)(- - )( - -)>ㅇ< no…no……..NO..>ㅇ<
paying attention to my 2nd period class..
i continued shaking my head furiously……………..
and………until 6th period was over..
…..i didn’t see Haewon anywhere…………
A wolf’s attraction-53

.. briiiiiiiiiiiing………………♪
6th period finally ended..
and because I’m not in any clubs….-0-..
i picked up my backpack quietly……
and walked to Minsoon’s seat…
“Minsoon~~ lets go..^ ^”
“sure… hold on, though.. Taehyung told me to wait for him.. just a sec..!”
walking out and putting on my shoes..
i heard Haewon’s voice behind me..
his entire uniform was soaking wet..
had a fun time playing with the water gun eh..-0-….
“..what are you staring at…”
“..weren’t we suppose to go to the hospital today……”
“ahhh….. oh yeah!..-0-..minsoon….. ahhh.. wait here Haewon..”
walking back inside, I bid Minsoon a farewell..
…..and left the school with Haewon………..
staring down at my shoes.. I walked slowly…
and because of me… Haewon.. who usually walked like a cheetah.. (ran?) had to walk
“….hey.. Chung Hankyung…”
“why’d you leave like that… when I called you…..”
“oh.. that… I just.. thought you guys were.. too busy.. playing………..”
“…….she’s… just a friend….”
“..ok…..^ ^”
on the downtown sidewalk heading toward the hospital…
Haewon and I continued walking with an awkward silence between us for more than 20
minutes….ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
last night’s scene still… um.. terrifies me..
so… so I can’t face myself to look at Haewon’s face….ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
“…ooh.. Haewon.. are you guys going on the field trip, too..?^ ^ ?”
“..huh..? yeah…..”
Haewon snapped out of whatever he was thinking.. and answered me surprisingly..
“…to everland?^ㅇ^?”
“..um… I dunno…i think?…”
“..ooh we’re going to the same place then^ ^ then we can all hang out together. you,
wun, and Dareum>ㅇ<“
Haewon looked apologetic….ㅇ_ㅇ…ㅇ_ㅇ..ㅇ_ㅇ..
..what’s… wrong..ㅇ_ㅇ..;;;
“did Taesung call you yet?”
“nope.. he texted me though..”
“……i’m confiscating your cell phone-_-”
“..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..WHAT………?”
“gimmie the phone-_-^! I can’t trust you with him……..”
i made a sad face and took out the phone.
Haewon IS the owner..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…but…..but still…..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…
sshi……. I just remembered that scene during brunch!!-_-!!
“you…You played with that girl, too..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…!!”
“you were playing with the water gun and.. and………but ..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…why can’t I even text
people…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
“….yah! how can you compare that with Chung Taesung!!-_-^!! I told you, she’s just a
“well Taesung’s just a GOOD dongseng of mine!!!”
“..ohh.. Chung Hankyung.. you even shout now!! you’ve grown a lot-_-^”
“and if I give it back to you, you’ll meet Jaehee>ㅇ< oh my gosh! NO>ㅇ< I won’t let you
take the phone back>ㅇ<“
“uh…….huh you call that an excuse-_-^ I can’t trust you. gimmie the phone, already.”
“never>ㅇ<try and catch me>ㅇ<!!”
i grasped the phone on one hand..
and ran off slowly..
what’s happening to me……..-0-…..
……………i’m……..i’m acting like that cute watergun girl..
maybe.. just maybe.. I might be envious of that girl..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…no…………..i am.. and that’s
why I’m running like a madwoman.
ㅜ 0 ㅜ…but why..-0-….why… would I be envious.. of that girl…. but despite whatever I was
thinking.. I didn’t stop running—
when I looked over my shoulders..
i saw Haewon looking at me weirdly and tsking … while walking slowly..-0-.
“just keep it..i give up..”
“-_-…why..why aren’t you chasing after me….-0-…….”
“-_-^… cuz I was pitying you….”
“but you caught that other girl before>ㅇ<!!”
OH MY GOSH!-0-! WHAT THE HECK DID I JUST SAY!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!!!!!!
he’s gonna.. he’s gonna think I’m some over..jealous girlfriend.. and.. and..
ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!!!!
“nevermind..>ㅇ<…i meant.. thanks for not coming..after me>_<“
“…….are you jealous…?”
“-0-..heck no??????”
“you are~~…..”
“hospital! whoa! we’re already here!-0-!! it’s such a wonderful looking hospital!-0-!”
i sprinted into the hospital.
Haewon shouted…
“YAH! that’s a hospital for pregnant women!!!!!!!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!”
- _ -….. - _ -……- _ -…..- _ -………
trying my best to keep a straight face, I exited out of the hospital - _ -
30 minutes later….
at the eyedoctors..
i was sitting on one of the waiting couches looking at a couple of goldfishes..-0-..
“you guys are so pretty……-0-……..”
creak….. the door opened………….
and Haewon came out with a eyepatch on one eye..
“-0-..why…….an eyepatch….”
“…dunno… something about my eye getting infected.. sshi.. does it look weird..? really
“no……. its scary……- _ -…”
coming out of the hospital…
Haewon’s hands kept on touching the eyepatch.
“don’t touch it.. it’ll get infected…”
“….i look like a pirate…..eh…”
“not at all…….”
“……….it’s not weird..?”
“…scary, more like..-0-…. you poor thing..-0-..”
“=_=^.. and why did I get this cut..? huh..??? hey.. stop.. let’s go in together…….”
Haewon’s destination…
while dragging me by the hand was ..
a clothes store…
Haewon reached for 2 of the backpack hung up on the wall..
a white bag mixed with blue.
a white bag mixed with pink.
the style was alike except for the color……..
“look.. isn’t this cute…..?”
“….yeah.. it is…….”
Haewon immediately took out a couple of 10 dollar bills from his wallet..
and paying for the bags, he pushed the pink backpack toward me.
“..what for..ㅇ_ㅇ..?”
“wear it……”
on the bus back home.
Haewon and I stood next to each other…
wit the same backpack…….
i bet it looks funny from the back.-0-………
every time the bus stopped, Haewon grabbed me by the shoulders……
for some reason… a smile decorated my lips….- 0 -..
soon, it was my time to get off..
and ringing the bell.. I walked to the rear door.
“go home directly. I’ll call you…”
“k. you too….”
“if you don’t wear the backpack, its considered betraying…”
“okay. becareful going home.. and your eye…… byee^ ^!!”
the rear door creaked open……….
“imma goooo!!>ㅇ<!!”
“k… don’t pick up Chung Taesung’s calls.. I’m trusting you okay….”
“>ㅇ< >ㅇ< Taesung’s a good dongseng>ㅇ<“
“so.. what are you saying.. yes or no…..?”
then.. creaaak.. the door closed… and the bus started again…
Haewon opened his mouth.
“-_-…what’s wrong with you…….??”
“..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…ahhhh…ㅜ 0 ㅜ……..”
so……………i got off the next stop.. and had to run home..- _ -…

a wolf’s attraction-54

that night.
laying down on Dareum’s bed..
i asked my sister loudly while watching my sister pop a zit…
“Dareum ahhh.-0-.. when we go to the field trip~~ what should we bring for lunch?
kimbab?? orrr dumplings?!”
“..i have to go around with my friends at the field trip..;;;”
“..- 0 -…….ooh…ooh…..”
“sorry.unni yah..ㅜ-ㅜ..my friends are about to kick me out of their group cuz I hang
around you so much these days… so.. you know… no other choice at the field trip… you
won’t get mad right..ㅜ 0 ㅜ?”
“of course! I won’t let my sister be friendless!!!! hm… what about Haewon and wun.. ㅇ_ㅇ
…..i can’t just go around with them.ㅇ_ㅇ…can i…”
“Haewon and Wun??????”
Dareum stopped poking her zit and turned around to face me.
“Unni~~~~ they’ll probably go around with their friends, too~~~~~~”
“…..ㅇ_ㅇ..oh they would..ㅇ_ㅇ…?”
“of course! see, usually on field trips. the girls go around with the other girls. and the guys
with the guys!
there’s gonna be a lot of guys from other schools~~~ and truthfully.. the real meaning of
a field trip is to hunt isn’t it…..??”
*a/n… hrm HUNTING >___< it’s like… a blind.. date??? like going around..asking for #s..
and asking the other people to spend the day with them.. yep >_<*
i sat up on the bed…..
“..Hunting…?? Hae..Haewon, too……?”
“of course haewon!! cuz of Haewon, his friends got 7+ one time.. keke Haewon has no
other choice probably.. since his friends’ll drag him all over the place~~”
“……ah……..- _ -……is… that so…..?…….”
“..err… you’re not.. mad or anything right.-0-…..?”
“..nah… I’m not……..^ ^ “
…..- _ -……- _ -…….- _ -………
Haewon’s cell phone rang at that moment..
“hey.. what are you doing..?”
“..talking with Dareum…^ㅇ^”
“oh… you’re not talking about me, again right?”
“what about you-0-??”
“about my jawline and crap…….. that sort of thing….”
“NO!!- 0 -!!!”
“asshi… you wanna make me deaf or something.. did Chung Taesung call??”
……for about 20 minutes we talked..
and because Dareum yelled out in annoyance of our call.
Haewon wanted to talk to Dareum…
so for another 10 minutes… Haewon and Dareum exchanged horrible insults to each
until Dareum threw the phone on the bed, snapping it shut-_-…
“..- _ -…..Dareum ah….. is everything okay…..?”
“no! it’s not!!! tch you’re dead tomorrow, Haewon… watch I’ll get my revenge……..”
“- _ -……”
“Unni…. wanna know something……….?”
“..when we go to everland.. SGG high’s coming, too………”
“…….ah.. I see.. yeah…..?
even though I pretended to be careless infront of Dareum.
my heart was skipping a beat…..
SGG high……
Daehan’s coming………. Daehan……- 0 -…..
i couldn’t meet him very often cuz of Jaehee……….
but atleast I’ll able to see how he’s doing on the field trip………
and.. Taesung, too…….
……….would.. would Taesung come……………………..??…
the door creaked open…
“ahjuma. buy me some jello..-0-…”
“uh huh. apple jello………”
“you little brat! yah! who are you ordering around!!! get out!!!!-0-!?!?”
Dareum shouted - _ -
“Dareum.. Jooho’ll pick up those swear words….- _ -.. watch what you say…
Jooho~ apple jello? um.. want a rabbit shaped one^ ^?”
“no. racoon”
“- _ -..puuu..ok….”
“UNNI! where do you think you’re going!! YAH!! Han Jooho!!! if you wanna eat it, go and
buy it yourself!!!!”
“Dareum… stop…… it’s late.. and plus he’s too young..- _ -….”
……..right then. Jooho stared at Dareum with red eyes like a rabbit..
almost as if a tear was about to fall..
Jooho’s large eyes blinked several times.
“i hate you Dareum nuna!!!!!! you’re always yelling at me ever since ahjuma came..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..

sshi… heuk heuk..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..i hate you..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..eeshii..

it’s all cuz of you ahjuma..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..taking away Dareum nuna..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
ahjuma you witch… evil…. wahhh..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
-ㅇ-……oh.. so.. that was why….
that was why Jooho didn’t like me.. cuz it seemed like I took away Dareum from him.- 0
for some reason, my eyes watered.ㅜ 0 ㅜ….
Dareum hugged jooho tight and sniffed….
“Jooho….ㅜ 0 ㅜ..i’m sorry.. NUna was too harsh on you, huh… Jooho… I’m sorry..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..”
“wahh..ㅜ^ㅜ..nuna…. evil nuna..”
saddened… I watched the two without interrupting..
middle of the night.
Hankyung’s family was all asleep quietly…….
“eumm..- _ -……”
scratching my head…
i realized my throat begging for water……
and staggered out to the livingroom….
tight then… I faintly heard……… mom’s voice from her room…
“yes I know… I suppose he’s in Ahnyang.. from what I heard, he’s living alone
… his grandmother died a couple of months ago…….”
“hm.. yeah…? who told you that….?”
“…just.. I mean I just found myself asking around.. him being my ex husband’s son and
i was so surprised…. that he was in Ahnyang…….. whew.. just thinking about running into
him gets me creeped out..”
“….yeah. I know how hard it must’ve been on you… especially since that kid was from
someone who cheated on you………… what was his name…..? which school does he go to…”
“..um… I’m not so sure about the school.. but I think.. I think his name was…
Chung Taesung……”

a wolf’s attraction-55

it seemed as if….
time had stopped.
what.. what did mom just say… ex husband.. isn’t.. isn’t that.
my dad……… but my dad’s son……
he didn’t… he didn’t have anyone except for me and Dareum…….. cheat on…? what does…
what does that suppose to mean….
……………..Taesung….?……..Chung Taesung…?
………….hah……….. I’m just tired thats all……. I’m hearing things……..
through out the rest of the night…. I couldn’t force myself to fall asleep…
..and next morning..
i walked into the gates of our school…… looking dead…
even through all of my classes… the only thing that was interpreted by my head… was
what mom said in the morning….
of course not… how can it be………
my dad cheated on my mom….?? hahah……. that makes no sense.. whatsoever…^ ^ .. it
doesn’t make any sense at all…..
she’s lying…………
but… my fingers believed otherwise.
as I found myself dialing Taesung’s cell phone number..
brunch time…
hiding in one of the bathroom stalls……
i breathed staggerly into the cell phone… waiting for Taesung’s voice to be at the other
“ah…. Taesung……….”
“Taesung. Taesung ah… you see.. um.. see.. I mean…….”
ahhh.. I can’t bring myself to ask him..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
do you know my dad….? heh yeah that wouldn’t sound weird.. right..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..what if it’s not
true. he’ll think I’m a freak..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..!
“ah…. um… Taesung… do you… know anyone named.. Chung Taehoon…? (Hankyung’s
dad’s name) or… heard.. of anyone……….. by that name…..?”
“ah…… whew……. thanks…ㅜ 0 ㅜ..everything is okay then… heh I must be going deaf…ㅜ 0
“….why……. what’s up….?”
“nothing… it’s nothing really.^0^ I just.. misunderstood.. sorry..^ㅇ^”
“…you didn’t misunderstand anything…….”
“it’s not that you misunderstood……. you just don’t want to believe…………..”
“..huh?? what? what don’t I wanna believe..ㅇ_ㅇ?”
“…….my existence… and….. my mo……..”
“what are you talking about… Taesung….”
“it’s nothing Nuna……^ ^ are you.. at school?”
“yeah. we’re having brunch…….”
“..my friend… he saw you and Bahn Haewon….^-^…”
“ah…. I think he saw us last night… we were downtown…^-^…”
“you guys were wearing the same backpack…^ ^”
“……ah…….we.. were…..”
“…….i’ll talk to you later… nuna…”
“…??Taesung ah.. ooh I almost forgot. you guys go to everland next week, too right^ ^?
want me to make you kimbab!!?”
doo.. dooo………..doo……….doo………………….
…..ㅇ_ㅇ……….he just hung up…
….he didn’t sound… very good..
….the words Taesung said.. swarmed around in my head..
‘it’s not that you misunderstood.. you just don’t want to believe..’
….but…. my head and mind…… who kept on insisting to forget and deny the conversation
my mom and step dad had in the morning..
pushed back the memory of TAesung all the way to the back of my head……..
Haewon and I walked home together….
called Mung Goo after dinner to inform him of everything that had happened ever since I
..made clay dolls for Jooho….
washed all the laundry I forgot to do all this time…….
washed Dareum’s uniform……..
and that how my day was….
>ㅇ< ah… that just feels so nice>ㅇ<
and the couple of days following… were similar to the previous one…
laundry. making dolls for Jooho. calling Mung Goo. Hanging out with Haewon
and giving Dareum a cucumber skin treatment…
and. night before the field trip.
..i finally fell asleep after thinking about the field trip excitedly…
“UNNI!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!! aren’t you going to the field trip?! EVERLAND!”
Dareum slapped my butt shouting loudly
AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the field trip!! ASSAH!!!!!!!!!>ㅇ<!!!!!!!!!!!
getting up instantly… I picked up the bag packed with kimbab. and headed out to the
school humming along with Dareum..
the field was full of the entire school body……..
shouts and cheers here and there.
and….. I saw……………….. Haewon smiling wearing the same backpack as me across the
with the cute girl holding the water guns…….
i laughed in unknown happiness that Haewon wore the same backpack as me…..- _ -..
i climbed onto the bus………
asking questions excitedly to my kekekaka friends. I began munching on crackers

A wolf’s attraction-56

.. 11 o’clock.
we arrived at the entrance of Everland.
and stood in rows by our classes..
i looked around in fascination..-0-
there really are a lot of other schools beside ours>ㅇ<
but… ….
i don’t see any SGG uniforms… didn’t they arrive yet…?
“we meet BACK H E R E by 7 o’clock. Understand!!”
one of the teacher shouted loudly.
“WHAAAAT!! that’s barely 8 hours!!!! that’s hecka too short!!”
there were shouts in complain.
the teacher frowned in annoyance.
“Do you think we don’t know how you guys don’t go straight home after this!?!!
if I meet any of you in the streets….. you’re insulting our school!!!!”
the kids pushed and shoved trying to enter.
and staring at the bracelet (used as a pass) the pretty unni gave me….
i headed to the rides along with my kekekaka friends ^ ^
“oh HO!! look over there!!!! DAMNNNN!!! theres gotta be 2+ guys-only-schools here!!!
Minsoon shouted.
looking for Dareum, HAewon, and Wun.. my eyes skimmed around the crowd..
i couldn’t see Dareum anywhere……
but I saw……
Haewon and Wun walking to another ride with a crowd.
beside Haewon and Wun…
there were 9 other scary friends in the crowd…..
all who were shouting out in happiness.
Haewon.. who were hitting Wun’s head… looked my way.. and staring at each other…
Haewon grinned..
where as to I gave him an awkward smile in return…..
everyone around us were in uniforms..
.Haewon and i….. the same backpack……
“hankyung ah! what do ya wanna go on? ooh!!! how about hurricane?!! you never tried
that have you?!?! AHHH COME ON!!! ASSAH!!”
The kekekaka friends began walking away in a fast pace while dragging me by the arm..-
staring at Haewon in sorrow..
i walked away…..
there was… a really really REALLY long line..and……
MUNG GOO YAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!!!!”
hurricane… if I EVER go on that ride, I am NOT chung hankyung…
my kekekaka friends seemed to be enjoying themselves..
“kakaka>ㅇ<!! COLUMBUS HERE WE COME!>_<!!!”
i was dragged… once again..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
and getting onto a gigantic boat called Columbus…
“heukheuk…ㅜ 0 ㅜ……..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..guys…. I don’t wanna go on scary ones..
heukheukheuk..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…”
my friends pried my fingers off of the pole…..
and pulled me on a hideously horrible ride called.. Shakra..
..-0-..where… am i……..
(fainted on the bench-_-^)
“Hankyung-0-!!?are you okay?!!?”
“..-0-…..ah.. Minsoon ah….”
“..YAH! you should’ve told us sooner!! that you couldn’t go on scary rides!!!!!!!”
“but… I did… before..ㅜ 0 ㅜ.where are all the other guys….?”
“on another ride… are you okay? can you get up?”
Minsoon handed me a ice cream cone..
calming my dizzy head… I was licking the strawberry flavored ice cream….
until my cell phone began ringing..
“YAH! come here quick!!!!!”
“ooh.. Haewon…? where are you..?”
“we’re about to sing!! come quick!!!!!”
“yeah so… where ARE you.-0-…”
“don’t freeze after watching us~~! yah… don’t.. don’t touch anything yet…”
my ears stung from the background noise..
i heard the sounds of an electric guitar..
and Haewon laughed as if enjoying whatever he was doing..
“Hae..Haewon ah.. where are you…..”
the call ended………..
“..who is it!? Haewon!?”
Minsoon asked me while stopping to eat her ice cream.. - _ -
“yeah…. it is…..”
“what’d he say!?”
“he.. said he was singing… but. I dunno where he is….. he kept on saying to come quick..
ㅜ 0 ㅜ”
“AH! I heard something about a couple of schools performing!! I think I know where it is!!
lets go!!!!! please please please!!!!! Hankyung lets go!!!!!!”
Minsoon grabbed my hand.
and sprinted southward not allowing me to finish my ice cream… T^T.
“Minsoon ah!! what about the others!”
“dunno! they’ll give up after looking for us for like 30 minutes!!!! Come on lets hurry!!”
“..they’ll be mad….ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“then we’ll run!! make use of our legs!!!”
MInsoon continued running like the wind…
…and shortly after…….
the place where we stopped at last……..
…hueh….. heuhhhh… uhooo….. hoooo….. hoooo…
many styles and colors of different uniforms came into my eyes….
…..a large number of students were around a pretty big stage……….
and.. looking really excited..
was HAewon spinning his drum sticks on the stage.
Wun sat next to him holding a microphone..
the tallest friend of Haewons..
were jumping around holding a guitar………
and… the cute girl… with the water gun…- 0 –
was also holding the microphone looking happy..
Minsoon screamed out
“OH MY GOSH!!!! Haewon’s playing the drum?!!! he was AWESOME last year during the
she grabbed my hand again and walked closer to the stage..
the guy holding the guitar made a loud noise…
causing the students all around the cheer..
and… as if she was waiting.. the watergun girl started singing in a babyish voice..
Wun was rapping…..
slowly….. Haewon started drumming…….
the cheers were getting louder…..
and……….. Haewon started pounding on the drum faster…….
……it was cool………
……….no, it was awesome…..
is… the Haewon on the drums….
really my boyfriend Haewon………ㅇ_ㅇ….
this and that of thoughts swarmed in my head…..
as I continued staring at the stage….. with my mouth wide open dumbfoundedly….
the music gradually became louder and louder..
while the students… watched them breathlessly……
Haewon looked up from his drums and searched the crowd….
finding myself looking like a stunned blowfish…
he smiled wide…….
and… I gave him a bright smile in return..
right then.. the watergun girl threw her microphone on the floor… and started moving her
body to the fast beat of the music……
and she walked over to where Haewon was….
thanks to her.. Haewon was blocked from my sight by the girl’s body….
sitting next to Haewon..
she continued moving and shaking her body while naturally placing her hand on Haewon’s
- 0 -…
the cheers from the crowd became louder..
as more and more students were gathering to watch the performance…….
Haewon gave her a look of disgust at first.
then looked at the kids watching…….
…….and stood up after setting his sticks down!!- 0 -!!!!!!
the cheers were positively a scream now….
the sound of the guitar got much louder now that the drums stopped..
while Wun’s rapping continued on breathlessly.
accepting the water gun girl’s dance ..
i heard it is called the grinding……;
anyways… Haewon began grindingly with the water gun girl sexily….- 0 -!!!!
for some reason… I felt something boiling from a corner of my mind……
Minsoon shouted out in anger..
and the crowd hooted and whistled..
Haewon glanced at me as if he was uneasy in the midst of his dance….
while I just stared back at him dumbfoundedly…
i heard a familar voice not far away..
“..what a show huh^ ^ that guy dancing right there is my friend Hankyung’s boyfriend^^”
“whoa… ahhh… man all the girls from our school’ll die from watching them… aww… we’ll be
left attention-less for awhile.”
when I turned my gaze in surprise..
i saw Daehan… and his friend….
they exited out the crowd before I could say anything…..
and leaving behind the angry Minsoon..
i hurriedly ran after Daehan……..
………..then…. I heard Haewon’s loud shout from behind…….
“CHUNG HANKYUNG!!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
……..all the cheering immediately stopped….
but I didn’t stop force my legs to stop……..
as I continued running after the disappearing figure of Daehan.

A wolf’s attraction-57

>ㅇ< >ㅇ< >ㅇ< >ㅇ< >ㅇ< >ㅇ<

my feet pounded against the floor in an attempt not to lose him…..
but.. where d’you go Daehan………….ㅜ_ㅜ………………?
i looked around cluelessly at the unfamiliar surroundings.
even my cell phone let me down and shut down after the battery had ran out…..
….what kind of a place is this…ㅜ 0 ㅜ..!!!
calming down my frantic mind…
i decided to return to where the stage was..
and… very descriptively…
…the scene where HAewon and the girl was dancing played vividly in my mind..
i think I now.. know… a bit about how Haewon felt..
when I told him I was going to go meet Taesung………
i changed my mind in returning back to the stage………
and started walking toward where I last saw Daehan..
Minsoon’s gonna kill me when I get back..- _ -
not only Minsoon……
Haewon’ll scold me forever, too…- ., -
…..when I glanced at my watch.. it was a little bit past 4……..
and the sky was becoming more of a tannish color…
hooo… hoooo..- 0 - my hands are cold…….
while I stared at the sky….
a gigantic monkey came into my view……..
whoa… a monkey…………………….
i… kneeled infront of the cage
and stared at the monkeys who were too busy scratching its butt to notice of my
“hey~ what school are you from?”
“excuse me…? uh…me….?”
a guy who had a scary looking scar on his cheek… asked me while scratching his head..
……..SGG high……………….
“did you come alone? wanna hang out with us???”
the guy pointed elsewhere..
and when I followed his direction……..
i saw a couple of guys all smoking by the grass area..
“..uhh… no.. it’s okay… i.. have a boyfriend…..”
“..ah… then does.. all of your.. friends have a boyfriend.. too..?”
“my friends..?? um lets see.. Minsoon doesn’t.. Taejah.. yeah she does…
and.. Hayoung.. does she? no I don’t think she does………. and.. um………”
“..ah… never.. never mind……..where are all your friends.??”
“um.. one’s over by the stage.. and.. and……”
then………. one of the guys who were sitting around smoking by the grassy area…
stood up abruptly….. and walked over to us……….
“tae.. taesung ah!?!?”
“Kim Minsung… she’s someone I know……”
when Taesung told the guy with the scar in a low voice…
“ah.. Taesung… you know her..? sorry.. didn’t know…”
“..th…then.. I’ll just go over to hunt some other girls……..”
the scarred guy slowly disappeared……
“it has been awhile hasn’t it Taesung^ ^? I thought you weren’t gonna come…^ ^”
“…why wouldn’t i… we’re here to have fun aren’t we..^ ^”
“…..^ ^ heh.. I haven’t seen you smile in a long time…….”
“you too nuna.. why are you alone… I thought you had friends……………..”
“..huh? I do!!!!”
“^ㅇ^tch really now…….”
“i DO!>ㅇ<!!?!”
“^ㅇ^ uh huh”
“no!!! nuna has a lot of friends!^ ^!! “
just incase Taesung would pity me.. I waved my hand frantically and denied that I don’t
have any friends.
right then…
jjoojjoo jjijji .. the monkeys began making weird sounds while scrunching up their faces..
Taesung took out a lollipop from his pockets….
…..and started licking the lollipop with the happiest expression in the world
- _ -…..
“aww are you mad???!!!!!!>_<!!!!!! you big monkey!>_<!!!! oooh.. this lollipop is sOOOO
i stared dumbfoundedly at Taesung..
he began crunching at the lollipop..
“- _ -..man. its good… tch how do you like that!! you red butted monkeys..”
“..- _ -… Taesung ah…. um you know………”
“huh? yeah.^ ^”
“..that time……. what you said…. over the phone………”
“can’t you tell me….. what you meant… by it….?”
“…….can’t Nuna figure it out before I tell you..?”
“….figure out.. what….?”
“…..before I seek……….. can’t.. can’t nuna look first..?
it’ll.. be the best thing in the world…^-^….”
the sky had darkened…….
a few couples passed by chatting loudly……
we fell into silence for a few moments…..
“what.. do you want me to find Taesung… who…..?”
“but you’re right here..^ ^ ………”
Taesung grabbed my shoulders.. and with great force..
spun me around…….
Taesung and my eyes locked into each others………
“Nuna. you know don’t you..? you know…. but you just.. you’re just pretending not
to………….. aren’t you…? you know everything already don’t you…….?
………you just… don’t wanna believe it.. and… because you don’t like it… you’re just
pretending as if you dunno a single thing…..isn’t that right…”
“…ㅇ_ㅇ……what do you mean Taesung……YOu tell me……
……then I’ll know.. and we’ll both be happy!!”
“………….you already know…………”
“i don’t…>_<….i really don’t know anything……ㅜ_ㅜ..
about.. 4 years ago..and how I know you… I don’t remember anything taesung….
nothing at all….ㅜ_ㅜ…………..”
“……….yeah…….. I guess……. you had no one to tell you… about me huh…
…..sorry………… nuna…. sorry………….”
“..yes… um.. but Taesung.. it hurts..ㅜ_ㅜ…”
finally Taesung let go of my shoulders…….
“Tae……….Taesung ah………………………”
he hugged me… Taesung… hugged me……
when Haewon hugged me…….. my heart… it started beating crazily like there was
but when right now….. I just feel really comfortable…..
……….as if my dad hugged me……
“…..if I tell you… if I tell you who I am…
..Nuna.. you won’t leave me right……….?…………”
“…of course Taesung!! what kind of a nuna would I be..?? you dunno how much of a great
dongseng you are……”
“…..you promise…..”
“yeah!! … of course… why would I leave you Taesung…..”
“ive always wanted… you to find out in better conditions than this.. I mean.. it’s great if
you find out and all……. but to tell you infront of monkeys.. it’s a bit weird.. “
“..yeah..?? hehe… you’re right”
“yes……- _ -….”
Taesung slowly let go of me and…..
“…then where should I tell you…? viking…? nah… the train…? heck no.. aish.. I can’t….
“..- _ -..can’t you… just tell me right here Taesung..?..”
“i don’t wanna!! those monkeys will listen!!!!”
i noticed that Taesung can be very stubborn at times…
i wanna know how I know him so badly though..ㅜ_ㅜ
“..then… where do you wanna tell me…..ㅇ_ㅇ.?”
“…somewhere nice… the sea!!!!! I’ll tell you at the sea!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“atlantic… no.. pacific.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“……saturaday.. the pacific ocean….”
“…what…?..ㅜ_ㅜ..i can’t…….my mom comes home early that day..”
“..how about tomorrow?”
“tomorrow ㅇ_ㅇ?!”
“………tomorrow..?….ㅜ_ㅜ…..lets seeeee….”
“..tomorrow……………….tomorrow… okay nuna..?? you have to meet me tomorrow”
“…..i…….ahhh…. okay….”
“..^-^…NUna my friends are waiting.. I’ll tell them imma be with you. let’s go ride the
viking together!!”
“.ah!! NO!!!-0-!! Taesung ah!!! I don’t wanna go on that thing!-0-!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“thennn… how about the peterpan adventures…!!”
“nah.. Taesung.ㅜ_ㅜ..Nuna’s friends will be waiting for me over there ^ ^
nuna has to go play with her friends…^ ^ “
“why… we can just.”
right then!!!!!
that scarred guy from before ran toward us, panicked…
“YAH!! TAESUNG!!! oh Damn!! our guys and the Soowun kids are fighting!!!!”
“you havta go!! our guys are getting beat up hella bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“………………Nuna… I’ll call you tomorrow… we’re meeting tomorrow no matter what
“Taesung!! don’t fight.ㅜ 0 ㅜ………!!”
but Taesung had already ran off at an incredibly fast speed……
i waved to Taesung until he disappeared…
pacific ocean………. huh….. Pacific…
i was slowly becoming afraid of my friends who would probably be looking for me..
Haewon… Haewon’s probably mad too….
with this thought……..
i thought of a way to go back to the other side fast…!!
THE LIFT!!!!!!!!!!!
every other seat was full with 2 people……
yet I got on the large seat by myself.
scared of heights, I closed my eyes…
but almost cried because it was more scary with my eyes closed..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
i opened my eyes again……..
and stared off into space…..
why does it take forever to start..ㅜ^ㅜ..
impatiently… I was frowning at the lift…….
3..4 minutes passed……….
my lift was the one going northbound…..
and.. the other lift coming southband……
Wun… and a girl in a red uniform skirt was the on the lift coming southband.. - 0 -..
a rather awkward moment…
Wun caught my gaze..
and lowered his head after staring at me surprised..
the girl in the red skirt uniform poked his sides ..
…..and……….. the next lift…..
contained Wun’s friend/Haewon’s friend… a guy.
and .. another red skirt uniformed girl………
Haewon’s friend stared at me aghast as if he had done something wrong..
that lift……… had also passed me by………
and the lift after that…….
was the guy who had been playing the guitar..and next to him.
was another girl in a red skirt…
he, too, stared at me aghast…..
like the ones before… that lift passed me by slowly as well….
they all hunted for the same school, eh…- _ -….
caught in my thinking.. I stared uninterested at the next lift……….
and when I saw who had finally came within looking distance……………
my eyes couldn’t help but become round…
it was.. Haewon…….. and another…. long haired girl in a red skirt..
she was far more prettier than any of the other girls that had passed my lift……

a wolf’s attraction-58

Haewon stared at me surprised..

while with wide eyes, I stared back and forth between the girl in the uniform and Haewon…
…..and dumbfoundedly set my gaze on Haewon…….
“Yah…………. yah… it’s not what you think Chung Hankyung!!!! don’t.. don’t think its
something serious alright!?!! yah!!!!!!!!!!! get off right there and wait for me okay?!! I’ll be
right there!!!!!!!!”
HAewon shouted loudly…
as our lifts slowly passed each other..
Haewon shouted from behind.
“wait right there!! don’t go anywhere aight?!!!! I’ll be there in 5 minutes!!!!!!!!!”
turning my head, I gave him a smile in reassurance….
it’s weird…. this feeling inside………..
why was Haewon……..
…..this is what Dareum means by… hunting……
well…. it’s not like he commited a sin right….
……..it could happen…..
i shouldn’t be mad…………………
i got off the lift….. and waited for Haewon to come..
but… even an hour later……. I didn’t see Haewon anywhere.
…… MInsoon happened to be passing by…..
and walked over to where I was and began talking in a loud voice….
“Hankyung!!!!! you were here this whole time!?!?”
“Minsoon…ㅜ 0 ㅜ……….”
“aigoo!! yah!! do you know how much we were looking for you!??!! lets go~ everyone’s
we both got on the fake train restaurant.
and ate our late lunch……
ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..
heukheuk…. you have no idea how hungry I was……ㅜ_ㅜ……
my throat swallowed the kimbab without chewing it properly..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
“yah.. where were you… right after you left.. Haewon jumped down the stage and ran after
you!! man, the whole performance was such a mess….”
“..munch munch..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..mm…mm… I see.. yeah..? munch munch..- _ -..”
“yeah… everyone was like what’s wrong and crap…… but… heh it was still cool.. you know
the performance before it got all weird..^ ^ well…. that slut who kept on rubbing herself
over Haewon got on my nerves though… keke..>_<“
“…^ ^ ..guys.. she’s just a friend… ooh I saw Taesung a few hours ago..^ ^ “
“Taesung!?! really!??!!?!?!?”
the kekekaka friends stared at me intensely..
so I had to tell them everything that had happened between me and TAesung while I was
sitting in the fake train………
……….they didn’t even give me time to eat my kimbab….ㅡ.,ㅡ…..
after I got off the train……………
we visited the haunted house…..
bought butter fried squids…………..
and went on the marry go around twice……
and instantly… the time was already 7 o’clock……..
we have to go…………. the teacher told us to come back by 7….ㅜ 0 ㅜ…
my kekekaka friends….ㅜ 0 ㅜ……
were talking with guys from other schools on the bench nearby..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
afraid that our school would leave without us…i crouched down nearby…
while sorrowfully eating dip n’ dots……
i have a boyfriend ^ ^ so I shouldn’t be talking with other guys…
kekeke>ㅇ< now that I think about it.
having a boyfriend makes you feel really special >ㅇ<
then…………………… am i…… Haewon’s…….
……i mean….. do I like HAewon….?
……..i might be in denial..
i could be afraid that… that even though I knew haewon for only a couple of months… he
has already taken a bigger part of my heart than Daehan….
and.. and because I don’t want him to… I could have been stubborn on purpose……..
thinking this and that… feeling proud that I realized such an important thing..
i opened my mouth wide to eat some more dip n’ dots!- 0 -!!
“oOo? Haewon ah~ that girl crouching right there.. she has the same backpack as you!
^ ^ theres even a girl’s version of your backpack ^ ^ ahhhh… want me to buy the same
backpack? we could go around having the same backpack like couples!!^ㅇ^”
- 0 - ……- 0 - …… - _ -………………
i silently closed my mouth..
and looked over my shoulders after getting up slowly…..
Haewon………. stood frozen while staring wide eyed at me…
and… next to him….. was a bushy haired girl linking arms with him…….
she had on a gray uniform..
next to Haewon…. was all of his friends I saw before at the lifts.. (including Wun).
and… next to all of his friends… were girls wearing a gray uniform… all linking arms with
Haewon’s friends…….
……….the… the only reason I’m mad………… is because……
that’s… that’s a different girl……..
she isn’t the same girl wearing the red uniform………….
how can you Haewon…………. Bahn Haewon…… you’re bad………….. you’re really
………….even.. even though this is a field trip..
even though this may be something as little as hunting……
i don’t like you doing stuff like this…………………
Daehan… Daehan never……… never did something like this…….
at least Daehan……. he never played around with different girls when he was with
i slowly turned my head again….
and started walking to my kekekaka friends….
“CHUNG HANKYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Hankyung ah! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
i ignored my name being called… and continued walking straight……
i heard rapid footsteps..
and Haewon blocked my way with his arms……..
“…hyah,… hyah… hah… Yah………”
“…i’m sorry… I’m really sorry… but …but it isn’t what it seems like..”
“………..Haewon……….. can you please move out of the way.^ ^?”
“…i told you it’s not what it seems like….. before on the stage i-”
i brushed past Haewon while he was speaking…. and continued walking to my kekekaka
“..yah… CHung Hankyung……..”
my wrists were firmly gripped by Haewon’s large hands……
“…your… girlfriend’s waiting for you back there…..^ ^..she’s even watching…”
“what are you talking about…. aren’t you my girl……………..”
“……you….. have a lot of girlfriends HAewon………..”
“….don’t talk that crap to me………….. I told you it’s not what it seems like………”
“….i’m not talking any crap Haewon…….. it’s.. it’s just the truth isn’t it..^ ^”
“…..yeah? what about you… you always got me frustrated by other guys………”
“…other guys? hah… you were mad cuz of one guy… as to you….. several girls…..
it just has that one difference doesn’t it… one person.. to several….^-^……”
“……yah-_-^!! you kept on switching around Kim Daehan and Chung Taesung b!tch making
me go crazy!!!”
Haewon’s voice slowly and slowly got louder……
“……..yeah did i… Haewon.. listen.. I never… never played around with several guys just
after meeting them for the first time…….
and.. the person I like…. is Daehan only… I told you Taesung’s just like a brother to
Haewon slowly let go of my wrists…..
“..you……….. only like Kim Daehan……? hah… do you mean that………………?”
…..Chung Hankyung you liar…… the person you really like is… is Haewon………………………….
why’d you lie Hankyung..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..
why..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..still…………. sshi..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..we’re not in any lovey dovey situation to confess my
feelings Haewon….ㅜ.,ㅜ….
i stared dumbfoundedly at HAewon… I said the wrong thing..ㅜ^ㅜ..
heukheuk..ㅜ^ㅜ…it’s not.. it’s not what I really feel HAewon..ㅜ^ㅜ…
Haewon… I’m sorry….ㅜ 0 ㅜ…
wait.. no….. this time… Haewon’s the one who’s really bad this time….
i can’t.. I can’t stutter our an apology this time..ㅜ_ㅜ..
…it’s your fault this time Haewon.. more than mine…
..i waited an hour cuz of you……………..
…..but did you care….. you show up linking arms with another girl..ㅜ_ㅜ..
i silently picked up my pace once again…….
“….****…. yah…. is this…………………….. how it’s gonna end…………….?”
Haewon whispered out as if he was mad………….. and sad at the same time..
i…….. ignored his outburst… and continued walking….
…..it wasn’t because I was mad at hAewon….
it’s just that… I’m so sorry…ㅜ_ㅜ..and… I can’t bring myself to look at him..
ㅜ_ㅜ..these tears won’t stop……………
if Haewon called my name one more time…………….
than I can really bring up the courage to run back to him…ㅜ_ㅜ…..
in the bus coming back.
my friends talked nonstop about the guys they just met..
while I stupidly leaned my head against the window…
trying my best to swallow back my tears…
you could’ve called my name just one more time Haewon……ㅜ 0 ㅜ…
you dummy dummy dummy.ㅜ^ㅜ..just… one more time…..
Bahn Haewon you big bad dummy..ㅜ_ㅜ……

A wolf’s attraction-59

.. that night at our house….

Dareum was busy chatting on the phone with the guy she met while hunting..
while…. I continuously stared at the cell phone on my bed..
it… won’t ring………
….not even a text message……..
should I call him first…ㅜ_ㅜ…….???????????
I carefully flipped open the phone…
and dialed Haewon’s new cell phone number..
the signal ringed a couple of times…
his cell phone was off…………….. I tirelessly closed the phone once again..
and… listening to Dareum’s excited chatting..
I fell into a deep slumber…………
next morning.
“Dareum… are you done?”
“yeah!! Hold up I’ll be right out!!!!!!!!”
while Dareum and I headed out the door together..
“Unni…. Everyone’s coming to our house today”
“..i mean.. the only empty house is ours… so all of my friends are coming over..”
“ah…. Haewon, too..?”
“of course Haewon… Wun, too… and the other guys…………… several girls are coming over,
“ah………. I see…………..”
“Don’t worry though~ I’ll distract the other kids and send HAewon too your room!! So you
don’t have to worry about the girls~~”
Dareum lightly tapped my shoulders..
“..DAreum… I’m going somewhere today though..- _ -”
“huh? where..?”
you’ll never get me to tell you I’m going to the Pacific Ocean with Taesung..ㅜ _ ㅜ..
“see.. I’m going to the Pacific Ocean..”
“with who?! WHY!!? It’s hecka far though unni!!! Aren’t you coming to school
“of course I am… I’ll be coming back in the morning.. probably..”
“..- 0 - ..unni, are you crazy?!?! Who are you going with huh?! WHO!!!!!!!”
“hey!! We’re here already!!”
I quickly pressed on the bell.
and waved to DAreum who was screaming out my name..
and ran quickly into the gates…
5 minutes before 2nd period…
I felt my cell phone vibrating through my jacket pockets..
“nuna!! It’s me…”
“ah….. Taesung what’s up….”
“nothing much…. Nuna!! What time do you end today??”
“..four…. ten I think..???”
“think about it carefully…. Won’t we be late for the last ticket?-0-?”
“late…?………….. um.. late for what..- _ -..?”
“>_< can you skip the last period..^ ^ “
“…- _ -….skip………SKIP…??? I can’t…ㅜ_ㅜ…i sit in the very front..”
“okay!! Um.. how about you just go home early then?! Um…. I’ll wait infrnt of your house
by 3 okay..??? lets go eat tofu soup~! We’ll go by our motocycle!! Vroomvroom!!
“3.ㅜ_ㅜ!?but our 6th period’s just starting then..!”
“yeah^ ^ I know.^ ^ 6th period..^ ^ I’ll see you at 3!! “
the only time I had ever skipped…. No… I had ever missed a day of school…
was when my dad passed away…
you want me to skip 6th period.. - 0 - ….especially when I sit in the very front..ㅜ^ㅜ..
but……………. I HAVE to hear his story today..
if I don’t.. I think I’ll go crazy..ㅜ_ㅜ
whew………. What to do….. what should I do… hrmmm..
while thinking and worrying….
time had passed like water and it was lunch time before long……
my kekekaka friends were busy talking on the phone with the guys from last night..ㅜ - ㅜ
I happily munched on my lunch alone..
and desperately wanting some caramel candy… I decided to go to the supermarket infront
of our school..
“guys……. Want some caramel..?”
“kaka>ㅇ< dunno~~~ I’m usually like that for some reason~~~”
..= _ =.. my friends were too busy talking on the phone.
I silently came out of the classroom..
walking out of the gates…
..my cell phone began vibrating once again.
“…….it’s Jaehee………………”
on the caller ID… the writing
“Jaehee Nuna”
I caught a glimpse of Haewon and his friend at the backfield..
the phone continued vibrating nonstop.
Haewon caught my gaze and turned his head once again..
you.. YOU…..
“..isn’t this.. Haewon’s cell phone number?”
…i haven’t heard Jaehee’s voice in a long time…
“.ah.. jaehee… this is Hankyung…^ ^”
“………..why.. are YOU picking up Haewon’s call….?”
“…um…. you see…”
“why are YOU getting his call…..”
“Haewon gave me his phone……..”
“hah………. This is driving me crazy…………..”
“……it’s been awhile, no Jaehee..? how have you been..?”
“lemme talk to Haewon”
“let me talk to haewon………………..”
“……i can’t……”
“….what the hell’s wrong with you?!?! Chung hankyung!!! I won’t talk any **** about you
so let me talk to Haewon already!!!!”
>ㅇ< >ㅇ< >ㅇ<
Jaehee screeched loudly… I guess her voice was louder than I had thought.
because Haewon and his friend stared at me surprised from the gates.. - _ -
“I can’t… Jaehee… sorry..ㅜ_ㅜ…i won’t let you talk to him..ㅜ_ㅜ…”
“sorry…. I’m really sorry Jaehee..ㅜ_ㅜ…”
as soon as I ended the call…..
the phone started vibrating again… Jaehee…..ㅜ_ㅜ..
placing the phone into my pockets… I silently walked out of the gates..
…….haewon and his friends moved somewhere else..
…………….deciding whether or not I should call his name..
I sighed at my trembling lips..
and just walked over to the supermarket.
5th period ended..
and wanting to get a pass from the teachers… I walked to the attendance office..
I didn’t even pretend to be sick.. yet the teacher gave me a pass.
I swung my backpack over my shoulders and strolled out of school light hearted.
the water gun girl.. and Haewon stood next to the gates..
……..they were both putting up election posters..
yeah….. I heard something about school elections coming up.
firmly gripping my backpack……….. I lowered my head..
and speed walked while clutching onto my cell phone - _ -
“….excuse me…”
…. the water gun girl called out my name carefully…
when I glanced up.
I saw her ID flashing the name ‘Yoo Haejung’
“..do you have permission to go out of school…?”
“…….ah.. yeah I have a pass from the teachers………….”
Haewon was staring off into space while ignoring my gaze - _ -..
“..ah.. can’t you show me that pass…. The rules are so strict these days…”
“…um.. he took it - _ -.. but he gave me permission…”
“…yeah? what teacher..? are you sick?”
“..mr. Yoo SangChun…… and no, I have a meeting with someone…- 0 -..”
then… Yoo Jaejung…? Yeah… Yoo haejung poked Haewon’s sides..- _ -
“yah… isn’t she your girlfriend…??? Why are you ignoring her…”
“frick.. just let her go aight? She said she has a meeting with someone…..”
“….okay okay… I’ll let her go, man you’re in a pissy mood today…. Sshi…. Have fun with
whatever you’re doing.”
“..i will….- 0 -…..”
I heard Haejung’s voice while I was walking out of school..
“yah.. d’you guys fight? What the heck’s wrong with you?! Even I got all akward..”
“we didn’t fight………….”
“…then why…? Kek.. what if that unni’s… gonna go meet some guy..?”
Haewon just muttered something….
or I think he did…. I couldn’t hear him very well.
calming down my aching heart… I hurried on home..ㅜ_ㅜ..
when I was nearing our house………
……………..bbi..bbi bbi bbi bbi bbi bbi bbi….
“hah………… nuna… nuna…. This is Taesung…”
Taesung sounded exhausted….
“yeah.. what’s up Taesung.”
“nuna… I’m sorry but do you know the way to get to the Pacific ocean..?”
“..yeah.. I do… I just gotta take the train, right..? I went there several times with my dad
before..^ ^ ..”
“ah…………i………. see……”
“yeah. But… why what’s wrong???”
“see.. I’m at Choong book right now…!! And if I go back to Ahnyang to pick you up, my
motorcycle’ll be gas-less! - 0 – I had money to refill but this nuna stole it from me!!
“..ah… it’s okay I’ll just go there by myself^ ^ but why are you at Choong Book…?”
“fight fight fight!!>_<!”
“.- _ -….again..?”
“yeah^ ^ I’m not hurt or anything though… leave right now!! I’ll be waiting for you okay!”
“..okie… it’s cold.. go wait in some store okay?!^ㅇ^!!”
“I will~~”
“^ ^ I’m hanging up ^ ^”

A wolf’s attraction-60

.. I went back to our house.. and changed into warm clothes.. oh yeah.. Haewon’s coming
to our house today - 0 -!! I started cleaning up the mess around the livingroom and the
kitchen.. and………………………. Bling! An idea popped into my head!! I have a feeling, I’m
turning more weirder everyday.. - _ - in an attempt to make up with Haewon.. I left a
short letter for him.. and placed it on Dareum’s desk ^ ^ on the front.. “Hey Haewon.” - _
- in big letters.. proudly, I glanced around our sparkling clean house.. and took out
sneakers to put them on. calling Taesung… I questioned him how I could get to Pacific
Ocean from Ahnyang…
an hour later………
…….. ( - _ - ) on the train….. it was empty except for a couple of passengers.. watching the
pebbles out of the window.. I bit my lip to the fast speed of the train.. I haven’t been to
the beach in forever ^ ^ the phone started ringing disturbing my thoughts. it’s taesung!!
“Taesung^ ^ !” “Nuna!! I’m at Ahnyang!! I came to pick you up!! Aren’t you proud of
“..- _ -..Nuna’s on the train taesung……. You should’ve told me earlier…..- _ -..”
“..ㅜ_ㅜ..i sent you a text before… to just wait at Ahnyang..ㅜ_ㅜ..”
“..- _ - I didn’t get one TAesung…..”
“sshi!! What do we do then!!ㅜ_ㅜ!!!”
“..- _ -…i’ll just meet you tomorrow……….”
“no……… I havta tell you today… we keep on saying tomorrow and tomorrow… nuna.. I’m
really sorry but can you wait for me just an hour…? I’ll be there before long……….”
“..okay..^ ^ ..i… can get to school tomorrow right..ㅜ_ㅜ..?”
“..of course… I’ll take full responsibility to get you back at Ahnyang by tomorrow….”
“…^ㅇ^ really?”
“of course. You’re my nuna… ^ ^ .. don’t speak to any strangers okay!!”
“okie..^ ^ ….”
I wonder what Taesung has to say….
what if its something shocking - 0 -!?!? like…………. He’s my hidden brother!! or *gasp!!
What if he’s my hidden husband!!! AHHH>_< aren’t these exactly what happens in
dramas? >_< silently making faces at my ideas. I fell asleep on the train chairs not before
Taesung…? Nuna…….. I’m cold……. Taesung…… why.. why are you cold……. Taesung’s face
was hidden behind some white veil.. ..while I continuously searched for something….
NUna…? … nuna……………….. yeah TAesung… I’m right here……. come quickly………. yeah…
I’m going Taesung… I’m going… no…. nuna. Not there………… not there….. I’m waiting for
you right here……….
“Taesung!!-0-!!!!!!!!!!” when I opened my eyes, sweating furiously….
…… the train had stopped. carefully.. I asked the ahjuma getting off as to where we were..
“what stop is this…? Do you know..?”
“the ocean dear.. Pacific…”
“ah.. thank you…….” I hurried out the door…. now that I’m here… where should I wait for
I dialed Taesung’s number..
even after several tries………. Taesung didn’t pick up the phone….
I left several voice messages.. sent more than 10 messages…….
and called him more than 20 times…..
But taesung continued ignoring my call..
I wonder what’s up…………. I hope everything’s okay……………….
I stepped into a nearby cafe…..
“one lemon juice please..^ ^ ….”
an hour passed…..
I just…. Have to wait 30 minutes now~~..^ ^ …
I dialed Taesung’s number once again……
but he still wasn’t picking up the phone.. ㅜ_ㅜ..
………..2 hours passed………
…….it’s already 7…….. it got pretty dark, too.. ㅜ_ㅜ.. it’s about time he should arrive…..
Taesung where are you.. why aren’t you coming..ㅜ_ㅜ …. …….. on my 3rd lemon juice. I
only had enough money to go back.. - _ - can’t even order anymore even if I wanted to….
I leftTaesung his 24th voice message.. everything’s okay… right Taesung…? Theres nothing
wrong with you…?……. the phone started ringing right then!!!!!! ……..
“hey.. Dareum…..”
“unni where are you?”
“I’m… at the ocean….”
“everyone’s here unni!! Haewon, too!! Come quick!!”
“..yeah..^ ^ .have fun Dareum…”
“..sshi… Yoo Haejung came too!!! You better come right now!! That b!tch won’t leave
Haewon alone!!! Unni come quick!!!!!!”
“……yeah…………… okay… Dareum… wait for me okay..”
“come quickly!!!!!!!!!”
Haejung came, too…..?
……….man……- _ -…. I hope she doesn’t see the letter I wrote for HAewon- _ -.. I should’ve
told Dareum when she called.ㅜ_ㅜ.. to give HAewon his letter..ㅜ_ㅜ…. when I opened my
cell phone to check the time … ….. AHH - 0 - !!!!!!! 10:00. - _ -…….. ……..- _ -…..what do I
do……..- _ -…. Taesung..ㅜ_ㅜ ..can’t you come already.. please….ㅜ_ㅜ…… at least call me
if you can’t come..ㅜ_ㅜ and…… a little past 10 30……. I decided to go back… and go up on
my seat……
on the train back…
my mouth kept on biting my nails.. I can’t help but feel anxious… and insecure… what if
something bad happened to Taesung…….
even in the train.. I continued calling him numerous times.. but… only the signal kept on
going on.. while TAesung wouldn’t pick up the phone………
when I arrived infront of our house. I was beat more than anything.. ㅜ - ㅜ..
12…13..whew.. - _ -….
even infront of our house.. I heard loud noise coming from inside.. the loudest was
Dareum’s voice.. that’s my sister… Dareum you’re always so bright……..
when I rang the bell… Dareum opened the door wide looking happy to see me. “UNNI!!!!!
>_<! You finally came>_<!!”
“yeah………… I did…….- _ -..whew..”
“let’s go!! Lets lets lets!!! Let’s go in quickly!!!!!!!”
“..huh?? go where..ㅜ_ㅜ.Dareum.. wa.. wait!! Let go of my hand Dareum..ㅜ_ㅜ.. go
“sshi!! That yoo haejung b!tch’s pretending to be all drunk!!!! She keeps on hugging
haewon!!! QUICKKKK!!”
“..ㅜ_ㅜ..but it’s your meeting… Dareum.. wait… can I change first… ah ahhh…” Dareum
had already slammed open the door…… - _ -.. what I saw inside… wasn’t the nicest thing
in the world.. many soju bottles lay in the ground.. ….. dry squid…. Several fruits……… bags
of chips.. and.. a couple laying on DAreum’s bed.. - 0 - the same couple I saw several
times at our school.. - 0 -..wun was fast asleep on the chair… another couple yelling out
things while doing a love shot. … a friend of HAewon’s…… drinking soju on Dareum’s
desk…. - _ -…i had no other choice but to gasp…. And… Haewon sat infront of me staring
at me intensely while cute Haejung whispered things into his ears sitting right next to him.
“yah!! My unni’s here!!! Bahn Haewon!! Yoo Haejung!!! Move aight!!!?? Haewon’s wife’s
here!” when Dareum shouted out loudly Haejung scoffed… “Haewon… did you see the
letter…?” I asked Haewon carefully..”no…. what letter…..”
“….nevermind…..” Dareum yanked on my arms and seated me right next to Haewon and
getting up her desk she began shouting with Haewon’s friend … - _ -.. “….what is this….
Am I suppose to move..?” Haejung whined..
“….no…… just stay…..”
Haewon pulled Haejung’s hand back down when she tried to get up.. …..i couldn’t help but
tear up. nooo..ㅜ^ㅜ I can’t show him this side of me..ㅜ^ㅜ..i’ll just get really pathetic
that’s all…..ㅜ^ㅜ…. sshi… Bahn Haewon you @ss!!..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…. I quietly stood up… “..i’m…….
imma go……………….”
Haewon didn’t say anything……
I lightly grabbed the door knob.. and a tear fell upon my hand.. ㅜ 0 ㅜ.. heukheuk..
Haewon you…. heukheuk…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…… creak……when I opened the door…..
my cell phone began ringing………..
the room had quieted down….
everyone stared at me.. - _ -..
excluding Haewon - _ -….
“..ah…… is this… Chung Hankyung’s cell phone?”
“yes………… this is she??”
“..ah…. this is AhnYang Samsung Hospital…… are you a guardian of the number 011-213-
a wolf’s attraction-61

.. my heart stopped beating…….. ………that’s.. Taesung’s cell phone number………. “yes……….

I’m not a guardian….. but I am close with Taesung….” Haewon looked up at Taesung’s
name.. “can you come to the hospital right now..? the patient is in danger right now, yet
you’re the only one we can contact…. The only phone number saved onto his cell phone is
yours….. it’s located downtown.. please hurry..”
sseuk…….. my hand had gaven up and dropped the phone onto the floor…….
“what… what happened unni?!?” Dareum quickly jumped down from the desk and asked
me while shaking my shoulders furiously…… “.Da…. Dareum…. Please… let me borrow
some money………………….. please…… taxi………. It’s urgent… please Dareum……..” my whole
body started shaking…….
“why! Taesung!? You’re gonna go to Chung Taesung!?!?! I wont!! I can’t give it to
“Dareum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m serious!!! It’s urgent!!!! I havta go to Taesung right
now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m not playing Dareum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

my shout even scared Jooho from the other room as he ran into Dareum’s room in
tears fell nonstop…
Dareum just stared at me surprised..
he room had quieted down once again…… “..Unni………………….”
“….don’t forbid me to meet Taesung…….. if I want to, Imma meet him…”
“….Chung Hankyung……. If it’s urgent… take my car…” Haewon… told me quietly…
“…..yours? hah….. I wont…. Please Dareum…. Lemme borrow some money……… it’s
urgent… right now… please quickly………”
Haewon slowly got up..
“listen to me………. Don’t be so stubborn………” opening the door wide… he dragged my
hand… and got out of the house.. “Haewon!!!!!!!” I heard Haejung’s desperate voice calling
for Haewon..
in the elevator………
…i can’t help but feel so insecure…you’re… you’re okay right taesung… right…????…
……………..like Taesung said before…. ……….i feel like imma burst any minute……………….
“……..did…….. something happen to Chung Taesung.?” (- -)(_ _)(- -)(_ _)…. “..stop
crying..” (- -)(_ _)(- -)(_ _)…………. I quickly got into Haewon’s car.. and waited for
Haewon to start the engine.. “Samsung hospital Haewon…… quick… quick……………. Quick….
“….did you just say……….. the hospital….?”
“..YES!!-0-!! Quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Haewon turned on the engine and speeded downtown…..
“what if Taesung dies….. what do I do….ㅜ 0 ㅜ..if Taesung dies……… what do I do..ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“……….is it that serious…..?”
“..heukheukheuk..ㅜ^ㅜ it’s all my fault…… all my fault.. if I hadn’t made him meet me
today…. If he had just stayed at Choong book…he would’ve been okay.ㅜ 0 ㅜ it’s all my
“……..was that…… why you went home early….?”
“heukheukheuk..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…Taesung..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..i.. I mean.. Haewon… can’t you go any faster???!
ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! Taesung wait for me…….ㅜ_ㅜ……….”
“…..would you cry for me as much….. if I were to die….?”
“heukheukheuk..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..Taesungggg……wahhh..ㅜ^ㅜ…you can’t die..ㅜ^ㅜ…”
“yah!!! Stop ignoring me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 0 - - 0 - ……
“so…sorry..- 0 -..what’d you say..???”
“……hoo……….. nevermind…..”
“can’t you drive any faster..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..?!!!!”
Haewon just punched the steering wheel without giving me an answer. thanks to
that………… BEEEEEEEEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >ㅇ< >ㅇ< ahhh that just hurt my ears..>ㅇ<
“….you annoy me…. D’you know that Chung Hankyung……”
“..yeah… I know…. Now drive faster!! please ㅜ 0 ㅜ….”
“……do you even think of me as a guy………?……”
“ㅜ 0 ㅜ..quick. quickly..”
“………….we’re here.. get off…………..”
as if someone was chasing after me.. I sprinted into the hospital. without giving a glimpse
to Haewon. large hospital… swinging my arms… I headed to the front desk..”what room!!
Is Chung Taesung in….ㅜ 0 ㅜ.???!! Huk huk…. Chung Taesung!!!!!!” everyone’s attention in
the hospital was focused on me……..
“…Patient Chung Taesung…?…” a nurse asked me. “YES!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! PALE FACE!! I mean….
No!!! he just came in for emergency!!!!!”
“….ah…….the motorcycle accident….?..try the 2nd floor..”
“motorcycle accident!!???ㅜ 0 ㅜ!?????? OH MY GOD!!!!!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!!!!!!!!” yelling loudly…I
pounded up the stairs. “EXCUSE ME?! Where’s Chung Taesung?!?! TAESUNG AH!!!” I
believe I never screamed as loud as I did in the hospital……
a surprised nurse sprinted toward me and took hold of my crazily shaking body.. “excuse
me.. please quiet down… who are you looking for..??” “I’m looking for my brother!!!! He
might die from a motorcycle accident!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”
“…ah….;; that patient..? … he’s in the emergency room right now….. the operation should
take another hour..”
“OPERATION?!??! Meaning like a surgery??????????!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!! _ 0 _ !?!?!”
“UNNI!!! Please!! Please I beg you!! Save Taesung!!!! He’s such a poor guy!!! He cant’
die!!! Please please!!!”
“….it’s… not something I can control…..” the nurse stared at me bewildered and left me
crying my heart out with click cluck sounds.. ..i leaned against the chair, tiredly.. and
continued crying my soul out waiting for the surgery room to open….
5 minutes seemed like an hour………..
an hour and 10 minutes finally passed seeming like something eternal…. and as soon as
the operation door opened….. several nurses came out pulling a bed with wheels with
them. I bolted out of my seat and ran to the bed.. Taesung was laying down on the bed….

oh……. My………………………. Taesung…….. that one time… when he was beaten up on the
streets…. It’s nothing compared with this..

his whole face was scarred….
another scar on his head.. as if he had hit his head when he fell….
“..Taesung…………. taesung ah………….. please…….. lemme look at you taesung……… open
your eyes.. please taesung…..”
“Taesung ah… heuk………….. taesung……………. Heukheuk…. Taesung!!!! Open your eyes!!!!
Nuna’s here to see you!!!! Wahhhhh.. heukheukheuk ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!” the nurse unnis continued
pulling the bed.. walking right next to them… I continued shaking with tears.
“Taesungggg..ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!nuna’s here to see you…!! Taesung ah………!!!!!!!! please open your
eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I became more and more desperate… my whole body……. And my voice
cracked with tears…
right then…. Taesung………………… scarcely opened his bloody eyes….. “taesung………..???
TAESUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you okay!? Can you see me all right?! Huh?!??!!
“heukheukheukheuk……ㅜ 0 ㅜ……..Taesung……ㅜ 0 ㅜ…….my poor taesung.. ㅜ 0 ㅜ……….”
“……nuna……… don’t cry…………”
“..ㅜ_ㅜ..sshi…. how can I not cry..ㅜ_ㅜ… how did you……… how……ㅜ_ㅜ..”
“…if I die.. nuna…………..”
“why would you die????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“..if I die……. Then I’ll see our dad….. yeah…..??…….”
“………….our dad…? … TAesung’s dad…?? Don’t say stuff like that!!! You won’t die!!!!!!!!!!!”
“..no……… our dad……… not Taesung’s dad….. but… nunas… and my…………….. my…. And
your…. Dad…………… our dad……….”
Taesung smiled faintly…..
“…..what……… what are you talking about Taesung…………… taesung….?…”
“why…. Why couldn’t you find out sooner…….This sux… yeah nuna…?…”
“….you’re lying……………………… you’re lying Taesung…. lying…..”
a tear fell from Taesung’s eyes…. “Chung hankyung you dummy……… you can’t even
recognize your dongseng’s face…….. confused queen of dummies………… haha………”
“Taesung…………… then………. Then you’re…………”
“nuna………. But………. But if I die…….. who’ll take care of our nuna……….” ….Taesung slowly
closed his eyes……. “TAESUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

A wolf’s attraction-62

.. in a flash…. every word Taesung said….. weaved through my thoughts…every word he

said…. That I didn’t understand what he meant… it passed me by like lightning..
I know you nuna…. Try and remember me……..
because I searched for you a long time….. but…. But because I just found you………. And
because you’re that special to me..
is dad home at nuna’s house….?
nuna….. you have a lot of siblings…..^-^….
why weren’t you by my side………………….. I was always alone…………. Nuna….. I was always
alone…….. it’s me.. nuna………… it’s me… Taesung……….. I’m Taesung….
our nuna…. If it wasn’t for me… who would fight for you..
…….when did… dad…….. when did dad pass away…
then. Isn’t Han Dareum nuna’s real sister…?
nuna…. Can’t you come to me…………..?…………would that… would that really be
if it was always so bright… and the lights suddenly turn off… you’d probably not be able to
see anything…but if it was always pitch dark… then you’ve adaped into the darkness… that
you are able to see……. I’m okay…..
…it’s nuna……….. it’s really you nuna……. my nuna…. Our nuna………
and.. on top of that.. the conversation my mom and my step dad shared..
………. I collapsed on that spot…..
“are you okay!?!?”
……and slowly…………. My eyes were closing…
“unni!! Unni!!! Wake up!!!!!!!!”
“TAESUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!” sitting up in my seat. …i saw Dareum………. And HAewon……
“..how can you call to Taesung as soon as you wake up..?…unni… did you know that
Haewon watched over you the whole night…? Yeah…?? At least you shouldn’t ignore a
person’s sincerity..!!”
“…….Chung Taesung….he’s next door….” ….Haewon told me quietly… I stood up and
putting on my slippers… I held onto the door knob.. ……seeing how the sun was shining….i
guess it’s morning.. “unni! What are you doing!? Can’t you see how much we were worried
about you!!”
“……our dad……….. our dad’s…. son………..”
“..no…. I’m talking about.. our… our real dad’s son…..”
“……why bring him up…….”
“…what if… what if our dad’s son die………….. what do I do then Dareum…… I don’t think… I
don’t think I can live if that happens…”
“what are you talking about!?! Unni! Why are you crying!?!?!? What’s wrong!!!!!! And why
say such a random thing???!!!!”
I exited out of the room. and headed to Taesung’s room.. a red banner stuck infront of his
room.. ‘Forbidden to enter’
tirelessly… I turned the door knob. it was locked….
crying again…… I started pounding on the door softly.. and then… more faster…….. more
harder……… I pounded on the door… “Taesung…. It’s me……. Taesung ah……. Nuna’s here….
Chung Taesung…. Chung Taesung…….!!”
……not even a squeak was heard from his room…. “TAESUNG AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHUNG

“…stop it…….. he won’t wake up just because you create a rackus….” Haewon said to
me…… stone faced.. “……Taesung……… Taesung….”
“…….he won’t die…….. he’s not as weak… you know that right? Stop crying…. He won’t
die……………” …..Haewon slowly pulled me into his embrace… while I stood there frozen…
crying nonstop..
it’s even hard to breathe………….. crying so much…… but… but Haewon…. Comforted me by
hugging me tightly.. ………….and…. thanks to his gesture…. the tears I was holding back.
poured out more and more …. Soaking HAewon’s collar…. “..idiot… he won’t die that
easily…… and… I won’t let him die……. If Chung Taesung dies……”
“..heukheukheuk….ㅜ 0 ㅜ….wahhhhhhhh..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….”
“..if Chung Taesung dies….. you’ll probably die with him……… so…….. so I won’t… ever let
him die………… stop crying..”
“….ㅜ 0 ㅜ..huuuuuuuuung….ㅜ^ㅜ…Haewu….unnng…. Haewon ah ㅜ 0 ㅜ..” Haewon slowly
wiped away my tears with his fingers……. “…i’ll let you go Hankyung………. I’ll let you
go…………… so… go to Taesung…….. Chung Taesung…. He’ll be in pain more than me…………
he probably needs you much more than me…. So… I’ll let you go….” I lifted up my gaze
and stared at HAewon surprised…….. “..and…. you can’t tell me you’re gonna die……….
Aight…………..?? I’m not letting you go for nothing………. You have to promise me…… to
smile much more… and be happier while you’re with Taesung…………… aight………………”
……..heukheukheuk…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..what the heck is he talking about..ㅜ 0 ㅜ. Taesung’s my real
brother!!!……ㅜ^ㅜ…. ……..you’re the one I like… you dummy….ㅜ 0 ㅜ……. but…. ….i wasn’t
in any situation to tell him that..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….. ……….ㅜ 0 ㅜ… without a word…………… I
continued crying into Haewon’s arms……..
for more than an hour….. pouring……. And drenching………………. soaking………………………………
and crying………….
the darn doctor.. forced me out of the hospital…..despite my pleas to stay within the
I ignored Dareum’s constant yells and shouts telling me to go home…. and… being 10
o’clock at night.. I sat infront of Taesung’s room…. And stared intensely at the red
if Taesung was my brother….
then he’s won’t be my mom’s son.. then…… dad… and another woman’s son………?……
……..so that’s what happened……………….
hah…….. I remember now……….. I noticed how… how much he looked like…. Eunsung
oppa….. ……and.. Eunsung oppa looked a lot like my dad…… and Taesung looks like
Eunsung oppa……… no he’s like a clone of Eunsung oppa….. ……..dummy……… why…. Why
didn’t you realize ealier…. That Taesung looked incredibly alike as my dad……. dummy…
dumb @ss…. arghhhh………..
tears began to fall again..ㅜ 0 ㅜ.. my eyes had already shrinked twice its size…… I won’t
have any tears left by the end of the night………ㅜ 0 ㅜ….. right then…. the same nurse…..
from last night…..neared Taesung’s room……. I stared at her with sparkling eyes.. and………
not letting my assumption down…. She opened the door with a key…!! I quickly bolted in….
“oh my!!! What are you doing..ㅇ_ㅇ..?? visitors are forbidden!! Didn’t you see the sign?!”
ignoring her, I pushed her to my side and stepped into Taesung’s room.

A wolf’s attraction-63

.. hah………hah….. hah…………………….
i saw taesung laying on the bed infront of me..with both of his eyes tightly shut…….
“taesung!!!!!!!!!!! Taesung can you hear me?!?!?”
“what… what are you doing!! You shouldn’t be in here… please, you should go out..!”
“heukheukheuk.ㅜ 0 ㅜ..i’m his nuna!!!!!!!!!!!” the nurse looked fearful of my sudden
outbursts as she bit her lip. “.taesung….? taesung!!! Please…. Open your eyes!!! You’re
okay right taesung????? OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!- 0 -!!” …silence……

“taesung…………. taesung….”
“he won’t wake up just because you keep on calling him..”
“..will….. will taesung die……………………?…..”
the nurse was silent as she jotted writing down on her clipboard… “unni……… will… will
taesung die…???? No, right…?? He’ll be better after his surgery right……….??? Yeah….??”
once again.. she silently checked his pulse…
“he… can’t die… unni he just can’t…………………….. …….. I won’t let him be alone anymore…
not after….. not after…………
auheukheuk..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..unni…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…please… you can save him..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..right..??”
“…..his normal heart conditions wasn’t that great…. …he might…….. he might need a heart
transplant because of that ….”
“ex……………………..excuse me……..?”
“..on his records…. It shows that he had a daily check up for his heart 2 years ago…………..
and to make it worse….. this accident…………….”
“you’re his guardian, am I correct…???”
“..i suggest you talk with his doctor…” the nurse cast me a sympathetic look and exited out
of the room…. for a long time …. I collapsed next to his bed, crying while I caressed
taesung’s face.. please….. please just open your eyes taesung.. …remember how you’d
always wave your arms for me.. you always had that bright smile on your face…… …
nuna……nuna……you’d always joke around without a hint of sorrow……. …..you’re the one
who promised to protect me….. you can’t protect nuna while you’re laying down.. right..???
taesung ah………..taesung…… …..are you mad…. Are you mad because nuna took such a
long time recognizing you………….? …i’m sorry…………. I really am… taesung…. It’s all my
fault… but….. but we found each other at last right….??? Please taesung… just open your
eyes….. ……please……………..
when I opened my eyes……
…………the room had turned bright..
I have to go to…….. school………ㅜ_ㅜ………
taesung continued laying on his bed without a trace of life…

if scars and scratches are left…. what if…. scars and scratches decorate my beautiful
brother’s face…….

gently caressing taesung’s cold face.. I hurriedly ran out of the room…in an attempt to flee
from the tears…… on the bus going to school……….
taesung……… he doesn’t have anyone… mom………….dad………….. a grandma……. …….nor any
younger siblings… I’m the only one taesung has……. as of right now…..
the only person taesung could depend on…………… is me…
right then………
like lightning… a face flashed in my mind.. DAREUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! …why… why didn’t
I think of that sooner?!!?!!! ….DAreum and Taesung are blood related……… like me and
Taesung…! as soon as I got off the bus… I sprinted into the gates of our school…. ignoring
the PE teacher’s shouts calling my name…..- _ -…
and….. panting furiously…. I halted to a stop infront of DAreum’s classroom……
I’ve gotten too much braver these days…… for taesung…….. for my beautiful brother
taesung.. I slammed open the door…..
- _ -……………
everyone in the room…. EVERYONE set their gaze on me..- _ -.. Haewon…… wun….
dareum…… I even saw Haejung…….- _ -….. stopping with whatever he was writing on the
chalkboard… the teacher stared at me, surprised..”what… is it?”
“you see… huk huk…- _ -..that… han dareum student right there……… huk..- _ -.. the office
wants a word with her…”
“…Han Dareum…?.. judging by the shoes your holding….. plus the backpack ….. did you
just come to school…?”
“….why….? why’d you come so late…?’ the teacher walked closer to me..- -
“….one of our family member is really ill……….” Dareum stood up brusquely.. “WHAT!?
UNNI!?!?!?! Who’s sick?!??! Mom?!?!?!? Dad??!!?! Oh my gosh, it’s not jooho is it?!??!?!!?”
the teacher frowned at Dareum’s outburst……
“no… dareum ah……. Taesung….. it’s taesung….. he’s sick……… our taesung…….. he’s
really…………. Really sick……………….. heuk…. What… what do we do dareum…” standing
infront of the 2-3 classroom…. …..i was unable to hide my emotions any longer……… as I
started to bawl……… “UNNI!!!- 0 -! Why are you crying???!!!!! Huh?! WHY!!!!!!” the
classroom suddenly became really loud.. as many students whispered words to each
other…. the teacher looked unsure of what he should do…. while wun stood up along with
and.. haewon almost stared at me lazily with his arms crossed…..
“..if… it’s urgent… than you can take DAreum home…….. were you sisters..??? hm… I
wasn’t aware of that….” ….as soon as those words left the teacher’s lips…. Dareum
snatched my hands..And dragged me out of the classroom… “unni… I’m confused… who’s
sick…??? And what does chung taesung have anything to do with our family?!”
…………in the bathroom.. Dareum asked me…While I washed my tear-painted face with cold
water…. “unni!!! What’s wrong!? Huh?!? What!! whaaaaaaaaat!!”
“……Dareum………..” I grabbed both of dareum’s hands and squeezed them hard…. water
still dripping down from my face..”….whu……..! what!!! Just say it!!!”
“…if………if you……”
“..yeah…………….. go on!!! Stop stalling!!!! - 0 -!!!!”
“…..if you had………….. a secret sibling…… a secret sibling you didn’t know about…. What
would you do..?”
“a secret sibling…?? Guy?! girl?!”
“….a guy…..”
“is he cute?!??!”
“yeah…………………. He’s the cutest thing ever…..^-^….” a tear fell from my eyes…. “..eh?
but why are you crying!!!! What about the secret sibling?! How would I feel about it?!?”
“If he’s cute of course I’ll like it!!!!!!!!! More popularity from my friends, eh? Muhaha!- 0 -!!
Is that why you wanted to talk to me..?”
“..then… what if………. What if that guy…………… was…. Was someone you hated more than
anyone… else
“..eh………..? hated more than anyone else?!”
“if………. If you didn’t even like seeing his face…….?”
“……….you’re…….. you’re not joking are you, unni..”
“…it…. isn’t an if… is it…. It’s… it’s really true isn’t it…..” I silently started crying, shoulders
shaking madly…
“Chung taesung………… is… is that who it is, unni…”

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.. I was speechless at her assumption…. Dareum began shaking my shoulders violently.. -

_ - “why!? Why!!!! Why…. Why HIM of all people?!??! How can… how can Chung Taesung
be a part of OUR family?!!? How?!?!?!??! and WHY!????????????????”
“tell me!!!! Why huh?!??!! Wait…. HOW the heck is he related to us??????!!!!!!”
“……..he’s….. he’s our dad’s son……… our dad in heaven…”
“…..Chung Taesung?!?!?! You’re saying he’s our mom and dad’s son?!?”
“….no……… our mom isn’t related to him…. A different woman……. Just the same father….”
“……hah…………… imma go crazy…………. What is this…………. Unni… is this some joke???
Perhaps an early april fools ha-ha….??”
“……Taesung………. he’s family Dareum….”
“……………how can…. How can someone who was born between dad and another woman, be
“don’t say it like that Dareum…….”
“…..imma…. pretend I didn’t hear any word of this… nothing’s gonna change.. you want
some drama between me and Taesung…??! where I’ll be crying and running with open
arms to taesung?!?! Hah… you are so dreaming if you think I’ll suddenly like him just
because he’s “family”……….. in fact..I’m beginning to hate him more…..”
“…what……….. what’s jooho then…? Jooho’s your brother isn’t he…?? Why can’t Taesung be
our dongseng…………..?…..”
“JOOHO?! He’s actually BORN between our step-dad and our mom!!! !!!!!!”
“excuse me?! Is…. Is our step-dad more important…. More important and special than the
real dad who gave birth to you?!?! Is that how It is with you!!?”
“yeah!!!!! I only lived 6 years of my life with him unni!!!!! I barely remember ANYTHING
about our real dad…. And…… I lived more than 10 years with my step-dad!!!!! I don’t care
who the hell gave birth to me!!!!! How about YOU continue crying about the dad in
heaven?? and don’t bring me into this!!!!!!! I consider our step-dad closer than our real
dad so don’t think I’ll suddenly take some sympathy toward Chung Taesung!!! He’s YOUR
brother!!!! I………. I have no part in this………..”
all I could do…. Was stare at Dareum dumbfoundedly.. ….are you……. Are you really my
sister, dareum……?? This is so unlikely of you………..How can you be so cruel……… so
heartless……?…….. “…i’m no different than yesterday… I’m the same Dareum yesterday,
today, and tomorrow… nothing’s changed.. and nothing will…Chung Taesung……… he’s your
brother… so YOU take care of him…………” as soon as those words left dareum’s lips..
…….she put her hands on the door knob…
“…..alright.. since taesung’s my brother… I’ll take good care of him..And since… since
jooho’s your REAL brother… I guess you’ll take care of HIM… han dareum…….” Dareum
looked back at me……. In disbelief…. and a tear fell … from her eyes.. ……. slam…………………
dareum stormed out of the bathroom… … ……for about 2 hours…… …….i locked myself in
the bathroom stalls…. And cried until I was unable to produce anymore tears.. I ignored
the shouts and complains by the students who needed to use the bathroom………..and
continued sobbing hysterically….. ….and…… I finally came to a conclusion…….
…….while washing my dirty face…… …………..taesung……………… remember how you promised
me, you’ll be the one to take care of me…. ? well… I’ll be your guardian from now on….. so
don’t worry okay….. I’ll become stronger……… ……i’ll be strong…. I won’t let anyone hurt
you anymore, taesung… you don’t have to worry about me, anymore…………whew……..
speedily… I walked to the office……… when I slammed open the door…. a few remaining
teachers looked up at me, surprised…. and I marched over to my homeroom teacher, full
of determination.. “i… don’t think I’ll be able to come to school for a few weeks.” (see how
brave I got to be - _ -?) “wha…….what…?”
“I’ll be taking a break… I have a sick brother I have to take care of..”
“- _ -..Chung Hankyung…..”
the teacher abruptly stood up and began hitting my head with the paper he was holding..
ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..
“finals begin tomorrow!!!! I dunno what you’re playing at, but return to your classroom
immediately and study!!!!!!!!! And to think I thought you were a good student… hurry up
and leave!!!!!!!!!!- 0 -!!!” aghast at the teacher’s poisonous shout…… I was unable to utter
out another word… and returned to my classroom.. - ., -…. NOW what do I do……ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..
as soon as the door opened.. Minsoon ran toward me hurriedly…. “yah!! Why’d you come
so late?!!?”
“huh…? Um…. I woke up late…^ ^ …”
“..- _ -..whoa… never thought I’d see the day when you’d get up late… hey~ you know
“finals begin tomorrow!!!!!!”
“…whew…….. I know.. unfortunately..^ ^ ….”
“..well, It’s better for you, isn’t it!?!?”
“…what is…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…?”
“..our school… we mix classes with the juniors during finals~”
“…ㅇ_ㅇ..so…………………………… what…?”
“…okay, look at it this way… we’re seniors… Haewon’s a junior…….. yeah?” “uh……………..
“aigoo! Your so stupid!!!!!!!!” Minsoon lightly punched my head.. ㅜ_ㅜ… “OK!!! YOU and
HAEWOn have a 50/50 chance of being in the same CLASS…. OKAY???!?” huk….- _ -…
why…!! not… now….. we’re not even on good terms with each other…- _ -……. whyyyyyyy..
ㅜ 0 ㅜ…. later on that night… as soon as the bell signaling the end of school rang….
wanting to go to the hospital.. I ditched my kekekaka freinds… and sprinted to the gates..
if I asked them to come with me.. they’ll probably start kissing Taesung…! AND he’s not
even awake.. tch forget kissing…. They’ll probably…………………….. AHHH>_< I didn’t even
eat lunch……………. and skipped my obsession of caramel for today.. ……. for I knew…. That
I wouldn’t be able to eat anything..while I was putting on my shoes….
Haewon left his friends and came over to where I was…
“….is Chung taesung okay….?
(-- )( --)(-- )( --) I shook my head……
“….oh…. sorry about that…. wait were you crying again…..?”
….(-- )( --)…..(-- )( --)…..
“..look in the mirror before lying… your eyes are hella swollen…. Can you even see…?
(- -)(_ _)(- -)(_ _)…….
“…hey…. smile some more…. You look so stressed out…………” at haewon’s words… I finally
looked up. …..the same backpack….. …….he didn’t throw it away………..
I thought he wouldn’t… considering what happened last night…
following my gaze on his backpack.. Haewon looked uncomfortable as he frantically waved
his hand. “hey……….. it’s not what it looks like!! All of my other backpacks were in the
washer!!! ……….. don’t go snitching on me to Chung Taesung……… I’ll just be a
laughingstock … you know… since I told him I would let you go…….” I smiled wide at
“….you look like one of those frog princesses….. you know with the puffy eyes…..- _ -..
stop crying so much……” Haewon softly pressed his index finger upon my forehead.. I
nodded my head….. I felt… my eyes watering up again… heuk heuk.. Haewon… thanks for
always being so sweet..ㅜ 0 ㅜ “..why won’t you talk?! Cat got your tongue…?!??!? And…
DUDE are you stupid?! Stop crying!!!!!!” Haewon yelled, frustrated…

“Haewon….ㅜ 0 ㅜ….”
“..do… you know where Taesung’s friends are..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..?”
“..Chung Taesung’s friends…? .. why do you ask……”
“no one would come to visit….ㅜ 0 ㅜ.. our poor Taesungie…..ㅜ_ㅜ. and his friends would
wanna know where Taesung disappeared to…….. but I dunno any of his friends.. so……..ㅜ_
“…..yeah……. I know where they are………”
“you do?! Awesome!! where!?!?!?”
“….probably at the karaoke place…. They’re always over there at this time………….”
“..karaoke room?!??! Alright! Thanks haewon!!!!!” grabbing my bag, I put on my shoe all
the way, and started running out..
pretty soon…. I was held back by haewon’s hand… ㅇ_ㅇ…….. “stupid!!! Do you even
KNOW where the karaoke place is at?!??!?! And do you have any idea how perverted
Chung taesung’s friends are?!?!? It’s dangerous to go alone!!”
“……follow me…………”
Haewon speedily walked infront of me….
……..Haewonnnn……..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….haewon ah…….ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!! like a puppy, I began following his

A wolf’s attraction-65

…..downtown……………… once AGAIN..- _ -…;; Haewon silently walked through the crowded
“Haewon…. You’re not exactly.. um… on good terms with… Taesung’s friends are you…?
What if you get in a fight…?”
“..if I die, I won’t have to take the final…sounds like a deal to me….”
“..- _ -..don’t say stuff like that… words can be poisonous…!” …Haewon ignored my words
while descending down the steps to the karaoke room.. man, having short legs suck..ㅜ_ㅜ.
panting a bit, I chased after Haewon….
as soon as we entered the karaoke place…. …..there was a big round table infront of the
counter… and.. taesungs’ friends were laughing and joking, all around the round table.
…..the same friends from the field trip!! I even see the scarred faced guy who talked to
me!! - 0 -!!! oh what joy.. - _ - ……….they stopped with whatever they were doing and set
their focus upon Haewon and me. ….. why do they scare me so much.. >_< “the hell… look
who we have here.. isn’t this the infamous Bahn Haewon…..? ………. The hell you want..?”
“…no swearing.. I’m not here to start anything with you…. You’re chung taesung’s friends,
“..if we are…………. Whatchu gonna do about it??” the biggest… possibly largest guy among
Taesung’s friends… slowly walked over to Haewon.. and placed his potlike hands on
Haewon’s cheeks.. - 0 -……… “….i told you I’m not here to start any fight with you… dang,
you’re annoying………” Haewon irritably pushed his hand away….. “hah… you have balls, b!
tch” the potlike hand scoffed at haewon. he’s such a poop head…! “didn’t I tell you to stop
swearing…? Huh????” Haewon launched a punch at the potlike hands’s stomach. A H
HHH!!!!!!!! - 0 -!!!!!!!!!! every one of Taesung’s friends immediately stood up.. one.. two..
three……………………. Ahhh eight..ㅜ_ㅜ……. they were cornering us slowly…. I can’t let you
hurt haewon!!!!!!! “STOP!!!!!!!! Haewon and I are here to tell you that.. that Taesung’s in
the hospital!!! He’s won’t wake up!!!! And… and his……….. life… may be in danger!! Please,
that’s why we came here … don’t start any fight..!” that just… sounded too… awkward…. -
_ - Taesung’s friends frowned at me… as I stood infront of Haewon with both of my arms
stretched out, as it to protect Haewon. and their frown slowly turned into a look of
surprise. “TAESUNG’s WHAT!??!??! Where the heck is he?!?!? WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wait a
minute… you’re that nuna I saw at everland!!! Taesung’s girlfriend!!!!!!!!” the scar faced
guy recognized me. whew.. thank goodness….ㅜ_ㅜ….. “taesung..heukheuk..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…he’s
in room 501. Samsung hospital..ㅜ_ㅜ he got into a motorcycle accident….ㅜ_ㅜ..” a loud
buzz was amongst Taesung’s friends… “FCK!!!!!!!!! GUYS lETS GO!!!! Taesung’s gonna
die!!!!” “n… NO!! he WON”T die!>_<!! He’s gonna live!! Cuz he’s Taesung!” but without
letting me finish my sentence.. Taesung’s friends left the karaoke place in the speed of
lightning.. ……….
they’re so.. simple minded… yet…. They have loyalty..ㅜ_ㅜ…. “…..keke..hey….you have
guts….” Haewon looked at my stretched out hands… “..i just thought you’ll start fighting
“…….uh huh…. So you were worried I’ll get beat up…? Is that why you’re in that funny
“yes!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!”
“…haha…… you drive me … crazy……….. hey…. You met Chung Taesung at Everland..?”
“LETS GO!!!! I dunno what kind of damage those people are capable of…ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!” I
grabbed taesung’s hands and began pulling him. he silently shook my grip off. “if… if YOU
met chung taesung… at everland…. Why were you all pm-sy at ME?????????????!!!-0-!!!!!”
Haewon shouted, shaking the floor. the worker at the karaoke room.. looked fearful as he
shook his head side to side, nervously. “.IIII!! met him coincidentally!!!-0-!!!!!!!!! YOUUUU
were HUNTING!! With SEVERAL girls!!!!!! - 0 -!!!!!!!!!”
“YAH!! If you hadn’t left at the performance!!! I wouldn’t have ran after you!!! Do you
have any idea how pissed my friends were for ruining the show?!?!? What else was I
suppose to do when they keep on nagging and nagging me about how its My fault and I
have to take full responsibilty for it!!! So having some .. oK looks, I had to go hunt for my
“..you didn’t have to link arms with them!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! WHY!?!?!”
“did IIII link arms with them?? SHE came onto Me!!! When I wouldn’t tell her my number,
she kept on nagging at me to link arms with her!!! So it wasn’t my fault!!!!!!”
“..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….!! SSHI!! then why didn’t you come when you told me to get off of the lift and
wait for you!??!??! I was waiting for you for more than an hour..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…!!!”
“DUDE!! The girls we hunted had BOYFRIENDS!!! They got hecka pissed at us that we
were “checking them out”!!! How am I suppose to leave my friends to die??!?”
“….man…. I dunno why the heck I’m telling you excuses when you’re now with Chung
Taesung…..^-^….just forget it…”
“….it’s not like that… Taesung… he’s… he’s really my brother……………… the person who I
really.. truly like Haewon…….. is…….” Haewon stuffed his hands in his pockets and stared
at me silently… …..whew………. my brother taesung’s out cold.. and what’s his nuna
doing???….. chatting with the guy she likes….. I can’t do that to Taesung….I’m sorry
Haewon…. When.. when Taesung’s all better… THEN I’ll tell you how I feel..ㅜ_ㅜ.
“Haewon……. I havta go to Taesung’s hospital… thanks for today… I’ll see you
tomorrow…………… sorry………!!” Haewon stared at me as if he knew I was going to leave
him again. I lightly punched Haewon’s shoulders… and speedily ran to the hospital…. as I
had expected… when I neared Taesung’s room…. I saw his friends creating a racket,
yelling and shouting. “WHY CAN’T WE GO IN!????! WHO THE HECK’S THE DOCTOR?????
HUH??????????? COME OUT AND FACE US LIKE A MAN!!!!” ㅜ 0 ㅜ……… “our FRIEND’s in
there!!!! Who are you to stop us from going in?!?!?!??! COME OUT RIGHT
NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OPEN THIS FCKING DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT!!!!”
“..GUYS..ㅜ_ㅜ..please.. taesung needs rest… you’ll only disturb him by shouting and
yelling…” but his friends ignored my plea as they continued yelling. “TAESUNG
AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m here!!! It’s duck Soo!!!!! Taesung!!! You won’t die right?!??!?! You
hear me right now, don’t you?!?! YEAH????? Answer me! TAESUNG AH!!!!!!!
TAESUNGGGGGGGGGG!!!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ show me that smile!! I know you love me!!!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!!”
his friends had started pounding on the door.. - _ -.. thanks to a couple of buff looking
security guards… Taesung’s friends were dragged out of the hospital…. ………and slowly
disappeared around the corner..- _ -…… ……………..that’s….. that’s some loyalty… standing
infront of Taesung’s room once again.. I waited for the nurse to come again.. - _ - ..i’ll run
in like last time……
a few minutes later……. the same nurse unni came to stand before me….. “..ah….. hello..ㅡ.,
“..the doctor… wants to see you….”
“excuse me……????”
following the nurse unni….. ……i stepped into Taesung’s doctor’s office……. breathing a sigh
of anxiety……….

a wolf’s attraction-66

.. large black rimmed glasses… a rectangular chin…

and somewhat resembling a Japanese person…… was the doctor……… ….- _ -….. “..you
came quicker than I had expected-_-” he lifted his glasses with his fingers…and as soon as
the nurse unni silently left the room… the doctor pointed at an x-ray picture on the wall,
with a bamboo stick. “this is the students bone structure as of right now!!!!!!”
“do you see how the bones of the arms and the legs are a bit… dislocated?!??!”
“…if he was some OTHER student!! The surgery would be SIMPLE in a process of just
moving the bones around!!!!!!” he has a really……… LOUD voice…
“are you listening to me?!?”
“huh!? YES!!”
“BUT!!! In THIS students case!!! He isn’t very… WELL…!!! He has problems with his heart…
!!! were you aware of this fact!??!”
“no… I didn’t know….ㅜ_ㅜ…..”
“how can someone who calls herself a nuna, not know something as serious as this?!?” the
doctor shoved his face closer to me.. while scolding me loudly… thanks to his actions, the
rim of his large glasses came in contact with my nose.. - _ - “I’m sorry……” “he doesn’t
ONLY have a problem with his heart!! His KIDNEY is in a terrible condition as well!!! It has
become MUCH weaker thanks to this accident for it has been through a great ordeal!!! I
assume you Weren’t aware that there is a tiny… HOLE on the valve of his heart????!!!!!!”
“…………. What’ll happen to Taesung, then..ㅜ 0 ㅜ……??? will it affect his life?! it’s not
anything like that right?!??! It’s something you can cure, yes?!?!”
“heUM………….” ……AGAIN.. I hate these unknown answers…He’s no different than the nurse
the doctor took off his huge glasses, and folded his arms on his desk.. “can’t we have a
surgery?! Please.. right now?!?”
“if we just have a random surgery… it’ll worsen Chung Taesung’s conditions…”
“…then… then…are you just gonna leave him be?!??! He’s not even awake yet!!!”
“not awake………………………..???? he scared the day lights out of the nurse when he
suddenly woke up this morning!! He wouldn’t sit STILL!! Gave quite a trouble to the
nurses!!! He’s next door playing poker with another patient at this moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“we’re planning on having a surgery a week from now…Please try your best not to shock
him in ANY WAY… Help him… help him do whatever he wants to do.. everything he wants
to…And make sure he gets plenty of rest!!! Do NOT.. I repeat do NOT.. call those pig like
friends to this hospital EVER again, understand!??????????”
“….help him do whatever he wants to do………??? Doctor…. What do you mean by that..?”
“……..the word itself… do whatever he wants to do..”
“what… what do you MEAN…. do everything and anything he wants to do…????….ㅜ 0 ㅜ……

“………please.. try and understand that it’s harder to explain..”
ha…………….hah….. trying my best not to collapse… I limped out of the office and headed
toward room 502, where Taesung was……
creak….. the door opened…..
and on a bed… I saw the face of a grandma.. and taesung’s back across from the
grandma.. next to the bed was a pair of crutches…… he had a cast on one hand…….. the
grandma took a glimpse at me and… “who are youuu..- 0 -….?” I quickly wiped off a tear
with my sleeves. “ah.. hello, good day to you..^^ I’m here to pick up my brother..^^”
Taesung finally turned his head at my words…. he saw me standing by the doorway…. and
a bright smile crept onto his face…… ……..that smile…… I thought.. I thought I wouldn’t
ever see that smile again.. Chung Taesung, you dummy………..ㅜ_ㅜ….. “Nuna.. are you
“no.. I ate something spicy just now… what are you doing here.. your friends looking for
“I know!! If I went out there, they’d eat me alive… AHHH.. so I stayed in here for my dear
“..ㅜ_ㅜ…they’ll come tomorrow, though… “ I sat down in a chair nearby the bed…..
Taesung cast me a wide grin…
right then….. the grandma shouted suddenly.. “AIGOO!! Look at this!!! I won, I
won!!!!!!!!!! FULL HOUSE!!!”
“..you don’t have a king in there grandma!!!!!!!”
“I dunno~ but I have the rest of ‘em!!…”
“NO!! grandma, you lost!!!!!!!!!”
“I won, I won-0-!! Aigoo~ how does it feel like to lose!- 0 -!!??!”
“nooooo-0-!! You’re missing a king!!! You wouldn’t let ME do that before!!!! You cheater!!!
Grandma, you’re lying!-0-!!”
“stop being so bitter… gimmie my 2 dollars!!!- 0 -!!!”
- _ -……- _ -………
“I’m not playing with you anymore grandma!!-0-! Cheater!! Keepyou’re your money!!-0-!
See if I play with you later when you want me to-0-!! sshi……” Taesung threw out a couple
of dollars..- _ -.. and with much difficulty, tried to stand up.. with my help… he was able to
get on his feet… clutching a pair of crutches on one hand…… limping…. “nuna.. let’s go to
my room^^….”
“taesung ah… here you can get all your money back… I won’t be as stubborn anymore
taesung….. play with grandma…”
the grandma…. Said in a lifeless voice… almost desperate….
“Grandma, I’ll come back later^ㅇ^ I’ll bring you the special kind of bread you like!!^ㅇ^!”
the grandma smiled at Taesung’s bright voice…
he’s an angel…………. Taesung….. a sweet angel…ㅜ 0 ㅜ………
in taesung’s room. taesung was poking at the bag full of juice, snacks, and bread….
“taesung ah… you couldn’t eat anything from last night, huh…? Eat up…”
“okay… you, too nuna..”
a moment of silence filled the room……
“taesung ah……………”
“……sorry………. nuna’s really sorry…..”
“…..nuna… you bought the cream bread!! How’d you know I like cream flavored bread???
Ahhh …. You and I just connect like BAM hehe!!” Taesung opened a piece of bread.. “……
dummy…. you shouldn’t have come to ahnyang… sshi….” the tears I tried hard to hold
back.. ….slowly dampened Taesung’s bed covers…. “……nuna.. I’m okay… lookie!~ I’m
“……….why didn’t you tell me sooner… why didn’t you tell me you were my brother………
why.. big… dummy…. Bad… dummy………….” Taesung gazed at my face.. “haha… look at
nuna’s eyes…like a frog. Don’t cry>_< if your eyes get puffy again, you’ll be a monster!!
“………..if you had told me sooner……. Then it would’ve been better…………. If you had told
me before you got hurt……. Then you wouldn’t be in the hospital right now…….. heuk,….
Why…. Why tell me after you get hurt…………… why… why be sad and lonely….. why didn’t
you tell mer sooner… why..” taesung softly patted my back…As I poured tears, with my
head hung low…… “…..nuna…….. you just looked so happy….. I thought it’d be better.. if I
didn’t tell you…………… that’s why………………… that’s why……..”
“you dumbo ㅜ 0 ㅜ!! I’d be happier knowing you’re my brother!!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!” I shouted angrily
at Taesung, staring at his face……
“…..no one…………… no one was ever happy to be around me nuna………….. I thought… I
thought if you knew.. then you’d leave me like everyone else……….. I’m sorry nuna…………..
I really am…..”
the smile Taesung had on, in an attempt not to cry… was slowly turning into a frown… and
into a look of sorrow… ……. ……….a tear……. Rolled down from Taesung’s beautiful eyes……
….onto the bed cover I had dampened………. “don’t cry…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..taesung ah.!!! Don’t cry!!
ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!!!” Taesung silently gave me a small smile…… but his eyes deceived him, as the
tears continued rolling down….. “..dumbo… you have a cream stain on your cheek……..” I
brought my hands onto his face… and wiped away the cream stain…… …… “……i… shouldn’t
have met you…. i….. shouldn’t have told you I was your brother…… then I wouldn’t have to
die regretting everything………….. I shouldn’t have said anything……….”
“you dummy!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!! Why would you die!!?????? Don’t say stuff like that!!!! you
WON”T die!!! Okay!??????? You WON’T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! I won’t let you…!!!!! You’ll have your
surgery next week!! Get out of the hospital!!And lets go to the beach together!! Sshi…
forget the beach!!! We’ll go to seoul, together!!!!!! AND we can even go to Gongju! I’ll
show you my friend, Mung Goo!!!!!! You’ll see mung goo……….mung goo…………. And… we
can go to… Dad’s… dad’s grave………..Eat.. l-..lunch……. to… together… and… heuk…
why am I so helpless…. I shouldn’t be weak infront of taesung… I promised myself I
wouldn’t be…… …..yet… I was… once again……… leaning on taesung…
and crying…. when.. when Taesung was the one who should be crying……

a wolf’s attraction-67
.. \that night, about 11 o’clock.. “taesung ah~ nuna’ll come tomorrow after school…
okay..? tomorrow’s a saturaday… so.. so I can sleep here~..^ㅇ^…eat everything I bought
you okay….?. want me to borrow some movies when I come tomorrow….?”
“Ham Tori!!! And.. eum…um… JJANG… and…………. Don’t be such a pain.. and..”
“hehe okay.. nuna’ll borrow EVERYTHING in the store, okie?!!^ㅇ^ you and I could spend
the whole day together tomorrow!!”
“….don’t you wanna see your friends..?”
“I do..”
“who… do you wanna see..? I can’t bring all of them.. but… just a few…..”
“………..Han Dareum… and.. the raccoon kid…………. And…… and.. Haewon……..”
“..oh.. okay… nuna’ll come with them tomorrow…^ ^ ..okay…?”
“k. nuna wait for me.. I have to visit grandma…” taesung grabbed a couple of bread for the
grandma.. we both exited out of Taesung’s room….. and standing infront of room 502,
Taesung waved his hand at me… I, too, waved my hands brightly…….. ………..and got on
the elevator……..
.whew…. well.. JOoho liked taesung didn’t he…? So.. so he might come….
…haewon seemed pretty close with taesung in middle school… so…. It might take some
persuasion.. but he can probably come….. then…………… what about dareum………………………?
……..dareum… she…………………….
“I DON’T WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!”
“…….please.. dareum… taesung.. taesung he’ll be having a surgery next week… I dunno
what the outcome will be… dareum… please……”
“……………….he won’t die….”
“….dareum ah… taesung wants to see you…….. he wants to meet you…” Dareum bit her
lower lips……. “he’s your brother..”
“…..he’s related to you, too, dareum…..”
“…i dunno… I won’t go…………. I don’t fancy tearing family-get-togethers… I WON”T go!!…
and…. And… if … if what you say is true… and if he… might die next week… then that’s
more of a reason I won’t go……”

“dareum ah……… please I beg you……….. for unni’s sake…. Please…… at least once… just..
just once…. Please I beg you……” Dareum stared at me surprised… as I got on my knees
with my head hung low…. “unni………”
“please… for my sake……………. Just meet him …. Once dareum… please.”
I quietly got out of dareum’s room……. jooho…. Was quite pleased to…. Meet taesung..
“who?! That kidnapper?? tch!”
“..jooho yah…. The kidnapper ahjusshi wants to see you….. the kidnapper ahjusshi’s…
really… sick…..”
“….did he get a shot on his butt?”
“…….crystal had a shot on her butt, too… she told me it hurt a lot..”
“…if I go… will the kidnapper… make me another eel mask?!”
“..only tomorrow!! I’m going just cuz you might nag at me!!!!”
“thanks……………….. thank you jooho………………..”
next day……
dareum had left the house already… whew,………… mom walked over to me…… while I was
putting on my sneakers….. “..do you….. have a boyfriend.?”
“excuse me..?”
“…what if.. dareum takes after you coming home so late every night..? huh?”
“…i’m sorry……”
“….i heard you say I’m sorry… more than 10 times already!! Are you hanging out with
some bad kids..?”
“no.. not at all………”
“then what is it………? Is this some late… teen thing????”
“no…….. but mom……..”
“……but what……..”
“I’m not coming home tonight. sorry ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!”
“what!?!?!?” before my mom could run after me I sprinted down the stairs and ran out of
the apartments.. I’m sorry mother.. as soon as I opened the classroom door………….- _ -
……… all the desks were arranged in rows for the finals…….
I sat down in a nearby seat……
I forgot today was the finals..- _ -.. did I ever study.. ㅡ.,ㅡ? I don’t remember even
opening a book outside of school… ㅡ.,ㅡ using the study hall time, I speedily skimmed
through the text books……
………briiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing…. the bell ringed for 9 o’clock…. finals start in 10 minutes!- 0 -!!!!!!!
………….right then……. The backdoor opened…. and the 2-3 students begin stepping into our
classroom.. first row was the seniors…. 2nd row, the juniors….. 3rd row, the seniors…….
and 4th row, the juniors….. that is how the seating arrangements go… I set my gaze upon
the backdoor…… I didn’t see Dareum or wun………
Haejung walked into the room, eyes wide..- _ - before she could see me, I buried my face
in my hands-_- of all the……………….. ARGH. - 0 -…….. I sat in the 3rd row…. and haejung
plopped down on the 4th row..- 0 -…….ooooooooooh noo..- 0 -….. I took off my scrunchie
and let my hair fall to my sides….. …….i had never let my hair loose at school.- 0 -….. my
long hair covered my whole face..- _ - ahhh… thankfully… I didn’t see haewon any where.
- 0 -…… thinking this, I sighed a breath of relief when……………… “haewon!!!!^ㅇ^finally!!”
damn……….- _ -….. Haejung shouted brightly…. I can’t believe I cussed…. - 0 -…..
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh prick….- 0 -…….. thank goodness all my kekekaka friends went to
the juniors class for the finals.. ..if they were here…- 0 -….. they would’ve started
muttering unnecessary words to haejung - 0 - I hung my head lower, my nose touching
the desk..- _ - haewon spoke… “hey.. if I dunno the answer to a problem… I’ll put a finge
up… pokemy back aight?” and haejung’s reply. “I dunno EITHER!! You and I are in the
same boat, haewon!”
“whatever………!!! Will you, or not???!!!!!!!”
“……fine….. but you gotta buy me dinner, k??!!!!!!”
“….i’ll give you money instead.. go buy yourself dinner-_-”
“aiiiiiiiii~~ you promised to buy me dinner before, remember??!?! Liar liar, pants on fire~!”
“be quiet…………”
“..are………… you afraid your girlfriend’ll hear you..?”
“..she dumped me………….”
“….^ㅇ^..oHHH yeah I remember now!! Hey, I wonder where she is~”
“maybe she’s downstairs…………..”

I was almost kissing the desk by now..- 0 -…. huk.- 0 -…… finals go on for 3 days… how in
the world am I to survive Monday and Tuesday??!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!! ……right then…………. The bell
signaling the starting of the test ringed….. …….and the front door slammed open…. The PE
teacher walked into the room smiling wide at the class..- _ -.. “OH HO~ time for fun fun
finals! Hey.. haewon, you’re here, too!?”
“pretty haejung, too!! The infamous 2-3 kids!!!!!!”
“thank you^ㅇ^” haejung’s bright voice ringed in my ears.. “no copying!! Good luck to all
of you!!!!!!” the PE teacher observed all of us while handing out tests…
and sitting in the back.. I was able to escape from the PE teacher’s gaze… and took my
test without a problem.. if he was to call out my name right now - _ -..whew…. looking on
the test…. I see the question… but… where’s the answer?!?!. chewing on my eraser.. I
began guessing…..
hm…………. Knowing only…. 4 problems…. Isn’t… THAT bad right..- _ -…??. theres 40
minutes left in the class..- 0 -…. taking advantage of the remainder of the class…I folded
my arms on the desk, and leaning my head on my arms, I fell into a deep slumber……..
nuna… nuna.. taesung ah……….. I’ll be waiting for you……. taesung ah…………… taesung………
you don’t have to hurry…^ㅇ^…you havta bring me cream flavored bread when you come
though!^ㅇ^ taesung… where… where are you going though…… Taesung was slowly
distancing himself from me…… “TAESUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
………..- 0 - - 0 - ……… when I opened my eyes…. I saw the PE teacher running toward me
with glaring eyes……and felt everyone else in the room staring at me.. I couldn’t bring
myself to glance at Haewon’s way.. “AIGOO!! CHUNg HANKYUNG!!!!!!!” The PE teacher’s
loud,…. LOUD voice shook the floor.. I’m not deaf… you don’t have to say my name that
loudly…ㅜ_ㅜ…. “you’re so much like your sister!!!! Look at that drool on your test!!!!!
Ewww!!!” the teacher raised up the test high up in the air.- 0 - “not ONE problem is
right!!! Tie your hair, this instant!! aigoo!! you look like a ghost!!!!!!!!!” whimpering, I tied
my hair back….ㅜ_ㅜ….. and after making eye contact with haewon.. who was staring at
me blanky.. I quickly stared down at my lap.. the PE teacher repeatedly told the class how
dirty my test was…….ㅜ_ㅜ… and setting down the test onto my desk as if it consisted of
AIDs….he stormed out of the class as soon as the bell rang for break…….ㅜ_ㅜ……………as
soon as our tests were collected. everyone in the classroom burst into laughter.. juniors…
And seniors……ㅜ_ㅜ… Haejung’s voice was exceptionally loud..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….. when I slowly
glanced back at HAewon..ㅜ_ㅜ…. he was glaring at me..ㅜ_ㅜ.. heukheuk..ㅜ^ㅜ..

A wolf’s attraction-68

“how… was the test.. - 0 -…?”

haewon had his arms crossed.. - _ - while he stared at me, eyebrows furrowing..
haejung… who was sitting behind haewon was also staring at me in the same pose as
Haewon..- _ - “..hey haejung^ ^ ..” after I said an awkward greeting… I brustled on the
paper.. “.. you didn’t study at all, huh……?..”
haewon said to me…… - _ -.. “..i didn’t…….. have time… this couple of weeks… so its more
like.. I couldn’t do it.. instead of I didn’t do it…”
“…seeing how you look for Chung TAesung even in your dreams…. He must be in a bad
condition… huh…..?”

i have to ask him to go to the hospital with me..ㅜ_ㅜ..BUT…………………. Haejung’s here…
I’ll ask him later. ω_ ω the first thing that came into my sight when I made eye contact
with haewon….was his backpack……….
a black backpack……
it’s different……………………
…..well… I can’t… I can’t blame him for that….right……………
I quickly cast my eyes elsewhere and gave a wide smile at haewon… “seeing you at a place
like this~ heh… ^ ^ good luck on your tests!! Haejung, you too.. ^ ^ “ haejung grinned
and turned around to talk to someone else… I pried my attention off of haewon and forced
myself to look down on my desk…. looking from the side of my eyes.. I saw haejung
poking haewon, as he was studying.. “hey…heyy……”
“lets go to the karaoke room after class.. huh…? please..?”
“.. why a karaoke room……”
“lets go… huh?..>ㅇ<… let out all that stress!! And don’t pretend you’re so good at
studying>_< I wonder who’ll be last place this year.. wun or you….>ㅇ<“
“when did I ever????!!!!!!-0-!!!!!!!!” haewon shouted out loud, turning around to face
haejung. thanks to him… I dropped the pencil I was holding, in surprise..ㅇ.ㅇ “ahhh…. You
wanna give me a heart attack or something>ㅇ<.. no need to make me deaf…- _ -…”
“…..alrigt alright…. I’ll… I’ll go……..” ….n…NOOO, you can’t go haewon!-0-!!!!! i… I have to
tell himm……… that taesung wants to see him…ㅜ 0 ㅜ.. I have to tell him………ㅜ 0 ㅜ……..
“hae..haewon ah…..” huk - 0 -……i can’t believe I just called his name..>ㅇ< haewon and
haejung both stared at me.. this… wasn’t suppose to happen - _ -.. “….what……….”
“..um…. you see…” ahhhhhhh if only haejung would stop staring at me.ㅜ 0 ㅜ “
….what………. just spit it out………..”
“……um……….. can’t you…. Please… go… hospital…… taesung………….? With me…..”
haewon silently spun his pencil around….. “why should I go there……”
“unni. Haewun doesn’t like chung taesung much ^ ^ plus, imma borrow him for today ^ㅇ
^” ……haejung smiled brightly. “am I some thing?!! What do you mean borrow!!!”
“ah……. I forgot^ㅇ^..you guys aern’t… TOGETHER anymore… so I shouldn’t even
“please…. Haewon……… taesung wants to see you………..”
“….haewon… are you gonna go…ㅇ^ㅇ….?” haejung poked haewon’s sides…. “YAH!! Yoo
haejung stop poking me!! My friggin brother kept on hitting me last night so I have a
bruise there!!!!!-0-!!!”
“..ok ok..ㅜ^ㅜ…scary…. sshi….”
“………sorry……. nuna… I don’t think I could go……”
haewon turned around again… nuna..?ㅇ.ㅇ…..?me?? I’m a nuna..- 0 -!??! did he just call
me nuna-0-!?!? why!? What the heck was that for?!?-0-!?!? as if to sense my confusion..
haewon softly said over his shoulders…. “I don’t… really have a reason to call you by your
name, now, do i..^-^…”
that……….’s right………. we broke up after dating for 9 days………….. ㅜ 0 ㅜ……….sshi…. but…
but…..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….. taesung wanted you to come… I can’t just ignore his plea…….ㅜ_ㅜ… at
that moment… the bell to the 2nd final rang….. and the teacher entered with a stackful of
test papers… …… the horrible and boring 50 minutes finally passed…….. and our last final
for today… ……… PE…… thankfully… I was aware of many of the questions on the test….
And was able to finish it without a sweat…..
for 2 hours….. haewon didn’t turn around.. not even once… at every break time… haejung
continued poking his back. but haewon just ignored her..
because he was fast asleep- _ -……. the last bell finally rung…. and haewon stood up to
pack his things slowly… I slung my backpack over my shoulders.. and watched haewon
intensely…. “hey! Haewon~ we’re going to the karaoke room! Aight?! You and me
alone..?? yeah?!?!” at haejung’s loud pleas haewon smiled faintly….. “ASSAH!!!! Operation
haewon starts today!!!!!!!” - 0 - …..operation….?!??! what operation?!?!?!? haejung ㅜ 0
ㅜ!?!?!? haejung glanced at me from the corner of her eyes. and seeing me with my mouth
wide open, she grinned. she… is pretty..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…. they both walked to the backdoor…..
….noooooooo…………………. you can’t leave haewon…….. “HAEWON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
everyone’s focus in the room was set upon me.!-0-! haewon looked at me over his
shoulders, blankly… “….taesung……… he’s having a surgery a week from now on……………he
wants to see you……….”
“unni. Haewon doesn’t LIKE chung taesung..^-^..just forfeit, yeah^-^..??”
“…….taesung’s………….. sicker than what you think haewon…………..he wants to see you…
please haewon……….”
“why… why do i! have to go cuz of you!!! I mean……. nuna….! Why do I have to go to the
hospital to see that ass!-_-^!!”
\ on the way to the hospital ^ㅇ^
“..ㅜ 0 ㅜ.. thanks haewon…… I’m forever in your debt..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..”
“….hah… going to visit a boyfriend of a girl who dumped me….. first time in history….!!”
“……..dump you…??…. boyfriend..?- 0 -..? when did I ever dump you-0-!? And how many
times do I have to tell you?!??! taesung’s not my boyfriend!!! he’s just a brother! - 0 -!!”
“…YOU!!! okay… NUNA…. Asshi…. Why’s it so hard to say nuna…..nuna…nuna….. fck…….i’m
just gonna call you by your name, aight….”
“ㅜ 0 ㅜ…whatever …!!!!!”
“YOU!! Be truthful at least once, yeah??? You SAY with your lips that you like kim daehan…
but your mind really.. truly likes chung taesung!! You think I’m some idiot!?!?”
“NOOOO!!!!!!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!! Taesung’s a BROTHER!!!!!!!!!”
“uh…………. Huh……. You call out your brother’s name in your dreams huh!?” aww… your
such a cutie…. You took it to heart…ㅇ.ㅇ… - _ - when I stared at haewon proudly, he
looked aghast..ㅜ 0 ㅜ “yah!! I only remembered what you said cuz your test paper was so
filthy!! Drooling all over the place! It was such a shock….”
“..we fought again 어…….. ok ok… however you feel… it’s not my business so……. Imma
start meeting the girls who like me.. aight..?” haewon pushed my head away……….
“….man, I’m the dummy for liking you for more than a month….i’ve changed now… okay?!”
“aight.. lets go then.” haewon started to walk infront of me once again……….
\ infront of room 502.. “….chung hankyung…..”
“the reason I let you go…. Was so that you could go to chung taesung…. You know that
“…so.. if you say anything like…. How you suddenly like kim daehan and stuff…..”
“……..it’s considered an insult to me… okay……?…..”
……haewon firmly grasped the door knob….. “but still……………”
“don’t… don’t be all lovey dovey with chung taesung when I’m here…………”
as soon as those words left haewon’s lips, he opened the door wide.
…… …………-0-…….. jooho was here…-0- what…….. happened…..? I told him!!!! !!! that I’ll
come home by 2 to pick him up.. I wonder how he knew whre to go….-0-…… taesung and
jooho was on the bed, laughing and joking around…jooho glanced at me and haewon,
uninterested..-0-… “jooho..-0-..how did you……… get here..”
“……kidnapper called home….- 0 -.hyung ah hyung ah. so if I really meet the wrong girl I’ll
be the same as being bankrupt-0-?!” jooho asked taesung in a loud voice.. meet the wrong
girl and you’ll be the same as being bankrupt?!-0-!! taesung……… what have you been
telling jooho ㅜ 0 ㅜ??!!! taesung nodded his head, seriously… “….ooh.. haewon you’re
here…^ ^ “

a wolf’s attraction-69

.. “….so your arm and legs are broken……….. isn’t like you to be so.. “hurt” taesung… heh
you sure you’re not just putting on a show so you don’t have to go to school-_-^?”
- 0 -………. I quickly poked haewon’s sides.. “..how’d you know…^-^..racoon~ hey
raccoon…-0-..that hyung right there looks mean, huh..”…. taesung seemed like he was
whispering to jooho… except his voice was loud enough for us to hear.. “yeah… that hyung
comes to our house a lot… I don’t like him though..-0-.”
“-_-^….chung hankyung. Didn’t I tell you I didn’t wanna come……..” I forced haewon into a
chair near taesung’s bed..
“nuna… what about han dareum…ㅇ.ㅇ..?”
“..ah… dareum………. She’ll… be here.. soon…^-^….”
“..you called han dareum, too…? You on your death bed or something chung taesung…?
You’re crazy….”
- 0 -….haewon ahhh….ㅜ 0 ㅜ…. “……..^-^…..nuna… why’d you bring him..-0-…”
“taesung… you told me to bring him along..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..”
“……….does.. it hurt a lot……?…..”
haewon silently… but seriously asked taesung.. “OUR CAPTAIN-0-… shall get better by
MAGIC!!! You meanie head!-0-!” haewon put his hand over jooho’s shouting mouth.. “…it
looks like I’m sick yeah…? Haha.. I’m just here cuz I don’t wanna go to school..-0-.. it’s
really comfortable.. you should put on an act, too……”
“…..it’s………. cuz of your heart again… huh…” haewon… knows, too……. “yeah.. my heart
hurts..-0-..aiii yah..-0-…cuz of our nuna -0- I think I’m in love!! Maybe that’s why my
heart hurts so much..-0-…..” taesung said to haewon as he grabbed my hands-_-..
“…….taesung ahhh…-0-..did you eat yet….?’
“yeah~^ㅇ^ the nurse nuna gave it to me^-^”
“yeah…. What about you, jooho…^-^….”
“-0- you’re no different than that meanie head over there!! Let go of the captain’s hand
immediately!!”……. I quickly stuffed jooho’s mouth with a piece of lollipop. “oooOOOOP-
“…that kid… seems like your son.. and you guys are husband and wife… kek..” haewon
stared intensely at me and taesung’s hand…… …..feeling a bit uncomfortable.. I let go of
taesung’s hand lightly. “..nah.. you don’t have to…. It’s not the first time this happened to
me… keep on holding on..” haewon grabbed my hand and linked it with taesung’s…..
“……….bahn haewon………” taesung quietly called haewon’s name….. “…..what…………”
“……….i order you.. to… protect our nuna… when I’m not… here.. okay-0-?!!!!” ……taesung
shouted loudly as if it was nothing….. “…..you really do sound like you’re on your death
bed… if you die, consider me your son.. tch… and I don’t need this dummy anymore-_-
“…..consider it as my wish..^-^..haewon..^-^……”
“…uh huh…. Her heart’s out in the fields.. what am I suppose to do with a only the cover..
this dummy doesn’t even have curves..=_=…and.. don’t sound like you’re gonna die
anytime soon..it doesn’t sound right…………” among….. haewon’s complain…I could see how
much haewon cares for taesung… “………yeah taesung…. Stop saying you’re gonna die…
next week… you an I will go to dad’s grave.. and you promised to go to the beach with
“why would this kid go to your dad’s grave………..”
haewon asked us… I forgot.. he doesn’t know I’m related to taesung……
“huh…?……….. it’s just…………. yeah…..”
“you guys are that close……..? didn’t know.^-^…” the room had hushed… taesung didn’t
say anything…….. ….taesung doesn’t want to tell haewon that him and I are related…
Why…? I don’t know the reason……..
haewon wiped his hands on his jeans and stood up. “..imma go now… chung taesung..
there isn’t anything else you wanna tell me, right…?”
“bahn haewon……”
“…don’t leave our nuna….^-^..dummy…. but innocent…. she keeps on crying stupidly……
and gives out money when she doesn’t even have any…. she’s always so easily deceived…
she might not have the best curves… but… don’t leave out nuna….. I just wanted you to
know that…………. ^ ^…next week….. I’m having a surgery… and… so… I’ll just borrow our
nuna for a week…. From then on.. you can… you can protect her……..” I didn’t let go of the
lollipop I shoved into jooho’s mouth.. ………as I silent hung my head low.. right then
haewon stopped in his tracks…. ……… his hands on the door knob… “…..surgery next
week…? Then… the day after you have your surgery… let’s go out and drink……. Chung
taesung…. It has been awhile since we last went out to drink huh……… I’ll wait…. If you
don’t come… I’ll consider you as a traitor……”………haewon ah…………… thanks
haewon………………….. you’re the best…..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…. haewon opened the door… and silently
exited out…. jooho pushed my energyless off of him and started yelling while jumping and
running around the room “-0-I was suffocating!!!!!!!! You wanna kill me or something?!??!
You ahjuma!!-0-!!” I held onto jooho’s hands… stopping him from jumping around and
yelling… I sniffled.. holding back my tears…. I don’t want jooho to see me crying…….
“….racoon!! stop jumping around!! I won’t let you hear my cell phone ring if you continue
running around!!!!!!!!!” at taesung’s words, jooho stopped jumping around…. and satisfied,
taesung took out his cell phone and handed it jooho…. jooho happily rubbed the cell phone
against his cheeks as he listened to the ring..- _ -…. boong gee boong gee chachacha
boong gee boong gee chachacha ~♪ the small ring vibrated through out the room…..
“haha……….. that dumb @ss….. I won’t be able to go……….. ………i won’t even be.. here.. yet
he says he’ll wait.. nuna.. d’you hear him..? >_< haha… next week… he’ll wait for me………
dumb @ss………………….i won’t be here……….. I won’t even be here…………..” taesung tried his
best not to cry as he shook his head side to side………. jooho seemed drunk to the ring of
taesung’s phone…………..and not wanting taesung to see my tears…. I, too… hid behind the
anime books I borrowed for taesung……..wanting to cry…but being unable to…….. …….. is
much harder than it seems……………

A wolf’s attraction-70

That night
2 hours later I made Joo Hoo go home in a taxi even though he didn’t want to I sat on the
bed with Taesung reading a couple of comic books.. “Nuna!! Is he more handsome? Or am
I more handsome???”
“Ahh how can you even ask that?? Of course you’re more handsome”
“^^ oh?nuna”
“What did you do to the hospital bill?” To pay off for Taesungs bills I used all the money I
saved up from middle school…”Why are you asking me that??”
“nuna… you don’t have any money..”
“who said I don’t have money?? I have a lot of money!! Oh by the way why isn’t Dareum
“where’s dads grave??”
“dads grave?? Why???”
“just.. im curious”
“its in GongJoo..”
“lets go tomorrow ^-^”
“Lets go tomorrow! Its Sunday tomorrow~ Lets go >.< Lets go >.<“
“Where are you going to go in that body condition???”
“nuna..lets go.. lets go..”
“nuna… show me your friend too.. what’s name?? Mung Mung [ in korean it means Ruff
Ruff ^^]?? Was it Mung Mung???Mung Goo?Mung Mung!!! Mung Mung!! =___+”
“Tae sung its Mung Goo T^T”
“okay ^-^” Slowly Taesung put his head on my shoulder and started laughing while
reading his comic book…My brother is so handsome…my brother Taesung is so pretty…
Playing with taesung’s hair.. I slowly fell asleep..
Next Day
“nuna!!! Wake up!! We have to go to Goog Joo!!!”
“Uhhh..okay..” As I opened my eyes..I saw Taesung all ready wearing his coat and scarf..
when did he get all ready?? “You want to go to Goog Joo right now??”
“lets go!!!” says Taesung…
“But its only 7..fine lets go?lets go?T^T”
“Lets go!!!!” While we were walking on the road.. girls started to look at Tae sung.. When
im walking on the road with Haewon, Haewon would start to yell at them… Haewon would
say “What are you looking at???” Hahaha “nuna whats wrong??” asked Taesung “huh?? Oh
nothing.. I’m just happy, that’s all..”
inside the Bus….
Taesung was all happy looking outside the window… “Taesung why are you laughing??
Aren’t you tired?? Take a nap”
“not at all”
“what time did you sleep yesterday??”
“at 3 am”
“What!!! Why???”
“because I wasnt tired? Why, did I do something wrong???”
“of course, You did something wrong!!”
“oh hehe I did??”
“why arent u sleeping?? Hurry up and sleep!!?” With my strength I put Taesungs head on
my shoulder “I don’t want to sleep nuna…”
“I like being awake.. If I die im going to be asleep forever….”
“If you talk about you dying one more time, your going to die from me!!”
“psh.. im not scared of you ^-^”
“your eyebrows are sagging.. so you don’t look scary.. you look sad..”
“…….T^T” Sleep.. no.. sleep.. no.. sleep..no..That was how the bus ride to there was
Taesung didnt sleep for even one minute during the ride… “Taesung do you want to meet
my friends first?”
“no..I want to go visit dad first..”
“okay then…^ ^” I walked with Taesung, holding hands as we walked to the grave… How
long has it been dad?? I even bought taesung with me, today!! Aren’t you proud of me
^^?? Taesung looks so much like you… very handsome ^^.. Hes very popular too ^^..
hes healthy and hes tall…. just like you!! “Dad im here..” I heard taesung say.. “Its been a
while hasnt it dad?? How long has it been?? About 5 years?? Dad.. dad.. im here..” said
Taesung “dad, you remember my face right…?? Didn’t I get handsome..?? Im the Jjang at
our school ^^”
“T^T I broke my arm and leg.. But it doesnt hurt ^^…I met nuna so I can hold it in..”
“Dad isnt Taesung handsome?? If you had such a handsome son… you should have told us
before!! Ill go bring some stuff to eat..Tomorrow…. ill really bring things you like to eat…”
“nuna..dad likes squid right??” Asked Taesung “yup your right!!”
“Dad I didnt know that you passed away… so for 5 years.. t thought… that you didnt come
visit because you didnt like me….since you didnt come… I admit.. I didnt like you for
awhile.. did you know that???”
“Dad my grandmas in heaven, too right?? You must be with mom and grandma……….
tchh.. just leaving me alone like that…” For 2 hours we were at dads grave… “Taesung lets
go now..its cold…okay?”
“the weeds arent all pulled out.There are so many..” For another hour… we stood infront of
dad’s grave… while Taesung pulled out the weeds.. Taesungs lips were slightly turning
blue…. so we went to Mung Goos house…

a wolf’s attraction-71

“look who we have here!! hankyung???? oh dear, it really IS you!!”

mung goo’s mother ran out to greet us joyfully, barefooted… looking around the area… I
noticed that everything was still the same…. TOT

“ahjuma! TOT”

“aigoo!! you should’ve called before you came!! house a mess, really…. it has been forever
since I last saw you hasn’t it dear?!!”

mung goo’s mother stared at taesung fascinated while hugging me tightly..

“who’s this guy?”

“^O^ hello ^O^”

“why are you limping, dear? hankyung who is this?”

“ah…… he’s my cousin.. isn’t he handsome? ^^”

“aigoo… just look at him… resembles your father from head to toe.. must make a lot of
girls cry..”

“ahjuma lets go in. ^o^ where’s mung goo? ^o^”

in the room..

two gigantic bowls of rice were set infront of taesung and me… taesung looked a bit
perplexed as he began poking at the rice..

“aigoo!! you shouldn’t poke at the rice like that! -0-”

surprised at ahjuma’s shout, taesung looked at me with one eyebrow raised..-0-

“taesung… she’s right, don’t poke at the rice -0- just give me some of your rice if you can’t
finish it all.”

“okay ToT”

taesung immediately transferred half of rice into my bowl.. well at least he’s eating it
without a complaint… the country rice IS different from the citys’…

the ahjuma had her albows on the table, as she stared at taesung with her chin in her

“aigoo… hankyung just look at his eyes… sparkling like you sprayed some glitter over it… I
wonder how in the world he could look so much like your father… and his lips!! red like a

=_= a bit embarassed, I began shoving the rice into my mouth before taesung spoke up

“ahjuma.. O.O when does your son, mung mung come home? O.O”

“huh.? -0-”


“ah.. ahjuma!! he must’ve mistaken mung goo with someone else!! ^o^ I have a friend
named, mung mung…TOT”

not a second after those words left my mouth, the door opened wide and…..

“hankyung?!??! HANKYUNG!!!”

“Mung goo yah!! TOT”

leaving behind the surprised ahjuma and taesung… mung goo and I sniffled and cried,
hugging each other…

my friend mung goo.. ToT somewhat resembling wun, my mung goo.. ToT.. the person
who won first place at catching cows, barehand.. my mung goo.. ToT after a moment of
more crying and thinking… I noticed duk hee standing before mung goo, her eyes
glistening with tears.

“duk hee yahh!!! -0-”

“hankyung ToT”

and about… 30 minutes more of crying and hugging……

“hankyung, do you know him?”

mung goo asked, pointing at taesung

“yeah ToT mung goo, he’s my cousin.. isn’t he adorable? ToT”

“O_O yeah he is… hey hey duk hee.. isn’t hankyung’s cousin more cuter than joon suk?”

duk hee was silent while she stared at taesung, her cheeks reddening -0-………… wait…
theres something weird, here.. -0-

that night.. duk hee, mung goo, and I were out in the lake… swimming.. catching frogs..
splashing each other… and chatting excitedly as if time had stopped for us.. while taesung
and duk pahl (duk hee’s 7 year old brother) were fighting on a big rock..

“how’s your nuna pretty?! -0- my nuna’s muct prettier!! -0-”

“no!! my nuna is prettier!!! ToT you just dunno anything!!! -0-”

“seriously, your nuna’s not that pretty! O.O a red potato… -0- potato -0- potato~~”

“nooo.. ToT my nuna’s not a potato!! ToT”

“she is too a potato!! -0- want me to call her pepper, then? -0-”

“wah hahhhhh!! TOT wahhh ahhhhhhhh TOT”

duk hee, mung goo, and I stopped playing with the marbles and ran to where taesung and
duk pahl was hurriedly.. when we got there, we saw taesung shaking duk pahl’s arms to
stop making him from crying.

“yahh… I’ll let you hear my cell phone ring! don’t cryy..”

“wah ahhhh ToT”

“i won’t let you hear the ring if you continue crying! -0-”

“wahh.. ahhhh ToT nuna… this hyung called you a red potato!!! ToT”

duk hee stared at taesung silently, her eyes glistening with tears.. taesung you have a
lonng way to go before realizing how fragile a girl’s mind can be..
at the city terminal…

ahhhh… why do we have school on mondays.. ToT i’d sleep over if we didn’t… taesung and
I were on the bus while duk hee, mung goo, and duk pahl waved their arms at us, from
outside….both of my arms were full with things to eat, that I got from mung goo’s
mother.. duk hee was crying softly.. mung goo was forcing a smile… and duk pahl stuck
his tongue out at taesung.. -0-

“mung goo.. I’ll visit again, don’t worry… sorry for not calling you often.. duk hee, I won’t
forget to write! duk pahl… I’ll see you later”

leaving a person behind…. and being the person who has to let the person go… I’m sure
that both of them are as sad as the other… all of us, forcing ourselves not to cry with the
barrier of a window between us… as soon as the bus engine started…

“potato! mung mung ah! dduk pahl ah~ I’ll come again!! I promise!!”

taesung suddenly shouted causing duk hee to pound on the windows, crying louder… duk
pahl was suddenly pouring out tears… while mung goo grinned sorrowfully… this.. this was
why I didn’t want to visit… cuz I knew we’d end up being more sadder than before…
when the bus started running through the dark woods.. taesung softly spoke up, disturbing
the silence between us..

“nuna, are you crying?”

“i’m not… ^0^… ToT”

“we didn’t get to say bye to dad..”

“we’ll come again… after your surgery… we’ll come back and you get to tell him how much
you’ve gotten better!”


taesung grinned faintly… and tiredld leaned his head onto my shoulders…

“sleep, taesung..”

“k… nuna… I bet the nurse nuna’ll kill us when we get back”

“ToT I know what you mean.. TOT”

for about an hour… taesung and I both drifted off into dream land but was forced to come
back for the cell phone in my pockets continued vibrating nonstop… for some odd reason…
I felt a sense of urgency so flipping open the phone…


“what’s yoo jaehee’s home number?”

haewon sounded breathless with a hint of urgency in his voice.


“yeah!! yoo jaehee!”

“jaehee…… wait why?”

“just.. what’s her number?!’

“did… something happen..?”

“she jumped infront of this guy who was about to hit me….. man she fainted after one hit…
tell me her number”

“……… WHAT!”

ahhhhh!! TOT first taesung’s ill … and now jaehee fainted, too?! -0- I quickly told haewon
jaehee’s number and haewon hung up right away without a bye…. I heaved a little sigh,
seeing taesung in a deep slumber and because of an unknown migraine… I leaned my
head softly against taesung’s…

a wolf’s attraction-72

being careful not to be spotted by the nurse unni,

taesung and I sneaked back into our hospital room at
about 1 a.m.. -0- too late to go homeee.. well…
i have my uniform and backpack here so I might as well
just go to school straight from here…

-0- I totally forgot about jaehee!! TOT ahh…haewon..


“taesung, aren’t you sleeping?”

“yeah. O.O”

“whyy..? -0-”

“…. I don’t like to sleep. O.O”

“taesung ah… see.. I have this friend and.. she’s
hurt…. so imma be right back, okies?”

“friend?! friend?!?! but nuna, you don’t have any

friends. O.O”

“-_- I dooo!!”

“why is your friend hurt?”

“she tried to protect haewon and she got hit instead..


“haewon? does your friend like haewon?”

“yeah.. I think she does.. TOT I’ll be right back,

okay? you better be asleep by the time I get back!”

“nuna…… what if haewon goes to your friend?”

“i’ll be right back taesung…. sleep ^-^”

taesung nodded his head… man, he doesn’t look too

welll….. after helping taesung change into his top
pjs… I quickly dialed jaehee’s number infront of
taesung’s room..

…….dding…. dding…. dding….. ddding….


a voice mixed with a sigh…

“haewon… hey..”

“who is this?”

“hankyung… how’s jaehee?”

“i dunno… she won’t open her eyes..”

“did her parents arrive yet?”

“nah… they’re on their way…”

“its nothing serious, right..? jaehee will be okay..
right??!? she’s just collapsed for the time being,

“i don’t think she’ll die after one hit… she’ll wake

sooner or later..”

“where are you? what hospital….”

“samsung hospital..”

“i’m here, too -0- what room?”


“i’ll be right there!”

asking around, I quickly sprinted to room 107 and

after calming down my beating heart… I opened the
door carefully… the first thing I saw were 2 beds…
the first bed was empty…. and the 2nd bed contained
jaehee’s body…… with haewon rocking back and
forth, biting his lower lips..


“eh? were you at the hospital, too?”

i hurriedly ran over to jaehee… her eyes were

tightly shut and…. oh my gosh.. I see a bruise
forming on her forehead! -0- but … hey… is it
just me or does it seem like she’s biting her lips,

“how…how did jaehee hit?”

haewon looked tired as he blinked a couple of times


“you know those guys who were beating up chung

taesung? Well.. I was out with my friends drinking and they start picking a fight with

“those guys who gave you a cut on your eye? -0-”

“ yeah”

“then one of ‘em b!tch throws a punch at me.”


“so I just thought I’ll start with a punch then she suddenly runs in front of me! -0-”

angry haewon


“then after one punch she just collapsed. “

“so… then what happened? -0-”

“I kept on fighting while dareum and haejung brought her to the hospital… was she always
this weak? How can you just collapse after one hit?!”

“jaehee? Well.. she’s skinny….”

When I turned gaze toward jaehee, worried… I felt her eyelashes shaking.. -0-

“jaehee!! You’re awake?! Jaehee yah!! Can you hear me..??”

I suddenly ran over to where she was and began shaking her by the shoulders but her
eyes didn’t budge…

“yah.. yah! Stop… she’s hurt…”

haewon grabbed my shoulders and pulled me back… when I looked up at his face…

“oh my gosh… you got another cut on your face..”

“ahhh… hyung will kill me again.. sshi he’ll probably hit me with a fire extinguisher…”

“I see a bruise forming, too.. T_T”

“argh… one of the guys scratched up my face with his finger nails… aish… can’t even go
out now without them picking a fight with us..!”

haewon brought his hands upon his face and touched one of his scars.

“let me see…”
getting on my tippy toes, I looked at haewon’s cut, closely..

“it might hurt.. but we should apply alcohol…”

I slowly brought my left hand to touch his scars when…

“haewon ah!!!”

jaehee suddenly jumped up, shouting loudly. -0- I never heard someone shout that loud
just after they wake up.. -.,- at the same time, the room door opened and entered
jaehee’s parents who both grabbed jaehee and began questioning her if she was all right..

“I’m okay mom..”

“oh my…… what’s this world coming to… are you the person who called me, before?”

jaehee’s mother turned her focus on haewon. -0-

“yes… hello…”

“ah…thank you ever so much.. if it wasn’t for you.. TOT… but jaehee… how did you get
hurt so much…?”

when haewon opened his mouth to say something…

“see mom!! These guys were fighting and I somehow got caught up in the fight and I got
hit in the face, you see? And this guy here named haewon gave me a ride all the way to
the hospital.”

O.O jaehee lied.. O.o jaehee’s mother grabbed haewon’s hands in gratitude.. I greeted her
four times already but she seems not to recognize me.. let alone know I’m here… realizing
that this wasn’t where I should be, I sneaked out of the room…

I’m glad jaehee’s okay… haewon seemed surprised, too… dummy… getting hit again… I
hope that scratch doesn’t last a long time….

“what happened to chung taesung?”

haewon was suddenly behind me..

“ah.. he’s upstairs sleeping ^^”

“only 4 more days until the surgery huh..?”

“I see…”

“it’s already 2 a.m haewon… heh we’ll be late for school tomorrow, again..”

“I’ll just pluck out more weeds.. no big deal… you should leave.. chung taesung’s waiting
for you…”

“ye… ah… I should..”


“oh yeah haewon.. thanks for last night..”


“for… supporting taesung and… treating him nice… ^^”

right then, the hospital door opened with a creak..

“haewon ah.. mom wants to see you.. ^^”

it was jaehee..

“why.. imma go home..”

“but mom wants to see you.. O.O just.. don’t leave yet… my dad will give you a ride back

“it’ll be uncomfortable, I’ll just go by myself.”

“I got hurt cuz of you… -0-”


Haewon silently followed jaehee back into the room… after staring at the door one last
time… I hurried back upstairs to where taesung was sleeping…

Next day at school…

Finals again, today.. haejung and haewon were sitting in the same seat as Saturday.. and
haewon had his head on the desk, looking tired while I stared at his back, adoringly. -0-
looking closely, I saw haejung stabbing haewon in the back with her index finger.
“yahhh~~ what happened last night?! Is that unni okay?! Huh??”

“talkkk~ hmm? Hmmmm? Didn’t you used to go out with her?! Dareum told me….. but
that unni must like you a lot! O.O”


“why else would she try and protect you?! But hey.. isn’t that unni fake? Her personality
seems so… hm what’s the word… tricky.. ish? Am I right? Huh???”

haewon slowly got up from the sleeping position..

“do you……….. want to die? “

“O.O no O.O”

“haewon plopped down on the desk again and started to sleep this time, haejung brought
her mouth to haewon’s ears and said in a loud voice

“hey!! You have a bruise on your face!! >O< what if it lasts forever?!?!”


“lemme get a closer view?! Hmm? Lets go to the nurse office!!! >O<“

“don’t shout into my ears!!”

haewon stood up angrily and shouted.

“why are you screaming?!?! >O<“

“why are you so annoying?”

haewon that was a bit harsh. haejung stared at haewon without a word then buried her
head into her hands.

“yah….. are you pissed?”


“yah… yahhh yoo haejung..”


haewon and haejung have a cute side to them..

a wolf’s attraction-73

the door had opened at that moment and today’s teacher was…. the math teacher the
same teacher who had pounded on my butt with a bamboo stick when haewon announced
my name into the microphone ever since then, I had to concentrate hard in his classes for
I knew he would always give me a death glare

“if I catch you cheating, that’s an automatic zero! And… note my words, it’ll be automatic
death for you, as well!!”

the teacher shouted out loudly as he passed out the test papers incase I were to make eye
contact with the teacher, I hung my head low immediately today’s assignment was…….

because the teacher stood right next to me, observing me carefully… I had to use problem
solving techniques that wouldn’t make sense to anyone.. =_= about 20 minutes later……..
-0- my hands were shaking madly causing me to drop my pencil onto the floor. -0- I
quickly bended down and stretched out my hands toward the pencil.. then…

“chung hankyung!!”

>O< dude why not just give me a heart attack!! >O<

“what are you doing, looking at other people’s test papers?!”

“……..excuse me? O.O”

“do you think I’m dumb enough not to notice that you cheat while pretending to drop your

O.O…………… I bet no other teacher would think this… TOT

“I didn’t..”

“you didn’t? hah are you talking back?! Huh?!?!?”

everyone’s gaze in the classroom were set upon the teacher and me..

“I’m sorry..”

“did you see the test paper in front of you or not?”

“I didn’t… T_T”
“you DIDN’T?!”

the math teacher raised one of his eyebrows and glared at me.


“can you SWEAR that you didn’t?!? hmm?? You think I’m blind?!”

“I really didn’t see his paper… I just dropped my pencil…. And.. that’s why I-”

“oh ho!! Talking back, again!!!”

the atmosphere was getting serious by the second.. everyone stopped with their problem
solving and stared at us… this is so not fair… I didn’t do anything wrong……”

“hey!! Get back to your papers!!!”

at the math teacher’s shout, everyone looked back down….

“bahn haewon, get back to your paper… are you deaf? Get back to your paper. Hm”

“I can’t cuz its too loud in here.”

Haewon replied annoyed…


“its too loud.”

“I am simply scolding a person for cheating!! How is this too loud?! Just get back to your

“yah.. chung hankyung”

haewon called out my name.

“yeah? T_T”

“did you cheat?”

“no. T_T”

“she didn’t”

“chung hankyung, come to my office after this period.”

“me..?? T_T”

the math teacher left without another word. T_T in the remaining 20 minutes, all I could
do was to check off random boxes and wait, shaking, for the period to end. when the bell
rang, I immediately stood up..

“yah… sit down.”

“the teacher told me to come, though.. T_T”

“sit down.”

With that order, haewon stood up quickly.

“what’s up haewon? Where are you going?! O.O”

haejung grabbed the end of haewon’s shirt.

“ let go yeah? It’ll rip. Let go “

“>_< chi… it won’t rip just because I grab it.”

But haejung looked afraid as she slowly let go -0- haewon silently exited out through the
back door…. He wouldn’t right? -0- scrambling to my feet, I ran to the back door. O.O

Slam! O_O the door opened…

“just stay here don’t follow me aight? “

haewon slammed shut the door. About 5 minutes later, haewon came back in, his face
shining with pride.

“haewon ah?!”

getting up, haejung and I both shouted in unison.

“chung hankyung.. you don’t have to go to the office. And don’t apologize for anything you
didn’t do. Aight?”

Haewon finished with his sentence and sat down once again.

“haewon ah. O.O you took my hits for me?”

“am I an idiot?! why would I get hit!”

“TOT then…?”
haewon opened his mouth to say something then took out his cell phone from his pockets.

“nuna…. Today..? why… what? I can’t… oh okay… yeah I’ll see you there..”

haewon closed his phone.. nuna? Which nuna? O.O I wanted to ask him but… knowing that
I didn’t have the privilege to butt into his privacy… but haejung was one curious girl.

“yahh~ who is it? Who!! Nuna??? The girl last night? Yoo jaehee? Hrm? Does she want to
see you? Huh???”

“ahh… I dunno.”

“what do you mean you dunno! -0- yah!! That girl’s hecka weird!! She looks sinister, too!!
Just cuz her face is all pale, she thinks she’s all that!! Are you gonna meet her? Huh! Are
you??!! -0-”

I wonder if haejung talked about me like that.. haewon dug his fingers into his ears as if
he was annoyed with her questioning..

“yoo jaehee after chung hankyung eh?!”

haejung glanced toward me after shouting fiercely at haewon and giving me a small smile
she turned her head again. the 3rd final ended without anything going wrong.. and right
after the bell rung, haewon slung his backpack over his shoulders and stood up. Haejung
chased after haewon

“um.. haewon..O_O”


“thanks.. before.. ^^”

“what? Oh yeah.. no prob”

“are you meeting jaehee today?”


“yeah… have fun. Oh yeah, is jaehee still in the hospital?”


“oh.. okay… bye then..”

haewon nodded his head toward me and exited out the backdoor…….. something seemed
so strange…. It feels as if haewon and I had drifted apart so much… I can talk to him… and
see him everyday.. yet haewon…. He’s walking away now…

walking to taesung’s hospital… I thought about how I didn’t even get a glimpse of dareum
after I had asked her to meet taesung….. I couldn’t help but feel angry toward her….

in the hospital…

taesung told me he had been playing cards with the grandma.. he also complained that
she cheated off of him, once again.

“nuna. O.O”


“where’s our grandma?”


“yeah… from dad’s side..”

“why.. do you.. wanna see her? ^^”


dad’s mother.. I haven’t seen her ever since dad’s funeral…

“nuna! Lets go see her!”


“lets go see our grandma~ ^^”

“why… why taesung?”

“my surgery’s in 3 days…”

“we can see her after the surgery! ^-^”

“I don’t believe in miracles.. ^-^ lets go see our grandma!”

it was so awkward.. hearing taesung say those words as if it was nothing……

“okay… we’ll go….. just a minute..”

when I opened my cell phone… I scrunched up my face, trying to remember grandma’s
number. taesung glanced from my cell phone to me, his face shining in anticipation… oh
yeah…… my first aunt! Her last 4 digits were…. Um….. 3616! I remember memorizing her
number cuz it had been so easy…. Anyway…. Recalling my memories.. I carefully dialed on
my cell phone…. And before 3 rings…

“who is this?!”

a young male’s voice rang throughout the phone…

“………um.. isn’t this aunt’s house number..?”

“han yaewon, wanna die?! Huh?! -0-”

“excuse me?”
a wolf’s attraction-74

what’s he talking about? T_T I’m so confused..

“nuna, who is it? Who? Grandma?”

taesung shook my elbows and over the phone, I heard the guy muttering scary cuss
words.. TOT

“han yaewon!! Where the heck are you?!”

“excuse me? This… this isn’t yaewon….”

“….? Who are you?!”

“this is hankyung…? is… um.. is my aunt home? T_T”

“what aunt?”

“….. my… aunt..”

“as I was saying, which aunt..?”

“she…. Might be your mother… probably.. T_T”

“yah.. why is my mom your aunt?”

hey… his voice sounds a bit familiar.. ooh… I remember now… first aunt’s son….. I met him
at my grandmother’s seventieth birthday party..

“um… do you happen to be eunsung oppa?”


“I’m hankyung. ^O^ remember me? 4 years ago at grandma’s birthday party?”

“what…??? Yah… imma hang up now.. I’m waiting for a phone call.. and your aunt doesn’t
live here! “

“eunsung oppa! It’s me! At grandma’s 70th birthday party! -0- remember how you pushed
me on the ground?”

and… hence there was a guy who had shouted at that moment.

“ah!! I remember! That @ss? Nuna! Are you talking with that b!tch right now? That b!tch
who pushed you?!”

it was taesung.. I quickly covered up the intercom.

“yah… lemme speak to whoever said that..”

and yet I wasn’t quick enough..

“um.. he didn’t mean it toward you.. TOT”

“lemme talk to him”

“I’ll call you later… can you tell your mother, that hankyung called? TOT”

“yah!! Don’t hang up!! Lemme talk to that @ss!!”

“sorry oppa T_T I just wanted grandma’s number.. T_T”

“yah!! Don’t hang up!!!!! if you hang up, your phone will explode! it’s the truth! I have a
machine that does that at home.”

….. that didn’t make sense at all..


“sshi !&*^!&#*(!@!! YAH!!”

I quickly shut the phone and after heaving a sigh…

“taesung ah. You shouldn’t have said that to him.. “

“I know that b!tch!! nuna, I was there when he pushed you!!”

“but you know how he is.. TOT”

“what about grandma, nuna?”

“T_T we’ll call back later.. T_T”

“okay. “

after I prepared taesung’s lunch and sat down, pondering how I could find grandma… my
eyes opened wide seeing jooho standing infront of me, panting.

“joo ho yah!! O.O”

“ahjuma, you’re deeeeeeeeeeead. -0- mom’s gonna kill you -0- you didn’t even come
home -0- you’ll get chased out of the house!”

“is mom.. really angry? T_T”

“=0= I came here by myself! Aren’t I smart? Hyung ah!! Captain! I’m here!”

jooho jumped into taesung’s bed.

“raccoon you like me too much “

“captain! -0- lets wrestle today! Huh? Huh??”

“nuna, go home ^-^”


“I’ll stay with him so don’t worry… you have to tell your mom…. Plus you didn’t go home
for awhile.”

“yeah… I will.. taesung, take care of jooho.. I’ll be right back.”

Imagining mom’s angry face, I quickly ran to the bus stop.. on the way I saw a crowd of

“we should be able to see taesung today! -0-”

“yeah!! We should be able to!! Wait no.. we WILL no matter what!”

“what if taesung’s really hurt?! TOT”

“b!tch don’t say anything like that! -0-”

about 10 people passed me by, spreading white dust anywhere.. I even saw a couple of
girls among the crowds.. taesung.. jooho.. I wish you luck.. T_T when the crowd had
almost disappeared, the bus arrived and I hurried in… sitting in the back, I stared
dumbfoundedly at the people climbing into the bus at every stop….

About 7… 8 people entered 3 stops later… and the last 2 people were haewon and jaehee…
they both saw me, and I smiled at them awkwardly… except they didn’t give me a reply..
jaehee plopped down on the seat next to mine and haewon sat next to her, his face
hardened… looking out the window, I hummed along a song as if I wasn’t affected in any

“did something good happen?”

jaehee said to me as if nothing was bothering her..

“huh? Uh yeah.. ^^”

“haewon, thanks for today. ^-^”


“lets meet tomorrow. You end after 3rd period, right? Same with me ^O^”

why is this friggin bus so slow?! Aiiiiii TOT run faster!! Faster I say!!


“yeah…. Tomorrow.. why are you busy?”

“no I’m not… yeah lets meet”

“okay ^o^ do you wanna see a movie tomorrow? You like watching movies, don’t you?

unable to hear anymore of their conversation, I tiredly got up from the seat. =.=

“huh? Hankyung are you leaving? ^^”

“yeah.. bye jaehee… and haewon..”


haewon and jaehee answers in unison. I quickly pressed on the bell and jumped down into
the streets on the way home…. All I could think about was jaehee and haewon….. now…
the reason as to why I was worried at haewon and jaehee meeting wasn’t about daehan
anymore… instead it was because of jealousy. I guess this is how I lost the second love
that visited me by in my teen years…

when I entered home with a heavy heart… mom slapped me a couple of times on the
cheeks and forbidding me to leave anywhere.. she locked my room, took away my cell
phone and my home phone… getting under the covers, I cried and sobbed nonstop… all
I’m doing is crying this month… TOT

what about taesung…? TOT well.. at least he has the crowd to take care of him tonight..
heuk heuk T_T the worries I hadn’t thought about drifted back into my mind… taesung’s
hospital bills… the awkwardness between dareum, taesung, and me… T_T the meeting with
grandma… jaehee and haewon… and the percentage of the success taesung’s surgery
could be…

I’d rather die.. TOT I’m not some magician who can make everything okay T^T aigoo.. I
dunno what I’m suppose to solve first.. T^T

A wolf’s attraction-75

that night. 7 o’clock

dareum and jooho had entered the house together… dareum didn’t say anything as she
went straight into her room.. while jooho stood infront of my door, shouting loudly.

“monsters visited captain’s hospital today! Monsters are eating the captain throughout the
night! Munch munch -0-”

“jooho!! Get in here!!!”

at mom’s piercing scream, jooho stomped to mom’s room. Monsters? I guess jooho means
taesung’s friends..

both jaehee and haewon took place throughout my entire dream that night…. And thanks
to their uninvited visit… I was forced to stay awake until school started..

in the classroom…

my cheeks were still swollen from mom’s slap last night..

last final day… until the bell rang, I forced myself to concentrate on my test papers without
sharing at least one sentence with haewon.. I guess haejung was pissed at haewon, too,
for she didn’t talk to haewon at least once for four hours… probably because haewon met
jaehee last night.. -.,- when the test ended, I remembered taesung saying he want pizza
and walked downtown in search for a pizza hut.

mom told me she won’t let me in if I go home after 7.. TOT today’s Tuesday… and
taesung’s surgery’s tomorrow….. how am I suppose to pay for taesung’s hospital bill…….

“excuse me?”


“um… your pizza’s done.”

“ah… sorry.. O_O how much is it?”

on my back was the same backpack haewon gave me and in my hands were the hot, warm
pizza I had bought for taesung. Lets go~! As I was walking out of downtown..

“yah!! HEY!!”

“YAH!! You there!! With the pink backpack, you!!”

O_O I carefully looked back… and slowly turned my head once again…. when I looked
back… the same bullies who had beat up taesung.. gave haewon a cut eye… and hit
jaehee… were smiling at me revealing their yellow teeth.. -0- I started running away as
fast as I can, but was caught not even a minute later… with my backpack caught in one of
the guys’s fingers, I screamed as loud as I could.
“sh!t!! (!*@&#(!@#!!! Shut up!!! You’re that girl who was with chung taesung, weren’t
you?! You took him away somewhere!! Yah, where the hell’s chung taesung?!”

“I dunno.. TOT”

“you don’t know..? why don’t you know!”

the hideous creature began shaking me while saying those words. TOT

“I really don’t know. TOT”

“just tell me and stop crying!”

“I really don’t know!! TOT let me go T^T”

“follow me.”
The hideous creatures began pulling be by the backpack.. man why the heck are they so
strong..? they dragged me back into the busy downtown.. TOT this.. this is kidnapping!!
Just like I saw in the movies..!! the pizza I was holding dropped onto the ground. TOT

“MY PIZZA!! TOT I have to give that to tae…! I want to give the pizza to taesung!! TOT”

“did you just say, you’re gonna give that pizza to chung taesung?”

“no… I said I wanted to give it to him. Heh heh -0- if you happen to meet him, can you
give it to him for me?”

“hoo… you won’t tell me, huh?”


“just follow me..”

the hideous creatures dragged me further into the city… whew.. I can do this chung
hankyung.. just.. just don’t panic.. ToT YAP!!!!! ASSAH!!! All of a sudden, the hideous
creatures stopped in their tracks.

“yah.. isn’t that bahn haewon”


“fcuk. Yah, pink backpack!”

“yes? TOT”

“you… walk behind us, aight? Don’t look like you’re a part of us, okay?”

“what? TOT”

“if you tell him we’re taking you somewhere………. You know what happens right?”


“just hang your head low and walk 50 meters away from us. If you run away or tell we’ll
go to your school.”

The hideous creatures began walking infront of me.

“yah.. why can’t we just kill him right now? He’s alone..”

“dude.. theres only 4 of us, right now.. if we get in a fight with him, he’ll just pound our
faces in, aight? Just follow what I say… hang your head low.”

The hideous creatures walked while complaining.. T_T they all had their head hung low..
T_T… swallowing back my tears, I forced myself to walk as if nothing had happened..
haewon didn’t recognize the hideous creatures.. and…

“you going somewhere?”

“yeah.. TOT”

“are you… crying?”

“no.. T_T”

“why are you crying again… you shouldn’t be out here alone..”

“I’m not crying.. ^O^ see?”

if I ask haewon to help me, he’ll get in fight again… T_T I can’t let that happen.. his face’ll
get scratched up again.. T^T from the side of my eyes, I saw the hideous creatures
shaking their fists at me.. I don’t want haewon fighting cuz of me…

“it’s nothing haewon.. are you going to meet jaehee? ^-^ yeah.. have fun… I’m kinda busy
so I’ll be going now.”

Haewon grabbed my shoulders as I brushed past him.

“why are you crying..”

“I’m not…”

haewon didn’t let my shoulders go.. If I don’t say anything he’ll just ask me until I give
him some answer…

“I’m just… crying cuz of taesung…”


haewon slowly let go of me..

“I’ll be going now.. I’ll see you at school tomorrow.. ^O^”

haewon didn’t say anything as he waved his hand and disappeared.. the hideous creatures
smiled at me as if I had done a good thing… T_T not wanting them to see my tears, I
continued to wipe away my tears with my forehand as my footsteps were following after
their shadows.. T^T
In a karaoke room…

I guess this is their hideout.. =_= the creatures forced me down into a chair, next to the
counter and went into a room… they seemed to be talking to someone… and… pretty soon,
they came out, once again.. but this time accompanied by 3 girls about my age, who were
chewing gum…

“what? This girl? You want us to handle her?”

“-0- handle? Handle what? What are you handling? -0-”

when I asked them in surprise, one of the girls replied.

“until you tell us where chung taesung is, we handle you, okay?”


“can’t let anyone hear a guy beating up a girl. We’ll be in the karaoke room, singing aight?
Hey girls… just don’t let her die, k? ^-^”

the hideous creatures tapped my cheeks and went off into a room…

you’ll hit me? -0- just until I won’t die..??

a wolf’s attraction-76

when I looked around, dumbfounded, the girls scoffed at my actions.

“yah… so you’re the slut who hit on chung taesung?”

one of the 3 girls, a girl with short hair, asked me.

hit on? He’s my brother! T^T

“I expected something better hearing chung taesung’s head over heels for this girl.. where
do you play at?”

where do I play at..? O.O does she mean where did I use to play at..? O.O

“sshi… answer me! Where do you play at!”

“when I lived in gongju I used to play in the creeks but they don’t have those here..”
the 3 girls scoffed in disbelief and one of the girls who had been holding the karaoke
books, walked closer to me and slapped me on the head with the book. -0- aigoo!! Holding
my head, I stared at them, eyes full of tears. TOT

“don’t cry. We get more of an urge to hit you more, if you cry.”

It hurts. It doesn’t hurt as much as when mom hit me but right now… these punches and
slaps the girls are throwing at my thin skin hurts more than I had expected..

“you grew up getting beat up or what? You won’t even complain, huh? I guess we have to
use some of our feet, too. Hahaha”

I was already splattered on the floor as the scary girls started stepping all over me… these
girls aren’t hitting me to find out where taesung is… the beating and hitting.. it’s just a
play thing for them… my back hurts a lot… but I won’t cry… when I was young.. my dad
told me that if you cry as you fight, then you can’t win… that you’re the lose… well… I’m
not exactly fighting right now.. but still…

“yah.. where’s chung taesung?”


“where is he?!”


as I ignored their question, they began kicking and stepping on me more violently.

“ah… man fcuk look at her misun.. she won’t cry.. keke”

“sshi !@&#(!@ I’m getting tired, how long has it been?”

“half an hour. Damn she’s hard core or what. Sshi.. yah! You really won’t tell us, huh?”


“ahhh… she’s pissing me off.. yah misun, you liked taesung didn’t’ you? Just finish her off
with every part of your loathing.”

“yeah? Aight, guys stand back while I do my job.”


I didn’t even have the strength to lift my face up yet these kids sat me in a chair by force.
The short haired girl began swing her arms like a windmill.. I think she’s gonna hit my
stomach. look at her face.. she’s enjoying it too much… windmill………. Hah… wun…. It’s
been a long time since I saw wun…… taesung’ll be waiting for me right now… I can’t even
give him my pizza…

The short haired girl’s fists came closer and closer…. Not even a hint of sympathy…… I let
my eyes close…

“yah!! Sshi !(@#&*!@!! what are you doing!!”

one of the hideous creatures came out of the room and shouted.

“why are you yelling!! You told us to beat her up until she tells!”

“yah, I didn’t order you guys to kill her! Are you gonna take care of it when she tells the

“YOU told us to beat her up just until she won’t die!!! Is she dead?! NO! why are you

“you !@*#&*(!@s!!!! I knew you guys were a bit bored these days. I told you guys to find
out where chung taesung is, not to entertain yourselves!”

the hideous creatures and the girls’s voices became louder and louder.. I even hear
punches and slams. The rest of the hideous creatures ran out of the room in surprise.
someone lifted me up and dragged me out of the karaoke room.

“yah, go to the hospital. Don’t tell anyone you got hit here, aight?”


“aish imma go crazy.. fcuk those girls.. yah we didn’t hit you, you know that right? Right?”


“we’re letting you go easily so don’t tell this to anyone okay?!”


“taxi!! Yah, go to the hospital by yourself.. eeshi..”

the hideous creature called to one of the taxis and ran back to where the karaoke room
was.. I leaned against the brick walls for support and when I squinted, I saw a surprised
taxi driver running toward me.

“aigoo!! Are you okay?!?!?”


“who did this to you?! Is it the guy who just ran off?”

“no it isn’t… mister, the hospital please..”

“which hospital?! Just any hospital?”

“anywhere except for Samsung hospital… just anywhere else..”

if taesung sees me right now.. he’ll just be worried.. and his condition might get worse…
but the taxi driver ignored my plea and 5 minutes later, we were infront of the large and
crowded Samsung hospital

“go in now.”

“mi…Mister.. I don’t like this hospital”

“what are you talking about!! You’re not in any position to complain, with your body!”

the ahjusshi pulled me into the hospital T_T well.. I just have to get a checj up and I’ll just
come out straight afterward.. taesung’s in the hospital room so he won’t even notice I’m
here.. T_T as we were walking into the hospital… I realized that the hot liquid that came
into my mouth ever since I got into the taxi was blood from the cut around the area of my
eyes.. -0- blood!! Well… at least it’s not tears this time..

“huh? Nuna! Aren’t you taesung’s girlfriend?”

one of taesung’s friends stood infront of me

“ah.. do you know her?”

“she’s my friend’s girlfriend! Mister!! Why is she hurt like that?”

“I dunno.. if I knew, I’d be less perplexed.

“give her to me, I’ll carry her in…”

“would you? Sorry I’m on duty right now..”

no ahjusshi.. T_T I pleaded through my mind but my body was already piggybacked my
taesung’s friend..
“what are you talking about!! Taesung has to know!! Nuna, who hit you? Huh?”

“T_T lets not go… taesung can’t be any more stressed out..”
“taesung ah!!”

slam! The 501 room had opened suddenly and the friends who had been surrounding
taesung, stared at me wide eyed.. one of them had a bananna in their mouth while some
others had hamburgers…. A wave of silence fell over us..

“taesung! Your girlfriend!! Someone beat her up!”

I hoped he wasn’t here… I hoped taesung wasn’t in the room… but taesung slowly walked
to where I was..

“taesung ah.. see I collapsed with a bicycle on the way….”

“who is it.”


“I asked you who it was”


“I asked you which b!tch hit you.”

“the bicycle b!tch “

taesung held my by the shoulders and stared into my eyes….. his eyes were shaking
furiously.. his voice changed scarily, too…

“girl or guy”


“did a girl beat you up like this?!?!”

the nurse unni who had been passing us by, dropped her clipboard in surprise. I shed a
tear in silence.

“then nuna…. Are you like this cuz of me..?”

taesung’s voice was unsteady… I hung my head low at his question.

“lets go.”

At taesung’s command, every one of his friends exited out of the hospital room along with
“taesung! You can’t go!! Please, you’re not even better yet!!!”

but the door had slammed in my face and silence fell in the room once again… when I
grabbed the door knob to follow them out…. The final bit of strength I had in my legs gave
up as I collapsed onto the floor.
a wolf’s attraction-77

as I sat down on the floor… I felt knives jabbing into every part of my body.. TOT wait, I
shouldn’t be worrying about how hurt I am.. taesung’s going into surgery tomorrow! He
shouldn’t have left like that with his cast on… what should I do… ahhhh… the hospital room
opened at that moment , making me to scurry back in surprise.

“who……… aren’t you taesung’s nuna?!?!?”

nurse unni. She kept on screaming at my condition and dragged me to where taesung’s
doctor was..

in the office… the same black rimmed glasses with the rectangular chinned doctor..

“it’s just a couple of scratches so applying this medicine everyday should do it. Don’t take
off the cast, or the eyepatch. “

a cast like bandage were all around my arms and a eyepatch was on my left eye

“um… doctor.. taesung… he… left to go fight…”


the doctor jumped up immediately

“what’ll happen to taesung??”

“he went to fight in those conditions?! Is he mad??”


“he can barely survive the surgery tomorrow as it is yet he left to go fight in those

…barely.. survive the surgery….? At hearing those words, I collapsed, once again.. TOT
seeing me sob hysterically, the doctor looked uneasy.

“ah… hey.. hey….”

Taesunggg.. taesung ah!! TOT

Infront of the hospital….

It had already been 3 hours since I waited for taesung… ahhhhh he won’t come back… it’s
time for me to find him on my own. I bravely swung my arms back and forth as I quickly
walked into the streets of the city. As I walked, I felt the stares from many of the people
on the streets. first time I get this much attention on my own… it’s not such a good
feeling. -0- I guess this was why haewon and taesung didn’t like walking on the streets…

Looking at every alley and shops, I didn’t see a trace of taesung anywhere.. where has he
gone off to… it’s already 11… aigoo… mom’ll chase me out of the house.. >_< why am I
even thinking about this! Taesunggggg!! TOT

On the final alley….

“hankyung. ^-^”

a couple was walking toward me

“hi jaehee… haewon… hey”

“yah.. why’s face your like that?”

“O.O hankyung, why’s your face like that?”

they both asked me in unison.

what have you been doing until now… jaehee smiled brightly… have you dumped daehan

“I bumped into a bicycle..”

“you should’ve been carefully.. I’ll see you later, haewon let’s go. ^-^”

jaehee pulled on haewon’s arms..

“bicycle? Hah.. why’s your face like that..”

“really.. I bumped into a bicycle…”

“do you want me to shout?”

“really!! Heuk.. I seriously bumped into a bicycle.. T_T”

why won’t anyone believe me T_T for some reason… I felt angry toward haewon for being
with jaehee…

“haewon, lets go… the bus lines’ll end.”

“who hit you?”

“I didn’t get hurt… go already… I’m busy right now.. -0-”

“you were okay a few hours ago..”

“yeah I was… and then I ran into the bicycle..”

“stop with the bicycle!!”

haewon shouted angrily. Why do I feel happy.. -0- I think I’m turning more and more into
a fox…

“hankyung ah.. daehan switched his cell phone number..”

jaehee gave me an anonymous smile as she told me


“don’t you like daehan? ^-^ oh yeah haewon.. see I have this boyfriend named daehan”

haewon was silent… I guess jaehee’ll tell the truth now.. how I dated haewon cuz of
daehan.. TOT jaehee continued on.

“me and daehan were dating and hankyung likes daehan, right? So if you and me were to
go out, daehan would be hurt.. so she tried to prevent it as she went out with you ^-^
isn’t hankyung incredible? Sacrificing everything for her love..?”

I stared at jaehee, dumbly… jaehee yah… why’d.. why’d you change so much..?

“I know… I know aight? Nuna, you go ahead. Chung hankyung, you hit you?!??!”

“you know haewon?!?! you know?!?!?”

jaehee nagged haewon while shaking his arms..

“yeah!! I know okay??! I went out with her even when I knew she was just using me!!
Nuna go home… before I get mad at you…”

you.. knew haewon…? you knew that I was dating you cuz of daehan…? But why… why….
Why were you smiling at someone as horrible as I am… why did you hug me and tell me
everything will be okay…. Why….. why make me more horrible……

“haewon… why… why were you nice to me even when you knew… I don’t think I can bring
myself to look at your face anymore..”

“if you’re sorry, then tell me .. who hit you?”

“why!! Why do you wanna know!! All I do is hurting you!! Why are you so nice to me?! Are
you stupid?? There are plenty of girls who like you!! You could just go to them and be
treated far much better than how I treated you!! Why are you so nice to me…”

hah…………… hah…….. this…. For the first time in my life, I’m shouting and screaming…
because I was sorry…. And because I loved haewon, I shouted at him more… haewon
stared at me without saying a word then smiled faintly..

“what do I do then… even when you’re looking somewhere else.. all I could think about is
you… ever since I let you go.. I’ve felt like hell… and all I do when I drink nowadays is to
cry…… what am I suppose to do when I get mad that you got hit so much…”


“whether its kim daehan or chung taesung… watching your back all the time.. watching
you cry after those guys.. and all I could do is to let you go… do you know how pathetic
that is?!”

“I’ve always watched your back, too.. TOT”

“…I don’t wanna hear it..”

“I don’t like daehan anymore!! Really!! TOT”

“I don’t wanna hear it aight? Now just tell me why you’re like this..”

“I’m serious!! TOT I think I like you!! TOT no… I like you!!”


“heukheukheuk.. sshi you dunno how much I’m going through.. I can’t even tell you how
much I like you cuz of chung taesung.. and all I could do is watch you and jaehee go
around without saying a word!! TOT”

“I didn’t know you were the type to like a lot of guys at once.”

“T_T I only like you…. Opposite sex wise..”

haewon put up my fingers as he said to me………

“chung taesung…. And me… that’s two”

“taesung’s my brother! TOT”

“stop with the brother thing!!”

“he’s my real brother!!! TOT”


Haewon’s face immediately hardened and jaehee, biting her lower lips… glared at me as if
to rip me apart..

a wolf’s attraction-78

=_= I told him.. I finally told him… a few seconds later, haewon opened his mouth.

“I’m not in the mood to play games with you”

I opened my mouth..

“I’m not PLAYING any games with you T_T”

haewon says..

“in my ears, it sounds like your talking nonsense.”

“I’m telling the truth!! Taesung left to go find the people who beat me up!! Chung taesung!
Chung hankyung!! Siblings, okay?? I found out we’re related a couple of weeks go!! My
dad’s name is chung taehoon!! Do you believe me now?! TOT”

aigoo… that feels refreshing.. telling him everything that was on my mind… haewon stared
at me intensely, a hint of realization dawning onto his face.

“yah haewon, you’re not believing her, are you?”

jaehee stared at haewon pleadingly

“I do”

“she’s lying haewon!! she has a habit of lying ever since she was little!!”

huk! When did I ever!! That was you, yoo jaehee!! You told me that you saw a talking
duck and a golden squirrel when we were in elementary school! And you told me that you
even saw a walking cabbage!! TOT that night, I went to the cabbage fields and spent the
night looking for the walking cabbage!! I even didn’t go home one night looking for a
talking duck!!!

“did you say.. chung taesung left to go find the people who beat you up?”

“yeah! But I dunno where he is.. TOT”

“then who are the people who beat you up?”

“sung gwon high school… seniors… those people you and taesung were fighting.. T_T”

“go back to the hospital.. we’ll talk more later..”

haewon quickly sprinted out of the alley.. leaving me and jaehee behind.
jaehee opened her shaking lips…

“you….. you… how can you…”

“you haven’t done anything good, either.”

“why haewon?!”

“what about you then?! Why daehan?! And why haewon?!?!”

“I liked daehan back then!!”

“you lied to me and told me you didn’t know where daehan was when I asked you how he

“okay!! I admit it!! You dated him first and I made him mine afterwards! But!! I knew
haewon before you!! So why don’t YOU forfeit this time!!”

“-0- I wont!”


“I won’t!! I like haewon, too!! I won’t forfeit nor surrender.. !! TOT”

“chung hankyung! Yoo jaehee!!”

daehan stomped over to where we were.. and his friend stared at us, a look of dislike for

jaehee’s eyes became wider..

“you….. you did what….. you…. How could you..”


“is that why you were ignoring me these couple of weeks?!”

“….. sorry…”

“I can’t believe you, you jaehee.. I thought you were better than that…”

daehan smiled sorrowfully… he slowly turned around, and returned to where his friends
were….. jaehee traced after him.

We were all friends in elementary school… we cooked potatoes… had sleep overs… studied
together.. and played in the creeks on weekends.. we were all… all really good friends….
But…. But now.. what do I have left? No one.. I lost both jaehee and daehan…. Well.. at
least haewon knows everything…

Oh yeah!! Taesung might have came back!! The hospital was just a 10 minute walk, yet I
grabbed a taxi and asked the driver to quickly drive to Samsung hospital

The first thing that came into my sight was a ambulance truck quickly speeding out way…
no…. NO!!! -0- forgetting to pay the taxi driver, I bolted out of the door and ran to the
hospital… panting furiously and swalling back my tears, I grabbed one of the nurse unnis
and asked her, pleadingly..

“uh.. UNNI!! TOT that ambulance truck!! What is it?!!”

“O_O a student was badly injured.. why?”

“student?!?!? A guy???!”

“yes. O.O”

“where is he?!”

“probably in the emergency room…”

“thank you!!”

2nd floor, emergency room…

I hoped for the best… I hoped.. I really wished with all my heart that it wouldn’t be
taesung…. Yet the first thing that came into my sight as I landed on the top stair was..
taesung lying down in a bed as he was entering the emergency room.. his clothing were
wet with blood and taesung was grabbing his left chest as if it was hurting him..

“taesung!! Taesung ah!! Taesung!!! TAESUNG!!!!”

the doctors harshly pulled me away from the bed

“taesung… why’d you do it!?!? WHY!! You knew you were gonna end up like this!!!”

taesung took a glimpse of me.. and began laughing… which ended in tears…. Crying
sorrowfully… and sadly…. Pouring out tears….

“take care nuna….. nuna….do this favor for me…? Can you…can you tell me you love me…
just this once…”

taesung forced on a smile, his head shining with sweat…

“eu heuk heuk… euuu heuk heuk.. taesung ah… taesung ah I love you… I love you.. I love
you… nuna really loves you…”

the surgery room opened in slow motion..…

“everything’s okay then.… I’ll wait for you.. nuna….. i… I love you, too….”

The door slammed shut and I pounded on the door, despite the bruises forming on my

yet the cruel and heartless door.. didn’t budge..

a wolf’s attraction-79

you know the saying… where… when you’re too sad… and you’re too surprised.. your tears
could dry up….and you feel nothing but emptiness…?
I think… I think now.. I know how that feels…

I stood in my spot as taesung’s friends shook me, all of them wearing one or more scars or
bruises on their faces…

“what happened to taesung?!?! Huh?!??!”

seeing me silent…. They hung their head low and began sobbing…

“that idiot… he.. he should’ve stopped… we told him to stop…. We told him to…… stop……”

they were unable to finish their sentences as their sobbing turned into bawling… standing
amidst them, I prayed from the deepest part of my heart… for a miracle…. For a miracle to

about an hour later… we were still infront of the emergency room… none of us had ceased
our crying.


When I turned my head, I saw dareum staring at me surprised, holding onto jooho’s
hands… I saw haewon staring at me dumbly behind them..

“unni… what.. what happened…?”


“is… is chung taesung……. Really sick….? Is.. his… life… in danger..?!?!?”


“where’s the captain, ahjuma?? Where’s our captain?!?!?”

jooho took up sobbing as well as he collapsed onto the floor and began sobbing…

dareum grabbed both of my shoulders and shook me furiously…

“I thought… I thought he’d get better after the surgery!!! Isn’t he going to.!? Unni, isn’t


“is chung taesung gonna die!!!”

dareum’s loud voice rang throughout the hallway..

“no dareum….. no…”

“that….. that @ss.. it’s… it’s his birthday today……. It’s his birthday…. His… birthday…..”

dareum’s eyes began to water and just after she turned her gaze elsewhere, a tear fell
upon her shoes… our taesung…. So many people are crying.. and sobbing.. and aching
because of you……… please… survive the surgery…. And just like before… show us that
beautiful smile…? Tell me “nuna, I’m back”……………..grinning widely just… like.. before….

Another doctor hurriedly walked into the emergency room, and before he could enter, I
grabbed onto his sleeve.
“please doctor… please.. I beg you… save him… save taesung….. please.. doctor……


he stared at me without a word and grabbed the door knob.

“doctor.. he can’t die… taesung can’t die… taesung….. he just.. can’t die… I’m the one who
should die… theres too many people who ache and cry for him doctor.. T_T”

haewon grabbed my wrists after hearing my words… the doctor coughed twice and
disappeared into the door. Everything’s becoming a blur…. My head emptied… my mind
emptied… and I began seeing black dots everywhere……


at dareum’s urgent shout, I closed my eyes.

taesung was laying down on a high bed with a white bed covering….. his face was ever so
peaceful.. and next to him were dareum and jooho… crying their hearts out….

My hands were shaking madly.. as I pulled down the white covering….. scars… bruises…
scratches decorated taesung’s beautiful face.. yet he was smiling… he was smiling til his
last… I softly took his hand into mine… how… how much did it hurt taesung…. These scars
and scratches on your hands…. How much did it hurt……….

It still seems like you’ll suddenly jump up and give us a wide smile….. my hands never
ceased to stop shaking as I slowly brought my hands onto his face….

Boong gee boong gee chachacha~ boong gee boong gee chachacha~ taesung’s cell phone
began ringing from his pockets…

“taesung ah…. You got a phone call…. Wake up….. wake up taesung…. You can’t ignore
whoever’s calling you..…..”

no matter how much I shook him, taesung didn’t budge.. his long eyelashes remained in
contact with his skin….. taesung’s friends bawled louder…… one of them…. Croaked out as
if talking was difficult for him..

“nuna.. taesung.. taesung wanted to tell you…. He wanted you to know.. that he’ll be
waiting for you in heaven…. He’ll be waiting for you from above.. so this time… this time,
you have to recognize him right away… even if his face… and his form changes….. he
asked you to recognize him right away……”

dummy… how could nuna not recognize you…. How could… how could I not recognize such
a handsome brother like you…. Why… and how…. Silent tears surrounded me as I caressed
his face gently…

all because of me….. how much… how much did your body… and your heart hurt because
of me…. Living alone with your grandmother….. how lonely were you…… taesung ah… how
much did you cry… how much… how much did you cry out dad’s and mom’s name in the
middle of the night…….. why…. Why are you the only one who’s in pain… why…. You’re still
so fragile taesung… you’re still so young…. Why such a great pain toward someone so nice
and gentle as you…. I’ve done nothing great and I caused everyone pain.. yet I’m perfectly
fine… but why… why do you have to take in all the pain………………….

Taesung’s left fists were clamped tightly…..as my tears soaked his hands… I realized how
much the surgery hurt him……

“chung taesung… you traitor.. you promised to have a drink with me after the surgery…. A
guy has to keep his promise doesn’t he? Why.. why’d you leave without keeping your

haewon croaked out in a low voice… his head hung low…. Then….

“you b!tch. how can you say that promise sh!t to taesung????”

one of taesung’s friend cried out, his voice full of pain and agony…

“lets not fight..”

haewon replied, his voice shaking madly..

“sshi…!@*(&#*(!@ why are you suddenly nice to taesung?!!”

taesung’s friend grabbed haewon’s collar and shouted into his face…

“I’m asking you…. Lets not fight here…”

at haewon’s plea…. Taesung’s friend let him go…. And leaning on the bed… he began
laughing hysterically which soon turned into great wails of sobs…

I know… how stupid… and dumb this may sound like…. And I know how foolish I am for
thinking this… I know how much taesung would hate for me to think this.. yet…. Yet I want
to find a way to go to heaven where taesung is…. and remain there with him….
I slowly stood up and tiredly walked to the door…. I grabbed the cold door knob lifelessly..
A wolf’s attraction-80

“UNNI!!! Wake up already!!! Unni!!!!!!”

dareum’s voice…….


“nuna… wake up…….. nuna……..”

jooho’s voice…..


did he.. just say nuna……..?

when I opened my eyes slowly….

the high white ceiling came into my view….


as well as dareum….. who was crying while laughing…

and jooho…

next to him… was haewon… who just silently stared at me….



“……….dareum…….. I don’t…. I don’t think I can live….

I don’t think I’ll have the courage to…………

dareum…. Haewon….. jooho…… it’s… it’s hard enough breathing …..

how… how………… am I suppose to live another day…………..

I think I realized…. How…. How much losing another hurts more than death…”





“what are you talking about?!?!?unni!! taesung’s surgery was a success!!!!!!!”


dareum cried out looking more than jubilent…..


“………what are you… saying…..”

I immediately sat up and grabbed dareum’s hands……

“….dummy… while you were out cold… taesung had his surgery… and.. it was a success
unni…………. Taesung… taesung’s alive…………………”


I must’ve been dreaming..

is.. is that it…..???…….i just had a horrible nightmare……?……….

………………thank you….. words cannot express how grateful I am….

whoever you are…. Whoever protected taesung.. thank you…ㅜ 0 ㅜ

dareum was soon sobbing on my shoulders……


while jooho muttered a few words…

and burst into tears as well…….


haewon……….. pretended there was dust in his eyes while rubbing them furiously…

…………..wiping away those tears…..

everything… Is okay then…..



“where… where’s taesung……!!”

“….^ ^…..in room 502..^ ^ …..”

I can go back to where Taesung is…

I won’t have to cry anymore…

I jumped down from my bed…

and ran to room 502 like a mad woman…

not even bothering to put on my shoes…

When the door opened with a slam…

Taesung’s friends were surrounding Taesung’s bed…

and noticing my presence…

they all shined me a bright smile…

In the middle… was Taesung with his eyes closed shut…

When I reached out and grabbed his hands…

and even when I bring my hands up to his face…

I was once again… forever grateful of the warmness of his skin…

the image that had stopped me from tearing up once again…

was Taesung’s left fist… it was clenched tightly like how I saw it in my nightmare…

that’s freaky…

how déjà vu…

He’s laying down in the same position and posture like the Taesung I saw in my dreams,
I grabbed the nearest person and shaking him madly, I fired my question.

“Before! Didn’t Taesung… ask you guys to tell me this?! That he’ll be in heaven waiting for
me… And that I have to recognize him right away this time…? Right…?! He did, didn’t

Taesung’s friend gave me a surprised look.

“Nuna…How… did you know…?”

“Just… just a girl’s instinct I guess…”

It’s you isn’t it dad… You protected Taesung during his surgery didn’t you…?

Right…? That… that dream I had before… It wasn’t… really a dream was it…?

You… saved Taesung… yeah…?

Clenching onto both of Taesung’s hands, I sobbed hysterically in joy… for four hours,
nonstop… and… the person who waited for me until the late hour… Haewon. Hearing that
Taesung had to be in the hospital for at least three more days… I left him with his friends…
refusing my words to go home by myself… Haewon insisted on walking me back home…
and watching the stars above…I walked along the road going back to my house with

I was especially thankful to the stars that shined upon us from above… not just the stars…
the moon… Haewon… Dareum… Jooho… Taesung’s friends… the doctor… dad… and
Taesung… for surviving through the painful surgery and coming out alive…

“Haewon… thanks… thank you so much…”

“No problem… No need to thank me… How will you come to school tomorrow? Your eyes
are really puffy, you know that…”

“Haha… Taesung ah… I mean… Haewon… thanks for waiting…”

Haewon grinned as if embarrassed…

“It’s nothing… I didn’t even want to go back home…”

“No, I don’t mean it that way… I meant… thanks for… Waiting for me these past couple of

Haewon silently swung his arms around my shoulders…

It’s been awhile since Haewon and I walked like this… without a word of complaint…
Haewon carried me all the way to my house while I laughed continuously.

In front of my house, without uttering a sound, Haewon zipped up my jacket while I stared
at Haewon dumbfounded. Our eyes met awkwardly… Haewon slowly brought his face
closer to mine… and took a step back… o.o

“If I were to kiss you right now… then Chung Taesung would curse me huh…?”

“Don’t laugh… to think how stressful I was because of you…”

“Haewon… I’m going to live with Taesung”

“Hold up… what did you just say…?”

“Taesung lives alone so when he gets out of the hospital, I’m going to move in.”


“I’m going to live with him.”

“- _ -^…..you know I’m not allowing you to, right..?”


“you can’t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-0-!!”
haewon shouted, his cheeks reddening under the bright stars…………..

I wonder if he still doesn’t believe that I’m related to taesung - _ -…

I’m worried for haewon and me…..- _ -…

well.. whatever with the past and the future… right now……


taesung ahh~ I love you….>ㅇ<

A wolf’s attraction-81

Later on that night

when I softly tapped on the locked door..

dareum opened the door soundlessly… smiling through her sparkling eyes..

..and… asks me in a whisper….

“unni.. what about taesung…?…”

“ah.. he’s sleeping^ ^ “

“..ooh.. okay then lets go to the hospital tomorrow, together…”


dareum slaps my back at my joyful shout and pushes me into her room…- 0 -

“unni… I think it’s best for you to go to school before mom wakes up-_-”

- _ -……..i knew something wasn’t right……


thinking I shouldn’t sleep throughout the night…




I thought about what dareum said a couple of hours ago…….

Taesung’s birthday…

…….and until the rosy round sun slowly crept up throughout the horizon..

……….i pondered on what I should get for taesung..


……….when the clock indicated 6:10……

I bolted out of the house simultaneously when mom’s bedroom door opened - 0 -


everything has a beautiful glow around them, now - 0 - lalala~♪



the empty gates of our school welcomed me… ahhh I got here too early…

………- _ -

feeling up for a little work, I decided to clean up around the classroom..

empty the trash can… wipe away the dust on the book shelves..- 0 -

“huh!? Hankyung, you’re here mighty early^ㅇ^!!”

my kekekaka friends greeted me with a wave… it’s been a long time I last saw them>ㅇ<

“AHA!! MINSOON!-0-!!”

for the first time since I attended this school…. I smiled wide at the teachers throughout
my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period classes…….


and chasing after the confused teacher after the break bell happily greeted me…..

room 2-3 …

I quickly ran to haewon and dareum’s classroom.



through the small crack of the door…..

I caught a glimpse of haewon’s back…

practically glued next to haewon was haejung, laughing happily….

and I even saw dareum giving haejung a death glare from the back…… = _ =…

wun was rocking his head while a silver headphone was set on his ears………


and….. my eyes darted across to haewon’s chair…

the couple backpack haewon had bought hung limply over the wooden surface….

haewon wore it today~^ㅇ^ haewon haewon~^ㅇ^

……i burst into a fit of giggles when…..

“huh!? YAH! Bahn haewon!! my unni’s here!! Get out!! Quick quick!!!!!!-0-!!!!!!”

dareum shouts, shaking haewon’s shoulders…

and haewon spins around almost immediately…….

…..ah………. uh oh….-0-…..

“..haewon….! hi….- _ -..!..”

haewon stood up and walked over to where I stood, dumbfounded..

“……… you came?”

“^ㅇ^ yeah ~”

“your eyes are still puffy… - _ -”

“..hehe-_-… since it was taesung’s birthday last night, you should come to the hospital
with us, haewon.^ㅇ^

lets go buy his gift together^ㅇ^”

“- _ -^……..”

“..^ㅇ^ you’re going with us!!?!”


right then…. A couple of sophomores approach us with wide eyes=_=

they’re here to see haewon, again-_-

yet from the next sentence from their lips were totally unexpected..


“……sorry… but can you call wun oppa for us^ㅇ^?”

“………..yoo wun..?”

when haewon asks back in disbelief…

the girls nodded while yelling out in glee >_<

“……gigantic head, yoo wun……?”

“>_<don’t make fun of wun oppa>_<!”

the girls shouted out in unison - _ -

forcing me to hang my mouth low in surprise - 0 -

haewon slams open the back door and shouts.

“HEY!!! GI-KING!!!!!!(gigantic head king - _ - ) get out here for a sec!!!!!!!!!!!!”



wun comes out yawning, and closes his mouth almost immediately when his eyes land on

“oppa>_< please, can you have this>_<“

“what……. me..?”

“yeah wun oppa..>_<“

“…….you’re giving this to… me? And not haewon>_<?”


- _ - one of the sophomores threw out a loveletter, shyly..


and wun stares at the letter in awe - _ -

“thanks girls…..ㅜ 0 ㅜ………………….you… and the letter…. It’s wonderful…”



haewon talks to wun in a laughing manner-_-

“wonderful-_-^? They’re singing the abc song in unison-_-^”

…….- 0 -…..
I quickly pinched haewon’s arms hard…….

“Ayyy - 0 - Beeeee - 0 - Ceeeeeeee - 0 -!!!!!!!!”

………….haewon sings in a loud voice…

at the same time, the sophomores disappeared around the corner - 0 -

for another second, wun stares at the letter, dumbly……

and glares at haewon, scarily-_-

“- ., - you…….. @ss hole……. Abcd in unison?!??! To those cute sophomores?!??!-


“-_-…..am I lying…? abc-_-^..”

“you dirty….!!-0-!!!!!!”
wun shouts angrily and attacks haewon, trying to pull his hair out..- _-….

I’m not even doing and I’m the one who’s getting embarassed..ㅡ.,ㅡ

“eyy-0-!!!!!!get off!!!!!! What the heck’s wrong with you!!!!1-0-!!!!!!!!!!!”

“wun ah….. please let go of haewon…ㅜ_ㅜ……”

right then, dareum suddenly pops out of the classroom and snatching wun’s letter… she
quickly moved across the hallway-_-

“HAN DAREUUMM!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!!!”

wun immediately chases after her…

all of a sudden..

I’m getting a huge migraine……….ㅇ.ㅇ


with his fingers, haewon tries to fix his poofy hair…


“are you okay…..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..?”

“-_-^……i thought I’d get a letter, too……..”

“…..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…what?”

“I thought those kids would give me a letter!-_-^!!!”

“…….want me… to write you a letter…….ㅇ.ㅇ….?”

“……….i know how to reply..어………………….”

haewon mumbles while ignoring my gaze, as if embarassed-_-..

“okay, I’ll write one~^ㅇ^”

=_= if only I can take back my words….

5th period……

while the PE teacher was busy telling us the rules of dodge ball….

I chewed on my eraser, wondering what I should write about..



-_ -……

- _-……..
and……………. Soon the sound of scratching of the pencil was heared over the white paper…

hey haewon.. this is hankyung.

I’m having PE right now… the same PE teacher you hate so much…

……you don’t know how thankful I am to know you^ㅇ^

don’t forget going to taesung’s hospital after school^ㅇ^

we never really had a date, huh^ㅇ^we should all go somewhere fun^^

and…. Thanks…. For everything.

oh yeah.. don’t smoke at school….

I heard about how you left to go smoke after 3rd period… it’s not healthy, you should

if you’re sick then I’m the one who’s

“chung hankyung… bring that to me………………”

“- 0 -…..excuse me……?”

“the letter!! Bring it up to the front!!!!!”

“……….ㅜ ^ ㅜ …………”

- _ -…..

the PE teacher blushed into a darker shade of red as he skimmed down the letter -_ -…..

“BAHN HAEWON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-0-!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
- _ -….



and after 6th period…..

I had to stand against the office walls with my arms high in the air….. haewon,
complaining next to me……….

\infront of the office book shelves - _ -

“you got caught on purpose to get me in trouble, huh………….”

“noooo….ㅜ 0 ㅜ…….”



“I’m too old to be raising my hands-0-!!!!!!”

haewon punched my head lightly but hardly.

“- 0 -….that hurts haewon…..”

“why were you born a girl… I can’t even beat you up….- 0 -!!!!!!”
…..- _ -….

and for the next hour… I was busy listening to haewon’s complaints and whines…- _ -..

while massaging my sore arms-_-

\ after school.

after getting a phone call from dareum saying she’ll come by later with the cake…….

I walked toward the hospital holding hands with haewon… while clutching ont taesung’s
present in the other……

……jooho’s coming, too >ㅇ<

- _-
haewon seemed to be unhappy about something as he continued to provoke me- _-..

“confused one-_-^ if you move into chung taesung’s house…………”

- _-…it’s the same thing over and over again……… telling me not to go into taesung’s


“…..i have to go in haewon…. taesung lives alone..”

“do you think that makes sense!?!?”

“why doesn’t it! Taesung’s a brother!!! Do you still not believe me ㅜ 0 ㅜ!?!?”

“I believe you!!!!! Okay, I do……….. I’ll move in, too then…”


“I’m moving in, too………”

“you know its not possible, right-_ -….?’

“nope, I dunno anything- _-……….”

“haewon, will you stop with this ㅜ 0 ㅜ!?!?!”

“okay then, I’ll just continue with that>ㅇ<“

- 0 -……….

throughout the whole journey to taesung’s hospital… haewon and I continued with the
same argument..


and not arriving any sort of a compromise.. haewon and I entered taesung’s room… both
of us with a different expression..- _ -

^ㅇ^ my facial expression^ㅇ^

…..- _- were haewon’s expressions.. -_ -……

A wolf’s attraction-82





slowly turning his head……..

taesung stared at haewon and me, surprised…..

“you woke up taesung!!!!!!!!”

screaming out in joy, I ran into taesung’s arms…..

while taesung stared at my face blankly for a moment….

before hugging me tight….



this better not be a dream……ㅜ 0 ㅜ……..

taesung’s aliveee!!!ㅜ^ㅜ

“WAAH~~!? Yah! Chung taesung!! Take your hands off!!!!!!! What the heck you think
you’re touching!!!!!”

………..- _ -………- _ -…..

haewon’s shout broke the tearful get together of taesung and mine…

taesung grinned at haewon.

“you came^ㅇ^ meanie head^ㅇ^”


……………..taesung jokingly talks to haewon, brightly…..

…….i wiped away a tear, behind taesung’s back…


“-_-…..yah… don’t start it…. You do realize that you’ll be out cold after one hit, right…?”

“then my nuna might strangle you.- 0 -..is that okay…?…..”

“……yah……. don’t you know chung hankyung likes me more than you??”

“nuna lied to you..ㅇ.ㅇ..”

“= _=…yah chung hankyung… who do you like more?! Me or him…..!!”

I think haewon and taesung are dropping down a grade everyday..- _-..

taesung sat up, despite his painful condition- _ -

I quickly held out my gift infront of taesung…….



“..what.. is it nuna….?”

“it was your birthday last night^ㅇ^”

“how do you……… know that………….?”

“dareum told me…^ ^!!”

………taesung cast me a bright smile….

he seemed truly happy…….

“….unna… before… I went into surgery………..”


“I acted like I was on my death bed infront of you!! And now… that I’m all alive and stuff…
it’s embarassing - 0 -!!!!”

“then die-_-”

- _ -……….at haewon’s scary words….

my heart stopped beating for several seconds.. - 0 -

“oh yeah taesung… that night when you ran off to fight cuz of me??? Haewon chased after
you!!-0-! Know why? He wanted to save you !!!!”

whew…. Well at least taesung won’t be hurt anymore……

“….don’t talk nonsense!!!”

- _ -….AGAIN!! there he goes with the stubborness…

I don’t even have a witness this time - _ -

“you DID run after him ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!”

“yahh… when did I ever!!”

“you did, you did!ㅜ 0 ㅜ! You left jaehee and me to go save taesung!!!!!!”





“I know nuna……..”

taesung’s whisper.
“you know.ㅇ.ㅇ taesung??!”

“yeah… he.. got hurt a lot that night… you got hit in the back with a brick didn’t you

you thought I didn’t see anything after I fainted, huh-0-!!i saw everything!!!!”

haewon looked uneasy yet changed his expression rather quickly..

“you were dreaming! Man, you two seem and show that you’re related to each other!!!”



“nuna……. You… told haewon……?”


“that was……. Smart of you………….^ ^ ………..i have… no reason to hold you back


the person who had broke the awkward atmosphere that had fallen over us was. ..

dareum who had appeared with a bang while holding a cake in one hand.

taesung stared at dareum in disbelief….

“b!tch! what are you staring at!!!!!!”

dareum shouted out those scary words and pried open the cake box…

…….. to match the cuss word she just uttered out, dareum looked too awkward and
nervous - _ -

it shows how much you’re trying, dareum ah - _ -….

“I can’t eat cherries with chocolate cake.. take it off for mee..ㅇ.ㅇ”

taesung poked dareum’s back and whines like a child - _-……

“are you a baby-0-!?!? Just eat it like I give you!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“……….ㅇ.ㅇ…..i won’t..ㅇ.ㅇ”
“= 0 = WHAT!?!?!?!? Shows how much you’re grateful for someone’s efforts!!!

the punk ness never goes away huh-0-!!!!!!!”

“when are you gonna leave- 0 -….??”

……there they go with the fighting again! ahhhhhh - _-……

for the time being… it seems like taesung’s winning-_-

hot flames-_-!

dareum glared at taesung, deadly…….


it shows……

how much… haewon.. dareum… and taesung…

pretend…. That they hate each other and won’t leave each other alone….

Yet…. We’re all cherishing this moment as the other……..


at last…… taesung blowed on the candles with a hooo..

though he didn’t eat a bite of the cake…….- _ -…..

and that was how……………

…….taesung’s late birthday party………

Cheering and yelling……………………….

…. As one of the happiest memory I hold in my heart………..

and as a fun birthday party… >ㅇ<

that night..


dareum stayed behind, telling me she had something to talk about with taesung..

and haewon and I got on the bus by ourselves….



I totally forgot.ㅇ.ㅇ!!
I have to call my first aunt and find out where grandma is!

leaning on haewon’s shoulders, comfortably…..

my fingers pressed on the familiar digits of my first aunts home number..




pleeeeeeease.. I beg you… aunty, pick up this time……..ㅜ_ㅜ….

not that scary gangster oppa… anyone but the scary gangster oppa..ㅜ-ㅜ…….

over the cell phone… a high toned voice talked back..


“yes… who’s calling…?”

“…..th…this is hankyung..”

“.who do you wanna speak to…? … sung hoon?… eunsung…?”

“…….i’m calling for my aunty…………….”

“…..do you know a guy name…. chung taehoon…?”

“…………..are you………………han….kyung..?”


“oh hello hankyung dear!!!!!!!!”

“aunty!!! It’s me… hankyung!!”

“….goodness.. how long has it been…..”

haewon looked me up and down with a frown - _ -…..

“aunty.. where do you live..ㅜ_ㅜ..??”

“me…? I’m living in Gwachun right now… do you know where that is.?”

“of course..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..well…. I heard of it..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…….”

“…………….where……… are you…..?..”

“at mom’s house~ in ahnyang ㅜ^ㅜ!!!!!!!”

“yeah..ㅇ.ㅇ..?! that’s pretty close^ㅇ^…aren’t you gonna visit your aunt, hankyung!”

“yes..ㅜ_ㅜ.!. aunty…. Do you know where grandma is……”

“grandma…….?….. ah….. my mom^ㅇ^..she’s at our house right now….

She’s not here right now though… she left to go meet a friend……”

“………aunty…………. I have to go now……..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…but it was nice talking to you…….”

“yes it was… I couldn’t hear a word about you for all these years and finally… I get your
call! Do you think you can come here by yourself?”

“of course!!!!!!!!!”





after a long conversation and explanation of their house directions……

I finally hung up the call…….

haewon taps my arms.

“yah…. Who was that…..?”

“my first aunty…..ㅜ_ㅜ…………”

“….you’re going to gwachun…?”

“yeah..ㅜ 0 ㅜ….”

“……with who….?”

“taesung…ㅜ_ㅜ…..heuk..heuk… that was the first time I talked with her in 4 years..ㅜ_ㅜ..

“…..imma go too…”

“I’m going, too… I’ll drive since I know where gwachun is… ok? Now shh….”

“why are you going……..?”

“imma go no matter what you tell me………………..”

“….theres.. a really scary oppa there…..- _ -…….”

“the only person who’s scary to me is you chung hankyung…..”

“I have to go with taesung ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!”

“wanna go tomorrow? Or the day after that.?”

stubborn haewon……- _ -………


I bet taesung’ll be really happi when I tell him..

……the only problem is that ganster oppa….


- _ -……….

well…. Tch I just have to meet aunty and grandma without him finding out..ㅜ_ㅜ..!! I have
no need to worry…ㅜ_ㅜ
A wolf’s attraction-83

next day at school= _=

dareum had came home late after her conversation with taesung..

and wearing a unknown smile on her face….

she disappeared before I even woke up.. - 0 -



and thanks to her disappearance, I had to walk into the gates by myself - _ -

after the incident with taesung.. jooho visits my room frequently….ㅜ 0 ㅜ..

he even calls me nuna…ㅜ 0 ㅜ…….


“nuna! go borrow me a video!!!”

“ㅜ 0 ㅜ jooho!! yeah of course!! what do you want me to borrow!?!?”

- end of scene

after getting off the bus…

i saw haewon and haejung standing next to gates…

after the awkward greeting, I took another step to go in before..- _-

“unni… where’s your ID!”

haejung shouted loudly….- 0 -

“ah……. i’m… a senior…room 3-3… number 13….”

“….it’s okay.. just go in..”

haewon pushed me toward the school with an incredible amount of strength ㅡ.,ㅡ

“yah.. bahn haewon… a rule is a rule…..”

“when did you ever go by the rules..!!”

“why do we think we have to stand here??? to make sure the students go by the rules! if I
let her go then the other students will be jumping up and down in anger”

“aish….. I’ll win over them, aight… hankyung just go in……!”

- _ - ..what exactly do you want me to do..- _ -…

the two started to fight with me in between them..- 0 -

“bahn haewon!! you think you’re so great, don’t you!?!?”

“shut up……..”

“shut up………”

“……..you….. you shouldn’t say stuff like that………..”

haewon’s voice started to shake…- 0 -

“what about those sophmores you let go before..? huh…??? hankyung.. you’ll be late for
first period… just go in…”

“……bahn haewon……..you……. you really think you’re great, don’t you…..”

“yah.. hankyung ah. isn’t your husband, great??”

haewon asks me, staring directly into my eyes ..

- _-………….-_ -…….

…. why am I even standing here in the first place..

“….room 3-3.. number 13, you can check if you want, haejung..^ ^ I’ll see you later,
haewon.. ..”

in order to flee the spot before the situation become worse, I fast walked onward…-0-

their loud shouts and yells rang throughout the fields stinging my eardrums..

“YAH!! BAHN HAEWON YOU ASS!! you think the school’s for dating??!”

“Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why can’t you talk without the cuss word!?!?”

“you’re not even human!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“aren’t you moving anytime soon?!?!?!”

“why should i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

……..- _ -…….

for some reason… they look good together despite all that fighting..- _ -

the infamous tiny fire began to heat up my body from the side of my heart once again…..-
ㅇ -..



and break time… hiding out in the bathroom stalls, I dialed taesung’s number..

one of the reason was that my kekekaka friends wouldn’t let me live if I were to call infront
of them-_-




^ ㅇ ^ ……….taesung’s bright shout rang in my ears..

“taesung ah!!!!”

almost immediately, I heard the familiar voices of my friends shouting in anger.

“chung hankyuuung!-0- you b!tchhhh!-0-! are you talking to taesung!!!!!!!-0-!!!!!!!”

- _ -…..

………………ㅜ 0 ㅜ……..
“(whispering-_-) taesung ahh… when you get out of the hospital, tomorrow… lets go see


“(still whispering-_-) yeah grandma… dad’s mom..? she’s in gwachun right now… isn’t that
good news? taesung ahhh..-0-..? nuna found out for youuu……”

“………grandma……….. doesn’t like….. me..^ ^ …..”

“what are you talking about taesung???-0-!!!!!!!! why would she hate such a sweet thing
like you!!!!!!!!!”


BAM BAM!!!!!-0-..BANG BANG!!!!!!!-0-!!!!!!


the kekekaka friends were now pounding and kicking on the bathroom door - _-
“CHUNG HANKYUNGGG!-0-! come out here immediately!!! let us talk to taesung!!!!!!!!!!-

“……..taesung ahh..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..nuna’ll call you later..ㅜ 0 ㅜ..i’ll see you at the hospitall..”

“who is it, nuna..ㅇ.ㅇ..? is someone beating you up.ㅇ.ㅇ..?”

“nooo..ㅜ^ㅜ..i’ll … just call you later..ㅜ^ㅜ…”

“are you okay??????”

“….yes….. don’t worry…..ㅜ_ㅜ………..”


after hanging up the call…..

i received light slaps on my back from each of my kekekaka friends ..

and crouching slightly, I walked out to search for haewon’s classroom..- _-




cutie haejung was standing outside as if she had been waiting for me.

“….haejung ah… can you call haewon for me..^^ ….”

“………..unni…… you’re going out with haewon again, yeah..? “

“huh?..oh.. yeah^ㅇ^”

“….haewon has a lot of friends from other schools… and a lot of kids here don’t even know
you guys are dating”

“….uh huh^ㅇ^”

“so we’re getting together this saturaday… you should come out,too^0^’


haejung fired a big smile to me.

“haewon’s friends should know who you are, right^ ^? ah…. I almost forgot… it’s in
regular clothes….. no uniforms, okay…? ^ ㅇ ^ “

“we’re going out to drink so you can decide on how you’ll dress ^ ^ just remember not to
dress in a way you’ll be made fun of..^-^

…..by.. haewon I mean ^ ^”


and I caught the gaze of the familiar sophmores..

the same girls who had given wun a loveletter-_-

there was another pink letter in their hands…- ㅇ -

“i’ll call haewon, now^ㅇ^”


haejung lightly walked back into the classroom before I could say anything…

……and haewon almost immediately came out……..

and as soon as meeting my gaze…..

“..hey… I forgot.. I packed, already..”

“wuh…? pack what?”

“to go into taesung’s house…..”

“are you crazy?!-0-! I told you that’s not possible!!!!!!!!!!!”

“^-^then the same applies for you”

“……………..you…. still have bad feelings for taesung…..?

taesung and I are blood related, haewon…… but…. why..ㅜ_ㅜ………?….”

“…..huh….? abc sisters!!…!!”


catching a glimpse of the sophmores, haewon changed the topic sneakily….

all the 4 pairs of eyes were locked onto haewon…

“oh ho. ‘b’ brought the letter, todays’up b-_- “

the sophmores burst into sobs and disappeared around the corner.

seriously……….. at times like this…………… haewon seems no different than jooho…. wun
won’t leave him alone if he finds out…..lalala I should go tell on haewon.. >_<….



\the final school bell finally rung..

and a complaining haewon was dragged off by his friends..

while dareum and I walked along the road to go to taesung’s hospital…



“unni… taesung……..”

“huh……? yeah what about him.^ㅇ^…..”

“i think he likes you….^-^…..”

“of course. I like taesungee and dareumee, too~^ㅇ^”

“….no………… I don’t mean that…………..”


“nothing…..^-^……….unni…. I heard about how you’re gonna move in with taesung..”

“……..what-0-?!?…….uh… umm…. you see dareum…. see.. um… i….-0-…..”

“it’s okay… taesung lives alone, anyways… I won’t hold you back…..

i’ll help you persuade mom.. don’t worry…….”


“BUT….. I’ll always be your best sibling right…………?……”

“dareummm……ㅜ 0 ㅜ………………..”

dareum and I walked, hugging each other until we arrived at the hospital- _ -….

dareum’s cell phone rang as we neared the hospital..

“hellllllllloo……..what.. yoo haejung…? why….. me..? I’m at the hospital? I don’t wanna…..
just go drinking by yourselves…………………. what………

…………….haewon’s there, too.? fcukkk… where are you!!!!!-0-!!!!!!!”


- _ -………..

dareum shut her cell phone, steam visible above her head..

“dareum… what’s wrong..?”

“adhkahdjashd!! man, the guys are having a little get together, right?!!? so they wanted
me to come, yeah??! and when I REFUSED..!!!!!!”

“haejung tells me bahn haewon’s there, too!-0-!!!!!!!!!”

“……..why… is that.. a problem……….(voice started to shake-_-)”

“that yoo haejung’s gonna be all over haewon!!!-0-!!! UNNI! lets go!!!!!!!!”

“….taesung… he’ll be by himself………..”

“AHHHHH!! sshi!! OKAY!!.. here’s the plan… I’ll go fish one of haejung or haewon while you
stay in the hospital room, okay??? don’t go anywhere!!”

“^ㅇ^….okay…. if its possible, fish for haewon!”

“oh H O H!! too much love, there don’t you think? o k!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

dareum sprinted away, waving her long hair everywhere.

please save our haewon from haejung.-0-



when I neared the hospital…..


i saw taesung leaning against the walls in his street clothes..

one of his arms in a cast, while the other was holding a cigarette..

“taesung ah!-0-!!”

“oh.. nuna..?”

i hurriedly snatched the cigarette from taesung’s fingers and stomped on it..


“why are you out here!”

“lets go to grandma’s house^ㅇ^”


“lets gogogo!!!!!!!!!!”

taesung grabbed my wrists and began dragging me away from the doors of the hospital…
“waiit.. taesung… hold on……..ㅜ^ㅜ..why not sunday… or.. or tomorrow..





“i…………..forgot how…. the sun looks like…. the hospital could damage your brains, you

………taesung mumbled to himself, sadly-_-

“…….nuna… what color’s the sky…?? …. was.. was it red, nuna…?”

“taesung ah…………………”

“……you know what the racoon kid told me..? there are… green stuff called TREES
outside..!! nuna.. whats… whats a tree…???….. ..”




“-_-OK! lets go!!! yeah, lets go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“^ㅇ^ grandmaaa!! here we come!!!!!!!”

….taesung tricked me again!!……

taesung happily dragged me to the bus station, happily humming along a tune- _-
A wolf’s attraction-84


a bight smile never leaving his pale face…

taesung plopped down in the train seat headed toward soowun.

the train was almost empty of passengers

with the exception of a couple of college girls who sneaked peeks at taesung from time to


“nuna. I bet that @ss’ll be there……”


“that guy… first aunt’s son, I think…? .. the one that reminds me of bahn haewon..”

“ah.. are you talking about eunsung oppa..? well… we’ll just have to sneak in without him
noticing us……..”

“sneak in? heck no! I’m gonna strangle that guy when I see him..-0-…..”

“- 0 -……….NO taesung.. that oppa’s dangerous, I tell you……- 0 -..”

“pfft! I’m younger!!!”

“-_-…….you know how he is… lets just pay a little visit to grandma and come straight back

taesung half smiled, his eyes sparkling..

(a/n* AHA ‘sparkling’! see pupo? >_<)

“ what’s that smile suppose to be, taesung……?…….”

“ I’m just happy to be around you, nuna >_<“

taesung forcefully pulled my shoulders toward him and swung his arms around me…..

…………haewon always puts his arms around me like this…..

but WHY is haewon out drinking with haejung!-0-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hence there was a familar ring tune in the atmosphere…

and could it be anything else but mine….?…

haewon….. - _-

“where are you?”

“…….ah……….. see… um I think…. I’m in a train….”

“train….?……… why would you get on a train……..”

over the cell phone..

i heard haejung’s loud voice.

“..haewon ahhh~~ why aren’t you pouring my beer??”

“am I your servant??!-0-!!!!!!!!! just drink it by the bottle!!!!!!!!!

…….hey.. why are you on a train…….”

“what are you doing with haejung…………….?”

“what.. wait why are you on a train……..”

“what are YOU doing with haejung….-0-………”

“are you willing to tell me why you’re on the train… or would you rather receive a small
slap from me tomorrow……..”
“you see, im going to grandma’s house -0-”

“……………first.. aunt’s house………? in gwachun…..?..”

“…….uh……… huh…….”

taesung who had been silent throughout the phone call spoke into the speaker..

“heyyy~ I’m here with nuna~ nyah nyah nyah~ bet you dunno how fast a train runs!


“……..chung hankyung.. didn’t I tell you to go with me……”

“well.. you ARE with haejung, you know… ^”

“…..i didn’t know she’d be here..!…..didn’t I tell you to go with me or not..”

“you did…….. but hey! we’re here already -0- I’ll call you later!!”

i quickly shut the phone….

and changing its ring type to vibrate……

got off of the soowun terminal with taesung..

this is the first time I came to soowun..?.?

dang… it’s so big……

thanks to taesung’s knowledge of soowun…..

we visited pizza hut located around the eastern part of soowun…

and ate a yummy pan of pizza>_<

afterward, we went around asking how to get to first aunt’s house for about an hour….

and stopping by the nearest bus stop going westbound..

we got onto the 3000 bus……

and waited for the bus going to gwachun to arrive>_<

thump>_< thump>_<

taesung and I were seated in the front row while chatting happily.
thanks to the remaining scars on taesung’s face…

he still looked a bit scary…..

i wonder how eunsung oppa looks like now….

if I recall… he was really handsome..? ???? ^?^

10 minutes later…

taesung leaned his head upon my shoulders and fell asleep..

how could a guy’s head be so light..-0-!

and as if on cue, the cell phone in my pockets begun to vibrate.

………..it’s haewon…..-0-……..to pick up………….. or not to pick up..

ever remember the quote where a girl becomes weak in love..?….


“where are you”

“……………………………..you’re mad, huh..?”

“i’m not mad.. but where are you”

“..in a bus”

“hey… where in gwachun does your first aunt live..?”

“she told me it was star ville…………. why??”

“what’s her address, then”

“-0-…..why do you wanna know my aunt’s address..?0?…..?!”

“i’ll forgive you if you tell me her address”

“when did I ever commit a sin?!-0-!”

“you fled with chung taesung!!!!!!!!”

haewon finally shouted, letting me know how angry he was toward me…..>_<

“aight.. I’m at gwachun right now. hurry up and get here.. I’ll wait for you infront of her




stalker-0- stalker-0- stalker-0-!!

bahn haewon you stalker!-0-

i can’t go anywhere without him following me!!!!!!!(sounding too happy-_-^)



maybe 30.. 40 minutes passed…..

and I was apologeticlly forced to wake taesung up from his deep slumber…..


and calming down my thumping heart…

stepped into the land of gwachun…..


in the passenger’s seat…there was a girl who was eating chips nonstop

she was headed our way so we decided to carpool together….


while taesung and I were seated at the back.

“taesung ah….. don’t be afraid when you meet grandma, okay..? remember to be polite..”

“….okay… you too, nuna….”

“….she’ll definately love you…….^-^…….since our dad didn’t have a son…

she’ll be really happy to see you, taesung^.^”

then the girl who had sneaked glances at us time to time, through the back mirror, opened
her mouth and asked us in a low voice

“are you two siblings ?.,??”


“aha… I see……?.,?”

“yeah^ . ^”

…..and that was the end of our conversation……

busily, the girl quickly got off at one street before us…

while our taxi arrived at house number 123-1……

both taesung and I were incredibly surprised at the gigantic size of the house..

that all we could do was to stare dumbfounded at the house… none of us willing to ring the
door bell…


as the brave taesung slowly bought his hands up toward the bell…..


i heard a familiar voice from behind……

and tore my gaze away from the gigantic house to see what the commotion was about…..

………..from afar…..

an incredibly handsome oppa…

was chasing after a large rabbit……


“you @ss!! come back here!!!!!!!!”

for SOME reason… I realized that this oppa reminded me a lot of the younger version of
eunsung oppa I saw before

the large rabbit scurried past me…

and disappeared through the gigantic gates of my first aunt’s house….

and finally stopping in his tracks..

the oppa looked taesung and me up and down, deadly…..

- _-

“what are you staring at…….?”

“…nuna.. is that the @ss..?”


taesung pointed finger toward the oppa’s face and asked me loudly.
- 0 -……

“……..i didn’t hear.. what I just think I heard, did i….?”


the oppa who I assume as eunsung oppa…………… took a step toward taesung…

he was a bit taller than taesung…….

oh my gosh!! he IS eungsung oppa!-0-!!!!!!!!!!

his eyes are really similar to taesung’s……

how his eyes shake when he’s mad………… the pale face…….-0-…….

the infamous hair that looks light brown even when you don’t dye it…! it’s eunsung

“yeah you did.. unless you’re deaf..^.^”

………….TAESUNG AH!!!! NOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the oppa who I assumed as eunsung oppa looked amused/annoyed as he cracked his
knuckles and…

…………in a fast speed……-0-……..TAESUNG AHH!!!!!!!!!!!

……and…………………………………. then………


“eunsung ah!! are you fighting again??!!?^?!!?”


waiit… is that the girl who was munching on those chips??!! from the taxi!-0-!!??!!!!!

oh my gosh…!! she is…!!!

and she was sprinting our way!= 0 =!!!!!!!

a wolf’s attraction-85

as soon as the unni arrived at where we stood, she pulled on both of eunsung’s arms….

and even though her mouth was full of chips….

- ㅇ -…

she shouted loudly at eunsung oppa..

“what do you think you’re doing-0-!! these kids were on the same taxi with me!-0-!”

“……… swallow the food in your mouth………?”


“yah…… by the way… why aren’t you taking your rabbit with you!!!!! why won’t it die
already?!?! it’s already been an year!!!”

“………ㅜ^ㅜ what!?!? how.. how can you say stuff like that!?!?”

“sshi@#$!! it runs out of the house everytime I give him green onions, do you know how
annoying that is!!!!”

“WHY were you giving him green onions??!-0-!! I told you to give him cabbages!!!!!!!!!!!
he’s not a pig!!! ㅜ^ㅜ!?”

“you want me to wash cabbages, then!?!?!? hey… I was about to beat up this b!tch right

wait a sec…….”

eunsung lightly shook off the unni’s hands…….- _-…

and his head slanted slightly, eunsung oppa glared with fiery eyes at taesung

one of his eyebrow crinkled with anger…

taesung just continued to smile brightly……- 0 -

and eunsung oppa clenched his fists tightly..

- 0 -…

“oppa!!ㅜ-ㅜ! remember me, hankyung?? I’m your uncle’s daughter!ㅜ 0 ㅜ

and he’s my brother!!! my cousin brother!!!!-0-!!!!!!”



eunsung oppa silently turned his gaze toward me….


“…..he’s… your…. cousin…ㅜ 0 ㅜ….”

“so… what……..”

“you can’t hit him……ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..”

“she’s right eunsung, he shares your blood..ㅜ^ㅜ”

when the nice unni scolded eunsung oppa…..

……….. his face was distorted more- 0 -

“i can’t sleep when someone insults me.. especially a b!tch that looks like a dead dog……..
imma beat him up…….”

eunsung oppa pointed his finger at taesung..

and the nice unni opened her lips…

“eunsung ah………. this.. guy……….. looks exactly like you…………..”

“how do I look like that b!tch????!!!!!!!!!!!!”

eunsung oppa was now beyond angry…………..

“he looks much nicer than you……but without that.. he looks exactly the same!ㅡ.,ㅡ!

come on…..!!seungpyo’s waiting for us!! lets go already!!!!”

“i don’t care about that b!tch…….”

“he’s your friend!ㅜ^ㅜ!!!!! you promised not to talk that way about your friends!!!!! “

“GO then!!!!!!!-_-^!!!!!!! aren’t you gonna swallow those chips!????????”

“AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!- 0 -!!! there you go!!! AAAHHH!!!!!!!!!”

the nice unni opened her mouth wide and showed her white teeth to eunsung oppa……..

- 0 -……

they look…. um really cute together…..- 0 -…..

right then …


well to be more exact….

as eunsung oppa was putting his face closer to taesung’s, glaring menacingly….


with the loud noise……..

a familiar black car……..- 0 -…

slammed into the rear end of the red sports car that was parked outside of eunsung oppa’s
garage……- 0 -……

sonata 3- 0 -…

that………… thatt!!………….

“your husband’s here!!!!!!!!”

with that loud greeting, haewon popped out of the driver’s seat..

- 0 -…….
“….he’s totally my type……ㅇ_ㅇ”

- _ -………when the nice unni whispered in awe..


eunsung oppa …….

fired a scary glare at the nice unni…

and turning around from taesung… he walked over to where haewon stood…


“who’s this b!tch……….”

“……….do you even know me……….. why are you cussing when you just saw me…..?”

eyelevel with each other, they were glaring…..mugging at each other furiously…

taesung started to laugh for whatever reason……

and the nice unni whispered to me…..

“…..is he your boyfriend, too..ㅡ.,ㅡ..?”

“yes….-0-…..i mean.. that guy standing right there is my brother.. and the guy who got off
the car is my boyfriend….-0-”

“he’s pretty handsome..ㅡ.,ㅡ too bad he’s youger…ㅡ.,ㅡ want some chips…..ㅡ.,ㅡ?”

“thank you..- 0 -…oOoh my favorite..-0-”

the nice unni held out her bag of chips toward me….

and watching eunsung oppa and haewon, intensely, the nice unni and I began to munch on
the chips..

“munchmunch ㅡ.,ㅡ munchmunch ㅡ..ㅡ crunchcrunch ㅡ.,ㅡ crunchcrunch ㅡ.,ㅡ”

haewon and eunsung oppa shouted at us in unison……-0-…..

“SSHI@#$!! SWALLOW IT ALREADY!!!??????????”

gulp- 0 -……

the nice unni and I gulped the materials in our mouth simultaneously….

“where did you roll in from…? ….eh……..?”

“i rolled in from ahnyang.. where do you hang out……..?”

“……..kek… ji eunsung… ever heard of that name……?”

“there he goes again..ㅡ_ㅡ..”

the nice unni mumbled under her breath……..

“is that your name….? then… ever heard of bahn haewon..? huh..? bahn haewon..?”

“-0- he’s doing it again.. ahh..”

i, too, mumbled under my breath..


taesung was busy playing with the snail that had landed on a piece of a leaf…….



while my eyes were on taesung…….

A H HHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- 0 -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


eunsung oppa’s fists landed right in the middle of haewon’s left jaws!ㅜ 0 ㅜ!!!!!

and finally realizing the seriousness of the situation..

the nice unni and I got on our boyfriends and begun to yell and shout.

“EUNSUNG AHHH!ㅜ^ㅜ!! what the heck’s wrong with you!!!!ㅜ^ㅜ!!!!!!!”

“ㅜ 0 ㅜ….haewon ah…. it hurts doesn’t it..ㅜ 0 ㅜ…..”



haewon almost looked daft as he placed his hands on his left cheeks…..

and immediately launched a punch at eunsung oppa’s right jaws…..- 0 -.!!


eunsung oppa’s mouth formed into a grin….

scary people these days……..>ㅇ<



the nice unni brought her teeth down onto eunsung’s shoulders and bit him hard..

i stared at unni, surprised…

eunsung oppa shouts loudly in pain-_-

and hence the front door opened immediately……




and our grandma…


stared at us, wide eyed…..


i almost immediately bent my back to bow..

while taesung stared at grandma, casting a look of seriousness onto his face..

the nice unni was in stop motion, with her teeth still beared onto eunsung oppa’s


while eunsung oppa lightly shook his head…



“yah… that grandma looks like you.. hahaha-_-”

………those were the words haewon spat out, without realizing the situation..




\in the gigantic eunsung oppa’s house-_-

haewon said he was going to wait in the car..

while I think yehwon….? yeah.. yehwon unni told us she’ll be waiting at seungpyo…?’s

and that was how yehwon unni left us….

eunsung oppa….. taesung…….. and i..

were silently sitting infront of grandma and our first aunt….- _ -…..



after hearing taesung’s story…..

grandma had her eyes softly closen, in deep thought….

while first aunt was unable to hid her surprised gaze..


eunsung oppa was busy playing games but would occasionally shoot taesung a glare…

- _ -…..
“…..yeah…………… so… you…. were born………. between Gahyun and Taehoon……..”


taesung slowly nodded his head….

“…..i always thought something was fishy… so there was a son of the same age as
hankyung huh……………”

taesung nodded his head again..


“mom.. imma go now…. grandma.. I’ll see you later……”

eunsung oppa stood up rapidly……

and first aunt scarily scolded him…..

“sit back down……….. this is a serious problem……”

“…………….since when was I a part of a house problem…….”

“…….watch what you say infront of your grandma…..!”

“don’t order me around……..”



eunsung oppa exited out slamming shut the door…..


aunty heaved a great sigh….

“so anyway.. did you say your name was taesung….?….what do you plan on doing now..
hankyung ah… does.. does your mother know of taesung’s existence…?”

“..yeah… she does…………. well… she does….


“…….taesung ah…. I heard about your grandmother’s death………. do you have to live alone

aunty asked taesung once again……

“nope. nuna told me she’ll move in with me..ㅇ.ㅇ…”


i quickly had to pinch taesung’s arms- _ -…..

grandma slowly opened her eyes…

and the next few words that had came out of her lips caused my eyes to widen, if possible,

“taesung………. come live with your grandma….”

……….. A wolf’s attraction-86

Aunty told me over the phone that grandma lives in America and is currently visiting for
the time being… does that mean she wants to take taesung to America..? My heart
stopped beating temporarily in surprise while, biting my lips, I looked at taesung and

“whatever the circumstance was… you’re the only grandson that I have…. Let’s go to
America with your things this Saturday…”

“I won’t”

taesung’s words unmelted my frozen heart.. -0- ahhhh…

“what are you talking about.. you’re not actually saying you want to live with your nuna..?
just by yourselves?”

“yes. I just came here to see you… I wasn’t expecting any family reunion..”

then aunty replied to taesung in a scolding voice.

“don’t be so stubborn.. you have to continue on the chung family… whoever your mother
may be… you’re chung taehoon’s son… chung taehoon’s only son..”

taesung looked stressed out as he heaved a sigh and..

“grandma… aunty… it was nice meeting you…I’ll visit by with nuna often… and please know
that I won’t go anywhere where nuna isn’t…”
“sit taesung.”

“did you hear me? I can’t do anything without chung hankyung. I won’t leave korea…
nuna, lets go..”

taesung brusquely got up from his seat and without giving grandma a chance to say
anything else, he escaped throughout the door… now why does that look so familiar to
eunsung oppa..?

“tae..taesung ahh.. -0- grandma… aunty… I’m sorry… just like I’ve said before.. taesung’s
sick so he just…. yeah…”

“hoo.. hankyung please.. try to persuade taesung…. It’ll be better for both sick taesung
and you when he’s at a comfortable home..”

when first aunt grabbed my hands and pleaded… grandma silently nodded her head..

“you’re the nuna so you might be able to persuade him… everything about taesung
reminds me of his father… I have a feeling I’m not gonna sleep well without him in my

grandma wiped a tear with the sleeves of her shirt..

“I’m… gonna go now… now that I know where you live, aunty, I’ll come by often… and
grandma… I’ll see you later when you visit again… I bid you good health… and.. please
visit dad’s grave, often, too..”

this wasn’t what we came for… everything’s getting so complicated now… when I grabbed
the cold golden door knob, aunty shouted out in a pleading voice..

“just.. think about what’s best for taesung, hankyung.. you can make decisions of your
own now, right?”

“taesung and I aren’t gonna leave each other anymore.. bye”

hoo.. stepping out of the gigantic scary house… everything felt so unreal… how grandma
stared at taesung… her expression keeps on popping up in my mind… this wasn’t what I
wanted… taesung didn’t seem very comfortable around grandma and aunty, either…
taesung had to live with his grandma all his life… maybe… maybe he was recalling his sad
memories watching grandma and aunty living so wealthy…..
honk honk! Haewon’s face popped out the window..

“yah.. get in the front!”

when I tirelessly opened the back seat, I saw taesung leaning onto the window, looking

“nuna… sit next to me..”

taesung pointed at the seat next to his.

“-_ - hey chung hankyung… get in the front..”

- _- haewon, too, pointed at the passenger seat. - _ - after staring back and forth between
taesung and haewon, I slammed shut the passenger seat and plopped down next to
taesung. As soon as the door was shut, haewon begun speeding down the road.. -0- for
more than 20 minutes, the two were silent… taesung seemed to be thinking about
something silently as he leaned his head onto my shoulders… while haewon would glare at
me through the back mirror every time the car stopped. - _ -

“hae..Haewon ah… is your jaw okay..? sorry, my cousin oppa is a bit harsh, huh..”

“looks the same, acts the same..”

haewon sneaked a glance at taesung and mumbled.

“I’m not up for a fight..”

when taesung replied, tiredly..

“I feel like exploding if I don’t make fun of anyone… aight..?!”

haewon pressed on the accelerator harder.. when we arrived back at the ahnyang hospital,
it was a bit over 10.. haewon parked his sonata 3 in the dark parking lot and jumping out
of the car, he lit a cigarette..

“taesung. We’re here, lets go..”

wordlessly, taesung pulled my hands out of the parking lot… haewon glanced at me and
taesung and puffed his cigarette once again…

infront of taesung’s room..

“taesung ah… go in and sleep.. nuna’ll visit your house tomorrow and clean everything
up… then I’ll come to the hospital to pick you up! I probably could move in about a week
from now on. ^-^”

“okay… are you gonna go now..?”

“yeah.. I can’t just keep haewon waiting..”

“oh.. I forgot.. you and haewon are back together..”

taesung smiled bitterly..

“yeah, I’ll come by early tomorrow.”


at those words, taesung pulled me into his arms and hugged me toght..

“don’t kiss him..”

“what? -0-”

“don’t kiss with haewon.. - _-^”

“-0- (blushing furiously -_ -)”

taesung hit my red cheeks lightly..

“just thinking about it makes you blush, huh..? - _ -”

“wuh…? No!! -0-”

“go nuna..^-^”

“o k.. sleep tight taesung.. >_< dream about your nuna >_< I love you~~ >_<“

taesung grinned towards me… after making sure taesung entered the room, I quickly ran
down to the parking lot. >_<

huk! Where the heck’s haewon’s car?!

“haewon!! haewon!!!! >_<“

no matter how many times I shouted his name, I didn’t see a glimpse of haewon,
anywhere.. he LEFT already!! well.. yeah I deserve it.. since I made him mad… TOT
crouching in disappointment, I climbed to the 1st level parking lot when I heard haewon’s
low voice from the back of the hospital..

“you’re at the police station, again?! Is mom crying…? Why the heck are you crying..
don’t… tch.. dad’s probably out drinking with another woman… no…. don’t cry… please..”
haewon’s back figure looked so limp and tired… after hanging up the phone call, haewon
leaned onto the hospital walls as he stomped on the burnt out cigarette..



I stepped closer to haewon and closed his collar buttons…

“family.. problems huh…? Don’t stress out about it.. everything’ll be okay..”

“it gets tiring..”

from haewon’s shirt a light scent of perfume mixed with the smell of cigarette tickled my

“I know..”

“I don’t wanna be weak…”

haewon laughed sadly..

“whats wrong with being weak? You dummy.. you dunno how muc-”

-0- at the moment haewon’s lips and my lips made contact with each other… the words
dareum said about haewon cornering you on the walls weaved through my head.. and
also… also dareum’s words about flying to dream land when you’re kissing someone you
love, brushed past my mind, also.. it’s so true…>_<…. Oh my gosh… the scary thoughts I
had about kissing suddenly seemed like a blur as my arms were around haewon’s neck.. -
_ - at the age of 19… I had never thought about giving my lips to a guy before I was
married… - _ - for about 40 minutes… we were against the dark, backwalls of the hospital
without any thoughts… while I constantly tried to calm my thundering beating of my
heart… haewon slowly leaned his head back… I still have all the time in the world.. - _ -
“what are you gonna do about your brother..?”

haewon was looking up at a window, and when I surprisingly looked up toward the
windows, I winced at the slamming of the hospital window.. - _ -

“was it taesung..?”

“- _ - yeah”

“oh my gosh.. what do I do..?”

“you kinda sucked..”

“it was my first time!! You just did it more than you needed to!”

“it never passed 50 times!!”

“-0- fif…fifty times..?! then how many times have you kissed?!”

“not over 40…-_-”

“-0- what about… thir..thirty..?”

“- _ -………….”

“-0- with the same girl?!?!”

“are you crazy?? Not counting the dares, thirty.. “

“you… KISSED more than 30 girls..??!?!? -0-”

“yeah.. but I get the best feeling with you.. ^-^”

“..hope you sleep tight with that best feeling. “

“chung hankyung! Where are you going?!”

“-0- imma go home!! Why do you have a problem with that?!”

and that was how… my first kiss ended with a mixture of happiness and jealousy..

A wolf’s attraction-87

next day at school..

at every break time, haewon would open our classroom door and shout angrily..

“yah chung hankyung!! What the heck did I do so worng?! -0-”

“I have to go to the bathroom… please, move..”

“I’m sorry! How many times do I have to apologize before you forgive me?!”

“if you’re sorry, then please move. -0- are you gonna take responsibility if I pee infront of
BAM!! Haewon slammed shut the backdoor , shaking the floor of our classroom..

“- _ - doesn’t it hurt? You enjoy doing weird things.. “


When haewon was about to say something, a look of full anger on his face, my kekekaka
friends had suddenly appeared out of nowhere..

“oh~ haewon!! look at you!! You look like you’ve grown since the last time I saw you!

haewon glared at my kekekaka friends blankly and disappeared around the corner. -_ -
and from that break time, haewon didn’t bother visiting our classroom anymore.. - _- I
guess he’s pissed…. Ahhhh - _ -

after school ended that way, I scurried to taesung’s house.. I wonder where the security
ahjusshi is… O.O

in ice cold house..

turning on the boiler to high… I folded up my sleeves and begun to clean up around the
house… wash the curtains.. blankets… wipe the windows… buy things to eat.. and after all
of that was done, I realized that 4 hours passed.. -0- oh myy.. >_<! Picking up my
backpack, I sprinted to taesung’s hospital and yelled out


brightly but didn’t see even a hair of taesung.. and on the bed was taesung’s hospital
uniform, neatly folded.. ………..NO.. -0-

“that patient already left this afternoon. O.O”

“wahhh..? -0- what did you say?”

“he already left…”

“did he say anything about where he’ll be..?”

“nope, he didn’t say anything like that..”

“thank you.. TOT”

where are you taesung.. TOT assuming taesung’s downtown like he usually is, I walked
through the crowds.. the time was now 20 past 10… when I walked past the karaoke
rooms, I caught a glimpse of wun around a group of sophomores. -_ - wun had the
happiest smile on his face, and catching my gaze, he bent his back and bowed..

“hey nuna!”

“yeah.. hey wun. ^-^ hi girls ^-^”

the sophomores looked me up and down with a deathly glare - _ - realizing that this
wasn’t my place, I carefully walked past them.. - _- taesung ah, where the heck are you?!
T^T then the sudden thought that had popped into my mind was… taesung must be back
at the house!! Why didn’t I think of that? We just simply missed each other, that’s all! O.O

I stretched my arms and waved at an incoming taxi.. screeeeeeeeech.. and the two people
that had stepped off the taxi caught me offguard… while I stared at them dumbfounded…-

“taesung ah!”

taesung was leaning on a drunken girl.. the girl measured me up and down then asked me
in a venomous voice.

“taesung!! Who the hell is she?”

taesung stabbed my forehead with his fingers then answered her in a low voice.

“a traitor..”

“is she your girlfriend?”

the girl asked, once again..

“I told you.. she’s a traitor……”

“how do you know taesung?!”

the scary woman shouted at me, her eyes widening in anger.. - _ - she was just as pretty
as jaehee yet her personality is like some angry bull.. - _- she had more of a curved body
than dareum, yet the clenched fists scare me to death.. - _ -

“I’m taesung’s nuna…”

“oh my gosh! Really?”

the venomous girl’s voice changed almost immediately. - _-

“yeah…. ^O^”

“she’s not my nuna..”

the words taesung had spat out, angrily..

“taesung.. I am your nuna.. what are you talking about..?”

“i… hate.. the fact that you’re my nuna..”


“I hate calling you nuna… I hate seeing you….. and I hate the fact that you saved me…”

I quickly hung my head low, in an attempt not to show my tears at taesung’s sudden
words.. yet the tears had already fell upon the concrete ground.. taesung left me crying by
the side walk and for about 30 more minutes, I stood still on the very spot, dumbly.. and
bitterly dragged my feet back toward taesung’s house..

After lighting up the lights and sitting on taesung’s bed, I couldn’t stop myself from crying
again in sorrow.. sshi.. T_T after sobbing for awhile, my cell phone begun ringing as if
knowing how I felt… assuming that it’s taesung.. - _-


“you should say HAEWON instead of taesung.. “

“oh… hi haewon..”

“are you waiting for chung taesung’s phone call?”


“…you cried, haven’t you..?”


“sit still and wait for an hour, okay?”

“don’t come!!”

click. Haewon’s coming..? -.,- I slightly stared at the mirror and massaging my puffy eyes,
I waited for haewon to come… - _- a sudden hit of sleep fell upon me as I drifted off to
sleep… and when I felt pair of cold hands, touching my cheeks, I fluttered open my eyes..

“what… are you doing here… why were you waiting for me..?”

“you finally came!”

“….. traitor..”

“wait a minute, I’ll make you honey tea!”

I rapidly stood up to make taesung honey tea yet was forced back down by taesung’s
grip.. taesung’s black eyes were shaking, uncontrollably..

“hankyung ah..”

“what? -0-”

“if I called you by your name, I’d die by lightning, huh nuna?”

“well.. no…. but still you have to call me nuna.. - _-”


“because the heavens decided to make you my dongseng.. ^O^”

“then… imma curse the heavens until I die…”

“what? TOT do you really hate the fact that I’m your nuna..?”


“- _ -……..”

the tears that had dried up, were forming again..

“nuna.. you know that I’m drunk right now, right..?”

“yes.. TOT”

“so……. Imma tell you whatever’s on my mind… okay?”


“if… you see me tomorrow.. you have to treat me the same way okay…? You have to smile
at me like you always have…. Okay?”


the door immediately swung open as taesung was about to continue on with his sentence,
and haewon appeared through the doors, wearing a grey suit…

“what are you two doing there?! -0-”

a wolf’s attraction-88

Haewon forced himself to sit between taesung and me.. - _-

“man, why do you guys sit so close to each other! Ey, what happened to that drinking
promise after you get out of the hospital?!”

haewon lightly punched taesung’s head.. - _-

“die.. that hurts”

“you’re the one who made chung hankyung cry, huh..”



a period of awkward silence fell between us..

“I’ll!! Make rice cakes for you guys!! I brought the material I need for it!”

quietly thanking the rice cakes, I hurried out to the kitchen.. and soon, taesung’s and
haewon’s shouts filled the house with noise… (mostly cuss words.. -_ -)

after complaining how much the rice cakes sucked, haewon searched through taesung’s
house (now our house) and showed me all the love letters taesung got, along with pictures
of girls and taesung linking arms. - _- taesung stopped eating the rice cakes, and told me
the stories about how haewon would always get a call from the bars to make him a waiter,
how older women (married women -_ -) would buy him rings, motorcycles, and other

And thanks to their.. little competition.. - _- I ate all of the remaining rice cakes and
returned home in haewon’s car..

That night at about 12… I decided to finally ask mom about moving in with taesung….
Seating my supporter, dareum next to me, I entered mom’s room while she stared at us
annoyingly, while applying cream onto her face…

“what did you wanna talk to me about? What’s so important that you had to bring dareum

“um… mom…… you see…”


“um… see…. i… i… a month… ago….”

“why are you stuttering?”

“I found out.”

“found out what?”

“my hidden.. bro…. bro………….”

“AHHH!! Unni, you’re so slow!! -0-!! See mom! You know who chung taesung is?? That guy
who was born between our real dad and another woman?! I found out about him a few
weeks ago! And unni’s gonna move into his house! Cuz he lives alone! Let her!”

dareum ah… you’re so brave.. I envy you.. you know how the ice princess looks so cold?
Yeah well mom stared … well glared to be more exact… at us more icily then the ice

“chung hankyung.”


“the day you enter his house is the day you stop being my daughter. And han dareum.”

“yeah! -0-”

“if you ever.. meet that chung taesung kid again.. I’ll denounce you.”

“-0- what’s denouncing..?”

“get out”

“what? Me, too?”

“get out!! Both of you!! Are you deaf?!”

-0- at mom’s sorrowful cry, dareum and I ran out of the room.

“unni.. I think it’s gonna be harder than it seems. “

“then what do we do.. TOT”

“just stay here with me. “

“you want taesung to live by himself? T_T”

“- _- there are plenty of other girls who are willing to feed him food unni.. don’t worry.”

“dareum! TOT”



Carrying a letter in my hand, I was walking to dareum’s classroom when haejung stopped

“hi unni.”

“yeah haejung… can you call haewon for me..? ^O^”

“you know that haewon and the kids are getting together today, right?”


“today’s Saturday! I have to introduce you to haewon’s friends!! ^-^”

“ah…. Right…”

“come out infront of lotteria by 6 o’clock tonight. Haewon doesn’t know you’re coming. You
know that you have to dress up right? ^-^ by the way.. haewon’s friends have a really
high standard. Haha”


“I can’t wait to… see you! ^O^ I’ll call haewon, now. ^O^”

but before haejung could take another step, dareum appeared next to us. - _-

“hey yoo haejung, what the hell did you just say to my unni?? You can’t wait to see her?
You @ss! What the hell have you been telling her?!”

“what’s wrong with that?! You want me to be unhappy to see her then?!”
“you…you…YOU (never wins at an argument -_ -)!”

I gave dareum an apologetic stare..

“there will be a loooooooot of girls who wants haewon… tsk.. I kinda feel sorry for your

Haejung gave dareum a look of worry then disappeared into the classroom. For a moment,
dareum stared at the door dumbfounded then shouted loud enough for everyone in the
classroom to hear,

“unni! If you come out wearing pants or something!! Imma denounce you!!”


“fcuk! Sshi!&@*#!! That b!tch… argh I should beat her up one day..!”

“……… - _-”

“unni! Wear my clothes tonight okay? And PLEASE don’t tie your hair! You look like a


“arghhh.. you know what? Wait for me at home after school okay??!?!”


“unni!! Have you ever worn a skirt that comes above your knees?!”


“..okay…… I’ll see you later..”

Dareum flashed a look of murder then disappeared into the classroom. -_ -… keeping an
eye on the backdoor, I quickly ran to haewon when he was coming out of the bathroom
and handed him my letter. Right about now, I bet taesung’s at school paying
attention………. Wait no.. I bet he’s using his books as a pillow and sleping! ^O^ I wonder
how I’m suppose to go to his house though.. -0- thinking about taesung’s problem got my
mind off of the terrible meeting I was to have with haewon’s friends later..

And after school, I followed dareum’s orders and came home, ditching haewon.. before I
even got to knock on the doors, dareum popped out of the house and greeted me. - _ -

“hurry!!! We don’t have much time!! My clothes!! The wig..! oh God where’s the wig?!?!?”
dareum went through her closet throwing clothes everywhere.. I couldn’t help but to gasp,
unable to produce any sound, at the things dareum was showing me that I made an
attempt to run out of the room… yet was caught by dareum immediately. T_T
a wolf’s attraction-89

dareum pulled my scrunchie out and ruffled my hair.

“wait!! Dareum!! I don’t think this is very much necessary!!”

“be quiet unni! Just let me do the work!”

“o..k…- _-”

dareum plugged a weird looking gadget..

“unni! What color should you wear? At least your face is pale.. hrm… what about red?”

“Ahhh -0-”

“yeah.. to tell the truth, I don’t think you can pull off red.. yoo haejung that b!tch is
probably at the salons getting her hair done… okay unni.. I’ll tell you the concepts imma
try on you. First is…seductive!”

“- _-”

dareum had about ten hair pins on her lips as she begun to curl my hair with the curling

“second is……….. sexyyy..”

“- _-”

“third is…SAVAGE!!”

“-0- does innocence or cute exist?”

“fourth is crazy.”


dareum ignored my stare of plea as she continued to curl the ends of my hair… the final
wave of my hair danced around as if to mock me.

“can’t you.. try innocence on me..?”

“yeah, I think crazy will do.”

“ah… noo.. TOT just.. sexy is fine with me..”

“they’re practically the same so it doesn’t matter.”

Dareum straightened my hair slightly, that the waves fell next to my bra strap..

“unni.. when’d you wash your hair?”

dareum stopped with the hand motions and asked me in a serious tone.

“I think yesterday… well… a minute before it got to be yesterday so… I think two days

Before I even got to finish my sentence, dareum sprayed herbal essence hair spray all over
my hair. Dareum ignored my coughs as she threw a black skirt with a silver chain onto my
lap, along with a black leather jacket. - _- I even see a black fishnet stocking. - _ -

“dareum… please… I don’t like this!”

“just wear it. Didn’t I tell you not to dress in a way haejung could make fun of you? Unni,
truthfully.. how does haejung look like?!”

“she’s tall.”

“what about her legs?”

“they’re lean…- _-”

“her waist?”


“then.. what about her boobs?”

“they’re big.. - _-”

“then, sit still.. if you wanna keep haewon..”


I slowly changed into dareum’s clothes and stared down at myself in awe.. while dareum
looked me up and down in a unsatisfied manner. - _-
“I thought haewon likes girls with curves.. I wonder why he dated you…”


“n..no! I don’t mean it that way! You’re pretty unni! -0-”

dareum quickly changed her facial expression and applied lotion onto my face, along with
mascara, circle lenses, blush, foundation, eyeshadow, and a fishnet stocking to end the
show. Then she dragged me infront of the mirror, while dareum smiled and laughed for
some reason..

this is how I look like after 4 hours of work…?


“I’m not wearing this! TOT”

with a GREAT amount of strength, dareum managed to push me out of the house, while I
kept on collapsing onto the floor, shouting. She pushed a black purse onto my hands.

I look like those.. those girls who work at night clubs!! T^T I don’t wanna wear this..
heukheukheuk TOT then, dareum shouted from our house.

“you look AWESOME! Just go on without me! I’ll be there after I get ready, aight?

no matter how many times I pounded on the door, dareum wouldn’t let me in…
disappointed and embarrassed, I pressed onto the elevator button… and as soon as the
elevator door opened, I made eye contact with jooho who had been staring at me with his
jaws, practically glued on the ground. -_ -

“AHHHH! -0- evil villain!! -0-”

“TOT jooho yah.. do I look horrible?”

“EVIL villain!! Old evil villain! -0-”

jooho shouted as he circled around me.

“is nuna really really weird..? T_T”

“go back to where you were born!! Go back this instant!!”

T_T then suddenly, jooho held my shaking hands.

“you’re pretty nuna. The best. ^O^”

jooho flashed me a thumbs up and brushed past the dumbfounded me, and entered into
the house. JOOHO YAH!! TOT while I stared at jooho in gratitude, jooho shouts at

“DAREUM NUNA!! I don’t wanna live with hankyung nuna!!!!!!!!! -0-”

I sniffed after staring at the door for about 5 minutes. -_ - there was a mirror in the
elevator. - _- I placed my hands onto the mirror and stared at myself, dumbfounded. If
dad was to look down from the heavens, he’d curse me to die.. - _ -… in fear that I’ll make
eye contact with any of the women who lived at our apartments, I quickly jumped into a
taxi and muttered “lotteria, please” in a small voice.

The taxi driver keeps on glancing at me through the back mirror. -.,- three nostril hair was
clearly visible. As we neared lotteria, he asked me seducingly.. (- _-)

“we should have an oppa and dongseng relationship.”

“no thanks TOT”

“then, how about you be my wife? -.,-”

“no.. TOT I’d rather not.”

“then…….. how about-”

“NO! TOT its okay!!”

fearful of what the next words that come out of his mouth will be, I threw him a couple of
dollar bills and bolted out the door. Staggering to lotteria, I saw a crowd of about 10.. 15
people… from my 2.0 vision, I saw haejung and haewon..

- _- man stupid heels! Why do they have to make it so uncomfortable… I slowly walked
over to them, pidgeon toed to not fall over.. as I neared them, some of them nudged each
other and set their gaze upon me..… while haewon looked me up and down, uninterested.
Then haejung looked thunderstruck as she whispered something to haewon… and
immediately, haewon’s face hardened. - _-.. then haewon brought down his gaze to my
feet and slowly made his way up. - _-… embarrassed, I gave him a small anxious smile yet
haewon gave a scary glare. -0-

“haewon, am I pretty..?”
A wolf’s attraction-90

haewon suddenly pulled me by the hand.

“eh? wait..!! that hurts haewon.. TOT”

silently, haewon continued pulling me into a clothes store in a building right next to
lotteria.. if I’m not mistaken, I hear shouts and whistles from haewon’s friends.. - _-

“MAN she’s HOT!! hey yoo haejung, the he11 are you playing at? dam.n she’s gorgeous!”

i let out a smile of relief and pride yet was forced to take it off by the glare haewon was
giving me. - _-

“this.. and.. yeah that too… that’s all..”

haewon threw a white hoodie, jeans, and a convers sneaker onto the counter and told the
cashier. - _- perplexed, I stared at haewon for an explanation yet he avoided my gaze and
getting his wallet out, he paid for the clothes. without any other words, he pushed the bag
of clothes onto my chest.


“change into them.”

haewon opened the brass door wide and stepped outside..

“TOT it took me 4 hours to wear this!! T_T does it look that horrible?! T_T”

Haewon stopped in his tracks and looking over his shoulders, he replied..

“it’d be better if it looked horrible.. you look too beautiful. I can’t let my friends see you
like that… change aight?”

haewon closed the door and slowly disappeared.. hahaha -0- I think I’m blushing -0-
wearing a wide smile on my lips, I stepped into the changing rooms when haejung’s
revealing dress lingered in my mind. ahhh… heaving a big breath of determination, I
stepped out of the store in dareum’s clothes. - _-

every one of haewon’s crew had their gaze set upon me. - _- 8 guys and 6 guys. - _-..
stomping over to where I was…

“hey.. - _ -^ why didn’t you change?”

haewon shouts angrily..

“i don’t wanna!! I like wearing this sorta stuff, too you know! TOT”

“you can wear it later when we’re alone!!”

“why are you minding my own business? TOT”

“you don’t even look that great in those!!”


haewon continued pouring out venomous words at the already shocked/hurt me..

“see? you see those girls over there? they’re the only ones who can wear those kind of

- _- haewon pointed his fingers at haejung and her friends, while his friend looked at me
seriously and said..

“you punk, why are you so mean to your girlfriend. nuna, you’re really pretty don’t worry
about what the @ss tell you. ^-^”

no comforting helps right now.. T_T haewon brushed past my shoulders angrily and begun
walking ahead of me.. TOT haewon’s friends walked after him whille haejung’s friends
whispered.. well… in more of a teasing voice.. said. - _-

“kek. a real comedy, thats what she is.”

“yoo haejung wiN~ chung hankyung is the loser. kek”

before they disappear, I gained back my conscious and chased after them, still pidgeon
toed.. - _- I think my ego deflated.. -_ - after about 3 minutes, haewon walked down a
large building that contained cafes and bars.. careful not to trip and fall flat on my face, I
walked down after him along with his friends, who stormed down the stairs..

the large banner was engraved in chinese characters so I wasn’t familiar with the name of
the place but by what I see.. I think we’re at a bar. - _- in the room, there were many kids
our age, chatting and drinking, but.. amusingly all hushed to a silence when haewon
entered the room..

“bet their eyes are retarded.”

one of haejung’s friends shouted out in a scary voice and almost immediately, all the kids
went back to their chatting… man… that even gets me scared..

haewon sat down in the largest and the longest table in the bar.. haewon sat down in the
middle as all the other people sat down in girl guy order, clockwise. coincidentally, haejung
was the one who sat down next to haewon. - _- a girl slammed her purse onto the table
and stared at me intently.
“unni, you’re taesung’s brother, huh?”

“yeah. ^-^”

“what does he wear at home?”


“is he even your brother? the last time I saw him and you in the city… hah.. how’d you
make him yours, huh?”

“…make him mine..? ^-^”

“what the heck’s your problem.. don’t start any arguments.”

haewon’s low voice interrupted our.. conversation.

“me? my problem? I don’t have any. kek. you really ARE pretty just like haejung said.”

haejung’s friends’ voice was as twisted as you could get. - _-

“stop it. don’t ruin the mood.. aren’t you gonna get our orders?”

haejung shouted brightly and a pretty unni in a black apron handed us a couple of menus..
as haewon’s friends were picking out their drinks..

“chung hankyung, you really aren’t gonna change..”

haewon slightly lifted his eyebrows and asked me..



“nah… it’s okay.”

“aight then.”

at haewon’s scary tone of voice, the table had turned quiet… in an attempt to brighten up
the mood again, I shouted loudly…

“ahh… all of haewon’s friends are pretty and handsome!! especially you!! you’re hair’s
really cute!”

i pointed at one of haewon’s friends who had an ax shaped hair.. yet my attempt failed as
the atmosphere became icier..
“thanks nuna. - _-”

“ah… no problem.. - _-”

maybe 4 hours passed..? the mood had now totally turned into a party as each of
haewon’s crew paired up and displayed a rather inappropriate scene. - _- haejung was
silent as she sipped her drink, occasionally glaring between haewon and me.. -0- even
though we were the loudest ones in the bar, none of the waiters or the waitresses could
quiet us down.. or… try to anyway..

“i… have to… go to the bathroom..”

i tapped haewon who had drunk more than 8 bars of soju and softly mumbled..

“okay.. have fun..”

haewon stared at me with his eyes half closed. I staggered away from the table and
entered a bathroom located in the corner of the bar.. after satisfying my pleading bladder..
(a/n* yes I have a weird way of saying things) I was washing my hands, humming softly
when … oh my gosh >O< the bathroom door opened wide and a guy my age staggered
in.. - _- well… hem hem… I guess its okay since this is a guy/girl bathroom… I quickly
made my way past the drunken guy when..

“come hang out with me”

my heart felt as if it had rolled down a cliff as my arms were held by the guy’s firm grip.
wahhh TOT great, a guy that looks like a sunflower’s gonna kidnap me. TOT

“see.. I have.. friends…”

before I even got to finish my sentence, sunflower pushed me against the bathroom tiles.-
_- his breathing slowly advanced closer to me… if… if I stay like a dumbo… AHHH

“hey… um.. oppaaa… I forgot my purse over there… I’ll come right back with my purse..
yeah, doesn’t that sound like a good idea?”

for the first time in my life, I tried to make my voice sound as seducing as possible in an
attempt to escape but..

“no need to..”

the sunflower decides to be evil.. -_ -

“oppaaa~ lets not stay here.~~ how about we go out? yeah? I know a really.. really good
finally the sunflower stopped breathing down my neck and stared at me.

“a good place?”

“yeahhh~~ so imma bring my wallet okay? you could wait 2 minutes right?”


the guy looked me up and down, suspiciously and nodded his head. as my hands reached
out to the door knob as I silently heaved a sigh in relief..


and hence my heart rolled down another hill after the one before..


“lets go together”

the sunflower grabbed my hands, as if he had not noticed the surprised look that were
produced upon my face.. I silently sobbed as he led me to where haewon’s friends were..
most of haewon’s crew were heavily drunk as they stared at us, interested. when haewon
saw my hands grabbed by sunflower, he got up in his seat and I mouthed ‘help’

“hey.. where’s your wallet.. lets go already.”

sunflower asked me in a greasy voice and I slightly flinched at haewon’s face hardening..

“what..? TOT”

“you said you know a good place.. lets leave”

haewon scoffed in disbelief and sat back down. haejung who had been sitting next to
haewon poked haewon with a beer bottle and opened her lips..

“kyahhh >_< look at hankkyunng unni >__< I didn’t know you were that type >_< nice
skills unni~~ >_<“

“no… no haewon its not what it seems like.. this guy’s trying to take me somewhere.. so…
so I just lied to get out of the situation!”

i heard my voice shaking unsteadily

“what the hell are you talking about? you told me you know of a good place!”
“T_T you wanted me take me away!!”

“hah you’re lying now huh?”

the sunflower just dragged me once again by the hand and headed to the stairs. I
continued to shout out for help yet haewon was avoiding my gaze while he stared at the
table, blankly.. while haejung poured another glass of beer into haewon’s cup.

haewon ahh.. TOT what the heck’s your problem TOT what if sunflower really kidnaps me..

“haewon ahh!! T_T haejung ahh!! TT^TT”

A wolf’s attraction-91

At my desperate shout, haewon slightly turned his head to face me…. but I was already
speeding up the stairs, dragged by sunflower..

“KYAHHH!!! what did I ever do to you!!! let gooooo… LET GO!!!”

“you were the one who wanted to go somewhere nice..”

“i was KIDDING okay..? TOT I don’t wanna gooo..”

“dare you to say one more word and I’ll kill you right off”


i continued pulling back with all the strength I could muster yet my eyes watered up by
the fact that haewon wasn’t running out to save me. sunflower took out a silver key from
his pockets and inserted them into a car, parked infront of the building we just came out..
I flashed the people passing by, a look of plea, yet the heartless and cruel crowd just
passed us by without giving back a second glance…

“stay.. STILL.”

sunflower growled lowly causing the tears I held back to erupt.

“uh hunghunghung TOT please.. let me go.. TOT what did I ever do to you.. TOT”

“i told you I wasn’t a bad guy.”

sunflower opened the car door wide, while I planted my feet onto the ground, holding onto
the car door trying not to get in..
“Dareum.. jooho. ……… taesung!!!”

dareum’s and jooho’s name came out in a whisper yet taesung’s name.. being the brother
I wanted to see the most, as of right now, came out in a shout.


haewon grabbed a hold of sunflower’s shoulders, panting furiously.

“who the hell are you?”

sunflower pushed haewon’s hand away and asked threateningly.

“i wanna go to that good place, too.. yeah? how about it?”

haewon was looking down on sunflower and asked him curtly.

pffft… like I would thank you for coming… T^T

“b!tch get out of the way. do you even know who I am? huh???”

sunflower swung his fists at haewon but was thrown upon the ground by haewon’s push..

“fuhh… !@#&(!@ what’d you say? do I know who you are? what if I don’t? huh? what are
you gonna do about it then?? huh??”

haewon looked absolutely livid as he begun to stomp on sunflower without a hint of mercy
in his eyes..

“lets go..”

he said not looking at my trembling body.



“what do you think you’re doing? YOU were the one who ignored me when I asked for help
before! TOT”

“i’m sorry… okay..? lets .. just go back in.”

“sorry…? SORRY…?? you were IGNORING your girlfriend when she was in trouble!! with
who?? with haejung practically all over you!! TOT”
“i just… misunderstand what he said before… I’m sorry…”

haewon lightly tapped my shoulders and replied. for some reason, I was filled with more
anger as I shouted back louder.

“yeah? you trust a STRANGER over your girlfriend?? -0- you can’t control your emotions
huh?? TOT My MY! you should’ve come just a minute later!! so you could point and laugh
while I get kidnapped!! TOT”

having never felt this angry before, I was unable to hide MY emotions as I continued to
yell into his face….. but why are you hugging me, haewon…?

“i should die huh…? i’m… I’m really sorry…. I was just… mad at you for no reason before…
I’m sorry.. I’m such an idiot huh..”

“tch.. do you think… TOT do you think I’ll forgive you just because you apologize? if… if it
was taesung… if taesung was here.. he wouldn’t have given any thought to it.. he’d just…
you’re so different from him…….. taesung… my brother taesung is.. TOT”

“chung taesung and me… yeah we’re different… and my feelings for you aren’t staying
loyal just so that I could be compared to chung taesung.”

“i wasn’t implying that! TOT you’re so cold haewon, did you know that? TOT taesung might
look colder but….. you…… you’re much… much more cruel…”

“i should be thankful to the heavens that chung taesung’s your brother huh..”

haewon had a hint of anger in his voice as he silently told me.

“…what do you mean by that?”

“the words itself… lets go in… I’m sorry… I’ve done a bad thing and I won’t do it again..”


i silently gazed at haewon..

“so why were you wearing this..”

“so haejung wouldn’t make fun of me! do you have a problem with that?! TOT”

haewon looked me up and down then laughed in disbelief.

“why are you laughing TOT”

“wanna see haejung cry?”

“TOT cry..? how would we make her cry.. T_T”

“i’ll show you.. haha lets go in, okay? ^-^”

haewon tightly grabbed my cold hands and descended down the stairs to meet haejung
who looked anxious. Haewon walked over to where she was and sat down, sitting me next
to him.

“yoo jaejung.. watch carefully okay? it’s a free show.”

“huh? watch what?”

“sparks. haha -0-”

haewon spun me around while I was still puffing in anger and………….. well I trust that I
needn’t to explain any further. - _- he held onto my refusing shoulders tightly, and I was
wrapped up in heaven’s second scent until haejung tore us apart while screaming out cuss
words in anger. -_ - my life seems so unbalanced these days..
A wolf’s attraction-92

next morning.

for the first time in a couple of weeks, I was on the bus with dareum, who had heard of
everything that had happened last night. even though it had been a couple of hours since I
told her she was still shouting and yelling.

“so! that bahn haewon b!tch!! just WATCHED you while you were getting dragged?”

“noooo.. I told you a million times already dareum.. TOT he came in the end!”

“yoo haejung… if I let you live another day, my name’s not han dareum… tch forgetting
who raised you huh..”

dareum was clenching her fists tightly. - _-

“don’t… last night..while haejung was watching.. haewon kissed me-”

i just told her without realizing! -0- dareum’ll probably start screaming in the bus, now..


“said tom sawyer. -0-”

“tom sayer? when did he ever say that?”



“ah… it’s in the story book.. -_ -”

“yeah? how come I never read that part.. O_O oh yeah… didn’t taesung call you yet?”

“he had his phone off the whole day yesteraday..”

“disappeared again.. I swear, thats like his hobby..”

“you guys were close friends huh dareum… - _-’

“says who!!! -0-”

with that shout, dareum bolted out of the rear door of the bus. - _- haewon’ll be checking
up on all the students infront of the gates, today… TOT how will I ever face him… ahhh
that kiss.. -_ - for some reason… I get embarassed now that it’s daylight..

feeling it’d be better to walk in with dareum, I begun sprinting down the path to our school
yet was forced to stop dead in my tracks due to a couple of familiar faces.. they all had our
school uniform on them and a couple of them, I recognized.. was those that haewon would
bow to in the halls….!…and… there was also…… SUNFLOWER!! -0- he was rubbing his
swollen cheeks as he yelled at a couple of seniors.. and was also….. for my misery….
looking at the face of every senior girl that was entering..

i hurriedly hung my head low… hey.. why am I even pretending not to be noticed? I mean,
it’s not like he’ll notice me without all that make up from last night huh.. -_ - I held my
nose up high in the hair and walked past them when..

“DUDE!! it’s the bastard!!”

with those exact words, I sprinted into the gates and ran for dear life. b!tch, women, and
girl!! you could choose from one of those words but implying that a girl is a bastard?!?! -0-
sunflower you @ss!! TOT

thankfully, the PE teacher was standing tall infront of the front door that sunflower and his
friends weren’t able to get to me… haha! -0- haewon was staring at me fascinated, while I
was panting furiously next to the pE teacher.

“what’s wrong with you, women! is a dog chasing after you? O_O”
the PE teacher poked my backpack with his stick and knowing that if I was to tell him of
sunflower, haewon would get in trouble, I just waved my hands and forced a smile. then I
took a step in order to enter but was caught by the pE teacher’s firm grip on my wrists…..
and he yelled..

“what IS that?! Ew SNOT!!”

“-0- what?”

i quickly looked at where the pE teacher was pointing at and saw a white gum stuck to the
edge of my skirt….

“it’s not snot! -0- it’s gum!!”

“that… THAT!! AIGOO!! ewwww..!! you and han dareum are SO alike!! why would you wipe
your nose on your uniform!??! -0-”

“it’s not snottt…T^T it’s really gum..! see the bite marks?!?!”

haewon was staring down at the gum as if looking at waste water. - _- I hid my face in my
hands and forgetting to tell haewon about sunflower, I rapidly ran to my classroom. As
soon as I set my foot into the classroom, minsoon approached me.

“hey minsoon! ^-^”

“hey hankyung.. someone’s here to see you.”

and there goes my heart rolling down the hill again.. -_ -

“who? -0-”

“she’s in the classroom infront of ours… I dunno.. she just wanted to see you.”

“me? why?”

“dunno.. she’s at the backfield.. hurry up before the bell rings. O_O”

i slowly and carefully approached the backfield and saw a cute doll like girl mumbling out
my name softly.

“he… hey.. are you hankyung?”

“-0- yeah… sorry but who are you?”

“ah.. see.. i’m…. see… ahhh >_<“

the girl reddened while stuttering out… man, she’s so cute.. hehe

“i wanted to be your friend >_<“

“me? O_O”

“yeah >_< I’m Lee Bojung. >_< nice to meet you! >_<“

“hehe -0- I’m chung hankyung”

“hehe -0-”

she reminded me of… me… well… hm lets just say she looked a bit confused like how I
always was.. - _- sorry to say for my kekekaka friends but I felt much closer to the girl
than how I’ve ever felt with them. then, one of my kekekaka friends yelled down at us in a
twisted voice.

“HEYYY!! hankyung!! don’t befriend that lee bojung girl! I heard nasty rumors about her~
dunno why she approached you in the first place but don’t hang around with her!”

bojung’s mouth was wide open as she stared at the kekekaka friends in surprise.

“don’t jooin (my kekekaka friend’s name) how’ll she feel.. TOT”

“listen to me hankyung! right minsoon? tell her about lee bojung!!”

“tell her what.. she looks really nice yang jooin… what’s wrong with you.. aww are you
jealous that hankyung’s gonna hang around with other people?”

“-0- I graduated the same middle school as her!! AHHH you’re driving me insane!”

jooin was practically sobbing..

“i’m.. sorry.. it’s all my fault.. -0- I’ll be going now hankyung..”

Bojung’s shoulders were crouched, while she walked back into the hallway.

“wait bojung!!”

as soon as I grabbed bojung’s shoulders, Wun ran to where I was and shouted, with his
face red..

“nuna!! haewon!! he’s in trouble!”

“haewon..??? what.. kind of trouble???”

sunflower’s face weaved through my thoughts as I asked wun that question. wun hurriedly
pulled my hands.

hek..TOT hekhek TOT

“wun… what’s wrong with haewon? T_T what happened??? T^T”

wun stopped at the front gates and looked around, anxiously

“sshi!@*#&!(@# they’re gone!”

“what happened? TOT what happened to haewon?”

“about 10 or more seniors from our school and this skinny looking b!tch from some other
school had haewon surrounded and.. man..”

“what? TOT”

“haewon couldn’t do anything about it since they’re seniors (a/n* korean people have this
thing with respecting older people.) they punched him a couple of times at the front
gates… and… arghhh where’d they go?”

“TOT wasn’t the skinny looking guy have a long face?”

“a really LONG face”

“it’s sunflower! T_T aish.. go call one of the teachers!! I’ll look for haewon!”

wun grabbed my arms again before I got a few steps away.

“nuna!! you can’t go there by yourself!! you dunno what they’re capable of!! and if I tell
the teachers, do you think haewon’ll be able to go to school safely? you have no idea how
much back those seniors have! -0-”

for some reason, wun’s big head seemed much .. mature.. today..

“then.. THEN what do we do?! T^T”

“nuna.. do you know where the adult arcade is, downtown?”


“the owner over there is haewon’s 3rd older brother.. hurry up and bring him… he’s the
only one who could save haewon from those seniors.”

“but.. it’s far! TOT what if haewon gets beat up by then?!”

“i’ll protect him with my life so don’t worry.”

wun grabbed my hands with a look of determination then bolted out the front gates.
heukheuk.. wun thank you.. T_T wait.. what am I doing!! after calming down my furiously
ebating heart, I grabbed a taxi forgetting all about my 1st period.

A wolf’s attraction-93

“Adult arcade please!”

the taxi driver stared at me weirdly from the back mirror… well.. hm I don’t blame him, I
have my uniform on.. -_ -… wait.. AHHH 3 nostril hair!! -0- I was really surprised at seeing
him again, but thankfully he didn’t recognize me. -_ - he was driving while humming to an
unfamilar tune.. he really looks weird.. -0-

haewonn.. TOT you have to live okay! I’ll be right there. T_T that sunflower @ss… argh
you dirty.. dirty thing… T^T

screeeeeeech… as soon as the taxi stopped infront of the adult arcade, I pounded on the
locked door, desperately..

and yet… it sounded empty as no one replied after my numerous knocks. TOT

“anybody in there?! open the door!! please, its urgent!!”

i kept on pounding on the door as if to break my fists and thankfully… the door opened
slowly and out came…. the same ax tattoo headed haewon’s brother…

“who are you..”

he says in a low voice.

“don’t you remember me? T_T I saw you last time remember? at haewon’s house? T_T”

“who are you to disturb my beauty sleep!!”

haewon’s 3rd brother shouted loudly ignoring my reply… and here I wondered where
haewon gets his loud shout from. T^T

“heukheuk.. TOT haewon’s in trouble! T^T”

“whatcha say?”

“haewon might die!! some of the seniors are beating him up right now! T_T”

“why are you telling me this NOW? -0-”

haewon’s 3rd brother shook me furiously by the shoulders and shouted.. again

“you didn’t give me a chance to explain! T_T”

“don’t add a reply to my words! -0-”

“T_T sniff.. what reply.. T_T”

“those b!tches. I even told them to leave my brother alone.”

haewon’s 3rd brother chewed his tongue while glaring at me deathly and pushed me into
his black car. aiyah! -0- and before I could utter another word, he pressed on the
accelerator. -_ -… I believe that our school’s 10 minutes from downtown.. yet…
miraculously, he arrived infront of the gates in 4 minutes flat. bolting out the door, he
shook the front gates violently and yelled,


……….- _-

“um…. he’s out… in the back..”


before I got to finish my sentence, haewon’s 3rd brother sprinted to the back fields, scarily
and I chased after him. O_O ..what the……. haewon was sitting on the grounds with a
small scratch on his cheeks with bojung bawling at his sides. -0-

“hey!! where’d you get hit?”

haewon’s 3rd brother grabbed haewon by the collar and shouts.. -_ -

“just a few.. don’t sweat about it.”

“haewon ahh.. T_T are you okay?”

haewon noticed my sobbing self then pointed at bojung.

“yeah.. she saved me. I was about to have some fun beating time then she was shouting
that the teachers are coming… she should be an actress. kek”
“bojung did that? thanks bojung..”

she wiped away a tear and smiled widely at me.

“no need to be ^O^”

“where the hell are those bastards?!”

haewon’s 3rd brother’s shout rang throughout the back fields…

“hyung… (a/n* hyung=older male when referred by a younger male) shut up.”

“where are they!! -0-”

“just GO! -0- go play … a game or something!”

“what d’you say?!??! -0-”

“if you mind my business then everything’ll be messed up again!! you wanna follow 2nd
hyung to jail or what!”

“@zzzs!! =0=“

“dare you to hit me. 1st hyung would never let you live -_ -”

“you…!!!!!!!!!! =0=“

even though their physical traits are totally different…. everything else is really similar….
well.. anyway.. .. T_T I’m so glad haewon’s all right… T^T when I heaved a big sigh in
relief, haewon placed his hands on my shoulders.

“hey.. lee bojung? is that her name? she acts like you. kek”

“yeah. ^O^ I think so too~ ^O^”

“but she has a cute and feminine side to her.”

“yeah? O.O”

“while you dont? - _-”

“O_O.. yes…….. so?”

haewon blew at his hair while I stared at him, confused.

“guys~ wait for me.. -0-”

our nice friend bojung walked in between us while haewon and I returned back to our
classrooms slowly.. leaving behind the angry 3rd brother who was practically sweeping the
fields, now.. - _-A Wolf’s Attraction-94

Back in the classroom.. everyone was quiet.. - _- thanking study hall, I plopped down in
my seat.. T^T no detention~

lunch time.. I took out my lunch and was about to open it when 2 sandwiches were placed
infront of me. O_O when I slightly looked up, I saw bojung smiling sweetly at me.

“-0- hey, how was class?

“^O^ good~ hankyung, I made this for you!”

“wuh… O_O really? you’re giving this to me?”

“yep~ eat up! ^O^”

“-0- wow.. thanks!”

“no prob!! ^O^”

when bojung and I were happily munching on our sandwiches with the same expression, a
familiar hand was placed on my shoulders. -_ - Jooin stared down at me icily and says..

“chung hankyunG! -0- why aren’t you eating with us!”

“TOT bojung gave me this sandwich though..”

“YOU! lee bojung! stop with the acting and f*ck off to your class!”

the classroom 3-3 had quieted down instantly as all of their attention were focused upon
us. bojung was trying hard not to cry as she forced on a smile.

“i’ll.. be going hankyung ^-^”

“wa..wait bojung! -0-”

bojung speed walking to the rear door and casting a look of ‘what’s wrong with you’ at
jooin, I ran after her when haewon appeared at the back door shouting.. his cheeks were
red from a hand imprint…

“hey chung hankyung! -0- what the heck did you tell dareum?!”
haewon collapsed with bojung who was just about to go out and I had to look at bojung
apologetically as she was splattered upon the floor.

“….what’s wrong with her. - _-”

“bojung, are you okay? TOT”

bojung immediately got up - _-

“yeah T_T hankyung, don’t worry about me.”

“hey did she cry or something? why are her eyes all puffy?”

haewon slightly bent down to gaze at bojung’s face and..

“-0- I didn’t cry haewon!”

“liar.. O_O did hankyung hit you? kek”


bojung pour out tears instead of answering his question, making it seem like I made her

“hey.. chung hankyung..”

haewon called out my name seriously..

“yeah? -0-”

“how dare you make my life savior cry??? -_ -”

haewon punched my head lightly -0-

“bojung!! I didn’t hit you, did i? T_T”

“no.. haewon, hankyung didn’t do anything wrong.. T^T heuk.. really.. heukheuk..
wahhhhh TOT”

haewon cast me a scarier look…- _-

“i really didn’t do anything to her.. T_T”

as haewon opened his mouth to reply back when my cell phone begun ringing loudly.


“ah.. taesung!! where are you!”

“nuna, why aren’t you coming to our house? I already cleaned up and everything…”

see taesung… mom’s totally ignoring me after that conversation last night..T_T taesung’s
voice sounded solemn..

“imma go soon T_T just wait for me okay?”

“you’re not gonna come..”

-_ - taesung’s voice had a hint of twistiness in them..

“taesung.. were you drinking? -_ -”

“i think imma follow grandma to america, nuna..”

“taesung! -0- you DID drink!! bad boy!”

“i think it’d be best for us..”

“T_T where are you!”


“where are you!! TOT”

“my house..”

“whew….. wait okay? I’ll be right there..”

doo doo… taesung had hung up on me and haewon snatched my phone away.

“wait for what!! class didn’t even end yet!”

“-0- is that hand imprint from those seniors who hit you?”

“tch.. no matter how much they hit me, their scratches won’t last! ever heard of han
dareum???? what the heck did you tell her to make her slap me??”

“nothing….. big T^T”

“yeah yeah… where are you going?”

“taesung’s house!”

“you’re insane huh..? -_ -”

“nope! -0- totally sane!”

“chung hankyung, you’re climbing up now. =_=“

haewon shook his fists down at me. T_T

“haewon.. don’t be so mean to hankyung.”

bojung shook the edge of haewon’s shirt and when haewon shifted his gaze toward her..

“eh..? you were still here?”

“yep -0-”

“kek hey chung hankyung.. your friend, bojung.. she speaks like a baby doesn’t she?”

“yeah ^O^ she’s adorable.. baby and haewon~ byebye ^O^ imma go to taesung’s
house~ >O<“

i shouted out those words as I sprinted down the hall way and soon I heard haewon’s loud
voice ringing throughout the halls..

“chung hankyung!! I won’t kiss you ever again if you go to his house! -0-”

i had to stop dead in my tracks and taking a deep breath I took up sprinting again across
the fields.. I wonder if haewon ever think things through and say stuff like that.. TOT he
seriously… amuses me.. T^T

i have decided.. to…. run away from our house.. -_ -… I know that I probably can’t get into
a fair college seeing how our family’s doing… so no point studying for anything, right? -0- I
wasn’t like this in gongju… ehh…

i visted by a nearby supermarket from taesung’s house and bought side dishes, snacks,
and drinks….. on my way to taesung’s house I received 34 calls from haewon… and
returned his call…………. 0 times.. -_ -.. I saw taesung crouching down infront of the
apartments as well as the security ahjusshi was happily jump roping.. -_ -… I staggered
slowly to the security ahjusshi and bowed..


the ahjusshi glanced at me from the side of his eyes and went back to his jump roping

“hello~ ^O^”

“what’s that in your hands? -0-”

“-_ - want some? ^O^”

the ahjusshi continued jumping up and down while giving me a mysterious smile as an
answer -_ -

“here, have some..”

i took out a bag of chips along with orange juice and handed it to the ahjusshi.. then..
finally stopping with what he was doing, he snatched the food from my hands and ran to
his office.

“taesung.. what are you doing there? O_O”

when I walked over to taesung who had his back toward me, I saw him poking a worm
with a treebranch..

“taesung!! -0- what are you doing!”

“hey wormmy. it’s been awhile.. -0- oppa’s here..”

rosy cheeked, he lifted his hed from his knees and smiled brightly at me. ahhhh.. what a
cutie.. -0- straining myself from the urge to bite his cheeks, I turned my gaze toward the

“it’s.. a worm..”

“yep.. wormmy.. we used to be close before.. and now she doesn’t even look my way..”

“-_ - maybe its a different worm..?”

“noo… it’s not… it’s wormmy..”

“maybe.. wormmy’s sick taesung.. lets go in, yeah? I bought a lot of snacks for us to eat!”

“nuna……….. nuna when are you gonna come…”


“as soon as I can! ^O^”

“nuna………… just…. stay where you are..”

“huh? -0- why!”

“i think… I think imma do something really bad when I’m in the same house as you..”

“i doubt that our taesung’ll hit me cuz you’re drunk!”

“no…. if.. if I happen to get drunk………. I might… say stuff I’m not…. suppose to say…”

a faint smell of alchohol escaped from taesung’s lips..

“taesung ahh… lets gooo.. TOT”

“nuna.. just.. stay where you are… I’ll just go.. okay?”

taesung stabbed my forehead with his index finger…

“where.. are you going taesung?”



taesung sat me back down when I quickly stood up, appalled..

“no nuna.. ^-^ I was just kidding… wormmy.. sleep tight I’ll see you tomorrow.. ^O^”

“you better be joking! don’t say stuff like leaving me taesung.. T_T”

“what if I do.. ^-^”

“T_T imma go die!”

“haha I never knew you said stuff like that~”

“tch.. TOT”

taesung gave me a sweet smile.. yet his eyes were shaking…. he dragged me by his cold
hands, while singing a unfamiliar song.. haewon looks colder than anyone yet his hands
are so warm….. taesung……………… he looks warmer… than anybody else I know.. but his
hands are icy cold… -_ - I wonder what kind of insults haewon’s saying about me…-0-
A wolf’s attraction-95
the house looked brighter than usual thanks to the cleaning I did a couple of days ago…
although there was beer bottles sprawling around the floor… ahhhh TAESUNG..!!.

“chung taesung! -0- youuuu!!”

“>_< don’t shout!!”

taesung covered his ears with his hands -_ -

“what’d you do, not going to school?? why was your phone off anyway?? -0-”

“imma sleep nuna… don’t shout anymore..”

“if I do, will you hit me? -0-”

“no…. well..ahhh… I dunno…..”

taesung plopped down on the sofa.

“are you sleepy?”


“why are you sleeping here….go sleep in your room! -0-”

“i don’t wanna.”


“i don’t wanna”

“-_ -.. YOUUU!! then at least sleep with a blanket!”

i stomped to taesung’s room and..

“nuna! don’t go in there!”

when I opened the door, I was forced to take a step backward in surprise.. taesung’s room
was covered in pink everywhere… pink set for the bed.. pink and white desk with a make
up table.. along with a satin like pink curtain…….. and… on taesung’s desk.. there was a
large banner…

Congratz!! Hankyung Nuna’s Room!

taesung……..!!..touched greatly…. I returned to where taesung lay on the couch sniffling,
and saw him pretending to sleep with his eyes closed shut.. -_ -.. sniffling in gratitude and
touched, I covered him with a blanket.. T_T I can’t stall anymore.. T_T I’m an adult next
year, I shouldn’t be chickening out like this.. (a/n* korean people are adults when they’re
20.) T^T I softly caressed taesung’s sleeping face while I came to a conclusion. suddenly
taesung opened his black eyes wide and gazed back.

“you surprised me. TOT”




“what? ahh you’re getting me all curious!! what is it?”

“i….. don’t….. want to hide in the back crying anymore nuna………i get so sick of it………… I
don’t want this.. this pain…..”

taesung said in a low voice.

“yeah taesung.. I know…. don’t… cry anymore..”


“yeah.. ^-^”

“crying without being able to tell….. is sadder than crying after you tell… right..?

what… are you talking about taesung…….. taesung opened his mouth again as if to tell me
of what he had been through..

“nuna… not… being able to tell someone that you love them… and crying because you can’t
tell………. is that good… or bad..?”

“its.. bad..”

“then nuna.. I’m horrible… kek..”

“taesung… do you like someone?”

taesung smiled then shook his head..

“no… I love someone..”

“really…? why didn’t you tell me sooner?? who is it? >_<“


“what? O_O”

“……….. chung hankyung.”

“puhehehe >_< aiiii~~ >_< I love taesung thiiiiiiiis much too!! ^O^”

taesung looked a bit furious as he bit his lower lips..

“then… do you wanna hug me when you see me..?”

“yep ^O^”

“then.. nuna… when I’m crying… all you could do is stand back and watch… so all you do is
cry until its hard to breathe because you’re so sorry…?”

“yep ^O^”

“then………. when I’m smiling happily with another girl……….. does that image pop up in
your head over.. and over again.. that you can’t do anything but to cry…?”

-_ -… that’s a nono..

“..do… do i? um…. sure ^O^”

“then do you.. despise the fact that…………………… you and I are siblings…..?”


“i do… more than a thousand times a day… I curse whoever let us meet in these


i… hoped………… and wished that the words taesung said to me over the last couple of
months weren’t…….. in the way I had thought it was.. I hoped and hoped…. but…

“because I love you…………….. because… i….. love.. chung hankyung..”

and at that moment.. those whispers that had come out of taesung’s lips.. shattered my
hopes into pieces..
A wolf’s attraction-96

my head dropped without a word as taesung tried to force his voice to be bright…

“nothing.. nothing’s gonna change nuna.. just think of it as I was high off.. whatever.. I’m
sleepy.. I’ll see you later..”

taesung turned his back toward me… I don’t know what to do at a situation like this.. I
don’t want to hurt you taesung… but how am I suppose to tell you how I feel without..
without adding another scar to your heart..

“taesung…. I’m sorry…”

taesung’s sleeping figure didn’t flicker or anything so in a louder voice..

“i’m sorry taesung….. see, nuna’s-”

“i know.. you don’t have to explain what the sorry means.”

“we’re not going to drift apart because of this, right?”


taesung’s voice was raspy as forcing his tears to go away…why didn’t I notice it sooner…
why.. why am I so daft… if only I had stated my feelings clearer, none of this would’ve
happened…… I’m the one to blame for these peoples’ scars and pain… chung hankyung..
grow up… I gazed at taesung’s still back for a long time then slowly stood up..

“taesung..i’ll be going now..”

taesung didn’t silent..

“i’ll.. come back……… to-tomorrow..”

why did I just stutter..

“sweet dreams.. and go to school tomorrow..

as soon as I shut the door, the little amount of strength gave up, causing me to collapse
on my knees and lean on the door… sighing, I heard a sound of glass shattering and
taesung’s soft sobbing…. I reached for the door knob but tiredly let go as I walked out of
the apartments…..
taesung’s house is usually a 20 minute walk from mine.. yet today, not really paying
attention to where I was going, I came back home after about an hour… when I walked
into our apartments, I saw haewon smoking on the stairs, confidentally.. haewon caught
my gaze and stomping on his cigarette, he walked over to where I was..

“where were you?”


“…where were you?”


“did something happen..? what’s wrong with you.”


“chung hankyung”


haewon tipped my jaws, ordering my eyes to see that he was angry… after heaving a

“you were with chung taesung huh?”


“the truth?”


“i don’t like seeing you with him… I get frustrated for no reason..”


i had been muttering things softly, dumbfounded, then snapped at haewon after what just
told me.. haewon looked a bit surprised..

“what? why would you get frustrated?”

“i dunno…………. I don’t know why.. I just.. do, I guess”

“taesung’s my brother! what’s wrong with that!”

“don’t… I’m sorry, my mistake..”

“what’s wrong with taesung……… what are we… theres nothing wrong with taesung… what
were you thinking!”

“stop.. I don’t wanna argue with you.”


haewon silently took my hand and walked up the stairs..

“your friend.. the baby one..”


“the one that looks like you.”

“ah.. bojung?”

“yeah.. she wants us to come to her house tomorrow”


“her uncle’s supposedly a fortune teller.. he’ll tell us our horoscope.”

“don’t you hate going to those things?”

“yeah.. -_ -”

“when I asked you to go to one before, you yelled at me. -_ -”

“yeah -_ -”

“then why now. - _-”

“i just got curious if i’d be wise in marrying you.. why have a problem with that? -_ -”

“marry? you and me? -0-”

“yeah - _ - why?”

“you wanna marry me? -0-”

“why, is that funny?”

haewon has a habit of ignoring your eyes and shouting whenever he’s embarassed… -_ -
there he goes with the shouting again! -_ -
“why are you shouting! -0-”

“when did I ever!”

“you and me, marry?”

“you think it’s impossible?”

“^-^ I’m just playing around with you.. lets go tomorrow”

Haewon then smiled happily.. both of his dimples smiled happily toward me ^-^

“kek.. you look like taesung”



“say that again and i’ll.. - _-.. “


“go in.. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“okay… you be careful, too..”


haewon waved his hands and walked away, leaving be by our house door..



Haewon spun around and looked at me questioningly..

“just… I love you..”

surprised, haewon stared at me with his eyebrow raised…. grinning at him, I quickly
escaped into my room.. -_ - I’m sorry taesung.. but… I can’t hide my feelings can i…?…you
know that I love you more than anyone else… but… it’s… it’s a different love from what I
feel toward haewon…it’s.. the opposite.. I’m sorry taesung…

A wolf’s attraction-97

Next morning..

I dialed taesung’s number as if nothing had happened… After 6 or 7 signals.. I was about
to hang up the phone, rejected, when..


“h..hey taesung! It’s nuna!”

“ah.. hey nuna! ^-^”

“where are you?”

“on my way to school!”

“^o^ this early?”

“yep! ^-^”

then dareum who had been sitting next to me asked..

“unni.. is that chung taesung?”


“lemme talk to him!”

“oh okay.. O_O”

but… to hand over the phone to dareum was a big mistake..

“yeah! It’s me! Han dareum!! …… what? Why can’t I talk to you? What!! -0- why does it
matter if my voice sounds pathetic? Oh really! Your voice sounds like a monkeys butt then!

dareum never passed up the opportunity to cease everyone’s attention in the bus and
today wasn’t an exception as she continued to shout into the speaker.

“you b!tch!! you think you’re so great huh! >O<“

TOT if I wasn’t mistaken… I can hear the other end’s signal as dooo.. doo doo… but
dareum just continued to shout great cuss words into the speaker until we arrived at
school… getting off, I asked dareum carefully..

“dareum .. why were you yelling into the phone when taesung already hung up? “

then dareum whispered into my ears, looking around.

“-0- everyone was watching me! I can’t just let them know chung taesung got the best of
me~ so I just pretended I was still talking to him. “

ah… that was the reason? Dang dareum, you’re quick… as I was complimenting dareum on
her cunningness, she ran to where wun was walking and clung onto his arm..

“aigoo! Our b-king! Why are you here so early?”

“go away!! -0- my babies might think you’re my girlfriend!”

“babies? O_O? ah… those abc sophomores?”

“-0-! Han dareummm!!”

the two were running into the school in a wrestling pose . walking by myself, I later saw
that they had been caught by the PE teacher as they were on their knees and raising their
hands. the PE teacher stood infront of them, scolding them nonstop and after giving them
a look a sympathy, I ran away from the spot before the teacher could accuse my gum for
snot again. bojung was waiting for me by my classroom and catching a glimpse of me, she
gave me a bright smile.

“hey bojung! ^O^”

“hihi ^O^ I was waiting for you hankyung~”

“me? O_O why?”

“you see.. ^O^ you’re coming to our house after school with haewon, right?”

“ahh… the fortune thing~ -0- yep.. I am ^O^”

“okay ^O^ heheh -0- I’ll come by your class after school.”

“okay ^O^”

right then, haewon approached me with two of his buttons missing from jacket.
“what’s wrong haewon?”

“my button fell off! -0- can you sew it back?”

“… how’d your button fall off?”

“aish.. I was fighting with yoo haejung.. sew it for me.”

Kek. First time I saw a babyish side of haewon. =_=

“I don’t have a needle with me thohugh.. “

“I have one..”

Bojung squeaked from next to me.

“really? You have one?”

“yep ^O^ heh I have the thread, too.”

Haewon stared at me then at bojung and back at me.

“chung hankyung, sew it for me.”

“O_O bojung has the thread though.. ask her to sew the buttons back for you. ^O^”

“I could if you want me to.. I can’t sew very well but I know how to work with the
threads.. ^O^”

haewon bit his lower lips as he took off his jackets.. bojung smiled sweetly as she accepted
his jacket..

“I’ll visit your class after first period! ^O^”

with those words, she sprinted back to her classroom..

“why don’t you carry around needles?!”


“that girl.. your friend.”

“yeah. O_O”

“she looked daft but I guess she’s not.. O_O”

“yeah ^O^ I never thought she’d carry around needles and a thread~ she’s cool isn’t she?

“learn from her.. “

haewon lightly punched my head again.. haewon and I talked for about 10 minutes and
afterward, I sat in my first period class, smiling brightly at the teacher… at the end of
school, bojung was waiting for me infront of our classroom and together we set out for
room 2-3… when we got there, we saw haewon complaining about a hamster imprinted on
top of his left pockets…

“haewon.. what’s that thing in your pockets? “

“I don’t know! Ask your friend there!”

haewon pointed at bojung accusingly.. bojung answered with tears in her eyes..

“T_T I just… thought hamsters were cute… T_T”

“yeah haewon! -0- why are you so mean.”

I patted bojung on the shoulders for comfort and scolded haewon..

“how am I suppose to cope with a hamster??? The guys are already making fun of me!

“TOT I just thought a hamster would look nice.. T_T I’m sorry..”

“-0- you’re crying again?! Arghh you’re driving me insane..okay okay.. thanks for the
hamster.. it looks cute okay? Hella cute!”

then bojung sniffled as she stopped her tears.

“really? You think it’s cute? T_T”

“yeah! I wanna take it out and hug it, happy?”

“hehe my nickname’s a hamster! ^O^ that’s why I put it there.. I’m glad you like it
though! ^O^ I got so scared when you were glaring at me before.. T_T”

“why pink of all colors, though..”

“you don’t like the color pink? T_T”

“ I’m just playing.. lets go to your house now and get that fortune thing over with.”
“o k~! ^O^”

haewon slung his backpack over his shoulders and walked ahead of us with bojung at his
tails.. that looks so familiar.. -0- ahhh -0- they remind me of haewon and me! Hehe!

“guys wait for me!”

A wolf’s attraction-98

we walked in the direction where taesung lived… bojung suddenly halted then coming back
to where we were, she whispered.

“ooh.. you guys have the same backpack! -0-”

“hehe we bought it together ^O^”

“wowwy… I have the same backpack at home! -0-”

when I opened my mouth to reply, haewon interrupted in a slightly annoyed voice.

“hey.. where the heck do you live..”

“we’re almost here -0- hehe right there!”

Bojung pointed at a small apartment in our view and grabbing my hands, haewon marched
to the stairs when..

“ooh.. haewon! there’s a loose thread.. here..”

bojung snapped the loose thread off of haewon’s backpack.

“oh. Thanks.”

“hehe -0- no prob!”

bojung shook the compliment off as she twirled her hair, her cheeks reddening deeply..

“Do you have younger siblings?”

“nope -0- I’m an only child.. why?”

“you just seem like the comforting type… hey chung hankyung, aren’t you the first?”

“hehe -0- yep yep.. dareum, jooho, and taesung are all younger than me~ -0-”

“then act like your age.. you’re always so confused your shoe laces are loose again!! -0-”

I crouched down on the stairs and tied my shoelaces while bojung silently observed me..

“I’m so envious of you guys! -0-”


“you look like a brother and a sister.. -0- I’ve always wanted an older brother….. I guess
that’s more of a reason why I’m so envious? Heh -0-”

“my third brother always wanted a younger sister.. want me to introduce you to him?”

haewon asked bojung then she slowly shook her head.

“I like younger guys better. ^O^”

With those words, bojung disappeared through the doors… confused, I followed bojung
with haewon… for some reason, my heart was thumping really loudly.. when we entered a
room, I saw a guy in his twenties screaming in the livingriim..


Haewon’s face hardened at the sight of the guy and was about to leave when bojung
quickly grabbed his wrists.

“don’t leave yet! He’s my uncle.. he’s just powering up for you guys.”


haewon silently entered the room, looking grave while I hid behind him, scared… wait..
why does.. he look so familiar? gongju? but how could that be.. I continued to stare at the
guy weirdly then the guy suddenly shouted, opening his eyes wide.

“you’re suspicious of me!”


“get rid of that cursed mind! -0-”

scared of bojung’s uncle, I tried to look as innocent as possible..

“come closer!”

I lightly walked to where he was and sat down infront of him along with bojung and
haewon next to me… Haewon had his arms crossed as he stared down at the guy as if
looking at a dirty old broom..

“are these the kids, bojung?”

“yes, op… I mean….. uncle.. -0-”

“tsk tsk..”

bojung’s uncle stared into my eyes as if searching for something.

“what.. what’s wrong? -0-”

“don’t match… don’t… match.. at all..”

“what? -0- what doesn’t match?”

“you two! Your boyfriend has much too much energy!”

Uncle lifted his index finger and pointed at haewon.

“and both of you have buddha’s skin on your faces!”

“-0-… what’s a buddha’s skin?”

“your boyfriend! He’ll forever be stalked by girls and.. YOU! -0-”

Uncle pushed my surprised forehead.

“yes…? TOT”

“even though you may not be so pretty, you will always have guys on your tail! -0-”

“TOT that’s… impossible..”

“a rendezvous between a tiger and a rabbit… tsk tsk”

“why are you touching my girl! -0-”

haewon tore uncle’s finger off of my forehead and lifted my dumbfounded figure off the

“hey.. lets go. “

“what? TOT”

“lets leave!!”
haewon seemed beyond angry..

“I told you not to believe in this sort of stuff!!”

“YOU were the one who wanted to come here! TOT”

I sent bojung desperate look of help while I was helplessly dragged out by haewon…
bojung looked terrified as she stared between her uncle and us.. haewon slammed open
the front door when… bojung’s uncle whispered to me as if he was possessed..

“the heavens curse you for sharing unforbidden emotions between you and your blood
related ones!”


“you have a brother, don’t you?”

haewon let go of my hands and walking over to where bojung’s uncle was, he grabbed him
by the collars.

“dare you to say that sh!t again.. what?”

“nothing you try will help you gain her back. Theres no room to interfere for their love is
too powerful.”

What… are.. you saying…. Bojung’s uncle continued to talk in the same possessed

“tell me the truth.. you received your brother’s feelings a couple of days ago huh! You’ve
found out about the forbidden love!”

“what… are you talking about..”

“you love him, too.. you are just too cowardly to realize but your feelings stand tall! Act

bojung’s uncle suddenly screamed and before he could finish what he was saying, haewon
knocked him off his feet.

“watch your tongue. Don’t talk that sh!t to us.. we’re not retarded.”

haewon roughly stormed out of the house.

I scrambled to my feet to chase after him and stopped at bojung’s loud cry..

“sorry TOT I’m so sorry hankyung!! Heukheuk”

“what are you talking about.. I’m the one who’s sorry.. I’ll see you tomorrow bojung!
Uncle! I apologize!!”

I forcefully pulled on haewon’s elbow while he was panting furiously..

“haewon.. what’s wrong with you…”

“what.. was that.. what was he saying..”

“you were the one who told me not to believe in fortune tellers, remember?”

“how does he know you have a brother..”

“cuz.. he’s a fortune teller..?”

“tell me the truth chung hankyung.”


“what did that b!tch mean??? what the hell did chung taesung tell you?”

“… I told you it was nothing..”

“STOP WITH THE NOTHING!!!!! I’m not stupid, hankyung!”

“…………. Yeah… he… did.. taesung… did… so.. what…”

“he.. did? He.. said that?”


I was unable to reply and shifted my gaze elsewhere..

“hah….. is your hobby backstabbing people or what..”

“how can you say that??? I don’t feel that way toward taesung!! He’s one of the few
people I treasure!”
“then why didn’t’ you tell me..”

“…….how… could I tell you something like that…. How…”

“if you told me ahead of time… hooo… never mind… lets.. stop..”
haewon brushed past me and walked ahead..

“bahn haewon!! wait!! Yeah! Okay, taesung did.. tell me!! And what the uncle said about
taesung…….. doing so is correct!! But he’s wrong about me! I never thought taesung as
more than a brother………… you… know it better than me haewon…. you know that you’re
the only one I like…”

I don’t get why you’re acting this way… and I don’t get why you don’t trust me… but it’s
the truth haewon… I love you… you’re the only one I’m looking at… why can’t you see
that….. haewon looked convinced and let out a deep sigh..

“i was.. expecting that… so it wasn’t much of a shock when he said that… it’s just that… I
wanted him to be wrong.. and I guess.. that’s why I got angry..”


“let’s go..”


on the bus… haewon and I were sitting next to each other yet not even a word was going
around between us… all of a sudden… his closed shut mouth seemed so unfamiliar…
A wolf’s attraction-99

Haewon got off downtown, saying that he needed to stop by somewhere… even though I
knew he’d probably go out to drink, I didn’t have the courage to stop him as I silently
waved…. And with much difficulty, arrived in front of our house..

Standing outside, I heard jooho’s gleeful shouts along with dareum’s cussful yells… and
soon, taesung’s playful voice rang in my ears.. just incase I heard wrong, I opened the
door wide and silently sighed at a familiar pair of sneakers infront of the door..

“unni! Chung taesung’s here!”

at dareum’s loud shout, I hurried to the living room and saw jooho sitting down right next
to taesung, along with dareum who was laying down on the floor, smiling happily..

“ooh.. nuna, you’re finally here!”

“……..yeah… hey taesung…”

taesung…. Gave me a bright smile.. as if nothing had happened.. as if I hadn’t hurt him in
anyway… I’m sorry taesung.. that I cant bring myself to look at your face without forcing
myself…. I guess.. taesung was much.. mature… and brighter than I have ever imagined
him to be… how could he smile so bright without a single dark shadow cast on his face..
“taesung.. sorry.. imma go sleep..”

“unni.. O_O chung taesung’s here..”

“I know.. I’m just tired.. ^-^”

“did anything happen, unni?”

“no… it’s nothing.. taesung, sorry.. nuna’s really tired…”

taesung nodded his head..

“oh yeah unni! I have good news!”

dareum stopped me from going in, shouting mysteriously..


dareum giggled happily and said…

“see! Last night! I persuaded mom!! I told her that you’ll be an adult in a few months and
how about letting you spend the rest of your senior year at your friend’s house?”

“are you talking about taesung’s hospital?”

“yeah! If I tell her it was taesung’s house, she’ll get all pms-y like last time so I just told
her it was a friend’s house! ^O^”


“and mom was supportive of the idea~ all you have to do is pretend you’re going into a
friend’s house and live with taesung!! Aren’t I smart?? You’re proud of me unni huh?”

“NOO!! Hankyung nuna has to live with me!! -0-”

jooho shouted forcefully.. then taesung interrupted..

“why! Do you own hankyung nuna? -0-”

“she’s my first nuna!! -0-”

“don’t make me laugh! She’s MY first nuna! -0-”

“hyung ahh… this is betrayal! -0-”

“raccoon, I can do whatever I want~ >_<“

jooho now started to bawl taesung didn’t seem to care as he plucked out light brown hair
(.. white =_-) sitting infront of the mirror..

“nunaaa..TOT first nuna.. you’re not gonna go, right? TOT”

when did jooho start liking me?

“hey!! Do you guys not even know I exist?!?! I’m your nuna and your sibling, too you
know!! -0-”

the angry dareum shouted loudly..

“I’m going to live here jooho… so don’t cry…”

an immediate hush fell upon us taesung gazed at me, blankly.. jooho was giggling
happily.. while dareum stared at me, surprised..

“what are you talking about unni? You’re not gonna live with taesung? (a/n* this is the
first time dareum calls taesung ‘taesung’ and not ‘chung taesung’.. isn’t that incredible?

“I think.. it’s something I have to think about..”

“-0- what are you talking about? You’ll just leave this @ss to live by himself?”

“I’m not gonna be myself!! Imma buy a kitty!! Then I won’t be alone anymore!!”

taesung threw an attack at dareum as if nothing was bothering him…………… what the frick
am I doing to taesung… I know I shouldn’t be doing this to him……… but…. But for some
reason, I can’t seem to control what I say…

boongee boongee chachacha~ boongee boongee chachacha~

I love you taesung’s cell phone.. you rang right on time… taesung would usually pick up
after 1000000 rings or take out the battery…. But this time, he picked it up almost

“hello……… oh… what…”

Haewon’s voice rang throughout the living room..

“come out!”

“where are you..”

“come out!!!”

“where are youuu.. -0-”

“I’m in front of your house…”

“wait like 30 minutes, aight..?”

“sshi!! -0- wait how long?”


taesung looked solemn as he pocketed his cell phone and stood up slowly..

“hyung ah.. are you leaving already?”

jooho held onto the edge of taesung’s jeans..

“yeah.. raccoon, I’ll see you later.. imma go han dareum… nuna……… sweet dreams.. ^-^”

“taesung ah.. haewon………. haewon…! -0-”

“I know.. ^-^ you don’t have to explain, I know what happened.. I’ll clean up the mess I
started, today, don’t worry! >_<“

“I’m sorry taesung… haewon knows, too… I think that’s why he wanted to talk to you..”

“it’s a good thing you’ve told him.. ^-^ sleep tight, nuna..”

taesung grinned at me softly and put on his sneakers..

“hey! My friends wanna see you!! -0- you have to meet them tomorrow okay??”

at dareum’s randomness, taesung gave her the middle finger and waved it around.

“you… YOU!! -0-”

dareum got up from her position but taesung was already out the door… thanks to his
disappearance, dareum’s attention focused back to me.

“what do you mean you told haewon? what’d you tell him? You made another secret with
chung taesung, huh?!?! Tell me too! Tell me tell me tell meee..!! -0-”

“dareum… Pee!! I need to go pee!! KYAHH!!! >_<“

I quickly hid in the bathroom.. and had to hide out, trembling until mom came home..
wolf’s Attraction-100

5 minutes before first period was to start, Bojung came through the back door and walked
to where I sat.

“Hankyung…! I’m sooo sorry about last night! T_T Haewon must be mad cuz of my uncle,
huh? I didn’t know he’d say something like that.. TOT”

“Don’t sweat it, it’s not your fault at all. ^-^ I’m the one who should be sorry about
haewon… he shouldn’t have mistreated your uncle like that..”

“Uncle asked me to tell you he was sorry..”

“no prob. ^-^”

While I was flashing Bojung a grin, a white picture near her pockets caught my eyes…. A
white hamster…. in the same design as haewon’s..

“Oh.. this… I was thinking about sewing it there for the longest time and I never had the
time but… last night… you know, I had spare time left cuz… you guys left so rapidly so…..
if.. if you don’t like it, I’ll take it out.. TOT”

“^-^ Don’t worry about it, it’s so pretty you shouldn’t take it out.. ^-^ Ooh.. that reminds
me, my brother’ll probably like that.. teach me sometime, yeah? ^O^”

“Sure~ have fun! ^0^”

Bojung ran back to her class almost hopping…

what……….the…………..Bojung’s backpack was the same as mine.. White with pink stripes…
the same design as the one Haewon had bought for me..and as I stared at Bojung’s
disappearing figure in curiousity.. I felt someone gripping my shoulders tight and talking
as if straining herself to not scream ..-_ -

“How could you not believe me when you HAVE the proof laid out infront of you?! she’s
trying to get you and Haewon torn apart, I tell you!! she’s such a slut, hankyung!! -0-”

“-_ -.. Jooin! when’d you get here?”

“She’s mistaken if she thinks she could get away with that! -0- that b!tch!! she put that
hamster on her pockets on purpose! and I bet that she brought that backpack right after
she saw yours!! she’s just pretending to be all innocent, I tell you!!! She may look all daft
and confused all the time but you have no idea how smart she is!! TOT”
“It’s mean to talk bad things about others, Jooin..”

“AHHH!!! you are so blind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“AHHHHH!! -0-”

Jooin suddenly brought her sharp teeth on my head and begun to bite my head.. I tried
blocking her out, covering my head with my arms yet Jooin just dug in deeper, ignoring
my whimpering pleas.. TOT and until Minsoon came to my rescue and tore her off of me
with much strength, I was suffering under Jooin’s attack… When school ended, I heaved a
big breath for bravery and visited Haewon’s classroom, softly rubbing my swollen head…
and soon a cut lipped haewon greeted me, expressionless.


“-0- you……………. with taesung?!?!”


“is that it?? did you fight with taeung?!?!? TOT”


“TOT dummy..!! why’d you do that.. it’s not his fault……”

“we made up in the end so stop.”

“is taesung hurt, too? TOT”

Haewon looked me up and down icily

“see you later.”

Haewon slung his black white backpack over his back and descended down the hallway.

“haewon!! wait, I’ll buy you lunch!! -0- wait for me!”

I quickly put on my shoes and chasing after haewon, I saw Wun laughing happily,
surrounded by Sophmores. - _- noticing my gaze, he slowly hung his head low. Giving him
an awkward smile, I resumed my run and catched up with Haewon.

“Haewon!! hukhuk.. I’ll buy you lunch!! TOT”

“It’s okay… I don’t bite off girls.”

“noo.. it’s okay.. yeah? lets go!”

I interlocked my fingers with haewon’s and tried to smile as prettily and brightly as

“Chung taesung…..”


“no… nevermind..”

“What about Taesung?”

“nevermind.. lets go”

“what.. about taesung…”

“lets go eat lunch yeah? I’m getting hungry.”

Something…. seemed weird… and that expression haewon had when he was about to tell
me about taesung lingered in my mind… yet forever grateful that Haewon let go of his
anger this soon, I happily walked downtown with Haewon to the best restaurant, pushing
the thought about taesung to the back of my mind.

10 minutes before we arrived at the restaurant, my cell phone begun signing from my
pockets. Haewon who had walking ahead of me, with his hands in his pockets, glimpsed at
me from the side of his eyes..

“Hello..? OH! ^O^ bojung! me? I’m going to the bbq house with Haewon.. ^O^ yeah the
one infront of nike… why? O_O oh.. ^-^ yeah okay~ have fun~!”

“why, what’d she say?”

“she was just wondering what I was doing. ^-^”

“the confused one?”

“yep, Bojung”

“does she have a boyfriend?”

“nope… ooh you should introduce her to one of your friends! ^O^”

“My 3rd hyung”

“-_ - what?”
“why, you have a problem with that?”

“…no… of course not, your 3rd brother is really.. handsome! -_ -”

to tell you the truth, haewon…Bojung’s too good for your brother. TOT haewon continued
to insist on introducing Bojung to her brother.. -_ - while I tried to change the subject in
the best way haewon wouldn’t get offended.. while haewon was explaining as to why
Bojung would be a good girlfriend for his brother, we saw a shocking scene ahead of us!

-0- on the street where the korean bbq was…two buffy looking SGG guys surrounded the
sobbing Bojung.

“oh my gosh! haewon!! bojung!!! BOJUNG!!! -0-”

at my loud cry, one of the SGG guys looked back in surprise.

“hankyung!!! T^T”

Bojung burst into tears, wailing like a baby.

“who are they?”

“haewon!! help bojung!! TOT you.. you mean heads!! TOT my friend!!”

when I took a rapid step toward bojung, haewon took a hold of my shoulders and stopped

“-_ - stay still for a sec, okay?”


Haewon slowly lingered to where the bullies were.

“you know me, yeah?”

the SGG guys nodded their heads together.

“i’m glad you do…. now what do you wish for me to do at a situation like this?”

“we just………. she’s pretty cute…”

“i didn’t ask for your excuses. I asked you what I should do.”

“we’ll be going now! -0- sorry! we didn’t know you knew her!”
The guys ran away, disgracing their buff figure.

“bojung, are you okay? TOT”

when haewon and I neared the sobbing bojung, she almost immediately collapsed onto
haewon’s shoulder.

“hey.. what are you doing. -0-”

“TOT heukheuk.. thanks hankyung, haewon.. if .. if it hadn’t been for you guys.. “

“you shouldn’t be out here alone.. see, this is why you should date my bro.. he’ll be with
you, all the time.”

Haewon didn’t fail in insisting of his brother once again.

“heukheuk TOT they said they just had a question to ask… so….i’m so scared.. if it hadn’t
been for you guys.. TOT”

“- _ -^ your soaking my uniform!! those b!tches won’t bother you again so go home now.”

Haewon lightly pushed bojung away =_=

“i don’t think I could go by myself.. TOT”

“- _ -^ so?”

“TOT…….i really.. don’t think I could go by myself..”

“SO!! -_ -

“TOT heuk.. nevermind..”

Bojung, You poor thing.. haewon you’re so cold hearted.. -_ -

“haewon… take bojung home..”

“why should i! -0-”

“if I was bojung, i’d be afraid to go home by myself, too… take her home..”

“aish.. I just have to catch a cab for you, right? -_ -”

finally, bojung nodded, smiling sweetly. her right hand gripped the ends of haewon’s shirt
tightly. heheh -0- she’s just like a baby.. even from a girl’s point of view, she’s adorable..
-0- haewon and bojung passed me slowly while I was digging my ears..
“wait for me in the restaurant.. I’ll come back soon.. -_ -^ aish, I’m like some chaffeur..”

“sorry hankyung.. -0-”

“no prob! ^O^”

soon their backs were toward me…. the same backpack.. along with the same hamster
design…. if anyone were to look at them right now, they’d think haewon and bojung are
couples.. -0-

unable to resist being remorse, I was just about to turn around when I had to stop dead in
my tracks at the next thing Bojung flashed toward me… she lightly looked over her
shoulders and fired a V sign toward me with her right hands.. I couldn’t help but fix my
gaze upon their disappearing backs.. -_ -

A wolf’s Attraction-101

What the heck was that? You were just playing around with your fingers, right Bojung? you
didn’t do show me that V sign on.. purpose, right bojung? right??? -0-

i stared dumbfounded at them and.. turning around to wait for haewon at the bbq house, a
small note caught my eyes, laid splattered infront of the nike store. It was in an orgami
shape… I wonder if bojung dropped it? O_O

when I opened the note….

Youngest out of two brothers. Likes cute girls. Blood type: O, dated two girls so far.

what… the heck is this suppose to be? -0- after observing the note and reading it over and
over again… I realized that in a very small handwriting, it said “Yoowun, Haewon’s best
friend” at the right corner of the muddy note..

why would anyone carry around a 4.1.1 about haewon’s best friend..? and… WHY is it
here, of all places? -0- the worse part was that.. it was on the same paper all our seniors
received 2 days ago at the assembly.. and for some reason… bojung’s face kept on
flashing in my mind… ahhhh what’s wrong with you chung hankyung! TOT bojung wouldn’t
do that to me.. sitting beneath the dark lamp of the bbq house, my thoughts continued
tracing back to the note and pretty soon.. the door to the bbq house opened and haewon
walked over after looking around. Haewon plopped down next to me.

“i’m tired..”

“why’d you come so late?”

“i dunno.. she had this obsession with yellow taixs.. wouldn’t get on anything else except
for that one… argh I had to wait with her..”

“-0- yello taxi???”

“yeah.. she was singing this chicken song.. -_ -^ the more I think about it, I think her
maturity level stopped at kindergarten.. she wouldn’t stop crying… you see this?”

Haewon’s sleeves were soaked wet..

“why is bojung’s tears on YOUR sleeves??!! -0-”

“-_ -^ you saw how she was all over me before.”

“-0- and why would you let her, huh??”

“you know how I get weak when girls cry!! why are you shouting at me??? -0-”

“don’t be alone with bojung from now on! >O<“

haewon gazed at my face in disbelief and laughed out loud.

“are you jealous?”

“-_ -it’s not like that”

“tchh~~ your face has jealousy written all over it!”

haewon poked my cheeks with his fingers. -_ -

“i told you, I’m not”

“then laugh!! laughh!!”

now haewon was stretching out my cheeks with his fingers. -_ -

“i … dont!! -_ -^”

“truthfully, you’re mad, huh?? yeah???”

“n o -_ -”

“i think you like me too much. >_<“


a sudden hush fell over the store as the waiter glanced at me, evilly… and haewon widened
his already big eyes..

“what’d you want to eat? weren’t you hungry?”

-_ - trying to make everything bright again, I skimmed the menu and pretty soon we were
able to eat out lunch, peacefully… haewon brought a cold glass of water to his lips and
drank it one shot.

“are you gonna go into taesung’s house?”

“since taesung’s alone… I guess.. why?”

“treat him well..”

i stared at haewon in shock, with my mouth wide open in the same position I was going to
put the steak in..

“-0- are you sick? here lemme feel your head…”

“no… just.. treat him well… he deserves it.. plus you’re his nuna..”

“then… am I safe to move in? -0-”

haewon didn’t reply as he bite into a piece of steak..

“you won’t mind if I move in?”

“didn’t you get a text message?”

huh? I usually never text with people…! I happily flipped open my phone and…

Taesung!! I did as you told me to do~ aren’t you proud of me? ^-^ haewon’s leaning
toward me, now!! ^-^
Sender: Bojung…

“who is it?”

“….huh? um…. a friend….”

i quickly shut the phone and tons of questions rushed to my head… what….. what is she
talking about? as I sat with my fork in my mouth, thinking about the message, haewon
tapped my shoulders..

“what happened? is everything aight?”

“um… yeah… yeah…”

taesung…? my brother taesung? bojung knows taesung?? but… HAHA it’s probably some
other taesung with a different last name….. well…. at least now I know for sure that
bojung’s trying to tear haewon and me apart…

but… TAESUNG? why would taesung be a part of this…? and why would bojung send ME a
message…? AHHHH I’m so confused!! TOT bbiliii bbiliii my cell phone begun ringing loudly
and haewon snatched it away from my hands before I even got to answer it.

“hello…. who…? chung taesung? yeah.. this is haewon.. yeah..”

“taesung? O_O?”

“she’s here.. hold up”

haewon passed me the phone as if nothing was wrong..


“nuna ^-^”

“oh.. taesung.. where are you?”

“in the bus! ^-^”


“i’m going somewhere.. >_< nuna! NUNA!!”

“lets meet later~~ and lets take a picture! ^-^”

“….picture? for what?”

“just… I wanted to take a picture with you.. and han dareum and the raccoon kid~”

haewon saw me hesitating and whispered,

“i don’t care.. if he wants to meet you then don’t refuse”

yeah…. I should… to ask him about bojung…

“yeah taesung… lets meet.. what time will you get back to ahnyang?”
A wolf’s attraction-102

That night at about 8.. Dareum, JOoho, and I were waiting for Taesung infront of a studio
picture store… and when dareum’s cuss words were just about to come out for waiting a
long time, Taesung appeared in a suit while waving happily at us.

“YAH!! what’s that suppose to be? was there a meeting, today?”

dareum tapped taesung’s shoulder and asked him as if she was chewing gum.. -

“aren’t I handsome? nuna, look at me~~ raccoon kid, aren’t you jealous of hyung? -0-”

taesung took off his jacket and the girls who had been waiting in the store all stared at
him in awe while glued to the windows.. -_ -

“taesung.. what’s the suit suppose to be?”

“just.. ^-^ I wear suits often… O_O lets go in!! >_<“

taesung took a hold of jooho’s hands and entered the studio store, the girls who had been
staring at taesung in adoration was now screaming…

“shut up! you’re not at a zoo -0-”

at dareum’s annoyed shout, the girls all gave us a death glare -_ - while I stared at the
pictures on the walls in fascination, dareum and taesung’s fight started again..

“chung taesung.. you saw my friend today huh?”

“-0- uh huh..”

“she told me you ran away after you saw her!! -0-”
“-0- so?”

“when you were running away, you screamed out -0- “MONSTER!”!! >O<“

“-0- soo?”

“you b!tch! how dare you scratch a girl’s fraile heart!?! >O<“

“it’s not fraile, it’s fragile -0-”

“-0- how dare you… a stupid person like yOU!! try to correct me???”

“let’s stop the fight, jooho!”

i pleaded toward jooho yet he just turned around and sat down in a nearby couch,
seeming uninterested. -_ - taking a deep breath, I stepped in between the two and tore
them apart.. dareum was breathing heavily and taesung was singing along an unfamiliar
song… I grabbed taesung’s wrist and asked him a few feet away from dareum..



“do you… know a girl named lee bojung, my age? -0-”

“O_O no”

“nuna’s school.. you don’t know her?”

“O_O nope.. I dunno.. who is she?”

“ah.. nevermind… lets go take our picture now!! ^-^”

the photographer looked over us icily and told us where to sit down and in what kind of a
posture.. after 10 minutes of more bickering and quarreling, we were able to finally take
our picture and left the store after hearing the photographer’s order to pick up the pictures
2 hours later.. - _-

“lets go to the karaoke room!!”

jooho shouts happily..

“no, arcade’s better.”

-_ - taesung murmured softly

“why hyunggg.. kararoke room!! -0-”

“the arcade, raccoon.. you get to hear the sound effects in the arcade! -0-”

“hyunggg.. TOT lets just go to the karaoke room!! nunaaa..”

jooho clung onto taesung’s arms and pleaded

“sure!! my adorable jooho!! lets ditch that b!tch and go someplace fun ALL by ourselves,
yeah?? -0- unni!! you, too!! lets go!!”

dareum snatched my hands and pulled me with incredibly strength

“then taesung has to go to the arcade by himself… how about we just meet back here 2
hours from now? ^-^”

“-_ -^ tch.. jooho lets go!! -0-”

dareum seemed angrily as she dragged jooho away. -_ -

“nuna!! TOT that hurts!!! >O<“

“what -0-”

what… if…. I marry haewon… and my kids happen to act like dareum and jooho??? -_ -
taesung begun to lead me to the arcade as I was surrendered by these thoughts.. an
awkward atmosphere fell between us…. I can’t help it but to feel a little.. weird about
taesung’s confession… forcing myself to chat happily with taesung, I stepped into the 2nd
floor arcade..

a lot of students wearing a uniform was occupying the space and a couple of couples… or
even guys who had been smoking… immediately stood up and bowed to taesung after they
recognized his presence.. -_ - and taesung simply nodded his head in return.. -0- dang..

“nuna~~ lets go sing! you never heard me sing, huh??”

taesung pushed me into a tiny karaoke box… ahhhh I’ll just probably get all embarassed
for no reason again, taesung!! TOT I’m not ready yet!! T^T

“DUDE!! ARE YOU STUPID?!?! -0- POP IT!!! THAT THING!! the bubble!! pop it!!! -0-”

A familiar voice rang around the karaoke box and..

“isn’t… isn’t that haewon’s voice? O_O”

taesung answered my thoughts and I quickly ran out the box and staggered to where I
heard haewon’s voice… when… I got there… I saw…. bojung smiling as if she was having
the time of her life while scratching her head… and haewon.. who was standing next to her
rigidly, while shouting..

A wolf’s Attraction-103 (<- I’m in the ONE HUNDREDS NOW!! O_O)

My clenched fists begun to shake crazily and I could feel the blood draining out of my lips..
-_ - is.. this what jealousy is? as I continued to silently stare at the two.. taesung opened
his mouth quietly..

“what…. they hell is that?”

“she’s my friend.. don’t jump to conclusions, taesung..”

i tried my best to sound calm and sound convincing yet my shaky voice deceived me -_ -


Before I could stop him, taesung shouted out loudly.. then finally haewon and bojung
noticed our presence.

“Chung Taesung?”

Haewon looked at Taesung in a what-are-you-doing-here kind of a stare and before

Taesung’s name could even come out, Bojung looked shocked… and why are you making
that face? -0- haewon had on a messenger bag as he walked over us, frowning down at

“what are you doing here?”

“what are YOU doing here?”

taesung and haewon looked at each other evilly then..

“tae.. taesung -0- what’s up?”

BOjung asked taesung carefully… wait wait WAIT! bojung’s…. NOT on the same team as
taesung… RIGHT? TOT taesung looked bojung up and down at her question.

“what..? you know me?”

bojung looked appalled almost.. then glancing at me.. she quickly changed her

“n…no.. I don’t sorry.. -0-”

“Bahn Haewon.. hah how could you go around meeting another girl after what you told

“-_ -^ another girl? she’s hankyung’s friend, don’t trip.”

Haewon poked bojung as he replied taesung..

“yeah.. taesung -0- I’m hankyung’s friend.. don’t misunderstand it for anything..”

bojung waved her hands frantically.. then..

“if she’s just a friend then why the hell is my nuna staring at you so gravely?”

taesung put his hands on my shoulders and I immediately smiled, not wanting them to see
how hardened and cold my face was. -_ -

“what’s wrong with my expression, taesung? ^O^”

haewon was silent.. then

“take your hand off of her”

“who are you to make me?”


“who the hell are you and what’s wrong with a brother putting his hands around his sister’s
shoulders? what does it look like to you, huh? HUH”

taesung gripped my shoulders a bit tighter.. the tension between us built up more and

“you really don’t know huh”

“why else would I ask you”

“i ordered you to take your hands off of her.”

“i cancel what I said last night. I can’t give you my nuna.. wait hell no, I won’t give you
her.. I’ll just take her with me.”

take me? where? -0-

“say that again”

“nuna, lets go”

taesung spun me around and that instant -0- AHHH -0- haewon lifted taesung up by the

“haewon!! >O<“

at bojung’s shout, haewon just choked taesung’s collar tighter and a crowd immediately
formed around us.

“ahhh!! LOOK!! SGG’s best and GSG’s (haewon, n hankyung’s school) are fighting!! >O<“

“hey! heyy come here immediately!! theres a fight!! >_<“

how could you be so cruel.. T_T you should be stopping them not make them fight more..
T_T haewon and taesung was now on the floor, punching.. I continued to shout and look
around, panicked to stop in any way.. yet I figured.. that the only one who could stop
them was haewon’s 3rd brother.. T_T when taesung lifted his fists high in the air to punch

“HAEWON!! >O<“

Bojung pushed past the crowd and jumped infront of haewon, with her eyes closed shut.
and taesung… taesung stopped what he was doing and looked at her..


“don’t hit haewon, taesung.. T_T”

“who the hell are you? huh?”

taesung’s voice was rough… his outer.. and inner appearance had all of a sudden turned so
cold.. T_T

“what are you talking about taesung…. you know who I am… TOT”

bojung’s tone of voice didn’t change at all as she replied and taesung looked at her in

“i never saw you before. who the hell are you”

then.. bojung slowly turned her head and glanced my way…. stuttering, she shook her
head furiously..

“ah… yeah.. I forgot.. um.. I don’t know you.. taesung? >_<“

i….. am SO confused.. what’s bojung trying to pull..??? AHHHH this is getting me more and
more complicated.. then…. then.. is it true that taesung ordered her.. to… to tear haewon
and me apart..? TOT noooo… of course not.. my BROTHEr taesung?? how could he! as I
was scratching my head in frustration, the two guys were fighting again..


i jumped on taesung’s back and tried to pull him back with all the strength I could use..
yet they now used scary cuss words as well as kicking as well… later.. the manager of the
arcade… along with several townsmen jumped in and broke up the fight… so.. to put it
exact… about 40 more minutes later, they broke apart, panting furiously… haewon shouted
angrily at the crowd watching us..

“fck !(@*&#(*!@!! get out!!”

the shocked kids all covered their mouths and brustled out the door.. haewon and taesung
were on the arcade floor panting and murmuring… and…… bojung… was leaning on
haewon’s back as she sobbed hysterically.. -_ -^

“sshi !@#*@!() is this how you wanted to end it?”

haewon asked taesung as he wiped the blood off his lip..

“i guess this is our fate.. we meet as friends and end up as enemies.”

Taesung replied back observing his swollen fists.. haewon suddenly stood up and..

“it wasn’t even anything to fight over…. man, we just gave those kids a free show..”

“it is to me”

“is it that serious that I’m with her?”

haewon pointed at bojung

“yeah.. to me, at least”

taesung was still talking in a ice cold voice..

“hah.. we just met coincidentally….. you know what? I don’t feel the need to give you an
excuse. chung hankyung, stop crying and stand up..”

haewon stretched out his hand to me.. and I stared at bojung and back at haewon

“hey.. don’t get on my case, too! you know that I wouldn’t do that to you..”
but.. to just let this go.. the things bojung did.. it’s… I dunno it’s too complicated,
haewon… when I gave bojung an icy glare.. she hung her head low and squeaked..

“i’m sorry hankyung.. we just happened to meet like… an hour ago.. I didn’t know it’d…
I’m sor….”

bojung was unable to finish her sentence as she burst into another round of tears. -_ -

“taesung.. lets go..”

taesung.. who had made it to the hall of fame for those wonderful scratches.. AGAIn..
smiled wide at me when I stretched out my hand toward him..

“chung hankyung..”

haewon stared at my face in belief.


“what are you … doing..”

“imma go find my picture with taesung.. O_O”

“how do you think i’d feel if you just leave like that..”

“it’s.. not that… well I’ll just talk to you later… dareum and jooho’s waiting for us.”

“i’m not finished”

“it’s been way over 2 hours.. lets go taesung..”

taesung glimpsed at haewon and exited out the door.. after staring at bojung who had now
collapsed onto the floor… I hurried out the door to chase after taesung..


i heard bojung’s loud outcry yet I ignored her and walked unable to strain myself from
shaking… haewon….. must be.. really mad… but… I know that it’s not haewon’s fault…..
yet… yet for me to remain staying there… the anger… I have toward bojung was to big…

A wolf’s Attraction-104

Dareum who was as red as a tomato, shouting and grumbling, ran toward us as soon as
she spotted us.
“You!! YOU!!! O_O…. hey what’s wrong with your face?”

she started out screaming and ended up asking taesung in concern.

“Nuna hit me..”

“Tch don’t make me laugh.. hey why’s your face all bloody? unni, what’s wrong with him?

“it’s hideous captain! -0-”

Jooho was frantically observing taesung’s face.

“really.. nuna! you hit me, right? -__-”

Taesung pleaded me with his eyes… ahh I can’t believe I have to lie to my innocent
dareum and jooho again..

“you see dareum.. taesung collided with the arcade banner.. so we had to pay for its
damages, and that’s why we’re late.. sorry.. TOT”

“O_o.. ahh… really? you should’ve called at least! and here I thought you went to go eat
something without us~ haha~! lets go in to get those pictures!!! -0-”

dareum NEVER gets suspcious does she.. jooho stared at dareum in disblief as she opened
the studio picture store’s door..

“nuna, you don’t REALLY believe what hankyung told you, right? -__-”

“huh? what? -0-”

“whew.. poor nuna.. I think your brain cells escape from your head everyday or

“-0- shut up!!”

dareum punched jooho’s head with a bam. -____- we had to step into the store with jooho
shrieking out loudly while receiving another glare from the photographer.

standing in front of the studio store, we all stared rigidly at the picture.. dareum looked
furious then…

“sh!t!! that’s dumb!! why do I only have ONE double eyelid??!”

“-0- because you only HAVE one double eyelid. -0- nuna, look at the picture!! didn’t we
come out great? aren’t I handsome??”

taesung seemed very satisfied..

“^O^ yeah taesung.. everyone’s so pretty… dareum.. taesung.. and jooho! look at you,
you came out great!”

we were all smiling wide inside the picture… even though we didn’t look a bit like each
other… our facial expressions.. which looked as if we were having the best time in our
lives.. were the same..

taesung dropped us off infront of our house and neglecting our invitation to come in and
eat dinner with us.. he disappeared with a bright smile… he had been staring into the
picture at least more than 10 times per minute..

that night.. I lay on my bed in deep thought… taesung and bojung’s relationship… bojung’s
identity… and.. haewon who… who would be really mad right now… how am I suppose to
face him tomorrow? -0-


next day at school (lunch time) haewon pushed me away as I didn’t let him pass through
the back door..

“haewon.. sorry about last night.. but could you hear what I have to tell you? see, bojung..

haewon turned around to stare into my face blankly..

“do you have any idea what I felt like after you just me like that last night?”


“that it’d be better for me to date someone who likes me more than how much I like

“what… what do you mean? TOT”

“when me and your brother were fighting… I think you fit better with.. with your brother
more than me..”
“what.. what are you talking about??? does this have anything to do with bojung?”


haewon silently ignored my shout and walked away with his long legs.. I quickly grabbed
haewon’s arms and stammered, feeling a hint of panic rousing within me.

“you, you, you!! bojung!! lee bojung!! she’s not right!! anyone but her!! you!! HEr!! on
purpose!! -0-”

“you don’t look all that pleasant right now.”

and haewon left me, staring after him dumbfounded.

Lee bojung.. -___- before this adreline rush would go away, and before I would feel weak…
I sprinted down the stairs and slammed open bojung’s classroom’s door.

“lee bojung!!”

bojung who had been carrying a small bag, happily, stared at me shocked.

“c-c-c-come out!!! -0-”

back field

“what is it!! what the heck’s wrong with you?! what was that V sign suppose to be? and
what’s this note suppose to be???”

bringing myself to feel brave… I opened the note infront of her…. bojung stared at the
note, with panic written on her face…

“hankyung.. where’d you get this?”

“it was you, wasn’t it!! TOT right?? WHY! why’d you do it?? aren’t you suppose to be my
friend? TOT YOU wanted to be my friend!”

bojung was now biting her nails and bit her lower lip in thought.

“i’m sorry hankyung…”

“T_T sorry??? then.. then is… is what I’m thinking about you right now, all true? and.. this
message.. is it…”
opening my cell phone, I showed bojung the message she had sent to me.

taesung. I did as you ordered me to do~ ^-^ haewon’s leaning toward me now.

when bojung glanced at the message, her face begun to darken deeply..

“h..how…. how did…”

“you sent it to me. what the heck is this suppose to mean. are you.. are you talking about
my brother, taesung?”


Bojung was silent as she begun to tremble from her head to toe.. then she… slowly nodded
her head, twice.

“you’re lying!! taesung ordered you, to??? TAESUNG??”

“forgive me, hankyung… I’m sorry… I’m really sorry..”

“don’t give me that crap.. hah.. so you’re actually saying taesung sent YOU to.. to break
up haewon and me??”

“i never knew it’d get this serious.. I just….”

“don’t lie!!!!!!!!!! our taesung??? what the heck are you trying to pull????? WHO ARE
YOU!!! >_<“

“i AM talking about your brother..”

“DON’T LIE!!! taesung would NEVER do that to me!! taesung.. TAESUNG denied to knowing

bojung who had her head hung low.. slowly looked up and said in a low voice..

“taesung? no, we know each other well.. he should be awarded best actor. ^O^”

“you…youuu… how.. how could…-0-”

“i never asked you to get lose, hankyung.. you’re the one who lost the game.”

“-0- is.. is this who you really are???”

“yeah. why, you have a problem?”

bojung asked back innocently… why.. WHY are there only girls like HER around me?!?!-0-

“get away from haewon!! >O<“


Bojung shook her head a couple of times -___-

“-0- oh.. my goodness.. WHY are you using my brother??? and.. YOU!! your uncle!! that..
that fortune teller.. you made him up, didn’t you?!?!”

“does it seem that way? well..yeah ^-^ taesung looked like he was MADLY in love with
you last night. ^-^ tsktsk.. that has SUCH a crappy ending, don’t you think? ^-^ oh no..
taesung’s the one who’ll get pitiful…. oh boy, now what should we do.”

“say that again.”

pushing bojung up against the wall, I growled, having a difficulty to keep my anger in.

“say what”

“taesung.. taesung what? he did what?”

“trust me. your brother ordered me to. you’re the one who was dumb enough to get
tricked. by your brother.”

“why are you so messed up? you shouldn’t be playing with people like that.. why… why…”

as I was about to burst into tears… bojung suddenly begun to bawl.. -0- why are you
crying?!?!i’m the one who wants to cry…!! why so suddenly, too??? -0-

for.. some reason…. I felt as if someone was standing behind me… and when I slowly
looked back… I saw haewon with a cigarette in his mouth.. along with wun who was
staring at me, shocked.. (i currently have bojung up against the wall, with her collar in my
hands.. -___-) lee bojung…. you…. hah…… jaehee.. she’s nothing compared to you..

A Wolf’s Attraction-105

“what.. are you doing..”

haewons voice was icy and raspy..

“what am I doing? T_T”

i wonder if haewon caught a cold.. why’s his voice all croaky…? -__- wun was still staring
at me, shocked… and bojung was still bawling her eyes out next to me.. -__- while wiping
away her fat tears with the back of her hand… and… an idea popped into my head..
causing me to think what had become of me.. -__-

“w a h wahhhhhh TOT”

i cried out, almost resembling a bear.. causing bojung to stop crying and stare at me,

“she.. she tried to steal you away!! TOT look at this, haewon!!!”

i hurriedly opened my cell phone and when I was just about to show haewon the message,
bojung fainted with a splat across the dusty ground. -0-

“eh? hey!!”

wun ran toward her and shook her while haewon, too, crouched down and stared into
bojung’s face.

“NO!! she’s acting!! hey!! bojung!! get up!! -0-”

wun stared at me with his mouth wide open as I shook her sleeves, violently

“stop it. can’t you see that her neck’s all red?”

haewon opened his mouth slowly..

“what? -0-”

“what’d you do to her? look at that..”

“you…..you don’t believe me??? you’re siding with that.. that buttmuncher???”

he threw the remainder of his cigarette.. then..

“wun, take her to the nurses office”

“yeah okay”

wun put bojung on his back and started running toward the school, resembling a rinosaur..

“she!! she’s acting, I tell you!! look!! my cell phone!! wanna see???? she brought my
innocent taesung into her act, too!!”
“do you have any idea WHY I’m mad?”

“I should be the one who’s mad!!! TOT”

“i’m always your second.”

“hah.. you’re driving me insane..”

“maybe I’m just too dumb and too self-centered to be thinking this way.. but when I’m
dating a girl.. I want her to only look at me when she’s with me.. is that bad?”

“i DO only look at you!! AHH!!! sh!t!! -0-”

“when did you start using those cuss words? you were just sobbing a minute ago. -___-”

“-0- LISTEN to me!! lets talk about the whole me not looking at you nonsense later but!!
first, I’ll tell you about that buttmuncher, first!!! -0-”

“that’s.. just nonsense to you, huh.”


“when you just left after I fought with your brother… you know what? whatever.. I’m tired
of explaining things over and over again.”

“why aren’t you listening to what I have to say??”


“we have to at least clear off the mis communication, don’t we? if you were in my shoes!!
and!! if some stupid buttmuncher suddenly came into the picture and took away the girl
you liked on purpose!! AND shame your brother’s name!! how would you feel?!! >__<“

“then…… what about..”

“what.. TOT”

“your boyfriend happened to go out with you even thought he knew you were just using
him.. and he was with you all the way through even when you were looking at another
guy… could you chase after him until you die? you think you could do that?????”

its getting twisted again!!! AHHHH TOT


haewon bit his lips tightly then, frowning, he shouted out angrily..

“WHATEVER ABOUT LEE BOJUNG!! I don’t care what she goes around doing!! I don’t CARE
about her!!! I couldn’t care less WHY she approached me in the first place okay??? know
why? cuz I’m not in the least interested in her!! YOU.. chung hankyung.. you’re the reason
why I’m mad!”

haewon finished with his sentence then coughed..

“and thats why you have to hear WHY I left you in the arcade!! TOT just.. hear me out
about that butt muncher… then you’ll know why I left you.. and.. and why I got mad that
you guys were together last night!! TOT”

haewon…. stared down at me in disbelief… as if not believing what he was hearing… and…
slowly shifting his gaze to the ground he said..

“lets just finish it…”


“i don’t want to get drunk every night cuz of a girl… it doesn’t suit me.”

“are you.. are you serious…? just… just because of those couple of misunderstandings,
you’re willing to just… just END it like that? TOT are you sane??”

“just.. go… there.. you won’t know anyone…. and if you follow that b!tch.. you and I will
both be comfortable..”

“follow who?… where do you want me to go..”

“stay with who you really like… that’ll… that’ll be better for both you and me….”

“taesung….? you’re still suspicious of me and taesung? if that’s the reason,then fine.. lets
stop.. if you really like me.. you should’ve trusted me more… you should know who I realli

“whenever you would tell me that…. I would always take out those words and help me pull
through…. yet… yet I don’t think I could play a dummy anymore… okay? I’m the one who
won’t, anymore… plus.. you won’t ever come to me.. so whats the point..”


“i’m…. really… tired…”

“fine then.. take care ^-^ if I were to continue dating, we’d always get into these
arguments, anyway.. yeah? have.. fun… with lee bojung.. since she likes you sooo much…”
haewon…. gazed into my eyes, blankly..

“you really mean that..”

“YOU’re the one who wanted to break up, first!!! fine!! whatever!!! I won’t stop you
anymore!! yout think I’m some dummy who has no ego???”

“we….. won’t have any new beginnings….. we won’t ever start over again.. you won’t
regret it, right?”

“no!!! you think you’re the only one who’s tired?? I’m tired of trying to persuade you to
believe me every single time!! okay???? I’m tired of how you always suspect me and

and with those words leaving my mouth….. haewon slowly turned around…

“lets not talk anymore… lets not look at each other anymore… lets not think about each
other anymore… and… and lets not do anything regardless of each other from now on!!”

i cried out in agony… yet haewon just ignored my sout and slowly disappeared from my
view… I collapsed onto the floor at that moment and sobbed hysterically, causing dareum..
who had been staring at us from the 2nd floor.. to march down toward me… then she
shook me by the shoulders, while I was pounding on the ground…

“unni!! whats wrong??? huh?? what’s wrong???”

“haewon…..dareum.. haewon… haewon…..”

dareum hugged me tight as I was unable to breathe normally..

“what’d that b!tch do to you???”

“dareum… for the first time ever…. I wanna kill someone… really really bad….. what do I
do.. TOT”

“what do you mean, what do you do!! I’ll kill him for you!! bahn haewon, you b!tch!!”

“it’s not haewon… heuk….. don’t…!! T^T”

“then who is it!!”

“just stay here.. imma kill her..”

the tears continued pouring down nonstop… and with dareum by my side, helping me up…
I ran into the school but was dragged by dareum toward haewon’s class..
“TOT! we broke up dareum!! I told you, haewon’s not the one who I want to kill!! I’m the
one who hurt haewon!! don’t..!! don’t!!!! no dareum, stop!!”

“break up??? TCH by who’s permission??!?!”

dareum shrieked out loudly and slammed open the front door.. but thankfully..haewon’s
face was nowhere in sight..

“bahn haewon! get out here!”

“haewon went home.. what happened?”

i haven’t seen haejung in a long time… she looked me up and down as the tears soaked
my shirt..

“did he go home?”

“he left with his backpack.. look over there.”

following haejung’s gaze, I saw that haewon’s desk was a mess as its contents were spilled
on the floor with his chair laying splattered across the floor..-___-

“did bahn haewon do that?”

“yeah.. what happened?”

dareum shouted loudly, ignoring haejung’s question.

“lets go unni!!”


“what do you mean where!! that b!tch’s house!!”

“i told you, haewon’s not the one I want to kill!!! TOT”

haejung and dareum stared at me wide eyed, at my loud shout.. then..

“if… I let you live… I’m not chung hankyung…”

i mumbled out curse words as I stomped toward the nurse office, on the first floor…
dareum at my heels… the nurses office was closed shut..

BAM!!! the nurse who had been listening to music stared at me, aghast.. and lee.bo.jung.
wore a smile on her face as she sat down in a nearby chair… her face color faltered a bit as
she noticed my presence.

“yOU!! come out right now!!”

“what…? O_O”

“ALL because of you!! haewon left me!!! -0- if only you hadn’t come into my life!! -0- none
of this would’ve happened!!”

“what??? is that true, unni?”

dareum questioned me, furiously..


the buttmuncher asked the teacher for help in a feeble voice… HAH do.. do you think i’d
feel bad?? HUH??? -___-

“miss!! she’s a pure devil!! she tries to be all innocent yet she’s a evil evil actress devil!!
she stole my boyfriend away from me!!! she wanted to be my FRIEND to steal him away!!

“stop with all that racket and get out!”

the teacher scolded us sternly… the anger that was building up in me slowly shrunk at her
voice…staring at the teacher furiously with eyeful of tears…. I saw that another smile was
forming on bojung’s lips..


dareum shrieked loudly, shaking the nurses office.. and with those words, she a handful of
bojung’s hair and spun her around the room with bojung shrieking and screaming… the
teacher stared at them, wide eyed.. then… I took a deep breath and helped dareum out by
chewing bojung’s arms, sharply… dareum seemed unsatisfied with her hair and soon she
grabbed a pan that was on the desk and begun to smack bojung’s back with it..

AHHH AHHH!! those screams filled the room, nonstop… buttmuncher’s cries.. dareum
never ceased to torture her and now she was punching bojung’s face, looking like a
wrestler.. and on her right hand.. was a handful of hair.. -0- and… I charged at
buttmuncher’s other arms with my sharp teeth.. >____<

A Wolf’s Attraction-106

“I’ve never seen such a disrespectful behavior!!!!!”

Dareum and I were on our knees, while the PE teacher was angrily scolding us.

“what were you THINKING? WHY in the world would you want to beat up an innocent girl
like her??? and YOU! Han dareum!! you’re a JUNIOR!!!!!”

The teacher smacked Dareum’s head with his attendance folder..

“Teacher!! it’s not her fault!! I made her do that for me!!! TOT”

“Oh hoo really now..!!”

A millisecond after those words left the teacher’s lips, his folder now attacked my head…
now’s my chance to cry after what happened between me and haewon… I was sobbing
hysterically when mom charged into the office, her eyes wide..-0-

“Chung Hankyung!”


On the way home..

Dareum and mom were in the front seat.. while I sat in the back, staring out the window,

“Chung hankyung.. Go back to gongju.”


Dareum who was more surprised than me, shouted in surprise..

“My dareum.. you’re having a really bad influence on our Dareum..”

mom……. my dareum…??? then what does that make me..

“mom! how could you say that? what about unni? isn’t she your daughter?”

“han dareum! shush!! do you have ANY idea how much that girl’s house is sueing us???
and chung hankyung.. go back to gongju.. or you could stay with your friend… whatever..
just.. just go back..”


“do you understand me? don’t go to the same school as dareum.”




“what? spit it out..”

“am….. am I not.. your daughter..?”

i’ve wanted to ask her that question ever since I was born… although the last word came
out as a whisper, hidden by my tears..

“what do you mean..? why say such a random thing..?”

“mom… have you ever.. ever talked to me… or called out my name lovingly…? have you
ever held my hand and told me you cared for me…? and… and have you ever smiled for
me……????? is it because I’m the one who lived with dad? is that why you hate me…..???”

my mom was silent as she focused her attention to the road.. while dareum was sniffling
beside her.

“she’s right mom.. you have no idea how much unni tries to be a good daughter.. TOT”

“i’ll go back.. don’t worry… can you stop…?”

Mom stepped on the breaks and with a screech, the car came to a stop… dareum turned
around to look at me surprised and I had already bolted out the door..


i saw dareum trying to get out of the car but she was already speeding off with mom…..
staggering…. and sniffling…. I walked toward SGG high where taesung went to…

in front of SGG..

while I leaned against the gates, stupidly, wearing another school’s uniform, the other kids
stole glances toward me… soon, the school bell rung and students poured out of the

“hankyung? hey aren’t you hankyung?”

If I had seen him a month ago… I would have died of joy.. yet now… now daehan’s face
was…. meaningless.. he was just another person… jaehee was standing next to daehan,
staring down at me… I shifted my gaze from her and saw daehan stepping toward me in
surprise.. with jaehee staring after him with a cold expression..

“hankyung, what are you doing here? O_O”


“what’s wrong..? did anything happen?”

“heuk….heuk…… daehan…”

at daehan’s caring voice, the tears I held back rushed out causing many of the passer-
biers to stare at us in wonder… daehan softly patted my back in comfort… while.. I saw
jaehee talking into her cell phone..

“don’t cry hankyung.. what’s wrong…. it’s been forever since I saw you and you end up

“wahhh.. TOT heukheuk… wahhh TOT WAHHHHHHH”

“hey.. what’s wrong..? tell me..?”

“lee bojung…………. lee bojung…!!T^T”

“lee bojung… are you talking about jae-”


before daehan could finish his sentence, my brother ran toward us shouting loudly… with…
5 or 6 of his friends at his heels..

“hah….hah.. nuna!! why are you crying..??? sh!t d’you make her cry???”

taesung’s face looked annoyed as he frowned at daehan..-0-

“what? O_O”

“did YOU make her cry?!??!”

“taesung!! Daehan’s my friend!! he’s my friend from gongju!!! I’m not crying cuz of him!!

“your friend..? O_O then why are you crying?!?!? who did this to you?!”

“taesung……. taesung what do I do…TOT”

because I walked for more than 2 hours… I tiredly fell on taesung… and even though I
heard girl’s shouting and shrieking..-___- taesung had me on his back while running off

“where are you going taesung…”


“no….nooo.. taesung.. lets talk………. talk….T_T”

“talk..? but you’re sick!”

“i’m okay!! I wanna ask you so many things taesung.. TOT”

when I opened my eyes slowly… a round, white light danced all around the room.. -__-

in the cafe.. taesung was staring at me worrily.. with his jaw placed in his hands..

“what’s wrong nuna.. why’d you cry…. is it cuz of haewon..?”


“is that it? did that b!tch make you cry??”

“taesung………do you…….. know lee bojung…?”

“lee bojung…?”

taesung asked me back slowly… and when I nodded my head slowly… taesung’s cell phone
rang loudly…. taesung stared into his phone for a long time then..

“hello?……….. oh…. can you wait a moment..?”

taesung glimpsed at me quickly and walked to the entrance of the cafe.. everything…
everything’s becoming so weird these days…. how he acts and everything…. I was stirring
my cocoa when taesung came back to plop down in his seat a couple of minutes later..

“who………. is it..?”

“huh? oh… just.. ^-^ nuna.. tell me.. why’d you cry?”

“i’ll tell you…. but.. do you really not know lee bojung..?”

taesung shook his head as if asking me how he could know her..

“yeah… that girl you saw at the arcade last night… you don’t know her?”

“ohhh that girl..? the girl who pretended to be all innocent..? the one glued onto haewon?”


“nope dunno her. O_O why, nuna?”

“see.. today… with haewon….”

then… taesung’s cell phone interrupted me once again..

“who is that? O_O”

when taesung opened his cell phone…


the buttmuncher’s obnoxious voice rang through his cell phone.. and was carried all the
way to my ears..

“bojung? who are you!!! -0-”


i silently stared onto taesung’s face..

“hey! how’d you know my number? dude, you a stalker or what?? how do you know me??

“don’t give me that nonsense again!!! taesung! oh my gosh!! haewon and hankyung
FINALLY broke up!!! aren’t you so proud of me??? you have to buy me a drink as
promised, okay?!?! >__<“

“what the hell are you talking about? haewon and my nuna broke up?!?! and what
promise?? who are you!!!”

“what do you mean, who am i?? you dummy~~ I’m bojung~~ -0- I’m at your house right
now~ come quick!!! >_<“

the phone call ended with a click.. and taesung threw his cell phone onto the table in

“nuna.. you broke up with haewon..? what is she talking about..??? O_O”

“………chung taesung..”

“are you.. are you really my brother, taesung…???”

“yep. my nuna’s brother >_< my name’s taesung.. why? O_O”

i slowly stood up from my seat.. and hardly able to say anything from all the betrayal I
felt… I took a deep breath and opened my mouth..

“how could you…… how could you do that to nuna… when you know how much I care for
you and love you……….. and especially when you know how much I like haewon……. how
could you…. how…”

“what are you talking about nuna…. I don’t get what you’re saying at all…. seriously..”

“i believed you to the end…. but…. but this isn’t right taesung…….. this isn’t..”


“even… even though you may like me…. a lot…. and even though you feel something
beyond a brother and a sister’s relationship….. this.. this is just wrong…”

“what are you talking about?!?!”

taesung replied with a hint of anger in his voice.. and soon, he, too, stood up brusquely
from his seat and stared down at me.

“you think………. you really think I broke you and haewon up?”




“is that why you asked me about lee bojung? you actually think I would do that to you?!?!?
no right??? that’s not what you feel, right!??!”

“truth be told…… I don’t think I could trust anyone right now..”

taesung’s face hardened at my words..

“i’ll… I’ll talk to you later.. I think .. I need to think this through.. sorry…”
limping out of the cafe… I escaped to a nearby public restaurant.. and locking the door..
sobbed along with the gushing of the water…
A Wolf’s Attraction-107

The only person I could think about talking to right now… was…


“^-^ Mung goo~~”


“how are ya mung goo..?”

“are you crying? -0-”

“no….. I’m not.. T_T”

Mung goo’s voice became almost urgent, now..

“you are!! what’s wrong hankyung! what happened?”

“mung goo… imma go back to gongju..”

“WHAT?! -0-”

“imma go back…. I hate this place mung goo… i…………….. I hate it here….”

being unable to continue on, mung goo comforted me over the phone through my tears…
bbi bbi..

“mung goo.. I don’t have any more change…. so imma hang up… tell everyone else that
I’m going back… dukhee’s phone number changed, I think..? so-”

“wait!! hankyung! don’t hang up yet!!”


“yesteraday!! taesung came by!!”


“he was wearing a suit and visited your dad’s grave!! -0-”

“taesung.. did that?”

so that was why he was in a suit.. O_O

“he was crying kneeling down infront of his dad’s grave.. so when I called out his name he
was grinning and-”

click.. bbi bbi bbi bbi… I lazily put the phone back into its holder and when I stepped
outside of the payphone…. A bright bar located on the 2nd floor of the building across from
me came into my view.. forgetting that I was in my uniform.. I bravely climbed up the
stairs.. and when I opened the door, the waitress stared at me in surprise.

“hey.. why are you here?”

“i came by for a drink…”

“oh dear dear Dear!! you’ll get me sued if they see you drinking in here!!! please, I’m
sorry.. can you please go back out?”

“please.. miss.. just this once..”

“once or twice!! it’s still a no!! get out, out out!!”

the waitress pushed me toward the door with great strength and just as I was turn back.. I
saw bojung’s bright smiley face… with another girl’s back faced toward me.. she… looked
familiar..? anyway.. whatever she’s not important.. lee bojung, you buttmuncher!!!

“LEE BOJUNG!! crap, get out here!!!”

Lee bojung stared at where I stood with rabbit eyes.. the other girl dropped her head low..

“what are you doing?! get out!!!”

the waitress now seemed annoyed as she was now shouting… and pretty soon.. lee bojung
walked toward me.

“what are you doing here?”

“you… YOU!! were the one that tricked my nice brother, taesung weren’t you?!?!”

“^O^ nope. taesung was the one who asked me, first… ohhhh~ I heard about you and

a purple bruise was on her eyes from the punch dareum threw at her before..

“you’re lying again!! taesung would never do that to you.. how the hell did you trick him
into your evil plan???”
“i’m waiting for taesung to come~~ he said he’ll buy me a drink~ ^-^ I wonder why he’s
not coming..”

“you’re lying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“^O^ does it seem that way?”

“i’ll never forgive you… even when I die, I’ll always hate you..”

“O_O did I ASK for forgiveness?? KEKE you’re so self-centered~ >__<“

“whew.. so.. everything worked out like you wanted to didn’t it.. haewon and I broke up
like you wanted.. so leave taesung and haewon alone..”

“O_O uh oh.. I think I’ve become to LIKE haewon~ now what?”

lee bojung pouted as if in worry as she tilted her head sideways..


i silently… without any emotion.. slapped lee bojung’s cheeks with all the strength I had
left in me.. bojung immediately smiled sweetly back at me and when she lifted her hand..


i saw taesung standing in front of the stares.

Bojung who had stopped with her hand motion, said in a bright voice.

“taesung!! you’re late~~ ^-^”

feeling… everything.. every hope.. and… trust I had left in me.. crumble down… I slowly
walked over to taesung.. breathing heavily.

“i don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive you either.”

brushing past taesung who stood there, dumbfounded.. I ran down the stares crazily..


taesung anxiously called my name and I heard his footsteps pounding down the steps…
and soon, he gripped my wrists tight while shouting as if he was angry..

“what are you talking about, nuna?!??! can you just.. TELL ME what I did wrong!??! are
you still suspicious of me?? is that it??? you think I’D do that to you???? ME???”
i pushed taesung away with tears bathing my face once again..

“i want to stop being so weak and vulernable.. I don’t want to continue on with always
being the easy target.. I don’t want to cry anymore.. and if you do this to me, then-”

“i told you that I didn’t do it!! how many times I have to tell you that it’s a
misunderstanding??? but you won’t explain WHY you’re angry with me so I can’t tell you
anything else!!! just trust me!!!!!!”

“i would always say the exact words to haewon.. that it was a misunderstanding.. that I
didn’t do it… and.. haewon would always.. always believe me.. until he finally got so sick
and tired of it that he just.. just turned away from me… and…and now.. I think I know how
he must’ve felt..”

taesung gasped in disbelief… and with him staring at my back…. I ordered my feet to move
away… when taesung yelled loudly..

“what if……….. what if today was the last day…….? what if you and I could never meet each
other again??? then……… then would you still leave me like this…??”

“i don’t want to be stubborn… I think it’d be hard for me to smile and laugh along with you
for a couple of… days.. can you just.. give me some time to think things through…? and
until I call… take care..”

i finished with those words leaving my mouth and slowly departed again..

“when you think things through all the way, I won’t be here anymore, nuna… I told you
that it wasn’t me… I told you that it was all a misunderstanding… how do I make you
believe me… why…. why do you make me cry until the very end… why…”

by now a soft drizzle was wrapping around my body… and with those raindrops, whatever
taesung had murmured washed away without me acknowledging him…

starting out soft.. then shouting and crying… I screamed out my dad’s name in heaven…
until I reached home drenched from head to toe..

A wolf’s Attraction-108


Dareum shouts at me loudly.. Jooho followed me into my room as I walked in like a dead

“Hankyung nuna, what’s up?”

“….Jooho… Nuna’s going somewhere.. ^-^”

“Don’t say stuff like that!! Are you insane? and change your clothes! -0-”

Dareum shouts again and forcefully peeled off the wet clothes that were on me and took
out her clothes from her closet for me to wear.

“Hankyung nuna, where are you going? -0-”

“Where I used to live..”

“-0- really? for how long..”

“She’ll be going over my dead body!! GET OUT!! why are you minding in our business??”

“-0- is this YOUR room?”

“GET OUTTTT!!! >__<“

“Tch so what if you could shout loud!! you whale monster!! -0- hope your neck starts
bleeding!! >_<“

“You lil!!”

Jooho stared at Dareum’s clenched fists round eyed.. then sticking his tongue out, he ran
out of the room.

“Unni.. don’t give me that crap anymore okay? Mom’s sorry for what she said, too.. and
you’re NOT leaving me..”

“I hate it here Dareum.. It’s like… how a stubborn fish wanted to be on shore even when it
was suffocating and drying up, you see? so.. so now it has to go back into the water to
survive.. ^-^”

“….eh? what does a fish have anything to do with this?”

“^-^ nothing Dareum.. I just wanna go back… Plus, dukhee and Mung-goo will be there


A fat tear fell out of Dareum’s eyes as she stared at me in anger..

“You’ll just go back cuz of a stupid guy?? what about ME then?? what am i, to you unni???”

“Is it cuz of mom? if it is, don’t take her words to heart! I’ll protect you!!”

“It’s hard Dareum.. really.. I don’t know how I’ll face Haewon at school tomorrow… and
talking to mom everyday will be difficult, too.. Taesung… Bojung… and… and my

“Chung taesung? what does he have anything to do.. with you going back..?”

“Can…. I sleep now Dareum..?”

Dareum’s lips were a thin line as she observed my face intently..

“sleep tight unni.. and.. don’t forget that I’ll always be on your side even with a knife to
my neck..”


Dareum gave me a wide smile and silently left the room.. the rest of the night.. Taesung’s
pleading face and haewon’s cold expression lingered on my mind that I had to get up
several times to sob…

Next day at school.

Hearing about how Dareum and I created a rackus in the Nurses office the day before.. my
kekekaka friends had me surrounded while saying insults nonstop. -__-

“Good job!! I never knew you had it in you!! that b!tch!! I just saw her before and she was
smiling like nothing happened!! arghh she gets on my nerves… you should’ve listened to
me sooner!”

Jooin was as red as a tomato while shouting and yelling..

“are you okay hankyung? you didn’t get much sleep last night huh…”

Minsoon patted my back… One of the kekekaka guys.. the tallest guy named MyungGwan
walked up to my desk and asked me in a deep voice. -___-

“then.. are you and haewon over?”


Jooin and Minsoon looked flabbergasted as I hung my head low silently..

“Hey!! dude are you insane?”


“do you THINK its the right thing to say????”

“then what do you want me to say. -.,-”

“you never talked to her before so go back to your seat!! -0-”

MyungGwan was dragged away by my friends.. -__- the bell rung for break after 3rd
period.. and being unable to stand jooin and Minsoon’s cuss words any longer.. I staggered
out the room… slightly speed walking at Jooin’s call for my name..

Passing by Bojung’s class I secretly stole a glance to look for Bojung yet she was nowhere
in sight.. -__- soon, the bell for 4th period rang and I was walking back to my class from
the backfield when I saw a guy slowly walking out of the school..

Haewon had his backpack over his shoulders looking tired.. his hair was slightly messed up
and his head was also hung low.. he passed me by without recognizing me and when I
dumbly stared after him, he raised his head to meet my gaze.. -0- I forced myself to smile
at him awkwardly while waving my hands yet he just turned around again, blankly..

ahhhh.. -.,- then… miraculously a couple of sophmores appeared out of nowhere and held
onto haewon’s shirt.. haewon’s annoyed voice was soon ringing in my ears.


“oppa! oppa! oppa!”


“i heard about you and your girlfriend!! you guys broke up, right?!!?! yeah?!?!? is it
true?!?!? >__<“


haewon glimped at me then heaved a deep sigh.. biting my lips, I turned around and
started walking back toward the school.. -__- I was still within the ear-shot area and their
conversation continued..


“see.. >__< I just like you sooo much.. >_< I mean… US!~ we like you sooo mu-”

“don’t get on my nerves”


“Don’t think about me, look at me, or talk to me”

“……okay… I’m sorry..”

the sophmore girls’ voice cracked. my heart started thumping for it seemed like haewon’s
last words were for me… why.. why are you getting all excited for….. you’re such a
dummy.. haewon’s totally over me and I’m sulking over him like a dummy….
A Wolf’s Attraction- 109

Throughout 3rd and 4th period, I buried my head in my arms and didn’t say a word to
anyone…also to Jooin’s and Minsoon’s LOUD whispers, I kept quiet.

“Hey.. what if Hankyung commits suicide??”

“Shut up -___-”

“i heard about those crazy obsessive girls who kill themselves!! like one day, they stop
coming to school and-”

“dude shush, she could hear you, you know!”

“hey how about we go and beat bojung’s face in?”

“-__-^ she’s probably not in her class.. it IS lunch time you know.”

“you never knowww.. huh? huh? lets go!”

Jooin grabbed minsoon’s wrists and dragged her out of the room.. a bit worried about what
they’ll do to bojung, I slowly stood up..

“hey.. can I talk to you?”

a deep voice rang in my ears and surprised, I saw MyungGwan scratching the back of his
head, shyly..

“why? O_O”

“Just.. I’ll wait in the backfield.”

MyungGwan didn’t allow me to answer him and quickly left the room.. I stood frozen in my
spot pondering as to why he wanted to see me and slowly left the classroom to go to the

and… I heard a familiar bright voice from the garbage disposers..

“eat haewon. it’s reaaaally good!! I started making it last >_< I mean this morning cuz I
wanted you to try some!! -0-”

“i told you not to follow me”

“i’m sorry.. but smoking is REALLy bad you shouldn’t~”

A gigantic spark begun to rouse up from the corner of my mind and when I sprinted to
where I heard the voices I saw haewon crouched down while smoking a cigarette with the
buttmuncher holding a rabbit shaped lunch box!! … it was also the spot where haewon and
I first started going out..-0-

i was about to shout out something to get bojung away but stopped myself at noticing the
pink hamster was nowhere to be seen on haewon’s pockets… I guess he ripped it out…

i smiled in relief or… gratitude … I dunno how I could be such a dummy at times like this…

“huh? hankyung! ^O^”

crap.. -__- bojung smiled wide at me and at her words, haewon quickly looked up at me..
a bit embarassed, I was biting my lips when thankfully, MyungGwan came to my rescue..

“Chung hankyung.. over here..”

“huh? oh okay! >_<“

MyungGwan was not even a meter away from me waving his hands toward me.. thinking
this is my chance to escape the embarassing situation, I quickly ran toward him……………
with bojung’s soft but loud enough whisper itching my ears..

“ohhh.. I HEARD that hankyung had a new boyfriend~ didn’t know it was MyungGwan!!!

i strained myself from going back and yelling at her..

“……MyungGwan.. why’d you want to see me? ^-^”

MyungGwan stole a glance at Haewon and Bojung..

“is it okay to say this with them, there?”

“say.. what? O_O”

MyungGwan hesitated and Haewon brushed past his shoulders and entered back into the
“haewon! wait for me! ^O^”

Bojung skipped toward haewon.. what’s this disappointment I feel.. MyungGwan continued
to stare intensely at me.. and about 3.. 4 minutes later.. -___- I carefully asked him
unable to hide my curiousity anymore..

“what.. is it? O_O what’s up?”

“wanna go out with me?”

“-__- what?”

“lets go-”

A cactus along with dirt fell ontop of MyungGwan’s head as he was about to ask me again..
-___- i.. think someone threw that from the 2nd floor… I quickly looked in shock and
flinched at the loud slam of the door.. MyungGwan and I stared at the 2nd floor window in
shock.. -___- then..

“what the fcuk!!”

MyungGwan roared in anger then charged toward the building past my surprised self.. A
wolf’s Attraction

i speeded up the stairs, worrying… and saw MyungGwan shouting in the empty halls.

“What b!tch just did that?! -0- huh?!?! come out like a man!”

Incase I were to be spotted by Dareum, I slowly walked back to my classroom and tried to
hide from MyungGwan through 5th and 6th period.. after class I was about to bolt out of
the classroom when..

“chung hankyung.. wait..”

Looking over my shoulders, I saw MyungGwan standing behind me with a bandage on his
forehead.. Minsoon and Jooin were whispering happily nearby… well it was a ‘whisper’ that
even MyungGwan probably heard -.,-

“isn’t that so great for them?”

“i know!!! they make SUCH a great couple, don’t they?”

“kakakka.. they’re both a bit confused all the time!! >_<“

whew.. -__-
“imma… go… bye MyungGwan”

“Wait!!!! -0-”

MyungGwan shouted loudly and incase I were to be held back by MyungGwan I quickly
speeded down the stairs.. -__- soon I heard pounding against the stairs as well … I think..
that’s MyungGwan.. ahhhhh but I wanna stay alone though!!! T_T

I was putting my shoes on infront of the gates when I saw Haewon surrounded by several
girls… wow… news pass… by… really fast huh…

“Chung Hankyung.. huk …. huk… why didn’t you wait for me?”

T___T you’re like.. a gluey…. paper!! T___T MyungGwan caught up to me almost instanly
and gripped my shoulders.. T___T

“i told you I needed to talk to you..”

“um.. yeah..”

“lets go out..”


“you don’t have a boyfriend anymore… right?”

“^-^ thanks”

“for what?”

“for liking a girl like me.. and sorry…”

“for.. what…”

“to be unable to turn down such a great guy like you…”

MyungGwan stared at me with his expression hardened… I shifted my gaze toward haewon
then MyungGwan opened his mouth again..

“Is it cuz of Haewon?”


“are you blind? can’t you see him smiling surrounded by those girls???”
looking again and again… Haewon wasn’t smiling in ANY way but I guess.. it seemed that
way to MyungGwan..

“that’s.. not it…. I’m moving next week..”


MyungGwan shouted loudly causing Haewon and everyone around him to stare at us…
Blushing, I hung my head low and confidently walked toward the gates..

“where are you going?!?! hey chung Hankyung!! what’d you say?? you’re moving?!??!
why?!!? where???”

MyungGwan shouted louder this time while chasing after me.. T___T WHY are you
shouting so loudly… ahhhhh T__T everyone was laughing… (just the girls..)

“Nuna.. you’re moving?”

Wun who had been laughing next to Haewon asked me in surprise while haewon just spat
on the ground uninterested.. I know we broke up and all… but… why do I feel like a part of
me had been ripped out…


“why didn’t you say so?? dareum said nothing about you moving…!”

“yeah….. ^-^”

“when are you moving…? huh?”

“this…. week..”

for… a split second…. Haewon met my gaze with his expression hardened… and as soon as
meeting my gaze, he turned around and started to joke around with a girl nearby..

“chung hankyung! don’t go!! wait, I won’t let you!”

MyungGwan had suddenly appeared next to me and piped up.

“nuna… you can’t go!! please?”

Wun and MyungGwan now created a wall in front of me while whispering… why are you
guys so.. blind… T___T can’t you see.. how haewon’s just laughing next to you guys…

“is it cuz you and haewon broke up? T_T if it is don’t!! T__T see haewon is-”
“….Yoo Wun”

Haewon’s face expression suddenly changed from a smile to an icy glare causing Wun to
look at Haewon and me sadly.. The girls who had Haewon surrounded were also glaring at
me with their lips forming a thin line…

“Have a great day Wun… ^-^”

i waved my hand lifelessly and walked out of the gates…. a tear… another tear…. rolled
down and dampend my lips..

“Hankyung… lets talk for a moment.. yeah?”

“Don’t… please just leave me alone!!!”

I’m such a bad girl…MyungGwan didn’t do anything but to like me… arghh… MyungGwan
stopped chasing after me and stood in his spot.

In a payphone around school..

“Mom? This is Hankyung… imma go back to Gongju… by this week… yeah…. please, as
soon as possible if you can….”
A Wolf’s Attraction-111

That night, because Dareum didn’t come home for a long time, mom and I were able to
have a long conversation.

“yeah.. it’d be better for you, too huh?”


“Did you tell Dareum?”

“No.. Please don’t tell her.”

“If she finds out….”

“Your daughter won’t suddenly start doing drugs or anything just because I go back so
don’t worry.. I’ll persuade her later..”

Mom flinched as she gave me a surprised glance.

“How you say stuff like that.. it reminds me of your dead fath-”
“I could get up now right?”

“yeah… you should start packing… it should take you 2 or 3 days to transfer..”

“Okay.. it’d be better for it to be faster”

I forced on a smile and ran out of mom’s bedroom as if I were being chased… crawling
under the covers, I was sobbing silently when I felt a tug at the blankets..



“why are you crying.. don’t cry….”

“Heuk… jooho… jooho….. my brother jooho…”

throwing the blanket aside, I rubbed my face against jooho’s and continued to cry.. after
awhile, jooho who had been caressing my face silently said..

“nuna… stop now.. it’s getting gross T_T”

“jooho…. if.. if nuna’s not here, you’ll be sad, right?”


“you won’t even have anyone to borrow videos for you..”

“i do! -0-”


“Captain!! Taesung hyung!”

Jooho took out the studio picture of me, dareum, and taesung proudly.

“see!! everybody in my kindergarten class got jealous after seeing my hyung! nuna, why
isn’t hyung coming to play with me though? O_O”

oh… I forgot all about taesung… what’ll happen if I go back to gongju… yet… to take him
with me… I still feel a lot of betrayal toward him though…. I shook my head furiously to
erase Taesung’s face out of my mind and after putting jooho to sleep, I begun to pack.

As I was finishing up the 3rd drawer I heard the front door slam along and immediately my
room opened up..even thought dareum and I made eyecontact already, I pretended to
suddenly fall asleep upon the suitcase causing Dareum to shake me violently..
“wake up!! wake up!!!!”

“euum…=_= you’re here dareum..”

“stop with the show!! you think I’m a dummy? unni!! YOU!! told wun that you were

“ohh… that… I changed my mind already..”

“you’re lying!!”

“really!! O_O”

“then!! what are you doing huh? you’re packing!!! >__<“

dareum was breathing out fire as her red cheeks stretched.. -0- dang.. scary…

“see, I was putting my clothes back IN cuz I packed before… wanna see?”

i put the clothes back into my drawers and finally Dareum’s suspicious glare turned into a
small smile. T_T


“i’m serious! ^-^ I’m not going~ nope, and you can’t make m!”

“.. stupid wun”

“heh ^-^”

“unni, I heard that you and haewon fought..”

ohh… dareum doesn’t know yet huh… well…. the juniors probably made an excuse for me
and Haewon not talking, knowing how bad Dareum’s temper was…. -__- my poor sister…

“Nah.. we’ll probably make up again..”

i’m sorry dareum… forgive me T__T

“oh yeah.. unni if you have some money, can I borrow $5?”

“why do you need it?”

“AH!! sh!T!! that b!tch broke that plant thing and I”M the one who has to pay for it!!
arghhh I should’ve never become class president!! >_<“
“-___- Dareum you were class president?”

“-__- yep”

“why didn’t you tell me…-__-”

“-__- it’s embarassing…”

“Oh my gosh! I didn’t know!! >__< my sister’s a class president!!”

I hugged Dareum feeling touched and proud yet something Dareum said lingered in my

“Dareum… did you just say someone broke a plant? um…. did it happen to be a cactus?”

“Yep.. the spiky one… why?”

“who….. who broke it?”

“Bahn Haewon”

bambambam -0- I felt my heart beating more than 50 times a minute……

“why though?”


“yeap -__-^ he’s crazy I tell you! he suddenly charged into the room and throws the
cactus out the door!! aigoo… that insane monkey… why do I have to pay for his…. unni?”

pushing dareum aside, I crazily dialed Haewon’s number… forgetting all about my pride
and trusting dareum’s words… well… tch when did I ever have pride… -___- after awhile, I
heard loud music playing in the background and haewon’s low voice talking over the
phone….. why do you sound so pathetic haewon..


“it’s me”



haewon’s voice suddenly turned into a yell =_=

“it’s hankyung… um haewon..”

“where are you”




“wait for me”

“huh? nooo haewon, I’ll go.. my mom’s home right now..”

“just come out then!!”

“you’re drunk aren’t you..”

“so…. so what”

“wait for me… you can’t drive when you’re drunk.. where are you?”

“i am drunk!! what are you gonna do about it!! -__-”

“-__- whew… where are you haewon…”

“if you move!!! I’ll hit your head with a…… aish!! leave me alone!! can’t you see me on the
phone??? stop blowing!!! -0-”

a girl’s happy shriek rang throughout the speakers… along with haewon’s angry shout…
T___T I’m so confused… after telling me to come out to a building, haewon hung up with a
click… Dareum stared at me surprised, as I hurriedly put on my jacket.

“unni.. where are you going? O_O”

“to meet haewon..”

“-____- I thought so!! do you ENJOY making up after like…. every other second? -0-”

“^-^ don’t wait for me”

“-___- okay… becareful”

“yeah.. thanks dareum… oh yeah. hey dareum”


“can you call taesung..? ask him if.. if he’s eating his meals daily… and how he’s doing…”

“okay… don’t worry about it”

“thanks! >_<“

feeling lighter than ever, I laughed in glee and sprinted down the stairs -0- hek hek… after
heaving a deep breath, I took a step out the door when familiar voices stopped me in my

“call her… tell her to come out”


“and remember to tell her that you and haewon started dating, okay?”

“hey… what if she finds out by tomorrow?”

“just tell her you started dating in secret!! that dumb @ss will believe anythinjg you say,

“-___- what the hell am I doing for you… .aish… well if it goes well remember how you’re
giving me your boyfriend, daehan!”

“i know I know~~ hurry up~~”

……..what?….. what… what did you just say….???

“Yoo Jaehee… Lee Bojung.”

“Ha.. Hankyung”

Yoo Jaehee and Lee Bojung grabbed each other’s hands as they stared at me in shock.

“hah… hahaha… hahahhahahha….. ha….”

I collapsed onto the floor and started to laugh as if possessed with Yoo Jaehee staring
down at me with her lips tightly shut.

A wolf’s attraction-112

“Get up Chung Hankyung.”

“What do we do, Jaehee?”

Both said in unison.

“Get up already.. let’s talk, yeah?”

Yoo Jaehee continued to look down at me with a hint of annoyance in her voice. I
brusquely got up and pushed Jaehee down.

“Kyak!! >_< what the hell???”

Yoo Jaehee grabbed Lee Bojung’s stretched out hands and got back up to glare at me.

“How…. Yoo Jaehee… why did you…………..”

My voice was now shaking uncontrollably mixed with betrayal and anger with nonstop
tears blocking my view.

“I told you to back off Haewon.”

Avoiding my gaze, Jaehee replied.

“Yeah, she SO told you! jaehee, let’s just go.”

Lee Bojung carefully observed my face while pulling on Yoo Jaehee’s arms.

“Go? go where? hah… you can’t go… I won’t let you… how could you do that to our
taesung….. and.. and haewon……….. apologize like you mean it. and until you beg for
forgiveness, you can’t go anywhere.”

Yoo Jaehee and Lee Bojung stared at each other flabbergasted.

“hey.. what’d she just say?”

“She wants us to beggggg Chung Taesung and Bahn Haewon for forgiveness! HAHA”

Taking a step toward me, the two growled in a low voice.

“Are you stupid? You actually think we’ll be an angel and admit what we did? you think
we’re as stupid as you, huh???”

Lee Bojung pushed my shoulders back with her index finger.

“Don’t……….. touch me.”

“Didn’t I tell you to get off Haewon? if you know what’s good for you just back off right
now… I won’t hurt you consideringh how we were.. friends before.”

“are you… human?”


“If you really like Haewon, why couldn’t you just tell him you do confidently without
playing with other people’s emotions??? what are you gonna do about my brother,

Crying out, I charged at Yoo Jaehee.

“ahhh!! >_< Bojung!!”

“Ah fcuk!!!”

Bojung grabbed my arms and pulled me back with a great amount of strength. Yoo Jaehee
rubbed her head while biting her lower lips.

“whew… Chung Hankyung, you’re nothing compared to me.”

“i won’t forgive you. and until I die, I won’t let you guys go.”

“If you don’t? hah you think we’ll suddenly be all afraid of you cuz you won’t forgive us???”

Lee Bojung pushed me back as those words left her mouth.

“B!tch. Your sister Han Dareum? hah look at what that hoe did to me. you see this? huh,
do you?”

Lee Bojung bowed her head revealing a bald spot among the middle part of her head.

“I’m trying to hold back yet… you’re getting on my nerves a BIT too much. You think
you’re some angel? huh? YOU were the one who didn’t believe chung taesung aight!!
Jaehee, isn’t this some gross incest though? I mean how could a brother like his sister?? if
it weren’t for your cousin, we’d never know yeah?”

“I know… he’s really smart if you look at it that way… I guess that’s why he’s a fortune
teller… those two are pathetic… kek”

so that was it.. that fortune teller.. he did look awfully familiar… Jaehee’s cousin from
Gongju… hah…..

My whole body started to tremble incredulously and before I knew it, my fists planted itself
on Lee Bojung’s smile. Lee Bojung looked at me in surprise then after flashing me a smile,
plat! Her fists made a loud thud in the hallway as it attacked my cheeks… that hurt…

“Hey Lee Bojung.. I told you not to leave any evidence. If that gets to be a bruise, we’re
the one who’ll be in trouble.”

“Sh!t I can’t just pretend to be all weak all the time!!! I’m not doing this to end up in the
hospital you know!!”

Lee Bojung opened her eyes wide and raised her left fists again… i, also, clenched my fists
tightly for defense when..

“You hoes do wanna end up in the hospital huh.”

A familiar voice rang in my ears as Jaehee’s and Bojung’s face turned a shade of blue.

When I looked back, I saw a Haewon’s third brother leaning against the open door of a
black car… along with Haewon who was biting his lips to strain himself from bursting out in

Haewon’s third brother strolled toward Bojung. Aghast, Bojung quickly hid behind Jaehee
yet was caught by Haewon’s third brother’s firm grip on her wrists.

“you know me, huh? dare you to say you don’t.”

“……….i don’t…. you must’ve got the wrong person.”

“Sh!T!! you b!tch!! -0- you ran away with my wallet a couple of weeks ago at that night
club!!! why, I oughta!”

Haewon’s third brother gave a loud cry as he shook her side to side.

“AHHHHHHHHH!! someone help me!! RAPEEEE RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<“

Before Bojung’s shout could end, third brother knocked her to the ground scarily with a
loud thud. -___-

“if you give me that crap again, I’ll bury you among the garbage. Follow me. and Bahn
Haewon, take care of the other b!tch. Betrayal should end in death, yeah? GET UP!!”

Lee Bojung started to shake uncontrollably with her liips pursed shut. Haewon’s third
brother dragged her by the wrists toward Haewon’s car, and before a blink of an eye, they
disappeared. then…

“CHung Hankyung.. wait for me at your house..”

haewon’s low voice commanded me…. barely audible among Jaehee’s weeping…
A wolf’s attraction-113

“CHung Hankyung.. wait for me at your house..”


“Go in..”

“I don’t want to.. I still have a lot of things to say to Yoo Jaehee.”

“I’ll tell you again, go in. just listen to me, talk to her tomorrow.”

“i’m the one who should be angry.”

“I don’t want you seeing me hit a girl.. go in”

Haewon, who was still drunk, staggered toward Yoo Jaehee.. and she recoiled.

“Haewon… it’s not like that…”


“Sorry… it’s just I really liked you……..”

“Lee Bojung. The fortune teller… you made all that up, huh.”

“no haewon.. Bojung was the one who suggested it and i….”

Haewon looked down at Jaehee silently.. and Yoo Jaehee teared up without a change in
her expression…

“after you just left me like that… I was really-”

Before Jaehee’s words were finished, Haewon’s fists flung itself toward Jaehee’s jaw… Yoo
Jaehee was now splattered on the floor, staring at Haewon dumbfounded.

“Get up.”


“Should I sit down? yeah that’s a good idea.”

“Haewon.. stop… I don’t want you dirtying yourself. Yoo Jaehee, apologize to Taesung… tell
him you’re really sorry… then I’ll forgive you…”

“Bahn Haewon.. how could you… how…. could you….”

Yoo Jaehee whispered over and over again, dumbly… Haewon looked over his shoulders at
me and said..

“Chung Taesung left today..”


“didn’t… didn’t he tell you? he said he was going to tell you last night… you don’t know?”

“Where did…. where did taesung go……?”



“you didn’t go to the airport….?”

“When.. when did he leave…?”


“you’re lying…. right? hah it’s some joke right haewon?”

“what do you want me to tell you then…….O_O chung hankyung!”

I ran with one thing in my mind.. to get to Taesung’s house… almost blinded by tears, I
drew Taesung’s face over and over in my mind swallowing back the tears as I ran toward
his house… Haewon soon caught up to me and grabbing my wrists, he panted heavily..

“Hah… where do you think you’re going?”


I shook myself to get free from his grip yet Haewon just grabbed both of my wrists with
his left hand while calling a taxi with his right…

“Stay still idiot… Chung Taesung won’t come back, you know…”

the tears were now salty to my taste as they continued to flow down toward my mouth
through my cries…
“SungHan Apartments please… just… go and see if CHung taesung’s there… and don’t

Haewon wiped away my tears with his thumb and I just thrusted his hand away….. my
tears were now unstoppable as it felt like they were cutting off all of my breathing….

“i’m sorry… I should’ve told you sooner..”

“you… you knew… you.. knew….how could you…….. how?!?!??!?!??!”

“he told me on the day I went to talk to him…”

my shirt dampened along with the disappating tears as I beat on Haewon’s chest,
crestfallen and dejected..

I continued to shout and yell at Haewon until the taxi came to a stop and as soon as it
arrived at the apartments, I immediately bolted out of the door and ignoring how life was
draining out of my legs, I was about to sprint up the stairs when..

“You came to see CHung Taesung? -__-”

The security guard held a small bag in his hands while flinching slightly as I continued to
weep without a word… he slowly held out the bag toward me…

“he’s not home anymore… he left for america this morning…. he told you to give you this

“no.. you have it wrong…. right? I mean.. I mean he has to be home!! taesung… taesung
has to be home smiling at me like he always have done!!!!….. it’s a joke right….? a
joke………………. a joke…”

“you should’ve came by sooner… he came home in a drunk state last night…”

the security guard shook his head twice and entered his office… I rocked myself back and
forth, my feet planted on the spot… and felt haewon’s warm hands placing itself on my

“lets go.. he won’t come back you know…”

my arm felt paralyzed as I forced my trembling fingers to open the bag and reveal its
contents inside.. a video tape…. a small note…. and a bankcard came into my view….
sending a chill along my spine..
A Wolf’s Attraction-114

Unable to shake off the shock, the tape slipped off of my fingers… and picking them up,
haewon stared into them..
“I think Taesung recorded this for you..”


“Chung Hankyung.”

“Imma go.”


“If it hadn’t been for aunty… if… if only she didn’t take him away!!!!”

I felt my feet moving by itself, staggering… and Haewon hugged me from the behind..

“Are you insane?”

“If aunty… and grandma hadn’t………”

“Why do you think Chung Taesung left?!!”


“He left cuz of you, aight?! It doesn’t matter where he’d go as long as it’s far away from
you!!! It was hard enough for him to stay by your side, so don’t make it worse…. stop..
stop acting like a dummy..”

“Why didn’t you tell me eariler??? why didn’t you say anything?!!??!”

I gave a loud outcry as I spun around and shook Haewon’s shoulders violently… and
Haewon just picked me up from the ground.

“Imma go to Taesung… please.. let me go Haewon… Taesung…. I need to see him……”

“Stop talking nonsense!!!”

Haewon shouted angrily and he placed me on the cool leather taxi seats.. after shutting
the door,

“SamSung Apartments”

Haewon stated his address to the taxi driver and sighed deeply watching me shriek and

“Haewon, this isn’t happening right?? you and Taesung just thought of some silly joke,
yeah??? right???”

Silently, Haewon embraced me… and until the taxi arrived in front of Haewon’s house, I
soaked up Haewon’s sleeves…

“Hem, Hem. We’re here”

Immediately, Haewon dragged me out of the taxi while I was unwilling to co-operate for
the strength in my legs had given up. Haewon looked a bit furious as I collapsed on the
ground, and swinging me over his shoulders, he headed toward the elevators… while I
stared off into open space, Haewon opened his lips..

“Lets go watch it, inside..”

“What… watch what…”

With a shiny key, Haewon opened the door and helped me walk to the sofas while I leaned
on the walls… As if under a spell, all I could mumble out was Taesung’s name… and giving
me a worried glance, Haewon injected the tape into his vcr. Pretty soon, a static sound
was heard in the tv and Taesung’s face was zoomed in, fitting the whole tv… Getting off
from my seat, I walked toward the TV..

In Taesung’s room… Taesung silently.. blankly… stared at me from the TV while sitting in
his seat..

“Nuna… whenever you wanna see my face, watch this tape, okay? ^-^”

Taesung smiled brightly then stared at me again blankly..

“Heuk,heuk.. Taesung…. Taesung…………..heuk… Taesung………….”

Crying… I stared at Taesung’s blank face for about 20 minutes…. and… Taesung’s opening
mouth stopped me from crying… then… his deep black eyes blinked a couple of times while
he brought his hands to his lips as if embarassed.

“Ahhhh sh!t… I don’t think I could stand still for another second!! Oh.. oops!! Nuna, I
didn’t cuss!!! >_<“

Taesung frantically waved his hands around.. and suddenly…a tear… and another tear fell
from his black eyes.

Sorrowful that even when I could see his face…i couldn’t talk to… or touch Taesung… I
silently swallowed back my tears… and after rubbing his eyes as if to hide his tears,
Taesung said brightly…
“Nuna, in our afterlife… don’t be born as my nuna… I don’t care if you’re some old
grandma… and I wouldn’t care if you were really really ugly…. just…. just don’t be my

As if he was swallowing back tears as well, Taesung fake coughed several times…. and….
forcing on a smile…. he continued…

“Then, I’ll find you whereever you are.. whether you’re in another country or wherever…
I’ll find you and have you live with me.. so… when we’re born again… you have to call me
“honey” instead of “Taesung” okay? here.. pinky promise. ^-^”

Taesung raised his pinky to the screen… even though tears were streaming down his face…
he didn’t fail to smile toward me til our last.. biting my lips hard to keep myself from
bursting out… I raised up my pinky to the screen..

“hey!!!! what about me?!”

grabbing my pinky, Haewon yelled out loud… and noticing the seriousness of the situation,
he let go slowly… after awhile, Taesung shouted in a bright voice..

“I knew you’d promise!! ^O^”

As if holding back the tears were improbable any longer, Taesung covered the camera
lense with his hands and pretty soon… darkness filled around us and Taesung was gone… I
continued to stare dumbfounded at the black monitor… and Haewon handed me a small

“Isn’t this Chung Taesung’s phone number?”

Snatching the note from Haewon’s hands I quickly dialed the number with my fingers
trembling uncontrollably… after a long signal…


“Heuk..heuk… grandma…. please.. give Taesung back to me……… heuk….. Taesung…

please… grandma…”

“Is this Hankyung…?”

“Please grandma… I beg you….. please grandma… heuk…. I can’t live without taesung…

Grandma heaved a deep sigh then begun to comfort me in a deep voice… when I
continued to shout Taesung’s name over and over again..

“Taesung, it’s nuna… wanna talk to her?”

Thump.Thump.Thump.Thump. my heart begun to beat faster while Haewon was staring at
me silently, leaning slightly on the couch. then…. then Taesung’s sweet voice rang in my



At hearing Taesung’s voice… the hidden secrets I had buried and locked up in the deepest
part of my heart erupted… Taesung continued on while I was unable to utter any sound
due to the newly flooding tears.

“Nuna, don’t I have a lot of money in the bank?? keke I’m rich! >_<“

“you……..Chung taesung……….you, you….. heuk, heuk…… you’re such a bad person!!!

how….. why are you picking up from america??? why……………..heuk..”

The atmosphere had turned deadly quiet..

“I just arrived… it’s really nice here..”

“why, why don’t you hate me… heuk…. after… after how much I had hurt you…. and after
how I blamed you for something you haven’t done… heuk…. I turned around from you…. i…
I pushed you away taesung…….. why are you smiling for me….. I haven’t done anything
good for you…”

“But you found out that I didn’t do it Nuna ^-^ I’m happy with that.”

“Happy with what!!! this isn’t right taesung… please come back…. you’re not here with me
taesung…. how’s that right at all… please…. please………………. come back….”

While I continued to whine and cry like a child… Taesung comforted me in a warm voice..

“if I go..? nuna, what’ll happen if I go..”

“Heuk… just.. come……………….. please just come………. I can’t let you go…. no.. I won’t let
you go… heuk… nuna is……. nuna’s….”

“nuna, it’s hard for me to stay there more than it is to be here… you don’t mind if I’m
having a hard time? ^-^”

“I’m sorry Taesung… I’m sorry for everything…. so… so come back now…. I won’t hurt you
ever again taesung…. please… never again….”

“Nuna. ^-^ long distance phone calls are expensive. I wrote my email address and my
screen name on the note so add me. It’s getting late so you should go to bed.. and….”

Taesung’s voice was slowly fading…

“sweet dreams…. and tell Dareum and Jooho for me that I’m sorry…. and Nuna.. you
promised, right?”


“That thing… the promise.. when we’re born again…….. you…. promised, right?”


“Heh… okay then ^-^ haha I knew you’d promise”

taesung was silent once again..

“sweet dreams then, nuna… Grandma’s bored now.”

“Taesung, wait!!! wait taesung.. don’t hang up!! wait!!”

“Don’t cry anymore nuna… sweet dreams..”

doo doo doo… the phone call ended… i… hoped… and dreamed that this was all a dream…
but… to believe this is a dream.. these tears that were rolling down my cheeks were crying
out sadly too much…

if… I were to meet him again…. several years from now…. I’ll tell him…. “How have you
been?”………..i should start practicing…. I should be able to talk to him without bursting into
tears….. since that’ll be the only way Taesung’ll be happy….

A Wolf’s Attraction-115

For several days after Taesung’s departure, I lied on my bed without eating, drinking, or
talking… Dareum had also disappeared after hearing about Taesung’s disapperance…. and
I haven’t heard from Taesung after our last phone call… I dialed his number numerous
times, desperately wanting.. and needing to hear his voice.. yet Grandma would always
tell me that he wasn’t home..

Haewon would come by our house everyday at 6 o’clock. He opened my bedroom door
wide with the foods I like as he have always done for the last few days..

“Hey sick-o~ I’m here!”

noticing that the fruits and food that he had brought me last night was left untouched,
next to my bed… he shouted in anger.

“You didn’t eat anything today, again?!?!?”


“How long are you gonna keep starving yourself??”


“argh !@()*#()!@ Chung Hankyung! Don’t you ever think about me?”


“I beg you… please… just… let’s eat.”

Haewon brought a cup upto my dried lips..

“You’ll regret me dumping you cuz you don’t take care of your lips!! -__-”

scoff.. through my lifeless smile, he stuffed a piece of bread into my mouth..

“swallow! -0- good girl! -0- swallow!!!”

Haewon lightly patted my back..

“Thanks haewon..”

“You should be… and if you really are, come back to school.”



“I’m… moving back to Gongju tomorrow.”


“i thought it’d be better for me to tell you in advance.. I already talked with mom… after
visiting by your school… i’ll-”

“Hah… you…”

“I’m sorry Haewon… I want to go back to a place where I won’t be traumatized by horrible
memories… if I stay here… then… taesung……..”
“Then… what’s my existence to you.”

“You…. are a special person…”

“and if I won’t let you go…”


“Fcuk.. what do you want me to do then… huh? you tell me…”


“I won’t ask for anything else… I won’t ask you to come back to me.. so just stay where I
could see you… I won’t ask you to smile or even to talk to me… I won’t ask you to hold
hands with me either… just… stay where I could see you… please?”

“I don’t think I could look at… or… be looked at as of right now Haewon.. try to understand

“you should know…”


“I won’t let you go.”

Haewon silently turned around and slammed the door shut and disappeared… that night.. I
spent the many hours just staring off into space…

For the first time in a week, I stepped into the grounds of our school with mom… and
standing in front of the classroom, I bid a goodbye softly…

“Bye… it was fun getting to know you guys… I won’t forget you..”

I saw MyungGwan with his head hung low… Jooin was giving me the death glare… while
Minsoon shrieked out in agony..

“You think you’ll have some giddy time after betraying us like that?!?!”

while she wiped away several crystal clear tears.. and to her shout, the teacher fake
coughed and commented..

“Hem.. minsoon, you should wish her good luck.. -__- Hankyung… Since you’re sweet and
fun to be with, you’ll be able to make it.. I’ll miss you as well. ^-^”

“Bye… Mr. Lee… and… guys… thanks..”

For the last time, I skimmed around the class.. and fearful that I might start crying if I
were to make eyecontact with Minsoon, I hung my head low and followed my mom out the

“If you don’t call…………. if you don’t….. I’ll kill you!! T_T”

and that was the last words I heard before descending down the stairs…

“You sure it’s all right to not let Dareum know about this? Jooho doesn’t know either… I
don’t know if this really is the right thing to do…”

“i’ll call when I get there…”

“well… I don’t know how dareum’ll take it… whew… I don’t know… I apologize.”


Mom stared at my face once more and turned her head.. Mom… Haewon… I’m sorry.. I’m
really sorry… I’ll remember to visit… I promise.. of course I’ll come back to see you
dummy… so…………..

“Oh.. Lord.. what is that?!”

At mom’s scream in disbelief, I lifted my head up slowly..

Infront of the gates… were… hundreds…. of sophmore guys blocking the way… even a leaf
wouldn’t have escaped out the door through those guys… noticing mom and my presence,
they tightened their space more… now.. all I could see were fields and fields of blackness
only… hah…. Bahn Haewon… you’re incredible…

A Wolf’s Attraction-116

“What.. in Heaven’s name are they doing?!? move out of the way!”

Mom stepped toward the sophmores, gasping..

“You can’t leave, if Nuna disappears than we’ll be beaten to death..!!”

A broad shouldered guy, complained while scratching the back of his head.

“What is he talking about, CHung Hankyung?”

Mom asked me while I hung my head back low.. Annoyed, she grabbed my wrists and
stomped toward the back gates… yet.. the back gates were also filled with hundreds of
sophmore guys.. all who wore a frown on their faces… they begun to whisper amongst
themselves after seeing me and mom.. flabbergasted, mom placed her hand on her
forehead while opening.. then closing her mouth again.. I lightly stepped toward them..

“Can you please get out of the way? I have to go ^-^”

“You can’t.”

“It doesn’t matter then.. mom, let’s climb over the fence.”

When I told mom seriously, she looked me up and down in disbelief.

“why do you trouble me even until you leave?”


“Nevermind that… whew… move already. I’ll call the teachers.”

“Haewon Hyung’s more scarier than all teachers combined so.. unless you persuade hyung
then nope, sorry no can do. It’s not like we LIKE standing here like some ants!! aish.. the
PE teacher’s coming out in 10 minutes!! dude, we’re toast!”

“Haewon…….? Dareum’s friend, haewon? the player looking one?”

“Haewon’s not a player”

“Are you going out with him?”


“Hah.. you created all sorts of mess without me knowing, huh.. get out of the way, I say!!”

The sophmores just silently glared at mom… causing her to recoil in surprise.

“Where’s Haewon?”

“Standing behind you.”

Immediately turning around, I saw Haewon smiling at me while rubbing his red eyes as if
he hadn’t got any sleep.


“Isn’t this like the movies?”

“What are you doing!! Take these kids away instantly!”

Mom yelled annoyed..

“Mom.. wait for me in the car.. I’ll be right there after I talk with Haewon.”

“Do you even WANT to transfer?”

Then Haewon pulled me closer to him by the wrists and said playfully..

“who’s tranferring? Hankyung can’t go anywhere, Ahjuma. -0- if you’re gonna send
someone away, it should be Han Dareum.”

“I have never seen such.. such reckless behavior!!! Do you have no respect?!”

“Mom.. wait for me in the car…”

“Hey.. heyy… @ssholes, my mother-in-law’s wants to head back to her car.. make way.”

At Haewon’s words, the sophmores all parted from side to side while Mom didn’t budge
anywhere as she continued to glare at Haewon.

“Are you blind??? Mother-In-law can’t go out by herself.. escort her.”

Even before those words left HAewon’s mouth, they all charged toward mom and almost
picking her up, ‘escorted’ her out the gates… -__-


At mom’s panicky screams, Haewon just grinned..

“Don’t haewon… I told you I was coming back..”

“And I told you I won’t let you go. ^-^”

“I told you it’s hard for me to stay here..”

“and I told you that I’ll protect you no matter what.”

“i told you that… that smiling… and having fun by myself is still difficult..”

“and… I told you.. that I won’t ask for your smile or whatever… just stay where I can see

Blocking my tears from trickling down again, I shook my head and looked up at the sky.
“Don’t leave Chung Hankyung… I’ll treat you better.. I won’t get mad over a little
problem… and I won’t make you cry again…”

“You know that I’m not leaving cuz of you… Haewon… I like you, too…. I like you a lot….”

“then don’t leave….”

“Taesung… he was always alone… he survived death several times… and… and all I did was
to laugh along with you while… while he just continued to be sad.. he’s probably by
himself.. again and crying…. how… how can I just continue to be all happy when he’s


“It hasn’t even been a month since he left… how could I do that to him, haewon… I even
promised him to be by his side and… and I broke the promise… and… so he’s alone again…
cuz of me…. all cuz of me…”

“Then I won’t ask you to smile… or be by my side.. so… just stay where I can see you…
that’s not a problem right?”

“i don’t like this place… it’s scary…”

“Then… I’ll go..”


“since you don’t like staying here, I’ll go over there.. capiche?”


“if you change your mind again!! you’re dead! -__-”

“how will you come to gongju..”

“tch… hey the girl’s bathroom is the only restricted area isn’t it? I’ll be there in less than a
month so if I catch you cheating on me with some gongju guy, I’m bringing my 3rd
brother! -__-^ goodbye greeting….”

Haewon wobbled his finger, indicating me to get closer… and watching him silently… I
stamped another clear stamp of tears on my forehand while hugging his waists… Haewon
had his arms around my shoulders as he gripped it tight…

“I’m forgiving you cuz you’re going through a lot aight? If you decide to leave me again,
oppa won’t forgive you anymore!”
“Yeah… it won’t happen ever again… I won’t… cry in front of you… and… if I happen to cry…
it’ll be cuz of you and no one else… When… when I can smile thinking about Taesung..
then I’ll be the one who hugs you first…”

“Try not to take up the whole month.”


“I might not be able to see you for a few days… aish… hey raise your head.”

Haewon cupped my jaw softly yet strongly.. -__- and raising my head up, he roughly
wiped away my tears.

“it’ll be our third this time, huh?”


Covering my wide eyes, Haewon placed his soft lips onto of mine… and that was how I
kissed while crying… that’s a weird.. taste.. -__- everyone could see us…

“HEYYYYYY!!!! -0-”

Surprised, when I whipped around I saw the PE teacher charging toward us 50 meters

“hey.. go on now.. remember to call me when you get there okay? and show me off to
your friends..!! that the toughest guy in the century’s moving into Gongju!”

With those words, Haewon forced me out the gates… and pretty soon… slap.. bam…
woosh… a rendevous between the bamboo stick and Haewon rang in my years..

“Ahhhh!! it’s her last year!! can’t you just let me go?-0-”

“YOU!! shush your mouth!!”

“Sshi.. imma transfer a few days from now!!! so even if you hold me back, know that I
won’t falter for one second!! -0-”


slam. woosh. slap

“Don’t you know that half the sophmore girls will be gone when I move out? -__-”

“i don’t care as long as you’re gone!! -0-”

While I stared dumbfounded at the gates..

“Chung hankyung.”

Mom pointed her finger at me.. her hair was incredibly messy from the meeting she had
with the sophmores a few minutes back.. -__- I hopped into the car without saying a
word, and giving me a disapproving look, Mom started the engine after heaving a sigh..

Dareum, jooho, sorry…. minsoon, Jooin, I’ll miss you… Daehan, I wish you the best..
Security Guard ahjusshi… Pe Teacher… all byebye… The constant days of events and tears
gifted to me…. all byebye…. and bye Ahnyang…

A Wolf’s Attraction-117

Mom continued driving while I just stared out the window… without any type of dialogue or
a glance toward each other…

three hours later, mom opened her car door and walked out.. staring up at the familiar
trees and houses for both of us,

“Hasn’t changed one bit..”

She said blankly..

“yeah.. so you’re living with Dukhee? well I just have to send you your allowance every
week, right?”


“I don’t have to go in, right?”

“Say hello to Dukhee’s mom at least..”

“It’s okay.. I don’t… really want to… it’s not like she’ll greet me happily… anyway
remember to call Dareum and Jooho.. they’re probably jumping up and down all over the
place righ about now.”

i took out my cell phone from my pockets and turned it on.

“Go in now.. and remember to visit..”


“well… and I apologize… you’re the one who couldn’t get used to the city so don’t blame
mom too much.”
“i don’t.”


Mom slowly turned around and opened the car door..


Mom’s hands let go of the door as she stared at me in wonder.

“can’t you…. say my name………………. just.. once?”

At first she stared at me blankly then heavily opened her mouth..

“……..Hankyung.. I’m sorry..”

“Nah.. ^-^ bye mom..”

Maybe it was my imagination for my eyes are too puffy to recognize… but I thought I saw
mom’s eyes glitter for a second.. and before the tears could even dry… the car sped off..

Wiping away all the tears, I practiced smiling at the same spot… taking a deep breath I
was just about to ring the Dukhee’s house’s door bell when my cell phone begun to ring
loudly…. an unknown number…


“why’d you turn your phone off! -0-”

Haewon’s loud shout formed a small smile on my lips..

“Sorry.. I was with mom.. where are you?”

“huh? a nightclub.”

“what are you doing there… psh.. went to meet new girls huh..”

“What are you talking about?! I’m here to see my first hyung!! he’s the owner of the

“first hyung? ohh.. ^-^”

“know why I’m here, though?”

“Oppa!! it’s been SUCH a long time!! AHHH~~! where have you BEEN?!”

a sugary girl’s voice was heard over the phone.. -___-

for a moment, there was trampling and rustling then Haewon appeared again.

“I’m not here to see you! go away!! -0- hey chung hankyung.. know why I’m here??”


“I’m here to get permission…. to go down to gongju I mean. proud of me? ^-^”

“you… really are going to come?”

“of coruse.. hey, I’ll call you later.. my hyung’s coming out.. oh yeah, does anyone live
next door?”

“yeah… you mean where imma live from now on? yeah someone does live next door..

“give him or her a notice to move out in 3 days.. and tell him imma move in, aight? I’ll call
you later. Hyung! I’m here!”

doo doo doo doo… Mung Goo lives next door to Duk hee.. you want me to tell Mung Goo to
move out? -__- I sometimes really wonder how Haewon’s mind works… I don’t think he
was joking around either.. sighing, I was about to press the door bell when my cell phone
begun to ring again… Dareum..

“hello? Dareum..”

“I’m gonna curse you forever!! if I forgive you, I’m not human!!”

Dareum’s and Jooho’s outcry rang throughout the phone in simulatenously, mixed with
tears and anger..

“Dareum.. Jooho.. I’m sorry… I’m really sorry I could tell you…”

“Until I die!!!!!!! I won’t forgive you…………. ever!!!”

With that loud cry, the phone call ended..

“Dareum!! JOOHO!!”

I tried Dareum’s number again yet because I had spent all my minutes, I was unable to
get a signal through… well… ahh I guess I have to use Dukhee’s phone then… I hope it’s
okay that I came by without a notice.. my fingers pressed on the bell…

“who is it?”

“this is Hankyung..”

“who’s hankyung..?”

“Isn’t this Dukhee’s house?”

“They moved out a couple of weeks ago..”


“I heard it was Pusan or something.”


Dropping the bag I had in my hands, I collapsed onto the floor once again.T_T

A Wolf’s Attraction-118

NOW what do I do…. arghhhh… why does these things always happen to me… after staring
at dukhee’s house dumbfounded for a long time, I slowly ordered my feet toward
MungGoo’s house.. except no one was home..

“MungGoo……. Ahjuma..??”

calling their name carefully, I solemnly stared at the shut door.


Still no answer.. sighing I carefully pushed open the door..

“Huh, why aren’t you Hankyung?”

MungGoo who had just been in the fields… judging by the hoe in hie hand, ran toward me
in surprise.

“MungGoo. Imma stay here for good. ^-^”

“what? -0-”
“What’ll you do Hankyung… we only have one bedroom at our house… I’m so sorry…
MungGoo think what Hankuyng could do… is there anywhere she could live?”

Ahjuma sat on the wooden floor while giving me a look of sympathy..

“Mom, can’t we make a shack for her? -0-”

Ahjuma stared back at MungGoo dumbly for a second..

“and how will you do that? first it was the trees now this.. -0-”

“Then what’ll we do with her… Hankyung… hmm… let’s see… well it’s not like you could live
by herself…”

wait, wait, waiit! MungGoo that’s a good idea!! -0-

“MungGoo!! is there a small apartment near the school?”

“O_O Hankyung..”

“Let’s go~~ huh? the realty…!! let’s go!!! >_<“

“Dear, why the sudden departure from Ahnyang though?”

“Mom, you stay home.. I’ll be right back with Hankyung..”

MungGoo rescued me from her question and I chased him out the door…

“Yep, we have just the place… it’s pretty small, but the water comes out just fine.. we just
built the place a couple of years ago so there aren’t any bugs.. you plan on living by


“It’d be dangerous to live by yourself.. -__-”

“I’ll protect her~! -0-”

MungGoo wrapped his long arms around my shoulders and laughed… after seeing how
serious I was, he faked coughed twice and put his hands back down.. -__-

“I’ll take it.. I can move in today, right?”

MungGoo interrupted..
“No Hankyung!! You should rest at our place!!”


“heh…. hehehe.. -__-”

While walking to the newly rented house..

“Hankyung, do you even have enough money to rent the place? -__-”

“Yep.. my brother gave me some money…”

“Brother? oh taesung… oh yeah, where is he? -0-”

“far.. far away… ^-^”

“far away? america? china? where?”


“are you crying?”

“MungGoo.. ^-^ can you wait until I’m ready to tell you…?”

MungGoo suddenly looked serious as he nodded several times..

“Thanks.. ^-^”

The house was just a few minutes away from the Girls-Only-Gongju-High.. It had a clean,
working bathroom along with good view… I was shaken up by the idea of living by myself
yet forcing on a smile, I helped MungGoo deliver my belongings..

That night, after resisting to have dinner with MungGoo, I softly sobbed beneath my
blankets thinking about this and that…

hence there was a welcoming ring..


“What IS this place? sshi&!*@#^&*!!! I feel like I’m in a maze. argh it’s pissing me off.”

“Haewon? where are you?”

“Oppa’s at GongJu! where’s your house?”

“I moved into a new house..”



“who are you living with?”




“tell me the location to your house!”

“um.. where are you then? T_T”

Even though it was his first time in Gongju, Haewon was banging on my front doors not
even 10 minutes afterward.. when I opened the door for him in my pajamas while smiling
at him with puffy eyes, Haewon just shook his head as if getting a migraine.. it hasnt even
been a day since I last saw him yet I feel so happy to see him again.. T_T I silently rubbed
my face on his vest and begun to weep..

“you told me you had a place to eat and stay!! what are you doing here by yourself?”

“My friend suddenly.. moved.. apparently.. T_T so I rented this place out.. isn’t it pretty?”


“How are you gonna go to school tomorrow? d’you eat yet?”

“I can’t come here.. I’m forbidden to move..”

“yeah. ^-^”

“what’s yeah? how can you just laugh??! I told you not to move!! you plan on living by
yourself? hah, pack…. let’s go back”

“No, haewon..”

“Let’s go back, yeah? I can get you a place to live… come back to Ahnyang..”

“i won’t..”
“Don’t be so stubborn!”

Dragging me by the hand, Haewon stepped into the dark room and begun packing..

“Crap, why’s your room so cold..”


“I’ll get you a hotel in Gongju for tonight… you could sleep there and I’ll start looking for
your house tomorrow.”

“Can’t I just stay? I want to try to make it on my own Haewon..”

“Stop with the nonsense.. imma be in the car.”

Picking up my belongings, Haewon headed toward the door… and running after him, I held
onto his wrists anxiously..

“After the college entrance exams.. when I start college I’ll go back to AhnYang… until I’ll
try my best to get into the same college as you… and just until then, just let me live by
myself… I need to know how to take care of myself haewon… and if I were to go back to
Ahnyang, i’d just start doing unneccesary things again…. I can feel it…”

“After you graduate, imma have you live with me.. okay?”

“Haewon… it’s my life… I want this chance.. can’t you wait for me just for 7 months? would
you rather have me smiling here in Gongju or crying in Ahnyang?”

Without a word, Haewon let go of the doorknob…

“Promise? Promise me, you’ll attend the same college as me… and you’ll come straight
back to Ahnyang..”

“Of course. ^-^”

“And you’ll only study til then.”

“Yep. ^-^ of course, I’ll be thinking about you in between.. ^-^”

“Write down whatever you need.. a bed.. computer.. whatever.. I’ll bring it down with me
by this saturaday..”

“Okay.. I’ll give you the money right now. ^O^”

“Pay me back later..with the taxes.”

Throwing my belongings aside, Haewon punched my head lightly and walked out the door..
-__- and.. until 5 o’clock the next day.. we sat on the front porch while gazing at stars…
after setting Haewon off, I came back into my room and fell asleep immediately.

I’ll do it… I can do it…. no… I have to do it… I’ll show mom… dad… and Taesung that I’m
not weak… I’ll make sure that I don’t cry from tomorrow… so…. just for today…. I’ll get rid
of these tears for the entire year… for the last time..

A Wolf’s Attraction-119

2002. August 5th. I was able to laugh and have fun like I used to in exactly 5 months.

I would hang out with my school friends without any type of worrying… studied everyday
until 11.. -__- biked to school every morning.. ^-^ and Haewon would always visit me
every saturaday. (sometimes Wun tagged along -__-).. Dareum and Jooho weren’t mad at
me anymore… for they visited me at least twice a month.. well.. despite the fact that they
would steal glares at me when I wasn’t looking.. -__-

Thanks to my new environment, my grades increased incredibly… and more than

anything… I chatted with Taesung at least for two hours every three days.. ^o^

Nuna, did you eaat yhet?

Yep~ just ate. ^^ Taesung, your spelling has been weird these couple of days.. -__-

Oh.. see.. I’m forgetting Korean cuz I don’t have a chance to speak it.

You weren’t wrong two weeks ago.. T_T

AH… yeah..

Oh Taesung, Haewon’s here. Imma go now.

Where are you going?

To Ahnyang.. to meet Dareum.


Yeah Taesung.. she misses you a lot..

Who’s Dareum..?

What? -0-
Ohhh… Dareum.. ah yeah..

Um… yeah Haewon keeps on insulting me.. T_T come online tomorrow! ^^ bye~


After logging out, I noticed Haewon’s glare as he had his arms crossed. -__-

“Hey, I wanna chat, too. make me a screen name.”

“Okay kek. I’ll make one up for you. ^0^”

“When’s Chung Taesung visiting? -__-”

“I don’t know.. he keeps on avoiding the subject..”

“He’s proly having fun with some chick.. -__-”

“chick…?! -0-”

“Nevermind… hey let’s go. I didn’t bring my car today so we could ride the bus.”

“really? ^O^ it’ll be our first time being on the city bus togethe! >_<“

“I get the window seat!”

“Wahh? nooo!! TOT I want the window seat..”

“Whoever says it first wins! -__-”

“We just won’t sit together then. T_T”

“wanna die..”

We headed toward the Gongju terminal while chatting and arguing… suddenly a black van
speeded toward us and Haewon quickly pushed me into the sidewalks.

“He could’ve hit someone!! argh, reckless drivers..”

Hey… isn’t that those vans for funerals..? I wonder who died… Haewon continued to glare
at the black van…

for some reason, the van looked ever so solemn and… without me knowing… a tear fell
onto my shoes..

I was more surprised than Haewon at my tear..

“Hey.. you crying?”

“I dunno.. O.O why did I just cry?”

“You’re sad cuz you don’t get the window seat? -__-”

“Noooo.. T_T why did I cry..? what’s wrong with me?”

“are you hungry? -__-”

“NO! T_T”

After watching the black van disappear, I linked arms with Haewon and resumed walking

that night..Dareum, Haewon, Wun, and I were sitting down in the bar…around the same
table I saw Bojung and Jaehee..

“Unni, is CHung Taesung ever coming back? did he say anything about that?”

“I dunno… wanna beg him over the phone, Dareum?”


“but Taesung stopped picking up the phone two weeks ago…”

“Yeah? pft then I’ll just talk to him online… unni, don’t you have college entrance exams 3
months from now!”

“ahhhh.. don’t remind me.. T_T”

Haewon who had been drinking silently suddenly stared at the table in front of us,
amusingly… and of course I had been staring at Haewon.. -0- so following his gaze.. I saw
the two people I wanted to forget more than anything… and catching my gaze, they
quickly turned around… Bojung and Jaehee.. -__-

“That Lee bojung doesn’t come to school anymore.. keke more than half the school gave
them a hell worth time so she just dropped out a month after you left.. and Daehan oppa
dumped Yoo Jaehee.. man she was SO pitiful… now they have no other friends except for
each other..”
their backs seemed really pitiful…

“Don’t stare at them… you’ll lose your appetite..”

Haewon slightly covered my eyes with his soft hands..

“Hey you!! turn around and eat!! I think imma puke after seeing your faces! >_<“

Dareum shouted happily… and like some miracle, they really did turn around immediately…
Jaehee… WAS my friend you know.. T_T

If MungGoo heard about me and Jaehee, he might have a stroke… I haven’t told him any
word about Jaehee yet.. -__-

feeling too bad for them, I kept on looking back causing Dareum to slap my back.

“Unni!! I almost forgot! let’s go visit dad’s grave!”

“what? -0-”

“why are you so surprised… We’ll bring Jooho along.. I wanna visit dad…”

Dareum…. only a couple of months ago, didn’t you despise dad…? touched, I stared at
dareum with wet eyes…

“Nuna! bring me along, too!! please? -0-”

Wun pleaded

“Where are YOU going?!”

“why are you always excluding me? I wanna go, too!! -0-”

“are you RELATED to my dad in any way?? -0-”

“Don’t be so cruel!! I have a sad life you know!! -0-”

“OhHO! being dumped by those ABC girls? chi… it’s for your good Wun. -__-^”

You got dumped Wun? Wun’s cheeks begun to flush a deep shade of red and he opened
his mouth to yell..

“when did I ever!”

Catching everyone’s attention in the bar, Dareum and Wun continued to bicker and quarrel
loudly… I even see dry squids and apples flying around.. -0-
“this is why kids are so tiring…”

Haewon murmured gibberish while holding out his cup toward me.. -___- I filled his glass
with beer……….. and that was how our night ended…

A wolf’s attraction-120

2003. January 5th.

Dareum, Jooho, Haewon, and I stood rigidly in front of dad’s grave..

“Dad, I got into college.. ^-^ I might not be able to visit so often… ^-^”

Placing a lit cigarette on dad’s grave, I told him brightly.

“Father-in-law. I’ll take care of Hankyung with my life so don’t worry about her.”

Haewon keeps on saying these words as if he’s some grandpa…

“Dad? it’s me Dareum… it’s been a long time hasn’t it…. I kept on thinking I should visit for
awhile now… but….. I just couldn’t find the courage to….”

Dareum stamped her tears out quickly as if she didn’t want anyone to know she was
crying… and after faking a cough, she shouted.

“I’ll visit often from now on!! don’t hate me so much!! and unni got into college!! aren’t
you happy? promise that you’ll be as happy when I get in, too!! remember how you would
always hug me when I was young and-…”

Dareum was unable to finish her sentence as she dropped her head low… even I felt like
crying.. T_T

“Hello mister. Isn’t it cold there? Are there groundhogs who eat your dirt?”

Jooho innocently asked the grave curiously… and dareum punched JOoho’s head lightly at
his question -__-

“AHh!! >O<“

Jooho jumped up and down while shouting… and passing dad’s grave he climbed up the
hill.. -___- and shouted,

“There’s a grave here!!!”


“Come back down here!! -0- that place is haunted!!”

Even at Dareum’s scare, Jooho just turned around and squatted down in front of the
grave… climbing to where Jooho was… I saw him plucking out weeds around an unfamiliar
grave… how come I never saw this grave… it’s not even 100 meters away from dad’s….
well… true I never climbed this way before…

“Hey.. what are you doing there.. come back here..”

Dareum pulled Jooho’s sleeves…

“it’s sad..”

Jooho had suddenly turned serious… for some reason, I crouched down also and begun to
pluck out the weeds…

“hey… hey what are you doing. Han Dareum, what’s wrong with them? -__-^”

Even at Haewon’s annoyed comment, DAreum, too, began to pluck out the weeds…

“huh? what’s wrong with YOU!! are you guys crazy? -0-”

Haewon’s perplexed voice rang throughout the mountains yet Jooho, Dareum, and I
weeped without knowing why we should.. Wiping away the tears with his forehand, Jooho

“The person inside is crying…”

“…….yeah… I can feel it too…”

Dareum said while swallowing back tears..

“………He says nice to meet you…”

i whispered lifelessly… Haewon was now shouting in disbelief.

“You’re just trying to freak me out, huh? you think i’d get scared by something like that?
stop with the nonsense and let’s go down.. Chung Hankyung, didnt’ you wanna see your
new house in Ahnyang? let’s go already.”

As if under a trance, we brusquely stood up simulatenously… and aftering staring at each

other, we laughed, confused.. while Haewon looked us up and down while frowning.. -__-
“Let’s go!! >_< AHNYANG HERE WE COME!!!”

“woooooo!! ^O^”

We descended down the hills with a loud and happy shout… forgetting all about the
possession or whatever we were under, I was next to Haewon while Dareum was next to
Jooho… and thinking about our future and whatever was to come… we slowly depatured
from Gongju…. Remembering my promise not to cry anymore, I kept on erasing Taesung’s
face from my mind…

This is it.. it’s only begun… Squeezing Haewon’s hand harder, I smiled brightly… Getting a
feeling that this was the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with, a smile never
left my face.. while my mind continued to bury and erase TAesung’s face…

I came all this way up.. now I should go back down… I’ve been through enough troubles…
so… so now… let’s just go back down…..


2002 August 20th…

“Grandma, you have to bury me next to dad when I die, okay?”

“Taesung.. I’m sorry.. I shouldn’t have…. taken you away…. from Hankyung…. you
would’ve been happier….. happier with her….”

“No Grandma… It was for the better, see? I don’t want Nuna to know about me.. ^-^ so I
should thank you… you have to keep your promise, okay? don’t let nuna know about my
death until the very end… Keep on telling nuna that I’m living happily in america even if
she may be 40 or 50…”

“Taesung… how….. how can you…..”

“Oh yeah, bury the family picture next to me… Kevin… you remember the password to my
screen name, right? ….you can’t suddenly stop talking to nuna okay… and don’t let her find
anything out…”

“is that really necessary? I mean, she’ll know it’s not you immediately won’t she… just..
just tell her Taesung…”

“no……… I can’t…. see… my nuna… she has too many tears… she’s such a dummy.. always
crying…. ….. grandma, bury me next to dad…. along with this picture… and…. until… until
nuna dies… don’t tell her anything about my death…. just.. just these three things…
please… hah my death wish…”


“grandma… can…. can I ask you one last thing?”

“of course… of course sweety..”

“i don’t care if you’re lying… but… you have to say yes despite whatever question it may
be… okay?”

“sure…… sure…..”

“People… are.. born again… right grandma?”


“really? there is such thing? ^-^”

“Yes honey…”

“Heh… that’s all grandma… I just have to wait then……”

“Taesung….!! taesung!!! taesung honey!!!!!”


“Taesung….. baby open your eyes…. taesung……………………………. taesung…”

Nuna, in our afterlife…

don’t be born as my nuna…
I don’t care if you’re some old grandma…
and I wouldn’t care if you were really really ugly…. just….
just don’t be born as my nuna…

Then, I’ll find you whereever you are..

whether you’re in another country or wherever…
i’ll find you and have you live with me..
so… when we’re born again…
you have to call me “honey” instead of “Taesung” okay? ^-^
here.. pinky promise.
Goodbye……………… taesung…

The Last Gift..

The memories I have of my parent’s face… along with how trees and the sun looked like is
barely kept inside my mind… yet… one thing…. one particular saying my mother told me is
still fresh in my mind…

Nayoon, see after meeting this and that of people.. you’ll run into misfortune and good
fortune… Now… when you meet someone who wears the same scent as the wind that
weaves through your hair… you must try everything to not let such a great person go.

Wind scent..? but… there’s trees and the ocean.. -__- and.. ooh chocolate!! I like people
who smell like chocolate..

Then mom gave me a loving smile and tucking my hair back, she replied.

You’ll understand when you grow up… it’s not the scent of a wind you smell by the nose,
it’s through the heart….. just like your father. ^^

2002 May, 3rd

And… fascinatingly.. and unbelievingly… a person who smelled like the wind appeared in
front of me… I have to hold them back!!!

even though the world was pitch black, I was able to grope around and become in contact
with the edge of a t-shirt.


the voice belonged to a guy.. probably a guy my age… 2… 3 years older?

“I said move..”

“Oh… um see I can’t..”


okay… don’t get scared now..

“hello! I’m Nayoon. Even though I can’t see, I can do just about anything else. see -__- I
can sing well, too~! wanna hear?”

“……..um.. okay… good for you now move.”

“I’m 17.. and oh yeah sorry.. I mean, I don’t go to school.. can you tell me your name?”


“I know… you probably think I’m some freak but can’t we be friends? >_<“

“If I tell you my name, will you move?”


I could just follow you then.. heh -__-

“Chung taesung……. happy?”

^-^ grinning, I made room for him to get through even though I sensed that he was
annoyed… thanks to the familiar streets, I was able to follow him without breaking a

“Hah.. >_< waiit… ohh you live here? a grandma lives here by herself….. ^0^ hey! we’re
neighbors!! how come I never saw you? ohh.. did you just move? or… hm… did the
grandma move away?”


“i still know what’s going around even though I can’t see you know.. ^O^ there are three
small pinetrees in front of your house right? ohh.. and… aha!”

Placing my hand around a rectangular shaped mailbox, I shouted brightly.

“Mailbox! -0- truthfully… I don’t need these sort of things to know where you live.. ^0^
I’ve gotten used to it by now..~~”

“…i’m asking you to stop annoying me.”

“Did I annoy you? -0- sorry I didn’t mean to… but can’t you tell me your age at least?

“I’m an year older than you squirt.. now stop annoying me.”

“wait! >_<“

Before I could hold him back, the wind scented guy disappeared through his door at a fast
speed…. oh.. scratch that, Taesung oppa I mean. ^-^ returning back to my room, I
giggled madly causing my dad to ask me in wonder..

“Nayoon, did anything good happen?”

“^^ I’m not sure yet. ^^ dad, did grandma next door move?”

“No honey.”

“Ohh… I see.. ^O^”

“What is it?”

“Nothing~~ >_< dad!! want me to give them cake?”

“It’s not even saturaday!”

“Oh… then I should go borrow their lawn mower..”

“We already mowed the lawn last night sweety.. -__-”

“Then.. um… with grandma…. see… um…”

“Aigoo, you’re trying to see the grandma’s grandson aren’t you?”

“Da..dad… how’d you know.. -0-”

“Don’t be late.. ^-^ I believe he was quite handsome.”

“>_< thank you!”

My heart begun to thump loudly.. I wasn’t trying to laugh or anything but being unable to
surpress feeling happy, I covered my mouth while ringing the doorbell.. ding dong… ding
dong…. even though I rang the bells more than 10 times… the door wouldn’t budge.. -___-
even through my pounding and beating, the door STILL wouldn’t open..-__-

Whew.. well.. I’m sorry to do this but… ever since I was a child, I was always quite
adventurous… rubbing my hands after spitting in them… -___- I carefully climbed up the
biggest tree in front of grandma’s house.. hahh… >_< T_T after dirtying my hands and
getting a few scratches on my legs, I sat in the top most branch.. ^O^ hm… now where’s
that window… the only thing I was able to touch while waving my hands in front of me was
the air… -___- angrily, I picked up my left legs and swung it around.. -___- and planted
my feet against a window… ^O^ oh yes! lucky day~ >_< keke I’m so proud of myself…
and pretty soon, the window creaked open and along came a familiar voice.

“I’ll report you.”

Taesung oppa’s voice. ^O^

“Hi oppa! ^O^ wanna eat cake at my house? -0-”

“ugly…. leave.”

“ugly? -0- oppa am I really ugly?”

“Just be thankful that you can’t see. -__-”

“are you serious? ahh.. TOT you’re lying aren’t you!! grandma and my dad would always
tell me I was pretty.. T_T”

“That’s why you can’t trust grown ups, cuz they lie all the time.. -__- that’s why I dislike
them.. -0-”

“really? T__T do I have a lot of freckles on my face? T_T are my lips lopsided, too?”

“The bus…”


“The bus came at a fast speed..”


“and ran over a face.. that’s how you look like. -___-”


“Becareful going down. -0- the alligator seems awfully hungry.. tsk. kek”

“wait!! oppa!! don’t leave yet!!! I need to tell-”

Bam! -___- the window closed shut… T_T and still being unable to get out of the shock, I
sat dumbfounded on the branch… and after awhile, decided to head back to my house…

wait a sec… where’s the branch.. ^O^ here we go.. ^O^ wait.. AHHHH!! >_< bam!

-0- -___- T_T I think I sprained my ankle!! >__< laying down on the damp grass, I begun
to sob while holding onto my ankle.. 20… 30 minutes later… I heard the front door open
with the sounds of a heavy footsteps.. T_T

“You lived? argh I even got me a shovel to bury you with.. -___-”
“oppa.. TOT”

“whoa.. you still talk, too!! man, how greedy are the life of humans..”

“It hurts.. T_T you came to see how I was. TOT”

“i like burying people.. well it looks like I’m not needed.. -__- go back home before the sun
sets. -___- it’s not such a pleasant feeling hearing a monster scream in my front yard.

“Oppaaaa.. I’m seriously not joking though. my ankles are probably swollen, right? T__T it
really does hurt! T__T”

Taesung oppa helped me walk back to my house.. ^O^ realizing that oppa will probably
leave if I said it was right next door… -__- I lied that my house was actually my friend,
sunny’s… Taesung oppa continued to roughly pull me while mumbling foreign words.. -__-

Hm… he must be tall since I only reach his shoulders.. and… his arms are long, too… -__-
why are his hands so cold, though? the wind scent mom told me about…. I feel it and smell
it each time he takes a step…

“Monster.. -__- I really don’t like you..”

“What school do you go to, oppa? ^O^ I know how happy you are deep inside cuz you met
a fellow korean. ^O^”

“you and Han Dareum should be best friends. -0-”

“who’s Han Dareum…? -0-”

“My punching bag.”

“…? punching bag?”

“we’re here!! shoo!! go in already!! shoo!!!”

“you’re joking right? we’re already here? TOT”

“byebye -___- forever byebye”

“wait!! oppa!! hold up for a sec!!!”

Ignoring my plea, Oppa quickly disappeared with the wind.. I’ll see you again tomorrow~
-___- ahhh.. what am I suppose to do though.. T__T dragging my swollen ankle, I crawled
to Sunny’s doorstep and pounded on the door.

“Is anyone home? T_T”


“T__T oh I see.. T_T no one’s home..”

a truck my run over me on the way to my house if I go in these conditions.. TOT

comforting myself, I hummed along a tune waiting and praying for Sunny to come home..

an hour… two hours passed… yet Sunny was nowhere to be seen.. -___- she’s probably
out partying with her new boyfriend… oh my goodness.. it’s way past sunset…. what if
dad’s worried… ahhh… maybe an hour passed and,

“get up.”

You can try to resist~ try to hide from my kiss (i was singing)~~.

“You’re gonna drive me knuts..”

Someone pulled me up by the wrists with much strength.

“O_O opa?”

“don’t do these sort of things from now on.”

I brimmed up with tears in gratitude. TOT

“You came for me? you were worried that I might have gotten kidnapped? TOT”

“i’m not joking around with you… don’t lie”

Oppa seemed to know which way my house… and I didn’t even tell him the directions..

“Oppa, you knew me too huh? aha! you probably watched me from afar since you already
know my house and all.. -0-”

“you told me we were neighbors before! -__-”

“oppa.. wanna be friends?”


“…….why… cuz I’m blind..?”

“no.. if you’re friends with me.. then you’ll just end up crying…”

that was how Taesung oppa’s and my first meeting passed me by..

The Last Gift

Unable to sleep any longer due to the beatings of my heart, I woke up an hour earlier the
next day.. -__- after entering and exiting in and out of the kitchen and our garden, I
packed cream filled bread with me and headed out the door a bit past 10. ^O^ tahk.. my
fingers slipped off of the bread.. I had collided in with someone…

“Nayoon, where are you going?”

“Sunny.. what are you doing here so early..”

“I have a favor to ask you.. let’s go to my house.”

“What favor?”

“See I have this urgent meeting with Jimmy then nana has to stay home all alone.. can
you take care of her while I’m gone?”

Nana’s sunny’s daughter like favored cat.. since this wasn’t the first time she asked me..

“Um.. I need to do something though.. mind if I go over a bit later? ^-^”

“where are you going?”

Sunny asked while grabbing my wrists.

“Next door. ^O^”


“wanna go, too? oh.. nevermind.. oppa’ll probably hide if theres too many people..”

“Oppa? there’s a guy who lives next to you?”

“yep.. -__-”

“Is he a hottie? tall?”

“see.. um.. about that..”

“Oh yeah.. you can’t see.”

“……..yeah. ^-^”

“Let’s go!”

“Go where? T__T”

“I’ll tell him how he looks like so lets go! >_<“

“sunny! T_T”

Sunny who was about 10 centimeters taller than me, dragged me by her long arms and
stopped on oppa’s front lawn… bravely ringing the bell, she charged into the house when
there wasn’t an answer. -__-

“Noo.. Taesung oppa doesn’t like meeting a lot of people! sunny, please let’s go back! T_T”

“Hey! Lemme talk to you!”

“Sunny! T_T grandma might be home..”

“Is anyone home???”

Sunny’s shouts disturbed the quiet aura that had preoccupied the livingroom… unaware of
what she was doing, Sunny pulled me toward the stairs..

T_T then, a familiar scent brushed past my nose signalling it was Taesung oppa… Sunny
and Taesung oppa were both dead silent.

“Sorry oppa.. -__-”

When I mumbled out a soft apology, Sunny’s shout in awe rang loudly in my ears.

“OH MY GOD!! >__< HE’S SEXY!!! Lee Nayoon!! Damn girl, how’d you find a guy like him?
wooo.. he’s the best looking guy I ever saw!”


“Get out.”

Taesung oppa’s voice sounded so ice cold..

“Your name is Taesung? How old are you? When’d you come from Korea?”

Sunny was full of questions..

“Get out.”

“^^ Is your dad a gang’s boss? you seem so cold~ ^O^”

Sunny was now joking with Taesung.. this only means that she grew to like him alot.. -__-

“Get her out of here.”

Taesung oppa spat out annoyed at me.

“Yeah Sunny, let’s go…”

“What’s your last name, oppa? What was your name again? Tae? Tae? ^O^”

Sunny is always self-confident.

“You’re not worth saying my name. Don’t annoy me.”

An awkward and icy atmosphere fell upon us immediately and I heard Sunny’s rough
breathing… Sunny was always the princess in our town and she probably never recieved
this kind of treatment from anyone..

“Are you afraid of cooties?”


“Did I say anything to you? did I ask for food? or a drink? we’re all humans, why are you
putting me down like you’re some god? you don’t care what other people think, huh.”

Sunny is also an only child.. she received all the love and care she could’ve ever gotten.

“If it was Korea..”

“What? korea?”

“If we were in Korea, I would’ve hit you. Get out.”

“Hah.. You’re insane, aren’t you… forreal..”

Oppa silently headed back toward the stairs… why are you so cold oppa.. why won’t you
let anyone into that cold heart of yours..

“You came from Korea didn’t you? where’d you used to live?”

“I don’t feel the need to tell you.”

Oppa’s footsteps grew further again… and Sunny’s voice followed a second afterward as if
substaining herself from exploding in fury.

“I have a lot of friends from Korea.. can’t you tell me?”

“Kek. You think Korea’s your house? I don’t know anyone here. satisfied?”

“No? I know a guy who was quite popular in korea.. he probably knows your name.. oh..
that’s.. RIGHT.. ^^ you were probably hiding from him cuz you probably got beat up.”

Sunny had a habit of saying anything she thinks of whenever she was mad… but still… that
was cruel..

“Let’s go sunny.. just… let’s go.. Oppa.. I’ll … see you taler.. ^-^”

Waving my hand, I felt for Sunny’s tiny wrists and dragged her yet she wouldn’t budge.

“Who’s the kid you know. the one who was quite popular?”

“Jimmie. HIs korean name is probably Ahn JongHan.”


“why are you laughing?”

“InChun Ahn JongHan?”

“……..so what? you know him? oh I’ll make SURE to say NICE things about you. don’t
sweat about it. ^-^”

Jimmie… aka JongHan was part of a gang while he was in Korea… he visited the jail
numerous times… and was also Sunny’s new boyfriend… and… an year ago…. forget it
Nayoon.. don’t think about it…


Taesung oppa glided up the stairs in an uncaring voice. Sunny collapsed down onto the
floor while crying in fury… it didn’t need to end up this way… finally convincing Sunny to
get out of the house, she told me in a shaky voice.

“He’s dead.”


“hah… I have never heard such an insult in my life.. oh I’ll make sure he pays for that..”
“No sunny… please.. don’t..”

“He thinks he’s greater than me..? ME???”

Sunny’s voice was shaky once again.

“No Sunny.. let’s just leave Oppa alone… I think he’s been through a lot.. we’re being


“We’re being immature.. us… doing this.”

“Hah you think you’re so grown up now, Lee Nayoon?”


“You and I didn’t start out as friends.. remember that? and yet you think you’re so great?”


“we’re having a party at Jimmie’s house tomorrow. 8 o’clock. you know what I’m talking
about right? make sure to bring that bastard.”

Sunny’s furious voice cut into my bones…

“I can’t………. I won’t…”

“yeah? well I’ll just tell all the kids what happened an year ago.. I’m sure the kids will
laugh plentily about it”

It was always like this.. whenever there was a fight between Sunny and me… she
destroyed me little by little by what happened last year..

“i’m leaving. 8 o’clock remember that. remember to bring him. tch.. I’m sure your dad
doesn’t know about last year? yeah? ^-^”


“Don’t treat me like I’m some b!Tch. I can’t just let that bastard slip, that’s all. bye”

Sunny’s footsteps gradually faded within the sounds of the city… before any tears could
fall, I quickly wiped it away with my fists and yelled brightly.

“No problem!! Lee Nayoon!! Don’t let that get you down!! You have a dad, grandma, toto,

Slowly setting down the bag of bread on Taesung oppa’s lawn, I heavily walked out of the
gardens and into my house.. that night.. I was sick…. both my head and my mind felt
heavy… Dad was by my bed, talking frantically.

“DId your fever go down? want some juice? are you hungry?”

“Nah.. don’t worry about me dad.”

“You’re cold aren’t you? want me to get you another blanket?”

“It’s really okay.. ^-^ sweet dreams dad.. I’m fine.”

“Should you take more medicine?”

“Noo.. I’m getting sleepy.. good night. ^-^”

“You want to? okay then.. if you need anything else, just shout okay?”

“Yes sir! ^O^”

Lightly kissing my cheeks, dad closed the door leaving my bedroom to be quiet..
everything’s so dark… I have never.. blamed myself… and hated fate for making me blind..
yet… yet at this moment.. I can’t help but feel dislike that I can’t see..

Last year on my dad’s birthday… I went downtown to buy his cake… just… with toto… just
us two… and.. when I was waiting for a taxi around 10…9… a group of boys surrounded
me.. and among them was Sunny’s boyfriend, Jimmie..

Covering my mouth to forbid me from screaming, I dropped the cake on the ground.. I
heard people brustling and jostling while walking past us… yet… they knew better then to
mess around with Jimmie’s crowd.. when I was growing more and more frantic… Sunny
had saved me..

“Jimmie! what are you doing! that’s my friend. stop.”

“Your friend?”

“Well.. not exactly a friend.. more like a dog.. obedient dog.. plus she won’t do you any

And thanks to Sunny’s help I was able to avoid the danger… and afterward, I had tried my
best to become a needed and a good friend to Sunny.. if… if I could see these tears that’s
soaking up my blankets… if only…. pretty soon.. I fell asleep, weeping softly…
in my dream… Taesung oppa… was crying…. he was painfully looking at someone…. while
these.. these tears kept on dampening the misty ground…

The Last Gift…

“Nayoon, it’s time to wake up. A handsome guy’s here to see you.. Nayoon, wake up…
don’t you want to see who came to see you? Nayoon…”

Someone shook my shoulders, waking me up..

“-___- dad?”

“Look who came to see you.”

“-__- what time is it?”

“Six. -__-”


“Afternoon. -__-”

“How many hours did I sleep for? =_=“

“More than 12.. ^O^ But Nayoon, you have a guest.”


“A handsome boyfriend.”

Dad whispered softly,


and before I could question him further, he exited out the door. -__-

“Dad! -0-”

It won’t be Jimmie right…?? I was prepared to call out to dad again inside my blankets

“Monster! I’m here.”

The ‘boyfriend’ that had come to visit me was … Taesung oppa…

“Oppa? O_O oppa!”

Standing up in my bed, I turned my body toward where I heard the voice.

“-__- if you could see, I would’ve given you a mirror. -__-”

“>_< AHHH >___< I look filthy don’t i? >_<“

I quickly went back into my blankets. -__-

“Let’s go.”


“That chick wanted us to go to a party didn’t she? let’s go.”


“The girl last night.”

“-__- sunny?”


“how’d you know about the party? tch.. you DO watch over me don’t you? -__-”

“-__- your voice was pretty loud.”


“Let’s gooo.. get up. Your friend wanted to beat me up, yeah? ^-^ Let’s go get us some
beatings! kek, GET UP!! -0-”

“…..don’t go… you can’t..”

“Tell me the house and I’ll go by myself.”

“No oppa… they’re not normal like you think they are.. they’re not someone who you could

“I really enjoy getting beat up. -0- get up, get up.”

Taesung oppa’s cold hands grabbed my small hands and forced me up. =__= thanks to
that, my head was tilted backwards while I continued my begging.

“No oppaa.. let’s stay home and I’ll make you cake! let’s just play ourselves! TOT”
Then oppa pulled my hands once again and I splattered upon the floor.. -__-

“Haha -0- you sound like my wife -0- wifey >_<“

Oppa’s innocent voice rang in my ears but it was slightly different then what I usually
heard of… -__- I think oppa didn’t take notice of my heart thumping loudly cuz he
continued to drag me away from my room.

“You’re leaving already? ^O^”

Dad, save us! T_T

“^-^ can I take Nayoon out for a walk?”

“Of course. But make sure to bring her back by 12. ^-^”

“Okay. ^O^”

“Dad T_T dad! dad!! T__T After slamming the door and entering our front lawn, Taesung
oppa asked me in a slightly different tone.

“where is it?”


“Don’t lie like last time. is it this way?”

“No.. we go that way..”

“Let’s go.”


Taesung oppa’s footsteps seemed louder today.. well… hehe even though I only met him
twice… -__-

“Is it this place? where is it… just tell me…”

Taesung oppa held onto my hands with his thumb and his index finger while he continued
to ask me about Jimmie’s house.

“Oppa.. I seem so pathetic you holding my hand like that.. -0-”

“Don’t change the subject.. where is it?”

“It’s scary… they’re scary oppa..”

“If you don’t tell me, imma just leave you here..”

“…..it’s for your own good..”

“I fight well. ^-^”

Taesung oppa was stubborn and his two fingers gripped onto my hands tighter..

“It’s a white house… you go straight from here for about 10 minutes and it should be on
the left side… it’ll be noticable since it’s always pretty loud..”

Taesung oppa was silent as he walked a bit faster.

“Oppa.. can I ask you something though?”


“Are you always so scary to everyone?”


“Then.. only toward me?”

“No, I….”


“…. I only smile for one person.”

A moment of silence fell upon us and nearing Sunny’s house I bravely asked in a small

“The.. one person……….. someone you loved?”

“Someone I loved? no, someone I still and will love forever.. it’s this house right?”

Before I could question him further, Taesung oppa opened the large front door and pulled
me in.. I wanted to ask him who she was… how old she was… when he met her… yet.. yet
these questions didn’t dare to escape my mouth for taesung oppa sounded so sad while he
answered me..

The blaring music shook the grass below us while the voice of many korean kids rang in
my ears, screaming, yelling, and whistling.. along with sunny’s loud shouts… All of who
didn’t have a clue as to what sadness, pain, and unfortunate was..
“Don’t be nervous.”

Taesung oppa told me..

It was something he said without any particular emotion yet couraged me to hold my head
up high.

“Oppa, why’d you come though? Cuz of Sunny? Only because she made you mad?”

“Hey ^O^ I wanna play, too~”

The Last Gift..

At Taesung oppa’s bright voice, everything had suddenly quieted down… I felt Taesung
oppa gripping on the open door… I guess they were all partying in the livingroom..

“….what? who’s he? is he new?”

A guy’s low voice rang in my ears,

“I called him. ^-^ oh? Nayoon’s here, too? haha Oppa, you came!”

I felt Sunny trying not to explode in anger.. while the crowd begun to shuffle and murmur
amongst themselves.

“Hey sunny? who is that? why’s Lee Nayoon with someone like him? you know him? girl,
introduce him to us~!”


“kek, how’d Lee Nayoon get here anyway?”

If I were to stay here any longer.. I would probably get a lot more angry and… sadder… so
I pulled on Taesung oppa’s hand… yet for some reason, he pulled me into the livingroom.

“If you invited someone, you should uplift the atmosphere.. if you can’t do that, dance..
and if you can’t dance, sing.. damn you guys are boring. ^-^”

A rush of silent fell upon us.

“Oppa, I think you have something TOTALLY wrong.. oh… HAHA oppa? what the hell’s
wrong with me? ^-^ Hey, you a dumb ass? you think I invited you to entertain your..
MIGHTY self? hahahaha hey guys~ gather around.. don’t you wanna see some fight?”

Sunny’s voice was full of anger.

“sunny… stop..”
“Lee Nayoon, want me to call Ahn Jonghan for you? ^O^”

“sunny.. we’re friends..”

“Kek, guys! did you just hear that? she thinks we’re.. FRIENDS! HAH!”

Sunny’s friends slowly advanced toward us.. their heavy breathing wrapped me in worry…
along with their laughter… yet taesung oppa seem unnerved as he kept silent.. what are
you gonna do oppa… why…. why…

“hey look at that b!tch.. it looks like he rolled around in chalk! dude, is he even a guy?
hm.. he must be gay! guys! wanna see for ourselves?”

One of he guys in the crowd shouted causing the others to laugh and whistle.

“See for yourself Jason. I’ll take care of the rest.”

Sunny’s icy voice replied carelessly.. and jumping in front of Taesung oppa, I yelled,

“Are you insane??? I’ll call the police!!”

“AHHH!! >_< you’ll call.. the POLICE?? >_< OH my GOSH!! like that’s SOOOo scary~!”

One of sunny’s friends shouted sarcastically and everyone else burst into laughter once

“Leave them alone, I haven’t seen people be this immature ever since middle school.”

At Taesung oppa’s careless tone, the kids flinched a bit.. yet at Sunny’s shout, they
resumed with their shouts and whistles.

“Hey, since Lee Nayoon can’t see.. hmm.. Ohh we should make her deaf, too!!”

“Oh yeah~ good idea!”

“hey >_< girls move back!! >___< haha >_<“

“No!! guys!! noo!!”

Someone pulled me by my hair and dragged me out to the garden.. while Taesung oppa
was surrounded by a mob of boys.. A loud shout rang in the air.. All because of me…. all…
cuz of me… SLAM! the door suddenly opened..

“What the f*ck are you doing?”

Ahn JongHan’s irritated shout stopped every bit of sound.. All of sunny’s friends were
terrified and did whatever Ahn Jonghan commanded them to do…

“……..JongHan, come here for a sec. Some b!tch just rolled in here.”

“Who? what the f*ck. why’s Lee Nayoon here? Sunny did you invite her?”

“Come here Jonghan~ you weren’t feeling that great today right? ^O^ I got you a stress
reliver~ ^O^”

Ahn jonghan’s voice slowly advanced toward us and… my heart begun to thump louder
than ever… the scariest being I ever knew… well… not just me.. but everyone else, too
probably… trembling in fear, I was reaching for Taesung oppa’s hands when the one
sentence Ahn JongHan said buried itself in my mind..

“Taesung hyung…?”

Heaving a sigh, Oppa said in mockery..

“JongHan, you haven’t had any beatings recently have you? well, don’t you think it’s time
for some? ^-^”

“………are you really hyung..? what.. what are you doing here?”


“B!tch! get back!!”

The kids scattered away at Jonghan’s loud shout… what.. what’s happening..? Taesung
oppa and Ahn Jonghan know each other…? then..

“JongHan? what’s wrong with you…? you know him???”

Sunny asked carefully..

“I’m sorry!! sorry!! sorry!!”

“Ahn jonghan! what are you saying!! he’s filth, don’t apologize to such thing!”

Sunny’s angry shout… along with mumbles amongst the crowd.

“Inchun, Ahn Jonghan.”


“It’s you right? ^-^ The one who hung around at Jangoon? ^-^”

“and these kids are your friends….”



“……..I apologize!”

“Why do you drive me crazy until the last moment, huh?”

Taesung oppa’s voice was ice cold, sending a chill down my spine..

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know!! My friends didn’t know anything! I’m sorry!”

“It has been awhile since you got me mad, yeah? Remember last year?”


“If you do, then kneel. ^-^”


“Too cool to kneel down, huh?”


With a thump, Ahn Jonghan seemed to have kneeled down in front of Taesung oppa.. the
racing of my heart had slowed down… what’s …. what’s happening…..is.. Taesung oppa
that….. and as if an order fell upon the crowd, I heard other plops and thumps as Sunny’s
friends all kneeled down..

“What the hell are you guys doing!”

Sunny’s shriek.

‘Ahn Jonghan.”


“That’s your girlfriend.”

“Have her bow down to her..”

Oppa tapped my shoulders.

“No.. oppa don’t… it’s okay..”

Ignoring me, Taesung oppa continued.

“You won’t? You’re becoming slower.”

“Sunny, sit.”

“Are you sane? huh??”

“I told you to sit!”

“Ahn Jonghan! what are you doing!! who the hell is he to make you act so pathetic??!!??!”

“Listen to me.”

“………no.. I don’t want to. I won’t.”

“B!tch listen to me!”

Bursting into tears, Sunny exited out the door after slamming it shut.

“Hyung, I apologize. That b!tch is a bit spoiled..”

“Apologize for her.”

“excuse me?”

“Forgot korean already?”


“Change your direction and apologize ten times.”

If he was to change his direction, he would be kneeling down in front of me… without
hesitating for one second, Ahn Jonghan immediately turned around and shouted toward

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!! I’m sorry!! I’m so-”

Ahn Jonghan stopped to take a deep breath after panting..

“Hyung, why are you here though?”

“Go in.”

“excuse me?”

“Bring these b!tches with you.. before I beat you all..”

The kids were dead silent… there must be more than 10 guys here… yet… they were all
trembling because of Ahn Jonghan’s words… wait.. no I mean… they’re probably more
afraid of Taesung oppa’s existence more than Ahn Jonghan’s words…

“Okay! Hey, get upstairs.. the whole lot of you!”

Instantly, they all pounded up the stairs.

“Have fun hyung! And visit by often, I know a lot of fun places where-”

“Go in.”


The livingroom quieted down… and Taesung oppa burst into laughter..

“Wasn’t that hecka funny? ^-^ we won~ ^O^”


“They won’t hurt you anymore. ^O^ aren’t you proud of me? -0-”

“Yeah… I am… I really am…”

“dang, there’s a lot of beer… ooh… hey I haven’t seen this brand before! O_O dude

“Oppa, what.. are you?”

“I’m raccoon kid’s lover. -___- ahhh >__< dang that’s bitter. >__<“

I stared at Taesung oppa with my blind eyes with my hair all messed up.. while oppa just
gulped down the beer… what do I do oppa… I think I’m falling in love with you…. what do I

About an hour later… the kids were still dead silent, all trapped in the tiny room… and
Taesung oppa was already drunk… the fifth bottle was slammed upon the table…
“oppa, let’s go… his parents might come home.. please, yeah?”

“where, where are we going? -0-”

“Home… you can go sleep now.. ^-^”

“Home? and where is that..”

“You go home to sleep.. and I go to my house to sleep.. and I’ll visit you again tomorrow!

“My house is far from here..”

“It’s 20 minutes from here.. -__-”

“It’s far… it’s really far… I want to go… but… it’s too far…”

“-___- I’ll take you home then… you’re already drunk!”

The front door opened suddenly

“Jonghan! mom’s home! ^O^”

A bright voice of about mid 40’s was heard from the front door and dragging Taesung oppa
by the arms, I groped around toward the door.

“Oh? Jonghan’s friend? stay longer. ^O^ I haven’t seen you before. ^O^ where’s

“He’s in his room.. we’ll be going now… good night.”

Brushing past the woman, I felt for my shoes.

“You can’t see? O_O”

Her voice was half full of curiousity while the other was pity.

“No, good night.. let’s go oppa..”

Walking past the garden, a laugh escaped from my lips for no reason… and asked oppa
who had been staggering a few steps ahead of me.

“oppa, you must be a great person. ^-^ You even made AHn jonghan kneel down to me. I
don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight..”

“i can’t breathe.”


As if chasing after someone, Oppa was practically running out of the garden.

“oppa! where are you going?! Oppa…!!”

Oppa’s footsteps grew further and further away from mine… confused, I begun to chase
after him in the best way I can… feeling a bit alarmed that oppa was running the opposite
side from our house..

“Oppa! Taesung oppa! where are-”

AHH TOT I think that was a rock.. T__T my knee stung like mad yet paying to attention to
it, I brushed my self and ran once again.. and panting heavily, I stopped abruptly at a low


“Dong hae mool gwa baek doo san ee…. mareugo dahl doh lok~ Hananeemee
bohoohahsah ooleenara mansae~ (a/n* that was the Korean national Anthem)

It was oppa’s voice… a low murmur along with a hint of laughter… I twisted my body
toward the sound and reaching my hands out, I felt oppa’s shoulders.

“Oppa, you wanted to sing? -0-”

“let’s go to korea… korea…. please?”

“Korea? how? ^-^”

“…..isn’t she pretty?…. so pretty….”

Oppa took something out from his pockets and folded my fingers upon it.. I think it was a

“Who is it?”

“My nuna.. -0- isn’t she pretty? see the raccoon kid? -0- that punk. -0-”

“……..i can’t see..”

“i can’t see either.”

“Yes you can…”

“No… I can’t.. I can’t see anything..”

“oppa, are you crying?”

Oppa’s voice was slowly decreasing in volume and took the picture from my hands without
a word.. several minutes passed… and oppa mumbled once again as if he was going to
collapse any second..

“what… what do I do… I think imma go crazy… no.. hah being insane is better than this… I
wanna see her…. man what am I doing here… why.. why am I here… chung taesung you
asshole… why are you… why are you so far away from her..”

I think.. the reason why I smelled the wind’s scent on oppa… was because.. even though
he was so close… and I could hear.. touch… and feel him… I couldn’t hold him back….

Unintentionally, my hands lightly placed itself on Taesung oppa’s shoulders.. For a

moment, Oppa was in my embrace then pushed me away lifelessly while walking away in
the direction to where our house was.

Tears were streaming down my face without me realizing it… and slowly and silently… I
followed oppa back home…
The Last Gift..

Two days later… 11 o’clock.

Humming along a song that was coming out of the tv, I sat on my sofa bobbing my head
up and down when I heard a knock on the front door.

“Who is it?”

Feeling my way to the door, I opened it slightly.

“Nayoon. Hello. ^O^”

Taesung oppa’s grandma. -0- the grandma that lived next door.

“Hello~ ^O^ What brings you here? ^O^”

“You see… I have a small favor to ask of you..”

“Fire away~ ^-^”

“I heard you and Taesung have gotten pretty close. ^-^”

“oh.. um… yeah I guess.. ^-^”

“….Taesung isn’t feeling too well…”


“he won’t eat or talk… I should be taking care of him today but I have an appointement at
the hospital about his health..”

“Is… is he really sick?”

“Nothing serious… can you take care of him while I’m at the hospital?”

“of course! don’t worry about a thing! ^-^”

“Sorry about that..”

“No problem. ^^ take your time.”

“Yeah… thank you dear.”

After informing me of the foods I should give Taesung oppa, grandma disappeared.
Anxious to see Taesung oppa again, I forgot to lock the front door and hurriedly walked
over to his house… opening the familiar door,


Silence.. -__- again at the stairs,


A high tone of voice rang in my ears.

“Yeah nuna… NO! Don’t switch the phone! >_< don’t switch……… -___-^ What..?! -0-
Ahhhh my poor ear’s getting contaminated! -0- Lemme talk to Hankyung nuna… what? I’m
not sick.. -__- lemme talk to nuna!! if you lay a finger on her, I swear you’re dead! -0-
Yeah imma go to korea! huh? nuna? -0- nooo.. Haewon keeps on annoying me!! Are you
guys the only one in the room? -___- get out get out!! You dunno what he’s capable of!

Oppa’s voice sounded so.. jubilent and full of life..

“Nuna, I’m not sick so don’t worry… yeah! I eat like a pig here! yep yep, I got muscles,
too! they’re bulging out!! -0- yep -0- I’ll show you when I go to korea! yep, yep.. okay~
you, too nuna.. yeahh… I’ll call you later.. oka.. bye..”
“Are you done? ^-^”

“who… Lee nayoon? when’d you come?”

Two faced character. -__- Chung. Tae. Sung. -__-

“How could your voice just do a 180 over one second? -__-”

“Grandma called you huh? I can do it myself so leave.”

“Grandma said you’ll probably not eat anything so it’s my responsiblity to get you to eat

“I will okay? so go already.”

“She said it was in the kitchen.. I’ll be right back! ^O^”

Before oppa could protest anymore, I quickly turned around to descend down the stairs

“What are you talking about?! You can’t even see! you’ll just drop the thing!”

“I can carry stuff… don’t worry..”


Walking down the stairs, I took the soup from the kitchen table and clearing my mind off
of pity, I neared oppa’s room again.

“Eat up. ^O^ wow, it smells delicious doesn’t it? ^O^”

“yeah…. thanks..”

“A change of heart suddenly? ^-^”


“for what? ^^ don’t worry about it!”

“It wasn’t meant for you to be sad.. it’s just that you keep on treating a b!tch like me so

“Want me to feed it to you? ^-^ Eat up already~ -0-”

Silently, oppa picked up his spoon to surp the soup.


“you’re doing a good job. -__-”

“i have to work though..”

“huh? -0- what for? -__-”

“Is there any place that pays you a lot? hey, let’s go look for one~”

“work…??? -___- you’re sick oppa.. just lay back down..”

“i’m up! look at this!”

Oppa suddenly poured the whole soup into his mouth..

“Oh my…. gosh.. isn’t it hot? T_T”

“It is. TOT Let’s go now!”

“why do you need to work though! TOT”

“I need money… hmm.. I’ll go on the table and start dancing and the old ladies pay me
money! -___- I get paid a lot…”

“-___- isn’t that a host bar…? -___-”

“Yep~ -0- Plus the american old ladies will be fascinated by me so they’ll pay me more~!”

“You’re.. JOKING right? -__-”

“I need money… I don’t care if it’s hard work… but if you know a good place.. then can you
tell me one?”

“Why.. do you need money..”

“After I earn money…”


“Imma go visit Korea..”

“Let’s go! >_< after I get my airline ticket with the money I earned, I’ll buy you a sheep.

“You’re gonna go to korea?”


“does your grandma know?”

“shh.. it’s a secret! ^-^ Now, let’s go already~!”


“Huh? O_O”

“Nothing.. I know a place.. they know me pretty well so.. you could probably start working

Oppa now wore a bright smile on his face. -__- I wonder if it’s because of his nuna….
Knowing that I’d never be the one to make him smile like he does right now… I fell into a
slight trance of sadness..

One sheep two sheep~!! One cheated on the otherrr… So the goat decided to commit
suicide~ -0- sheeps are dumb~ sheeps are greedy~ goat~ goat~! -0- fall into the ocean~!

Sighing at the unfamiliar song coming out of oppa’s mouth, I headed toward the bakery I
was familiar with.. =_= whew..

Dad and I come here all the time.. I have a feeling the boss’ll hire us more easily cuz dad
knows him well… plus it’s in koreatown so oppa won’t have such a difficult time handling
his customers.. Oppa continued to mumble excitedly until his breath. -__-

“Am I serving wine? Or am I dancing on the table? O_O You know, I dance well.. O_O
should I dance?”

“-___- it’s a bakery.. your job will the the cashier.. and I doubt that you’ll have to dance.

“-__- cashier? you want me to take people’s orders?”

“O_O what’s wrong with that? ^O^ All you have to do is stand still. ^O^”

“Aish.. it’ll take me ages to buy a airline ticket!”

“Two months should do it.. ^O^ Oppa, you’re coming back from KOrea though, right?”
Oppa was silent..

“…..yeah.. I have to.”

“Why? Cuz of me? ^O^”

“I see a fly on your face. -0-”

“Whaat? TOT”

“This is the place right? Here we go!”

Oppa quickly changed the subject and at that moment, someone came out the door with
the bells ringing.

“Oh! Nayoon!”

I heard the bakery owner’s frantic voice..

“Mister! I have a favor to ask you! ^O^”

“Oh see.. before your request, I got an urgent call from our house! Can you watch the
store for me?”

“How about this oppa does it for me..? He’s looking for a job.”

“Oh? This student right here?”


“Sure! Could you?”

“^O^ really? That’d be awesome!”

“Please get to work right away! I’ll discuss your payment after I get back.. You can do a
good job right?”

I nudged at Oppa’s sides for I didn’t hear an answer..

“Ahhh -0- Why’d you poke me? -0- I nodded my head you know! -0-”

-__- how was I suppose to know.. T_T I can’t see…

“Thanks a bunch! Nayoon and the student! Make sure to use your timecard! It’s pretty
easy so don’t worry! ^O^ I’ll be right back!”
The owner’s footsteps hurriedly disappeared and I followed Oppa into the bakery…

“Dude, there’s so many cigarette brands I haven’t seen before! Awesome, my friends’ll
love this!”

“Oppa! -0- NOO!! He’ll know if you take it with you! What if you get fired?”

“I’ll just dance on the tables then. -0-”

“-___- You’re serious?”

“Yep. ^O^”

“^-^ You’ve gotten much brighter since the first time I met you.. did you know that?”


The bells on the door rang loudly…

“Welcome! -0- How may I help you? -0-”

Stiffling a grin, I whispered to oppa,

“Oppa.. you’re just a cashier.. -__-”

“-__- okay okay..”

After the customer exited out the door, stiffling a set of giggles, Taesung oppa opened his

“That lady’s breath got taken away.. -0-”

“-__- why?”

“Cuz she saw me~ ^O^”

“Oh~……… You like that? -___-”

“Yeah I do. O_O”


“Don’t laugh. -0-”

I felt overjoyed that oppa was joking around with me.. T_T

“You know what? I’ve always wondered how you look-”

The store bell rung again and in came a set of heavy footsteps..

“How gross is that? David’s eloping with his sister!”

“I know huh… argh.. hey want a croissant?”

“Sure.. ooh dude that one looks good… but seriously.. even though they may not be
BLOOD related… they’re still siblings aren’t hey?”

“That’s why he’s a crazy bastard. Remember how weird he was in middle school? >_<
Argh but just thinking about it gives me the creeps.. if my nuna-”

“Stop right there.”

The person who put an end to their conversation was Taesung oppa’s low voice… with a
hint of anger..


“What’d you say? You talking to us?”

Their footsteps walked toward where we were..

“Nono.. sorry, he was talking to me..”

I tried to talk in the most respective way possible yet I guess to them, oppa’s words pissed
them off.

“No really.. what’d you say to us?”


“Stop what huh? hey.. listen to what this bastard’s saying.. you think you’re some great
person? it’s a free country, I can do anything I want.”

“Hey.. let’s just go.. pretend you stepped on dung or whatever..”

I guess his friend tried to smooth his anger and as I breathed a sigh of relief..

“Huh? What, you suddenly deaf now? Am I forbidden to BREATHE, too??? huh? answer

“If you wanna live a few more years.. get out.”

The two begun to laugh in disbelief… why.. why do these things always happen to you
oppa… is it cuz of me…?

“Try and hit me! huh? yeah? let’s see how strong your punch is b!tch! That’s right, you’re
afraid aren’t you? huh? huh?”

Before the guy’s words could stop, a loud BAM rang throughout the store along with
someone falling onto ground with a thud.


When I swung my arms with a shriek, I felt oppa’s back… then.. thank God.. it’s not oppa
on the floor………wait.. NONONONO!!

“Oppa, don’t.. please.. you’re here to earn money, remember? you wanted to go to korea!”

As if deaf to my shrieks and shouts, Oppa was now on the floor fighting them violently…
wait.. it was more like he was beating them up for I heard groaning and painful shouting..

“What the fcuk do you know huh…… what the fcuk do you know….. I told you to get out if
you don’t wanna die.”

The fight begun to continue for more than 10 minutes… even when I hugged oppa’s back
trying to get him off the guy, Oppa just continued to fight with me on his back…. sounds of
materials falling onto the floor… and shouts of pleas the guy was making also rang in my
ears…. the other friend seemed to have run away..

A few minutes later, the store door opened along with murmurs and shouts by older
townsmen…. finally.. oppa got off the guy, breathing heavily..

Before oppa could attack him again, I heard the door swish and the guy exiting out the
store.. -__- along with tsk-tsks and low mumbles as the townsmen went out the store as
well… in the midst of the quietness, I crouched down and begun picking up the materials
dropped onto the floor..

“Why’d you do it oppa… I know how good of a fighter you are so stop… You remember why
you wanted to work in the first place right…?”

“You think I’m crazy, too? Then… I’m a crazy, mental bastard huh?… is it so wrong to
love…? Would it be better if I died? huh?”

“……..What are you talking about..?”


I think I know now… even.. even though I asked back in a plain voice.. I think I know why
Oppa was so mad at what the guys said… Why oppa’s always so sad even when he’s
smiling and laughing… and why he needs to hold the special spot in his heart for her..

You like your sister huh oppa…. hah…. why won’t you give me even a portion in your heart
to stay in… soon, oppa crouched down on the floor as well..

“I wanna go to korea..”


“What do you do when you want to see but can’t?”

You’ve just made me smaller oppa…

“If I can’t see when I want to?”


“See.. my mom’s in Heaven.. and whenever I miss her and want to see her crazily…. ^-^”


“I open the window and shout her name ten times.. you know what else? She would
always visit me in my dreams after I fall asleep…”

“open the window? Do I have to look at the sky?”

“I wouldn’t know since I can’t see.. but I think it’d be more .. romantic? ^O^”

“Okay.. ^-^”

That night.. Taesung oppa’s shouts vibrated my windows, allowing a tear to fall from my

“Chung Hankyung! >_< Chung Hankyung! >_< Chung Hankyung, Chung Hankyung…
Cuhng Hankyung, Chung Hankyung, Chung Hankyung, Chung Hankyung, Chung
Hankyung, Chung.. Hankyung..”

Chung Hankyung…… and Chung taesung… I’ll pray that you and Hankyung unni could meet
The Last Gift..

Two months later.. at about 7 o’clock.. I opened my eyes wide at the thought of seeing
oppa again.. The last two months consisted of me following oppa to the store everyday
after a light jog with my dad… Feeling upto a little surprise, I packed a chicken sandwich
and exited out the door before Dad could get up.. -__- sorry dad.. T__T

Even though there hasn’t been much improvement the last two months between oppa and
I.. I was somewhat satisfied that Oppa was now freely laughing and smiling at me… even
the fact that he let me have a small peek through his heart was overwhelming enough.. ^-

In the store..

“Oppa. ^O^ Look who’s here~ ^O^”



Regulary, Oppa greets me with ‘Food!’ but today.. for some reason.. the store was dead
quiet.. -__- setting down the bag on the counter, I called out oppa’s name in various
places but I was unable to hear even a small squeak out of oppa.. nor smell him

“Oppppaaa >_< Where are you! >_<“

Oh my gosh! What if someone takes my sandwichh.. ahhh >_< I spent over two hours on
that thing..! TOT I quickly walked back toward the counter and stopped dead in my tracks
at a familiar cough… A low painful groan rang in my ears from the counter along with
several coughs.


A suffocating cough was my reply and when I slowly made my way, groping, I felt
something liquid warm on my fingers.

“AHHH! -0-”

“Hey, that’s my juice.. don’t touch it… I was about to clean it up..”

It was oppa..

“You were here the whole time huh! -0- why didn’t you say so!”

“When did I ever..”

Oppa roughly patted my hands with a handkerchief.

“Do you have a cold, oppa? Ooh.. is it the flu? It sounds contagious..”

“A mosquito bit me. -__-”

“Why would you cough when a mosquito bites you?! -0-”

“How should I know?! I bet it was a sick mosquito! -0-”

“TOT why are you shouting at me!! T_T”

“Go wash your hands..”


“I can’t seem to wipe the juice.. the bathroom’s around the corner.. -0-”

“Gimmie that.. I’ll wipe it off myself..”

“I told you, it won’t wipe.. go wash it with soap.”


I wonder what’s up with him.. -__- he better not run away while I’m gone! -__- a bit
suspicious, I let the cool water run through my hands when..

“Oh my.. why are your hands so bloody?!”

A scared tremble was heard from my left side..


“Are you okay?”

“Huh? Are you talking to me?”

“That’s not blood on your hands? O_O”

“This? I heard it was juice.. why?”

“Oh really? Hehe okay.. it must be tomato juice then. ^O^ hoho. ^O^”

After murmuring those words, the lady exited out the door. Blood? Tch.. Oppa wouldn’t
ever cough blood.. Look at how perky and healthy he is! -__-

“Oppa! ^O^ I washed my hands! -0-”

“munchmunch -0-”

“Whatchu eating? ^O^”

“-0- munchmunch”

“Your eating my sandwich huh? -__-”

Several more chomps and munching… along with several gulps.. -___- Oppa was eating
while letting out ‘ok’s in a happy voice. -__- he never ate my sandwich as happily as
today………….. hrm.. I wonder if it’s because he’s getting his payment tomorrow… -__-

“It’s good huh? -0-”


“-__- then why were you eating it! -__-”

“I’m not. -___-”

Oppa threw the bag aside… -__- an empty bag…



“You’re so cute oppa! >_< sososo cuteee.. >__< If I was your nuna, I’d love you


“Do you need any help…?”

The atmosphere had suddenly turned icy cold… Taesung oppa was silent… and until two
later that day, I helped out oppa as best I could and walking back home.. ^O^ I wondered
if I could be happier.. T^T

“Oh yeah! Oppa ^O^ You get paid tomorrow huh! ^O^”

“Get away from me. Don’t look like you’re close to me. -0-”

“Tchh.. T^T You’re so mean oppa.. you’re not gonna buy me anything?!”

“Who are you. -__-”

“T_T then I won’t bring you lunch!’

“Anything cheap. -__-”

“You’ll actually buy me something? O_O”

“If I have money left over. -__-”

“Then! ^O^ Let’s go to the ocean! ^O^”


“Yep. Oceannnnn~ Let’s go together!”

“After I come back from Korea.”

“Really? Seriously, you’ll go???”

“Yeah.. let’s go. ^-^”

“When are you going to Korea?”


“……….oh.. ^-^ When are you coming back then? -0-”

“After a week.. I’ll kidnap raccoon kid and Gi-King for you. (Gi-King-> Wun)”

“Raccoon kid? what is that?”

“what should I wear? hmm… I never tried black hair before so when I dye my hair black
girls will be like ‘OH MY GOSH! -0- Oppa that hair looks SO cute!’ hm.. then HAewon will
get jealous. -0- yep black it is… dye dye dye..”

-__- Oppa was murmuring nonstop happily.

“^O^ I should borrow a car from the airport and go to my highschool and say ‘Guys!
hyung’s here! -0-’ then! I’ll go to nuna.. Man, the gongju girls will chase after me like
some rinosaurs after seeing my hair though. -0-”

“You’re really that happy? ^-^”

“Yep yep. The raccoon kid liked eel masks the best… hm.. know where I could get a mask
around here? -0-”

“Eel mask…? -__- I never heard of that bef-”

Oppa suddenly stopped in his tracks.

“Go in by yourself.”


“Go in without me..”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“I forgot I had to do something… go hurry..”

“What’d you forget? Let’s go together then~”

“I told you to go in!”

Oppa suddenly shouted loudly. -0- Not used to oppa’s shouts, I recoiled slightly,

“Okay okay.. you didn’t need to shout you kn-”

Oppa turned around in the middle of my sentence and begun walking the way we came.

“Oppa, when are you gonna come home?”

At that precise moment… vroom vroom.. honk honk.. I heard obnoxious engines of a
motorcycle closing in onto us along with mocking laughs and insults.. Bewildered, I
calculated in my head of about how many motorcycles there were and realized there had
to be more than 10.. then, Oppa shouted brightly at me among the crowd..

“Nayoon, these are oppa’s friends.. Imma go take a drive with them so don’t wait up,

“When’d you meet these friends..? -__- hello.. ^O^”

I bowed my head toward the direction I heard the obnoxious sounds and frowned slightly
at another set of laughter. -__-.. when did I hear this before… something seemed terribly
wrong… then.. totally opposite from his previous voice, oppa told me in a dark, low tone.

“Go in Lee Nayoon. Don’t make me tell you again.. please.. go in…”

“Pleading now eh? Okay I will. O_O I’ll come smack you with a spoon if you go picking up
girls with your friends! ^O^ come by my house okay? Let’s go buy the mask together~

“Yeah. ^O^ Let’s go together.. ^O^”

“Okie ^O^ bye~ Oppa’s friends, too~ Nice meeting you! ^O^”

Forcing myself to turn around and walk away from the weird feeling I had among the
crowd of motorcycles, I walked toward my house when my heart froze at a loud yell mixed
with cuss words.

“b!tch Get on already before I go down and pound yo @ss in! I’ll tie that b!tch over there
along with you and throw you down the ocean aight? Get on already!”

……….? Shocked, I turned around at the familiar voice of… Ahn Jonghan’s…


Panicked, I shouted loudly.. then..

“Let’s go buy that mask in a few hours~”

Oppa hopped onto the motorcycle as if nothing was wrong and.. the weird sounds of the
engine slowly faded away.. Even though I knew it was useless, I ran toward where oppa
and I walked from..

and………. reaching my limit, I collapsed onto the floor and begun to bawl hysterically with
a mixture of fear and doubt.. as if finding my old self…. I can’t save oppa just by staying
here! Biting my lower lips, I quickly ran toward Taesung oppa’s house and after feeling my
way toward the door… I took a deep breath and pounded on the door, unable to control
my shaking fists..
The Last Gift..

“Grandma!! It’s me, Nayoon! Grandma… is anyone home?!?!? GRANDMA!!”

Even when I could hear the walls vibrating ever so slightly at my constant pounding and
shouts.. no sign of life greeted me.. plop.. plop… a raindrop fell onto my head.. along with
another.. and another…. while I collapsed on the front steps in despair once again… and…
realizing that I’m the only one who could save oppa as of this moment, I quickly sprinted
toward my house.

“DAD! DAD!!!”

“Dad…? Anyone home…? please.. anyone……….. dad…. dad…”

A solemn silence welcomed me when I stepped into our house…. Rain was slowly tapping..
then pounding onto our windows.. While I slowly let go of the receiver after a many signals
that wouldn’t go through…

If… I were to call the police… then….. I know better than anyone that.. because Ahn
jonghan was reported to the police numerous times.. this would be no different than the
previous times where the police department would just laugh it off……… for their house
hold onto that unfair power..

i… I thought he forgot…. but I guess he continued watching from afar for revenge…. even if
oppa might be some super hero.. he can’t beat up ALL of his friends.. there had to be
more than 10!!!

Lee Nayoon, what are you doing here… his life is in danger because of YOU! why are you
being so weak…. biting my lower lips in an attempt to swallow back my tears, I stepped
out into the pouring rain.. and slowly… then quickly ordered my feet toward Ahn Jonghan’s

If you think I’ll forgive you.. you’re so very wrong.. if I see even a scratch on taesung
oppa… hah… you’re so dead… do you have any idea how oppa’s suffering right now… do
you know.. how much pain he’s in….. do you know… that he forces on a smile because of
my stubbornness when living day by day would be hard enough for him…?! if.. if a tear fall
from his eyes cuz of you… I won’t forgive you……. I won’t…

both of my legs begun to tremble incredulously and after feeling my way toward the
doorbell, I pressed onto it numerous times… only to receive silence as an answer..

“B*stard!! Come out already!!! Face me like a man, why don’t you!! Heuk… come out…
please… give oppa back to me………heuk.. do you.. do you know how much he wanted to
go back to korea…. heuk… DO YOU!….. oppa… heuk…………….oppa….”

Buried under the thundering drops of rain, my legs slowly gave up causing me to fall onto
the wet floor in despair… feeling my lips trembling incredulously, I slowly brought my
hands to cheeks, only to find it cold while my hands didn’t have any feelings left in them…
hair glued onto my face, I realized that at least two hours probably passed already…
sunny… why didn’t I think of that… she’ll.. She HAS to help me…

Slowly bring myself up; I took a step only to fall back down lifelessly once again…
Then…………. The sounds of thundering motorcycles arose a panic within me while I groped
around frantically, trying to see if anyone was coming my way… then.. one motorcycle
skidded to a halt, not to far away from me…

……….and.. soon.. the voice I dreaded more than anything soon poisoned my ears..

“Fcuk.. ARGHH MY FOOT!!.. stupid b*tch!! Arghhh..”

“You aight? Is it broken?”

“If it was, this b*tch would’ve been dead… argh help me get him off…”

Ahn Jonghan’s crew.. then… taesung oppa….?? Bringing up a courage, I begun to take
small steps toward them when I felt rapid footsteps running my way…


“Huh? Fcuk! he’s getting away! GET HIM!!!”

I heard Ahn Jonghan’s booming shout instructing his friends while the person who had
been running toward me quickly grabbed my hands and ran toward our house, limping


Ignoring my shrieks and yells, the guy continued to run…. from our back I heard the
engine of the motorcycles turn on once again.. and was soon chasing after us in a fast
speed… The guy who had been holding onto my wrists roughly pulled me behind a gigantic
tree… and assuming that we had continued running, Ahn jonghan’s crew was slowly
disappearing from where we hid.. reaching my limit, I slid down onto the floor.. causing
the other person to fall down with me..

Then… after bringing his hands onto my cold face… the person pulled me into a tight hug…
this… this is oppa isn’t it…….. oppa..

“It’s you oppa.. huh?”


“Oppa, OPPA!”

Quickly sitting up, I brought my hands to touch his soaked hair while my eyes widened at
feeling the hot liquid on his hands…………… it was blood..


Taesung oppa quickly covered my panicked mouth… His one hand hugged me tightly by
the shoulders while the other was covering my mouth… and after panting roughly, oppa let
out a small sigh.


“Stay still.. you’ll.. freeze to death… I’m not doing this cuz I feel anything toward you…

After being reasurred that it was oppa by his voice, the tears I had been holding back
quickly streamed down my face as I shouted in anger..

“How do you even THINK about that in this situation!! Did I ask you to hug me cuz I was
cold??? Why would you care if I freeze to death huh?!??! You told me you’re a superhero!!
Well.. superhero my butt!! Look at you….. look…..”

Unable to finish my sentence, I begun to weep sorrowfully in oppa’s embrace… Oppa wiped
away the blood on my hands with his wet sleeves and laughed as if nothing had

“I got three guys down! Ooh.. hey your head’s steaming..”


When I forced my head up to scorn him, Oppa heaved a big sigh and said,

“Whew.. Nuna told me not to fight in america… ahhh I broke another promise..”

“How could you think about that??? Get up, oppa.. let’s go to the hospital… please?”

“No….. I’m okay.. really…”

“Liar… you’re bleeding…”

“It’s not mine..”

“……….you’re limping, too..”


Oppa continued to hug me without a word… Lee nayoon.. you’re so horrible.. how could
you feel so happy about being hugged by oppa when he’s in so much pain… heavy
footsteps were suddenly coming our way causing me to hug oppa tighter in fear… the
blood that had been on his collars left its imprints on my cheeks….


How could you laugh… how could you pretend nothing happened when you were so hurt….


I, then, realized that the footsteps belonged to my dad… he sounded surprised and
shocked… with those words, Taesung oppa brusquely stood up and walked away…

“Oppa! where are you going! oppa!!”

“Nayoon! look at you!!! You’re burning!! Oh honey, let’s get you inside!”

Dad shook me from the position of me sprawled on the ground… Even I continued to plead
for oppa, dad just put me on his back while speed walking toward our house..

“No dad… Oppa’s more hurt than I am…. please.. help him and not me…. dad…. please…”

Oppa Oppa…. please don’t go… I beg you………… no… God, I beg you… don’t take oppa
anywhere… please… just… just let him remain by my side…. please………… anyone but

“Nayoon.. honey … wake up… Nayoon..”


I snapped my body to sit on the bed and realized that I was in my bed…. seeing how a
little bit of light fills my darkness, I guess it was morning..

“Are you okay? Thank goodness your fever’s down.. you think you can eat this soup?”

“Dad.. what about oppa…”

“Who, Taesung?”

“Oppa… Where is he….”

“Probably at the hospital or his house considering the doctor came by late last night.. Stop
getting yourself in trouble, nayoon!”

Throwing my blankets aside, I jumped down my bed and ran toward our front door.

“Lee Nayoon! Where do you think you’re going!”

Dad’s anxious voice..

“I’ll come RIGHT back after I talk to oppa!”

After taking a deep breath, I was about to press on the doorbell of oppa’s house when
something heavy fell from the windows with a SLAM!

Surprised, I looked up and felt as if someone was climbing down oppa’s window..

“It’s you oppa huh…”

“……you okay?”
“Where are you going oppa… you’re hurt.. go back…”


“are you crazy? You’re running away aren’t you!”

“……don’t tell anyone..”

“No oppa.. I won’t let you.. please let’s just go back.. It’s not late to go to korea a month
from now… just.. just when you get better.. we’ll go.. yeah? sounds like a plan?”

I spread my arms apart and blocked oppa’s way..

“I can’t wait any longer…. what should I do nayoon… if… if I delay one more day… I have
to go now.. stay healthy.. okay..?”

“You can’t go oppa… how… you’re still hurt… I can’t let you.. I WON’T let you! please.. go

“Move Lee Nayoon..”

Oppa’s voice had a hint of anger within it..

“No, I won’t.. I’ll call grandma for you.”

“…………i can’t see nuna after today… I won’t be able to okay…. so I have to go today……
so.. move…”

Oppa continued to mumble words I did not understand..

“What are you talking about… why can’t you see her after today… your nuna’s probably
sleeping at her house right now..okay? so stop being stubborn and go back in… please, I’m
begging you… your health is more important oppa…”

“Nothing else is more… important than her………….okay? so move”

After pushing me aside without any hesitation… or emotion.. oppa’s footsteps slowly… and
gradually begun to part from me…

“Your nuna!! Won’t be pleased by the fact that you’re running around when you’re so hurt!
If…. if you really love her.. and if you really care for her.. just stay…. if you really love
her… then just watch her from afar….. if you really love her………..”

Like how I watch you from afar.. you already know you’ll end up crying.. so stop being so
“Can’t I even say goodbye at a unwanted love….? Do I always have to watch her from
afar…?? It’s not wrong to say goodbye right….”

“……….say goodbye…? what do you mean by that…”

“You should move on for your sake… it’ll only be painful for you to start something you
won’t finish… I’ll tell you how.. don’t appear in front of me.. and don’t think about me.. just
think I’m dead..”

“How can you say that… how can you be so cruel….”

Leaving my dumbfounded self behind, Oppa continued to walk away…

“and I don’t think I could go to the ocean with you… sorry…”


“If you really want to.. go by yourself…. cuz I don’t plan to.”

“Why do you think I wanted to go to the ocean even when I can’t see………… I wanted to go
because you would be going with me….. are you that dense…. or… are you pretending that
you don’t know..”

“I’ll bring the ocean to your eyes so go look at it yourself. Don’t appear in front of me ever
again… I won’t either…”

Several tears slowly dampened my shoes as oppa’s breathing… and scent.. now completely
disappeared… soon, I was sobbing more than I was last night…

Why does it feel like I won’t hear from him ever again…. I forced myself to draw him in my
mind when I was unclear of a human’s features… it’s weird how I feel pity more than anger
toward oppa…

of course it wasn’t despair.. nor was it me snapping the thoughts of oppa shut… but…
BUT.. for some reason… the thought of having to let oppa go struck me… after drawing his
face once again… I staggered back home….

putting the music to full volume, I buried my head into my arms and sobbed painfully with
my door shut when my door slammed open with dad’s urgent voice calling me.

“Nayoon! Where’s taesung?!!”

“………? =_= what?”

I raised my puffy eyes slowly…


It was grandma… her voice was trembling ever so sadly..


“You know where taesung went don’t you…..”

“……….why? What’s wrong with oppa, grandma?”


Grandma begun to pant heavily without being able to finish her sentence.. while dad
finished her sentence for me..

“After taesung got beat up by those kids, his disease got worse… he wasn’t fully recovered
yet…. and taesung had an appointment for another surgery tomorrow but.. just..
disappeared! You know don’t you, Lee nayoon. Tell me this instant.”

“……………disease..??? What.. what are you talking about, dad?? grandma.. what’s this
about a disease??!??! Taesung… Taesung oppa was sick…?!?!??! He………. hah……… he was

Grandma’s breathing became more rougher instead of a reply… the puzzling words oppa
told me suddenly flashed in my mind…. suddenly, the front door slammed open at that
precise moment…

“Grandma!!! Come down quickly!! We got a phonecall from the hospital!! Your grandson,
Taesung’s at the hospital!”

Kevin who lived next door to us, shouted frantically… Dad quickly helped grandma out the
door, with me chasing after them…
The Last Gift..

On the way to the hospital..

Among the deep silence, my thoughts were one hundred percent dedicated toward Taeung
oppa… It’s unbelievable.. I mean… he would always talk so brightly… his voice could
literally put you on the clouds.. and… and… my oppa.. he’s.. WHAT? Hah.. it’s all a joke
right.. I mean.. I must be dreaming.. how.. how could he be….. I fell into a state of shock
and denial as I continued to sway back and forth while shaking my head furiously..

but… in the hospital room… a barely audible whisper…

“Huh? Everyone’s here huh? Grandma, you crying? Don’t…. Your mascara will run~”
This was the first time I heard Taesung oppa’s hoarse voice…

“How could you…. i….. you just had to until the very end huh………”

Grandma was unable to finish her sentence and begun to bawl like a little kid after she had
been ‘disciplined’ by her father… dad just exited out the door silently…

“Oppa.. you’re sucha dumbo…”

“………yeah………. I am huh..”

“Why didn’t you tell me…”

“…….It was so embarassing fainting like that at the airport… ^-^ People looking at me like
I’m some monkey.. -__- watch if I ever go back .. “

Oppa sounded a bit pissed..

“Why didn’t you tell me…..”

“It’s embarassing to look at you when I just left like that like in some movie.. argh.”

“Why didn’t you tell me!! Why’d you hide your sickness?!?!”

At my cry, Grandma stared at me, surprised with her tears stopping… Then.. Oppa said in
a loud voice..

“I’m a oppa.. you think a weakling would make a good oppa, then?”

“………hah…….. oppa….”

If… if I start crying… then it’ll seem like oppa’s gonna die… Nayoon.. you can’t cry.. for
oppa.. don’t…

“Lee Nayoon…”


Swallowing back the tears, I tried to answer in the brightest way possible,

“Thanks for staying by my side..”

“Don’t talk like you’re on your death bed.. you can tell me this tomorrow, too, yeah?”


“You’re pretty… forreal.. ^-^”


“When you open your eyes.. go look at the ocean.. you wanted to didn’t you?”

“Come with me…”

“…..I’ll be throwing snow around from heaven. -0-”

“Dummy.. how could it snow…. snow in augu-”

Unable to finish my sentence, I softly weeped with my head hung low..

“You can’t forget Chung taesung….. ^-^ okay? I was Chung Taesung… and… I’ll be going

“Don’t.. please… don’t…”

“………I have something I want to ask you Nayoon… it’s a favor… think you could do it for


Oppa heaved a sigh then slowly continued…

“Just look at my nuna when you go to korea… don’t talk to her.. or pretend to know her..
just… just watch her from afar… how she’s doing.. if she’s smiling.. if she’s crying… just

Oppa’s voice gradually got softer and softer…

“Why should I.. you should be the one to see her….”

“I’m sorry Nayoon… but could you wait outside?”

Grandma asked me in a deep voice….

“Okay.. Oppa.. I’ll come back…”

Forcing myself to walk outside, I leaned against my dad’s shoulders as I continued to

stabalize myself from crying… 30 minutes seemed like 3 hours…
When I couldn’t wait any longer, my hands were reaching for the door knob when I heard
grandma calling Taesung oppa in an urgent voice… and a feeling of panic arosing within
me, I quickly opened the door…………. my eyes locked onto grandma who was practically
throwing up tears… kevin stood next to oppa’s bedside while sobbing as well..

collapsing onto the floor… I closed my eyes…

The Last Gift…

August 20th. 2002.

The day when oppa.. left for the faraway place where I could never reach him..

An year later.

There had been many changes.. for one… after oppa’s departure… I was able to receive
sight from the help of someone… but despite the fact I could see, I still had to struggle and
go through so much pain… hah.. it would’ve been better when I couldn’t see………. well..
nothing’ll change now..

Wanting to fulfil oppa’s last wish, I packed my belongings and visited Grandma’s house
asking for where she had buried oppa… I haven’t been here for an year….

For it had been the number one place where it stored the most memories of me and oppa,
I had refused to near this area… for the first 3 months… I had to go through mental
treatment for I had become……………….. a closed person..

well… now.. I could say in a bright voice….


even if it may be awkward, I’ll stay brave… after opening the door carefully,

“…. grandma? Are you home?”

Grandma was mumbling something from the her bedroom. -0- waiit… I doubt that she
talks to herself…. I quickly walked over to her bedroom but was forced to stop dead in my
tracks and stare intently at the peak of the bedroom for the couple of words grandma said
froze my heart..

“Yes.. he was such an angel… he left like that.. a true angel… Yes.. it was a girl living in
front of us, actually….. I’d think donating his eyes were not the easiest thing in the world.
but Taesung didn’t care about that at all, in fact he was-”

Plop. The sounds of the phone bouncing off the floor.. surprised, grandma looked over her

“What are you talking about?! Eyes…??? … this.. these.. eyes belong to Taesung oppa…?!
does it???”

Grandma wore a sad smile on her face while nodding slowly… The walls seemed to close
upon me, cutting off my circulation… A bigger shock fell onto me, even more than when I
first lost my eyesight… Suddenly, the words oppa said weaved through my mind like a

“Just look at my nuna when you go to korea… don’t talk to her.. or pretend to know her..
just… just watch her from afar… how she’s doing.. if she’s smiling.. if she’s crying… just

I finally understand why oppa said those words to me…. he.. wanted to see her more than
anything… and… and… it was his last wish for me…. for his eyes in the least… to see her for
him………………… like how much he wished to when he was breathing….

Oppa’s last wish…. his pleaful thoughts of wanting to see his nuna til the moment he was
dying… and.. the last gift he gave me……….. these eyes that gift me to see everything..
further than the ocean..

i’m such a dumb *ss… I just realized that now…. I just realized.. how… special… and how
important oppa’s wish was….

“Grandma, oppa’s in korea right?”

Grandma slowly nodded..

“Can you tell me where his… his home is located.. as well as his nuna’s addres..??”

The Last Gift

On the plane headed to Korea.

Head on my hands, I stared into the paper.. ChoongChumNamDo GongJuShi

ShinGwanDong… Where oppa’s grave is located.. and… the woman oppa loved so dearly…
happened to live closeby..

I brought my fingertips to trace the outline of my eyes without any emotion arising within
me. Taesung oppa’s eyes… Why didn’t I realize it sooner… especially when I claimed I
loved him to death…
“Asiana Airlines is soon about to arrive at-”

I had once visited my aunt in Korea before.. so finding my way wasn’t that hard… And
plus.. I had the eyes oppa had gifted me… quickly heading toward Gongju, I got off the
bus after three stops and sprinted up the hill in where oppa’s grave was.. according to
grandma, that is…

My breath become heavy.. a small grave… small.. grave.. scanning around the area, my
eyes landed on a big grave in the midst of the fields..

Oppa’s grave..? Well.. no.. it’s too big.. rustle rustle.. Turning my head toward the sound, I
silently walked over to find a buff guy pulling the weeds out of a lonely grave..

A small grave… the small grave located high on the hills… this must be oppa’s……………
Staggering toward the grave,

“Who are you?”

“This……….. this grave is…”

“Ohh.. are you the caretaker of it? -0- I thought no one would come by for him you know..
considering I didn’t see anyone who did…”

“Then… why were you pulling the weeds…”

“Just.. it looked so lonely you know… You should’ve come by more often. -0- I pitied
whoever lie here you know…”

After those words, the guy resumed to pulling out the weeds.. stamping the tears onto my
forehand, I crouched down as well to help him out.

“You dont’ seem like you’re from around here.. -0- Where do you live?”

“…….^-^ america.”

“Whoa.. -0- Really?”


I bowed my head slightly, letting my hair cover my tears..

“I guess thats why no one would come by.. hehe -0- I’ll take care of it for you.. -0-”

“Thank you………. thank you..”

“-0- why are you crying.. -0- are you still sad..?”

The guy silently looked at my face, sorrowfully..

Oppa… it’s been an year huh.. sorry… is it cold there.. why aren’t you saying hi… you never
change do you……. I don’t care what you say as long as you recognize me still…. then
someone shouted over the hills.

“MUNG-GOOO!!! -0- You have a phone call from Hankyung! -0- Come down here quickly!”

Hankyung…? HANKYUNG??

“-0- OKAY MOM! HOLD UP A SEC! I’ll be going now.. -0- Nice meeting you. -0-”

The guy finished those words then begun to sprint down the hills..

“WAIT! Hankyung…? Chung.. Hankyung?”

“Yes…. She’s in AhnYang right now…. but how do you know her? -0-”

“………Can you tell me where she is…”

“-0- Could you find your way around Korea if I tell you? You know, I wouldn’t want you to
get lost.. -0-”

“Yes I could… could you please tell me…?”

“Hum… I never knew Hankyung knew people outside the country.. -0- how fascinating… I’ll
write you the address… hold up..”

Few seconds later, the guy handed me a messy note..

“Bullies will play around with a pretty girl like yourself you know.. be careful. -__-”

“^-^ You know that grave back there..?”


“If you would visit by often….”

“Don’t worry about a thing. ^O^ It’s nearby Hankyung’s dad’s grave any way.. ^O^ I’ll
escort you to the terminal.. let’s go..”

Hankyung’s dad’s grave……..?

Even though his words lagged something from the back of my mind, I was able to get onto
the bus before the sun setted with the help of the guy… as the minutes passed by, my
heart thumped louder and louder..

The bus soon entered the terminal and setting my feet onto the grounds of Ahnyang, I
took a fresh air at what Taesung oppa had lived in his whole life..

“Hankyung went to her mom’s house.. I’m sorry you missed her.”

My heart ceased its loud beatings… NOW what…

“Do you know where that is? Is it far from here?”

“It’s only a few minutes with a taxi. ^O^”

“Oh really? ^^ Can I know where that is?”

“Wait a sec. ^^ It’s in the office..”

The office lady gave me Hankyung unni’s mom’s address, and clutching it with my hand, I
hastily made my way toward a taxi. Among hundreds of cars passing me by cruelly, one
yellow cab stopped in front of me.

I can finally see her now… Just like the lady told me, the taxi arrived in front of an
apartment entrance not even 10 minutes later.

“Six dollars and sixty cents.”

“Here you go.. thanks for the ride.”

The high apartment gave me a cramp in my neck as I stared up at it… Taking a deep
breath, I walked into the entrance of the apartments..

The cool hallway caused my hands to tremble slightly as I pressed on the bell to the
elevator… When I stepped in with the sounds of the bell, someone put in their hat through
the closing door… Staring at the hat dumbfounded,

“Hahh.. Hahh..”

The guy panted heavily then glared at me for a brief moment as I stared at him,
surprised.. After making sure I pressed on the ‘close’ button, he leaned against the
elevator windows.. His front hair softly covering his forehead..

I wonder if he’s getting off at the same floor… Would Taesung oppa look as handsome as
him..? Or.. Maybe he looked pleasant and generous as the guy I saw at the grave… For I
haven’t ever seen an asian guy look so… handsome before, I continued to stare at him, my
feelings becoming mixed up..


As if noticing my stare, the handsome korean guy cussed out loud, annoyed. -__- did I say
anything to you. -0- What nice personality you have. -__-

CREAAAAK! As soon as the elevator door opened, the handsome guy walked out and
stopping in front of the house I predicted to be Hankyung unni’s mom’s house.. He

“Han Dareum! Open the door!”

The door soon peeked open and after slamming open the door, the handsome guy
disappeared, not forgetting to shut it loudly. -__- Standing in front of the door, I decided
to wait for Hankyung unni to come out..

Who’s Han Dareum…? and who’s that handsome guy suppose to be? Hankyung unni’s
siblings? Then…. why are their last names different…? -0- Ahhhh.. my head… T__T I shook
my head, as a small frown creeping onto my forehead.. not even ten minutes later, my
eyes darted toward the window of Hankyung unni’s mom’s house for it had opened..

A bowl hair cut boy of about 7.. 8… poked his head out the window then started to mumble
quietly. I can’t hear him very well… walking toward the window,

“What’d you say kid? Are you talking to me?”


The kid ordered me to come closer.


“Youuu.. You’re a burglar are you? -0- Why are you standing in front of our house like
some tiger wanting to be feeded!! -0-”

“Tiger…??? =__= I was just getting some fresh air you know…. hey… why aren’t the
people you’re living with coming out.. -__-”

I have to see her no matter what.. even if it’s from far away… but she has to come out
first before I could see her…

“If they do, do you plan on kidnapping them?! -0-”

“-__-; Kid, I’m not a bad person at all… look, I’m smiling~ ^O^ Have you ever seen a
kidnapper smile so prettily?”

I forced my lips to curl up toward my eyes as I smiled brightly at the kid, fearing he’d call
Hankyung unni to chase me away..



“I know you right? I know I saw you before.”

The kid’s tone of voice suddenly turned serious, unfit for his age.. Sticking out his small
hands through the peek of the opening of the window, he gestured me to shake it..

“Right? I saw you somewhere right?”

“This is my first time in Ahnyang. ^-^ Maybe you saw me in your dreams.”

“No… I saw you somewhere… I know I have… wait Nuna…”

“huh? O_O”

The kid suddenly disappeared from the windows, and reappeared again through the front

“Come in! -0-”


“Come in… in in innn.. come innn..”

The kid started to drag me into the house. TOT why’s this kid so strong??? TOT Clutching
onto the door knob, I planted my feet heavily into the floor..

have something to show you!!”

AHHHH!!! >_<!

“What is it?”

The Last Gift…

The people in the house stomped toward us. TOT After struggling under the kid’s grip for
several seconds, my eyes landed on the handsome guy and a tanned pretty girl, frowning
down upon me…and… another girl who looked a bit daft as she gazed onto my face,
standing in front of the door. -__-

“Oh.. umm… you see… see… um… yeah so.. =0=“

“Who’s she? Han Jooho! You know her? or.. Bahn Haewon, d’you bring her with you?”

The tall lady took a step toward me as she looked me up and down.. her already large
eyes widening more.. -__- I was never considered short, but I feel like a shrimp next to
her.. she must be 6’ something..

Then… could she be…. chung hankyung? Surprised, I set my gaze onto her intensely..

“What d’you think you’re staring at?! =0=“

The tanned lady shouted loudly. -__- Heck no, Oppa wouldn’t like her.. … right? -__- I
quickly shifted my gaze toward the daft expressioned woman..

Her hair fell onto her sides.. umm… it wasn’t that straight though.. -0- sorta looks like she
haven’t washed it in a couple of days… her dark, black innocent eyes shone toward me
beneath the light double eyelid… her cheeks were slightly rosy, matching well with her pale
face.. I saw through her slightly opened lips, two rabbit teeth..

If… she was Chung Hankyung… Considering this, I observed her face silently… hoping her
face will forever remain in my head..

“She’s my guest. Say hello!”

When the kid ordered the handsome guy, he stepped in front of what I assumed as
Hankyung unni as if to shield her from my view.

“She’s mine. You’ll look like her if you keep on staring.”

“Excuse me?”

“Stop looking! -__-”

“……..Are you her boyfriend..?”

How could this.. be.. Hankyung unni has a boyfriend..? Wait.. hah.. I’m not even sure
she’s Hankyung unni…. I should really stop jumping to conclusions..

“Hey, Han Dareum. Chung Hankyung’s mine isn’t she?”

When the handsome guy asked playfully toward the tanned girl,
“-0- You’re so immature! Why would she belong to YOU! -0- Unni’s MINEEee!! Right,

“-0- Yep, Dareum’s my owner.. huhuhuh. -0-”

-__- Her laugh seemed so unfit for her face… but anyway… so.. you are Hankyung

For a brief moment, I caressed my…i mean oppa’s eyes… so that I won’t ever forget her
face…. Stepping toward Hankyung unni, I looked down toward her in a close-up view.

Oppa… look.. you definately remember her right.. the person you wanted.. and loved more
than anything else…. she’s standing in front of you oppa.. remember the favor you asked
me…? Whether she’s crying or laughing.. well she looks happy to me…………. really happy…

Unable to hide my emotions, I started to sob in front of these people whom I have never
seen in my life..

“Don’t cry nuna… don’t… don’t… It looks weird seeing tears coming down from such pretty
eyes… don’t cry…”

The kid grabbed my hands and whispered.

“Ahh! -0- Unni! Did you just hear him?? Pretty eyes?? -0- Hey Han jooho! When’d you
reach puberty, huh? -0- Unni, Unni! -0- Have you ever seen him talk like this before???”

The tanned lady shouted in amazement… then, the handsome guy put his hands on
Hankyung unni’s shoulders and walked off toward the living room.

“Don’t talk with strangers. -0- What’ll our baby think of that??”

“-0- Our baby…?? Since when did we have a baby? =0=“

“-__- You can’t tell the difference between playing around and being serious huh? -__-”

“-0- Of course I do! I good in lit!”

“It’s ‘I’m good’ not ‘I good’“

“Yeah that’s what I said, ‘I good’ -__-”

“Repeat after me okay? “I.Am.Good.” -__-”

The look so happy… Why am I feeling so mad…? I’m just an unwanted visitor who oppa
knew for 3 months, that’s all.. but why do I feel like yelling and screaming at them..
Do you know how much Oppa cried out your name… do you have any idea how pained..
and joyful he was just because of you… and he never gave anyone else a thought except
for you until his dying second..???? Yet.. Yet why are YOU standing here with that big grin
on your face…… what about oppa then… what about him…

“If Taesung oppa sees you from heaven… he’ll cry………. he’ll cry again…”

It was so sudden… I had stepped into the livingroom with my shoes.. while croaking those
words out in a husky voice toward the woman called Chung hankyung..

Then…. a breathless moment of silence fell upon us for several seconds..

“Taesung….. You know Taesung…?”

“I do… really well, too…”

Hankyung unni took a step toward me..

“Are you Taesung’s girlfriend..? Do you live in korea?”

“……….no, I knew him in America.”

Unbelievably, a crystal fat tear fell from Hankyung unni’s eyes before I even blinked.

“America? then what about taesung?? Is he here, too??? Where’s Taesung!??”

Where’s oppa…???? Hah.. you’re asking where he is…?!


Immediately, Hankyung unni’s face hardened ice cold…

“What are you talking about..? Heaven….? ^-^ I asked you where Taesung was.. ^O^”

“He’s in heaven… oppa… he’s in heaven…”

“Ohh… he’s on a plane? really? haha ^O^ Dareum! Haewon! JOOHO!! You heard her right?
Taesung’s coming to Korea at this very moment! ^O^ Oh my gosh! We should get ready
to go the the airport, yeah? hurry hurry!”

Chung Hankyung grabbed the kid’s wrist as she shouted brightly.

“……….What’s wrong with you… You’re in denial huh… I told you.. Taesung oppa’s in
heaven… he left…”
Shaking her head in disbelief, Hankyung unni whispered under her breath…

“Liar.. don’t lie to me… Taesung planned this to surprise us again huh.. when’s he

Hah…. why… why is she so dumb… the girl you loved, oppa.. why is she so dumb…

“He died. okay? oppa died.”

“What are you talking about… Chung taesung… he.. he died??? What the f*ck you think
you’re playing at!”

The tanned lady shoved my shoulders while asking me in a trembling voice.



The kid started to bellow out loudly without even stopping to take a breath..

“Oppa died.. how many times would you like me to tell you? Taesung oppa left for heaven
already… it’s been more than an year… why do you make him so pathetic toward the very

“Don’t give us that bs. I don’t know what you’re playing at, but for your information, Unni
and Taesung have been chatting for MONTHS now aight? get out!”

The tanned girl shouted at me loudly… After staring onto my face dumbfounded, Hankyung
unni took out a small picture from her jacket in slow motion… then.. placing it in front of
my eyes, she asked me in a plain voice.

“This Chung Taesung’s the Taesung you knew? No, right? You probably have the wrong
person… of course you do… not our taesung, no siree. ^^ Sorry, you have the wrong

In the picture there were 4 people. kid, Hankyung unni, the tanned lady… and… taesung
oppa in a suit… his hair was bright lemon colored, spiked… pale face… a playfulness
lingering on his lips… yeah.. the angel I thought you were oppa… the words angel itself..

“I don’t know how he looks like… because I was never able to see… these.. these eyes are
the last gift he gave me after his death… this.. this person’s oppa…? wow… our taesung
oppa’s quite the model isn’t he…. I never knew how beautiful his smile could be…. never..

Unable to finish my sentence, I plopped down on the floor, crying into the now wet
picture… the kid was continously screaming, while the tanned lady was rocking him back
and forth, crying while murmuring stuff under her breath..

“Crazy bastard.. Why donate your eyes.. should’ve died like everyone else.. thinking he’s
some saint… that… idiot…………..”

The tanned girl’s murmurings slowly faded away as she, too, burst into tears… Hankyung
unni’s boyfriend had been quiet the whole time, and throwing something onto the floor, he
stormed out of the house…. while.. Hankyung unni… just stared at me silently…

Then.. bringing her fingers onto my eyes… she begun to trace it while caressing it… my
tears slowly dampened her fingers…

“Taesung………… Taesung……………….. Taesung……”

Unni begone to call out oppa’s name quietly…. as if talking to him after a long vacation…

“It was oppa’s last wish.. to… see you with his own two eyes… his last wish… You know
what he told me? He told me that he only smiled for one person.. that.. that even when he
was so sick… he wouldn’t let anyone come into his heart except for that one person who he
laughed for…

Then…. know what else..? He worked at a bakery because he wanted to see that one
person.. despite his sick body… for that one person, he stood screaming out her name in
front of his window every night.. and limped all the way to the airport even when his life
was in danger, just because the thought of seeing that one person was addicting enough…

oppa… he had that one person’s picture with him at all times… and his last wish… the last
thing he could think of, was to see that one person for him… he’s such a dummy isn’t he…
he lived… for that one person only.. and left crying, in thoughts about that one person…

I was ever so curious how that one person looked like.. but you know what? Unni.. you’re
beautiful….. just like he said.. beautiful….”

As if possessed, unni spoke in a different tone while staring into my eyes lifelessly..

“Where’s our taesung…”

“In Gongju…”

she begun to shake without a word.. then… her blue lips slowly opened once again..

“Let’s go visit him… Taesung.. let’s go see him…”

She helped me up from the floor.. not even a tear present… I heard that if you’re too
shocked or sad.. you become numb to all feelings… but unni’s face… it looked so… painful…
her pale, trembling face… looked beyond painful….

Leaving behind the shouting kid and the murmuring girl, Unni and I staggered out the

When we arrived at the stairs in front of the apartment’s… I saw Hankyung unni’s
boyfriend crying silently… I wonder who he was to Taesung oppa… Tiredly, he lifted his
head to look at us… A tear fell from his eyes.. and staring down at the tear, he walked
toward a black car…

“Get on…”

and silently opened the backdoor for us… On the way to Gongju, No one dared to say

At times, a couple of cuss words escaped the guy’s lips.. but other than that… Unni stood
still without even a slight movement as she looked out the window..

Oppa… I let it slip…. I’m so horrible aren’t i… I know I am… but… I don’t think I could stand
you crying by yourself any longer… I know what kind of mistake I’ve made but… I’d rather
be insulted by you than to let you suffer any longer… I’m sorry…

The Last Gift…

As we neared the hills of the grave, unni buried her head into her knees while breathing
heavily… The guy pressed on his breaks slowly..

“Is this it? Taesung’s.. grave..?”

“Yes… this is it..”

Without a word, Unni opened the door of the running car..

“Chung Hankyung.. what are you doing…”

When the guy murmured angrily, Unni ignored him as she set her foot onto the ground…
and ran crazily toward the hills… Parking the car quickly, oppa quickly chased after her..
with me on their tails, breathing heavily… When I got there, I was forced to stop in my
tracks, watching Unni dumbfounded..

Unni was screeching with her hands gripping the dirt of the grave…. her screeches were
mixed with a clamor… almost looking like she was possessed under some spirit… Silently,
the guy stopped in front of the grave, solemn.

I wonder if oppa knows… that the girl he loved so much… I mean, the girl he love was
hugging his grave right now… Suddenly, a light drizzle begun to climb down my hair from
the sky…

Unni’s screeches that resembled the little kid’s was now filling up the entire hills, vibrating
it with its loud tone… then slowly.. the guy opened his mouth..

“I’m here Chung Taesung… Remember you said you’ll kill me whenever you meet me
again..? Why’d you lie…. You knew you were gonna go away like that… why’d you pretend
to be all powerful… Why do you play around with sad emotions by yourself…”

With those words, the guy plopped down on his knees… Unni’s screeching… continued on
for more than an hour… Even though the drizzle had turned into pouring rain, none of us
dared to complain… or even take notice of it for that matter as we stood our grounds
without the slightest movement.

Then… suddenly, unni got up from where she was and staggered toward me… Her whole
body and existence soaking with rain… or… tears for that matter..

“Could you.. please.. just once tell me you’re lying…? Please… I beg you.. tell me that’s not
Taesung in that grave…. he’s… he’s alive.. yes?? I beg you.. please… I’ll be forever in debt
if you do… please… tell me just this once that Taesung’s living happily smiling in America…
please… it was a lie… a lie….”

Unni’s eyes were unfocused as she pleaded, her voice trembling greatly while she
squeezed my hands tightly..

“Oppa didn’t die… He’s in heaven, can’t you see? You just can’t see, hear, or touch him
that’s all… Oppa loved you even though he couldn’t hear or see you didn’t he…? So…
because oppa loved and waited for you… I ask you that you’ll please stop his tears… see
how he’s crying cuz of you right now…? even an year later, he’s still crying… Unni… you’re
the only joy in his life.. yeah? So I beg.. YOU to please make him stop crying…”

Swallowing back my tears, I managed to croak out while watching her with pleading
eyes…. Unni, then, stared at the sky with a small sky…

“TAESUNG! Nuna’s here!!! See?? You see me down here?? So stop crying!! Remember how
we promised to love each other in the next life?? well you have to wait for me okay??
You’re the one that said you’ll find me whereever I am… even if I’m an old ugly grandma,
you’ll still love me!!! You have to keep your promise, all right Chung taesung?!??! ……
then… I’ll be the one who cries taesung…. I promise, I won’t let a tear fall from your eyes…
so… so stop crying… I’ll make fun of you if your eyes are all puffy from crying!! Okay…??
So.. So stop crying…”

Unintentionally, my arms wrapped around Unni’s shaking shoulders… Oppa.. do you hear
that…? Unni asked you to stop crying… You listen to her more than anyone else right…? So
stop crying… Look at her… you can’t see clearly when you’re blinded by tears, right? Look
at how much she loves you back… aren’t you happy…? I would be…. so stop crying
already… I observed Unni with Oppa’s two eyes with much difficulty.

“Bitch! This hyung right here will let you have her in our afterlife all right…? Stop crying
already, or I’ll take back my offer…”

The guy mumbled while looking up at the pouring sky…. and its soft whispers just
saddened unni and me more… then… after several seconds.. the sky had cleared up
suddenly as if denying the fact that it had ever rained…

The three of us stared up at the blue sky dumbfounded… and laughed with different
emotions swarming over us.

On the way to the car, unni was on her boyfriend’s back after collapsing from aftershock
and continued to mumble out Oppa’s name softly… Everything’s okay now then huh… I
don’t think I will have to live everyday crying your name out in my dreams… Even though…
even though I didn’t fulfill your wish completely.. and even though I bent the promise ever
so slightly.. I think I’m going to be okay by the fact that you’ll be happy now…

Dear Hyung… I mean, Captain.

Hi captain, this is Jooho.

If it’s cold where you’re living right now… Tell me, and I’ll visit with a blanket… If you’re
hungry, I’ll make sure to bring along cream filled bread with me.

But Captain… who.. who’ll make me an eel mask now…. Who’ll give me a horsey ride…
who’ll let me hear their boong gee boong gee ring tone… And who’s suppose to sing along
the frog song with me…

Captain, I know about that promise you made with our nuna in your afterlife… and… and
remember to find me, too okay… promise… If you forget all about me… I’ll make sure to
curse you with the meanie head hyung… I don’t care if you’ll call me raccoon kid… and I
couldn’t care less if you punch my head like you usually do… but… but remember me when
you meet up with our nuna okay… remember me…


A long period of time slowly passed away… a thousand nights slowly overlapped into each
other… 100 years soon passed by in a blink of an eye… like a fairy tale, everything slowly
passed us by as a children’s song…

“Oh my gosh… I dreamt the weirdest thing, honey…”

“See in my dream, you and I were siblings in the life before this one! And can you
imagine, you fell in love with me… but I just went and liked some other guy! So you ended
up going to America and died pathetically in the hospital. How weird…”


“AHH! What was that pinch for!”

“You’re dead if you dream about that again!”

“Okay, okay… I won’t…”

“Where’d our raccoon go?”

“He’s asleep I think…”


“Yep. He was pretty tired from a rocket voyage to Mercury…”

“Mercury eh? How about we go there, too?”


“Like this…”

“Wait, let me go for a second! I didn’t even brush yet! Aaah! Nooo…”

Hence there was a second wolf that had visited Hankyung…

Taesung… Don’t cry anymore…


Did that clear up the story title for you?

Author’s Note: In Korea, people refer to guys as “wolves” for they are strong, vicious, and
handsome. Girls are called “foxes” when they’re cunning.

Haewon was the first wolf, and Taesung is Hankyung’s second wolf.

Therefore, resulting in “A Wolf’s Attraction.”

The End.

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