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CONCEPTO DE MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory)

Matlab es un Lenguaje de programación de alto nivel, basado en el cálculo de matrices, que nos
permite comunicarnos con ingenieros, investigadores, profesionales técnicos, etc.

1.1 Comando de Ayuda

Matlab tiene un comando de ayuda, tipeando help, Matlab desplega un índice que sirve para
buscar información de algunos comandos.

>> help
HELP topics:

matlab\datafun - Data analysis and Fourier transforms.

matlab\datatypes - Data types and structures.
matlab\elfun - Elementary math functions.
matlab\elmat - Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation.
matlab\funfun - Function functions and ODE solvers.
matlab\general - General purpose commands.
matlab\iofun - File input and output.
matlab\lang - Programming language constructs.
matlab\matfun - Matrix functions - numerical linear algebra.
matlab\ops - Operators and special characters.
matlab\polyfun - Interpolation and polynomials.
matlab\randfun - Random matrices and random streams.
matlab\sparfun - Sparse matrices.
matlab\specfun - Specialized math functions.
matlab\strfun - Character arrays and strings.
matlab\timefun - Time and dates.
matlab\validators - (No table of contents file)
matlabhdlcoder\matlabhdlcoder - (No table of contents file)
matlabxl\matlabxl - (No table of contents file)
matlab\demos - Examples.
matlab\graph2d - Two dimensional graphs.
matlab\graph3d - Three dimensional graphs.
matlab\graphics - Handle Graphics.
graphics\obsolete - (No table of contents file)
matlab\plottools - Graphical plot editing tools
matlab\scribe - Annotation and Plot Editing.
scribe\obsolete - (No table of contents file)
matlab\specgraph - Specialized graphs.
matlab\uitools - Graphical user interface components and tools
uitools\obsolete - (No table of contents file)
hardware\stubs - (No table of contents file)
matlab\images - (No table of contents file)
toolbox\local - General preferences and configuration information.
matlab\optimfun - Optimization and root finding.
matlab\bigdata - (No table of contents file)
matlab\codetools - Commands for creating and debugging code
matlab\datamanager - (No table of contents file)
matlab\datastoreio - (No table of contents file)
matlab\graphfun - (No table of contents file)
matlab\guide - Graphical user interface design environment
matlab\helptools - Help commands.
matlab\mapreduceio - (No table of contents file)
testframework\core - (No table of contents file)
testframework\performance - (No table of contents file)
matlab\verctrl - (No table of contents file)
matlab\winfun - Windows Operating System Interface Files (COM/DDE)
winfun\NET - Using .NET from within MATLAB
simulink\components - Simulink components.
simulink\dee - Differential Equation Editor
asap2\asap2 - (No table of contents file)
asap2\user - (No table of contents file)
can\blocks - (No table of contents file)
common\tgtcommon - (No table of contents file)
coder\simulinkcoder - Simulink Coder
targets\pil - (No table of contents file)
coder\advisor - (No table of contents file)
rtw\accel - (No table of contents file)
coder\simulinkcoder_core - (No table of contents file)
rtw\rtwdemos - Simulink Coder Demos
rtwdemos\rsimdemos - (No table of contents file)
simulinktest\simulinktest - Simulink Test
simulinktest\simulinktestdemos - (No table of contents file)
testsequence\testsequence - (No table of contents file)
library\simulinkcoder - (No table of contents file)
blocks\obsolete - (No table of contents file)
simulink\blocks - Simulink block library.
simulink\simulink - Simulink
simulink\MPlayIO - (No table of contents file)
simulink\units - (No table of contents file)
simulink\model_transformer - (No table of contents file)
simulink\clone_detection - (No table of contents file)
simulink\simdemos - Simulink examples
simdemos\aerospace - (No table of contents file)
simdemos\automotive - (No table of contents file)
simdemos\simfeatures - (No table of contents file)
simfeatures\modelreference - (No table of contents file)
simfeatures\datadictionary - (No table of contents file)
automotive\fuelsys - (No table of contents file)
simdemos\simgeneral - (No table of contents file)
automotive\powerwindow - (No table of contents file)
slde\slde - (No table of contents file)
slde\examples - SimEvents Demos.
simulink\simulink_export_methods - (No table of contents file)
simulink\hmi - (No table of contents file)
simulink\modeladvisor - (No table of contents file)
modeladvisor\fixpt - (No table of contents file)
modeladvisor\misra - (No table of contents file)
simulink\frameedit - (No table of contents file)
core\m - (No table of contents file)
examples\verification - (No table of contents file)
stateflow\stateflow - Stateflow
stateflow\sfdemos - Stateflow examples and samples.
aero\aero - Aerospace Toolbox
aeroblks\aeroblks - Aerospace Blockset
aeroblks\aeroblksutilities - (No table of contents file)
aeroblks\aerodemos - Aerospace Blockset model examples.
aeroblks\hmi - (No table of contents file)
aero\astdemos - (No table of contents file)
antenna\antenna - Antenna Toolbox
antenna\antennautilities - (No table of contents file)
antenna\atexamples - Antenna Toolbox Demos
appdesigner\appdesigner - (No table of contents file)
matlab\apps - (No table of contents file)
audio\audio - Audio System Toolbox
audio\audioutilities - (No table of contents file)
audioutilities\audioinit - (No table of contents file)
audio\compiled - (No table of contents file)
matlab\audiovideo - Audio and Video support.
audio\audiodemos - (No table of contents file)
autoblks\autoblks - Powertrain Blockset
autoblks\autoblksutilities - (No table of contents file)
autoblks\autodemos - Powertrain Blockset model examples.
AUTOSAR\AUTOSAR - (No table of contents file)
bioinfo\bioinfo - Bioinformatics Toolbox
bioinfo\biolearning - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Statistical Learning functions.
bioinfo\microarray - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Microarray support functions.
bioinfo\mass_spec - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Mass spectrometry data analysis
bioinfo\proteins - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Protein analysis tools.
bioinfo\biomatrices - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Sequence similarity scoring matrices.
bioinfo\graphtheory - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Graph Theory functions.
bioinfo\biodemos - Bioinformatics Toolbox -- Tutorials, demos and examples.
coder\codegendemos - (No table of contents file)
coder\connectivity - (No table of contents file)
coder\coverage - (No table of contents file)
rtw\rtw - (No table of contents file)
tools\registry - (No table of contents file)
foundation\tfl - (No table of contents file)
AUTOSAR4p0\IFX - (No table of contents file)
AUTOSAR4p0\IFL - (No table of contents file)
tfl\gui - (No table of contents file)
coder\matlabcoder - MATLAB Coder
coder\xrel - (No table of contents file)
coder\xrelexport - (No table of contents file)
comm\comm - Communications System Toolbox
commutilities\comminit - (No table of contents file)
commutilities\commmex - (No table of contents file)
comm\commutilities - (No table of contents file)
comm\commdeprecated - Archived MATLAB Files from Communications System
comm\cdma2000 - The first two lines are intentionally left blank, to avoid
comm\commdemos - Communications System Toolbox Demos.
comm\examples - (No table of contents file)
shared\comparisons - (No table of contents file)
compiler_sdk\java - (No table of contents file)
toolbox\compiler - MATLAB Compiler
compiler\java - (No table of contents file)
toolbox\compiler_sdk - MATLAB Compiler SDK
compiler\mltall - (No table of contents file)
matlab\configtools - (No table of contents file)
connector2\connector - connector Enable or disable the MATLAB Connector. The
MATLAB Connector allows you to access a MATLAB session on a desktop from a mobile device
using MATLAB Mobile.
control\control - Control System Toolbox
control\ctrlmodels - Control System Toolbox -- Linear models.
control\ctrlanalysis - Control System Toolbox -- Linear analysis.
control\ctrldesign - Control System Toolbox -- Compensator design and tuning.
control\ctrlplots - Control System Toolbox -- Plot creation and manipulation.
control\ctrlguis - Control System Toolbox -- Applications.
control\ctrlobsolete - Control System Toolbox -- obsolete commands.
control\ctrlutil - Control System Toolbox -- Utilities and MEX files.
control\ctrldemos - Control System Toolbox -- Examples.
matlab\reports - (No table of contents file)
curvefit\curvefit - Curve Fitting Toolbox
curvefit\splines - Curve Fitting Toolbox -- Spline Functions
curvefit\sftoolgui - (No table of contents file)
curvefit\curvefitdemos - Curve Fitting Toolbox -- Examples
daq\daq - Data Acquisition Toolbox
daq\daqdemos - Data Acquisition Toolbox - Data Acquisition Demos.
daq\daqblks - (No table of contents file)
daqblks\daqsfcn - (No table of contents file)
database\database - Database Toolbox
database\vqb - Visual Query Builder functions.
database\dbdemos - Database Toolbox Demonstration Functions.
datafeed\datafeed - Datafeed Toolbox
datafeed\datafeeddemos - (No table of contents file)
datafeed\dfgui - Datafeed Toolbox Graphical User Interface
dig\dig - (No table of contents file)
toolbox\distcomp - Parallel Computing Toolbox
distcomp\distcomp - (No table of contents file)
distcomp\user - (No table of contents file)
distcomp\mpi - Parallel Computing Functions for Message Passing
distcomp\parallel - Parallel Algorithms
parallel\util - (No table of contents file)
distcomp\lang - Parallel computing programming language constructs.
distcomp\cluster - Functions and Classes for Parallel Computing with Clusters
distcomp\gpu - There are several options available for using your computer's
distcomp\pctdemos - (No table of contents file)
distcomp\worker - MATLAB Distributed Computing Server
dotnetbuilder\dotnetbuilder - (No table of contents file)
qualkits\do - DO Qualification Kit
hdlverifier\dpigenerator - (No table of contents file)
dpigenerator\rtw - (No table of contents file)
dpvu\dpvu - (No table of contents file)
dpvu\metamodel - (No table of contents file)
dpvu\actions - (No table of contents file)
driving\driving - Automated Driving System Toolbox
dsp\dsp - DSP System Toolbox
dsp\dsputilities - (No table of contents file)
dsputilities\dspinit - (No table of contents file)
dsputilities\dspmex - (No table of contents file)
dsp\dspdemos - DSP System Toolbox demonstrations and examples.
dsp\examples - (No table of contents file)
targets\ecoder - (No table of contents file)
mpt\mpt - Module Packaging Feature
mpt\user_specific - (No table of contents file)
coder\embeddedcoder - Embedded Coder
ecoder\ecoderdemos - (No table of contents file)
econ\econ - Econometrics Toolbox
econ\econdata - Econometrics Toolbox: Data, Demos, and Examples
edalink\edalink - (No table of contents file)
hdlverifier\hdlverifier - HDL Verifier
foundation\hdllink - (No table of contents file)
eml\eml - (No table of contents file)
toolbox\exlink - Spreadsheet Link
matlab\filebrowser - (No table of contents file)
dsp\filterdesign - (No table of contents file)
finance\calendar - Financial Toolbox calendar functions.
finance\finance - Financial Toolbox
finance\finsupport - (No table of contents file)
finance\ftseries - Financial Toolbox Times Series Functions.
finance\findemos - Financial Toolbox Examples
fininst\fininst - Financial Instruments Toolbox
fininst\fininstdemos - Financial Instruments Toolbox: Demos
fixedpoint\fixedpointtool - (No table of contents file)
fixedpoint\fidemos - (No table of contents file)
fixedpoint\fixedpoint - Fixed-Point Designer
toolbox\fixpoint - Fixed-Point Designer
fixpoint\fpca - (No table of contents file)
fixedandfloat\fxpdemos - Fixed-Point Designer Demos
float2fixed\demos - (No table of contents file)
fuzzy\fuzzy - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox
fuzzy\fuzzyutil - (No table of contents file)
fuzzy\fuzdemos - Fuzzy Logic Toolbox Demos.
uicomponents\components - (No table of contents file)
geoweb\geoweb - (No table of contents file)
globaloptim\globaloptim - Global Optimization Toolbox
globaloptim\globaloptimdemos - Global Optimization Toolbox Demos
gpucoder\gpucoder - (No table of contents file)
foundation\build - (No table of contents file)
hdlcoder\hdlcoder - HDL Coder
hdlcoder\hdlwa - (No table of contents file)
hdlcoder\hdlcoderdemos - HDL Coder Examples
hdlcoderdemos\matlabhdlcoderdemos - HDL Coder Demos
hdlcoder\hdlcommon - (No table of contents file)
hdlcommon\modelcheckeradvisor - (No table of contents file)
hdlfilter\hdlfilter - Filter Design HDL Coder
hdlfilter\hdlfiltdemos - Filter Design HDL Coder Demos
hdllib\ml_lib - (No table of contents file)
hdllib\sl_lib - (No table of contents file)
hdlcoder\hdlslrt - (No table of contents file)
hdlverifier\hdlverifier_examples - (No table of contents file)
ticcs\ccslinkblks - (No table of contents file)
ccslinkblks\rtdxsimblks - (No table of contents file)
ticcs\mdlinfo - (No table of contents file)
ticcs\tfl - (No table of contents file)
ticcs\util - (No table of contents file)
ticcs\envChecker - (No table of contents file)
foundation\pjtgenerator - (No table of contents file)
pjtgenerator\tgtpref2 - (No table of contents file)
pjtgenerator\mdlinfo - (No table of contents file)
pjtgenerator\blks - (No table of contents file)
blks\masks - (No table of contents file)
foundation\util - (No table of contents file)
foundation\errorhandler - (No table of contents file)
foundation\xmakefile - (No table of contents file)
foundation\hookpoints - (No table of contents file)
idelink\idelinkdemos - (No table of contents file)
ticcs\ccsdemos - (No table of contents file)
ccsdemos\util - (No table of contents file)
ident\ident - System Identification Toolbox
ident\nlident - Nonlinear System Identification features. Type "help ident" for more
ident\idobsolete - (No table of contents file)
ident\idguis - (No table of contents file)
ident\idutils - (No table of contents file)
ident\idrecursive - (No table of contents file)
ident\iddemos - (No table of contents file)
iddemos\examples - (No table of contents file)
qualkits\iec - IEC Certification Kit
images\colorspaces - Image Processing Toolbox --- colorspaces
images\images - Image Processing Toolbox
images\imdata - Image Processing Toolbox --- sample images
images\imuitools - Image Processing Toolbox --- imuitools
images\iptformats - Image Processing Toolbox --- File Formats
images\iptutils - Image Processing Toolbox --- utilities
matlab\imagesci - (No table of contents file)
images\imdemos - Image Processing Toolbox --- demos
imaq\imaq - Image Acquisition Toolbox
imaq\imaqdemos - Image Acquisition Toolbox.
imaqblks\imaqblks - (No table of contents file)
imaqblks\imaqmex - (No table of contents file)
imaqblks\imaqmasks - (No table of contents file)
incisive\incisive - HDL Verifier for use with Cadence Incisive
incisive\incisivedemos - (No table of contents file)
instrument\instrument - Instrument Control Toolbox
instrumentblks\instrumentblks - (No table of contents file)
instrumentblks\instrumentmex - (No table of contents file)
instrumentblks\instrumentmasks - (No table of contents file)
instrument\instrumentdemos - (No table of contents file)
shared\instrument - (No table of contents file)
javabuilder\javabuilder - (No table of contents file)
lte\lte - LTE System Toolbox
lte\lteobsolete - Obsolete LTE Toolbox interface
lte\examples - (No table of contents file)
lte\lteexamples - LTE System Toolbox Examples.
shared\m3i - (No table of contents file)
map\map - Mapping Toolbox
map\mapgeodesy - (No table of contents file)
map\mapdisp - (No table of contents file)
map\mapformats - (No table of contents file)
map\mapproj - (No table of contents file)
map\mapdata - Mapping Toolbox Sample Data Sets
mbc\mbc - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox
mbc\mbcdata - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox private utilities.
mbc\mbcdesign - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox private utilities.
mbc\mbcexpr - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox private utilities.
mbc\mbcguitools - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox private utilities.
mbc\mbclayouts - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox private utilities.
mbc\mbcmodels - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox private utilities.
mbc\mbcsimulink - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox private utilities.
mbc\mbctools - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox private utilities.
mbc\mbcview - Model-Based Calibration Toolbox private utilities.
mbc\mbcdemos - (No table of contents file)
shared\mldatx - (No table of contents file)
modelsim\modelsim - HDL Verifier for use with Mentor Graphics ModelSim
modelsim\modelsimdemos - (No table of contents file)
mpc\mpc - Model Predictive Control Toolbox
mpc\mpcguis - (No table of contents file)
mpc\mpcobsolete - (No table of contents file)
mpc\mpcutils - (No table of contents file)
mpc\mpcdemos - Model Predictive Control Toolbox -- Demos.
matlab\networklib - Network support.
toolbox\nnet - Neural Network Toolbox
nnet\nncontrol - Neural Network Toolbox Control System Functions.
nnet\nnadapt - Neural Network Toolbox Adapt Functions.
nnet\nndatafun - Neural Network Toolbox Data Functions.
nnet\nnderivative - Neural Network Toolbox Calculation Functions.
nnet\nndistance - Neural Network Toolbox Distance Functions.
nnet\nndivision - Neural Network Toolbox Division Functions.
nnet\nninitlayer - Neural Network Toolbox Layer Initialization Functions.
nnet\nninitnetwork - Neural Network Toolbox Network Initialization Functions.
nnet\nninitweight - Neural Network Toolbox Weight Initialization Functions.
nnet\nnlearn - Neural Network Toolbox Learning Functions.
nnet\nnnetfun - Neural Network Toolbox Network Functions.
nnet\nnnetinput - Neural Network Toolbox Net Input Functions.
nnet\nnnetwork - Neural Network Toolbox Network Creation Functions.
nnet\nnperformance - Neural Network Toolbox Performance Functions.
nnet\nnplot - Neural Network Toolbox Plot Functions.
nnet\nnprocess - Neural Network Toolbox Processing Functions.
nnet\nnsearch - Neural Network Toolbox Line Search Functions.
nnet\nntopology - Neural Network Toolbox Topology Functions.
nnet\nntrain - Neural Network Toolbox Training Functions.
nnet\nntransfer - Neural Network Toolbox Transfer Functions.
nnet\nnweight - Neural Network Toolbox Weight Functions.
nnet\nnguis - Neural Network Toolbox GUI Functions.
nnet\nnobsolete - Neural Network Toolbox Obsolete Functions
nnet\nnutils - Neural Network Toolbox Utility Functions
nnet\cnn - Neural Network Toolbox convolutional neural network (CNN)
nnet\nndemos - Neural Network Demonstrations and Applications
nndemos\nndatasets - Neural Network Datasets
opc\opc - OPC Toolbox
opc\opcgui - (No table of contents file)
opcblks\opcblks - OPC Toolbox Block Library Support Functions.
opc\opcdemos - OPC Toolbox - OPC Examples
opcdemos\opcblksdemos - OPC Toolbox Block Library Examples.
optim\optim - Optimization Toolbox
optim\optimdemos - Demonstrations.
matlab\pathtool - (No table of contents file)
toolbox\pde - Partial Differential Equation Toolbox
pde\pdedata - Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Data
pde\pdedemos - Partial Differential Equation Toolbox Examples
phased\phased - Phased Array System Toolbox
phased\phasedapps - (No table of contents file)
phased\phaseddemos - (No table of contents file)
mli\m - (No table of contents file)
elec\elec - Simscape Electronics
advisor\m - (No table of contents file)
elec\elecdemos - (No table of contents file)
fluids\fluids - Simscape Fluids
mech\mech - (No table of contents file)
mech\importer - (No table of contents file)
mech\mechdemos - SimMechanics Demos.
network_engine\network_engine - (No table of contents file)
ne_sli\ne_sli - (No table of contents file)
advisor\m - (No table of contents file)
pe\pedemos - (No table of contents file)
library\m - (No table of contents file)
utils\m - (No table of contents file)
pm_sli\pm_sli - (No table of contents file)
powersys\powerdemo - Simscape Power Systems Examples
powerdemo\power_utility - (No table of contents file)
drives\drivesdemo - (No table of contents file)
DR\DRdemo - (No table of contents file)
facts\factsdemo - (No table of contents file)
powersys\library - (No table of contents file)
powerdemo\machines - (No table of contents file)
powersys\powersys - (No table of contents file)
powerdemo\power_electronics - (No table of contents file)
powerdemo\simple - (No table of contents file)
sdl\sdl - Simscape Driveline
sdl\classic - (No table of contents file)
advisor\m - (No table of contents file)
sdl\sdldemos - (No table of contents file)
sh\sh - (No table of contents file)
advisor\m - (No table of contents file)
sh\shdemos - (No table of contents file)
simrf\m - (No table of contents file)
advisor\m - (No table of contents file)
mli\m - (No table of contents file)
simscape\simscapedemos - (No table of contents file)
library\m - (No table of contents file)
foundation\simscape - Simscape
library\m - (No table of contents file)
reg\m - (No table of contents file)
simscape\m - (No table of contents file)
sm\smdemos - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\cart_double_pendulum - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\stewart_platform - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\double_crank_aiming - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\double_wishbone_suspension - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\robotic_wrist - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\welding_robot - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\potters_wheel - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\linear_actuator - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\pto_shaft - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\vehicle_slalom - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\dump_trailer - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\solar_tracker - (No table of contents file)
smdemos\suspension_templates - (No table of contents file)
foundation\mech - Simscape Multibody
gui\m - (No table of contents file)
import\m - (No table of contents file)
sli\m - (No table of contents file)
sm\m - (No table of contents file)
sps\sps - Simscape Power Systems
plccoder\plccoder - Simulink PLC Coder
plugins\omron - (No table of contents file)
plugins\indraworks - (No table of contents file)
ladderlogic\code - (No table of contents file)
plccoder\plccoderdemos - (No table of contents file)
polyspace\autosar - (No table of contents file)
polyspace\psbugfinder - Polyspace Bug Finder
polyspace\pscodeprover - Polyspace Code Prover
pscore\pscore - (No table of contents file)
psdistcomp\psdistcomp - (No table of contents file)
pslink\pslink - Polyspace plug-in for Simulink.
psrptgen\psrptgen - (No table of contents file)
codeinstrum\codeinstrum - (No table of contents file)
interfaces\python - (No table of contents file)
qualkits\common - (No table of contents file)
realtime\realtime - Run Simulink model on target hardware
rf\rf - RF Toolbox
rf\rftool - RF Tool Graphical User Interface
rfblks\rfblks - RF Blockset
rfblks\rfblksmasks - (No table of contents file)
rfblks\rfblksdemos - (No table of contents file)
rf\rfdemos - RF Toolbox Demos
risk\risk - Risk Management Toolbox
robotics\robotics - Robotics System Toolbox
robotics\robotalgs - (No table of contents file)
robotics\robotcore - (No table of contents file)
robotics\robotexamples - Robotics System Toolbox Examples.
robotcore\helpers - (No table of contents file)
robotsimulink\helpers - (No table of contents file)
robotics\robotmanip - (No table of contents file)
robotics\ros - ROS (Robot Operating System)
robotics\robotsimulink - (No table of contents file)
robotsimulink\robotslros - (No table of contents file)
robotslros\registry - (No table of contents file)
robotsimulink\robotslalgs - (No table of contents file)
robust\robust - Robust Control Toolbox
robust\rctlmi - Robust Control Toolbox - LMI Solvers.
robust\rctutil - (No table of contents file)
rctobsolete\lmi - (No table of contents file)
mutools\commands - (No table of contents file)
mutools\subs - Utilities for obsolete MUTOOLS commands.
robust\rctdemos - Robust Control Toolbox -- Demos.
rptgen\rptgen - MATLAB Report Generator
rptgenext\rptgenext - Simulink Report Generator
rptgenextdemos\flutter_suppression - (No table of contents file)
rptgenextdemos\sdd - (No table of contents file)
rptgenextdemos\slxmlcomp - (No table of contents file)
rptgen\rptgendemos - (No table of contents file)
matlab\serial - (No table of contents file)
blocks\sb2sl - (No table of contents file)
sfcnlvl3\target - (No table of contents file)
sfcnlvl3\ddg - (No table of contents file)
shared\aeroblks - (No table of contents file)
asam\mdf - (No table of contents file)
shared\can - (No table of contents file)
can\canblks - (No table of contents file)
can\canmasks - (No table of contents file)
can\canmex - (No table of contents file)
controllib\engine - Control Library - Engine.
engine\numerics - (No table of contents file)
engine\options - (No table of contents file)
engine\blocks - (No table of contents file)
controllib\general - Control System Toolbox -- General Utilities.
controllib\graphics - Control Library - Graphics.
graphics\utils - (No table of contents file)
graphics\plotoptions - (No table of contents file)
controllib\requirements - Control Library - Design Requirements.
shared\dastudio - (No table of contents file)
dspblks\dspblks - (No table of contents file)
dsp\dialog - (No table of contents file)
dsp\hdl - (No table of contents file)
dsp\scopes - (No table of contents file)
utilities\init - (No table of contents file)
eda\board - (No table of contents file)
eda\fil - FPGA-in-the-Loop verifies FPGA designs in Simulink and MATLAB with an
fil\filmapi - (No table of contents file)
fil\fildemos - (No table of contents file)
eda\fpgaautomation - HDL Verifier for Xilinx FPGA design automation
shared\filterdesignlib - (No table of contents file)
filterdesignlib\filterbuilder - (No table of contents file)
shared\hdlshared - HDL Library
hdlshared\hdlshared_gui - (No table of contents file)
shared\imageslib - Image Processing Toolbox Library
shared\imaqlib - Image Acquisition Toolbox Library
shared\io - (No table of contents file)
shared\mapgeodesy - Geometric Geodesy Functions
shared\maputils - Map Utility Functions
shared\measure - (No table of contents file)
multibody\multibodylib - Shared multibody
shared\optimlib - Optimization Toolbox Library
shared\pdelib - PDE Toolbox Library
shared\reqmgt - Requirements Management Interface.
reqmgt\mmutils - Subdirectory "shared/reqmgt/mmutils" - part of RMI data model
shared\rflib - (No table of contents file)
shared\rptgen - (No table of contents file)
shared\sigbldr - (No table of contents file)
shared\siglib - (No table of contents file)
sysarch\sysarch - (No table of contents file)
shared\slcontrollib - Simulink Control Design Library
shared\sl_coverage_configset - (No table of contents file)
shared\sldv - sldvisactive - Check if Simulink Design Verifier software is
analyzing model
sldv_sfcn\sldv_sfcn - (No table of contents file)
slreportgen\reportexplorer - (No table of contents file)
spcuilib\slscopes - (No table of contents file)
shared\slvnv - (No table of contents file)
slvnv\slvnv - Simulink Verification and Validation
shared\spcuilib - (No table of contents file)
shared\statslib - Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Library
tlmgenerator\foundation - (No table of contents file)
foundation\tlmgeneratordemos - (No table of contents file)
tracking\trackinglib - Tracking Filters
vehicle_protocols\j1939blks - (No table of contents file)
vehicle_protocols\j1939mex - (No table of contents file)
shared\xcp - XCP functionality is provided as part of Vehicle Network Toolbox.
xcp\xcpblks - (No table of contents file)
xcp\xcpmasks - (No table of contents file)
xcp\xcpmex - (No table of contents file)
blocks\sxcpudptl - (No table of contents file)
signal\signal - Signal Processing Toolbox
signal\sigtools - (No table of contents file)
signal\sptoolgui - (No table of contents file)
signal\sigdemos - (No table of contents file)
signal\signalanalyzer - (No table of contents file)
simbio\simbio - SimBiology
simbio\simbiodemos - SimBiology Demos
simevents\simevents - SimEvents
simevents\examples - SimEvents Demos.
simrf\simrf - RF Blockset
simrf\simrfV2 - (No table of contents file)
simrf\simrfV2masks - (No table of contents file)
simrf\simrfV2demos - RF Blockset 6.0 Demos
simrf\examples - (No table of contents file)
simrf\simrf_top - (No table of contents file)
sl3d\sl3d - Simulink 3D Animation
sl3d\sl3ddemos - Simulink 3D Animation examples.
slci\slci - Simulink Code Inspector
slci\slcidemos - (No table of contents file)
slcontrol\slcontrol - Simulink Control Design
slcontrol\slctrlguis - (No table of contents file)
slcontrol\slctrlutil - (No table of contents file)
slcontrol\slctrlobsolete - (No table of contents file)
slcontrol\slctrldemos - (No table of contents file)
slvnv\simcoverage - Simulink Model Coverage Tool
slvnv\simcovdemos - (No table of contents file)
sldo\sldo - Simulink Design Optimization
sldo\sldoguis - (No table of contents file)
sloptim\sloptim - (No table of contents file)
sloptim\sloptguis - (No table of contents file)
sloptim\sloptobsolete - (No table of contents file)
slestim\slestguis - (No table of contents file)
slestim\slestim - (No table of contents file)
slestim\slestmex - Simulink Design Optimization Estimation S-Function MEX-files.
slestim\slestutil - (No table of contents file)
sldo\sldodemos - Simulink Design Optimization Demos.
sldodemos\optim - (No table of contents file)
sldodemos\estim - (No table of contents file)
sldo\examples - (No table of contents file)
sldrt\sldrt - Simulink Desktop Real-Time
sldrt\sldrtexamples - (No table of contents file)
sldv\slicer - (No table of contents file)
slicer\gui - (No table of contents file)
sldv\sldv - Simulink Design Verifier
sldv\sldvdemos - (No table of contents file)
simulink\slexportprevious - (No table of contents file)
simulink\slhistory - (No table of contents file)
slproject\examples - (No table of contents file)
slreportgen\webview - (No table of contents file)
slrequirements\slrequirements - (No table of contents file)
slvnv\rmidemos - (No table of contents file)
slrt\slrt - Simulink Real-Time
slrt\rtw - (No table of contents file)
slrt\blocks - (No table of contents file)
blocks\protocols - (No table of contents file)
blocks\displaylogging - (No table of contents file)
slrt\advisor - (No table of contents file)
sltp\legend - (No table of contents file)
slvnv\slvnvdemos - (No table of contents file)
slcheck\do178b - (No table of contents file)
slcheck\iec61508 - Modeling Style Guide checks for IEC61508
slcheck\metrics - (No table of contents file)
slcheck\styleguide - (No table of contents file)
simulink\sl_async_streaming - (No table of contents file)
simulink\fixedandfloat - Fixed-Point Designer utilities.
fixedandfloat\obsolete - (No table of contents file)
iodata\iomap - (No table of contents file)
sta\sourceBlocks - (No table of contents file)
performance\performancea - (No table of contents file)
sta\derivedSignals - (No table of contents file)
sl_studio\sl_studio - (No table of contents file)
simulink\upgradeadvisor - (No table of contents file)
stats\bayesoptim - (No table of contents file)
stats\bigdata - (No table of contents file)
stats\classreg - (No table of contents file)
stats\clustering - (No table of contents file)
stats\featlearn - (No table of contents file)
stats\stats - Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
stats\statsdemos - (No table of contents file)
stats\distributed - (No table of contents file)
stats\gpu - (No table of contents file)
stats\mlearnapp - Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
symbolic\symbolic - Symbolic Math Toolbox
symbolic\symbolicdemos - (No table of contents file)
target\codertarget - (No table of contents file)
intelhost\tfl - (No table of contents file)
foundation\utils - (No table of contents file)
utils\resource_config - (No table of contents file)
blks\mex - (No table of contents file)
blks\masks - (No table of contents file)
ti\mdlinfo - (No table of contents file)
ti\utils - (No table of contents file)
blks\masks - (No table of contents file)
ARM\tfl - (No table of contents file)
etargets\etargets - (No table of contents file)
etargets\demoutils - (No table of contents file)
processor\tic2000 - (No table of contents file)
tic2000\utils - (No table of contents file)
blks\masks - (No table of contents file)
blks\mex - (No table of contents file)
blks\masks - (No table of contents file)
matlab\timeseries - Time series data visualization and exploration.
matlab\toolbox_packaging - (No table of contents file)
trading\trading - Trading Toolbox
trading\tradingdemos - (No table of contents file)
uicomponents\uicomponents - (No table of contents file)
uicomponents\graphics - (No table of contents file)
lte\umts - LTE System Toolbox
vision\vision - Computer Vision System Toolbox
vision\visionutilities - (No table of contents file)
visionutilities\visioninit - (No table of contents file)
visionutilities\visionmex - (No table of contents file)
visionhdl\visionhdl - Vision HDL Toolbox
visionhdl\visionhdlutilities - (No table of contents file)
visionhdl\visionhdlexamples - Vision HDL Toolbox Examples.
vnt\vnt - Vehicle Network Toolbox
vnt\vntguis - (No table of contents file)
vntblks\vntblks - (No table of contents file)
vntblks\vntmasks - (No table of contents file)
wavelet\wavelet - Wavelet Toolbox
wavelet\wmultisig1d - (No table of contents file)
wavelet\compression - (No table of contents file)
wavelet\wavedemo - (No table of contents file)
matlab\webcam - Webcam support.
wlan\wlan - WLAN System Toolbox
wlan\wlanexamples - WLAN System Toolbox Examples
interfaces\json - (No table of contents file)
webservices\restful - (No table of contents file)
interfaces\webservices - MATLAB Web Services Interfaces.
xpc\xpc - (No table of contents file)
xpcblocks\thirdpartydrivers - (No table of contents file)
build\xpcblocks - (No table of contents file)
build\xpcobsolete - (No table of contents file)
xpc\xpcdemos - (No table of contents file)

Ejemplo 1 : Evaluar la siguiente expresión 𝑒 1+3𝑖


>> help elfun

Elementary math functions.

sin - Sine.
sind - Sine of argument in degrees.
sinh - Hyperbolic sine.
asin - Inverse sine.
asind - Inverse sine, result in degrees.
asinh - Inverse hyperbolic sine.
cos - Cosine.
cosd - Cosine of argument in degrees.
cosh - Hyperbolic cosine.
acos - Inverse cosine.
acosd - Inverse cosine, result in degrees.
acosh - Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
tan - Tangent.
tand - Tangent of argument in degrees.
tanh - Hyperbolic tangent.
atan - Inverse tangent.
atand - Inverse tangent, result in degrees.
atan2 - Four quadrant inverse tangent.
atan2d - Four quadrant inverse tangent, result in degrees.
atanh - Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
sec - Secant.
secd - Secant of argument in degrees.
sech - Hyperbolic secant.
asec - Inverse secant.
asecd - Inverse secant, result in degrees.
asech - Inverse hyperbolic secant.
csc - Cosecant.
cscd - Cosecant of argument in degrees.
csch - Hyperbolic cosecant.
acsc - Inverse cosecant.
acscd - Inverse cosecant, result in degrees.
acsch - Inverse hyperbolic cosecant.
cot - Cotangent.
cotd - Cotangent of argument in degrees.
coth - Hyperbolic cotangent.
acot - Inverse cotangent.
acotd - Inverse cotangent, result in degrees.
acoth - Inverse hyperbolic cotangent.
hypot - Square root of sum of squares.
deg2rad - Convert angles from degrees to radians.
rad2deg - Convert angles from radians to degrees.

exp - Exponential.
expm1 - Compute exp(x)-1 accurately.
log - Natural logarithm.
log1p - Compute log(1+x) accurately.
log10 - Common (base 10) logarithm.
log2 - Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating point number.
pow2 - Base 2 power and scale floating point number.
realpow - Power that will error out on complex result.
reallog - Natural logarithm of real number.
realsqrt - Square root of number greater than or equal to zero.
sqrt - Square root.
nthroot - Real n-th root of real numbers.
nextpow2 - Next higher power of 2.

abs - Absolute value.
angle - Phase angle.
complex - Construct complex data from real and imaginary parts.
conj - Complex conjugate.
imag - Complex imaginary part.
real - Complex real part.
unwrap - Unwrap phase angle.
isreal - True for real array.
cplxpair - Sort numbers into complex conjugate pairs.

Rounding and remainder.

fix - Round towards zero.
floor - Round towards minus infinity.
ceil - Round towards plus infinity.
round - Round towards nearest integer.
mod - Modulus (signed remainder after division).
rem - Remainder after division.
sign - Signum.
>> exp(1+3*i)

ans =

-2.6911 + 0.3836i


1.- ¿Quién es mayor 𝑒 𝑝𝑖 o 𝑝𝑖 𝑒 ?

>> exp(pi)

ans =


>> pi^(exp(1))

ans =


Respuesta: El mayor es 𝑒 𝑝𝑖

2.- Utilizando el comando help elfun obtener información de algunas funciones matemáticas
elementales: seno, coseno, tangente, cotangente, secante, cosecante, arcoseno, arcocoseno,
arcotangente, arcocotangente, arcosecante, arcocosecante, seno hiperbólico, coseno
hiperbólico, tangente hiperbólico, cotangente hiperbólico, secante hiperbólico, cosecante
hiperbólico, arco seno hiperbólico, arco coseno hiperbólico, arco, tangente hiperbólico, arco
cotangente hiperbólico, arco secante hiperbólico, arco cosecante hiperbólico, exponencial,
logarítmica, log10, log2, sign.

>> help sin

sin Sine of argument in radians.
sin(X) is the sine of the elements of X.

See also asin, sind.

Reference page for sin

Other functions named sin

>> help cos

cos Cosine of argument in radians.
cos(X) is the cosine of the elements of X.

See also acos, cosd.

Reference page for cos

Other functions named cos

>> help tan

tan Tangent of argument in radians.
tan(X) is the tangent of the elements of X.

See also atan, atan2, tand, atan2d.

Reference page for tan

Other functions named tan

>> help cot

cot Cotangent of argument in radians.
cot(X) is the cotangent of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also acot, cotd.

Reference page for cot

Other functions named cot

>> help sec

sec Secant of argument in radians.
sec(X) is the secant of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also asec, secd.

Reference page for sec

Other functions named sec

>> help csc

csc Cosecant of argument in radians.
csc(X) is the cosecant of the elements of X.
Class support for input X:
float: double, single

See also acsc, cscd.

Reference page for csc

Other functions named csc

>> help asin

asin Inverse sine, result in radians.
asin(X) is the arcsine of the elements of X. Complex
results are obtained if ABS(x) > 1.0 for some element.

See also sin, asind.

Reference page for asin

Other functions named asin

>> help acos

acos Inverse cosine, result in radians.
acos(X) is the arccosine of the elements of X. Complex
results are obtained if ABS(x) > 1.0 for some element.

See also cos, acosd.

Reference page for acos

Other functions named acos

>> help atan

atan Inverse tangent, result in radians.
atan(X) is the arctangent of the elements of X.

See also atan2, tan, atand, atan2d.

Reference page for atan

Other functions named atan

>> help acot

acot Inverse cotangent, result in radian.
acot(X) is the inverse cotangent of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single
See also cot, acotd.

Reference page for acot

Other functions named acot

>> help asec

asec Inverse secant, result in radians.
asec(X) is the inverse secant of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also sec, asecd.

Reference page for asec

Other functions named asec

>> help acsc

acsc Inverse cosecant, result in radian.
acsc(X) is the inverse cosecant of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also csc, acscd.

Reference page for acsc

Other functions named acsc

>> help sinh

sinh Hyperbolic sine.
sinh(X) is the hyperbolic sine of the elements of X.

See also asinh.

Reference page for sinh

Other functions named sinh

>> help cosh

cosh Hyperbolic cosine.
cosh(X) is the hyperbolic cosine of the elements of X.

See also acosh.

Reference page for cosh
Other functions named cosh

>> help tanh

tanh Hyperbolic tangent.
tanh(X) is the hyperbolic tangent of the elements of X.

See also atanh.

Reference page for tanh

Other functions named tanh

>> help coth

coth Hyperbolic cotangent.
coth(X) is the hyperbolic cotangent of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also acoth.

Reference page for coth

Other functions named coth

>> help sech

sech Hyperbolic secant.
sech(X) is the hyperbolic secant of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also asech.

Reference page for sech

Other functions named sech

>> help csch

csch Hyperbolic cosecant.
csch(X) is the hyperbolic cosecant of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also acsch.

Reference page for csch
Other functions named csch

>> help asinh

asinh Inverse hyperbolic sine.
asinh(X) is the inverse hyperbolic sine of the elements of X.

See also sinh.

Reference page for asinh

Other functions named asinh

>> help acosh

acosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
acosh(X) is the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the elements of X.

See also cosh.

Reference page for acosh

Other functions named acosh

>> help atanh

atanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
atanh(X) is the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the elements of X.

See also tanh.

Reference page for atanh

Other functions named atanh

>> help acoth

acoth Inverse hyperbolic cotangent.
acoth(X) is the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also coth.

Reference page for acoth

Other functions named acoth

>> help asech

asech Inverse hyperbolic secant.
asech(X) is the inverse hyperbolic secant of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also sech.

Reference page for asech

Other functions named asech

>> help acsch

acsch Inverse hyperbolic cosecant.
acsch(X) is the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of the elements of X.

Class support for input X:

float: double, single

See also csch.

Reference page for acsch

Other functions named acsch

>> help exp

exp Exponential.
exp(X) is the exponential of the elements of X, e to the X.
For complex Z=X+i*Y, exp(Z) = exp(X)*(COS(Y)+i*SIN(Y)).

See also expm1, log, log10, expm, expint.

Reference page for exp

Other functions named exp

>> help log

log Natural logarithm.
log(X) is the natural logarithm of the elements of X.
Complex results are produced if X is not positive.

See also log1p, log2, log10, exp, logm, reallog.

Reference page for log

Other functions named log

>> help log10

log10 Common (base 10) logarithm.
log10(X) is the base 10 logarithm of the elements of X.
Complex results are produced if X is not positive.

See also log, log2, exp, logm.

Reference page for log10

Other functions named log10

>> help log2

log2 Base 2 logarithm and dissect floating point number.
Y = log2(X) is the base 2 logarithm of the elements of X.

[F,E] = log2(X) for each element of the real array X, returns an

array F of real numbers, usually in the range 0.5 <= abs(F) < 1,
and an array E of integers, so that X = F .* 2.^E. Any zeros in X
produce F = 0 and E = 0. This corresponds to the ANSI C function
frexp() and the IEEE floating point standard function logb().

See also log, log10, pow2, nextpow2, realmax, realmin.

Reference page for log2

Other functions named log2

>> help sign

sign Signum function.
For each element of X, sign(X) returns 1 if the element
is greater than zero, 0 if it equals zero and -1 if it is
less than zero. For the nonzero elements of complex X,
sign(X) = X ./ ABS(X).

See also abs.

Reference page for sign

Other functions named sign

3.- Calcular

Seno (2 )
>> sin(pi/2)

ans =

Seno (-90°)

>> sind(-90)

ans =



>> cosd(60)

ans =



>> abs(-7)

ans =

Tangente ( 3 )

>> tan(7*pi/3)

ans =



>> cotd(30)

ans =


4.- Calcular el valor de las siguientes expresiones:

𝑓1 (𝑥) = 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 1 𝑒𝑛 𝑥 = 1,5
>> x=1.5;
>> f=x^2+3*x+1



𝑓2 (𝑥) = 𝑠𝑒𝑛(2𝑥) − cos(3𝑥) 𝑒𝑛 𝑥 = 30°

>> x=30;
>> f=sind(2*x)-cos(3*x)



𝑓3 (𝑥) = arctan(𝑥) 𝑒𝑛 𝑥 = 1

>> x=1;
>> f=atan(x)



𝑓4 (𝑥) = sen(arcos(𝑥)) 𝑒𝑛 𝑥 =

>> x=sqrt(3)/2;
>> f=sin(acos(x))



1.2.- Comando de Ayuda help symbolic

>> help symbolic

Symbolic Math Toolbox
Version 7.2 (R2017a) 16-Feb-2017

diff - Differentiate.
int - Integrate.
limit - Limit.
poles - Poles of a function.
taylor - Taylor series.
symsum - Summation of series.
symprod - Product of series.

Linear Algebra.
adjoint - Adjoint matrix.
diag - Create or extract diagonals.
toeplitz - Toeplitz matrix.
triu - Upper triangle.
tril - Lower triangle.
inv - Matrix inverse.
det - Determinant.
rank - Rank.
rref - Reduced row echelon form.
null - Basis for null space.
colspace - Basis for column space.
eig - Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
chol - Cholesky factorization.
lu - lu factorization.
pinv - Pseudo inverse.
sqrtm - Matrix square root.
svd - Singular values and singular vectors.
jordan - Jordan canonical (normal) form.
poly - Characteristic polynomial.
expm - Matrix exponential.
mldivide - \ matrix left division.
mpower - ^ matrix power.
mrdivide - / matrix right division.
mtimes - * matrix multiplication.
orth - Orthogonalization.
transpose - .' matrix transpose.
ctranspose - ' matrix complex conjugate transpose.
hessian - Hessian matrix of scalar function.
gradient - Gradient vector of scalar function.
jacobian - Jacobian matrix.
laplacian - Laplacian of scalar function.
potential - Potential of vector field.
vectorPotential - Vector potential of vector field.

simplify - Simplify.
expand - Expand.
factor - Factor.
collect - Collect.
numden - Numerator and denominator.
horner - Nested polynomial representation.
subexpr - Rewrite in terms of subexpressions.
coeffs - Coefficients of a multivariate polynomial.
sort - Sort symbolic vectors or polynomials.
subs - Symbolic substitution.
simplifyFraction - Symbolic simplification of fractions.

Solution of Equations.
equationsToMatrix - Convert a linear system of equations to the matrix form.
linsolve - Solve linear systems of equations.
solve - Symbolic solution of algebraic equations.
dsolve - Symbolic solution of differential equations.
finverse - Functional inverse.
compose - Functional composition.
odeToVectorField - Convert higher-order ODEs to systems of first-order ODEs.
vpasolve - Numerical solution of algebraic equations.

Variable Precision Arithmetic.

vpa - Variable precision arithmetic.
digits - Set variable precision accuracy.

Integral Transforms.
fourier - Fourier transform.
laplace - Laplace transform.
ztrans - Z transform.
ifourier - Inverse Fourier transform.
ilaplace - Inverse Laplace transform.
iztrans - Inverse Z transform.

double - Convert symbolic matrix to double.
single - Convert symbolic matrix to single precision.
poly2sym - Coefficient vector to symbolic polynomial.
sym2poly - Symbolic polynomial to coefficient vector.
char - Convert sym object to string.
int8 - Convert to signed 8-bit integers.
int16 - Convert to signed 16-bit integers.
int32 - Convert to signed 32-bit integers.
int64 - Convert to signed 64-bit integers.
uint8 - Convert to unsigned 8-bit integers.
uint16 - Convert to unsigned 16-bit integers.
uint32 - Convert to unsigned 32-bit integers.
uint64 - Convert to unsigned 64-bit integers.

Symbolic Operations.
sym - Create symbolic object.
syms - Short-cut for constructing symbolic objects.
symvar - Determine symbolic variables.
pretty - Pretty print a symbolic expression.
latex - LaTeX representation of a symbolic expression.
texlabel - Produces the TeX format from a character string.
ccode - C code representation of a symbolic expression.
fortran - FORTRAN representation of a symbolic expression.
matlabFunction - Generate a MATLAB function from a symbolic expression.
matlabFunctionBlock - Generate a MATLAB Function Simulink block.

Arithmetic and Algebraic Operations.

plus - + addition.
minus - - subtraction.
uminus - - negation.
times - .* array multiplication.
ldivide - \ left division.
rdivide - / right division.
power - .^ array power.
abs - Absolute value.
ceil - Ceiling.
conj - Conjugate.
colon - Colon operator.
fix - Integer part.
floor - Floor.
frac - Fractional part.
mod - Mod.
round - Round.
quorem - Quotient and remainder.
imag - Imaginary part.
real - real part.
exp - Exponential.
log - Natural logarithm.
log10 - Common logarithm.
log2 - Base-2 logarithm.
sqrt - Square root.
prod - Product of the elements.
sum - Sum of the elements.
symsum - Symbolic sum of elements.
symprod - Symbolic product of elements.

Logical Operations.
isreal - True for real array.
eq - Equality test.
ne - Inequality test.

Special Functions.
airy - Airy function.
angle - Symbolic polar angle.
atan2 - Symbolic four quadrant inverse tangent.
besseli - Bessel function, I.
besselj - Bessel function, J.
besselk - Bessel function, K.
bessely - Bessel function, Y.
beta - Beta function.
dirac - Delta function.
ei - One argument exponential integral function.
expint - Exponential integral function.
erf - Error function.
erfc - Complementary error function.
erfi - Imaginary error function.
erfinv - Inverse error function.
erfcinv - Inverse complementary error function.
factorial - Factorial function.
nchoosek - Binomial coefficient.
heaviside - Step function.
hypergeom - Generalized hypergeometric function.
lambertw - Lambert W function.
sinint - Sine integral.
cosint - Cosine integral.
gamma - Symbolic gamma function.
gcd - Greatest common divisor.
lcm - Least common multiple.
psi - Digamma/polygamma function
rectangularPulse - Rectangular pulse function.
triangularPulse - Triangular pulse function.
sign - Sign function.
whittakerM - Whittaker M function.
whittakerW - Whittaker W function.
wrightOmega - Wright Omega function.
zeta - Riemann zeta function.
Trigonometric Functions.

acos - Inverse cosine.

acosh - Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
acot - Inverse cotangent.
acoth - Inverse hyperbolic cotangent.
acsc - Inverse cosecant.
acsch - Inverse hyperbolic cosecant.
asec - Inverse secant.
asech - Inverse hyperbolic secant.
asin - Inverse sine.
asinh - Inverse hyperbolic sine.
atan - Inverse tangent.
atanh - Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
cos - Cosine function.
cosh - Hyperbolic cosine.
cot - Cotangent.
coth - Hyperbolic cotangent.
csc - Cosecant.
csch - Hyperbolic cosecant.
sec - Secant.
sech - Hyperbolic secant.
sin - Sine function.
sinh - Hyperbolic sine.
tan - Tangent function.
tanh - Hyperbolic tangent.

String handling utilities.

isvarname - Check for a valid variable name (MATLAB Toolbox).
vectorize - Vectorize a symbolic expression.
disp - Displays a sym as text.
display - Display function for syms.
eval - Evaluate a symbolic expression.

Pedagogical and Graphical Applications.

rsums - Riemann sums.
ezcontour - Easy to use contour plotter.
ezcontourf - Easy to use filled contour plotter.
ezmesh - Easy to use mesh (surface) plotter.
ezmeshc - Easy to use combined mesh/contour plotter.
ezplot - Easy to use function, implicit, and parametric curve plotter.
ezplot3 - Easy to use spatial curve plotter.
ezpolar - Easy to use polar coordinates plotter.
ezsurf - Easy to use surface plotter.
ezsurfc - Easy to use combined surface/contour plotter.
funtool - Function calculator.
taylortool - Taylor series calculator.

symlindemo - Demonstrate symbolic linear algebra.

Access to MuPAD.
mupadwelcome - MuPAD welcome screen.
mupad - Start MuPAD notebook interface.
getVar - Get a variable from a MuPAD notebook.
setVar - Set a variable in a MuPAD notebook.
symengine - Interface to the MuPAD engine for sym objects.


1.- Buscar informacion de los comandos: floor, fix, round, ceil

>> help floor

floor Round towards minus infinity.
floor(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers
towards minus infinity.

See also round, ceil, fix.

Reference page for floor

Other functions named floor

>> help fix

fix Round towards zero.
fix(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers
towards zero.

See also floor, round, ceil.

Reference page for fix

Other functions named fix

>> help round

round rounds towards nearest decimal or integer

round(X) rounds each element of X to the nearest integer.

round(X, N), for positive integers N, rounds to N digits to the right

of the decimal point. If N is zero, X is rounded to the nearest integer.
If N is less than zero, X is rounded to the left of the decimal point.
N must be a scalar integer.

round(X, N, 'significant') rounds each element to its N most significant

digits, counting from the most-significant or left side of the number.
N must be a positive integer scalar.

round(X, N, 'decimals') is equivalent to round(X, N).

For complex X, the imaginary and real parts are rounded independently.

% Round pi to the nearest hundredth
>> round(pi, 2)

% Round the equatorial radius of the Earth, 6378137 meters,

% to the nearest kilometer.
round(6378137, -3)

% Round to 3 significant digits

format shortg;
round([pi, 6378137], 3, 'significant')
3.14 6.38e+06

If you only need to display a rounded version of X,

consider using fprintf or num2str:

fprintf('%.3f\n', 12.3456)
fprintf('%.3e\n', 12.3456)

See also floor, ceil, fprintf.

Reference page for round

Other functions named round

>> help ceil

ceil Round towards plus infinity.
ceil(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers
towards infinity.

See also floor, round, fix.

Reference page for ceil

Other functions named ceil

2.- Explore el uso de los comandos floor, fix, round, ceil para los valores: x=0,3, x=1/3, x=0.5,
>> x=0.3;
>> floor(x),fix(x),round(x),ceil(x)

ans =

ans =

ans =

ans =

>> x=1/3;
>> floor(x),fix(x),round(x),ceil(x)

ans =

ans =

ans =

ans =

>> x=0.5;
>> floor(x),fix(x),round(x),ceil(x)

ans =

ans =

ans =

ans =

>> x=-1.34;
>> floor(x),fix(x),round(x),ceil(x)

ans =


ans =

ans =


ans =


COMANDO ¿Qué hace?
Ceil(x) Redondea hacia el infinito
Fix(x) Redondea hacia cero
Floor Redondea a menos infinito
Round Redondea hacia el entero próximo

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