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The future (2)

Be going to

Be going to es otra de las formas más habituales de expresar futuro:

I’m going to watch the Simpsons.

forma afirmativa

am / is / are going to infinitivo

We are going to celebrate my birthday with a great party.

Be careful! You’re going to fall!

We are going to celebrate

forma negativa my birthday with a great
party, but we’re not
am / is / are + not going to infinitivo going to invite many
It’s not going to rain this afternoon.

forma interrogativa

Am / Is / Are sujeto going to infinitivo

Are you going to phone her this evening?

Where is she going to spend her holidays?

Be going to se usa para hablar de planes futuros ya hechos con antelación:

What are you going to wear for tonight’s party?
I’m going to wear the dress I bought yesterday.

Be going to también se usa para hacer predicciones basadas en una

I feel terrible. I think I am going to be sick.
Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain cats and dogs.

by Gonzalo Orozco Página 1

1 Completa las oraciones usando be going to + los verbos del
recuadro. (adaptado de Cambridge, Essential Grammar in Use)

do eat give lie down1 stay walk wash watch wear

My hands are dirty. I __am going to wash__ them.

1 I’m starving2. I ____________________ a WhopperMaxiCheeseBurger
with extra chips and a XXLCola.
2 What _______ you ______________ for New Year’s Eve party?
3 It’s a nice day. I don’t want to take the bus. I ____________________.
4 Fiona is going to Liverpool for the December bank holiday 3. She
____________________ with her mum.
5 I’m really tired. I think I ____________________ for an hour.
6 It’s grandma’s birthday next Sunday. We ____________________ her a
big bunch4 of roses.
7 There’s a good film on Antena 5 tonight. _______ you ______________
8 What _______ Ricky ______________ when he leaves school?

2 Traduce al ingles.

1 Hace mucho frío. Va a nevar.

2 Esta tarde no voy a estudiar inglés.
3 ¿Vais a echar una partida de5 Need For Speed esta tarde?
4 ¿Vas a invitar a Carlos a tu fiesta?
5 Conduce despacio6. Vamos a tener un accidente.
6 Paco no va a estudiar medicina cuando termine el bachillerato7.

lie down: echarse/acostarse
starving: muerto de hambre
bank holiday: puente (festivo)
bunch: ramo
echar una partida de: have a game of
despacio: slowly
bachillerato: 6th year

by Gonzalo Orozco Página 2

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