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Perception and Individual

Decision Making Mcqs
7335 Words • Jan 16th, 2013 • 30 Pages

Chapter 5 Perception and Individual Decision

More about Perception and
Making Individual Decision Making Mcqs

Individual Decision
Decision Making
2832 Words | 12 Pages
What is Perception?
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Decision Making
1296 Words | 6 Pages
1. What is the process by which individuals

organize and interpret their sensory

impressions in order to give meaning to their

environment? a. interpretation b.

environmental analysis c. social verification

d. outlook e. perception

(e; Easy; Perception; p. 139) Perception and Decision

Making Essay
1106 Words | 5 Pages
2. What is the relationship between what one

perceives and objective reality? Decision-Making within

the Healthcare Industry:
a. They are the same. The Importance of
b. They can be substantially different. Individual Ethics
949 Words | 4 Pages
c. They should be the same.

d. They are rarely if ever the same. Decision Making

820 Words | 4 Pages
e. They cannot be the same.
(b; Moderate; Perception; p. 139) Week 3 Individual
Assignment Fin/419 -
Finance for Decision
3. What are the three classes of factors that Making
1390 Words | 6 Pages
influence perception? a. factors in the setting,

factors in the …show more content… The Role of Perception

in the Decision-Making
Process Essay
a. An employee is late because he was
2072 Words | 9 Pages

partying late and then overslept.

Decision Making
b. An employee is late because of a flat tire.
7584 Words | 31 Pages

c. An employee was fired because he slept

Individual Perception of
on the job.
d. An employee was promoted because he 1349 Words | 6 Pages

was hard working.

Group Decision Making
e. An employee died from lung cancer after 2693 Words | 11 Pages

excessive tobacco use.

(b; Moderate; Attribution Theory; p. 141)

{AACSB: Analytic Skills}

13. In attribution theory, what is

distinctiveness? a. whether an individual

displays consistent behaviors in different

situations b. whether an individual displays

different behaviors in different situations c.

whether an individual displays consistent

behaviors in similar situations d. whether an

individual displays different behaviors in

similar situations e. whether an individual

displays different behavior from other people

(b; Challenging; Distinctiveness; p. 141)

14. What term is used for the extent to which

an individual displays different behaviors in

different situations? a. continuity b. integrity

c. stability d. flexibility e. distinctiveness

(e; Moderate; Distinctiveness; p. 141)

15. What does consensus refer to in

attribution theory? a. There is general

agreement about a perception. b. Different

people respond the same way in the same

situation. c. There is general agreement

about how people desire to respond to the

same situation. d. Different people perceive a

situation similarly. e. All people behave

precisely the same way in certain situations.

(b; Challenging;


Individual Decision Making vs

Group Decision Making
2832 Words | 12 Pages

‘Given the potential problems associated with

group decision making,

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rely on individual decisi

possible’. How far do you agree/disagree

with this statement? From the days when

working conditions were under the strict rules

of Taylorism, workers these days are

required to be equipped with various soft

skills and not to forget, the important value of

teamwork. Organisations present-day

depend heavily on teamwork. Questions

such as “what strengths can you bring…

Decision Making
1296 Words | 6 Pages

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why two perfect individu
perfect couples. with the 7 decision making

process solve the problem. The 7 decision

making processes are: 1. Define the problem

2. Identify limiting factors 3. Develop potential

alternatives 4. Analyze the alternatives 5.

Select the best alternatives 6. Implement the

decision 7. Establish a control and evaluation

system Introduction A perfect marriage may

be an illusion although the people involve

may be perfect individual in their own right…

Perception and Decision Making

Essay Show More

1106 Words | 5 Pages

Perception and Decision Making Individuals

with in organizations have to make important

decisions everyday, the choices they make

greatly effects their outcomes. How

individuals in organizations make decisions

and the quality of their final choices are

largely influenced by their perceptions.

During this examination of the role of

perception in the decision making process,

we will be discussing the meaning of

perception and how an individual’s

perception of others can impact an

Decision-Making within the
Healthcare Industry: The
Importance of Individual Ethics
949 Words | 4 Pages

Individual ethics are important in decision-

making within the health care industry. One

of the main reasons for that is because often

ethical dilemmas occur at lower decision-

making levels, and this means that the

decision is being made by one person, facing

a difficult situation that must be resolved

quickly. Another reason that individual ethics

are important in health

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manager is unaware th
dilemma. Thus, by failing to recognize the

ethical dilemma, the…

Decision Making
820 Words | 4 Pages

Question 1: Which biases in decision making

can be identified in the performances of both

Pieterson and Gack? How can the identified

biases be overcome? In general, the decision

making style for manager approach decision

making is toward rational and intuitive

thinking. In rational thin

Show More
consider the problem in
step and analytical way. Rational thinking

person will resolve a complex and

complicated problem into smaller part and

then resolve them in a rational,…

Week 3 Individual Assignment

Fin/419 - Finance for Decision
1390 Words | 6 Pages

Week 3 Individual Assignments Finance for

Decision Making FIN/419 January 30, 2012

Chapter 4: Problem 4-23 – Personal Finance

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Problem Funding your r
to retire in exactly 20 years. Your goal is to

create a fund that will allow you to receive

$20,000 at the end of each year for the 30

years between retirement and death (a

psychic told you would die exactly 30 years

after you retire). You know that you…

The Role of Perception in the

Decision-Making Process Essay
2072 Words | 9 Pages

The Role of Perception in the Decision-

Making ProcessWhat is
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can a person's percepti
an organization's behavior? What are the

positive and negative effects of using

perceptive shortcuts when judging others?

How are decisions in real world organizations

actually made? How can our perceptions

shape ethical or moral decisions? These are

the questions that will be attempted to be

answered in this essay. According to

Robbins, S. (2005) "Perception is a process

by which…

Decision Making
7584 Words | 31 Pages
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the borrower will pay a commitment fee. This

type of arrangement gives the company

flexibility, allowing it to borrow only when it

needs the funds. Also, because the private

placement does not have to be registered

with the SEC, the company avoids making

public certain information that it may deem

better left confidential, such as sources of

raw materials, a unique manufacturing

process, or executive compensation.

Questions: 5. An inverse relationship exists

between flotation costs and the size…

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Individual Perception of C
1349 Words | 6 Pages

social class, education, and ethics. These

variables are the most common way to

differentiate the belief structures our society

possess . Our belief systems are not innate,

they are set in place; it is a learned ideal. In

essence, a person’s perception of crime is

based on their upbringing and background.

Race and ethnicity play a major role in the

way crime is perceived. One race may look

at crime in a completely different manner

than any other race. For instance, blacks

may look at a crime…

Group Decision Making
2693 Words | 11 Pages

different issues in term of decision making,

communication and managing information.

This can be address by define key issues

and outlining varieties approaches and

possible solution that can be applied.

Definition: Group decision making is member

of people arrived at decision that is

satisfactory to each group of member.

Member of the group constantly make

decision about how they should collaborate,

achieve a task or choose new member. They

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are still individuals but t

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